By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Feb 26, 2016



Spiderman and all the character mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...





High school coach [Edward Sterling] was tinkering on his wife's car in their garage [the garage door open], with his family only several dozen feet away in the house [his wife was cooking dinner in the kitchen, his 14yr old daughter was in her bedroom talking 3way with her girlfriends on her cellphone, and his 16yr old son was in the family room playing video games [on the television] with a 2 of his best friends...!

Sterling was no mechanic, but he knew how to save a few bucks by changing spark plugs, oil changes, rotating tires, etc.! He was under the hood of his wife's Buick, when the hood suddenly slammed shut on him [trapping his torso (from the waist up) under the hood]! He screamed out for help, but no one could hear him inside! He couldn't understand WHY the hood wouldn't simply lift up...?...almost as if someone [heavy] were sitting on it...!

Ed knew something was amidst when he suddenly felt his sweatpants yanked down to his ankles [exposing his bare ass]! A moment later he felt a long wet tongue licking at his ass crack, and immediately thought it was a stray dog...! But then he felt huge strong HANDS suddenly grip his ass cheeks, pulling them apart in different directions as the wet tongue slipped into his anus and started to drill into his rectum!

"What the fuck...??! Help! HELP!" he screamed [to no avail], as the tongue started to quickly move in and out of him! He found himself getting wetter inside, as the 8" tongue excreted saliva into his rectal track! As soon as the tongue was removed, he KNEW what was coming next...as a fat cockhead pressed into his wet well-eaten anus..., then POPPED into his virgin hole...!

"ARRHHHHHHHHH...!!" he screamed [his screams muffled by the shutting of the hood]!

The big cock pushed into him with no mercy...burying into him like some living entity! Was it his imagination or did he feel tiny little tentacles pulling at his anal ring...?...stretching him wider so the cock could fit in deeper...?

Once properly embedded, he could definitely feel the cock breathing inside him! Strong hands tightened around his waist, as the hips pulled back, withdrawing the big dick until only the huge head remained trapped behind the gripping sphincter muscles! A second later the cock was boring its way back into him, bursting through his rectal passage like a giant snake searching for an underground home! Edward had no idea WHO was fucking him...?...or WHAT they would do to his family if one of them suddenly came out into the garage looking for him...? He searched his memories but couldn't think of anyone who'd want to come to his HOUSE and rape and humiliate him in front of his family...? The name Flash Thompson flashed through his mind...but he quickly dismissed it, believing Flash LOVED getting fucked by him as a teen! Sure the kid was scared [terrified even] that word would get out that his coach was butt-fucking him regularly after school and practice...but he could TELL by the way the boy reacted, -by the way his cock always hardened, -how he always CAME [most times without even touching himself] that he really LIKED it!

The cock in his ass started to expand and thicken as it fucked, stretching his anus wider by the minute...! Soon it went from feeling like a BAT had been shoved up his ass, to feeling like a telephone pole...and then a mack truck! He could feel liquid running down the backs of his legs, and wondered if it was the stranger's cum...?...or BLOOD escaping from his ruined ass...?

The man fucking him pounded at him from behind nonstop, never once missing a stroke or removing his growing cock from his backdoor! Ed started to lose consciousness after a while, no longer feeling any pain as the cock continued to bore straight through his body! He had just passed-away when the creature behind him suddenly ROARED...coming like a BEAST as it jolted and bucked wildly behind him!

An instant later it removed its shrinking cock and disappeared! No one saw it coming OR going! When dinner was ready Mrs. Sterling told her son his friends had to go home...then called her daughter downstairs to eat...! As her family started to form around the dinner table...she went out into the garage to call her husband...!

"Ed...? Dinner's ready, hon...!" she called. When he didn't answer she took a few steps inside, seeing him underneath the hood of her car! She walked over, spotting [what she first thought was] OIL all over the floor...only to realize [at second glance] that it was BLOOD! She ran around towards the front of the car...then screamed aloud [at the top of her lungs] when she found her husband dead with his ass caved in...!


Within the hour police had the entire street blocked off, with crime scene tape and huge tarp blocking off the garage from onlookers that formed outside at the curb! CODE: Blue were the residing officers on the scene, piecing together the facts as it related to their case...!

"Victim's name was Edward Sterling..." said one of the officers, "...a well-known and respected high school coach at Central in Manhattan...! His wife says he didn't have an enemy in the world..."

"Except for ONE...!" said lieutenant Marcus Stone [head commander of CODE: Blue], standing at the front of the car, staring down at the MESS before him...!

"Someone didn't like him! The same someone who broke into Martin Thompson's house and split HIS ass straight up the middle as well...!"

"These webbings holding the car hood down on the victim's back are strangely similar to Spiderman's..." said one of the forensic specialists [studying the scene]! "...you think HE had anything to do with this...?"

"DON'T think...just gather the evidence and leave the rest up to ME...! Okay?" asked Stone [having inside information that it wasn't Spiderman, but perhaps Flash Thompson committing the murders]...!

Stone lift the crime scene, searching for his nephew, who was a member of his strike team...! "Rookie..." he said [grabbing his nephew by the arm], pulling him away from the crowd he was assigned to keep back...! "...did you KNOW coach Sterling...?"

"Yes..." answered Jordan Graham, "...he was MY coach in high school...!"

"Flash's too, I take it...?" asked Stone!

"Yeah...all the way up til our senior year...!" answered Jordan! "You don't think Spiderman was RIGHT...do you...? That Flash Thompson may be the one committing these murders...?"

"I'm believing it more and more..." said Stone, "...especially IF my nephew may be on his murder LIST...!" said the older officer! "What do you KNOW about Flash...? WHY would he want to see his mother, father, and high school Coach dead...?"

"I...I dunno..." said Jordan [not wanting to believe it true]!

"It HAS to be more than just him getting laughed at or picked on in school..." thought Stone, aloud...! "...although there IS a wave of teenagers committing mass murder for just THOSE reasons nowadays...!"

"Flash may've been TEASED..., but not to the point of murder...!" denied Graham!

"There YOU go thinking you have a degree in psychology...!" snapped Stone! "You're still a ROOKIE...! And until you've had as many years on The Force as ME..., don't think, just listen!"

"Right..." said Jordan, as his uncle walked back towards the garage...! "...yes, sir...!"

From the crowd stood an ominous figure in the background...wearing a hoodie over his head to hide his identity...! His eyes narrowed when he noticed his former HS friend and teammate in full police gear...!

Flash felt his cock stiffen in his jeans for Jordan...recalling how CLOSE they once were...how Jordan was one of the first to FUCK him when he found him naked under the bleachers [after Parker fucked him and ran]...and how HE stole Maryjane Watson from under his nose...HER turning her back on him when word started to spread around the school that he was `new pussy' to be had by all...!



Steve Dickerson thought the world was his oyster [back when he was 17 in high school, hanging with his football buddies after a win, and getting just about any girl he wanted]..., but reality sat in hard after graduation, when school ended and he didn't get the football scholarship he'd been hoping for to catapult him into the pro-leagues!

After knocking up some girl [his senior year], he had to get a regular JOB working with his dad in a factory! Steve had always seen his father breaking his back to make ends meet, and didn't want to end up like him! Now he found himself speeding down the same road [in a supped up hooptie]!

Steve had just finished working a grueling 12hr shift, and was on his way home to his common-law wife [and their 3 children]..., when he was suddenly snatched from the bus stop [by a web-line] and hoisted 5 or 6 stories into the air, screaming his lungs out!

His body was found in front of Central High School in Manhattan the next morning...his ass caved in and dripping masses of semen...the words `Spiderman Was Here' printed overhead on the school's wall in wedding...!


The media went haywire once the story broke that Spiderman was behind the brutal murders happening around town! A leak' told the media the names of the victims: Martin and Mildred Thompson; Andrea Peterson; Edward Sterling; Steven Dickerson; and possibly Peter Parker, who hadn't been seen since the murders began [and his home had been ransacked]! The police commissioner called Spiderman `a person of interest', on the local news, falling just short of saying they had a warrant for his arrest!

Lieutenant Stone put his nephew and his family into protective custody [against Jordan's wishes]! Stone [and CODE: Blue] escorted him and his baby's momma to a safe house until Thompson was arrested and the killer caught!

"I really don't think this is necessary, uncle Marcus...!" said Jordan, as CODE: Blue checked out the house thoroughly, making sure everything was on the up and up...! "I really don't think I'm in any danger...! Flash and I were FRIENDS in high school...!"

"Operative word being: `WERE'...!" said Stone! "I may be overly cautious...but YOU'RE my family, Jordan...! I won't take shortcuts when it comes to making sure you and your family are safe!"

"Thank you, uncle Marcus...!" said Jordan's GF [and baby's momma]: Maryjane Watson...! "Jordan thanks you too...but he's too stubborn to admit it!" she joked, grabbing onto her boyfriend's arm and scratching playfully at his ear to make him laugh...!

"This is a serious matter, Maryjane...!" said Stone, causing the young mother to lose her smile...! "Make SURE he doesn't leave the house...! None of you!" insisted Stone, before pulling his team out!

Jordan watched as his fellow teammates all wished him well, then left behind Stone, closing and securing the door behind them...!

"Does he REALLY think its Flash behind all these murders...?" asked Maryjane, as Jordan broke away to look out the window...watching as the SWAT truck took off down the street...wishing HE was with them, searching for the killer...!

"Didn't Flash loose his LEGS in a military accident...?" she asked, recalling hearing something through the grapevine! "I believe Gwen told me that...!"

"Gwen gossips too much..." said Jordan, walking away from the window...! "...she always did...! It'll be the DEATH of her one day...!"


"NOOOOO...!!" screamed Gwen Stacy, running for her life [after slamming her car into a telephone pole]...!

She'd been on her way to an acting audition [she already had work as a promising actress as a recurring role on a popular soap-opera, as well as playing the girlfriend of a well-named actor in a B-rated movie (she had to suck 4 dicks for the role: the casting director, the producer, the director, AND the star himself)...], when something ran up on her car while she was parked at a stoplight, ripping her car door off its hinges! She took off as fast as she could, gunning the car down the street, but then something struck the tires, causing her to lose control and careen into the pole...!

Whatever it was chasing her was HUGE, viscous, and sporting LOTS of sharp teeth!

Gwen noticed a bar across the street from where she ran, and saw what looked like 40 to 50 people inside dancing and celebrating! She ran over to get help! But just as she placed her hand on the door handle...she was snatched up by a web-line...!

A young couple came out at that very moment, laughing together after some heavy partying, on their way home to someplace comfortable to fuck like animal...!

Gwen was found the next day hanging by the school's entrance [by spider web], totally nude, her mouth, ass, and pussy all ripped to shreds and drooling massive amounts of semen...!


"I want Spiderman ARRESTED...!" shouted the mayor, ordering The NYPD to shoot if necessary! The media went haywire, calling Spiderman a `Murderer!' Even J. Jonah Jameson got in on the trip, afraid that Parker may have fallen as one of Spidey's victim...?

Spiderman did his best to stay out of the public eye while he searched for Flash Thomson! He checked all of Flash's old hangouts, and even stalked out the family's home [which had been boarded up by police]!

Spidey was checking in at Gwen Stacy's former apartment [walking across the roof], when a spotlight suddenly shinned on him [taking him by surprise]!


Fearing being permanently detained [while another murder takes place], Spidey ran, heading back across the building top as Ironman opened fire on him, bombarding the roof with small arms fire [warning shots], letting Spiderman know they meant business!

Spidey leaped out of dodge of the arms fire, then spun through the air like a high level Olympian, while shooting his web-lines, catching Ironman off guard, slamming him to the rooftop while escaping over the edge...!

"I've GOT him...!" said Hawkeye, shooting arrows from across the street, just barely missing with a net' arrow, a gas' grenade, and a tranquillizer dart arrow, each JUST missing by a hair, as Spiderman's `spidey-senses' told him to dodge at just the right moment!

"Geez...I missed...!" said Hawkeye, astonished...!

"All 3 times...!" said Captain America [rubbing SALT into the wound], riding up on his motorcycle...! `I'd like to see YOU do better...!' said Hawkeye [over their shared intercom]! "Watch...and learn...!" said Capt, pulling his vibranium [red, white, and blue] shield from his back, and tossing it in Spiderman's general direction as he swung across the street on a web-line...!

"UHG...!" yipped Spidey, as Cat's shield suddenly CUT his web-line, causing him to fall towards the street below, landing on his back atop a parked car [smashing in the hood]!

Capt caught his shield on the return...then took off on his bike to catch up to where Spidey fell...! He saw him dash up into a dark alley...! Capt stopped his bike at the entrance...then got off and started to walk his way through it [slowly]...!

Keeping a keen eye on the building tops [knowing Spidey liked to go high], he cautiously checked around corners and in dark areas...knowing he didn't have a lot of time to escape...!

Sure enough Spidey leaped out of the shadows, tackling Captain America on the ground! But Capt made quick work of the situation, rolling backwards and using his feet to launch Spidey off in the other direction! Spidey immediately used his web-line to pull a dumpster in front of him [blocking Capt's thrown shield], and shoving the heavy object in The Avenger's line of fire! Capt leaped over the rolling dumpster, only to be tackled again by Spidey...!

"I didn't DO it, Capt...!" he yelled, causing Capt to stop fighting...!

"Your webbing was saw at the crime scenes...!" argued Capt! "The mayor wants you questioned!"

"I'm innocent!" insisted Spidey! "I've never killed anyone! I'm being framed by the alien Symbiont I used to wear...!"

"Then turn yourself IN..." suggested Capt! "...explain that to the police...!"

"And standby while MORE of my friends die...?" asked Spidey! "I know WHO it is! I just need to catch him before he chooses his next victim!"

Capt put his shield away...!

"I wish I could help you, Spiderman..." he said, "...but as a government employee...I bound to do as THEY say...!" he informed! "But that doesn't mean you couldn't have escaped!"

"Thank you, Capt...!" glee Spidey [his cock growing hard in his tights as he thought about how good Capt's ass looked in his spandex the last time they met (chap-24)...]! Capt couldn't help noticing the large lump forming down Spidey's pant-leg, and felt his anus twitch hungrily!

`Cap...any signs of Spiderman...?' asked Hawkeye [in his ear-piece]!

"He escaped..." lied Capt, as Spidey slowly approached him [cock now tenting his crotch obscenely]! "...I think I saw him heading towards the bridge...!"

`Copy that!' said Hawkeye, heading in that direction!

Spidey reached behind Capt, then squeezed his ass through his blue spandex [just feeling Capt's spongy bottom made his cock throb]! Capt reached down and traced his fingers along Spidey's 10" hard-on [feeling the cock pulse under his hand manipulation made his anus flex and pucker]...!

"We don't have much time...!" warned Capt, pulling Spidey back into the shadows [behind the dumpster], before falling to his knees and pulling down the front of Spiderman's red [web designed] tights, causing his big thick cock to pop out...!

"Wow...NICE...!" said Capt, staring at it lovingly, before licking it all over, painting it wet with his tongue! Parker couldn't believe his luck, watching one of the world's most famous superheroes [THEE Captain America!] lick his dick! He was afraid he might spew a cream load all over Capt's upturned face before he even had the chance to take his cock in his mouth! Pre-cum was already oozing from the tip when Capt licked his way to the top, tasting the fresh pearly dew drops as they melted against his tongue like sugar!

"Mmmm..." moaned Capt, stretching his lips wide before making the big hard cock disappear in his mouth, and down into his throat...as Capt mashed his face into Spidey's pubes, swallowing his cock to the root on the first stroke!

"Ooohhh yeeahhh..." moaned Spidey, feeling his cock squeeze down into the tight curve of Capt's neck! The older man held the cock in his throat for nearly a minute, before slowly receding his way back up the shaft towards the head..., suckling furiously about the crown, gathering all the sweet pre-juice, letting it burst against his tongue before swallowing the cock whole again! "ohmygod..." groaned Spidey [feeling as if he'd died and gone to heaven]! "...you're a national treasure, Capt...! I'm sure you've heard that before...!"

Indeed he had [every time he swallowed a soldier's cock in the war]! Sucking Spidey's cock in an alleyway while The Avengers searched for him, was a lot like sucking cock in the field while fighting Nazis [there was always a danger of getting caught]! Capt helped a LOT of soldiers in the field get over missing their loved ones [significant others] by giving their cocks a warm place to reside, if only for a few minutes! Many of the soldier's died with their last loads swimming in Capt's ass or stomach! Their very last acts of humanity making love to/or fucking Capt's holes to completion!

He sucked and swallowed Spiderman's cock with the same urgent passion he did those soldiers so many decades ago! Spiderman couldn't believe the fluency of Capt's warm wet mouth, as it sped back and forth on the full length of his raging cock! He could feel his dick pulsating every time it hit into the back of Capt's throat, every plunge into his esophagus feeling like it might be the last, as his balls [which Capt was now massaging in his gloveless hand] were about to unload his plentiful load straight into Capt's cum hungry stomach!

"WHOA...hold on, Capt..." warned Spidey, pulling his cock from Capt's wet pouty lips [he could definitely see disappointment on the soldier's face when he lost his cock]...! "...you're gonna make me cum if you keep sucking like that...! Don't you want to fuck...?"

"We don't have a lot of TIME..." reminded Capt [as Spidey pulled him up off his knees]...!

"Don't worry..." assured Spiderman, turning Capt around to face the wall behind them...! "...I'll probably BLOW as soon as I'm IN you...!" he informed, falling to his knees behind Capt as he peeled the spandex down off of his perfect ass...! Capt's hairless [perfectly round] buttock came into view [wearing a white jockstrap]! Spidey had been admiring Capt's ass every-since it was announced on the news that Captain America was found alive in the ice in The Antarctic...! Peeling the pants down off the ass was like being a kid again, opening his first present on Christmas Morning!

Oh wow...just what I've always wanted...!' he said [as a kid], receiving his very first Captain America action figure, incased with a bag full of army men and a special ops unit called: The Howling Commandos'! Spidey couldn't resist lifting his mask midway [revealing only part of his face from the nose down] and shoving his face up in Capt's ass, eating his asshole...! However upon first lick, Spidey tasted sperm, and immediately realized someone had just recently creamed the all American hero's ass...!

Spidey stood up, then wedged his hard cock between Capt's ass cheeks and pushed in...sinking all rock solid 10 inches in deep, spearing his icon on one thrust! Captain America couldn't help pushing his ass back to meet Spidey, wanting ALL of the wall-crawler's prick inside him...!

"I'M AT THE 139TH STREET BRIDGE NOW...BUT I DON'T SEE THE SUSPECT..." informed Ironman [over Capt's intercom], "...I'M DOUBLING BACK NOW...!"

Neither Capt nor Spidey paid much attention to Ironman's message, both streaming forth as Spidey locked his hands around Capt's trim waist, then started fucking his ass as if it were the last ass on the planet!

"Oh god, your hole feels SO GOOD..." gasped Spidey, sliding back and forth [full length], enjoying every deep plunge into the warm sucking depths of Capt's bowels! "...I could just fuck you forever! Your ass was BORN to be fucked, Capt!"

"Yes...! Fuck me, Spiderman...!" panted Capt, looking back at the teenager from over his muscular shoulder...! "Fuck me hard! Pound that ass til you cum! I want to feel it inside me!"

"You want me to cum IN you...?" questioned Peter, studying the side of Capt's face while he fucked!

"Yes! Breed me! Shoot it all IN me! I need it! Please!" begged Capt [the cum pig]!

"There was CUM in your ass when I licked your asshole...! WHO came in you before me...?" asked Spidey, curiously [wanting to know who's cum he tasted...?]!

Capt hesitated...not wanting to OUT anyone...! "WHO...?" repeated Spidey, ramming his cock up Capt's ass extra hard, slamming into that invisible back wall deep in his innards...!

"UHG!" grunted Capt [his hands braced against the alley wall]! "Hawkeye's...!" he admitted, giving in just ass Spidey sent another hard jab into his gut! "UHG! It was Hawkeye!"

"I could definitely SEE that...!" said the wall-crawler, recalling how `protectively' Hawkeye was staring at Capt when they first met [chap-24, again], eyeballing Capt like a jealous husband would his wife on the dance floor with another man...! Spidey imagined Hawkeye probably fucked Capt just as soon as they were back on The Quinn-Jet alone...?...shoving him over the controls and hammering his hard cock straight up Capt's receptive cunt!

Indeed Hawkeye seemed like to possessive type, the kind of guy that fun to hang around with, until you step over that imaginary line and into his territory! While Spidey knew he would hate to be on Hawkeye's bad side...he also couldn't resist POUNDING Capt's ass even harder, shoving him face-flat against the wall and battering his hole from behind like a bulldozer! To his credit Capt took the hard pounding like a man of steel, even pushing his ass back to meet Spiderman thrust for thrust, wanting it ALL up inside him...!

"Oh FUCK...I'm gonna cum..." warned Spidey, feeling his cock swell and throb, becoming super-sensitive as he stroked only a few more times before finally ramming in balls deep for one final plunge...!

"...Arrhhhh shit, Capt...I...I...I'm coming IN you...! ARRHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as the cum suddenly BURST from his pulsating prick, belching huge thick wad after huge thick wad, drenching Capt's innards in a creamy white mass of ball slime!

"UHH...UHH...UHH...OHH..." panted Capt, milking his own load onto the wall in front of him...pumping the last drops onto the alley floor beneath his feet...!

Spidey withdrew...tucking his softening cock back into his red tights, while Capt slowly pulled his blue tights back up over his [just cummed in] ass...!

"uh...thanks..." said Spidey, feeling awkward now...! "...for the terrific fuck...!...and for believing IN me...!"

"You're a good, kid, Spidey..." said Capt [picking up his shield and re-placing it over his back]...! "...just be careful...!" he added, before pulling Spidey IN for a quick kiss on the lips! Spidey felt Capt's lips press against his...then couldn't resist pushing his tongue into the icon's mouth! Capt suckled his wet tongue for a moment, before breaking off and running out of the alley to catch up with his teammates...!

However as soon as he started to reach the opening [where he'd left his bike], Ironman was already ascending from the darkened skies...his 8" erection sticking straight out of the cock-piece of his metal suit...!


Capt stopped in his tracks...looking around for Hawkeye...!

"Where's Clint...?" he asked, curiously!


Capt smirked...

"If you wanted your cock sucked, Tony..., all you needed was ASK...!" said Capt, before falling to his knees and swallowing Ironman's cock to the root with one gulp...!

Spiderman escaped into the night...!



"UHG...! UHG...! UHG...! UHG...! UHH...! OHH...! YES...! YES...! URHHH...! URHHH...! OH YES...! YES...! YES...!" grunted and groaned Maryjane Watson, lying in bed underneath his long time live-in boyfriend [Jordan Graham]...!

Jordan lay on top of his GF naked [his dark brown body in direct contrast to her milky white and flawless skin], humping his hips between her spread legs, driving his ample cock in and out of her deliciously red velvet cunt...! The 2 had been making love for the last 30 minutes, with Jordan crouching down [slightly] to suckle Maryjane's tits, nibbling and pulling at the fat reddish nipples with his mouth, all while sliding his cock in and out of her womanly womb...!

They fucked for an additional 5 full minutes, before Maryjane clutched her arms and legs around Jordan's back and waist [clinging to him like a drowning victim in an ocean] as her cunt started to spasm and snap in orgasm...! Jordan could FEEL Maryjane's pussy squeezing around his cock as he continued to plunge into her...! He humped for only a few more strokes before ramming all the way IN and unloading...!

"ARRHHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as the cum extracted from his contracting balls like glue..., shooting directly into Maryjane's cunt, filling her full of thick creamy ball-juice!

Jordan rolled off of Maryjane after their orgasms were complete..., falling on his back beside her, panting breathlessly as they stared up at the ceiling of their new [strange] home...!

Before either of them could think of a WORD to say...the baby started crying in the next room...!

"I've got it..., you stay here...!" he suggested to his GF, getting out of bed and donning his boxers before leaving Maryjane in bed...!

For some odd reason he felt a creepy vibe running up his spine...! He cautiously walked the hallway towards the baby's room...then pushed the door open to find Flash Thompson standing over the baby's crib...with the baby [cuddled in a blue blanket] in his arms...!

Jordan immediately felt ICE shivers all over his body...!

"Flash..." he said, as Thompson looked up at him and smiled...! "...wha...what'r you doing here, man...?" he couldn't help but ask [secretly wondering HOW he got passed all of the sophisticated alarms implanted all over the house...?]!

"The baby..." said Flash, still holding it [still crying], "...looks just like Maryjane...!"

Jordan's eyes narrowed...! "This should be MY kid..." continued the former HS football star! "...but you STOLE her from me...! I thought we were FRIENDS..., but now I see THAT was a lie too! You never cared about me! You just USED me to become popular and to get ON the team! You were jealous of me! You ALL were! That's why you spread those LIES about me being gay! Why yall made my last year of high school a living hell! YOU wanted me out of the way so you could have Maryjane! I see that now! Your whole LIFE has been a lie! A shadow of MY life! You wished you were ME! But I'm BACK now! And I want what's MINE...!" he concluded, slamming his hands together, smashing the baby in the blanket...causing tiny pieces of porcelain to fall to the floor...!

Jordan watched as the former `friend' he once knew as Flash Thompson, suddenly turned BLACK as night...his eyeballs growing bloodshot and wild, as his teeth became as sharp as razors...! Before he knew it he was standing before a full-fledged MONSTER!

VENOM came charging at the police officer...as Jordan fell back on the ground, then quickly reached for a GUN hidden and taped underneath a nearby table [at the door]! He pointed the specialized weapon up at the monster leaping towards him, and squeezed off as many shots [in succession] as he could...!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHH...!!" screamed Venom, feeling the bullets pierce his skin, causing him to leap further forward, OVER officer Jordan's head and into the hallway behind him!

"Run Maryjane...! RUN...!" warned Jordan, as Maryjane jumped up out of bed and ran for the closet! Pulling open the doors, she shoved back the [his/hers] clothes hanging on rack, just as Venom burst through the bedroom door...!

Maryjane screamed out loud, just as the back wall of her closet collapsed, and out ran police lieutenant Marcus Stone and his CODE: Blue team...all armed with specialty weapons which they quickly unloaded on the monster in Maryjane's bedroom...!

Venom was hit multiple times, as he leaped about the room, trying to dodge the firearms...! His sights focused on the lieutenant, as he leaped down off the wall [his claws poised to slick straight through Stone on contact], when he was suddenly HIT with a sonic-blast...!

"ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he screamed as the blast sent him soaring backwards across the room...! Flash slammed into a dresser [smashing it completely], and found parts of The Symbiont starting to MELT off his skin...!

Flash looked back at the police force attacking him [as officer Dan Fireworks' Fielstein protected Maryjane in the corner of the closet; while lieutenant Stone, and Julius Mag-Dog' Rassitano continued to move forward with their weapons pointed forth; and officer Ruger Rugs' Ruiz rounded the other side of the bed with his sonic' weapon], and KNEW he was out gunned [having underestimated the police]...!

As Stone prepared to go another round with their weapons realizing the sonic gun had an adverse effect on The Symbiont (as informed by Spiderman)...], Flash made a hasty retreat, jumping out of the bedroom window...living to fight again another day...!

"Should we go after him...?" asked Mad-Dog, ready to keep fighting...!

"No..." said Stone, looking out the broken window...! "...he's LONG gone by now...!" he added, looking back into the bedroom as his nephew rushed back in and into the arms of a naked Maryjane...! The 2 hugged desperately...believing they might not have ever seen each other again...!

"Good thing we decided to leave the REAL baby with relatives...!" added Stone [having used the porcelain baby as a decoy]...! "We're gonna have to find them a NEW safe house, though...!" he concluded, knowing Flash would be back at some point...!

NEXT: THE INSIDIOUS SIX [Scorpion, Vulture, Shocker, Mysterio, Night Thrasher, and Transformer]!

If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could join me on my Facebook page under the same name!




Captain America fell to his knees and swallowed Ironman's 8" cock to the root with one gulp...! "UHH..." gasped the billionaire, feeling his cock suddenly incased in Capt's furnace hot throat!

Tony Stark had had his cock sucked by some of the best cocksuckers [male and female] in the world...! Just off the top of his head he could recall: his tutor; his butler [having seen the REAL Jarvis service his father dozens of times while he hid in various hiding places around the mansion they lived in]; the maids; various strippers; his assistants [including Pepper Potts]; several of the geek engineers at Stark Industries; and even a couple of female porn stars he managed to date for a while]..., but none of them compared to feel Captain America's [a national icon] throat wrapped around his cock [now he knew what Hawkeye felt]...!

Capt pressed his face into the metal opening in Stark's metal costume, swallowing his cock whole, and breathing in the aroma of his cock musk as he buried his nose into the gloryhole of his costume...!

Capt pulled back, dragging his lips up the bone of Stark's erection, suckling fabulously on his cockhead before swallowing his cock again...! After a few lighthearted strokes with his mouth, he started to thrust his head back and forth, sucking about the head and shaft feverishly...loving the taste and flavor! Capt had always wondered what Tony Stark's cock tasted like...?...and now he found himself kneeling in front of him in an alley...! Capt recalled blowing Howard Stark as well [Tony's father], while working with him in the military [Howard Stark was a major contributor to the armed forces weaponry division (he's also the one who originally gave Steve Rogers his vibranium shield)...]!

It was eerie how much Tony Stark reminded him of his father, even his cock was similar, almost like blowing Howard all over again...! He bobbed his head back and forth, eating the big dick as it stood stiffly outside the metal gloryhole!

"I'm getting really CLOSE, Capt..." warned Tony, lifting the face-mask of his helmet [automatically], looking down to watch Capt swallow his cock...! "...you might want to back off a bit in about another minute or so...or else...!"

Capt didn't answer...his only response was to tighten his lips and suck harder..., speeding his head-stroke faster, washing his wet tongue along the sensitive underbelly, massaging the urethra!

"Uhh..." moaned Tony [closing his eyes], getting that same familiar feeling when Pepper sucks his cock [just before he cums]...! Capt could SENSE Tony's pending orgasm coming on quickly, prompting him to step up his game as he bobbed faster! His stomach actually GROWLED for the load, as he gobbled down Tony's cock like a kid slurping his favorite candy! "...Arrhhh..." grunted Stark, feeling his cock pulsate and throb, just before swelling and spitting great gobs of cum straight into Capt's awaiting mouth...!

"...ARRHHHHHHH...!" grunted Tony Stark, happy that his Ironman suit was a steady entity, or else he'd have grown weak in the knees and toppled over easily...! He grunted and groaned as his cock spit gob after gob of creamy [billionaire] cum straight down the back of the World War II army vet's throat! Capt gobbled it all down, milking the pulsating shaft with his mouth, drawing out the last of the load before swallowing it all down...!

"That...was..., -for lack of a better word..., FANTASTIC!" thrilled Stark, as Capt pulled off his shrinking manhood and watched it slip back in through the hole before a tiny sliding down sealed it back inside the metal suit!

"No wonder Hawkeye always seem so possessive over you...! I always through it was simply because he felt protective because you were like a fish out of water in our century...but NOW I see it's because you're such a good cocksucker! Does this now mean you're MY bitch as well...?" asked Stark, as Capt got up off his knees [licking his sticky lips]...!

"I think it'd be BEST to keep this between us...!" said Capt, knowing Hawkeye NOR Pepper Potts would take lightly to them having sex...!

"You're secret's safe with ME, Capt...!" said Stark [closing the mask over his face...! "OF COURSE I MAY WANT TO REVISIT THIS MOMENT SOMETIME IN THE NARE FURTURE..., JUST TO REMIND MYSELF THAT IT REALLY HAPPENED...!"

"It'll be my pleasure...!" smiled Capt, as Ironman took off, flying overhead back towards The Tower...!

Capt leaped onto his motorcycle, then tore off down the street in the same direction, knowing Clint would likely want a blow job as soon as they got back...!

Next: Chapter 29

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