The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Sep 29, 2012


Happy reading!!

The Last Feres

Chapter 8

`What you're doing Ted?' Bron yelled. He moved in closer but was stopped by Ned with a palm to his chest.

`It's okay little bro. Let him has his fun then will take the Feres to your precious master. What's more Xell wants him alive. He didn't say unsoiled, did he?'

Bron gave his brother a disgusted look.

`Fine, he can have his fun. But I'm out of here. Don't blame me when the wolves caught up to you.'

He looked me in the eyes, and seemed to say he was sorry before he pulled down his pants and shifted into a giant white... leopard. I've heard of white leopards but I never seen one before.

He didn't linger a moment longer, just secured his pants in his jaws and disappeared into the greenery.

On top of me, Ted had watched his little brother. I've stopped struggling ages ago because all my efforts were futile. I couldn't move him.

Ned turned to his twin and said. `Stop dawdling Ted. Get this over with. Bron is right you better hurry before the mutts pick up our scent.'

Shockingly and without warning, Ned flew three meters of the ground. At first I thought he was flying away but that notion fell short when he ended up into a heap at the base of a nearby tree. His back was on fire and he was screaming.

`What the fuck...?' ted began but a fireball bulleted towards us and hit him at the waist. He was dislodged off of me and tumbled a bit further.

`Are you okay?' a familiar voice said by my side. I looked up and saw Nick standing over me.

I'll be alright.' He grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. Come, we better get out of here.'

Still holding my hand he closed his eyes momentarily and I knew he was trying to teleport us out of here but before he could an armed wrapped itself at my middle and lift me off the ground.

You're not going anywhere little prince,' Ted hissed in my ear, I'm not done with you yet.' He then threw me behind him only to face Nick.

Nick took a fighting stance.

`You're no match for me witch-boy. You're going to regret hurting me and my brother.'

`Bring it on pussy.'

Snarling Ted shifted into a giant cat just like Bron did earlier. Unlike his little brother though, he had the spotted yellow coat of the average leopard.

Hissing and snarling he attacked. Nick parried Ted's claws and pushed him back ending up with a scratch on his lower arm in the process. He didn't seem concern though for he produced fireballs in both palms and started throwing them at Ted.

Pulling up into a sitting position, I watched as Ted dodged each one and launched for Nick again. Nick produced two more fireballs and in rapid fire managed to hit the leopard square in the chest.

The fireballs didn't do much damage because ted was on his feet again snarling. This time he seemed to be wary of Nick's fireballs. He made a little dance in front of Nick to what I figured; he was trying to find a way to catch Nick off guard.

Meanwhile, at the base of the tree Ned had recovered from his attack. Taking a similar shape as his brother, he sneaked closer to the action.

His brother spotted him and waited when he was close enough before both of them took to the air.

Pure terror overtook me then and I saw everything in slow motion. One aiming for Nick's neck and the other his legs and Nick wouldn't be fast enough to counter both attacks.

`NO!' I yelled at the top of my lungs. My voice ricocheted throughout the forest scaring away every living creature within earshot. I knew because I could actually hear them scurrying away on legs and wings.

With a sudden burst of energy I was on my feet within second and instinctively I flailed my arms in turns. Both cats flew past Nick and landed on their feet a distance away. They both looked in my direction and made a dashed for the trees. Jumping on branch to branch they were soon gone.

Slanting over, I held onto my knees, sweating and panting from the warmth I was feeling within.

`What was that?' I said to an approaching Nick.

Once in front of me Nick pulled me into a hug and surprised me with a crushing kiss. I fell into it and marveled at this hot guy doing it. Wren was ephemerally forgotten.

Thanks you for saving my life,' he said once we came out for air. I don't know what you just did but I am glad you did.'

Speechless, I watched him, partly puzzled by the kiss.

Nick took my hand so that we could teleport out.

No,' I said. I'm not ready to go back yet.'

`We can't stay here.'

`I know. Can we walk home instead?'

He looked at me. I could tell he wasn't pleased and still he said okay.

`I don't understand. How did you know I was here?' I asked while we trekked to the edge of the forest, which opened into the park.

Did I mention I'm an empath?' I nodded yes. Each person has a unique emotion imprint, that's how I found you. I followed yours here when I couldn't find you at the house.'

`Are there many witches with that power?'

`Except for my mother and her sisters I don't think so. Actually, our empath abilities are the reasons we're on this side in the first place. Empathy was uniquely a Feri power. According to my mother one of our ancestors mated a Feres. It was a brief affair but when her daughter developed the gift it was perceived as heresy throughout our community. Our entire line was cursed with death and they came for us. They burned my grandmother at the stake along with her sister and her sister's progeny.'

I was shocked. `How did your family escaped?'

`The Feres who sire my great grandmother found out and gave them immunity to travel between realms.'

I couldn't find anything soothing to say than sorry.

By now we were in Olsen Park. It was past noon and most people had sought refuge in the shade from the blistering sun.

Before you arrived to save me, one of the twin referred to me as a xenon' and the other like you said it yourself a `Feres'. What do they mean?'

Nick chuckled. I didn't understand.

Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh.' He then looked up and said. Let's find some shades.'

We settled on a bench under a huge tree facing the ocean.

`Xenon is easy enough to understand. It's means a slut or a whore. But Feres however, will be particularly tough for you to grasp because you haven't been exposed to our way of life up until recently. Are you sure you want to know?'

That spiked my curiosity up a notch.

`Yes. I'm sure.'

`Okay then. You see, in Targeten all Targs, as were often called ourselves; possess powers or abilities if you will. The diversity of abilities is immense therefore keeping track of them all could be a challenge without some sort of order. So we came up with a classification system similar to the Animal Kingdom we learned in middle school biology classes. On top we have the four major classes: Changelings, Darklings, Magelings and Feri.

`Changelings is an umbrella terms for beings with two forms, the class that we would normally classify Wren and the others. As you already know the guys are called wolf shifters but there are a handful more of other types of shifters, plus there's another subclass under changelings; that of the Mergers.

`As for Darklings, they are a collective of sinister beings which include werewolves, vampires, daemons, hags and wraiths. Unlike the other classes they are made rather than born and have the most assortments of misfits than the other classes.

I remembered when I saw Wren shift for the first time. He got offended when I call him a werewolf.

`Are they really evil?'

`Yes most Darklings are. But I don't blame them though. They are the outcasts of our society since they are somewhat deformed and considered to be abominations.'

`Oh!' That explained Wren anger when I called him werewolf then.

`The class I was born into is called Magelings. There are no subclasses in this one. Every person in this class is also referred to as a witch. But we do have a caste system in place depending on the abilities we're born with. The Mage caste has religious duties, the Warlock caste is our soldiers and the Witch caste is our healers, teachers and workers.'

Fascinating! `So you're a Warlock?'

Yes and no.' I was confused. Fire base abilities are the basic requirements to become a Warlock, which I have, but I'm untrained for that reason, I can't be calling myself a Warlock.'

`Why can't you find someone on this side to train you?'

`I would but I can't because there is no Warlock in this realm. They were all driven out when they tried to take over this realm in the thirteen hundreds. Although, my Aunt Helen was married to a Warlock once and she's been teaching me bits and pieces she picked up from him.'

`Now comes the most interesting class and also the most reserve of them all; the Feri. There is no true recorded history of the Feri group. They mostly kept to themselves that's why I can only tell you what I've heard and what everyone suspects.

'The collective term is Feri and a single person in this class is called Feres. They are partly immortal and they possess immense powers. Some people even class them next to the Gods. They seemed to possess abilities which have to do with the mind like empathy, telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, clairvoyance and the likes. And the biggest mystery of all is there has never been more than five Feres living at a time. Today there's only one known Feres alive, well two if you count him, but then again I'm not too sure.'

`Who are you talking about?'

`You Rye. You are the last Feres.' He said. I was more perplexed than ever.

`You said there might be another. Who is he?'

`He is the Guardian of the Barrier between worlds, Helledon. If you have any questions about your origin he would know.'

Nick was a good teacher. He managed to appease some burning questions I had since I found out about Targeten, although, there's one question still burning in my head that I can't stop thinking about.



`Can I ask you one last question?' He nodded.

`Who do I need protection from and why?'

That's two questions by the way,' he said in good spirit. I don't know who is after you. It can't be those idiots in the woods because they don't have the kind of power nor the brains for it. It could be that Xell character. Then again he may be working for someone else. You see, unless someone comes forward and claim responsibility for your pursuit we may never know. As for the why my guess is, it has something to do with you being the king of Targeten because that's the role of Feri, to rule over us all.'

Driven by our need for food, we left the park to find something to eat. We found a hotdog stand and spent three minutes in line before realizing that we didn't have any money. Nick rarely uses money and I left my wallet on my night table.

So, Nick teleported us right onto the lawn of a well kept cottage, which sat in the middle of what appears to be a large enough clearing in the middle of a forest. He wouldn't tell me who lived there; he just kept saying that I would find out soon enough.

We followed a stone paved path that leads to the front porch in silence. We nearly reached the steps when a slim barefooted young woman appeared around the right corner of the house carrying a fruit basket.

Her long curly chocolate hair cascaded over her back and shoulders and a tight fitted white blouse. She also wore a long apple red skirt that just about reached the ground with a silk mauve scarf tied at the waist. She was exquisitely beautiful. To me the look she had going cry out Gypsy.

`Hey! Nick you're home.' She joyfully sauntered our way.

`Auntie Jan.' Nick walked up to her and lifted her into a tight hug. She laughed abundantly.

`Put me down you big oaf. You're crushing the apples.'

Nick laughed and put her down gently. She saw me. Smiling she approached me slowly as if I was a scared critter that would bolt away if she makes a sudden movement.

`Hello. You must be Riley,' she said in a sweet melodic voice.

`Yes,' I said shyly.

He's so cute when he blushes,' she said pinching my cheeks. Well come on. Get inside. These days there are spies everywhere.' She unshed us inside.

I wondered what she meant by that. I was about to ask Nick when he shook his head no. Darn! He was reading my emotions again. Is there a way to block him, I wondered.

Inside the house I was greeted with the warming aroma of incents and spices. The living room was tight but cozy with furniture I've never seen in this part of the world. Without giving me time to take it all in she led us into a cramped kitchen. She sat us at a small table with herbs and spices hanging on racks above our heads. She then placed several delicious dishes in front of us.

`Serve yourselves.' She pulled up a chair and joined us.

`So, what brings you here?'

`We're here for your cooking auntie Jan. There's no better restaurant that I know.'

She giggled. `You're so full of shit Nickolas, you know that.' I was surprise by her choice of words.

`Don't be honey. You'll get use to me in time,' she said as if she heard my thoughts.

`Where're mom and Auntie Helen?' Nick asked with a mouthful.

`Your mother is on the other side delivering shifter cubs and Helen is at the spice shop working as usual.'

All the time she'd been talking her eyes never strayed from me.

Auntie, someone called Rye "xenon" and he had no clue what it is.' Nick winked at Rye. Oh! And be detailed enough because he is a highly inquisitive person by nature.' Nick said smiling.

She cackled. When she calmed down enough she said.

`Where to start... Okay. Here in this realm there're terms like straight, gay, bisexual and so forth to explain the sexuality of somebody. And xenon is one of such terms in ours. However, our terms refer more to an individual's sexual pursuit and activity more than an individual's sexual attraction and orientation. Furthermore, in regards to attraction we Targs believe that no one is exclusively one type and the column 0 and 6 doesn't feature on our "Kinsey scale". In a way our belief is due to the fact that we're sexual opportunists. We just love having sex.'

Not in the exact same word, Wren tried to tell me on the first day we met. And here I thought he was pulling my leg.

`First we have the term "bonders". They are people who will exclusively have sex with only one person regardless of the partner's sex. The bond is a choice and it's more romantic than sexual.

"Then there's the "breeders". They are mostly men and women who partnered with the opposite sex for the sole purpose of having children. These people often have romantic liaisons with other people on the side.

`"Chippers" on the other hand are versatile in every sense of the word. They seek both sexes and during a same sex encounter both partners are seen as equals and will allow role reversal. One of the differences between chippers and the previous two is that they don't have any romantic ties with any of their partners. Mostly the Warriors do that. Supposedly, it strengthens bonds between them.

`Next there's the "spadis". They practice abstinent and sometimes they willingly undergo castration to disconnect themselves from any sexual pleasures. The Mage caste is popular with that one.

`And lastly we have "xenons" or "wenchers". They are the sluts of the lot by taking sex whenever and wherever they could get it. The same is slightly true for the others as well but what really pulls them apart from the other groups, hence their low station in the community is that they rarely pursue people within their group and they tend to use sex for other things rather than sexual gratification.'

This is very complicated stuff. And quite a big fish to swallow.

`I know it's hard to believe but this structure had been in our culture since the beginning. Oh! Mind you, someone's perspective on what they want in terms of sexual conquests can change at any given point in time and with it his sexual behavior. So, one person can be all of the above in different stages of their life.'

`How can you tell the difference? I mean which one is the bonder, the chipper...?'

Nickolas you're right. He is very inquisitive.' She laughed again. With this,' she said showing me a large enough tattoo of an X within a circular arrow on the inside of her left wrist.

`All Targs have them. Mine appeared when I became sexually mature at fifteen. I'm a chipper by the way.'

I looked at my own wrist and I couldn't find one. What does it mean? I've been sexually active since I was twelve.

`Don't worry honey. Nobody has ever seen "glyphs" on a Feres either.'

`Show him yours Nick.' Nick had finished his meals ages ago and he too had been captivated by his aunt enlightenment.

Shyly, he produced his wrist. His tattoo was an intricate triangle inside a complete circle.

`I'm a breeder.'

I opened my month to comment on his tattoo when I heard Wren's voice in my head.

<Rye... I need you>

I immediately knew why. He needs to feed. I've been away for too long.

'What's wrong?' Nick urgently asked. My mood must have changed, therefore my emotions had as well.

I need to get home,' I told Nick and to his aunt I said, I enjoyed your company. I only wish we had more time to talk some more.'

`Likewise honey. I have a thought. Drop by for dinner tomorrow night. And bring that hunky uncle of yours when you come.'

I smiled. `I will. Thank you.'

I stood up and extended my hand to Nick. And the moment he grabbed it we teleported out.

Seconds later, we were standing in the foyer of my house.

`Thank you for showing up when you did in the forest Nick, and for the wonderful time after.'

No problem,' he said nonchalantly, and you should tell Charlie about the leopard shifters. I got a feeling that he knows who they might be or working for.'

`Why can't you tell him yourself? Are you leaving?' I said lowering my head a little hoping he would fail to notice how much I would miss his company.

He bended down and dropped a long noisy kiss me on top of my head.

`Yes. I have something to take care of but cheer up I'll be back tomorrow morning and will help you map out a rescue plan for your friend.'

I looked up just in time to see him grinning before he disappeared leaving behind tiny flakes of sparkling blue light.


That's it for this chapter guys. Write me a few words if you appreciate my story.

Next: Chapter 9

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