The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Aug 16, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 20

`Nick, where have you taken us?'

When Nick told us earlier that Charlie and the others wanted to meet with us, I thought they were at Notwitt tucked within the safety of the four walls of the citadel. Imagine my surprise when Nick teleported us here in the middle of a forsaken forest surrounded by wildlife.

Where the hell were we?

I was about to ask, when all of a sudden we heard yelling and pounding feet all around us. I spun on my heel to see what was going on. I saw warriors, dozens of them. Darting out of the foliage, they rushed toward us on two fronts. One glimpse of their heated faces was enough to turn my blood cold. My flight response kicked in, but it didn't register because my feet were momentarily glued to the forest floor. Unlike me, Wren took a fighting stance. Chest heaving rapidly, his muscles twitched from the excess adrenaline in his system. He was ready to take them all on.

Just as I was thinking things might get worse, I was whisked out of the way by Nick, who teleported us to the safety of the underbrush. Watching from afar, my body returned to normal after realizing there wasn't any real danger. At the turn of events my bond-mate also cooled down.

`Welcome to Camp High-Guard,' Nick exclaimed.

`Awesome!' Wren yelled.

`Who are they?' I asked.

`These warriors, your Highness, form part of the army you requested.'

Charlie had pulled it off,' Wren excitedly said, although, they are fewer in numbers than I imagined.'

Nickolas chuckled. And before he could answer Eric's voiced butted in. `Don't be so hasty little brother.'

We turned to see him coming out of a tent-like structure erected not far from us. The structure itself was neatly built. Enforced with wooden pillars, it blended well into the sparsely forested background.

`It's only been a day and half. What you're seeing now is actually one unit. There is another at the firing range further down and another not far dueling at the make- shift arena,' He continued.

`The men, where did you get them from?' I curiously asked.

`For now all the Warlocks you see are Nico's. The Wolf-shifters – some are from Belen, some are from Valpak.'


The city where Charlie grew up,' Eric replied. Warrick delivered on his promise. They arrived last night. And that's not all. We have a squadron of eagle shifters arriving tomorrow and some Equinians from Mirk-Knoll as well.'

`You, guy, have been busy.' Wren grinned.

It was Eric's turn to chuckle. `We have a deadline to keep. Now, come with me, Rye. Your War Council wants to meet you.'

War Council! I loved the sound of that.

We followed Eric to the tent-like structure. As we entered, I was greeted with some familiar faces.

`It's wonderful to see you again Rye.' Xander hugged and released me so that Nico could do the same.

I see the Gods favor you young Feres,' Commander Nicodemus said. When you lost consciousness back in Belen I thought you were done for.'

`I'm stronger than I look,' I replied, at which he laughed.

`I never doubted that for a minute, Your Highness.'

My Uncle kissed my cheeks before telling everyone to take a seat.

`Char you did good. I saw the warriors out there and they look fine,' I commented.

`It's far from perfect but we're getting there,' he modestly replied. Charlie had never been good at accepting compliments. That was why we all laughed at his expense.

`So, why was I summoned?' I asked once the laughter stopped.

`Rye, although we've made significant progress in setting the foundation of your army, we still have much to do. There are a few technicalities that need addressing before we can consider ourselves ready.'

`What's the delay?' I asked, knowing well that my request had really been a tall order to be expecting results overnight.

`For starters, the biggest problem we're facing right now is that we're in dire need for some logistics solutions. Although we're trying, we have not been too successful. And honestly no one around this table has any knowledge in this domain...'

I understood what he was saying. In order to mount a successful military campaign we need man-power and resources. Frankly I never thought of either.

`We need blacksmiths, cooks, builders, food and more ...' He continued by giving me a detailed list of practically everything we would need. At the end I was at a loss. Hollywood made it sounds so easy. Rarely would they depict the hardship of mobilizing such a force.

`What do you recommend?' Knowing Charlie, he may very well have a plan.

`We need finances but we can forget asking for aid from the other Kingdoms because we won't receive any. They would need it too should the War come knocking on their doorsteps. My suggestion is we make a full inventory of the Feri Citadel. There must be things in there that we could trade for supplies and money.'

Pillaging my family's legacy for money ... why not, I meant I grew up far from it all and I don't have any sentimental attachment to anything there. Although, a part of me still did feel like protecting what was mine. But then again, it wasn't mine to begin with.

`Do what you must. The War has already begun. It's a matter of time now before the enemy engages us full on. Charlie, the army is our top priority. We have to be ready for the Northenders when they come. We have to protect Targeten.'

There were nods of agreement all around. That really assured me that I was doing the right thing.

`Right then ...' Charlie began but wasn't able to utter another word because a warlock in full armor crashed in out of breath.

`What's the meaning of this?' Commander Nicodemus demanded.

The warrior bowed slightly. `Forgive me my Lords, but there are three strange creatures approaching Camp. I'm not too sure but they kind of look like some winged Darklings.'

Swiftly, every one of us rushed outside to see these strange creatures.

The creatures in question looked like angels. Bare-chested with long blond hair, they wore a simple white skirt that matched their long, slender, graceful white wings. They looked so beautiful.

Wren shoved me behind him. The other took a fighting stance ready to do some serious damage.

`These are no Darklings. They are Neornites!' Eric exclaimed in awe.

Neornites,' Commander Nicodemus said. Can it be? No one has seen one for at least a hundred years. I thought they'd joined the ranks of myth like so many other ancient races.'

`Yet, here they are,' Eric said.

`Stand down!' Charlie shouted at the archers and warlocks with firepower. News had gotten to them and they had flocked around us in a defensive standpoint.

As the warriors put down their weapons, the three Neornites landed gracefully, in a small clearing amongst the trees, twenty feet in front of us. They didn't say a word nor did they make any attempt to move.

`What are they doing?' I asked Wren.

`They are being polite. They are letting us decide whether they are friend or foe.'

Strange customs, I thought at first. But then their actions didn't sound so ridiculous once I realized that Targeten has so many malignant beings.

I saw Charlie break away from the safety of our little group. I noticed he had his palms open as he strolled towards the intruders. He stopped about three feet from them. He exchanged a few words with them before he bowed slightly and led them toward us. Without letting their guard down, the warriors parted as the small party reached us.

Charlie called for me, and I reluctantly moved forward.

Your Highness,' Charlie said to me, let me introduce you to the emissaries of the Neornite people.'

All three Neornites gave a short bow.

`It is a great honor to finally meet you, Your Highness.' The one standing in the middle said.

`The honor is mine sir. Would it be impolite of me to ask why you came to us?'

He smiled. It wasn't an evil smile but nonetheless, it made me uncomfortable.

`Not at all, Your Highness. And please forgive our intrusion. It was not in our intention to cause any trouble. I am called Caden. The boy on my right is my younger brother Farren and on the left my other brother Brennen. We are the brothers of our beloved leader, Warren. I realized that you may be unprepared for our arrival but this moment had been foreseen long before this meeting.'

`Foreseen by whom,' a suspicious Nico asked.

By the Feres King Joen of course,' my heart jumped in my chest at the mention of my father. He came to us shortly before your birth to renew the alliance that once existed between our peoples. He foretold of an upcoming War, of your exile, of your return to Targeten.'

`How do we know we can trust you?' Xander asked. I guessed he was also suspicious of the newcomers.

Caden glanced at Xander and then to me. `You do not for you only have our word. Although, I am certain that his Highness knows we are telling you the truth.'

Everyone looked at me expectantly. I, on the other hand was lost to my thoughts.

Okay, I sighed. What do we have here? First of Caden knew my father. He knew about my father's visions and probably of his fate too. Where is this leading me? Wait! The brothers, they looked vaguely familiar – I studied them for a bit – naaah, I don't know them. Where was I? Oh yes, my father. What do I know about him? For one he talks in riddles ... riddles. That's it! Caden's words, they are one of my father's riddles. But what do they mean?

"...his Highness knows we are telling the truth."

Rye,' Eric said, do you have any idea what he's talking about?'

I ignored him. I ignored all of them.

I stared at the younger Neornite. He grinned at me. I ignored him too but then he turned his face towards his older brother leaving me staring at his profile. Then it clicked. I knew I had seen them before, well not them, really, but people like them.

I looked at Caden and smiled. He returned the smiled. He already knew what I knew.

`They are telling the truth,' I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

`Tell us what you know atsa?' Wren said.

Think about it you guys. My father had been leaving breadcrumbs for me ever since I crossed over the barrier. This man, Caden, he even spoke like him.' I turned to Caden. Yes, I believe what you said about the treaty or whatever you want to call it. The proof – the proof lies within a certain chamber that no outsiders would know about unless they had been to the Equinian Hall, which would be highly unlikely because the Equinians have secluded themselves from everyone for centuries.'

`Well done your Highness. Your father was right. You really are observant or was it your curiosity he was referring to.' I laughed.

`I still don't get it,' Wren said.

`You wouldn't know unless you've been there. Charlie, Nick, you were there. Tell them.'

It's true,' Nick said. The Neornites did fight off the Darklings alongside a Feres in Mirk-Knoll.'

`What do you say Char?' Xander asked.

All eyes turned to Charlie, but instead of answering the question he turned to Caden. `I'm glad to know that you Neornites had been faring well from your seclusion. However, you have yet to answer His Highness' question. Why have you come?'

Caden looked at his brother. Brennen smirked.

`We've come to let you know that my brother is ready to swear fealty to the High- King of Targeten. He just wants to know when and where,' he said.

After they were invited in the tent for a debriefing of what we hoped to accomplish, the brothers left.

Charlie liked Warren's idea. He felt that Wyrmer should also swear fealty to me as a sign of acceptance.


End of chapter 20

Next: Chapter 36: The Feres King 21

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