By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on May 20, 2019


Disclaimer: Spiderman and all the characters mentioned within are trademarks of Marvel Comics Inc.! Now onto the story...

THE DEFENDERS ARE: Spiderman, Daredevil, & Luke Cage; 3 reluctant superheroes thrown together by chance, forming an alliance, and hoping to help make the world a better place for the ages...!

OTHERS: Blindspot (stealth suit), Harlem Spider (combined strengths of Spiderman and Green Goblin), Iron Fist (ninja warrior), and Sandman (the ability to change the molecules in his body into any sandy form he desires), Punisher (vigilante)


BLADE: The Daywalker, half-human/half-vampire, a hybrid, with all of the strengths of a vampire and none of the weaknesses.

Priest: a holy man turned vampire killer after seeing his congregation slaughter by blood-thirsty vamps.

CROSSBOW: was a truck-driver whom came across a vampire masquerading as a cocksucker in a rest-stop gloryhole, and was nearly drained dry until Blade walked in and intervened.





A group of rowdy teenagers were rounded up by police, after reports from citizens complaining of the teens blasting loud music and profanity while hanging out in a local residential area! The boys were all wrestled to their knees and searched for drugs and weapons! When nothing was found, they were all handcuffed and placed into the backs of 2 awaiting paddy-wagons!

The boys complained of police brutality' and unlawful arrests', claiming they knew their `rights' and were being targeted because they were minorities! The 4 officers didn't drive them to the local precinct like the teens expected..., instead they were taken to a bridge underpass..., the officers pulling them out and forcing them into the mouth of the darkened tunnels leading into the city's underground sewer systems!

"Wait...what the fuck is this...?!" asked one of the 5 boys, resisting! "I ain't goin' the fuck in there!" argued the teen, refusing to walk willingly [his hands still cuffed behind his back]!

"Yeah...you ARE!" said one of the officers, pulling an unregistered gun and placing it at the back of the boy's head..., telling your friends to `move, or die'!"

The teenagers saw their friend's life in jeopardy...then started to walk forward..., uncertain what awaited them down the dark tunnel as the officers lingered back outside [watching]!

"Man...this shit's crazy..." said one of the teens, unable to see 2ft. in front of them! "...I can't see a damn thing! Why the fuck did they drop us off here...? This's crazy!"

"Who the fuck knows, man...?" answered another teen, "Since WHEN do cops explain the shit they do to us...?"

"Shh..." shushed one of the boys, "...I hear something!" he said, as they all stopped walking and started listening to the noises in the distance [in the dark], coming their way!

"What the fuck IS that...?" asked one of them, unable to pinpoint the sounds!

"I dunno..." said another, "...but its get'n closer whatever `it' is!"

Just then, something JUMPED out of the deep dark and landed on top of one of the boys...!...knocking him to the ground before slashing at his face with CLAWS!

"URRHHHHHHGGG...!!!" screamed the dying boy, as his blood splattering everywhere!

"HOLY FUCK..." yelled his friends, backing away, just as the `animal' bent forward and BIT into the side of the boy's neck, ripping out his juggler!

"...LET'S GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" screamed the boys, just as MORE monsters jumped out of the darkness, grabbing another cuffed teen and attacking him easily! The 3 surviving boys ran back to towards the entrance, yelling for help as the cops waiting for them with their weapons drawn...!...firing on the boys, shooting them in their legs to keep them from making it back into the sunlight! The boys fell on their faces, screaming aloud for HELP...!...one of their screams falling silenced when he was grabbed and quickly DRAGGED back into the darkness and eaten!

The last 2 friends crawled [as best they could] into the light, trying to stay alive!

"WHY aren't they coming for these two...?" asked one of the officers!

"Its daylight, stupid..." reminded one of the officers, "...they can't come out until night time...!"

"So whatta we DO with them...?" asked another officer!

"We DRAG them back in!" said the lead officer!

The other cops looked nervous...not wanting to go anywhere NEAR the dark, as they started towards the kids, looking to drag them back in!

"NO! NOOO...!!" screamed the boys, fighting back as the cops grabbed them roughly and started to drag them across the ground back towards the mouth of the tunnel!

Just then one of the officers noticed a vehicle barreling towards them from the distance!

"Who the fuck is that...?" asked the cop, catching his brethren's attentions as they all turned to see the vehicle coming their way!

"Whoever they are...they're witnesses..." said the lead cop, pulling his gun! "...which means, they're DEAD!" he added, as the 4 officers all aim their weapons and began shooting...!

"Shit..." cursed Dan Fielstein (Fireworks), swerving the Swat truck [as bullets bounced off of the bulletproof windshield]! "...they're firing on us...! WHERE'S the frontline defense...?!" he asked, as his partners: Enforcer (Ruger Ruiz), and Bluestreak (Jordan Graham) held on for dear life in the back [getting thrown about the back of the truck]!

Just then an ARROW came out of nowhere, shooting straight through the head of one of the officers [as he fell to the ground in front of them: dead]!

"WHAT THE FUCK...??!" shouted the lead cop, as 2 wooden stakes shot into the chest [and hearts] of 2 another officers, as both cops fell to the ground, crying out in pain!

The lead/lone officer looked UP just as Blade and his 2 partners (Priest & Crossbow) all descended from the overhead bridge on zip-line cables, landing in front of him on their feet [Vampire Hunters back in town again]!

"wh...who...are you guys...?!" asked the officer, trembling frantically [aiming his gun at Blade's head, his finger on the trigger]!

"We're what they call: The Cavalry!" said Blade [wearing his signature black shades and mean demeanor], swinging his sword and swiftly cutting off the cop's hand and weapon! The cop screamed in serious pain, holding his arm close to him, gushing blood!

The Swat Van pulled up as the former officers of CODE: Blue jumped out to aid the surviving teenagers...pulling them from impending danger to administer AID to them in the back of their truck! When they went back to get the fallen officers, Blade said: "Leave them!"

Ruger (Enforcer) hesitated...!

"But they're alive..." he argued, "...they're fellow officers...!" he reasoned [seeing a brother, a fellow `boy in blue']!

"What they ARE, are racial murderers aiding Vampires and betraying the human species...!" corrected Blade [showing the corrupt officers no mercy]!

"They deserve to die!"

"They `deserve' to have their day in COURT to be convicted of the CRIME against these teenagers'...!" argued Ruger! "WE uphold the law! We're NOT judge, Jury, and executioners! If we kill them then we're no better than THEY are...!"

"Wrong..." countered Blade, "...we're Vampire Hunters...!...we uphold the rights of humanity by killing and eliminating vampires and ANYONE who assist them..." corrected Blade, coldly! "...and that definitely include these corrupt officers...!

"They deserve the same FATE they condemned to these boys...!"

"That's not your call!" argued Ruger! "I CAN'T let you murder these officers...! They have a RIGHT to fight their day in court! It's the LAW!"

"Not MY law..." snarled Blade [showing the whites of his fanged teeth], before KICKING one of the corrupt cops and sending him flying backwards into the tunnel...!...where he landed on his back and ass, sliding further into the darkness! Ruger listened as the officer started screaming...his limbs being ripped from his body as he was physically torn apart by viscous vamps living in the sewers! "...they have NO rights!"

Enforcer pulled his enhanced weapon on Blade...!...as Crossbow and Priest went on the defense...!

"WHAT did you think you were signing up for when you offered to JOIN us on this hunt, Officer...?" asked Blade, as Ruger stood his ground [his partners (Fireworks & Bluestreak) standing in the background, speechless!

"I dunno..." answered Ruger, "...but it wasn't to MURDER humans...!" he added [sympathizing with the dead/dying officers]!

"You have a CHOICE to make, Officer..." said Blade [unfazed by the gun aimed at him]! "...are you with' us, or against' us...?" he asked, waiting for an answer!

"Rug..." called his partner (Jordan), "...they weren't our brothers..." he insisted [not wanting to see anything happen to his friend]! "...they were FEEDING these boys to the vamps...! Put your weapon down!"

"You can't be serious..." said Ruger, looking back at his coworker! "...they were HUMAN!"

"We have to put DOWN humans who hunt on other humans all the time..." reasoned Jordan, "...this is NO different! I don't know about you...but I won't lose any sleep over the deaths of these 4 corrupt cops...!...especially after seeing what they did to these kids!"

Ruger lowered his weapon...

"I hope YOU can live with it, Jordan..." said the Rican officer, heading to the back of the van [to help aid the injured teens]! "...because I can't! I QUIT!"

"Rug...!" called Fireworks [believing his friend taking it too far]!

"Let him go..." said Blade, "...not everyone have the HEART to do what need be done to keep humanity safe!" he stated, turning towards the mouth of the tunnel, his eyes squinting behind his darkened shades, seeing into the darkness!

"It's KILLING time!" he said, as he and his fellow hunters (Crossbow & Priest) charged into the darkness [to kill off the remaining vampires]!

"Ruger...you coming, man...?" asked Fireworks, as he and Jordan lingered back [waiting for their third member]!

"No..." said Ruger, taking off his armored plating [to better help the injured boys]! "...yall go ahead, I'll stay here!" he insisted!

Jordan and Dan looked at each other...then suited up before rushing in behind The Hunters...firing their weapons at any vamps coming their way! It took 2 hours to clear the sewer system, with no sign of Morbius anywhere in sight!



The 2 surviving teens were taken to an area hospital to have their gunshot wounds taken care of by doctors! The boys were encouraged to tell the medical staff their story, although they knew it was likely no one would believe the boys were abducted by NYPD's finest and fed to vampires living under the streets of New York!

"HOW could something this monumental stay OUT of the news papers and social media...?" asked Jordan, back at The Vampire Hunters' lair [an old abandoned warehouse on pier-107 in Brooklyn]! "I mean, from the attack at the gay night club and my uncle losing his ARM..." {chps-42 & 43}! "...to THIS...how could it NOT be on the news outlets...?!"

"Easy..." said Blade [as everyone relaxed and winded down after a successful night of slaughter]! "...'they' OWN the media...!" said the hunter, shocking the officers aiding them! "THINK about it..." said the daywalker [taking off his leather jacket and weapons]! "...you can't take a PISS in this city without it showing up on the news as `front page' headlines...!...yet not a WORD about blood-sucking vampires stalking innocent humans on the streets at night!

"Why is that...?"

"Maybe because city officials don't want to put the public in a panic...?" suggested Dan (Fireworks)!

"So they keep leading them to the slaughter by not announcing it...?" questioned Blade! "THINK about it...they OWN the media...just like they owned those cops tonight!"

"It's crazy, but it makes sense...!" agreed Jordan, seeing the logic!

"WHY would humans aid vampires in killing other humans...? It only hastens the demise of the human race...!" questioned Dan [unable to see the logic]!

"Vampires promise humans immortality..." explained Priest [kissing his Stole before hanging it up on a hook (in his own private area) for safe keeping]! "...they lure or entice humans to do their biding by promising them everlasting life in return for their loyal services!

"Most people believe we're going to Hell in and hand basket anyway...so they try to jump ship and get a lil' something out of it by making deals with the devil"

"Yeah..." chimed Crossbow [gently placing his bow and arrows aside at close hand]! "...but they neglect to tell them that they can only achieve immortality as vampires...! So these dumb sons-of-bitches DO everything the vamps ask of them...only to be slaughtered later and turned into zombie anyway!"

"People!" sighed Blade in disgust, fed-up with how easily people turn on each other!

Jordan took off his gear...then pulled a tiny picture he kept hidden in his vest pocket of his wife (Maryjane) and their baby...!...looking at it longingly...wishing he had time to go home and see them [if just for a moment]! Dan [his CODE:Blue coworker] walked over and took a seat nearby...watching Jordan stare at the picture of his family...!

"We'll see them again..." he said, missing his own wife and kids [whom Blade suggested they put into hiding until the vampire war was over]! "...this WAR can't last forever...!"

"No...?" asked Jordan, tucking the picture [as he continued to remove more gear]! "...its already been a MONTH...and we're no closer to finding this Morbius guy now than we were before we joined this group of misfits!"

"Takes TIME, kid..." said Crossbow (John), kicking back on his cot with hands folded behind his head [as he watched a movie on his IPhone]! "...Priest and I've been chasing Morbius with Blade for a couple of YEARS now...!"

Jordan looked back at his friend Dan!

"`YEARS'!" he repeated [realizing it could be YEARS before they saw their families again]!

"I'm sure he's exaggerating...!" assured Dan, looking around at the others for confirmation! Blade simply looked up at the skylight panels...determining the position of the looming sun before saying...

"Sun will be up in another hour or so..." he estimated [without looking at the time]! "...I suggest we all get some sleep before searching the sewers again!

"We'll go hunting at 10am!" he added, before heading up the metal stairs to the manager's office on the second level [his personal private chambers]!

"Whatever..." said Jordan, pulling his shirt off overhead before flinging it aside! "...I've got to go shower..." he stated, getting a whiff of himself! "...I gotta get this dead vamp stench off of me!" he added, before heading for the shower room!

Dan watched his friend disappear into the shower area...as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of his own wife and kids...missing them terribly! He sat the photo aside, then pulled his own shirt off overhead, before getting off his bunk and heading for the shower area also...!

Crossbow simply smiled, as he watched Dan's clothed ass disappear into the showers...!

Priest watched Blade go upstairs to his room...and couldn't help but notice how wobbly he looked, despite trying his best to hide it! Priest looked around to make sure everyone was preoccupied [with John busy watching tv on his IPhone with earplugs; Dan daydreaming over a family photo; and Jordan somewhere in the shower room bathing] before taking a walk up to Blade's room on the second level...!

Blade was inside, pulling his katana off his back to hang on a hook in his room [a room which consisted of nothing but an old desk, chair, empty file cabinet, and a mattress on the floor]! Blade was taking off his leather jacket and black t-shirt...when he SENSED someone nearby, watching!

"You want something, Priest...?" he asked [without looking], as the priest peered inside before closing the door behind him...!

"Yes..." said the father, walking into the room [uninvited]! "...are you alright...?" he asked, as Blade unwrapped tape from about his wrists [making his punches more solid]!

"You seemed kinda...wobbly going up the steps! Did you exert more energy than you anticipated this evening...? Do you require...juicing up?"

Blade snickered! "Juicing..." he said, glancing back over at the priest! "...is THAT what you and John call it...?" he asked [feeling disrespected]! "Is this some JOKE to you...?" he accused, getting angry! "Am I a joke...?!" he questioned!

"No..." answered Priest [somewhat frightened], "...that's NOT how we meant it...! We weren't making FUN of you! We know how important this is! We don't take it lightly!"

Blade smirked as he calmed down and continued unwrapping his other wrist!

"Yeah..." he said in a low toned voice [hating to admit it]! "...I could stand for a...shot!" he confessed!

Priest stepped in closer...! "Are you SURE you're okay with this...?" asked Blade, "...I just FED off of you this morning...! Are you SURE you're ready for another round so soon...?"

"I'll admit it's a bit DRAINING..." said Priest, undoing his pants before leaning back against the old desk! "...but I'm sure I can handle it more than once every-other-day if I have to!"

Blade said nothing in response, as he walked over to the priest and knelt in front of him on the floor! Blade could FEEL the hungry building inside him! He usually didn't feed until just before a battle, after a good rest, when he woke up! John was supposed to be his NEXT meal...but Priest was doing him a `solid' by letting him feed on him twice in one day! Blade reached up and grasped Priest's hips...then slowly lowered his dark leather jeans from around his waist, revealing his soft flaccid penis [surrounded by a dense black haired forest]! Blade picked up Priest's penis and aimed it at his mouth before leaning in to swoop it up between his lips! Priest watched as Blade (a human/vampire hybrid) feasted on his dick for breakfast...!...suckling and slurping as his cock started to stiffen and harden in his mouth, growing in length as the vampire hunter started bobbing his head back and forth!

"oohh..." moaned Priest, gripping the edges of the desk as he leaned back against it for support! He could feel Blade's jaws tightening in around his shaft, drawing him in deeper, his wet slithering tongue lapping at the stiff underbelly, caressing the urethra and trying to coax the cum out of him!

Priest had his issues with Blade, the blowjobs, sinning, and the church! He believed what he was doing [sexually] was a sin, but knew it was necessary to sustain Blade's hunger and keep him from going full-fledge vampire! It was a necessary evil, something he needed to do to keep Blade fighting for humanity! Yet the blowjobs felt so good...!...alluring...as he surrendered himself and gave in!

Blade [having retracted his fangs] slid his mouth hungrily up and down the long hard shaft, burying it in his throat repeatedly every time he buried his face in the pubes! Priest couldn't help but moan aloud, tossing his head back majestically, loving the feeling surrounding his cock!

Luckily Blade was never one to play with his food! When he sucked cock he sucked it nonstop, wanting the nectar hidden inside rather than just enjoying the hard cock in his mouth! Whistler [the man whom saved and raised Blade as a child] taught him sperm was an acceptable substitute to drinking human blood, having carried many of the life-giving nutrients needed to sustain a vampire for a few hours before needing to replenish! It wasn't quite as affective as drinking someone's blood [which a vampire could live on for a week], but it was far less lethal to humans and a constant source human males could replace! Whistler taught Blade how to suck the sperm out of his cock, feeding the boy several times a day before finally realizing it was slowly draining him dry! Whistler came up with the idea of Blade going to adult peepshows when he was a teenager, manning gloryholes to feed from, sucking cock after cock for strength, sucking the virtual essence from men's balls without them caring!

Blade grabbed hold of Priest's hips, holding him in place as he pounded his mouth and throat down about the base of his stiff cock, fucking his own throat rapidly to get the cum out! Priest held onto the edge of the desk, feeling his cock stiffen harder as it prepared to feed its master! Blade could sense the sperm rising from the feeder's balls-sac, and sucked harder, determined to get the load quickly as saliva drooled out of the corners of his sucking mouth, coating the glistening cock as he fucked his throat with increasing speed!

"Urrhhhh...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG...!!!" cried Priest, unable to hold back as the cum erupted out of his cock, coating the back of Blade's throat as the hybrid continued to suck well after the cock stopped feeding him!

"uhh...uh...oh..." panted Priest, coming down off his sexual high, his cock still hard as Blade kept sucking [going for more]! "...Blade don't..." warned the father, coming to his senses! "...stop...! Enough!" he said, pushing Blade's head off of his cock, ripping it from his thick dark lips!

Blade licked his lips...

"I know..." he said [already feeling charged]! "...I was gonna stop!"

"Are you still hungry...?" asked Priest [pulling up his pants to tuck his semi-erection]!

"I'm always hungry!" admitted Blade [knowing the sperm was just a temporary fix]!

"Maybe I can get one of the kids to feed you...?" suggested Priest [referring to Jordan and Dan]! "It's fresh `juice'!" he reasoned, as Blade considered it!



Jordan was standing under the warm spray of water [still thinking about his wife and family], leaning in against the shower wall...when Dan walked in behind him [completely naked]!

"Shower sounds good...!" he said, alerting Jordan to his presence! Jordan turned around, pulling his head from under the water to see his friend walking in!

"The more the merrier, I guess!" he smirked, as Dan took the showerhead beside him [adjusting the waters to his liking]!

"We're both `family' men..." said Dan, grabbing the soap from the dish embedded in the wall [lathering it over his naked body]! "...the others don't understand what we've given up to be here!"

"HA!" chucked Jordan [lathering his chest]! "I don't think they care!" he agreed!

Dan couldn't help staring over Jordan dark leanly built body...!

"We have to look out for each other...!" he said!

"We always have!" agreed Jordan!

Dan became daring...

"I HERE for you if you need me, Jordan...!" he offered, reaching out to touch Jordan shoulder!

Jordan pulled back [shocked]!

"Whadda mean...?" he asked, skeptically!

Dan reached for Jordan's dick!

"You're lonely...I understand..." he sympathized, hoping to reclaim some intimacy...? "...trust me...I am too!" he confessed, trying to stroke Jordan into a hard-on!

Jordan pulled away again!

"I'm not THAT lonely!" he declined, as Dan looked dejected!

"I'm here for you, Jordan..." he repeated, "...in anyway you need me to be!" he added, dropping to his knees in front of him, licking his lips and opening his mouth [providing a convenient hole to fuck]!

Jordan felt his dick stir [a little]...! "Anyway you need me at all...!" insisted Dan, getting back up to brace his arms against the shower wall, offering up his ass to fuck instead! "I NEED a little comforting myself...! I need to be...with someone!"

Jordan completely understood, having been parted from his family for more than a month! He could see the desperation in Dan's eyes, the face of a man on the brink of losing it! He needed comfort, a human touch, feeling, emotion, something to remind him why he was here fighting and not living his life blindly like the millions of others that didn't know their lives were on the brink of extinction!

Jordan took pity on his partner...as he walked over into Dan's stall area and touched him gently on the shoulder! Dan lowered his hands from the wall and stared into Jordan's eyes...before stepping in closer and leaning in to kiss him! Jordan didn't stop Dan's move, allowing him to softly grace his lips with his own! The 2 officers kissed, as Jordan closed his eyes and imagined it was his wife: Maryjane! Dan reached down and stroked Jordan's hardening dick, feeling it brick hard in his hand! Jordan automatically reached out behind Dan and cupped his ass cheeks, his fingers tracing along the ass crack in-search of the hidden hole! Dan could feel the middle-finger gracing over his hairy pucker, flexing it strongly in response!

"I want some ass, man...!" whispered Jordan, wondering what his dick might feel like in his buddy's tight hole...?

Dan didn't tell Jordan that he had experience getting fucked...having experimented in college [before he met his wife]! It'd been over 10yrs since he'd felt another man inside him, but he occasionally played with his wife's dildos when she wasn't home, sometimes fucking himself while masturbating to porn! Feeling a real dick in him after all these years would be quite refreshing!

Jordan took a bar of soap and rubbed it along Dan's ass crack, washing his hole! Then he fingered it deeply, starting with one digit and ending with 3 inside! Once cleaned he fell to his knees behind Dan and pushed his friend face first against the wall, then shoved his face up into his buddy's ass, eating his asshole!

Dan moaned against the tiled walls, feeling his friend's tongue washing over his sensitive shitter, making his entire body quake as he pushed his ass back into the black officer's face, while playing with his own hardening dick! Jordan pulled the man cheeks apart, then licked the pink hole until it started to relax under the constant pressure! He stiffened the oral muscle and started darting it in and out, stabbing it profusely! Once the hole seemed relaxed and saturated enough...did Jordan stand up behind Dan and present his erection for fucking! Dan braced himself against the shower wall while Jordan stepped up behind him and started to gently ease his way into him...! "UHG...!!" grunted Fielstein, feeling the head pressing into him, prying his spit slick anus open as the head started to pop in...followed by several inches of Jordan's 9" shaft!

"Slowly..." warned Dan, reaching back to slow Jordan's hips...as the younger male pressed all the way in and began grinding against his ass! "...it's been a LONG TIME since I've done this...!"

"Don't worry, partner...I gotcha!" promised Jordan, as he grabbed hold of Dan's waist and started thrusting into him!

The hole was tight! Dan's virginity practically grew back after 10yrs of inactivity! Jordan could barely move without feeling the anal muscles squeezing in around his shaft, trying to limit his depth! The shower water rained down on them as he pulled Dan's hips back towards him and started fucking him at a gentle but steady pace! Dan moaned erotically as his asshole was fucked for the first time by a real cock in lord knows how long...? As much as he'd enjoyed his wife's various dildos pounding his ass [she was often horny since he spent long hours away from home as a Swat/police officer], it paled in comparison to the real thing! He loved the feel of Jordan's organic cock sliding through his rectum, poking into his colon, the man's strong hands holding him in place while he fucked, banging his pelvic bone into his backside! No fake cock [no matter how big and realistic] could compare!

"uhh...ohh fuck man...you're so tight...!" groaned Jordan [loving the feel more than he expected he would], jamming more of his dick into the tiny hole!

"uhg...urrhhgg...urhhgg...fuck me, man...give it to me...!" grunted Dan, gritting his teeth as he endured the pain!

Letting go of his dick, he braced both hands against the wall as he concentrated on keeping his ass relaxed for Jordan's pleasure! After about 5mins of steady nonstop pumping the pain started to lessen and he started to get more pleasure out of the consistent thrusting! Dan's grunts turned to groans as he pushed more ass back to be fucked, grabbing hold of his dick again as he stroked it profusely, wanting to cum at the same time as Jordan!

Jordan couldn't feel much difference in the way Dan's ass was squeezing his dick [it all felt good to him], as he picked up pace and started fucking harder! He could feel his orgasm building in his swaying balls as his dick started to thicken and throb, becoming more sensitive!

"I'm gonna cum soon..." he warned, feeling his climax pending! "...where can I cum at...?" he wondered aloud!

"IN me, man..." groaned Dan [jacking off harder]! "...cum IN me! I want it! I wanna FEEL it!"

"Awww shit, Dan...I'm gonna cum..." gasped Jordan, only getting a half-dozen more strokes off before ramming his dick in deep and holding it there [nonmoving]! Dan felt the 9" dick suddenly ram into his gut and hold perfectly still...!...then he felt it pulsating just before the big burst of spooge entered his body!

"...ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGG...!!!!" cried the younger black man, bucking wildly as he ground [hard] into Dan's backside, planting his seed in deep as spurt after thick creamy spurt filled his otherwise dry cavity!

Jordan fell against Dan's back, hugging him tightly as he lost his load in his guts! Dan was still stroking his dick, looking to cum as well, feeling his dick starting to reach the point of no return...!...when he was suddenly interrupted by Priest...!

"Don't cum!" he shouted, startling both men as they both quickly whipped their head in his direction, wondering WHAT was wrong...? "Blade NEEDS it...!" he said, as Dan stopped stroking!


"Needs what...?" asked Jordan, standing very closely behind his partner [still embedded in Dan's ass]...!

"He hasn't been feeding much..." said Priest, "...John and I give what we can...but sometimes it isn't enough...sometimes he needs MORE...!"

"More WHAT...?" asked Jordan [still embedded]!

"Sperm!" answered Priest! "He needs to drink your sperm..." he informed, staring at Dan's erection! "...preferably straight from the pipe, while its hot!" he added [for color]!

"Wait..." said Jordan [finally dislodging from his friend's ass], his softened prick falling from Dan's well-used ass! "...Blade's a `cum-sucking vampire'...?"

"By choice..." admitted Priest, "...sperm doesn't hold ALL of the benefits of blood...but it keeps Blade from changing over completely...and it satisfies his `hunger' for awhile!"

"So...what's to keep him from biting my cock and chowing down if he wanted to...?" asked Fielstein, curiously!

"Nothing..." answered Priest, honestly! "...but John and I've been feeding him for quite some time...and he hadn't turned either one of us, yet...!"

"It's the `yet' I'm afraid of...!" admitted Dan!

"Blade is out FIRST line of defense..." reminded Priest, "...if he's not in action, we're as good as DONE for!"

"Okay..." agreed Dan [reluctantly]! "...but...I don't exactly have to put my cock IN his mouth, do I...?" he asked, as they started walking out of the shower area and back into the warehouse [naked]!

John pulled his headphones from his ears when he saw the 3 men heading up to Blade's room, wondering WHAT was going on...? "Can't I just kind of jack off into his open mouth...? Wouldn't that be the same as sucking it out of me...?"

"I guess..." said Priest, opening the door to Blade's room! "...but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun!" he added, as Blade sat on the floor [in meditation-position with his legs crossed over one another like an Indian], incents burning around him!

"Blade..., they're here!" offered Priest, stepping aside to let the younger men in! Blade opened his silvery eyes, staring straight at the 2 man [as if looking through them]! "Go stand beside the desk!" ordered Priest, as Dan walked over to the desk and stood in front, unsure what to do next...? Blade crawled over towards him slowly [like a black cat], sniffing at the air as he pressed his nose up beneath his balls...!

"Someone fucked you, recently...!" he predicted [accurately]! "HIM!" he pointed @Jordan, before grabbing Dan's ankles and roughly lifting his feet until he fell back against the desk [legs in the air]!

Dan fell backwards on top the table...then felt Blade's FACE pressed in his ass!

"uhh...oohhh..." he moaned, feeling the sudden swipe of a warm wet tongue over his sensitive shitter!

Blade gripped Dan's waist and pulled his body off towards the edge of the desk, shoving more of his face into his buttock, digging his tongue in deeper, sucking out all the warm tasty nut Jordan shot in him in the shower!

"umm..." moaned Blade, sucking out huge gobs of it, loving the nutty flavor! "...umm...umm...ummmmmm...!" he sounded as he sucked out more!

Dan's dick hardened immediately, his legs shoved up and spread, leaving his ass hanging off the edge vulnerably! He could feel every lick, lap and suction as Blade sucked the anus outward into his mouth, shoving his tongue deep, swirling it around inside to gather up as much of the life-giving elixir as he could!

Once the anus was empty, Blade lowered Dan's feet back to the floor and stood him up! Dan's uncut cock stood out in front of him 8.5 inches! Blade licked his way up from the balls and underbelly towards the head...the quickly swallowed the cock whole, burying his face in Fielstein's dark pubes!

"Oooooohhhhh shhiiiittttt..." moaned Dan, feeling his cock suddenly incased in the softest, warmest, smoothest throat he'd ever experienced! It was like sinking into a warm bubbly Jacuzzi, silk sheets, and a furry robe [all at once]! Blade used his long slithering tongue to lick along the urethra, bathing the cock in saliva before slowly [sensuously] dragging his thick soft lips back up the solidly hard shaft to suckle the head! Fielstein groaned erotically as the vamp suckled his dickhead...then slowly descended back down the shaft to bury it back in his warm tantalizing throat! "...ohmygod..." groaned Dan, closing his eyes as his head dropped back in total ecstasy! "...that feels sooooo gooooood..." he exaggerated, feeling weak [as he held onto the desk for support]! "...ohmygod...I'm gonna cum..." he announced a moment later, just as his cock started to pulse and throb...then started suddenly hosing great gobs of cum straight down the back of Blade's talented throat...!...satisfying the Hybrid's thirst! "...urrnnnhhhhhhh...uunnnnhhhhhhhhh...urrnnnnnhhhhhhhhhh...!!!" moaned Dan, as the cum was sucked [majestically] from his body!

Blade continued to suck for several more minutes, sliding off the slick smooth cock to swallow the contents, then sliding back down to swallow and suckle the long hard shaft, using his slithering tongue and strong jaws to draw out the last droplets!

He finally pulled off the cock when he was sure there was no more sperm left in the urethra gland! Dan's dick continued to stay hard, ready to give up more sperm if needed, but Blade knew he could easily drain the officer dry if given the chance! "You've had enough..." he said, as Priest walked over to help Dan back downstairs to his bunk bed to rest after the drainage...! "...take him back downstairs..." ordered Blade [still on his knees]! "...let him sleep!"

Jordan watched as Dan was led out the door and down the steep metal stairs!

"And what about YOU..." asked Blade, daringly! "...did you come to feed the vampire also...?" he questioned, sniffing the air, sensing another load in the black officer's balls!

Jordan walked straight over and stood in front of Blade...! Blade smirked at the youngblud's cockiness! He sniffed the cock and could tell it was recently washed after being up Fielstein's ass! Blade lowered his head over Jordan's limp tool...then took it in his mouth and began suckling, swirling it about between his jaws as he quietly bathed it in warm saliva...making it grow solidly into 9 full inches!

Jordan held onto the edges of the desk, feeling himself being sucked into Blade's world, his mouth and throat a journey into mysticism and intrigue!

Having already cum once, Jordan lasted a tad bit longer than Dan! Blade slipped and slid his mouth smoothly up and down the rock-solid shaft, occasionally staring up into the black officer's face as they locked eyes! Jordan loved watching his cock get sucked, and Blade was definitely the best cocksucker he'd ever come across! He watched his dick disappear into the black man's throat, then feel as if thousands of tiny suction cups was latched to his shaft when buried in his throat! Blade would hold the cock there for several moments, suctioning the shaft before gently pulling back to suckle the head! He slithered his thick lips back and forth, drawing them up and down the hard shaft [leaving wet spit streaks] as he painted the entire dick wet and suckled as if it were the tastiest snack he'd every had!

"Ohshit, I'm coming..." gasped Jordan, spilling his precious juices into the vampire's gullet, as Blade happy drank every drop, slowly sucking the pulsing shaft to draw out the last drops!

NEXT: Castle Hunt

If you would like to read MORE Lascivious Spiderman, hit me up @ NPhillydogg@aol.com with your comments, questions, and/or suggestions. Also check out my other fantasy titles: X-Men Tales, and The Libidinous Avengers! Join me on Facebook under the name Eugene Marvin, for updates on what I'm working on next!


Next: Chapter 66: Spiderman and the Defenders 66

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