The Last Out

By Hunter

Published on Apr 11, 2023


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome.

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I was naked in Sean's room, covered in rapidly drying cum, and I realized that this was not nearly as fun and exciting as I wanted it to be. All those dreams that I tried to ignore about us having sex were coming true, and I guess this proves that dreams are nowhere close to reality. He was rough and didn't care about me; it was always going to be about what he wanted and simply taking his pleasure from me. But here I was anyway. I wasn't defending myself and trying to leave, or doing anything to show that I was upset with what was going on. Instead I was naked, shivering, and hard as a rock.

For the moment, I just sat there on the carpeted floor of Sean's room, not really doing anything or noticing anything that was happening around me. I felt some wetness on my left thigh, and realized that I was dripping Sean's cum onto myself. I blushed thinking that I was covering myself in his load, and that I wasn't doing anything to clean it up or make myself more presentable.

After a few minutes of sitting there feeling sorry for myself, I realized that this had to change. I wasn't supposed to be this guy, this cocksucker who just came at the call of some other guy. I'm supposed to be straight; I like girls. Now I've seen what it's like to be with Sean and I don't have to pretend that I'm interested in guys anymore. It was just a curiosity thing, that's what it was. And why not Sean anyway, he's like the ultimate guy, so it makes sense that I'd want to try with someone like him, doesn't it? I know for sure now that I don't like it and won't ever do it again.

Except I'm hard. And this is the second time I've sucked Sean's cock. Hell, this time I went out of my way to go to Sean's place just to suck him a second time in as many days. That is not something a straight guy does, even if he's being blackmailed by a shitty human being. A straight guy would man up and call the idiot out on his blackmail and let everyone see that the other guy was a piece of crap. If I had done that, maybe I wouldn't be here right now. What am I then? I'm hard, and that means that I liked what I was doing on some level, which means I have to like having sex with guys.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, with Sean coming back into the room, fully dressed. I had forgotten that I was at Sean's place, and he made sure to let me know what he thought of my appearance.

"What a fucking fag, sitting there staring at my cum on you. I thought you'd at least be dignified about this and clean yourself up, but if you like having all my jizz dry on you then fine, you can stay like that for the rest of the night."

"Bitch, crawl on over here and let me use you as a foot rest. You better not drip anymore of my load anywhere, or I swear I'll have you lick it up. Now get over here, I want to watch some TV and need something to relax on."

I reached to put on some clothes or to at least clean myself off a bit. If I was going to put up with this garbage, I wanted to be comfortable while doing it, and hopefully he'd just let me leave sooner than later tonight. Who knows, he might even be joking and let me go right away instead of continuing to treat me like garbage. As I reached for my clothes, Sean reached out and slapped me across the face.

"No one said anything about you getting dressed Williams. You had a chance to clean yourself up and look like a guy again. You chose to stay like this and look like the cocksucking fag you are. Stay naked and get your ass over here; if you wanted to be dressed and one of the guys you should have gotten dressed while you had the chance."

Part of me hoped that he meant that I could have walked out of here and he would have forgotten the whole thing if I had just gotten myself dressed and wiped the cum off myself. I guess I had enough time to do so, and I couldn't figure out why I hadn't just done that. I mean, Sean's treating me like garbage, but would he actually have things go back to the way they were last week? Not that his treatment of me last week was great, but at least he treated me like a human being, and that is better than being nothing more than his slave like I am now.

I shuffled over to where Sean was sitting on his bed and kneeled down on my hands and knees so that he could use my back as a footrest. I didn't have my watch or phone on me so I couldn't really tell how long it had been, but I guess it was around half an hour before Sean finally moved from where he was sitting, and started rubbing himself through his jeans. Great, he's ready for another round, just what I need and wanted. I can't believe he's going to make me suck him off again, wasn't once tonight enough? I was fed up, and I wanted to make it clear that I wasn't going to take it anymore.

"You're not seriously going to make me suck you off again are you Sean? Once should be more than enough, and I shouldn't even be doing it at all. I'm straight Sean, we both know that, so how about we put an end to this nonsense and we act like this didn't happen."

He laughed. Sean simply looked at me with this incredulous look on his face, and he laughed. It was the kind of laugh where you know the person is mocking you and they don't believe a word of what they've just heard, but they laugh because they can't figure out how to take you seriously. Embarrassed wouldn't even begin to cover how I felt, especially once he stopped laughing long enough to respond.

"This did happen. In fact, it's happened twice. It's going to keep happening, and I'm going to continue lording over the fact that you are going to be my cocksucker for the rest of the year, and as long afterwards as I decide I need to have someone to empty my balls into. "

Sean took this opportunity to stand up and stand over me.

"And do you know why Devin? Because I will tell every goddamn person in this town and at school that the only thing you want to be in life is the guy sucking my cock. People will believe it, why do you think I called you out on it before? You're not nearly as good at hiding it as you think, and I guarantee that people will believe that you're a cocksucking fag because that's what they already think. So you may as well get used to this, because whether you want it or not, this is your life now."

Sean grabbed my hands and put them on his jeans, right at the fly and held my hands there. I couldn't believe the things he was saying. Was I really so obvious? How could people know what I am when I'm so sure that I'm not gay.

"Suck my cock Williams. Suck my cock now. Pull down my jeans and put my dick in your mouth."

Sean used his hands to make me pull down his jeans, but then just waited for me to continue doing the rest of the job. I hated myself for this; this wasn't anything like how I wanted it to be, and every moment I spent with Sean now was humiliating and driving me crazy inside. This was worse than anything, and it would almost be worth it for him to tell everyone just so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit anymore.

Except then it wouldn't just be him and his idiot friends, it would be everyone that was out to either attack me for being different or to blackmail me into being their dick sucker too. This was already a bad situation for me, I didn't want to think about what would happen if more people started treating me the way Sean does. And my dad... it'd kill him to see this happening, this could ruin our lives and we just didn't have any way of moving.

So I made a choice, and hated myself for it. I reached up and started pulling down Sean's boxers, freeing his hard cock from its prison. Sean was already hard. His eight inches of cock seemed bigger than before, or maybe I just felt smaller because of how fucked I knew my situation was, and that right now there was nothing I could do about it.

"Get to it, slut." Sean was pretty clear that this was going to be worse than before, but this was becoming ridiculous.

I slid the head of his cock into my mouth and felt it press against the roof of my mouth and press my tongue down. It was huge, but it wasn't straining me as much this time because I wasn't fighting it as much this time. I just let him push his cock into my mouth and wait for me to bob my head on the shaft. I slowly slid down on his cock and licked the underside of his shaft.

I closed my eyes, not wanting to watch myself do this or to think about what was happening to me for the second time this evening. I wanted to block all this out now and just get through this blowjob without going crazy and hating every second of it. Maybe if I pretend that it's going to be the last time it'll be easier to deal with. It won't be, but at least it's something I can pretend while I'm getting my throat abused by a giant piece of cock that's now being forced past my gag reflex.

While I was sucking Sean's cock, I heard a faint noise in the background. I couldn't place what it was at first, because the sound was lost in the background of the television being on and the sounds of me sucking his cock and choking on Sean's cock when he pressed too far down my throat. It didn't help that I still hadn't opened my eyes, so when I heard the noise a second and third time, I opened my eyes to try and figure out what was going on. Sean had his phone out, and in that moment I realized exactly what he had done.

I pulled off his cock and stood up, ready to fight and anticipating that I'd get the shit beat out of me, but I wasn't going to take this shit anymore.

"You fucker! You took pictures of me? What the hell is all this about. Fuck you and fuck everything about this stupid plan of yours. I should have known better than to trust you or have anything to do with you!"

I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of his room, and was surprised to see that he let me go without a fight. I was halfway through getting dressed before Sean came out of his room, with a smirk on his face and his phone in his hands.

"Who would have thought that you would have the balls to stand up for yourself. The thing is, it's too late. And now I'm mad, so I might do something you'll regret. I could send those photos to everyone. One text is all it would take. Or you could do what I say and I'll delete them tonight. No questions asked, they'll be gone as though they never existed."

The mingled look of fury and panic on my face would have been hilarious in any other situation, but I figured at this point that everything that had happened tonight was going exactly how Sean planned it.

"Tell me how to get rid of those pictures Sean. Don't fuck around with me, just tell me."

Sean laughed again, like I'd said the funniest joke in the world.

"Nice choice of words Williams." Sean giggled. "That's exactly what I was going to do. Fuck you, I mean. I'm going to fuck you and then I will get rid of those photos. The alternative is that I send those pictures to everyone, and then fuck you anyway in a week once your life is ruined."

He dangled the phone in front of me, almost as though he was daring me to try and steal it from him. I tried to figure out if I could do so and get away, but I didn't like my chances and even if I did get his phone, what would I do with it without his password to get into it?

Sean looked at me, and I could see that he was absolutely serious when he spoke next. His voice was very low, very deep and very, very dangerous sounding.

"Beg me Devin. Beg me to fuck you. If you do it well enough, I might just listen to you and do what you want. Tell me how you'll do anything to keep your secret, that you'll even let me fuck you like the slut you are just to keep this a secret." "...please fuck me Sean." I said with as little emotion and tone as possible. It was barely a whisper, but I heard myself say those words and could feel the tears flowing from my eyes as I made myself feel even lower.

A disapproving look from Sean, and a series of movements on the screen of his phone caught my attention.

"You'll have to do better than that, whore. You certainly don't sound like you want it, or that you care about what happens if you don't do exactly what I want. Maybe I'll have to make a point to you."

With that, he sent the text. I heard my phone vibrate.

"Go, answer it."

I opened my phone to see who texted me. It was the pictures of me, with Sean's cock in my mouth. I looked absolutely awful, but the fact was that he sent them, which means he could do it again.

"I only sent those to you. Unless you want them going beyond this room, I suggest you try again and make sure you really fucking mean it this time."

I took a deep breath, steadied myself and promised myself that this was the best I could do to get out of this situation now. I turned myself around so that my back was turned to him, then looked back over my shoulder at him.

"Please Sean" I cooed at him. "Please, come fuck me, I'll do anything you want in order to make you get rid of those photos. Do what you want, just get rid of the pictures. I want you to come fuck me."

Sean was laughing at me, and I could see that he found me degrading myself like this to be incredibly funny. He put the phone down on the coffee table and grabbed me by the hair.

"Oh man, that was great, I can't believe you actually said that. You're such a fucking slut Devin, I can't believe we actually let you play on the team and stay near us for all these years. All these years you've been perving on us, you're disgusting, and now I'm going to get some sweet payback for all the times you sat there and used me as your queer jackoff material. Get on your back like a good whore, I'm gonna fuck you right here on the floor like you deserve."

Sean pushed me down and waited until I got on my back. Once I was on my back he threw my legs up so that my ass was exposed. I hadn't ever done anything with my hole before, I just thought it was for taking dumps out of, and now Sean was going to stuff his cock into me. I couldn't begin to guess how much this was going to hurt, and I just waited for him to start.

Instead, Sean started things off by spitting on my ass and rubbing the spit in my ass. I don't know if I should feel grateful that he's trying to lube me up a little bit, or if this was just for his own enjoyment and that he liked spitting on me. Either way, it was delaying the inevitable and that was something that made me hate him slightly less.

"I want to see your face when I fuck your pussy Devin. I wanna watch you learn your place in this school and this community, and I want you to know that I was the one that proved you were nothing more than a faggot pretending to be a real man. Take this last chance to remember what it was like to be a man, after this you're just going to be a pair of holes to fuck."

Without giving me anymore warning, Sean shoved his whole cock into my virgin ass. I screamed in pain, flailing with my arms and legs, trying to get away from the burning in my ass and the sheer force used to fuck my hole. It felt like he was tearing me up, and I tried grabbing and pushing him away. I couldn't do a thing and he just grinned down at me.

With Sean holding onto my legs, I couldn't escape or do anything other than moan in pain as he continued pushing his cock into my ass. I thought for sure that he had ripped something or that I was going to be seriously hurt, and then he stopped pushing forward. It still hurt more than anything I had ever felt before, but it wasn't getting worse now. I think that meant he was all the way in me, and that there wasn't any more cock that he could put in me.

I felt full, bloated and ashamed of myself for being his fuck toy. I was crying from the pain and the humiliation.

"You're all mine Williams. Your ass is all mine, and I'm going to enjoy this. All the rumours you've heard about me are true, so I guess you better hold on tight and get ready to get rammed like a street hoe."

Sean started pulling out and thrusting back into me with long strokes. Each time he pulled out it felt like he was taking part of me with him, and everytime he pushed back in he moaned and squeezed my ankles tighter, making me wince in pain. Sean's strokes were erratic, he was hitting different angles and really trying to stretch me out, and all I could do was take it.

Then he hit a certain spot in my ass, and it was like an electric shock went through my whole body. I spasmed and gasped, and Sean noticed the effect fucking me there had.

"Well, look at that! Looks like you like being fucked! You're getting hard from me pounding your hole, what a joke!"

I looked down and saw that I was getting hard and leaking precum on my stomach. Sean started fucking harder and this time he focused everything on that spot in my ass. It was driving me crazy having him keep hitting that spot, and I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

Sean switched to shorter, faster strokes and I could feel a change in his demeanor too. He was moaning, but it was much deeper and more animalistic sounding, and he wasn't as in control of his actions. He must have been close to cumming, and so was I and I didn't know why that was because I couldn't possibly want or like this.

Then it happened. I felt myself cumming and without even thinking it I yelled out that I was cumming.

"Fuck, I'm cumming!"

"Fucking fag, cumming from my cock, take my load now bitch!"

I shot my load all over myself, five spurts from my cock and at the same time, I could feel something spilling into my ass. Sean had cum and he didn't even think to pull out of me. He just shot his load in my ass. I now had his load on my face, down my throat and up my ass. I couldn't be more humiliated.

"Great. Now get out of here before I change my mind and keep the damn pictures."

I dressed and limped over to my bike. As I got on my bike I gingerly tried to sit down in a way that wouldn't hurt my ass more than it already had. I didn't look back, I didn't want to see him there laughing at me, but I could hear his voice and see his face long after I couldn't see the property.

I went to bed right away that night, not having any idea what tomorrow would bring.

Next: Chapter 6

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