The Knife That Twists Within

By moc.loa@059191hcSS

Published on Sep 15, 2001



by Stefan

Chapter Three

Park Borghese, Pincio

The Scirocco was gone. After a suffocating heat, a fresh wind blew away the leaden clouds and a deep blue sky appeared.

Leandro didn't expect the Borghese Park to be so big. He had managed his first day at work without difficulties, with great zeal he devoted himself to his work at the village of Cerveteri. Now he was sitting in a cafe at the Napoleon-terrace, overlooking the town, Ben and Simon by his side. They had visited him and the museum. Leandro felt comfortable with both of them, not so put out like being with Daniel. Perhaps the reason was that he had feelings for Daniel he didn't want to admit to himself. Daniel on the other hand hadn't tried anything and Leandro had come to terms that he wasn't ready for a new love. All that Leandro wanted was to forget Vincenzo, his boyfriend from Volterra but in some nights he was haunted by those cornflower blue eyes and the words that whispered into his ears. 'I'll do everything to make us happy, amore. Just the two of us; leaving this nasty town behind. I promise.'

Leandro closed his eyes. Just promises and unfilled dreams.

"Are you sure you want to meet this chap from Saturday?" Ben asked.

"Perhaps we should be on guard just in case," Simon added.

Leandro awoke startled from his musings. "No way! You aren't my nannies." Leandro said indignantly before he realized that Simon was just joking. He saw the dimples in his cheeks.

"Take care of yourself nevertheless," Simon said then seriously, "I know those guys."

Of course, Leandro thought, from his experiences as hustler. He didn't dare to ask him. Neither about this nor about his infection. He seemed in good health; Leandro had watched him taking a cocktail of pills each day, and Ben's loving attention must certainly help with his good condition. Leandro couldn't know about all the psychological tribulations Simon had been through and Ben had proved to be his life saver. He was truly devoted to him now and nothing and nobody could separate them.

Leandro's gaze wandered to the view over Rome's roofs and cupolas. The biggest of all was the one of St. Peter, it hovered ethereal above everything; the setting sun giving it reddish colours.

"I'll take care, I promise," he said absentmindedly. Simon gave Ben a wink and Ben understood.

When Leandro arrived at the meeting point it was twilight, trees shaded the parkways, the branches mirroring themselves in the small pond with the Greek Aesculap temple on the shore. The last visitors left the park - parents with their children, strollers and pensioners.

"There you are finally." Sascha was suddenly in front of him, appearing out of nowhere. Leandro was glad to see him for he felt a bit scared all alone here in the park. Sascha's hair was still an oily tangle but he looked fresh and very happy to see him. He took Leandro's arm and went with him along the way. An ocre-paintedhouse shone through the trees.

"That's Galleria Borghese." Sascha explained. "You're new to this town, aren't you?"

"How do you know?"

Sascha tapped on his nostril. "My nose is telling me. Where do you come from? You don't speak Roman language."


Sascha whistled through his teeth. "A village compared," he said, all man-of-the-world. Leandro stared at his loose white jeans and the Nike trainers. He remembered that Kay had tried to squeeze him into fashionable clothes back at Tasso's but first it wasn't just his style and second he had not nearly enough money for that. Leandro was ashamed of his old jeans and the sandals he wore without socks. Volterra was really a village. He changed the topic.

"Have you news about the murder?"

"Let's not talk about the murder, amore." Sascha said and stopped in front of him. Without warning he engaged Leandro in a passionate kiss - his first kiss since Vincenzo was gone and married. Leandro suddenly wished it would be Daniel.

First he struggled, then he wrapped his arms around him, feeling the fleshy waist. Sascha certainly had a bit too many pounds but Leandro didn't mind, he was a good kisser. Suddenly he heard other noises, men creeping through bushes, waiting under trees. He pushed Sascha away. "What's this for a place here?"

"Cruising point, didn't you know?" Sascha asked innocently.

"How could I?" The place was filling as rapid as the sun disappeared. He noticed they were standing in the middle of the path - well presented for everybody. Sascha dragged him under a pine tree behind a rhododendron bush. "Now tell me the news," Leandro said, warding off Sascha, who wanted more from him.

"Ok." Although he still held Leandro close he seemed to be calmed down. "Nando, my brother, works for about a year for Luigi. The murdered stripper was a freshman so to say. He came from a small town like you and wanted to make a lot of money." He grinned. "Luigi pays well but demands a lot of commitment, you know."

"Yeah, but what's with chamber 4? Sebastiano said it's notorious."

"Sebastiano?" Sascha asked warily. "You know Sebastian von Scheffel?"

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well, he's a friend of Luigi and Tasso. A regular. But he wasn't there for a long time."

"He was a visitor of chamber 4?"

"Of course."

Leandro was flabbergasted. He simply couldn't imagine Sebastian being that horny that he was being served by three guys at the same time. Perhaps Sascha exaggerated.

"But what about the man with the long dong? You know him?"

"No, I've told you already. He's old."

"How do you know this when it's dark in there?"

Sascha was getting impatient, "Nando said, he was there that evening, sitting at his usual seat in front of the stage. He's such a horny bugger that he pays enormous sums to get the guys into the dark rooms."

Leandro nodded. "So Nando knows what he looks like. Thinning dark hair?"

Sascha shrugged. It was dark now, the pine trees started to smell sweetly. From all over Leandro heard noises, rustling clothes, whispered words and suppressed moans. Sascha tugged at his shirt, rubbing his abdomen over his own. Before Leandro could stop it, Sascha had opened the zip of his jeans, fell to his knees and in no time had Leandro's penis in his mouth, sucking and licking, tickling and rubbing. Leandro's knees started to tremble, he dug his hands into the oily tangle of Sascha's hair and ruffled it. It was such a long time ago... that he couldn't hold on longer. He emptied himself into Sascha's mouth.

A shadow moved. He saw it from the corner of his eyes. A black shadow, motionless between the trees. Sascha kissed his neck, guided his hand to his swollen package, rubbing it softly up and down.

A cry.

Leandro and Sascha jumped in unison. A curse and loud cracking of branches, sounds like a fight. Sascha took Leandro's hand and vanished with him, Leandro didn't know where until he saw the twin belfries of the French church at the end of the Spanish Steps. Both panted and Leandro's body was covered with goose bumps.

"What was that?"

"Better we don't know." Both looked down at the night scenery before their eyes. The steps and fountain illuminated by soft light, besieged by tourists and inhabitants.

"Are you a hustler too?" Leandro asked suddenly and Sascha was hurt. "What do you think of me?"

But what had he to do in chamber 4 then? Leandro thought.

"When will we meet again?" Sascha asked him. "Do you have a cell phone? Here's my number." Leandro took it but wasn't sure if he wanted to meet him again.


When Leandro got home, Sebastian's house was a mess. Everybody was running up and down the stairs before Marcus noticed Leandro standing confused at the entrance.

"Simon was attacked in the park. And Ben has vanished!"

"What? Madonna mia, how could this happen?"

Marcus eyed him sharply. "They were with you this evening. What have you done since you parted?"

"I... I was doing investigations."

"With Sascha?"

"Yes. How is Simon?"

"The doc was here, he stitched up the cut, he was bleeding a lot, don't know how he managed to get here."

Leandro froze. The cry in the park and the curse they had heard. Probably Ben and Simon had followed him to play nanny.

"Would you recognize the place again?" he heard Marcus asking and nodded. "Near Galleria Borghese." Burning heat washed over him. Cardinal Borghese lived there...

"All right. I, Daniel and Sebastian will go searching for him. You stay here with the rest of the guys. Simon is sleeping I assume. It always have to happen to him..." he finished unhappy.

Leandro was a little frightened by Marcus' severe looks. He didn't know that he could be so hot-tempered.

They didn't make it far because as soon as they drove out of the gate, locking Sebastian's house, another car arrived and Ben got out. Leandro listened to the relieved outcries and to the guy, who had found him amid the park, struck down. Somehow Leandro had the feeling it was all his fault. Ben wasn't to be stopped until he had assured himself that Simon was safe and all right, before he could tell what happened. As everybody had assumed Ben and Simon had followed Leandro playfully, watched the action around before Simon had received a hit over his head, Ben turning a moment later, saw a guy running away. He followed him without thinking, simply to infuriated to think clearly. He lost his track though between the wood, then everything went blank. He touched the swelling at the side of his head. "Perhaps I ran into a branch or the attacker attacked me too, I have no clue."

He looked at all of them, helpless faces around the table standing in the Patio. Nicholas had leaned back in Marcus' arms, Daniel close to Leandro who made a very sheepish face.

"Well, I think it was somebody thinking you both were peeping Toms," Sebastian finally said, "it wasn't meant personally."

Ben nodded slowly, wary not to move his head too much. "The man who found me told me more though", Ben continued. "He saw a dark dressed body bending over me, trying to undress me. But he didn't see his face because he hid it under a hood."

"That means he preferred you over me", they heard a voice from the door, where Simon had appeared, smiling cheeky though with a pale face.

"Go back to bed, honey", Ben answered, but Simon sat by his side. "I feel ok," he insisted. "Slowly I'm getting used to be hit."

"Bad joke." Ben responded. "Anyhow." He glanced at Leandro. Surely they had seen the blow job Sascha had giving him but that was nothing what he would tell here and now. "Got news about the incident at Luigi's bar?" he asked instead.

"Not much", Leandro said low. "Sascha's brother is stripper too." He halted and looked briefly at Sebastian. He didn't want to give away that Sebastian had been visitor of chamber 4 too once. It was none of his business.

"What's with the guy with the long cock?" Daniel throw in and everybody pricked up their ears. "You told me about him, right?"

Leandro turned bright red. "He was there, Sascha's brother said. Horny as hell as usual. He too was a great user of chamber 4."

"A long cock isn't exactly a label for a murderer", Sebastian said dryly. "Does he know his name?" he asked casually. Leandro shook his head. Names were hardly given in those places. "Perhaps he's incognito then", Sebastian assumed.

Daniel had his own thoughts about this issue. Never been at those places before he had a more unbiased imagination. He didn't know what Leandro did with this Sascha-guy all alone in the park but he certainly felt a pang of loss. Glancing over to Ben he once fancied back in Berlin some month ago when he met him while Simon was laying in hospital, he came to the conclusion that he was all to soon infatuated by a pretty face and body, although Ben had a quality he approved much in a man.

With Leandro he wasn't certain, he appeared younger in the mind than he was of age, but perhaps he did him wrong, he didn't know him enough after all. Daniel had thought that he had found the right man in Felix and reality had proved him wrong. It wasn't that easy. Nothing was easy.

To find the real man seemed impossible, but he wasn't looking for real, and how could he assume that his first trip to a gay bar would bring the right man? He felt Leandro's guilty feelings almost physically and it provoked the feelings of protection. But he couldn't start something what hadn't a future. His life was in Meran and Leandro was about to settle down here in Rome. And what was he musing over here actually? Leandro hadn't shown any sign of interest. He rather preferred that young, plump guy with the cow-lashes. Young! That was the solution to everything and Daniel felt this special moment old as his grandfather. But glancing over to Marcus and Nicholas he knew that it was rubbish what he was thinking. Age doesn't count. Not that Marcus was old... just older than Nicholas.

His gaze stopped at Kay. What a crazy night they had spent in Meran. He couldn't understand himself why he had allowed this to happen. Both had been lonely though - Kay because he had just found out that Sebastian had cheated on him with Nicholas, and Daniel was lonely anyway and gave in to both: opportunity and momentary attraction. Kay had brought life to his old, silent castle and to his life in any case but they left it with just one night. Neither of them could bear more and so he was glad that Kay's and Sebastian's reconciliation had been quick and easy. He was surprised, by all means, that Sebastian held on that long for he knew him as a restless hunter of guys, sometimes merciless and of unshakable self-consciousness.

What a bunch of men... Just he and Leandro were without a steady partner and perhaps bound to find each other. But probably Leandro had found himself a guy already - Sascha - although Daniel wasn't sure if he was the right man for Leandro.

Felix came back to his mind. He was of his age - thirty three - a guy he had known most of his life but never suspected him to play in the same league as he did. It went all too fast with more sex than he could cope with but Daniel had enjoyed every second of it - first of all because it was a long time ago since Roberto did the same. But Felix wasn't interested in anything. His father ran the factory where the apples were made into juice, and Felix wasn't too keen in taking it over. He just stopped Daniel from his work at the old freschi and all the restorations to the castle's rooms, wanted to go out celebrating or doing holidays, spending endless weeks at the Lake of Garda, lying in the sun and thinking nothing. In the end Daniel didn't know what to talk about with him and one day he had asked him to move out before they began to annoy each other completely.

Daniel sighed and since a momentary silence had filled the room, everybody was looking at him, smiling.

"Don't take it too seriously," Simon cheered, thinking the sigh was his contribution to his hurt and the incident at Luigi's Bar. Daniel smiled too. "If you want to talk to Sascha's brother, I'll come with you," he said to Leandro next to him. "Is it ok with you?"

Leandro's face lit up and he nodded.

Galleria Borghese

The first thing he noticed was the sunglasses Cardinal Borghese was wearing. He had accepted the private tour Gianluca was offering, so he went with him in his spare time from 1 to 3 p.m. when the museum at the Villa Guilia was closed for the public. Likewise the museum of the Galleria Borghese was also closed. Gianluca had greeted him very politely without showing any signs of familiarity. Leandro would have been very surprised if he would have done so.

"Unfortunately Camillo Borghese disposed a main part of the collection to his brother-in-law, Napoleon Bonaparte, and we never got it back." Gianluca opened the door to the big hall with the early works of Gianlorenzo Bernini. The sunglasses gave him the opportunity to check out his young private visitor. He admitted to himself that he had fallen for Leandro's deep eyes and the small face that smiled so seldom.

He watched him as he stood in front of the group of Apollo and Daphne, changing into a laurel tree because she was afraid of the approach of the god.

"He shows the start of her metamorphosis. The left leg, the fingers and the hair is changed. Note the soft quality of the skin, the elegant, almost fracture less transition between human and laurel tree," Gianluca said low. He had stepped close behind Leandro who had remained paused in the midst of a movement, not certain if he could touch the surface of the marble or not. A barrier stopped him anyway.

Gianluca breathed a bit hard. He would have gladly submitted to the desires of the Greek sun god, and never would flee like this stupid girl had done. He thanked his wise decision to dress in his cloak again so his erection was well concealed; the more because Leandro had now stepped to Pluto, robbing Proserpina and the strong manly impression Pluto gave, especially from behind, showing his bare, well formed buttocks.

"This is just amazing," Leandro whispered.

"It is, isn't it," Gianluca answered with a tremor in his voice. Leandro was too close to him. Too close not to feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins. It cost him lots of effort not to take the young man and do with him what he had done last Saturday back at Luigi's Bar. He turned and tried to calm himself. Sometimes he couldn't bear all the naked marble bodies around.

He feared that David would still show some traces of his game he had played some days ago when they entered the next room, but he couldn't detect any. All the other Caravaggio's, Raffael's and Tizian's went by like a rush where Gianluca explained the paintings like a guide would have, while he just tried to keep himself under control, the hands clenched into fists, his aching erection straining his underpants.

Leandro felt the tension clearly. He still wasn't sure how to sort out Cardinal Borghese. He had enjoyed the performance of the stripper and had vanished soon after. Did this make him gay? Was he identical with the infamous, elder man with the abnormally long cock? If yes, what did this mean?

Briefly he thought, if he would offer himself he surely would find out. This idea frightened and amused him at the same time. What if he would ask him bluntly about the evening at Luigi's Bar? Borghese would deny everything, telling him he had seen wrong. What if he would join the boys in chamber 4? He shook his head. And what are you doing here anyway? It was the job of the police to find the murderer, wasn't it?

After a awhile he decided to let Daniel into his secret and to listen to his advice. Suddenly Gianluca was behind him again. He awaited his hands upon his body every second but all that he heard was his heavy breathing. A chill ran down his spine. "I have to go, Eminence, the break is almost over," he lied and felt Gianluca's disappointment. He wondered why he had never taken off his sunglasses.

San Paolo fuori le mura

Simon's head was all right by now, but Ben wondered why it always had to happen to him. He seemed to draw misshapen - the more he vowed to himself to take good care of his partner. The incident at the Park Borghese was almost forgotten although both weren't sure which intention the attacker could have had. Was it as Sebastian had said, just the anger about their spying? Well, both missed their money since then; so perhaps it was really just a mugger. Rome's parks were dangerous at night as probably each park in the world.

As for Ben - he had his share of adventures and didn't want to be involved in another. His hairs stood on end thinking about Luigi's Bar. But Simon seemed despite all much more adventurous. The murderer didn't impress him too much. Ben blamed the experiences he had during his life of a hustler. Ben was glad when Sebastian's invitation had arrived. It would keep Simon from aimless musing about his disease and how much time they would have together before he would be doomed to spend the rest of his short life in a bed, vanishing more and more each day until he would fade away like a candle that burnt at both ends.

Ben refused to think about the final conclusion. He hoped he would be strong enough and that Simon would still want him to care for him. Lately Simon had agreed to play the guinea pig for a medication that was new from the U.S. So far his vomit- attacks had subsided and his mental state was stronger than before.

Quickly he followed him because Simon had already entered the porticus and stood now in the glistening sunshine that flooded the forecourt to the actual pilgrimage church of San Paolo. It was the apostle grave over the place of his decapitation.

He took in Simon's feature from behind: the lean body and the sun bleached, dark brown hair that curled when it met his shoulders. At this midday hour the church was deserted, no tourist busses at all. Just a few birds where twittering in the palms and an magpie screeched angrily from the head of the marble statue of St. Paul who swung his sword against his murderers.

Ben mingled his fingers with Simon's. They smiled at each other.

"Had you thought that we both would go this long way?" Simon asked.

"Of course."

"Where do you receive this confidence from?"

"I'm not sure. Perhaps I receive it from there". Ben pointed to the church. Simon looked incomprehending.

"You know that my parents had been believers. Or still are. I'm not sure; we haven't talked about it in a long time."

"You mean you receive your strength from God", Simon said. "This might be." He went on, pulling Ben with him up to the entrance. He had nothing to do with God and holy people but if it made Ben happy so be it. Perhaps there was a strength in believing that there was somebody watching and caring.

And where had this somebody been when he got infected? Where was the somebody when mishaps, violence and war started? Do we all have to wander in this valley of darkness until we'll find the real meaning of existence after finishing our poor earthly life? Simon didn't know. And didn't want to know. Ben's confidence was radiating and that was enough.

Ben leafed through Sebastian's Rome-guide. "Can you imagine that the church was destroyed by a fire about 180 years ago. It was so old, the church I mean. From the 4th century. They gathered money for the rebuilding, the king of Egypt and even Czar Nicholas sent large blocks of precious stone. And did you know that Paul was beheaded because he was a Roman citizen? All the others - slaves and foreigners - were crucified."

Simon smiled at him and his enthusiasm. It was fun to conquer Rome with him. Yesterday he had the idea to write sort of a Rome diary; it could accompany their Prague-adventures. He tried to keep his eyes open, to absorb the very essence of all, the smell, the colours, the people.

It was dark inside the long, empty nave but it matched Ben's architectural taste. Massive granite pillars, a guilt stucco ceiling and alabaster windows that gave a soft light.

"Look, there are the 265 medallions of all popes from Peter to John Paul II. They say, if there's no room anymore for another medallion the world will end."

Simon saw that there was just space for two more medallions. The round circles for the two popes to come were empty.

It was that moment when something happened within him. Perhaps it was the spirit of 2000 years of Christendom - somehow all the prayers must have had settled into those walls and pillars and grounds - even if this building had been burnt. It was the spirit of this place.

He shuddered. Perhaps a goose had just went over his future grave, as an old German saying goes.

Ben saw they weren't alone. In the mighty half round of the apse stood two figures behind the high reredos over Paul's grave. "Look", Ben whispered.

It was an odd picture. A red and a black cloak standing together, absorbed in a prayer.

Something was familiar to Simon. When the black cloak turned he saw the big white eight tongued cross upon the breast of the tall, haggard man. A memory flashback: He had seen him before in a church in Prague, taking Daniel's altar away. The Maltese Knight's Grandmaster. He had seen pictures of him on TV recently about the taking over of Jesus'relics. And the other man was receiving them.

Simon pulled Ben behind one of the pillars in the side nave. Both watched how the Grandmaster handed the red dressed cardinal a package, heavy it seemed and of the size of a baby. It was wrapped in a soft blanket and the cardinal held it gently to his chest. They exchanged words Ben and Simon couldn't understand but Simon seemed to hear Santo Bambino and Santa Maria in Aracoeli.

The cardinal's steps echoed through the whole church and the Grandmaster seemed to have used the exit through the cloister.

They looked at each other, then followed silently through the side nave.

"I believe this was Cardinal Borghese, the one Leandro talked about. He's got an invitation to watch the museum at his house." Ben whispered. "What do you think is this?"

"No goods", Simon responded through clenched teeth. "As always."

Outside they saw the black limousine driving away. Finally Simon shrugged. "You see, that's the face of the church. Just secrets, corruption and lies."

"That's right. I don't deny it. But there's something else if you leave out the church."

Simon looked thoughtfully and nodded. "Might be." He made a mental note to ask Sebastian or Marcus about a Santo Bambino. Then he remembered the Rome guide Ben was carrying. He groped for it and thumbed it through the end and the register. "See what's here: "Santo Bambino". That's the figure of Jesus Christ as baby, carved from a olive tree of the holy garden of Gethsemane. It should work miracles if you say a prayer." Then he whistled through his teeth. "It was stolen some years ago from the church Santa Maria in Aracoeli and nobody knows about its whereabouts since then. They have made a copy to display."

He looked at Ben. "Do you think what I think?"

Luigi's Bar

The deep roaring of the basses gave George an inner push, he felt the alcohol coursing stronger through his body than ever. Sweating faces, glistening, naked upper bodies, shaved all over if necessary - as he liked it. He just had to pick out what he wanted. He was good looking, he knew that, and he had just detected a blonde shock of hair standing at the bar, besieged by several guys. George knew that real blondes were seldom and loved the more. But when the guy turned, George's face frowned. It was Roberto, Andrea's friend and the lover who had lost the competition, so to say. Roberto couldn't compete with George's money and the never ending sex George offered.

George smiled to himself and approached the younger man. He tapped him on the shoulder, and Roberto turned. George seemed to see a flicker of relief on his face and wondered about it. Roberto himself had met Andrea this afternoon, and his friend had asked him to keep an eye on George, whom he knew visited Luigi's Bar frequently. Roberto was still pretty pissed that Andrea sold himself. He didn't want that money - not for that price.

George, acting as a pal, laid a hand upon his shoulder and pulled him away to a corner by the door.

"How are things, Roberto?"

"Why does it bother you?" Roberto said unfriendly. "What have you to do here actually? I thought you were being served by Andrea."

George laughed complacently and called to the bar keeper to mix him a martini.

"Envious?" he asked then. "I thought you were through with my little rabbit at home."

Roberto flashed him a hateful glance. It was hard for him to play this game. Andrea had reassured him that very soon he would leave George, taking as much money as he could.

"You know I'm through with him. Now tell me what are you doing here, when your .... rabbit is waiting at home? Don't you get enough?"

George received his martini and fished out the olive. "Have heard about chamber 4. It was in all the rumors in the community." He winked. "You heard about the murder?"

"Surely. And now you're keen to be the next victim." Roberto scoffed.

"Paolo was my favorite stripper." George said after a brief pause. "We shared some action together. What a pity it had to be him. I was here last Saturday but left before it happened. That was the last time I've seen him. It was Sebastian von Scheffel's birthday." He looked to the empty stage. "Do you think chamber 4 is closed?"

Roberto shrugged. "Go and find out."

"Soon. Were you at von Scheffel's birthday celebration?" he asked then, unexpectedly.

"What? Well, yes, I was. Why do you ask?"

"Because Andrea was asking me if he could go and I said no, of course."

Roberto sighed inwardly. George seemed to bathe himself in the power he had over his friend.

"He still seemed to be interested in this Sebastian." George's gray, a bit unsteady eyes glared. "You aren't a danger for me, but he is. He's good looking and he's rich. What if he wants Andrea back to corrupt him again?" The martini vanished in one gulp. "Finally, I want somebody for myself."

"But this doesn't stop you from going to the dark rooms." Roberto said.

George laughed. "Don't tell me you don't."

"Of course not. I can do very well without that, thank you."

"Me too. It's just for fun." George's laughter stopped. "I'll make sure he will never see this von Scheffel again."

Roberto caught longing glances from several guys, no matter if dancing with other partners or standing alone, so he missed George's determined look. Roberto was surprised when George left him standing, walking straight to the long corridor leading to the dark rooms.

It wasn't that packed with guys as it was usually on weekends, just a few stood undecided, looking expectantly in his direction. Chamber 4 was closed with a police seal. George hesitated. From different directions he heard moaning, cries and stammered words. If possible, his heart beat quickened the more.

A man of his age passed him, throwing a glance over his shoulder, checking out his honey coloured hair and the gray eyes. He stopped and turned. George recognized him as one of the strippers.

"Chamber 4?" the man asked. "Closed so far. Come with me." He nodded to the end of the corridor. George saw a golden '20' plate on the door. Excitedly he peered over the stripper's shoulder and saw the light of a single candle in the far corner. As soon as the door was closed and locked, he felt grabbed by the shoulders and another pair of hands fumbled along his legs, down and up. Yet another pair of hands opened his shoe laces while he felt his zipper being opened, and somebody pulled his shirt over his head. It was absolutely silent, just the rustling of clothes thrown away filled the room.

George couldn't tell how many men, the light of the candle didn't reach the place where he was still standing, receiving attention, a mouth clamped around his thin, erect penis, teeth pulling at his ball sack, a tongue licking his hole, so that he didn't know whether to bend over or to push forward.

A loud moan escaped. Suddenly the candle seemed to sway across the room, revealing a black silhouette, face hidden with a hood. He opened the cloak he was wearing, revealing the longest cock he had ever seen. George was fascinated and revolted at the same time. He couldn't take this monstrosity, could he?

Then he was taken over to a large bed, laid down, two legs beside his waist, a rubber pulled over his pole and a sudden movement. Warmth and tightness where his cock sank deep into a slippery tunnel. Still no sound except his own laboured breath. He wished he had a cigarette, or at least a glass of gin while his body was being ministered to.

But soon enough his mouth was stuffed with another penis and he wondered where the enormous dong had been. George was sucking and nibbling, until the man came in his mouth, the other, riding him, took a deep breath and George felt some hot drops sprinkle his chest, the rest splashed upon his belly.

George swallowed as much as he could, almost choking and then his cock was freed, the weight upon his body vanished. He heard the door softly closing and he was alone, eyes shut closed. Just as he wanted to sit upright he felt a tongue licking the white stains upon his body. A cat's rough tongue reaching up to each part of his body, leaving the face out, then down again, between his legs, carefully aware not to touch his aching cock. The condom had vanished without George noticing. He touched the man's body and he seemed to feel a different skin - different from a young man's skin. Older. A bit flabby. The hair thinning. But the man slipped away each time.

Just the tongue and saliva all over, under his balls, along his legs, over his balls, and deep down, following the trace to his ass hole.

George spread his legs as wide as he could, knowing he would either die now or be sent into an orbit he never reached before. When he felt the large intruder at his opening his mouth opened to a soundless cry, but no sound spoiled the silence, not when he felt entered by something so big he couldn't comprehend, nor when it started to move within him, slowly first, stopping then and moving again. That guy was gentle, he thought but instantly the pain started new. Deeper and deeper until he thought that the pain would thicken itself to a scream coming from his bowels, torn apart until it was over. The movement stopped to start again. He saw nothing because tears blurred his view. There wasn't anything to see anyway. The man was still wearing his cloak and the hood over his face. He was on his knees and pulled George's legs over his shoulders. And then the bliss started, leaving pain behind in a land where pain didn't count. Large hands beside his neck, approaching, groping and pressing the air out of his lungs.

When George woke up from his partial unconsciousness the man was standing by his side, looking down at him he assumed.

"Who are you?" George's voice was less than a croak. He cleared his throat and seemed to hear the other man laughing quietly.

"No names. It's just me." The voice was surprisingly thin. An old voice.

"Can .... can we do this again?" Finally George managed to sit upright. His anus hurt as if he had been raped with a salami, but he didn't mind.

"My house. Via Appia 34. Tomorrow night."

The soft closing of the door told him that the man was gone.

Lungotevere Tor di Nona

It was a hot afternoon. Leandro was surprised and happy that Daniel had picked him up from his work place. He had said that he didn't have other things to do. But his eyes had told a different language. Perhaps Daniel had started to fall in love with him?

They walked slowly along the river bank; on the opposite bank they were looking at the Castle San Angelo: brown Travertin overshadowed by pine trees. High on top, Archangel Michael was holding back his sword he had held against the plague - exactly as Pope Gregory the Great had envisioned it in his dream.

Their walk had been rather silent, both enjoyed the company of the other without saying any words. Daniel imagined Tosca standing upon the last platform of the round building, ready to jump down to her death. He loved Italian Operas, especially Puccini. "Her lover was imprisoned in the dungeon," he muttered.


Daniel cast a look to the young man beside him. "Tosca," he said then. He turned to face the street beside the pavement and to the old houses. "Once, here at the foot of the bridge, was the gallows. So many people suffered in the Castello and some of them would be brought over to be hung. Cenci, Bruno, Cagliostro, Cellini to name a few. All in the name of the popes."

Leandro nodded. "Actually it was the place of Emperor Hadrian's grave, right? I wonder why he isn't buried at his Villa in Tivoli."

"Perhaps too many sad memories there. Remember he lived there with his young lover, Antinous." Daniel winked at him. It was great to share mutual interests. Leandro was young but he knew so much and it was a pleasure to talk with him, although there were phases of silence in between. It was a pleasant silence, Daniel thought.

"Want to visit the Castello? There're still some cannonballs left from the Sacco di Roma."

"And a chapel Michelangelo designed," Leandro added.

Two hours later they sat in the little bar of the castle, high above the town, overlooking Marsfield - once the excercise place of the Emperor's troops, called after the god of wars: Mars, now a tangle and maze of gorges of houses -, St. Peter and further the Gianicolo, blurred in the distance, sipping at their Cinzano.

"You like it here, don't you." Daniel said. It was rather a statement than a question.

"I do. The colleagues are nice and have patience with me. They were glad to find a new worker because they are hard to find for that matter. Everybody is just sitting at their computers, playing games. Fun generation."

Daniel smiled. He had enough experience to know that computer knowledge couldn't do harm. Kay had found the gay bar for him in Meran because it had its own website.

"Of course we have experts using the computer to create an exact copy of the old town," Leandro added. "But tell me rather, what happened to the ancient parchment that was hidden in your altar."

"Oh, that." Daniel once more was surprised about Leandro's information. Two months ago Sebastian and Kay had been able to locate his stolen altar in Prague where it was in possession of the the Grand Master of the order of Malta. He had been keen on the hidden relics, but hadn't noticed that Sebastian found two old parchments in addition. One of them was an report about the end of the last Grand Master of the Templars.

"The notes of the old Templar seemed to be real. Sebastian gave me a copy of the expertise from the Sapienza, Rome's University. The age is perfect, so there's no reason why this paper should be a hoax."


"RAI would like to make a TV report of it," Daniel continued proudly.

"Really?" Leandro imagined lots of journalists and TV cameras from the Italian TV company, RAI, besieging Daniel's castle, asking him out. "That would be great. I could see you on TV then. Where is the paper now?"

"We donated it to Sapienza. What shall I do with it anyway?" Daniel noticed the little hint in Leandro's words. Soon they would be separated again. "Why don't you come in Autumn for holidays in South Tyrol. We could go hiking, drink freshly pressed grape juice, eat maroons and mushrooms." Daniel stopped, surprised at his own words. But said was said.

"I'd gladly come." Leandro wondered about the reason for Daniel's invitation. Surely he had caught his glances over the past days, but why didn't he do any clearer approach attempts then? Leandro wasn't sure if he would give in though. Not that Daniel didn't turn him on - just the opposite - but only a summer love wasn't his cup of coffee. He wanted more. More than Vincenzo was giving him in those stolen nights. He wasn't even sure if Vincenzo had been a good lover. How should he know; he had nobody to compare with him. But he longed to be embraced by two strong male arms. Daniel's body showed all signs of being a good object for that. Quickly he looked away before he got too excited. He cleared his throat and had another sip from his Cinzano. "You know.... About the incident at Luigi's Bar..."


"I met an odd guy. I've seen him again at Luigi's Bar." Daniel's face showed that he didn't comprehend the connections.

"It's the Cardinal living at the Villa Borghese. He's friendly but .... I have the certain feeling he's strange. He hides something. And then I've seen him sitting in the front row of the stripper's stage. He certainly enjoyed the performance. Then he was gone. Sascha told me that the guy with the abnormal ... thing was a frequent visitor and he was there that evening when it happened." He breathed out.

"And now you think the abnormal long thing belongs to the Cardinal?"

Leandro nodded.

"Hmm. Not necessarily." He thought a moment. Clergymen with homosexual inclinations weren't seldom; they enjoyed the male company and it was easier for them to enter the clerical organizations than to explain to their families at home why they didn't marry....

"Chamber 4, right?" he asked. "Perhaps we should try it out then? See if you're right?"

Leandro's cheeks got a delicate pink. "Don't think I can cope with a dong that long."

Daniel laughed amused. "Most of the guys are mad about size, you should know," Daniel whispered. "Don't say you don't belong to them."

Instead of an answer, Leandro emptied his glass. "What are we doing now?"

"Visiting Luigi's Bar again, what else?"

"What if he recognizes me? Will I be in danger?"

"I'm sure you shouldn't if you tell him his secret is safe with you."

"Will he believe me?"

"He won't kill you." Daniel's smile vanished. Could this be the reason for the murder? Leandro thought the same.

"Then we have to be careful."

Leandro put his hand over Daniel's and squeezed it. "Thanks. I knew I could tell you."

"Anytime, hon..." The 'honey' stuck in his throat. He was getting pretty familiar with his young company. Daniel put some Lire upon the table and together they left the castle, crossing Ponte San Angelo, decorated with seven or eight angel sculptures made by Bernini and his workshop.

The marble angels showed the torture tools of Jesus in a very lovingly way. He stood and leaned against the stony railing. His look wandered over the lazily floating of the Tiber. The Romans called it "The blond Tiber" because it had a light ocre-colour, mingled with a soft green. It was sand and gravel coming from the Monti Albani.

Daniel stood by his side and watched the cupola of St. Peter. Just from a far distance it was to be seen in all its glory because the long facade was too high and mighty for Michelangelo's designed dome. He would be angry if he could this this.

Leandro on the other hand was reminded at Cardinal Borghese. Once more Leandro felt Gianluca's laboured breath on his neck and he shivered despite the heat. Thick pearls of sweat built upon his forehead. He wiped them away.

"It's hot, isn't it," Daniel said. "Don't think I could cope with it in the long run. Good that Sebastian's house is air conditioned." He looked at the young man. He was sure that he could fall in love with him, but what was the use? More heartfelt pain for him.

"It is a marvellous place here", he said finally.

"More beautiful than Meran?" Leandro asked and Daniel smiled.

"Not really, Leandro. Would you compare a city with a mountain surrounded village? Both have a different beauty."

"Right. Sometimes all this hectic traffic here is scaring me."

"And yet you want to live here forever?"

Leandro fell silent. He didn't know what to answer. Instead of he went on, taking Daniel with him, over the bridge, along the Lungotevere, up to the Florentine Church standing like a bulwark against the waters at the edge of the Tiber's knee. It was the entrance to Via Giulia, the street of Pope Julius II, a contemporary of Michelangelo and his greatest patron. Once it was Rome's most glorious main thorough-fare, lined by palaces and churches; today it was an inviting place with countless antique shops and art galleries. Daniel knew from Sebastian's tales that he usually bought his handmade suitcases here.

Leandro stopped at a marble plate, inserted in an outside wall...

"In fact, the view of the Via Giulia is sweetly and tragically.

Between those two rows of damaged and dazzling palaces

fades our fantasy like a swallow."

  • Vincenzo Cardarelli

He looked along the narrow street where shopkeepers and workmen had displayed their goods on the pavement or were working in the open air. He did notice some clergymen in the distance. One of them wore a funny cloak with a big white cross upon his chest. Well, Rome was full of them. Nonetheless he started to sweat again and pulled Daniel with him, back to the Tiber passage to the next bus stop which would bring them up to the Gianicolo-hill and to Sebastian's home.


Later, sitting all together in the patio around the table, eating and drinking, everybody was telling about their adventures but Leandro only had eyes for Daniel. He still wondered about his invitation and asked himself if this was just said without any deeper meaning. They sat until late in the night, when it started to cool down and a pleasant wind brushed through the trees, billowing the curtains. Leandro had stepped upon the balcony, connecting his and Daniel's room next to him, waiting. It didn't take long until he appeared, half naked as some nights before. Leandro asked if he wanted to tempt him. This thought made him smile and Daniel reciprocated. They stood close together, underarms supported by the railing.

"When shall we go to investigate the bar?" Daniel asked.

"As soon as possible. Tomorrow?"

Daniel nodded his agreement. "The nights are like velvet here." he sighed. "Much different."

Leandro turned to look into his face and without thinking he lifted his hand to caress the elder man's chest, covered in fine, blond hair, invisible in the faint light. It felt good, so soft. Leandro wished he could feel it against his skin. Daniel didn't move. He just reached out after a while and stopped Leandro's hand. With the other arm he pulled Leandro close to him, running his hand over Leandro's hair and unexpectedly pressed his lips upon Leandro's mouth. Leandro gave a surprised moan but didn't complain otherwise. Feverishly he answered the kiss. It had no similarity to Sascha's, he was sure. Perhaps because his body was involved with his heart. He got an instant erection and felt Daniel's as well, but Daniel released him, the face flushed. His eyes searched Leandro's face. "What are we doing?" he asked huskily and was about to turn and leave, but Leandro held his arm. "Why are you struggling? Let it happen."

Daniel hesitated. "A one night stand? I'm not into that."

Leandro rolled his eyes. "I want you, that's enough." Funny, this afternoon he had tried to persuade himself that he wasn't into one night stands either. But now everything had changed. To wish to feel this strong body and to feel it in reality was two different things.

"And who says that it has to be just one night?" he whispered. "Let's stop thinking."

Daniel was at his side so quickly, as a lightning bolt, taking him into his arms, kissing his neck and dragging him into his room. It was good to feel the hands of an experienced man although Daniel's experience didn't result from quantity but rather from quality. Felix and Kay had taught him many things and Leandro was a pretty uninhibited lover. It was a pleasure to feel Daniel's naked body against his; to feel the strong muscles, the quick heartbeat, the musky scent. First they didn't make it to the bed, both jerked each other while standing, excited enough to make it quick and settled then down to a long foreplay, leaving every thought behind without thinking.

When the first rush was over Leandro leaned against Daniel's body. Both were still standing in the middle of Daniel's room, naked, skin gleaming from excitement and sweat. Daniel's hands were all over, caressed him from the shoulders, down along his spine and further over his butt cheeks. Leandro clenched his muscles and Daniel chortled. He kissed Leandro's neck, then went around him until he stood behind him. Leandro felt his tongue between his shoulder blades, then it was gone. He jumped when he felt it again, this time in the crack of his butt. Daniel's hands spread the cheeks and kissed each one of them, then his tongue caressed the small, pink hole and Leandro moaned.

Vincenzo had never done this. And Leandro hadn't know that this carried so much pleasure. He couldn't stand upright for his legs started to tremble. He bent forward a bit to give Daniel more access, which he used with a good wet wash, occasionally dipping the tip of his tongue inside, alternating with sucking and blowing or circling around the rim. His hand crept between Leandro's legs to touch Leandro's hard penis with long strokes.

Leandro muttered words that sounded like "more" and "deeper" and Daniel tried to push his tongue into the hole as forth as it could go. He longed to make real love. "Have you done this before?" he asked indistinctly.

"Yes. No." Leandro squeezed out.

"What, yes or no?"

Leandro rose, turned to Daniel and pulled him to his feet. Feverishly he kissed his lips that carried a musky taste. "Nobody has rimmed me, if that's the right word for it."

Daniel smiled. "It is." He searched for his suitcase and pulled out a package of condoms. Leandro's heartbeart quickened the more if that was possible. He took Daniel's waist and fell with him down upon the bed where he turned and crept down to Daniel's abdomen. His penis was a good chunk of meat to suck. He did it until his jaw started to hurt and felt that he had to stop before Daniel would reach his orgasm. So he searched for the condoms, opened one and rolled it over, careful to smear some of Daniel's drops and of his own over the rubber to make it slippery. Then he lay beside him and waited.

Daniel looked into his face. "You like it from behind?" he whispered huskily.

"Don't know. Vincenzo always took me from behind."

"Hm", Daniel growled, "not very inventive your boyfriend." He pushed and turned Leandro to his back, gave his penis a few sucks and slid his finger into Leandro's wet hole. Leandro moaned and his face flushed. Then Daniel crept between his legs, lifted and spread them apart. Leandro let it happen for he thought that Daniel would know what to do. It was a strange feeling in this girlish position and he felt vulnerable.

Then he felt the tip of Daniel's penis rubbing over his hole and his whole body jumped. He couldn't wait any longer. He watched Daniel's face when he pressed further, feeling the barrier. "Push out, honey, and try to relax."

Leandro did what he was told and the tip sank in, leaving a sting behind, but Leandro didn't mind. Daniel's cock was heavier than Vincenzo's but gave him so much more to feel. Both stared into each others eyes until Daniel was in him until his pubic hair tickled Leandro's balls. He chortled and swung his legs over Daniel's waist, pulling him down to a kiss. "That's great", he said and Daniel gave approving sounds.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"No, go on."

Daniel gave him a kiss and moved his back side. Little pushes made Leandro shiver, he wriggled his ass and tried to find the same rhythm, then Daniel supported his weight with his arms and gave him long strokes by pulling almost out and pushed in again. Leandro wanted to scream. That was much more than those clumsy attempts with Vincenzo - although both had enjoyed it too. Daniel was sending him into a land he hadn't entered before. Full of colours and circles and exploding stars. He was so full with Daniel that he just wanted to melt. He heard Daniel's moans and groans that sounded great into his ears, he started to tease him by clenching his ass muscles, working his own cock with one hand until he couldn't stop anymore and it exploded into a long gush of white cream, his body rigid, digging his nails into Daniel's flesh.

Something exploded inside his anus. Daniel's body had stopped moving. He flung back his head, mouth open to a soundless cry, just a harsh gasp was to be heard, before he gyrated his hips to release each drop from his penis.

Both pantings subsided gradually. Daniel lay upon Leandro's body and closed his eyes. "Are you still alive?" he asked then. A giggle answered him. Leandro had crossed his legs upon Daniel's bum, protecting the treasure that was inside his body.

"It was indescribable", he whispered, stroking Daniel's hair. "Indescribable."

"Yeah." Daniel kissed him, then, holding the rim of the condom, he pulled out. He wished he could stay in Leandro's body for ever. Those shitty condoms destroyed each comfortable feeling he cursed when he carried it to the toilet. But they couldn't leave them out. Not yet.

Daniel stood by the bed's side and watched Leandro's contented face and limp body. Then he bent down to lick away all the remains of Leandro's semen, slipped under the blanket and cuddled beside him.

"That was loud enough to wake the whole house," he chortled. "Tomorrow morning we'll get some strange comments."

Leandro joined his laughter.

"Was that better than Sascha?"

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Now I know." Daniel winked.

"Bugger. Of course it was just a wank." Leandro lay beside him and running his hand over Daniel's broad chest. "You feel so good", he said.

"I was told so."

Leandro thought to find some of his cousin's cockiness in this statement and chortled. "Yeah, I believe that. Was that better than Felix?" he quipped and was rewarded with a hot kiss.

"And what about your boyfriend back in Volterra?" Daniel asked sleepily.

"What boyfriend?"

They shared the small bed for the night, occasionally waking up to love each other again. In the early morning Leandro felt squashed. It was a happy, content moment before the questions started again.

Daniel woke up some minutes later and as soon as Leandro saw his clear apple-green eyes, he wanted to wake up each morning with him. Daniel reached over to brush his cheek and then his lips. "I still hate one night stands," he said softly.

"What do you mean?"

"That I want to wake up with you for the rest of my stay here."

Leandro frowned. He got up from the bed and vanished through the balcony door into his own room. Daniel bit his lips. Certainly the wrong words and not what he felt exactly. He wished he could take Leandro with him. But what if it didn't work out in the end like Roberto, with Felix and the few men before? Daniel was a loner and used to living his life alone. He had settled down to give into all his quirks and bad behaviours without need to say sorry to somebody. But Leandro could fill a space in his life - he just had to be sure. And this was the problem: How could he be sure when they had to part again? The night had been wonderful. The best he had ever experienced and Daniel had to admit it wasn't the sex alone. Leandro had conquered his heart and he was almost ready to stay longer in Rome than he wanted. But first he had to speak with Leandro.

Moaning he slipped out of bed, didn't bother with dressing and walked over to find Leandro in the small shower. Without hesitation he pushed aside the curtain and stepped behind him. "I'm sorry," he said. "I want you. Forgive my stupid words. We have to talk."

He leaned against Leandro's body but then vanished dripping wet through the room. Leandro followed without thinking and caught up with him at the balcony. "Daniele...." he grabbed him by the arm and stopped him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to spoil our morning. I just dreamt about waking up with you each morning and then...."

A shrill whistle from the garden sounded. Kay stood there, picking up some basil and rosemary leaves. He grinned over his whole face. "Nice view, sweeties!" he shouted. Leandro and Daniel looked at each other and snorted. Leandro stuck out his tongue to Kay and pulled Daniel into his room. Still laughing he sat in a chair, tossing Daniel a towel. "How embarrassing."

"Not with that body of yours."

"Thanks for the compliment. Umm, I'm really sorry."

"Ssht, don't say sorry. I was thinking the whole time how to get you to my hometown, but I don't know how. You have your work here. Sometimes I wish you would be free to follow me. But ..."

"What but?"

Daniel's head hung. "We don't know each other. What if we can't live together?"

"Let's try out simply. You stay here as long as you want. Your castle can wait."

"But that's just holidays."

"You mean you want to prove the case of emergency, yes?" Leandro said.

"Yes, sort of."

Leandro sighed. "But how?"

Next: Chapter 41: Angels Trumpets 4

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