The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 20, 2012


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The Last Feres

Chapter 13

We followed Chase to the floor of his apartment. One thing was for sure, this kid was a handful. First he wanted Nick to burn the tail of his landlord's dog, and then he wanted Wren to go wolf on his stepfather. Apparently the guy was beating on him almost every day.

`There. She lives over there, the second door to the right.' Chase said.

We were on our way there when a door opened on our left and a burly balding man stepped out.

There you are you little shit. Where the hell have you been?' he shouted at Chase. The kid cringed and hid behind us but the man pulled him out by the arm and led him to his apartment. Come here you mongrel. I'll teach you...'

He gave Chase a smack upside the head. I got angry and moved to stop him but Wren held my arm. The man dragged his flustered stepson into their apartment and slammed the door behind him. I could still hear him shouting at the poor kid from the outside.

`What's wrong with you? Don't you see he needs our help?' I yelled at Wren.

`And do what? Beat the man up for rightfully scolding his son.' He retorted. I hated Wren. I wanted to kick him where it hurts. Doesn't he see that the guy was abusing Chase?

`Wren is right Rye. We can't interfere ...' Nick started.

Not him too. `What? I'm supposed to just stand there and do nothing. Let him beat Chase to death!'

Listen to me, Rye, I wasn't finish.' I was so angry that I barely heard him. There are other ways to help Chase. I've lived on this side long enough to know that you can't just beat up the guy because of Chase's situation, let alone take Chase away from his family without repercussions.'

Nick was right. There are other means in which Chase could be helped. His immediate option would be the social services. However, if the authorities were to be alerted Chase would be place in the system and we all know how bad they are with kids. Yet he can't stay here in this environment and endure the constant abuse of that scoundrel. I have to help him somehow. I'll think of something. Fuming I brushed past Wren and Nick and waited for them in front of apartment 7B. Both of them came to stand next to me without another word.

At the corner of my eyes I saw Nick looked down the hall before touching my shoulder.

We materialized right in Christine cramped kitchen. Okay. Christine may look pretty and clean but she was a filthy pack rat when it comes to her living quarters. There were roaches partying in the dirty dishes in the sink, a mountain of empty cornflakes boxes on the counter, and brown stains on the floor along with stacks of empty soda and ketchup bottles. How could someone live like this?

Grossed out, I quickly rushed out to her small living room. What I thought was better was actually worst.

`Guys, find whatever you hope to find and let's get the hell out of here. This place is irking me out.' I said.

I don't know if it was the place or the fact that I was already emotionally vulnerable, all of a sudden I broke out in a cold sweat. I felt woozy and had a hard time staying alert.

`Guys, I don't feel too good.'

Wren rushed by my side. He spoke to me but I've already gone deaf. The ground began to swirl and I fainted. As it turned out I wasn't fainting but having a vision. I had no idea what triggered it but I felt the strength behind it.

The vision was nothing like the ones I felt before. This time I was actually in it. I found myself standing next to Christine who was gazing at an old abandon manor house. Its windows and doors were boarded up with nailed plywood. The roof and wall were cracked and moldy, and in some places open to the elements.

`Vele dnela sta,' she said.

The safe-word lifted the cloaking veil that encompassed the place. Before my very eyes the manor was restored to its full glory. She advanced and I fell into step beside her since it was apparent she couldn't see nor feel me. She entered the foyer and walked directly towards a dimly lit room. A study, she entered a study. Behind a huge desk sat a lanky man in his mid-forties with silver strands in between his dark beard and hair.

`My Lord,' she said inclining her head slightly.

Ah! Christine you've arrived, very good. Now ...' before he could continue a loud scream followed by another interrupted him. He sighed angrily and bellowed, NED. GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE!'

The shifter, who wasn't far apparently, entered the room in his leopard form. To my surprise he was totally submissive; his ears were pulled back close to the skull and his tail was between his rear legs.

Go down to the dungeon and tell your idiot of a brother to stop interrupting my evening. Torturing the prisoners for information is one thing but he does it because he enjoys their pains. That man should have been born a darkling.' When Ned didn't budge he shouted; NOW!'

Ned bolted from the room and I made a split second decision to follow him. He was going fast but I could keep up. I guessed because I wasn't really there. Down the hall and down two flights of stairs he went, leading me straight to Alex, I hoped. However, when I reached the entrance of the basement I was pulled out of the vision.


I opened my eyes to see a worried Wren holding me and Nick standing over us equally worried.

`What's wrong Rye?' Wren asked.

`I just had another vision.'

They exchanged looks and swapped a few words in Targes. I hate when they do that. Ignoring them, I took the opportunity to look around because I was feeling cold. To my surprise we were somewhere in the outdoors. Now I realized why I was pull out of the vision. Nick had teleported me out of that bitch's apartment.

`Where are we?'

`Olsen Park,' Nick said. I scanned the area again and sure we were there. In fact we were on the same bench we sat on yesterday after he rescued me from the leopard shifters. It was dark of course but we weren't in total darkness because there was a street lamp twelve feet away.

Wren asked me what happened. It was embarrassing, but I had to tell them the truth.

Wren was elated when I described the vision. He wanted to go there right away but Nick advised against it. He said that we should tell someone before going because we never know what might happen to us.

`The hell with that, let's get over there and kick some butts.' Wren said heatedly.

Use you head mutt!' Nick tried to reason with Wren. Xell isn't your typical witch. He's a very powerful warlock. Someone like him doesn't become the right hand of the council unless he was more than capable.'

`I get it but with what Rye said we could easily sneak in there and rescue Alex and his dad and be out before they even knew we were there.' He said trying to convince Nick to agree to his suicide mission. Sneaky bastard!

Nick took the bait. `I guess we can do that, although, the final decision rest with you Rye. What do you say? Shall we rescue your friends now or do we call the adults and let them take care of it?'

Both of them stared at me.

I thought about it. Nick's idea to involve Charlie and the others was the right one. They were older and we will be stronger in numbers but I know Charlie. He would want to wait for confirmation first and for the right opportunity to carry out a proper rescue plan, a waste of time if you ask me. On the other hand, Wren's was offering me what I wanted all along; an immediate means to rescue Alex.

`I want Lex out of there now.'

Wren cheered and Nick sighed.

`Okay but we'll need a few things for the trip. Wait here while I drop by my house to pick up what we'll need.'

`Make sure you're not spotted,' Wren said.

Nick nodded and dematerialized.

When we were alone, Wren started pulling at my pants.

`What're you doing?'

`If we're going against these people I need to be on full strength.' he grinned sheepishly.

I wasn't in the mood but I let him. He whipped out my cock and began to suckle. I was hard in no time. I placed a hand on his head and fell into his rhythm. I moaned and gasped before I gave him a mouthful of come.

`I swear you're getting sweeter every time.'

I chuckled and pushed him off.

`Do you think it's a good idea to do this without Charlie?' I asked.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as I zipped up. `He will be mad, no doubt about that. And my brother will find a way to make me pay for my disobedience but it would be worth it. You'll get your friend and his dad back and you'll be happy.'

How sweet! He wants me to be happy. I don't know why but before that I never thought of a future with Wren. I guessed because he didn't look like the settling type but he blew me away with these kind words. He was the perfect boyfriend after all. Wait! Were we boyfriends? We never got to discuss that. Well, that will be on my to-do list when all of this is over.

The manor house was less impressive and much darker than I expected. Even after the safe-word had been used it stilled looked abandoned, tattered and aged. On his return from home, just before we materialized in the tree lines outside the manor, Nick had given us a blue crystal pendant each which would render us invisible, although I didn't get why we were hiding in the bushes right in front of the place minutes later. Besides he said it himself that the crystals works as long as we stayed clear of smokes, which were highly unlikely because I could see nothing but feri-lights floating around inside.

`This is way too easy.' Nick muttered to himself.

Wren heard him too but didn't share his lack of enthusiasm. `Let's go,' he said impatiently.

No. Wait!' Nick hissed. Wren, you've lived in Targeten for how long now?'

Wren tore his eyes from the manor and incredulously gazed at Nick. `Now. Really?'

`Humor me,' Nick said.

Rolling his eyes Wren said, `since I was born twenty years ago.'

`Okay. Now, how many houses in Targeten have magical protection of sorts?'

Wren took a look around and stared at Nick skeptically. `Where're you going with this?'

Nick exhaled deeply. `The answer is none. Neither witches nor any other Targs ever leave their homes unprotected. Now look at the manor one more time and you'll see. This guy Xell is either stupid or too damned confident. Or...'

`Or what?'

Or he's expecting us,' I finished for him. You're saying he have set a trap for us.'

`I don't know but it sure looks like it.'

`There you go. You don't know. Can we go now?'

Nick had a point there but it was base on suppositions not facts, or was it that I was too blinded to believe him because I wanted nothing but to see Alex home safely. I paused to reconsider except Wren was already walking away in the direction of the manor.

`That's what I hate about mutts, whenever they get an idea stuck in their heads they barely stand to reason. They're so stubborn.'

`Not all mutts. Charlie isn't like that.' I said.

`Yeah, you're right. Except he can't shift anymore and that had hampered his irrational brain.'

I spotted Wren next to the front porch. Trap or not, it was too late to go back now.

`Come one. Wren needs our help or he won't make it out otherwise.'

Nick touched my arm and we teleported right next to Wren in front of the door. Wren didn't look at us because he was frozen in place staring at the naked backside of one of the leopard shifters in his human form thrusting like a maniac between Christine's thighs. They were both granting and although I didn't see her face I could tell Christine was gagging on something to muffle the sound she was making.

Slowly, Wren turned the door knob and we hurried inside. We may be invisible but we could still be heard.

From the foyer we made our way to the basement following the same path Ned- leopard took when I followed him in the vision. We went single file so we could cover all front if we're were ambushed. Wren took the lead, I the middle and Nickolas the rear. I complained about my position of course because I should be leading, but Wren sense of smell made me an accessory instead of an asset. On the way we passed by the study and I could clearly heard movement inside.

After what seemed like hours we were finally climbing down the flight of stairs leading to the basement. Half way down something came floating out of a wall just in front of us.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. That thing was actually a pale, translucent ghost of woman in her mid-thirties. She looked exactly human, wearing human clothes. She also had a red collar around her neck that didn't quite match with her outfit.

She saw us!

I was somewhat afraid although Wren and Nick weren't. All my life I've heard of ghost, what they are like, and what they can do, until now I never knew they were real.

Nick conjured a fireball and threw it at her.

She yelped before phasing through the floor above us.

`Guys come on. We don't have much time.' Nick said rather urgently.

`Why? She was just a harmless ghost.' Wren said matter-of-factly.

It's not the ghost I'm worried about rather the man she's running to, to report us.' When Both Wren and I looked at him puzzled he added. You both saw the red collar around her neck.' We both nodded yes. `It means she's a snitcher ghost. And it also means we've just discovered how powerful Xell actually is.'

`How powerful?' Wren and I said in unison.

`Xell is a necromancer.'

Wren shivered and I knew it was bad. We rushed the rest of the way down and burst in through the entrance. Nick surprised Ted who was walking in our direction with a fireball to the head. It knocked him out cold and he fell down with a loud thud.

Now that I had time, I took a good look at the place. I saw that it resembled more like a dungeon instead of a basement. There were hay all over the floor, lit torches on the walls, holding cells on both side, and various torturing devices in between.

`Alex, Alex, Alex,' I shouted as I ventured deeper into the room.

`Riley. Over here!' I heard my best friend's croaky voice coming from one of the holding cells.

I removed and pocketed my pendant before rushing to where he was and held his hands through the bars. `You've come for me,' he cried with tears streaming down his cheeks.

`Of course, we're best friends aren't we?' I said as equally affecting.

Alex was dirty and a bit smelly. I was about to ask about his dad when I heard him called my names from the next cell over.

`Riley the keys are on the wall by the entrance.'

Wren, who was closer because he was pissing on Ted's face, reached for it and threw it to us. Then went back to do what he was doing. Both, He and Nickolas had became visible again.

When he was freed Alex dove in my arms. I held on tightly to him. Mr. Parish joined in the hug as soon as he was freed by Nick and we all cried.

`Sorry to interrupt but the cavalry is coming down fast,' Wren said joining us. Nick approached us and I touched him. Since Alex and his dad were hanging on to me they would be teleported too. Nick closed his eyes but nothing happened.

`Looks like we're stuck here because there seems to be a jamming spell blocking my teleportation ability.'

`What are we going to do,' I said worried.

`We'll fight our way out that's what,' Wren said already pulling at his t shirt.

We all faced the entrance. By now I could also hear footstep rushing down the stairs. I told Alex and his dad to get behind us and I braced myself for what was coming.

`There's another way out,' someone said from a cell at the far corner of the room. I looked and there behind bars stood Bron, Ted and Ned's brother.

`Where?' I asked.

`I'll show it to you if you take me with you,' he replied.

Out of the question,' Wren yelled. He's one of them. He'll betray us the first chance he gets.'

`I won't. Please, they are going to kill me.'

`How do we know we could trust you?' I asked. Now that I was closer I could see his face clearly. Like Alex he looked dirty and shabby. Unlike Alex he had a black eye and a busted lip and he was holding his chest with one hand. It was clear he had been beaten.

They were torturing him Rye,' Alex said with a trembling voice. It's truly a miracle he's talking let alone standing.'

I looked at Nick and he nodded his agreement.

`Release him.' I said.

Wren protested but I stopped him. `For once in your life stop listening to the wolf and listen to the man inside you. Find your compassion and joined the rest of us.'

Wren stayed quiet after that and I knew I've hurt him more than a punch to the face.

Just as Bron stepped out of his cell Ned came through the entrance in animal form growling. At full speed he rushed towards us. Nick was the only one with fire power to stop him but he was caught up in the group. He couldn't use his powers without hurting someone close to him.

Wren who was standing outside the group rushed towards Ned and shifted. They collided and rolled in a furry mess away from us. They growled, clawed and bit each other.

Christine was the next one to enter the dungeon. She glimpsed at the fighting beside her and then looked in our direction. She raised her arm but was forced to shield her face because Nick who was now in front of us just threw a fireball at her. Using her powers she sent any object she could find at Nick. And every time they burned to a crisped from Nick's fires.

There's a secret passage on the other side of the room.' Bron said. Follow me.'

Move,' I told Alex and his dad who were watching the fights with pure terror in their eyes. Up to this point I guessed their kidnappers never betrayed their abilities. NOW!' I yelled at them when they didn't make an attempt to move.

They must have heard me because right away they snapped out of it and scurried towards the back wall behind Bron who was way ahead. I glimpsed at Wren and Nick. They were still fighting. I couldn't tell whether they were winning or losing because there was too much happening.

I quickly joined Alex and his dad where they stood next to Bron. Bron felt the wall. He pushed at a particular brick when he found it and the wall grumblingly swayed open.

Grabbing a torch from the wall, Bron went in first. As soon as he disappeared however, he came back flying backwards. Like a bowling ball he knocked us down with a thump.

I pushed Bron from atop of me and look at the way he came. And in strolled Xell with his hands behind his back.

`Finally, we meet at last,' he said to me before knocking me out cold with his power.


End of chapter 13.

Next: Chapter 14

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