The Legendaries

By moc.oohay@09kcinsuoiroton

Published on Apr 4, 2010


Disclaimer: This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

"The Legendaries"

"Part One: The Beginning"

Some societies have called us gods. Some have called us the Divinities. Some have called us, spirits. Some call us angels. Some have even gone so far to say that we are God.

But we don't get into the meta-physical.

We are the Legendaries.

You see, all things came from us. We all had a part in creation.

There are five of us.

Five elements, technically.

Fire. Water. Wind. Earth. Magic.

You see, we all had our part. But mainly, we use our power now. In your time.

Since the dawn of creation, we have assimilated ourselves into the lives of humans.

We have chosen those worthy of being avatars for us. They share our power, for their brief human lives.

Some you have heard of. Some, you have not.

Xerxes, Julius Caesar, Nero, King Arthur, Merlin, Joan of Arc, Isaac Newton, Joseph Stalin, Albert Einstein.

Just to name a few.

We have not inhabited the Earth at the same time for several thousand years, because the threat hasn't been that sever since the beginning.

We come, to protect the human race. It is our duty. It is our position.

From what you may ask?

Well, there we can only begin by asking another question.

Have you heard of demons? Vampires? Werewolves?

All those things that go "bump" in the night, those things you've always feared, but brushed it off as myth.

They're real. All of them.

Every time we come to the human dimension, it is because of their threat.

But now, it is something different.

They have grown too bold.

The dimension that was their prison, can no longer hold them.

They thirst for the human dimension.

But they cannot have it.

It is time again, to choose five humans to share our power.

It is time to put an end to this.

We are the Legendaries.

We are the Protectors.

"Idiots!! I will kill you!"

Call of Duty. The Champion's Game. Or so Cooper Storm thought so. He spent countless hours devoted to his Xbox. In fact, so many hours were being spent on his gaming skills, that his grades had slipped from C's to D's. Actually a D Minus. But like he cared.

He exited to the main menu after another round of showing the world that he was the master of COD, and went to the kitchen.

His house, a two-story Victorian, was what his mom considered a perfect deal. They had gotten it for half the price it was listed for, which was a miracle in itself. But then, the owners decided that they were going to completely refurnish their new house, so they left their old furniture. Now, honestly, Cooper thought it was weird at first, to sleep in a bed someone else had been sleeping in for God knows how long. But eventually, he got used to the $5.000 mattress that had been imported from Switzerland.

He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of Code Red Mountain Dew.

He had to admit, the drink of the gods was addictive.

"Cooper?" Came the voice he recognized as his mother's from the study. He walked in the direction of his mother's calls. He stuck his head in the door of the study.

"Can I help you?" He asked, smiling, his voice having a sarcastic tint to it. She looked at him seriously and held up his report card. His smile disappeared.

"I would just like to start my appeal by saying that math has never been my strong-suit, and since it wasn't yours either, I believe it to be genetic."

"This isn't funny Cooper. Your grades can't drop right now. You're in your junior year and that's when colleges start looking at transcripts."

"Mom, it's not that big of a deal. I'll just do some extra-credit, or something."

"Well, until "or something" happens, you're grounded. No more video games. No more going to the mall. No more Parties. Especially at our house. The only things you are permitted to do for the next six weeks are school, homework, and home. If I need you to take your brother somewhere, you will comply, because for the next six weeks you don't have a life."

Ouch. That hurt. He knew he should've intercepted the report card when he had the chance. Now he was paying for it.

"Mom, I already sent out the guest list for a party this Friday. Here. Why can't you delay the sentence for the next couple of days?" Coop begged.

"No. You have to learn to serve the sentence. If you don't like the sentence, you'll start doing better at school." She said before turning back to the papers at her desk. Coop rolled his eyes and left the study. He walked back to his room, and took a look around.

There were cups everywhere, clothes sprawled across the floor, magazines ripped and torn. There was even a sock hanging from the ceiling fan. Coop sighed and slowly began to pick up from last week's party.

He had to find a way to have the party. He was a Status King at school.

See, there were obviously cliques at school. Well, there's the Jocks and Cheerleaders, the Popular Kids. The Extreme Geeks, the Drama Freaks, the Emo kids, and the Normal kids.

Coop was a drifter. He didn't have a specific clique that he belonged to. He was popular everywhere. But, in particular, the Popular bunch.

He'd always been able to influence people. His mom just called him "Charismatic". But it always seemed to be something else...

Coming back from his thoughts, Coop sat down on his bed and began to drift into sleep.


A lot of it.

That's what Coop saw every night when he went to sleep.

Not necessarily cities on fire, or anything that extreme or scary. Just fire.

Bright orange, or calm blues. But it always ended the same.

A raven, if that's what it was, would always sweep into his field of vision. It would stare into his soul's core.

Then, a fire-bird would appear. Not a bird on fire. A fire-bird.

They would sit (perch maybe?) next to each other and just look at him. Then, without anything changing, without anyone speaking, he would hear a pleasant female voice say:

`We are waiting. All will be answered, young one. All will be changed.'

The radio turning on at full blast was his cue to wake up. He didn't remember setting it like that, but at least it woke him up. At least he'd be on time today.

He woke up and changed into a pair of track shorts and a t-shirt. He put on his running shoes and slipped out the door into the warm morning breeze. He was never, like, a health freak, but he liked to keep in shape.

With the body he had, he could have any boy he wanted.

He'd always known he liked guys. His mom never minded.

"As long as you're happy". She would say.

But even though he'd had his flings, he'd never had a boyfriend for longer than three weeks. His mother had always said he had trouble committing. But that wasn't the case. It just didn't feel right.

He could always read people really well. He could tell if they had ulterior motives, or if their hearts weren't in the right place. That often got in the way of a relationship.

Arriving back at his front door, Coop walked back to his room and began to disrobe.

He looked at his slim, muscular body in the mirror.

He was around 5' 10", with blonde hair that reached the bottoms of his ears, and bright green eyes.

He looked away from his mirror, grabbed a clean pair of boxers, and walked into the bathroom.

School was always a boring affair for Coop. Besides the occasional eye-candy, he never looked forward to anything. Except for his Criminal Justice class. He practically owned every case he got in mock trial. His charisma and reading of people shone through as he prosecuted the "witnesses".

When the bell rang to go to the next class, Coop raced to lunch. He never ate lunch, but he still enjoyed the period. He quickly found his way to the normal table for his group of friends. As he reached the table, he heard them whispering. Probably gossiping about someone getting pregnant or something. As he reached the table, his friends, the twins, Rose and Sean immediately drew him into the conversation.

"Hey, Coop, have you heard?" Rose asked.

"Heard what?"

"About the new girl?" Sean said, as if that's what Coop's world should have been centered around the new girl.

"Guys, you really need to chill. We get like ten new students a day."

"Yeah, but this one's different. Apparently, her dad works for some secret organization. They moved here on some assignment."

"If it's a secret organization, why does everyone know about it?" Coop pointed out.

"Well, you know it's just a rumor." Sean said.

"And, they're rich. She's decked out in all the new fashions, expensive jewelry. Like real gold and diamonds." Rose said.

"Uh huh. And why should I be interested?" Coop asked. His friends knew he was gay. He wondered why they were being so persistent about this girl.

"We're just keeping you in the know, Coop." Rose said, rolling her eyes.

Coop took his seat in his Trigonometry class, dreading the next forty-five minutes. As the teacher called for the classes' attention, the door of the classroom opened.

Surely, this was the girl Rose and Sean had been talking about.

She walked into the room, smiling. She had dazzling red hair that flowed down her back, and emerald eyes that were so bright, he could make them out from his seat on the opposite side of the room. She was probably 5' 7". She had blinding white teeth, and was dressed in a pair of khaki dress pants and white shirt with black scarf. She had a golden chain around her neck with an onyx stone encircled with diamonds.

"Can I help you?" The teacher asked. She smiled brilliantly again.

"Yes, I was just transferred to this class." She said, in a very sweet, soprano voice. It sounded familiar.

"Oh, well then, can I see your transfer papers?" She pulled a paper from her purse and handed it to him. He took it to his desk, where she followed.

Several guys in the class were eyeing her like hawks. Coop had to admit, she was really pretty. If he were straight, he would have to say she was hot.

The teacher gave her back the paper and looked into his grade book.

"Well then, looks like you'll be sitting beside Mr. Storm. Wave your hand Coop."

Coop waved, signaling her seat. She smiled and walked to her new seat.

"So, I'm Cooper Storm. Coop for short." Coop said, holding out his hand.

"I'm Victoria Heart. Tori for short." She said, taking his hand.

The teacher recalled the attention of the class and began the day's lesson. Coop retreated into his thoughts. Where had he heard the girl's voice before? It sounded familiar. He chanced another look at her. She met his gaze, smiling.

As though triggered by the emerald stare, his dream came rushing back to him. Her voice. It was the voice from his dream.

He was so startled by his revelation, that when the bell rang, he was the first one out of the room.

Tori Heart watched him flee from the room. He wasn't ready.

"What do you mean he's not ready?"

"I mean he's not ready. You should have seen him freak out when he realized that I'm the one from his dream."

Tori and Jonathon Heart sat in the study of their large estate, discussing Cooper Storm. The rumors already started in Tori's school were true. For the most part. Her father did work for a secret organization. But no one would ever guess what kind it was.

"How long do you think it will take?" Jonathon Heart asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't think his powers have manifested yet. But, I think it's safe to say that as soon as they do, we can move in."

"And you're sure he will be the next one awakened?"

"I believe so. This is what my dreams have told me." Her father nodded.

"Very well then. Now, shouldn't you be off to bed? You have school in the morning."

"Ugh. Don't remind me. This is ridiculous. I have magical powers that can level cities and I have to go to school. Shouldn't the fact that I have a few college degrees make a difference in the whole school thing?"

The dream. Again.


Then the raven and the fire-bird. The voice.

But this time it was different.

"It is time for you to join us. It is time for another to be awakened."

Coop awoke, sweat pouring from his body. What the heck was going on?

"Coop, are you okay?"

Coop snapped out of his sleep deprivation induced space-out and looked to his friends.

"Yeah, I just really haven't gotten much sleep within the past couple of days."

"What's up dude?" Sean asked.

"Nothing. I'm just having these really weird dreams."

"Well what are they about? Everything in dreams has a certain meaning." Rose said, perking up. She had been interested in the supernatural, and she always rambled on about dreams.

He told her about the dreams.

"Well, fire can mean a lot of things. It can predict transformations and new beginnings. Ravens mean that your surroundings are not in harmony."

"Well that clears everything up, Rose." He said.

`Sorry, you don't have to be such a bitch.'

"What did you say to me?" He asked, glaring at her.

"I didn't say anything Coop." Rose said, making a face at him.

"I heard you Rose! You can't say that no one else heard you!"

"She didn't say anything Cooper." Sean said. Coop looked at them incredulously.

`Wow, drama queen.'

"What the heck Sean, I'm right here!"

"What dude? I didn't say anything!"

Then, without any warning, an explosion of sound seemed to erupt. He heard different voices, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

What is he talking about?' Who is that?' And she didn't even talk to me' Ugh, she is so ugly' I don't understand this' The new girl is so hot' This meat is cold' I really need a jacket' I can't believe he said that' People just don't understand' How is this supposed to help me in life' Is this supposed to be funny' The way her body moves' I need an aspirin' `Who could've known'

"Coop, are you okay?" Rose asked. Coop was clutching his head, hunched over in his seat.

"Leave me alone!" He said, jumping from his seat and running from the table. "Stop talking! I can't think!" He said, his voice escalating. He ran from the cafeteria, and headed straight for the front doors. At this point he didn't care what the consequences were; he just had to get away from it all.

He reached the parking lot behind the school before he could think again. His head was pounding from the voices that had invaded his head from nowhere.

He slumped behind a dumpster, his back sliding down the cool metal.

"You know, it's against the rules to be out here during school," said a familiar voice. He followed the sound, and found Tori Heart, standing against one of the railings.

"Yet you're out here..." He said.

"Yeah, but no one really knows that." She said, smiling. "So, I guess you need some medicine huh?"

"What?" He said, confused by the change of topic.

"Medicine. For your head." She said, touching hers as though to help him understand.

"Oh. Um, Yeah." He said, taking an ibuprofen she held in her hand. "How did you know?"

"Well, I saw what happened in the cafeteria."

"You did? Then maybe can you tell me what happened in the cafeteria?" He said, sarcastically. He was slightly annoyed by the girl's presence. He just wanted to be alone.

"Sure. It's called telepathy."

That got his attention.


"Yeah, you know, like hearing other people's thoughts..."

"Yeah, I know what telepathy is. But honestly? I heard those people's thoughts? Yeah, right." He said, scoffing at her suggestions.

"Hey, you asked, I answered. How else do you explain hearing what people are thinking?"

"Maybe I wasn't! I haven't had much sleep, maybe it's just catching up to me." He said, seemingly trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

"Yeah, and why is it that you haven't gotten much sleep? Dreams, right?"

"How did you know that?" He said, turning his head to look at her.

"I had them too. Before all this happened." She said, motioning to herself.

"What do you mean?" He asked warily.

"I had the same kind of dreams that you are having. Let's see. Is there a lot of fire in your dreams? Do you see lots of it, then you see a Raven?" She said, stepping closer to him.

"H-How do you know this?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

"Because I went through the same thing."

"What do you mean?" He asked again.

"Will you let me show you?" She said, holding her hand out.

He looked from her hand, to her face. What did she mean she was going to "show" him? Throwing caution to the wind, he took her hand.






A Songbird's Cry.



Coop opened his eyes. He was in his room, lying on his bed. How had he gotten home? Was it all a dream?

No, it wasn't he remembered.

But what did he remember?

He ran his hands through his hair. It was nine-o-clock at night. Had he slept through the day? He never took naps. He looked at his phone, seeing he had a text. It was from himself. It said:

"Call Me. (347) 967-0814"

He couldn't remember who "Me" was, but he had a hunch.

He highlighted the number on his phone and hit the send button. It rang once, then the voice answered.


"Umm, hey. This is Coop."

"I know."

"I remember."

There was a pause, and Coop could tell the Tori was smiling.

"And what do you remember?"

"I'm not really sure."

"It's okay. It'll be fuzzy at first. Why don't you come to my house? I can help."

"Alright. I guess. It's just so strange. I mean, nothing like this has ever happened before. I don't even know what's going on."

"I know Coop. I know this is weird and I know this is crazy. But trust me."

"I don't even know you."

"You will."

And with that, she gave him her address and hung up.

Coop pulled up to a beautiful estate. It was something you would see on a movie. It was a beautiful mansion with gardens on both sides. He stopped at the gate and pressed the call button.

Immediately the grand metal gates swung open, granting entrance.

He drove slowly down the paved drive-way. Just the mansion alone was majestic. Xavier's mansion was nothing compared to that of the Heart residence. As he drove, he caught glimpses of fountains and statues sin a courtyard.

He assumed it was alright to park in front of the house, so he got out and locked the door. He wasn't exactly sure why. If someone was going to rob the place, they'd probably take a Camero from the garage, not his Jeep Cherokee.

He walked up to the door and knocked. As though from a movie script, an elderly man in a suit opened the door. Coop looked at him inquisitively.

"So, is your name Jeeves or Alfred?" He said, smirking.

"Actually, it's Guiliano. Please come in Mr. Storm. Miss Victoria is expecting you."

"I'm sure she is..." He said, following Guiliano into a library with the cliché lounge chairs around the fireplace.

Sitting in one of the chairs, with a book in her lap sat Tori Heart.

"What am I doing here, Tori?" Coop said, no longer as sure as he was.

"You tell me Coop. You've been having these dreams for about a year now. Right? Then, you started hearing people's thoughts today. You tell me why you're here."

"I wasn't hearing people's thoughts." He said, trying to dismiss the idea.

`I don't think you believe that, Coop'

"Yes I do!" Coop said.

Tori looked at him and smiled.

"Then why did you just respond to something I thought?" Tori asked, smirking.

"You thought that? You didn't say it out loud?" He inquired, sinking into the chair opposite her.

"Yeah. I told you."

"What does it mean?" He whispered, holding his head in his hands.

"It means you're different. It means that you're ready."

"Ready for what?"

"Ready to become a part of the Legacy."

"Ever since the beginning of time, there have been five entities of power. They helped create the universe, and helped defend it from evil. There's been one in almost every generation."

"Why only one?" Coop said, slightly turning his head.

"Because only one or two were needed."

"Needed how? Why were they needed?"

"They were needed to defend."

"From what?!" Coop cried out, tired of the short answers. Tori looked at him, her not meeting his. "From what, Tori?" She finally brought her eyes to meet his. A cold stare was in them.

"There are things in this world that no one sees Coop. Some people may, but they don't believe it. Others that do, don't survive, or they go mad from the encounter."

"What kinds of things?"

"There are different kinds. But mostly demons."


"Yeah, not the kinds that people read about in the Bible. They come from different dimensions. One in particular. They've always had their eyes set on this dimension, but entities were always able to stop them."

"Demons. Dimensions."

"I know it's a lot to take in."

"But, let me guess, you're not finished?" She shook her head.

"Sorry, but there's a lot you have to learn."

"Like what?" He quipped, overwhelmed.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you have powers, but don't know how to use them." She said, snapping back.

Silence followed.

"I don't know Tori, it's just all too much."

"I know. Believe me I know. When I found out I thought I was going to go out of my mind. Luckily, my dad was there for me. And now, I'm here for you. I just want to help you through this Coop."

"Yeah, I guess." He said. "So you went through this too?" He asked, not even quite sure what "this" was yet.

"Yeah. It happened about three years ago. Ever since then, we've been going around the country, waiting for the next one to awaken."

""Next one "what?" He asked.

"The five entities, the guardians. They're called the Legendaries. I'm not quite sure why, but they are. There are five of them; one to represent each element. Phoenix for fire. Tsunami for water. Zephyr for air, Tyros for earth, and Darkening for magic. Each Legendary has a special set of powers they use to help defend the world."

"From demons." He said, trying to make himself believe.

"Yes." She said matter-of-factly.

"Which one are you?" He asked, curious.

"I am the Darkening. Avatar and Mistress of Magic." She said, bowing. "I can harness what people call magic. It's a force in the universe that can be harnessed by practically anyone; they just have to be open to it. Anyone can do it, but only a few people can actually become powerful magicians."

"Right. Magic. Universe." He said.

"I know it's hard to believe. Would showing you help?" She asked. He faltered at that. Show him?

"What do you mean?" He asked warily.

"I mean I can show you magic."

"Just like that?" She nodded, smiling her dazzling smile.

"Palnae" She whispered, a small ember of fire appearing in her hand. Coop jumped from his seat.

"Holy crap!" He said. She closed her fist, extinguishing the flame.

"I can do that?" He asked.

"In a way." She smiled.

"I'm Phoenix aren't I?" He asked, sure of the answer. She nodded.

"The Producer of Flame. The Avatar of Fire. Yes, you are Phoenix."

"So, I like what exactly does that entail?" He asked, slowly making his way back to his seat again.

"Well, you already know you have telepathy. You have other powers, such as telekinesis. You will be able to conjure and control fire. Regeneration as well."

"Wow..." he said, tilting his head back against the chair. "If I didn't feel like I do, I would probably run away right now." He said.

"I know, I got sick the first time too."

"No. I mean, this is weird and everything. This is crazy. But my dreams; whatever you did to me earlier, it just feels like I'm supposed to be here. Like this is supposed to be happening."

"It is, Coop."

"So, I mean, like, where do I go from here. I'm a protector of the universe. From demons." He said, recounting that fact. Tori chuckled.

"Yeah. But we still have to go to school. It sucks, I know."

"So like I'm Phoenix. But I mean, is it an actual thing?"

"All of the Legendaries are entities. They are beings. They live, think, talk. Once you are fully awakened, you will be able to speak with the Phoenix. All his knowledge will be open to you. In some times, you won't just harness his power, He'll harness yours. There have been times in battle before, where the Legendaries completely take over their avatars. They control your body, your powers, everything. But they only do this when it is a dire emergency. All the rest of the time, they stay fairly dormant."

"So like, I'll always have a voice in my head? And he could take over?"

"The Phoenix will be your companion for the rest of your life. He will always be with you. You can talk to him, call on him. But like I said, they only take over in extreme situations. Like in an outnumbered battle, or when it seems like all hope is lost."

"So like we don't have any control at that point?" He asked, slightly startled by this revelation.

"I know it sounds weird, and even malevolent, but trust me: if they take over, it's for a reason."

Coop just nodded slightly. It was all so strange.

"Listen, today is Friday, if you want you can spend the night here. We can start working on some stuff tomorrow."

"Spend the night? Is that like okay?" He asked as Tori chuckled.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it, there's more than enough room here."

"Well, I'll have to double-check with my mom."

"Sure, okay."

"So, earlier, you said something like the Legendaries only come like one in every generation?"

Coop and Tori were in a large recreation room. The Hearts had ordered pizza, giving the cooks a night off. The two sat on top of the pool table, eating and discussing their newly-found bond.

"Yeah. The threat of Dimension Twelve has never been that great. So, only one inhabits a generation. Most of the time it's only a precaution. There hasn't been an actual threat for three generations. Besides the occasional demon here and there."

"Dimension Twelve?" He asked curiously.

"There are nineteen dimensions that have been discovered by the organization my father works for. Dimension Twelve is the dimension that demons originated. After a very large battle, they were banished back to the dimension."

"A battle like that wouldn't just be able to go unnoticed by the human race though, right?"

"Bingo. We know it as World War II." She said.

"Wait. Are you saying that World War II was a war between the Legendaries and the Demons?" Coop asked incredulously.

"Yeah. Hitler. Demon. FDR wasn't a Legendary, but Albert Einstein was. The Atom bomb was created and by his direction. It's what finally ended the war."

"That's crazy." Coop said, slightly laughing.

"I know! Apparently, after that the Legendaries were able to banish the Demons back into Dimension Twelve. And there hadn't been a threat since then." She said.

"Hadn't?" Coop asked. Tori's smile faded. She put her plate of pizza down behind her on the pool table and looked at Coop.

"The veil in between the dimensions was torn. We don't know how, but the barrier concealing them in their dimension is getting thinner and thinner. The Legendaries don't know much, but they know that something is about to happen. More and more demons have been getting through the barrier recently. I've had to fight several of them with my father's company in the past few months."

"So what does that mean?" Coop questioned.

"It means that sooner or later, the barrier is going to fall."

"But that would mean, like, war. " He said, considering the possibilities. Tori nodded.

"The Legendaries are concerned for this dimension. So much so, that they've made a decision. They've decided that it's time for them to inhabit the earth as one again."

"One? Like all of them?"

"Yes. They believe that the Demons are under some kind of new direction. It's more powerful. They're so concerned, that they've decided to awaken the potentials as Legendaries."

"Like people who could be Legendaries?" Coop asked, trying to follow his best.

"Yes. That's why it was important for me to find you, and explain this to you. We don't know when the others will activate, but when they do, it'll be a race to find them as well."

"A race? Against what?"

"The Demons. Somehow, they've influenced humans here. An organization has been created. It's practically the antithesis of my father's company. If we hadn't found you, they might have gotten to you first."

"So you're saying that the others could be in danger?" Coop asked, his mind racing.

"Maybe. Some potentials are aware of their powers before being enlightened. The last possessor of Zephyr was. So, perhaps, they may be able to defend themselves. But for the most part, we believe that they don't know anything about it."

"Like me." Coop said.

"But you know now. And we can start training. We can find the others."

"Right." He said, unsure.

"I know I kind of dropped a bomb shell on you. Again. But it was important you know. "

"Yeah. I guess."

"Well, look, it's getting really late. We should probably get to bed. It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow." Tori said, getting down from the pool table."

"Yeah, I guess so." He finally realized just how tired his body was. Information overload.

He followed Tori to the guest rooms he would be staying in for the night. She turned the lights on and showed him the essentials of the restroom and the bedroom.

She smiled and shut the door behind her.

`Good night, Cooper Storm.' Coop heard Tori, her thoughts projecting to him. He smiled.

`Good night.'

He pulled the heavy comforter off the bed and slipped in between the sheets. His thoughts mulled over the information he'd been given over the past five hours. It was still so unbelievable. But he knew she was right. He closed his eyes as sleep accepted him into its clutches.

His dream soon returned, as fire washed over him.

He saw the Phoenix and the Darkening, the fire-bird and the raven.

`Train well Cooper. It shall not be long before you will need it.'

There's the first installment of "The Legendaries". I know, this chapter was very wordy. I hate the chapters where I have to explain stuff. But, it is necessary.

I apologize if there were any mistakes, I kind of rushed through this chapter.

So, in the next chapter, we'll see the training, and possible a revelation of another Legendary.

In the meantime, you can check out my other stories, "Charmed: New Beginning" in the Celebrity section, and "Crushing on Nick" in the High School section.

I'm starting a writing cycle. I'll update "The Legendaries", then "Crushing on Nick", then "Charmed: New Beginning". Just to give you a feel of it.

So, let me know what you guys think! I love feedback!


Next: Chapter 2

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