The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Mar 28, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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Sleep didn't come easily to me that night. My mind was racing, thinking about what I'd done and how Sean had just so casually disposed of me once he was finished. When I did wake up, I was sticky and covered in my own cum, and sore from the tossing and turning I had done throughout the night.

I was dreading going to school today, hoping that Sean kept his word and didn't tell anyone what had happened. Even though I have a car, I still have to get picked up by the district school bus like everyone else. It's stupid, especially since I'm graduating this year, they should give us a little respect and let the senior students come in on their own. What was the point of working my ass off to get this car if I couldn't even use it to make my life a little bit easier?

It was raining again, so by the time the bus actually came and picked me up, I was wet and miserable on top of being nervous out of my mind that Sean would out me sometime that day, or that he already had and I was totally dead at that point.

I wasn't really paying attention to anything, staring out the window when I heard someone call my name and sit down next to me on the bus. It was Alex. I like Alex; he's a cool dude. He's only 14, but we get along pretty well even though I only ever see him on the trips to and from school, or when I need to go to the library to get something for a class.

"Hey Devin, how are you today?" He was particularly cheerful today, which was odd considering the weather and how he's normally very reserved and quiet. I wonder what was going on that had him in such a good mood today.

"Hey yourself kiddo. I'm doing alright I guess" I replied. I wasn't going to tell him what was going on, mostly because I still hadn't really convinced myself that it happened or that I was safe from the consequences of what I'd done.

Alex peered over at me, a look of concern gracing his features. I'm not sure why he was always so interested in me all the time.

"Really? You don't look it to me. You look a little bothered by something. Why don't you tell me what's going on, maybe I can help!"

"There's nothing going on Alex, really. Not sure what happened with you today though, someone spike your cereal with some sugar or something? You're never this excited about anything normally."

"Sometimes I'm happy, you're just never around when that happens" Alex replied, a tinge of pink creeping into his pale cheeks.

I thought I heard him mutter something, but I couldn't make it out under his breath and I figured that I'd be better off not finding out what he said, so I just let it be for the moment.

Thankfully we weren't too far away from school by this point, and that meant that I had to start thinking about how I was going to get through the day without getting the crap kicked out of me. First period was English, so there wasn't going to be any problems there; Sean wasn't even in my class. So at least I knew I'd have an hour of peace and quiet before my torment would likely begin.

When I got to gym class for my second period, I headed straight for the locker room to change and get ready for class. I knew we would be running outside even in the rain, but then that's not exactly a rare occurrence in Washington State.

It seemed like everyone else from the class was already in the locker room waiting for me when I arrived. No one said anything at first, but a few guys did look to see if it was me when I came in and then went back to getting themselves ready for class. No one seemed like they had been told or anything, and it wasn't like people were giving me the cold shoulder or anything like that. I wonder if that meant Sean had kept his word, or if he had been bluffing the whole time and was saving up for some blackmail later.

When I got back out of the locker room and into the gym, I saw Sean and Parker talking. I didn't think anything of it, they're friends and even though Parker's an asshole, I can't exactly do anything about them talking to each other. I hope that Sean wasn't saying any shit about what we did last night.

I walked over to where the rest of the class was setting up and Parker came to join me. I tried to hide the look of annoyance on my face when he swaggered over and got in my face. He had a weird look on his face that I couldn't quite place or understand.

"Heard you left practice with Sean last night. You two fuckin' yet?" Parker sneered at me once he was close enough to speak without catching anyone else's attention.

"The hell are you talking about, you psycho?" I whisper-yelled back at him. I was trying not to let any panic show on my face. Did he know what Sean and I had done, or was he just being his usual asshole self? I couldn't really figure him out and decide if he knew what was going on or not, but I couldn't let that shit go without at least challenging him for making such a bullshit observation where people might hear him.

"I said, are you fuckin around and getting dicked by my boy." Parker snarled. "You know fags go to hell, so don't think for a damn second I won't help you on your way if it turns out you're some pansy that's too indecent to separate yourself from the rest of society. Stay the hell away from Sean, he doesn't need to turn into a little pussy queer like you probably are."

"Go to hell Parker. You're getting awfully damn protective of Sean aren't ya? Maybe you should back off before people start getting ideas about you." I felt weird gaybaiting this asshole, but I figured that it would either provoke him to starting a fight or he'd back off. I'm not sure which one I'd prefer, even if I did know I'd probably get my ass handed to me.

Parker looked like he was actually going to take a shot at me, then for whatever reason he just shrugged, gave me a look and an obscene gesture and then stalked off to sit with the rest of his asshole friends. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that I had avoided the first major confrontation of the day, but I had no idea how much longer my luck would hold out, and I was still mad that Sean might have spilled it.

I decided that during the run around the track I'd chase down Sean and figure out what the hell was going on. He wasn't nearly as quick as me so it wasn't too hard to keep pace with him.

"What the hell is going on Sean?" I demanded. "You already telling all the damn school about last night?"

"Bitch, keep your voice down or else everyone really will damn well hear and it won't be because of me." Sean responded. "I ain't told anyone about you being a dumb cocksucking whore, but you're pissing me off right now so you better be at my place tonight to make things right, or else. Don't think for a second I don't mean this little Devin. You get your ass and lips to my place tonight after school or you can kiss what's left of your reputation goodbye."

I was stunned. I couldn't believe I let myself fall for that trap again. While I tried to regain some sense of what I just had happen to me, Sean started jogging ahead of me and made it clear that I wasn't to try and talk to him again. Doing so would have gotten people talking anyway, so I just finished my run in relative peace.

School stressed me out so much more than usual today, so by the time the last bell rang and I was stumbling onto the bus for the trip home, it was no surprise to me that I didn't even hear Alex scoot into the seat next to me and start asking me about how my day went. I know he's cool and all, but god damn, he's a bit annoying sometimes, even for a fourteen year old or whatever he is.

"Alex, piss off will you?" I glared out the window of the bus, not even bothering to look at him. "Seriously man, just gimme some space here and go talk to someone else for a change."

I didn't even have to see him to know he took what I said personally, just the way he responded told me everything I needed to know; "Yeah, sure Devin... see you around." I could hear how despondent he sounded. I'd probably have to make it up to him, but my mind was on other things.

Next: Chapter 4

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