The Knife That Twists Within

By moc.loa@059191hcSS

Published on May 15, 2001




Nicholas knew how Ben felt. He remembered the exhibition in January where his own paintings had been exhibited and sold. Now it was the end of May and so much in his life had changed. He folded his arms behind his back and watched the people gathered in the rooms.

This time there were people here he hadn't seen before, visitors to Berlin, enticed by the big signs Marcus had placed beside the entrance and the hype he had made in newspapers. But he was genuinely pleased to see some of his classmates.

From the back room, where the furniture was placed, he heard Marcus' voice explaining the uniqueness and history of the old wardrobe whose twin was standing in the Louvre.

He watched Ben standing aside talking to a customer, explaining his extensive, colourful paintings. Nicholas actually didn't like abstract art but he definitely liked Ben's use of colours. He could easily imagine them hanging in office rooms for representation. Ben didn't seem to be too nervous or uncomfortable though, and Nicholas sighed. Ben wasn't like he himself at all. Sometimes he envied him for this.

Someone tapped at his shoulder from behind and one moment later he looked into Elli Schneiders smiling face. His cheeks turned a bit pink remembering their last meeting.

"Where's the original of my painting, Nick? I didn't see it here."

While Nicholas pondered what she could mean she continued. "Kay - or what was his name?"

"Oh, Kay. He's not in Germany."

"What a pity." She circled him like a predator does its prey.

"Made a decision?"

Nicholas watched her from the corner of his eyes. She was pressed into a much too tight and short skirt, the white blouse tucked into the belt. He could see her bra shimmering through. He nodded. "I think ten sessions should be enough," he said and Elli's face lit up.

"Is this a yes?"

"If you tell me for whom I have to paint you..." Nick said mischievously and Elli giggled. She ben to him. "Perhaps I'll tell you." Her fingers brushed his cheeks and the nape of his neck. "Perhaps I have something better for you," she said with a meaningful wink. "Something better than Marcus has to offer."

She winked and went away but Nicholas almost snorted with laughter. If she was thinking she could compete with his lover than she was seriously barking up the wrong tree. But his laughter stuck in his throat when he saw Frank entering the room. Instantly he glanced at Ben still occupied in a talk. Nicholas groped for Matthias' arm. The grip must have been strong because his friend turned curiously and swallowed the last bit of his chocolate cake.

"Frank," Nick whispered and Matthias knew what he was talking about. "You didn't expect to see him here, did you? Who is the man with him?" He pointed at a plump man whose face was sweating. It had been warm all day.

Nicholas shrugged. He rushed over to Ben and whispered into his ear.

"I couldn't miss your big day, could I?" Both heard Franks voice from behind them.

"You disrupt him," Nicholas said and dragged Frank away.

"Customer?" Frank asked and looked around. Nicholas was getting nervous. Frank put his hand on the shoulder of the stout man.

"Official guest, my friend. May I introduce: Eduard Ehlers, secretary of the senator for arts and culture."

Nick was stunned for a moment. He knew Eduard's chef, the senator, he had been introduced to him at the last exhibition and even had a note in the newspaper. His father had read it - and because they mentioned Marcus homosexuality - this had led to the break with Nick's father.

"So this time it's just the secretary, not the senator himself," it slipped out and Nick was biting his lips. "I'm sorry, sir. Of course we are pleased to see you."

Eduard made an important face and lifted his double chin. His tiny eyes darted around.

"Looking for Marcus?" Nick asked, but Eduard gave him no answer. He left them standing and strolled around.

Ben had finished his talk and was beaming from ear to ear. "Sold," he said and gazed then at his teacher with disgust. "How was the longest fuck in your life?" he asked with innocent voice. "Is this your newest conquest? Didn't know you have such bad taste."

"Watch your mouth, Ben. Perhaps he has more quality than you have." He paused a second. "To make things clear, I don't know the man. We just arrived at the same time." His ice blue eyes were glittering dangerously. "Where did you leave YOUR newest conquest? The walking death body?"

Ben's arm shot upwards but Nicholas held it and prevented Frank receiving a clout.

"What do you want?" Ben said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, nothing. Just want to know where the hustler is. He's still in this profession?"

"None of your business." Ben was very confused about Frank's aggressive behavior.

"So I understand he's not with you, right? Selling his cute arse at the Zoo?"

Ben turned his back to him and left him standing, Nick on his heels. He heard him muttering something like stupid arsehole and took his hand. Together they went into the other room and found Marcus talking agitatedly to a pair of guests. But Anna had caught sight and was stopping them.

"Such an angry face on this happy evening?" she growled good humouredly. She tugged at Nick's suit and wiped a strand of hair off his forehead.

Nicholas was still embarrassed at how Anna tried to take the place of his mother - after all that happened at the start of the year. Anna had changed a great deal and he was sure that Marcus had had some serious words with her.

"It's nothing, Anna, really." He heard his name being shouted from a distance and recognized Johannes' voice. Then he saw his mother and ran to her, leaving Ben standing a bit awkwardly under Anna's inquiring gaze.

"Nice ponytail," she said benevolently after a while and patted his shoulder. "Are you looking for Marcus?"

Ben nodded and gave Anna an askance look. Though he had never met Marcus' housekeeper personally he knew from Nick's tales about her nosey and jealous being. She was the first to tell Nick's mother about her son's sexual preferences - with cunning intention to part both. She couldn't come to terms that Marcus - still her baby - preferred men to women. And he knew that Simon had suffered under her severe regiment before, but whenever he spoke about her he made fun of it. He waited with her in silence until Marcus noticed and came to them. "Frank's here," Ben sputtered, "and some strange secretary."

Marcus lifted his eyebrows. "Frank and his secretary?"

"Not his, an official from the government."

"Ah! Mr. Ehlers. He was announced. Did he bring the press?"


"You don't want to have a photo of yours in the newspaper, hmm?" He grinned. "But what has Frank to do with it?"

"He asked for Simon."

"Did you tell him he's in Prague?" Ben shook his head.

"Good. There aren't problems with the school about you going tomorrow to join him?"

Ben again shook his head. Marcus' cellular was ringing. He gave Ben a smile and turned to answer it.

Ben looked for Nicholas and found him standing beside a couple and not far from them he recognized his own mother and Elias, his brother. Just as he wanted to go to them he bumped into Eduard standing close behind him and murmured an 'excuse me'. Anna eyed the dumb grinning man before she offered him something to drink.

"Nick?" Marcus shouted. "There are... oh..." He saw Nicholas' mother and right beside her - her husband. Slightly shocked he stopped n his tracks looking alternately at Nicholas, Vera and Rudolf.

Nicholas beamed over his whole face but Marcus couldn't find the right words. Rudolf was looking evasively - it was clear that he felt not exactly comfortable. But he was here and that was all that was important.

Vera smiled at Marcus. "Surprise, isn't it," she said quietly.

"Indeed." Marcus croaked, still staring at Nicholas' father who was clearing his throat.

"I thought it couldn't harm to look at what Nick is doing." He said low but firm. Marcus knew that it must have cost him a lot of thinking and mind changing and he appreciated it a lot. He smiled at him and shook his hand. "I'm glad you came," he said simply. "But excuse us one second."

He dragged Nicholas with him and told him very excited about the call he had received from Sebastian.

"Simon's in Prague, you say?" Frank shot Eduard a wary look. "Didn't say what he's doing there? Is he alone?"

Eduard shrugged, "The long haired one, you had him? He's your pupil."

"Had him," Frank lied.

"How is he?"

"Good." Franks hand brushed Eduards groin per chance. "Nobody's looking at us." He winked. "What do you think Simon is doing in Prague when he's trying to blackmail you? And why should he actually? Guess he has more important things to do, don't you think?"

"But who else?" Eduard squeaked.

"What about the other guy. The guy who led Simon to you in Hamburg."

"Joachim? How should he know I'm here? I changed my work place just for that reason."

"Man, he's not blind I assume. You're in the public attention and from time to time your face is in the newspaper."

"In Hamburg too?" Eduard responded.

"Whatever. One or both it has to be. Either of them, Jo or Simon. We'll find out when Simon returns. Or want to find him in Prague, using your connections?"

"Better. The long haired one has an appointment with Simon tomorrow in Prague."

"Indeed so?" Frank thought for a moment. "Well, it's your case. Follow him or not, it doesn't bother me."

"Enjoying the evening?" Frank whirled around and looked into Marcus' piercing eyes. "I can't remember inviting you."

"Thought this party is open for everybody."

"As host of this ... party, I chose my guest for myself. You definitely do not belong to them." Marcus voice was pure acid.

Eduard twinkled confused. He knew Frank as dominant and aggressive but he obviously had found an equal in Marcus Weidenbruch who looked down at Frank, a half head shorter, with burning eyes.

"I've heard you're interested in Simon's whereabouts. Why does it worry you?" Marcus stepped very close. Frank could feel his breath brushing his skin. "And if you ever should bother Ben again you're quicker on the road than you can count to three, I warn you."

Frank didn't step back. Instead his eyes were getting hard, the pupils tiny points in a sea of ice.

"Don't try to threaten me, Weidenbruch. And don't play the hysteric daddy." His nasty grin returned. "And I know where Simon is, don't worry."

Marcus' hands grabbed Frank's lapels. "What do you want from Simon?" he hissed.

Eduard stepped from one foot to the other and finally cleared his throat. Just that moment a thunder of flash shots came down on them. Two journalists were taking photos of them from a distance and Marcus let loose of Frank's lapels, not without giving him a firm push. With long steps he went to the journalists, "If I see those photos in the newspaper tomorrow you'll get a visit from my solicitors," he snapped. "Understand?" The men nodded confused.

Marcus turned and breathed out audibly. Quarrel was the last thing he needed. He searched for Nicholas who was occupied in a talk with his parents and looked then for Ben. Frank and Eduard seemed to be gone. He found Ben with Matthias, Tina and a good looking woman with black hair and a gray strand in her fringe. The similarity was clearly open.

"I watched Frank going," Ben said but Marcus waved it off. He was completely under self- control again and smiled at the woman. "Mrs. Schaefer, I suppose? Great you could make it."

Marcus had somewhat of a dejavu. He remembered the last exhibition where he had cared for Nicholas' mother.

He was happy and relieved for Nicholas - this had been a real unexpected turn of events. He must be beaming because Ben's usually stern mother beamed back. "Ben's a success this evening," Marcus said, "has a remarkable talent to negotiate with customers."

Ben's ears reddened as everybody was looking and smiling at him. "You both still want the job?"

Matthias and Ben were nodding forcefully.

"Ok, I'll be here most of the day anyway to help you until you both can manage alone." He turned and looked for the journalist to find them at the buffet. He went over to them and said, "I'm sorry for snapping at your before. Would you be so kind as to take the photos of our star of the exhibition?"

Ben was posing in front of his paintings, watched by Marcus with observant eyes. While changing positions several times Marcus could see that there was something going on in Ben's mind. He followed all the orders, smiled into the lenses of the cameras but his grin was frozen, his gaze blank and he was a bit pale. Marcus finally stopped the session; he could see that Ben had had enough. Ben seemed to be thankful.

"Everything ok with you?" Marcus asked. Ben shook his head and looked down at his shoes. Marcus took him by the shoulders and went away to a private corner. "Tell me what's wrong, Ben. Are you unhappy?"

Ben seemed to debate with himself as if to tell Marcus or not. "You know," he said finally, "there was something. You'll say I see white mice or I'm a crazy fool." He took a deep breath. "It's Eduard. You know, I think he could be an old ... buddy of Simon."

Marcus' face was a question mark. So Ben spoke more rapidly. "It's just an idea, Marcus. I remembered a passage of Simon's diary where he mentioned an Eduard, an old comrade from Hamburg, keen on S & M. And since I can imagine that Frank is also in this shit I ..." He looked up and continued quickly. "I mean, Frank and Eduard came together, although he denies knowing him, but... I... think there was something familiar between them. I know there are tons of men named Eduard though, aren't there."

Marcus' hand stopped his gush. "Hold on Ben, I don't understand a single word. Simon is writing a diary? He did S & M? And what's with Hamburg?"

"Oh." Ben was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"It's ok, Ben. You don't have to tell me Simon's secrets. You think this Educard Ehlers is the same Eduard that Simon met in Hamburg?"

Ben nodded. Why he didn't shut his mouth he thought angrily at himself. He couldn't tell Marcus that Simon worked as rent boy for Joachim in Hamburg without payment. Tomorrow he would ask him - and after all - if he fucked this Eduard or not shouldn't be of interest. It was over and certainly not forbidden. But then, why was Frank so keen to know of Simon's whereabouts? Was he really up to start trouble? Why?

"You mean there's a connection between Frank's inquiring of Simon's whereabouts?" Marcus asked.

Ben nodded once more. Marcus was examining his reserved face and knew Ben didn't tell the whole story. "I don't understand exactly." He took Ben's upper arms. "If you need help, I'm here for you, always. Don't forget it. You won't tell me more about Simon, hmm?"

Ben didn't answer his look and Marcus smiled encouraging. "I'll try to keep an eye on Frank, that's a promise, Ben. Enjoy your stay in Prague and give Simon my love, will you. Congratulations to your success, my dear."

Ben smiled at Marcus and he pulled Ben into his arms, hugging him briefly, then he was off to meet other guests.

A bit uneasy Ben watched Nicholas, standing with his father, talking seriously. He was truly happy for him. His mother was involved in a talk with Marcus, laughing, more relaxed than he had seen her in a long time. Matthias was kissing Tina in a corner; his brother examined one of his paintings and Elli Schneider was winking at him from the buffet. He heard laughing, clinking of glasses and camera flashbulbs. Everybody seemed to be happy in these rooms but Ben felt suddenly alone. He missed Simon.

"Tuesday, May 28th I'm looking forward so much to seeing you, Ben. Tomorrow at this time I'll have you here in my bed and I can't tell you how much I miss you. Hope you'll bring tons of condoms... I was thinking about your exhibition. Hope you made a lot of money. I'm a selfish lad aren't I? We have exciting news about the altar but I can tell you this tomorrow personally. Sebastian has a date with the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta - would you believe!! We've seen this guy in the church and it frightened the crap out of me. You know, I was thinking about this film ... "The Name of the Rose".... Really Ben, I only hope Sebastian won't be in trouble. His cousin Daniel found out the reason why the Grand Master is so keen on this altar, we are just asking ourselves how he would know about it. I feel healing myself. Although I'm not always well, I feel good. You are right. Life is not over. Life is wonderful." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His skinny fingers with the nibbled nails touched the wood here and there; the longer he did the more impatient he grew. He probed in every corner, edge and cleft, examined the plinth from beneath, but couldn't find it. But the parchments told very clearly that Pope Alexander VI sold the relic to one of the old members of the Teutonic Order. Good Lord - what a Pope he must have been to sell holy relics from the Lateran. The German chronist, Johann Burckhard, described exactly all the holy objects kept safely in Rome's church, St. Giovanni in Laterno. It had been mostly relics directly about Jesus Christ. But bit by bit the church and the Christendom got lost from it. Burckhard also mentioned a name - Knut von Falkenstein. He couldn't remember how often he had examined the altar of Michael Pacher because he knew that this altar once belonged to a von Falkenstein; his name was noted in the annals of the Battle of the White Rock. Johannes Burckhard reported that this nut had hidden a relic in the altar - he spoke of a secret hiding place - but until this day he hadn't been able to find it. Until this lucky day when Jan, the chaplain of the Teyn church, told him about the act of providence of meeting a British restorer with knowledge of the missing part. Tomasz had set all his hopes on finding and getting it. Nothing was too good for it, and now the altar stood complete in front of him. If the whole story wasn't an invention of Burckhard - it had to be here - right in front of his eyes. Tomasz' fingers trembled and his bald head was shining with sweat. Through the small, round windows sunbeams broke into his magnificent office and hit the embroidery upon his chest. Cardinal Leontini would be grateful. Very grateful. Tomasz' gaunt face changed into a grimace. He - Tomasz Kotomy, Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, who could follow his roots directly to the Knights of the Templars, would soon be called to Rome, to be the successor of the Order's ambassador. IF he could fine it. A knock on the door startled him. Quickly he threw a linen cloth over the altar. "Come in," he said in his usual gruff voice. An elder monk opened the door. "Mr. Sebastian von Scheffel is here to speak with you, Your Eminence." Tomasz nodded and followed the monk into his audience room. Sebastian rose from his chair as the bald, slender man entered. He wore the same impressive wide cloak he had seen on him in the church. "Good afternoon, sir." He said. "Your Eminence," the monk corrected him. "I'm sorry, Your Eminence," Sebastian said politely but not without a hint of mockery in his voice. Tomasz nodded briefly and motioned Sebastian to sit down again. He himself took his place behind an impressive mahogany desk and folded his hands. "What can I do for you, sir?" he asked. His voice was raspy. One look into his black, lurking eyes told Sebastian to be careful but he came straight to the point. He took out Daniel's certification from his pocket, besides a photo and handed both over. "All I want is this. Your Eminence," he said. Tomasz Kotomy looked at the sheet which told him in German, Italian and English that a Daniel von Falkenstein, inhabitant of town Meran, Italy, was the owner of a fragment of an altar made by Michael Pacher, supposedly the date of making: 1492. "What shall I do with this?" "I want it back. Daniel von Falkenstein is my cousin and I'm here to pick it up, that's all", Sebastian said friendly. The Grand Master laughed disjointedly. "Is this a joke? Why are you coming to me with this?" Sebastian's voice gained sharpness. "I know it is here because you took it yesterday around noon from the Teyn church. I can't believe a man of honor like you is able to steal an altar like a common thief. I'd be interested to hear the reasons." Sebastian was fully aware of the reasons after Daniel's call. But about how the Grand Master should have knowledge of the secret of the altar - he groped in the dark. Tomasz' eyes pierced the man with the sandy hair. So his feelings didn't fool him. There had been somebody hidden in the side naves of the church yesterday. Damn! "I don't have to tell you that we - as the Order of the Knights of Malta - enjoying the state of ambassadors and therefore immunity, do I?" Tomasz said cold and restrained. "So every threat to come back with the police is useless." Sebastian didn't know this and his heart sank. No chance for search warrants. Feverishly he searched for a way out. The Grand Master was waiting. "Of course I'm aware of this," Sebastian lied firmly. "I'll take this as an admission - Eminence." A brief smile scurried over Tomasz' haggard face. "Think what you want." He rose from his chair. "The audience is over. I wish you still a pleasant stay in Prague." Sebastian cursed his arrogance; It wasn't that easy. Nothing was easy. But he held himself very upright while Tomasz Kotomy vanished silently into his office. If any where, the altar was there - in the Grand Master's office. Quickly Sebastian considered following him and knocking him down but he never would be able to carry the altar himself. The monk appeared again and saw him off the premises. He went straight away to the hotel; Ben should arrive any minute. He felt great disappointment and actually a bit of a loss. He wished Marcus was here or at least Daniel. But he couldn't leave his castle alone, could he? He tried to make a confident face when he met Kay, Simon and Ben in a cafeteria, waiting for him. Kay was very relieved to see him undamaged. "Did you think I'd have a boxing match with the Grand Master? Sebastian teased him. He sighed. "It doesn't look good though. We both know he has it but I have no chance. They're under immunity." "Shit." Simon and Ben exchanged amorous glances and this made him smile again. He bent over to Kay saying, "How about we leave the lovebirds and figuring out the problem ourselves?" Simon's look came back from far away. "Sure," he said slowly and beamed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Now, do you have any idea about the altar?" Sebastian asked Kay while they ate in a small but stuffed restaurant. "No idea except offering sex or simply break into the palace." "Ha, and how would this work? All windows are protected with iron bars. At least the ground floor windows." Kay tilted his head. "And what about sex?" He saw Sebastian rolling his eyes and laughed. "Ok, no sex." He pondered a while. "Would you care for it this much if you didn't know what's in it?" Sebastian sighed. "Don't know. Yes I suppose. It's family owned and I can't stand the Grand Master's arrogance. He can't keep what's not his." "But from the art point of view: the altar is now complete, the way it should be." Kay said to Sebastian's surprise. He took a gulp from his beer. "Quite right," he said then. "But nobody gets something from it. You see, it's just for the Grand Master's private pleasure." "Or Daniel's." Sebastian gave him a wary look. "On whose side are you actually?" Kay patted his hand in comfort. "Don't worry, always on your side. I just remembered Marcus and his damn screen. He betrayed Nick for it." "I'm not going to betray any of yours. In fact it was you who offered sex first." "Oh my," Kay sighed, "you're complicated tonight. We still haven't a clue how to solve the problem." He paused a moment. "What about observing the house and slipping in when somebody leaves it?" "Not bad. And then?" Kay shrugged. "You know the way." Sebastian sipped at his beer, aware that Kay was watching his face. "Did you see the young man again?" Kay asked. "Which young man?" "The man in the church, picking up the altar." "No." Sebastian said astonished. "What do you want from him?" "Just a thought. He was nice looking." "Ah, nice!" Sebastian tugged at Kay's earring then looked at his watch. "It's late, how about hitting the sack and coming back at the crack of dawn, observing?" Kay pulled a face but nodded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You promised me," Simon said. "Promised to paint you?" Ben asked, but his eyes glittered. "Yes, I know you always carry a sketch pad with you." Simon sat upon Ben's lap and opened the hair band, and then he wrapped a long strand of Ben's thick, smooth hair around his finger. Ben didn't have to be persuaded. Although he had been interested in having a look at the town, he wanted to be alone with Simon as soon as possible, so they hurried into the hotel, taking a pizza with them. "If you'd let me stand up I could grab my pad," Ben said, kissing Simon. "Naked?" he asked over his shoulder. "What else?" Simon dropped all of his clothes and sat upon the double bed. He jumped a bit until he sprawled himself upon it, grinning over his whole face. Though dimly lighted, Ben could see his penis stirring. He grinned but continued to search for his utensils. "Have you written?" he asked. "Yes." Suddenly Simon sat upright again. "I didn't tell you!" he exclaimed. "Sebastian's cousin found a knife and a box of hairs in the altar. I mean, he read in a letter that it is hidden in there." "A knife and a box with hair, what's this?" "Don't now exactly but it's supposed to be old relics from Jerusalem. Has something to do with Jesus. And there was a parchment scroll." "And what has a knife to do with Jesus? He wasn't stabbed, was he?" Ben had found what he needed, approached Simon and shut his mouth with a kiss. He too had news about Frank and this Eduard but decided to ask him about it later. He didn't want to spoil the evening. He got to his heels and unexpectedly swallowed the head of Simon's penis. Simon gasped instantly. "What are you doing?" he asked indistinctly. "Thought you want an exciting drawing," Ben answered after leaving the head, grinning up into Simon's face. "Gosh, I'm excited enough, how shall I bear this the whole time, eh?" "Your problem," Ben shrugged. "You're the one who wants to be sketched, right?" Lovingly he stroked a last time over Simon's cock and grabbed for his sketch pad and pencil. Simon reached out his hand and turned on the radio. >From the distance WHAM was playing, a soft, slow song. Simon closed his eyes and listened. "Take me back in time maybe I can forget. Turn a different corner and we never would have met. Would you care?" "Would you?" Simon mumbled. "Huh?" Ben looked up from the sheet. He was busy giving the drawn body a soft tone and filling, catching the light, smudging with his finger. Simon had not only two dimples when he laughed but also two short ones above his butt cheeks. Lovely, he thought. "No I've never come close in all of these years You are the only one to stop my tears I'm so scared of this love..." This time Ben was listening to the music. "I am," he heard Simon say and knew he referred to the sung words. "Would you care if we had turned a different corner?" Simon asked. "Of course I would, Simon," Ben said gently. "What would you wish if you'd have three wishes free?" Simon turned to his back, propping upon one elbow. "Be healthy, be healthy, be healthy." His eyes were shaded. Ben put sheet and pencil aside, walked over to the bed and played with Simon's curls. "Don't be afraid or scared," he whispered. He took the shivering body in his arms and wasn't sure if Simon shivered from being cold or from pain. Perhaps both. Simon's skin was smooth like a cold silky bedcover, but his kisses were hot. Ben felt Simon's arousal through his clothes, felt him tugging on them until he began to undress himself. Simon jumped out of bed, pulling down Ben's jeans, the socks at last slipped off before both embraced again; Simon roaming along Ben's hair, his back, down to his butt, fondling and spreading the cheeks, into the crack, giving Ben goose bumps. Grinning, Simon removed Ben's glasses and whispered into his ear, "Let me love you." And Ben submitted for the first time to Simon's wishes. His kiss tasted like confidence, belief and love and Ben felt his heart in flames. He had made it. Simon was open. But - he thought briefly - it carried a great responsibility with it. Ben was now responsible for Simon's happiness. Both sank back upon the bed, Simon laying on top, pressing their dicks together, humping, rubbing, kissing, moaning, hands all around, fingers slipping into secret orifices. Ben felt stretched inside and arched his hips. He never wasted a thought of customers any more, he just reveled in the feelings Simon's body provoked, felt the gentle grip which made him flip over to his stomach, Simon's breath along his spine, between his arse cheeks, the warm tongue, wet saliva followed by slender fingers, covered in a cream fluid and shut his eyes tightly when he felt lifted to his knees, sensing the tip of Simon's condom covered cock at the entrance. He pushed back slightly, gritting his teeth at the momentary pain before it subsided instantly. Simon was bending over him, stroking Ben's hair out of his face and his erection from behind, his hot, laboured breath close to his ear. "Say you'll stay with me," he said barely audible but the words rang in Ben's mind. "Always." Simon's cock and words stroked the right spot in him. "Always," he answered. Simon nibbled at his ear, lips sucking the flesh of his neck, a tongue licking the sweat, hands cupping his ass and stroking his cock in the same rhythm. Ben couldn't hold on, he broke down upon the bed cover, Simon's full weight upon him, his cock deeply buried into his bowels. They lay motionless for a while before Ben whispered, "Let me turn around please." Simon silently obeyed his wish, pulled out and Ben could look into Simon's flushed face. He couldn't read his eyes but he thought to see some wetness in them. He lifted his head to meet Simon's swollen lips and kissed him fervently, pulling him down, lifting his legs, cupping Simon's butt. Simon followed and pushed softly. They didn't speak anymore but the silent bond was gaining strength, weight and colour. Simon bent down to suck Ben's cock, making him purr and growl, moan and yelp until they shared an outcry of pleasure, followed by a long period of silence. "I'm not afraid," Simon said low, burying his head in Ben's neck. Ben smiled confidently. "No," he said. Over their heads sounded low music, another song, voices as clear as a waterfall probing their ears. Simon and Ben were separated again but clung very close to each other, heads on the same pillow, covered with the same blanket. "You taught me to run, you taught me to fly, helped me to free the me inside..." Simon opened his eyes, looked into Ben's open, hazel coloured eyes. They were smiling. "You opened my eyes, you opened the door to something I've never known before..." Simon bent over and kissed Ben's lips, until he giggled into his mouth. "How cheesy - but true." Ben wrapped a leg around Simon's waist. "And your love is the music of my heart." "Yeah," he whispered ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Chapter 12, Part 2, we still have more coming your way.

Next: Chapter 36: A Promise and a Curse 16

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