By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Dec 30, 2018


Disclaimer: Spiderman and all the characters mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...

THE DEFENDERS ARE: Spiderman, Daredevil, & Luke Cage; 3 reluctant superheroes thrown together by chance, forming an alliance, and hoping to help make the world a better place for the ages...!

OTHERS: Blindspot (stealth suit), Harlem Spider (combined strengths of Spiderman and Green Goblin), Iron Fist (ninja warrior), and Sandman (the ability to change the molecules in his body into any sandy form he desires),

THE PURPLE MAN: Killgrave is a man granted with `the power of suggestion'! Some believe he's a telepath, or a hypnotist, but no one knows for sure how his powers derived OR if he even exist at all...?

THE AVENGERS: CAPTAIN AMERICA (Steve Rogers): greatest war world2 hero frozen in time and reawakened in the 2oth century; HAWKEYE (Clint Barton): circus archer who became an agent of shield; FALCON (Sam Wilson): army specialist in aero dynamics; IRONMAN (Tony Stark): billionaire playboy/weapons manufacturer turned armored superhero; WAR MACHINE (James Rhodes): air force major and long time associate to Stark






Bacon and eggs were frying in a skillet as Antonio Bendino (Blindspot) and attorney Matt Murdock (Daredevil) came down at the call of breakfast!

"Smells good!" said Tony, amused at the sight of Frank Castle (The Punisher) cooking at the stove [a woman's apron (his wife's) around his waist, protecting him from grease splatter]!

"Take a seat..." said Frank [divvying up the plates evenly before placing them in front of his guests at the table]! "...orange juice and coffee's on the counter...!...whichever floats your boats!" he offered, before tossing the skillet in the sink to wash later!

"Matt...?" called Tony, grabbing himself an orange juice!

"Coffee, please? Black. Thanks!" said the blind attorney [taking his seat]!

"Shall we address the ELEPHANT in the room first...?" he asked, as Tony placed a hot cup of coffee in front of him before taking the middle seat between him and Punisher!

"What? Your blindness...?" asked Tony [unsure WHAT Matt was referring to]?

"I kinda figured out awhile ago that you were blind..." he admitted, "...but then I kept thinking he COULDN'T be blind, not with the way he moves in a fight! So what's your deal? Are you blind or what...?" asked the teenager, curiously!

Matt shifted uncomfortably in his seat!

"I was referring to the MAN still tied up in Frank's basement...!" he answered, getting awkward looks from both Tony AND Frank!

"Oh. MY bad!" said Tony, stuffing his mouth with eggs!

"The man in the basement isn't open to debate!" said Frank [biting into a piece of unbuttered toast]!

"Sure he is!" said Matt [staring in Frank's general direction]! "WHAT do you plan to DO with him after you get the information you're looking for...? What if you DON'T get the information you're looking for...?...are you going to kill him? Are you going to kill him anyway whether he gives you the information or not...?

"He's a HUMAN BEING, Frank...! Even ANIMALS deserve better!"

"He's a HITMAN!" argued Frank!

"So are YOU!" challenged Matt!

"I'm no `hitman'..." defended Frank [offended]! "...I don't get PAID for killing people! I PUNISH people!"

"Judge, Jury, and Executioner!" stated Matt!

"That's right!" answered Frank [getting visibly agitated]! "Somebody's gotta DO it! He was sent here to KILL me! What was I supposed to do...?...bake him cookies and sing him a lullaby?"

Tony snickered at the thought...!

"No..." answered Matt, "...but torture, beating...RAPE...?...that's SO beneath you and the POTENTIAL I see in you...!"

"I'm NOT yur pet `project' Matt...!" yelled Frank, slamming his FIST against the table [startling Tony]! "STOP trying to turn me into the MAN you want me to be! Either except me as the man I AM..., or not at all! The Frank Castle yur attempting to recue DIED when his family did!" {as depicted back in chp-15}!

"Rape and violence is NEVER the answer to anything, Frank...!" reasoned Matt [still trying to get through to the tender loving man he made love to]!

"Sometimes raping a man is MORE than just a viscous act of violence..." explained Frank [sounding calmer], (having regained his composure)! "...sometimes it's necessary dominance to get to the TRUTH of things! Sometimes..., it's the ONLY leverage I have to get the information I want!"

"Sex as a weapon...?" suggested Matt!

"If NEED be!" agreed Frank [as the room got silent for a moment]!

Tony KNEW the 2 men weren't just talking about the captive in the basement anymore...!

"When I was a BOY..., I had an accident..." said Matt [turning his attention towards Tony now]! "...that left me legally blind but heightened my OTHER senses to `peak' levels!" he explained!

"So you have like: SUPERPOWERS...?" asked Tony, impressed!

"Kinda!" nodded Matt [taking a bite of bacon]!

"I KNOW what happened to you and your family, Frank...and I know WHO did it and WHY..." he said, causing Frank to SIGH in frustrated response! "...and as always, I SYMPATHIZE with you and your loss...but the things you do...the actions you take in the name of justice, ISN'T justice! Its counter-justice! Killing and raping those who comment crimes IS a crime! It's a violation of the law! It makes YOU no better than they are! There IS no justification of it...especially when there are OTHER ways to get the information you want!

"This is something we will NEVER agree on! You could yell until you're purple in the face! It won't make any difference! Not to me! Because I work FOR justice, and I know the difference between right and wrong! And what you DO Frank..., no matter how noble you THINK it is...it's WRONG! Plain and simple!" said the attorney in Matt, wiping his mouth with a napkin before standing up...!

"Thank you for your hospitality!" he concluded, before walking out!

"urr..." sounded Tony, chasing after him [into the living room]...! "...where'r WE going? Can't we FINISH our breakfast first...?" he asked [wanting to finish eating]!

"YOU can stay here if you want, Antonio..." said Matt, reaching for the front doorknob! "...but I can't stay in a `house of torture'...!"

"Don't be STUPID, Matt..." said Frank [following them into the living room]! "...your HOUSE was blown up by Hydra...your business is in flux ever-since your partner quit because of The Purple Man...! WHERE are you going?"

"To stay at The Defenders' headquarters...!" answered Matt!

"The FIRE station...?" re-termed Frank!

"At least THERE I know there aren't any bodies hidden in the basement!" he chimed, before leaving!

"uh..., THANKS for everything..." said Antonio, standing in the doorway! "...but...I gotta GO with Daredevil...!...we're kind of a TEAM!" he said, before chasing after Matt in the street!

Frank stood on the front porch, watching them walk away..., hoping they would be okay with The Defenders...?



William Baker has been living his life under the radar since becoming the monster known as: The Sandman!

Having gained the amazing ability of changes his body's molecular structure into anything imaginable [after an incident at his job at a nuclear plant bombarded him with radioactive sand]..., all William wanted was to be reunited with the family he lost as a result of his accident {see: chp-19 for details}!

After distancing himself from The Green Goblin and The Insidious Six {ch-39}, he went into hiding and hadn't been heard from since...!...taking low level/paying jobs to support himself [like before], all while keeping a close EYE on his children!

In fact, William went to an underground forger he discovered and created an alias named: Carl Malone, then got a job at his sons school [as janitor] just to be in their lives, making it a rule to see them several times a day [after learning their class schedules]!

Bobby [William's oldest son] now had a girlfriend whom he often held hands with during lunch periods and while walking to and from school together! He'd follow them home [changing his forms to look like different people so they wouldn't suspect being followed], watching his son becoming a MAN as he kissed his girlfriend for the first time behind a building not too far from home!

William beamed, wishing he could BE a part of his boys lives, knowing they were moving ON without him!

His youngest son (Nicolas) wasn't faring as well! Just entering junior high, he got picked on a lot by the older boys looking for a flunky they could fuck with! Nick was a prime candidate, since it was well known that his father [his REAL father] was a known criminal whom Spiderman and the police were looking for! They teased him cruelly, calling him names, telling him that he and his family were `losers', and that he'd never amount to nothing like his ole' man!

William watched [heartbroken] as his son would sit in the boy's restroom and CRY to himself in one of the stalls! Billy wanted to reach out to him so many times, but didn't want to freak his son out any worse than he was! However he did follow the boys who picked on his son...as they skipped class by hanging out in another restroom [where they were known to smoke cigarettes]...! Changing his likeness into a literal MONSTER, he burst into the restroom and scared the literal SHIT out of the boys! The boys shit and pissed themselves as they ran away screaming for their lives...!...just as the period bell rung and a thousand students spilled out into the halls where they found the boys cowering, muttering something about a monster wanting to EAT them! All the students LAUGHED at them [for crapping their pants] when NO monsters were found! Carl Malone came out of the student restroom, telling security that the boys were doing DRUGS in the bathroom...!...having them sent to the principal's office where the boys were later suspended from school for cutting classes and smoking in the boy's room!

William had videotaped the teenagers messing themselves as they ran from the restroom, then posted the video on a social site he knew his son watched, tagging in his name to make SURE he saw it! Nick [and just about every other kid in school] saw the video of the boys crapping themselves [minus the monster] and laughed their asses off at them! The boys were SO humiliated that they had to leave school out of sheer embarrassment!

William Baker was suddenly grateful [for once] that his Sandman powers were useful for someone!




Former police lieutenant: Marcus Andrew Stone was sitting behind the computer monitors, taking in police scans and public surveillance cameras of the city at large, monitoring for potential threats worthy enough to assemble The Defenders...!...when one of his former subordinates (Officer Julius Rassitano) walked in with 2 cups of coffee in his hands...!

"Morning Loot..." he said [out of habit], passing off one of the cups to his former commander...before taking a seat beside him! "...you spent the night here...?" he asked, curiously!

"Yeah..." answered Stone [knowing Julius already knew the answer]! "...what else've I got to DO now that I've been BENCHED by the Mayor...?" he asked [referring to the official disbanding of CODE: Blue], {back in chp-30}!

"I was OFF last night..." said Julius, "...we could've spent some TIME together..." he added [trying not to sound like a love-struck little-girl], (and failing miserably at it)! "...maybe watched a movie, or stayed in...I dunno...!"

Stone smirked, seeing the struggle in Julius NOT to be bitchy!

"You could've always came HERE to sat with me on monitor duty...!" said the older man [offering a resolution]!

"That could've been romantic..., I guess!" agreed Julius [thinking about all the time they might've spent keeping each other from being too bored]!

Just then there was a call over the scanners for police presence in Manhattan, as The Manhattan Chase Bank [where Electro first struck], {chp-7} was under siege by The AVENGERS!

"By the WHO...??!" asked Julius [hoping he was HEARING things]...?

"The Avengers!" answered Stone, putting out an emergency call to all The Defenders, as he and Rassitano suited up in their armored uniforms while waiting for the calvary to arrive...!



The FIRST to arrive out of the sky was The Avengers: IRONMAN & WAR MACHINE! The 2 armored powerhouses landed [hard] on the sidewalk in front of Manhattan's Chase Bank Of America [startling pedestrians milling by on their ways to work], when they suddenly opened FIRE on the front doors, blasting them to smithereens before entering and declaring the bank under a `Heist!'

A lone security guard [an off duty cop] pulled his gun and started SHOOTING at the armored men [his bullets bouncing off easily, ricocheting about the room, endangering civilians]! He was quickly dealt with when a `stinger' arrow suddenly soared into the room, SHOCKING the off duty officer and rendered him unconscious!

Hawkeye appeared in the background, covering the Ironmen from outside!

Ironman and War Machine warned everyone to `stay down and don't move' while they walked to the back of the bank where the VAULT was! But instead of trying to open it [like most criminals]..., they both scanned the vault with their onboard scanners, figuring out the best way to simply RIP the vault off its hinges and take it with them!

Ironman took ONE side while War Machine took the other..., both drilling their ways through the walls to weaken the vault from its foundation...!...then they merely thrust their metal hands into the weakened walls and physically PULLED the entire vault from its resting place...carrying the several TON vault out of the bank in one humongous piece! Citizens nearby took cover while capturing the entire ordeal on their cell phones, some uplinking the scene directly to their social media channels, letting the WORLD see what was happening!

Once outside, the ironmen took to the skies...taking the HUGE vault with them, heading back to Avengers' Tower...!...aided by The Falcon, whom flew with them for `air support' should they need defending...?

Meanwhile in a nearby CAR; Kilgrave was sitting in the back of a dark tented Town Car [being chauffeured by Hawkeye] while Captain American gave him HEAD in the backseat! "YES!" cheered Kilgrave [ecstatically], as he watched The Avengers take off with his MONEY! Capt never lifted his head as he sat beside Kilgrave, leaning over in his seat with his head bobbing in the purple man's lap, sucking his cock because he was TOLD to!

"Follow the money!" ordered Kilgrave, as Hawkeye jumped back into the driver's seat and spun around, following the vault down the main road!

"Yes...!...I just LOVE it when a perfect plan comes together...!" thrilled Kilgrave, knowing he now had ALL the power in the world in The Avengers..., and realizing there wasn't a place on EARTH secure enough to keep them out! He'd soon have all the finances of THE WORLD at his disposal!

Captain America HEARD everything happening around him...but was powerless to stop it as he felt COMPELLED to suck the strange man's tasty cock to completion!

Ever-since they left Avengers' Tower, Kilgrave ordered Capt to undo his pants and suck his cock...!...keeping him on EDGE as he didn't want to blow his load too soon! Capt didn't hesitate as he started fumbling with the well-dressed man's expensive [Armani] belt and fasten...pulling his already stiff 8" cock from the opening of his purple pants before leaning in to suck it! Capt was AMAZED at Kilgrave's stamina, the man fucked The Avengers SO MANY TIMES last night, coming multiple times, shooting his loads in HIM and Falcon more times than they could count...!...yet STILL he was hard! Kilgrave had never been more excited before in his LIFE! He always knew he could use his powers to get what he wanted...but he didn't dare dream BIG until he managed to snare the superhero Luke Cage under his power! The 6'3" 350lbs black muscled man was completely under his spell, even surrendering his fat black butt whenever he wanted! NOW he had The AVENGERS under his spell!

The WORLD was his oyster!

Capt sucked his way up and down Kilgrave's slick hard cock, tightening his lips hungrily about the shaft, lapping at it gently with his slithering tongue and drawing it in deep with his suction and deep throat skills! Capt didn't want to suck the strange man's cock, but he couldn't stop himself from giving it his all...!...that is until he felt Kilgrave's cock beginning to throb wantonly, causing him to pull off abruptly to keep from making him cum too soon [Kilgrave wanted to be `edged']!

Kilgrave felt himself getting close to coming [far too excited]...and was grateful when Capt pulled off, sparing him the indignity of coming too soon! He watched his spit-wet cock pulsate thickly as it started to calm down...returning to normal before Capt moved back in and started sucking all over again! Kilgrave couldn't help feeling triumphant, as The Avengers [the most powerful team on the planet] protected and stole for HIM, leaving no one able to stop them! The money was as good as HIS...as he leaned back in his seat and watched Captain America [the world's darling hero] suck his cock in the middle of Manhattan like a Times Square whore! To UP his excitement, Kilgrave reached down into the back of Capt's tight fitting star-spangled uniform to finger his ass-pussy...!...feeling the last load he'd shot inside him earlier that morning now coating his digging digits as he darted them in and out of his anus!

Hawkeye couldn't help looking in the rearview mirror as Capt blew their captor and guest! He too HATED what Kilgrave was doing to them..., but was also helpless to do anything about it, forced to protect him against his will!

"Ooooohhh yeeessss..." moaned the purple man, leaning his head back against the seat rest, loving the feel of Mr. America's hot mouth sliding smoothly along his shaft!

"...suck that cock you American PIG...!" he muttered mindlessly, running his hands through Capt's plush blonde hair, feeling the superhero bob faster, sensing his meal close at hand! "Finish me off!" announced Kilgrave, spreading his legs and giving The First Avenger full access to his cock as Steve started to pound his face down into his lap, swallowing him to the root with every downward plunge of his throat!

"Oooooohhh fuck...you're such a good cocksucker..." thrilled the Brit, feeling delirious with happiness and lust! "...you're going to make me cum with that wonderful MOUTH of yours...!" whimpered the purple man, seeing stars as he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable eruption in his balls! "ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG...!!" he yelled as he suddenly came, coming hard as Steve Rogers (aka: Captain America) buried his face in his pubes, locking the erupting cock in his throat just as it started to jerk and spurt, shooting great gobs of cum into his all-American stomach!

"OOooooh yeaaahhh...life is GOOD...!" smiled Kilgrave, looking out the back seat's passenger window to see his vault still flying safely back to the Tower!

"uh, sir..." said Hawkeye [from the front seat], (as Capt milked the last droplets of cum from Kilgrave's softening prick)...! "...I think we may have TROUBLE brewing...!" he informed, looking up at Ironman from the front windshield!

"What...?" asked Kilgrave [slowly coming out of his reverie]! "What is it...? What're you talking about...?" he insisted, trying to see for himself!

Up ahead, a police helicopter came out of nowhere..., telling The Avengers to `return the safe' before they opened fire! Falcon sped ahead, spreading his specially designed metal Stark wings and propelled forward with the jet-backpack on his back! Darting BY the chopper, he SLICED the helicopter's propellers with his wings, cutting straight through them and severely crippling the chopper as it started to go down quickly, spinning out of control until it CRASHED into the side of an office building before tumbling to the ground below in a ball of flaming fire [killing everyone inside] before EXPLODING on the ground [killing others]!

Deep-down inside The Avengers mourned the deaths of those policemen and citizens, but physically they couldn't DO anything...!...as they were completely under the control of Kilgrave!

The ironmen continued forward, with Falcon riding beside them [protectively]! They were starting to gain more altitude [heading straight for The Tower] when a small SANDSTORM suddenly popped up out of nowhere in the middle of Manhattan!

It seemed to be on a direct course with the ironmen and the vault...as Falcon was sent ahead to scout it out! Sam Wilson (aka: Falcon) flew in close to the quick moving storm, which by accounts seemed to be moving FASTER than the wind around it! Sam did a quick analysis on his forearm computer console, and determined the storm had HIGH traces of nuclear fallout trapped within it! This caused Falcon to avoid entering the sandstorm at all costs!

He had just sent his finding back to The Ironmen's onboard computers..., when he was suddenly SLAPPED out of the sky by a huge HAND [which formed out of the sand]!

"WHAT THE HELL...?" surprised War-Machine, watching as Falcon crashed [hard] onto a nearby rooftop! "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK..." he said to the other Avengers [still holding onto his portion of the vault], (keeping it afloat)...!...as he pointed his right arm at the storm and FIRED off 2 missiles [to see if he could disburse it somehow]...? The missiles flew directly into the storm, as 2 holes seemed to open up to swallow the missiles directly! The Ironman waited, but there was no explosion [it was as if the missiles disappeared into thin air]! The Ironmen decided it would be best to change course and go AROUND the storm to avoid any possible damage...?...but the storm moved with them, cutting them off as it swallowed them up completely, causing them [AND the vault] to disappeared from sight within its thick density...!

Anyone looking up wondered WHAT happened to The Avengers...?...when the VAULT suddenly came falling down out of the sky [HEAVILY]...!...smashing to the ground with the impact of a small meteorite! Ironman and War-Machine came tumbling out of the sky together, both of their systems clogged with thick particles of SAND, the heavy particles making it impossible for them to stay airborne! The 2 men CRASHED to the ground like fallen satellites, their billion dollar suits suddenly reduced to trashcans!

"What's going ON here, gentlemen...?" asked William Baker (aka: The Sandman), taking on his `human' form as he touched down to the ground! "What's this I HEAR of The Avengers turning into criminals...? Say it isn't so! That's MY job!" joked Baker, just as he was suddenly STRUCK in the face with a fast moving FOOT!

His JAW hit the ground [literally], as he turned to find the friendly neighborhood: SPIDERMAN swinging into view!

"Up to your old TRICKS again, Sandman...?" said Spidey, kicking aside a fire hydrant, causing a ton of city water to gush UP into the air...!....using his foot to guide the water in Sandman's direction, looking to make quick waste of him by drowning his sand particles in the overflow {just as he defeated him in chp-19}!

But Sandman was able to disburse his body in different directions at once, splitting his atoms to create a large HOLE in his center for the water to pass through [harmlessly]!

"You got me ALL WRONG, web-head..." defended Baker! "...I'm NOT the one stealing the vault...!...THEY are!" he informed [on deaf ears]!

"LIKELY story, hour-glass..." said the young hero, leaping back into battle [as he tried to drop-kick Sandman again], (off guard)! "...but The Avengers are respected HEROES the world over...!...while you..., you're just a washed up villain who can't even keep up his child support payments!"

"Low blow, wall-crawler..." said Baker, flatting his form just as Spidey tried to kick him in the face [again]...!...causing the web-slinger to overshoot his target, soaring straight by him as Baker then stretched out an elongated arm and punched Spidey in the back [with the force of a brick wall], sending him tumbling into the street (amateurishly)!

"...I MAKE my child support payments...!...AND I make them legally!" proclaimed the antagonist!

Spidey glanced over at the 2 Ironman [who were in the middle of ejecting the sand particles from their circuitries through their internal exhausts]...!

"uh...a lil' HELP, gentlemen...?" he requested, just as Ironman stood up and aimed his hands at them [causing Spiderman's spidey-sense to tingle], (warning him of imminent danger)...!...firing off several blasts of concussive force, shooting up everything in sight [as Spiderman ducked], (jumping, leaping, somersaulting, cart wheeling, and back-flipping out of dodge)! "HEY..." he shouted, hiding behind a barrier [as civilians ran for their lives]! "...I'm one of the GOOD guys!" he defended, waiting for them to recognize him!

"You're NOT listening, kid..." said Sandman [slithering by on the ground like a sand-snake]! "...THEY weren't trying to stop me..., I was trying to stop THEM! THEY'RE the ones that stole that vault!"

"They COULDN'T have..." defended Spidey [despite the evidence contrary]! "...they're HEROES...!...and you're...not!"

"I've CHANGED, web-head..." insisted Sandman [turning back into human form as he hid behind the same barrier as Spiderman], (side by side)! "...I don't hang out with CREEPS like The Goblin and Electro anymore...! I have my KIDS to think about! A FAMILY to raise!"

"Unfortunately you should've thought of them BEFORE you chose a life of crime...!" said Spiderman [as the shooting stopped], (indicating The Ironmen were on the move)!

"Everyone's entitled to a MISTAKE every once-in-a-while..." defended Baker, "...I had NO IDEA what The Goblin had in stored for you after you were caught..." {see: chp-38 (when he stopped The Insidious-6 from killing Spiderman) for details}! "...had I known...I never would've joined them!

"I'm NO murderer!"

"But you ARE a rapist..." argued Spidey [recalling how The-6 raped him in Osborn's laboratory]! "...and a MENACE to society!"

"The Daily Bugle says the SAME about you!" challenged Sandman [shutting Spiderman down]!

"Okay..." said the wall-crawler [looking around the corner to SEE The Avengers lifting the vault back into the air]! "...we'll call a truce for NOW..." he agreed, before coming out of hiding! "...but after we stop The Avengers and find out what's REALLY going on..., I'm sending YOU to prison where you belong!"

"If you can CATCH me, it's a deal!" agreed Sandman [as he and Spidey started after The Avengers]!

Spiderman managed to SNAG Ironman's boot with a web-line, as he tried to ANCHOR him to the ground [to keep him from flying off]! Sandman did the same to War-Machine, elongating his arms to latch onto his feet, then turning his entire body to solid concrete, trying to keep HIM grounded]! But War-Machine was simply able to use his sonic-cannon to BLOW Sandman's concrete body into pieces, sending him screaming in agony in different directions! Spiderman was unable to anchor BOTH Ironmen..., as they physically YANKED him from the ground and took him skyward with them, resuming their mission to head back to Avenger's Tower!

"This's CRAZY...!" thought Spidey [aloud], climbing his web-line for a hand to hand fight he knew he would regret! But before he could make physical contact, Ironman activated an electrical charge in his suit, sending the JOLT straight down Spidey's web-line and SHOCKING Spiderman, causing him to lose grip of his web as he fell backwards towards the ground [and certain death]!

He fell straight down, barely conscious, and certainly in no position to save himself! The people on the ground GASPED aloud, as Spidey fell between 2 buildings, heading straight for the ground below...!...when he was suddenly SAVED by falling into a large spider-web!

Spiderman slowly opened his eyes...realizing he WASN'T dead!

"Wh...who'r YOU...?" he asked, sitting up, staring at another `spiderman' [clinging to the side of a wall]...!

"I'm Wil..." paused the young black kid (14y/o Will Morrison), [his face obstructed by his dark hoodie]! "...Miles..." he corrected [recalling that he and his dad were now using aliases to hide from The Goblin]! "...Miles Morales! I have SPIDER powers too!"

"How's that possible...?" asked Spiderman [leaping OUT of Miles's web to cling to the side of the building alongside him], (exchanging looks)!

"I was STUCK with a syringe containing yours and The Goblin's DNA's..." explained the kid [reminding Spidey of his captivity with The Insidious-6], {chps-38 & 39}!

"...somehow...it gave me THESE powers...!"

"Let's TALK about it later..." suggested Spidey [feeling his spidey-sense tingle], "...LOOK OUT!" he warned [pushing Miles out of the way just in time], as the red, white, and blue SHIELD of Captain America came out of nowhere..., HITTING Spiderman head-on, and knocking him out of the air and onto his ass as he smashed onto the hood of a parked car!

The shield returned to Capt's hand as he watched over his teammates (Ironman & War Machine) soaring skyward, out of harm's reach! Capt was just about to retreat when Miles suddenly started to charge him! Capt when on defense, readying himself for a hand to hand confrontation when the fast moving teenager suddenly VANISHED into thin air! Capt looked perplexed, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him [he was over 90yrs old, after all]..., when some invisible Force suddenly attacked him! He couldn't see WHO it was, but the individual was strong AND fast!

Tagging Capt several times, Miles managed to HIT him while avoiding being detected! He had no idea HOW he accessed the power of invisibility [didn't even know he could DO it]...?...but so long as it worked, he'd continue to use it, back-kicking Capt across the street into the side of a taxi cab! HAWKEYE got out of the car he was chauffeuring and pulled a specialized arrow from his Sliver, shooting it in the direction of Capt's fight, sending up a smoke screen designed to see the unseen! In the foggy haze the silhouette of Miles could be seen lurking near Capt! Capt took THAT opportunity to HIT the teenager back, sending Miles soaring back into the front grill of a truck, temporarily knocking the wind from his lungs!

"Thanks, Hank!" beamed Capt, tossing a head NOD in Hawk's direction!

Hawkeye nodded back, then got back into the Town Car to take Killgrave back to their headquarters [to await his money]! Capt followed on foot..., leaving Spiderman, Miles Morales, and Sandman [whom was slowly piecing himself back together] behind in the dust!

"How embarrassing...!" sighed Spiderman [coming to], as he climbed down off someone's car! He rushed over to the black kid's side..., rolling him over to check his vitals [making sure he was alive]!

"OH..." gasped Spidey [seeing the boy for the first time]! "...your FACE..." he startled, as Miles rolled away, pulling his hoodie back overhead [hiding his mug]! "...what HAPPENED to you...?...are you alright...?!"

"I'm FINE..." said Miles [already self-conscious about the way he looked now]! "...it was a...side-effect of the transformation...!" explained the kid...!...before suddenly turning back around, staring back up into Spidey's face [mask-2-mask]!

"Aren't YOU deformed too...?" he asked [having assumed that was why Spiderman wore a mask in the first place]!

"No..." answered Peter Parker (aka: Spiderman)! "...I look REGULAR underneath...just hiding my secret identity!" he assured!

"Good for you!" chimed Miles [feeling SPECIAL] now (in a BAD way)!

"WHAT do we do now...?" asked the boy [changing the subject], as Sandman finally joined them on the sidewalk!

"Well..." said Spidey, looking up at the energy signatures left behind from the 2 ironmen! "...ain't like we don't know WHERE they're going...!" he suggested!

"We going in with a PLAN this time...?..." asked Miles, curiously! "...or are we just going in for another ass-kicking...?"

"Ass-kicking seems imminent!" joked Spidey, knowing they were severely underpowered to affect The Avengers [even minus 2 members]!

Just then CODE: Blue's Swat Truck pulled up to a stop in front of them..., as team members: Marcus Stone (Deathlok), Julius Rassitano (Mad-Dog), Daredevil, Blindspot, Luke Cage, & Iron Fist got out of the truck...all reporting to duty [to save the day]!

"Anybody need backup...?" asked Stone [carrying the heavy artillery]!

"Definitely!" laughed Spiderman, filling everyone IN on what happened!

Soon after The Defenders took off for Avengers' Tower...which loomed ominously in near distance...!



The ironmen arrived at Avenger's Tower...entering through the hanger at the top of the building, placing The VAULT on the main floor just as Kilgrave and Hawkeye arrived unblemished!

"My MONEY...!" smiled Kilgrave [greedily], thinking of the millions inside! "Open the vault!" he insisted, wanting to roll around NAKED in his loot!

War-Machine turned his arm into a laser-torch...then started to BURN a way into the vault at Kilgrave's request! Ironman pulled the vault door open...as the entire vault [containing less than 500 thousand] was revealed!

"Is that all...?" asked Kilgrave, stepping into the vault, fully expecting millions of dollars on hand! "Where's my money...?!" he shouted, wanting more!

"Banks don't normally hold that much cash inside the vault..." explained Hank (Hawkeye), "...to avoid robberies such as THIS...!" he added [ironically]!

"And you couldn't have TOLD me this earlier...?" asked Kilgrave [feeling this was all a colossal waste of town]!

"You didn't ask!" said Hawkeye, getting a NASTY look from his master!

Kilgrave was just about to tell Hawkeye to take a long walk off the edge of the building [falling to certain death]...when 2 unexpected visitors suddenly showed up...!

"Aye..." sounded Thor (the god of thunder) and David Banner (aka: The HULK)...walking in after arriving late...! "...whilst going on...?"

"ah..." said Kilgrave, "...more TOYS to play with...!" he smiled, devilishly...!


If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments, questions, and/or suggestions. Also check out my other fantasy titles: X-Men Tales, and The Libidinous Avengers! Join me on Facebook under the name Eugene Marvin, for updates on what I'm working on next!


Next: Chapter 64: Spiderman and the Defenders 64

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