The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Jun 6, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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Waiting around for Alex to show up was starting to drive me crazy. I know that he had school and that I should probably be getting back to school soon as well, but I couldn't help but think that he should just skip out and bring me my stuff already. I guess that if he skipped out then he couldn't bring me anything though, so that wouldn't really work would it?

I thought about doing something, but I looked at the clock and it was already 2:30, so it wouldn't be too much longer before I figured he'd be arriving, and there wasn't much that I wanted to do that I could do in an hour anyway. I figured the best thing to do was to go and watch some television and get myself cleaned up, especially if I was going to be having some fun.

I walked into my bathroom and started turning the water to the temperature I wanted. I loved having really hot showers so I could feel everything relaxing my muscles and really feeling the burn from the hot water on my skin. Something about that was really relaxing and made me feel better, no matter what was wrong with me. Right now, I felt really worried about what was going to happen at school and how things would be for me once I got back, so I hoped that a really hot shower would try and take my mind off things and help relax me for a little while at least.

As the hot water started to drain down my back and over my face, I started to massage my body with the bar of soap that was left in the shower from last night. I started by running my hands across my chest and feeling around for the muscles I hoped were forming on my chest. I wasn't to surprised to see that I was still mostly a skinny guy, but that there were some muscles forming on my chest and abs. I was hoping to keep and build on those, but if I didn't get back into my sports routine soon I was going to lose out and end up being skinny and without muscles like Alex.

Moving to clean off my back was a bit more of a challenge because of how lanky my arms were, so I had to do a bit of stretching and contorting to properly clean all of my back. There were some strong feeling muscles in my shoulders as well from all of the pitching I'd been doing over the last few years, and it was nice to see they were still going strong. My arms were probably the most muscular part of my body, but even there they weren't big muscles, just very toned and strong without looking obscenely big on my otherwise skinny body.

My legs were also pretty skinny and toned, even though I had to do a lot of running for baseball and between classes everyday. I washed up my legs and then took care to watch my junk and ass. Washing my dick was pretty easy, and I gave it a few tugs to get it hard just for fun and to get myself ready for later on. As for my ass... I never used to think about it, I'd wash it and just take care of it, but never really thought of it as anything special until recently. Just for a laugh, I grabbed onto my ass cheeks and gave them a squeeze. I didn't have a big butt like lots of the girls in school, and I'd heard a few people joke around that they couldn't see my ass even when I bent over. Now that I was giving them a feel, I could tell they were right and that I didn't have much of an ass, even if it did feel kinda muscular from all my running around that I do.

Once I finished washing myself I just let the water run down my body, enjoying the feel of the water droplets hitting my neck and back and acting like a sort of massage for me. After letting the water run until it started to get cold, I shut off the water and started to dry off and change back into my clothes for the rest of the day. It was just becoming 3:00 when I finished and got back onto the couch, so I didn't think I'd have to wait too much longer before Alex came to drop my stuff off.

I sat back down on the couch and waited for him to arrive, knowing it wouldn't be too much longer until he was here and we could get down to the business I had planned for him.

This time I knew he was coming, so I was able to listen for him and heard him coming, so when he got to the door I just opened it for him before he had a chance to knock on it. As I suspected, he came over direct from school, except this time he actually did have a big pile of things for me to do... looks like I was going to have a late night tonight, that's for sure. Makes sense to me though, I've been away from school so much lately its only natural that all that work has been waiting for me and now it has to be done.

Alex barely even acknowledged me before throwing my books and stuff onto my couch in an untidy heap. He looked up at me and I could tell that he was tired and hadn't been sleeping. His eyes were bloodshot and he had dark circles under his eyes. More than that though, he looked like he had been crying a lot over the last couple days, there were streaks on his face where I could see the tears had been falling, and I wanted to know what was going on that was making him that upset.

"Alex, what's going on? You show up here and don't even say hello to me, and you look like you've gone through hell. Is something happening around here that I don't know about?"

Alex looked back up at me and slowly started to take off his shirt. It was at this point that I realized that he was covered in bruises where no one could see them. His whole chest and back were covered with bruises of all different sizes, and some of them looked quite swollen. Others looked brand new, as though he got them sometime today.

"I've had a few altercations with Annabelle. She still thinks you killed Sean, and when I told her off she went a bit off the rails." Alex looked down at himself and winced a bit. I noticed that even though he didn't have a big pile of books and things to carry, he was still wincing and limping when he walked. "I guess I didn't realize how much she had gotten me, she's a total psycho when she wants to be, you know that Devin?"

I didn't reply right away, instead I walked over to him and gently placed my hands on some of the bruises. Holding onto him, I guided him back to my couch and had him sit down without causing him any more pain than he's already had to deal with from being attacked.

"How many times has this happened?" I asked. "Some of these look really recent, tell me what's going on Alex."

"It started on the weekend, while you were gone." I guess that means he didn't know that I was in Spokane hospital, but I wasn't sure when or how to let him know about that particular adventure.

Alex continued "Right after school on Friday I heard Annabelle ranting again to Parker about how you were the one that killed Sean, and that it was obviously because you two were closer than friends. I'm not sure why she would know that though, you only ever told me and I couldn't believe that Sean would tell someone, so I told her she was full of crap and to keep her deranged views to herself for once."

Alex looked down at some of the bruises on his chest again and idly fingered one of them.

"She didn't take too well to that, so she came running at me and started pushing and punching me just there at the doors of the school. I didn't know what to do so I just tried to protect myself as best I could, but like I said, that girl is one scary chick once you get her riled up, I can't believe she isn't locked away somewhere."

"Okay, so she was attacking you, then what happened?"

Alex just shrugged at me and carried on with the story. "Once I got her off of me she pulled out a phone and showed me and everyone else in the area the pictures on the phone. I guess it was Sean's phone, because there were pictures of you sucking his cock and getting fucked by you. Now you know whether anyone else has seen those pics Devin, they're all over the school by now."

Shit. Oh shit. Everyone knows. That means that what I got from Parker the other day was going to get so much worse, and there's nothing I can do about it because they've all got or seen the proof that I was there. Jesus, how am I going to tell dad all about this mess?

Alex could see that I was going to pieces about that pieces of news, so he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug.

"Devin, that's actually part of why I got beaten up today. Everyone was talking about those pictures at school today and I told Parker to fuck off, that those pictures were blackmail and to get out of your business. Everyone figured out pretty quickly that we're dating because I'm the only one in the school to publicly support you, and Parker thought if he beat me up it'd be almost the same as beating you up."

"I'm so sorry Alex..."

"It's fine, I knew it would be like this once I got a boyfriend. We have each other, and we'll find a way to make this all work out. First thing you should do though is tell your dad, he deserves the right to hear all this from you instead of through the tow gossip mill, and you know it's only a matter of time until that happens."

He was right, of course, everyone was going to tell my dad and probably show him the pictures soon enough, and I wanted to have him be on my side instead of believing whatever bullshit the dumbasses in this town were going to lie and say about me. Right now though, all I wanted to do was get close to Alex and try to make him feel better, as we both needed something to get over the fact that we'd been pretty badly hurt over the last few days.

I pulled Alex over to me and took his hand, then led him back into my room. His clothes were left forgotten in my living room, and I started to take off my own clothes and the rest of his clothes. Soon enough, we were both naked and I could see the extent of his injuries. All along his legs and back were covered with more bruises, and I could see that he was going to be feeling a lot of soreness for the next little while.

I placed Alex on his side and lay down on the bed with him, and I nuzzled into the part of his neck that was exposed and didn't look like it was too sore or covered in bruises. It hurt a bit, brushing my nose against his body hurt and I still hadn't totally healed from my own encounter with Parker, but it felt right to be trying to comfort Alex right now. I let my hands wander across his body, trying to find the places that hurt and didn't hurt so I knew how to make him feel okay.

Alex was responding to what I was doing as well, he was starting to get hard and more alive, and he turned to face me so that he could rub along my shoulders and back with his free hand. While we were exploring each other, our hard cocks kept brushing up against each other. I pulled him close and started thrusting myself into the groove between his legs and his crotch. It felt really good, I was groaning from the feel of sliding my hard cock between his legs and grazing his cock as I pushed by it.

Alex was going crazy, he was pulling on my back and pulling me in closer every time I thrust inward. I'm not sure what came over me, but I had a crazy urge to kiss Alex, and I didn't even think. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and head and pressed my lips to his, while I slowly kept thrusting into the gap formed between Alex's legs. Alex groaned, and without warning he started shooting his load between us. I couldn't believe how that felt to kiss Alex and to have his cum shooting onto my leg, and that set me off as well. I started firing my load onto his ass and dick.

We both sort of looked at each other with this glazed look in our eyes, as though we hadn't really realized what we just did, again. Rather than being worried about it, we both just lay there and enjoyed the moment. We were both naked and quite happy with what was happening in that moment in time.

No one was more surprised than me when I heard the front door opening.

Next: Chapter 14

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