By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Feb 14, 2016



Spiderman and all the character mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...





It only took police [from the special units group: CODE: Blue] less than 10 minutes to find where Martin Thompson lived in NY, through his telephone records! Police discovered Eugene Thompson [aka: Flash (Martin's son)...] had been present at The Cathedral when Spiderman rejected the alien symbiont in the bell tower, finding only Flash's crutches and prosthetics lying about at the bottom of the shaft! The belief was that The Symbiont had somehow subdued Flash Thompson after Spidey's rejection! This belief was amplified when police discovered Flash's mother lying asphyxiated [with a plastic bag over her head] in her own home]!

Fearing Flash may be on a murder spree, they decided to locate his father who had rejected Flash and kicked him out of the house after rumors of his homosexuality surfaced about the neighborhood...!

CODE: Blue's weapon's truck pulled up in front of Martin's apartment building shorted thereafter...as the officers moved in quickly [all donned in protective armor and gear], dashing up the stairs to the third floor, while Spiderman crashed in through the third floor window...landing crouched on his hands and feet [ready for anything]...!

CODE: Blue broke in through the front door...! "Oh SHIT...!" yelled one of the officers, coming across Martin's live-in girlfriend [Andrea] webbed to the kitchen ceiling, her orifices dripping mass amounts of semen droplets from her well-fucked holes]...!

Spiderman went into the bedroom [falling backwards against the open door] to find Martin Thompson lying dead in bed..., his bottom completely split in half, his anus all caved in [and fucked], oozing what looked to be a half-pint of cum...!

"Geez..." said Stone, as he and his `men' walked in to find Thompson's body...! "...what've we GOT going on here, Spiderman...?" he questioned...!

"The Symbiont is alien..." explained Spidey [after nearly losing his lunch to the floor]...! "...it FEEDS off human emotions..., and perhaps more...! When I was tied to it, it nearly drove me insane with lust! I...I couldn't help fucking whoever it chose to fuck!

"If FLASH has connected with it...given all his rage against his father, his peers from high school, and the friends' who turned their backs on him..." he added, looking at Stone's nephew: Officer Jordan Graham [The Rookie' (Flash's best friend and HS football teammate who turned against Flash when he discovered him gay)...]! "...I'd say this may be just THE BEGINNING of scenes like this...!"

"What makes YOU such an expert on Flash Thompson all of a sudden...?" asked Jordan, fearful that HE might be on his former friend's list...!

"I'm NOT..." said Spidey [talking to Jordan directly]...! "...but I am the expert when it becomes to The Symbiont...and I can certainly tell you HOW Flash might FEEL wearing it...! HOW the alien might be influencing his thoughts...playing off his fears...!

"I know that NONE of us are safe!" said the wall-crawler, causing cold chills to run up Jordan's spine when he suddenly thought Flash might come after HIM too..., going straight to Peter Parker's home...!...home where his Uncle Ben lived...!

"Ohmygod..." he said aloud, "...PETER PARKER...!"

Lieutenant Stone saw Spiderman suddenly tear out of Marty Flash's, and realized exactly WHERE he was going...! "Yo, get a forensic team up in here, pronto!" he ordered to a standing officer...! "We need a LIST of people Flash knew...and some of his former hangouts...!" he yelled to his team [his nephew in particular], as they rushed out of the apartment building to follow Spiderman to the NEXT possible location...!



It'd been DAYS since anyone from The Daily Bugle heard from their boss: J. Jonah Jameson...! He'd been camped out in the privacy of his own home, too scared and embarrassed to face any of his staff back at his building [after getting sodomized by one of his freelance employees: Peter Parker]...!

Jameson had no idea that Parker was secretly Spiderman...nor that his aggressive actions were being controlled by an alien...! All he understood was that Parker raped and humiliated him in front of the entire office...slamming him face down across his own desk and butt-fucking him as if they were prison savages!

Jameson couldn't LIVE with the idea of people looking and laughing at him behind his back...he also couldn't live with the idea of them pitying him, feeling sorry for him for getting punked by Parker! His anger towards Peter grew by the hour...every time he realized he could no longer show his face at work, he'd get more pissed! The more he thought about what Parker did to him, the more he wanted to see him PAY for what he did!

Jameson [a former reporter himself] still had contacts in the world, and sought information on the street regarding how to hire a hitman...? It cost him quite a bit of cash, and for a moment he thought he was getting the runaround as he had been recommended from one person to another...before finally meeting up with someone called: The Contractor...!

Jameson showed up in a seedy bar in lower Manhattan, then took a seat at a booth as instructed over the phone...! A beer was placed at his table [which he hadn't ordered], then a strange man sat down in front of him, fully cloaked in dark camouflage and hood...!

"Did you bring the money...?" he asked straight off, without hesitation!

"Yes!" answered Jameson, reaching into his inside [breast] pocket to pull out a thick envelope full of cash...! "Ten grand...!" said the businessman, passing the envelope across the wooden table...! "How SOON will it happen...?"

The man picked up the manila envelope, then [using his thumb] flipped through the stack of large bills equaling up to 10 thousand dollars...!

"As soon as you'd like...!" said the man, satisfied that all the money was there...!

"WHO is it that you want killed...?"

"PETER PARKER...!" snarled Jameson [his asshole still reeling from the effects of the rough fucking it took]...!


Jameson went back home afterwards...drowning his anger in alcohol [hitting rock bottom]...! He had nightmares of a sinister Peter Parker raping him, followed by images of an innocent wide-eyed Parker getting murdered in some trashy alleyway! By morning, he awoke regretting what he had done...! Parker was just a KID...having him KILLED for what he did was too extreme! Jameson needed to call off the hit, searching high and low for the number, leaving message after message, saying how he wished to `cancel the hit...!'

Jameson was alone in his house, when The Contractor suddenly appeared out of nowhere..., scaring the hell out of him...!

"HOW'D you get in my house...??!" he asked, clutching his heart, half frightened to death!

"Breaking and entering is but ONE skill in my arsenal of talents...!" bragged The Contractor! "I have received your message..., `we' do NOT give refunds...!"

"That's FINE..." said Jameson, "...I don't care about the money...! I...I'm having second thoughts about the HIT...! I want to call it off!"

"Not possible...!" said The Contractor! "Information has already been sent to the hitman..., there is no way to call him back from his mission..., there is no contact until the contract is complete...! And HE will not stop until the target is dead!"

"You don't understand..." shouted Jameson, "...I want to call off the hit...!" he insisted, inciting a reaction from The Contractor who quickly gripped the former journalist by the throat, then body slammed him back against his own book case...!

"YOU don't understand, Jameson..." said the mystery man, his eyes cloaked by the darkness underneath his hood! "...plans are already in mission...it is impossible to stop now...! But if you try to intervene...if you call the police or tell anyone about this contract..., Peter Parker will NOT be the only one to die tonight...!"



Peter Parker avoided seeing his uncle for as long as possible [after raping him and his lover (Curtis Johnson) back in chap-23]..., but the time had come for him to sit him down and explained what happened..., letting him know how sorry he was for his actions, and how much he regretted hurting them...!

He told his uncle that he had been influenced by an experiment in drugs he'd taken as `research for work', and that it wouldn't happen again because he was no longer experimenting with the drugs! Ben Parker was saddened to hear that his nephew had done illegal narcotics..., and that his actions [fucking him and his lover Curtis] was a direct result of those drugs...! He was also saddened that the sex wouldn't happen again, as he had enjoyed being his nephew's fuck toy [at least for a little while]...!

Peter then asked his uncle if he could go stay over Curtis's house for a few days, as members of The Daily Bugle had been threatened by terrorists, and police wanted them to move until the matter could be looked into, `just as a precaution...!' Ben didn't like having to leave his own home...but really wanted to spend more time with Curtis and explain WHY his nephew had acted so strangely!

Peter waved goodbye as Ben drove out of sight...! The teenager barely got back in the house before his cellphone started ringing! He looked at the name and saw it was from his former boss: J. Jonah Jameson...! Peter froze, wondering WHAT to say to the man...? Just then, his front door was kicked IN, as a costumed criminal rushed inside, seeking Peter Parker...!

At first Peter thought it was Flash Thompson [coming to pay respects after turning him into a fag in HS, then outing him to the entire class...!], but a second look told him that the visitor was not Flash...but some OTHER attacker...!

"Peter Parker...?" called the man [6'2", muscular, wearing what looked like a blue and yellow snake-skin suit and mask]...!

"I'm Parker..." said Peter, standing his ground [in civilian clothes]! "...WHO are you...?!"

"My name is CONSTRICTOR..." said the hitman, flexing his arms to cause a set of metal cybernetically controlled coils to extend from special bracelets around his wrists [extending up to 30ft.]...! "...I'm a HITMAN for hire...!" he informed!

"Someone wants you DEAD, kid...and I've been paid handsomely to make sure THAT happens...! Ain't personal!" he added, before swinging his arms and causing his coils to WHIP across the room, shattering everything in its path!

Parker leaped out of the way [instinctively] at the last second, his `spidey-sense' telling him the exact moment to move!

"OH, you're FAST...!" glee Constrictor, swinging his other arm, causing MORE damage as the second coil slammed into furniture, destroying everything it came in contact with! "This is gonna be FUN...!"

Parker could barely stay one step ahead of Constrictor as he danced about the room [doing somersaults, flips, and cartwheels], trying to avoid being squashed like a bug! Constrictor swung wildly, knowing he'd make contact eventually [he always did], while totally destroying The Parker residence like a one man demolition crew!

Peter managed to jump onto one of the metal coils [trying to subdue it], when he suddenly found himself being thrown about the room like a ragdoll, physically slammed into the walls, ceiling, and floors! He finally let go and ran through the kitchen, escaping through the backdoor! Constrictor was hot on his heels, but lost him as soon as the crafty teenager hit the open air!

"Where'd you GO so fast...?!" questioned The Constrictor, looking around the grounds [behind trees and bushes, and even underneath the house itself]...! "You COULDNT'VE gone far...!" he wagered, before finally looking UP...!

"I didn't..." said Parker, leaping down from overhead [kneeling on the back of the first floor roof], landing directly into the costumed Constrictor's back, sending him face down onto the grass before immediately leaped off, somersaulting across the yard!

"HOW'D the hell you DO that...??!" asked The Constrictor [his suit made of an armor mesh to absorb impact], jumping to his feet before electrifying his coils and swirling them about overhead [like whips]...!

"What'r you...?...some kinda superhero or something...?" he asked, just before sending them speeding in Parker's direction!

"I get that a lot, actually..." said Parker, leaping behind a tree! "...but I'm actually a gymnast! Do you think I could find WORK as a superhero...?"

The Constrictor swung again, slicing the trees in half [sending them crashing into backyards, crushing fences], but Parker had already jumped free..., shooting his web-lines and sticking one of The Constrictor's coils to the screen door...then the other to a nearby fence!

But that didn't stop The Constrictor for long, who simply ripped the backdoor off its hinges AND the fence from its rooted foundation...then hurled them at Peter Parker just as he tried to jump out of the way! The fence missed him narrowly, but the screen door was HIT him head-on, causing him to soar backwards through a wooden fence and into the alley...!

The Constrictor used his metal coils to pick Parker up, wrapping them tightly around his neck and body, holding him prisoner and squeezing tightly, trying to crush his bones [like an anaconda]!

"Where's all your smart backtalk now, eh kid...?" asked Constrictor [having Parker at his mercy]! "You put up a good fight..., but a hit is a hit...! Ain't nothin' personal about it! It's only for the money!" said the contract killer, putting the squeeze on his victim [taking all the fight out of him], keeping Peter helpless as he stepped up behind him and yanked Parker's pants down off his ass, exposing his bare buttock...! "But since you fought so well, I figured I'd give you a few more minutes of life while I bust a NUT in your ass...! You don't mind, do you...? Since you'll be dead in a few minutes anyway...!" he boasted, rubbing his erect cock long Parker's ass crack, letting the teenager KNOW he was about to be fucked!

Peter could feel the man's cock rubbing along his ass crack, but was helpless to stop him, as much of his energy was being sapped by the stronghold the coils held over him! Without much regard for the teenager's pain, Constrictor shoved his hips forward and buried his cock in Peter Parker's ass [a teenager he didn't even know existed until he was given his name and address for the hit], holding onto the boy's waist as he buried his cock whole, feeling the tight rectal ring snapping wildly around his embedded prick [trying to repel him]!

Peter could feel the coils tightening about his neck, cutting off his oxygen as he tried to breathe! He wasn't even able to use his hands to try and PRY the coils from his throat, as his arms were similarly trapped within the tight compress around his body!

Parker simply hung there [upright], while Constrictor stood behind him, bounding him up and down on his stiff cock, fucking him right there in his own backyard for all the neighbors to see...!


MEANWHILE J. Jonah Jameson pulled up outside The Parker Residence in his car, double parking right there in the middle of the block and dashing up the front steps and into the house after noticing the front door had been broken into...! "Parker...?" he called, finding the home demolished! He could hear noise coming from the back of the house, and ran outside to find The Constrictor holding Peter Parker up off the ground, fucking him from behind as he danced the boy up and down on his upright cock, penetrating him deeply with every stroke!

"NO, WAIT...!" called Jameson, interrupting...!

Constrictor turned around, curiously..., looking to see WHO was interrupting his fuck...? "uh...I'm J. Jonah Jameson..., I OWN The Daily Bugle..." said the older man, standing in the backyard, only a few feet away...! "...I'M the one that ordered the HIT on Peter Parker..." he informed, as Constrictor slowly pulled Parker off his cock..., then lowered him to the ground [face down], physically spreading his legs to expose his asshole more...!

"I'm not finished here yet...!" said the hitman, climbing down on top of Parker as he re-rammed his cock back in his ass to the hilt, before resuming fucking...!

Jameson couldn't help feeling TORN as he watched Peter Parker get fucked...! Indeed it was a fitting twist to their story [revenge at its sweetest]..., it was just a shame that the newsroom couldn't be present for Parker's humiliation like they were for HIS...!

"But...I've CHANGED my mind..." said Jameson [getting Constrictor's attention], as the hitman looked up at him curiously...! "...I no longer want to see him dead...! I...I was ANGRY when I paid for that hit...! But I'm not angry anymore...!"

"Tough shit, old man...!" said The Constrictor, as he started to POUND Parker hard into the ground...! "This ain't like buying a pair of shoes..., I don't give refunds...!" he informed!

"Keep the money! I don't give a damn about the money!" said Jameson, watching the killer's cock disappear repeatedly up Peter's ass...!

"It's gonna cost you MORE to stop the hit...!" reasoned Constrictor!

"Name your price!" said Jameson!

The Constrictor thought for a moment [as his hips continued thrusting]...!

"100 grand!" he said, causing a vein to pop out on Jameson's forehead...!

"A HUNDRED GRAND...?? Are you CRAZY...?! I wouldn't pay THAT much to save my own life!"

"Suit yourself, old man...!" said The Constrictor, never letting up as he kept fucking Parker nonstop, causing the nearly unconscious teen to groan about in physical pain...!

"Okay, okay..." said Jameson, "...I'll PAY it...!" he grumbled, cursing under his breath!

The Constrictor picked up the pace of his fuck, wanting it to come to an end before Jameson had a chance to change his mind! He liked the way the kid's asshole felt around his cock [fighting him the whole time], and really wouldn't mind `hitting' the kid's ass again sometime [willing or unwilling], which also helped in his decision to spare Parker's life...! He continued to jam his cock into the man's ass underneath him, plunging deep and steady as he built speed and momentum, planning on planting his seed well deep in Parker's backside!

Peter felt the villain's cock fucking through his ass [even as he was barely conscious], unable to break free do to the tiny electrical emissions still surging through Constrictor's coils...keeping him weakened! But despite Constrictor's advantage, Parker could also feel the coils starting to loosen, giving Peter a little more freedom while allowing Constrictor more room to fuck!

Constrictor pounded into Parker's ass without regard, figuring the kid should just be grateful to be alive! He could feel his orgasm building quickly, especially with the money incentive rising significantly!

He tightened the coil around Parker's neck [causing the teen to choke for breath] while increasing his assault on his ass! He plunged in and out for only a few more strokes before ramming in one last time and losing his copious seed to the teen's awesome backend...!

"ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled aloud when he came, signaling to anyone watching that he'd just seeded Parker's entrails!

Peter felt the cum deluge pouring into his ass like a broken dam, his rectal muscles spasm automatically, trying to repel AND suck the cock off all at once...! But before The Constrictor could remove his cock and collect his 100 grand...Peter bent his legs backwards [like a trained Circus Soleil performer], and grasp The Constrictor about the underarms with his feet, then physically FLIPPED him off his back, sending him flying across the yard and smashing into the back wall like a hit and run victim!

Peter struggled to get to his feet, with Jameson rushing to his side, helping the poor boy to stand...!

"I'm SORRY, Parker..." apologized the older man, sincerely! "...I was angry and hurt when I put that contract out on you...! I didn't MEAN it...!"

"I...understand, Mr. Jameson..." said Peter, starting to feel some of his strength return now that he was no longer trapped in Constrictor's coils...! "...and I'm sorry too..., I...I wasn't myself...!" he added, as the 2 men started to forgive each other...!

Parker perked his ears when he suddenly heard sirens in the distance...! "You'd better get out of here, sir..." he suggested, "...before the cops get here and asking questions...!"

"I'll explain everything to them...!" reasoned Jameson...!

"And tell them how you hired a hitman to kill me...?" questioned Parker! "And How I raped you at work while under the influence...? No! It'd be better if they found Constrictor here and believed he was a simple burglar...!

"I'll tussle him up so he won't get away...! Hurry! Before you're caught!"

"If you'd like your old job back at The Bugle, Parker...you've GOT IT!" said Jameson, before rushing back through the house and back out front to his double-parked car [which now had traffic stalled for BLOCKS]...!

He jumped into his car [putting his middle finger UP at drivers honking their horns behind him], then took off down the street like a bat out of hell! When CODE: Blue finally arrived a few moments later [cornering off both ends of the street], they rushed in to find the house wrecked, but signs of anyone inside...!



The Hitman named: Constrictor awakened [sometime later] to find himself tussled up in a WEB, naked, and unable to move...! He looked around [what seemed to be an old warehouse of sorts], and wondered HOW'd he got there...?...and what happened to Peter Parker and the old man with the money...?

"You must be wondering WHERE you are right about now, eh...?" asked a voice, somewhere in the shadows, as Constrictor moved his head around, searching for a body to go with `the voice'...!

From the ceiling descended a human spider...attached to a web line [stroking what looked to be a huge hard 10" cock in his gloved hand]...! "Do you know WHO I am...?" he asked, calmly...!

Constrictor shook his head...

"Spiderman!" he answered!

"That's right! And J. Jonah Jameson and Peter Parker are FRIENDS of mine...! I suggest you leave them BOTH alone from here on...!" said Spidey, stopping his descent right at head level with Constrictor [who was webbed with his arms and legs spread-eagle]...!

"In fact...I suggest you LEAVE New York..., No..., -the COUNTRY...and never come back...! Do you understand...?"

"Or else what...?" asked Constrictor [whose real name was: Frank Payne]...!

"Or else..." said a deviant Spiderman..., grabbing a fistful of Constrictor's hair, forcing him to open his mouth to scream in pain before stuffing his big fat hard cock directly in [shutting him up]! "...I'll start making nightly visits to your place of residence, Frank Payne..., and start doing things like THIS to you on a regular basis...!" threatened the wall-crawler, fucking in and out of Frank's widely stretched mouth, choking him on his cock!

Frank Payne was a career criminal, convicted multiple times for loan sharking, selling drugs, armed robberies, and assault and batteries...! In prison he was always the alpha male...the one on top! HE made other men HIS bitch! So to now be on the receiving end of a big cock, was something of a wakeup call!

Frank couldn't believe he had a cock in his mouth, the head starting to reach down into his throat! He struggled to get free, but the stupid webbings were like steel [virtually unbreakable]! Spidey had his head locked, his hands holding his head in place while he crouched in front of him [head-high] and fucked into his mouth and gagging throat [like a mid-western couple on their first date]!

Spidey choked Constrictor on his cock until he had the man throwing up on himself! Frank felt his stomach lurch several times, then felt his lunch rush up and out of his mouth, spewing out around Spiderman's deeply embedded ramrod [spilling out around the web-slinger's balls]!

Once Parker felt he'd made Constrictor suffer enough [orally], he pulled out [wiping his now dirty cock off on the bound man's face], and crawled around his body [like a spider does its webbed prey] to the bare backside...!

"H...Hey...w...wa...what'r you doing back there...?" asked Constrictor, trying to look back over his shoulder [nervously]...! Spidey snickered to himself, as he reached around towards Frank's face and wiped a good portion of vomit from his mouth and chin, then smeared it up along Frank's ass crack to moisten his asshole...!

"HEY...don't DO that...!" yelled the hitman, struggling even harder at the webs!

"uh...I kinda HAVE to..." said Spiderman, "...YOU fucked Peter Parker...so now I have to fuck YOU...just so you'll KNOW I meant what I said...! Capisce?"

And with THAT...Spiderman aligned his cockhead up against Constrictor's virgin anus...the SPEARED it first try!

"ARRRRHHHHHHHH...!!!" screamed the former convict [having stolen MANY men's virginities behind bars]!

The PAIN of first penetration was so immense, that Frank passed out immediately [unable to handle it]! Peter Parker thrilled becaused even in his passed out state, he could still feel the man's tightly contracting asshole snapping and clamping around his cock! At first he only wanted to penetrate him, to SHOW Constrictor what it felt like to be raped...! But once he felt the man's anus snapping and clamping on his cock, he couldn't help from fucking him...!

"Oh WOW...!" thrilled Parker, holding on and humping into the unconscious man's ass, pulling his cock out until only the head remained trapped inside the man's flexing muscled ring, then STABBING him balls deep as he rammed himself back in to the hilt!

He fucked Frank Payne like that for nearly a full 5 minutes before he finally rammed all the way IN and came...! "URRHHHHH..." he grunted as the spidey-cum shot forth from his spidey-balls, painting Frank's velvety insides white with his cream! "...UHG...UHG...OHH...OHH...UH...UH...uh..uh...ohhh..."

Frank started to come to a short time later, only to find himself STILL getting fucked by the human insect, as Spiderman decided to have another GO at the tough guy's tight hole!

Parker slid his big cock in and out of Frank's gripping manhole with deep strokes, loving the way his insides conformed to his manhood! The semen he'd already shot inside helped to make the rectum all the slicker to fuck, as he sped past the fighting sphincter muscles [which now acted as massaging FIST gripping his cock] until he was well on his way to a second orgasm...!

"ARRHHHHHGGG...!!" he yelled as he came again, flooding Frank's inside with MORE sperm [which now started to backup and ooze out around the edges of his embedded cock]!

"uh...just ONE MORE fuck...!" suggested Spidey, getting a whimper reply from the big muscled guy...!

"please..., no more..." begged Frank [his asshole and innards in severe pain] as Spiderman started on his third and last fucking...!

After Spidey's final orgasm, he fell back into his web and rested a while [his now limp cock totally deflated]...! With Constrictor's legs still spread-eagle, he could easily SEE the red swollen anus starting to leak big gobs of his cum, as the white cream streaked down the backs of Frank's hairy legs...!

Spidey actually contemplated taking a small nap, then having yet another GO at the hitman's ass before setting him free...but somehow that seemed a bit torturous [despite Constrictor coming to his home to kill him]!

Spidey decided instead to set the man free, reminding him of their deal to leave Parker and Jameson alone, AND to get out of the country! Frank agreed, then pulled on his costume and ran out of the warehouse as fast as he could...!

Contact and Hitman Inc. never heard from him again!


If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


Next: Chapter 28

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