The Legends of Blood

By Myke D

Published on Feb 28, 2020


The Legends of Blood Volume 1

"Blood Lust"

By: Myke D

Part 2: The Hideaway

15: Sunlight - Evan

Dylan went with Jon towards the waterfront while Tatum and I went towards downtown. My cousin and I needed to hunt to make sure that we had our strength in case we ran into any of the newborn vampires. Jon had wanted Dylan to accompany us, but Dylan insisted that he needed to be with Jon for the time being. It was something that Felix had told him. I was surprised to see Jon relent that quickly over anything. Dylan and Jon wished us luck before we went our separate ways.

Tatum spotted our victims before I did, and we followed them until they turned down a side street. That was when Tatum and I launched ourselves on the two men we had been following. We made quick work of the men before we went to find Jon and Dylan. I caught Dylan's scent and followed it down towards the naval shipyard when it suddenly cut up the side of a building. I was about to scale the building as well when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.

"Don't move, blood sucker!" A deep voice growled. "I'll kill both of you if you even twitch a muscle."

The strange smell of the man threw me off, but I could have sworn I knew who he was.

"Mr. Hunter?" I asked nervously.

"Evan?" The man asked in surprise.

I turned around slowly but motioned for Tatum to stay still. Mr. Hunter looked completely taken by surprise as he held a loaded crossbow pointed in my direction. I smiled nervously at the man and he lowered his weapon.

"I didn't think that I would be running into you so soon, Evan." The green-eyed man said with a grin before he suddenly frowned. "Wait, that means..."

I waited for him to finish his statement, but he changed the subject.

"Who is this?" He motioned towards Tatum.

"This is my cousin – Tatum." I said proudly. "Go ahead and turn around, Tatum."

Tatum turned around slowly and laughed nervously when he saw Mr. Hunter.

"Hey, David."

Mr. Hunter snorted in surprise.

"Immortality seems to have saved your life, Tatum." MY former teacher stated with a grin and a brief nod to my cousin. "I apologize for not recognizing you."

"No apologies are necessary, David." Tatum dismissed the man's apology. "I was wasting away the last time we met."

"I do have to say that you are a beautiful vampire, Tatum." Then David glanced at me. "Both of you are."

"Thank you, Mr. Hunter." I said with a nervous chuckle. I motioned towards his crossbow. "Were any of the things you taught us just legends?"

"No," he said with a smile. "Everything that I taught you is real, Evan."

"Oh, shit." I said softly. "Then, what are you?"

"I'm a Hunter, Evan."

Dylan and Jon were waiting for us on top of the small skyscraper. Both men were leaning over the far edge of the building to see what was going on below. Tatum and I kneeled beside them.

"What took you so long?" Jon asked quietly. "I was beginning to get worried."

"We ran into a Hunter," I said with a shrug.

"And you lived to tell us about it?" Jon asked in shock.

"It was David," Tatum stated.

Jon sighed with relief.

"You got lucky then, boys." The werewolf said. "If it had been anybody else, I'm almost positive that you both would be dead right now."

"So, what did we miss?"

Jon motioned towards an empty lot where there were nearly twenty newborn vampires lounging about.

"Oh, shit." I muttered.

"A group of five left earlier towards the east," Dylan informed me. "Another group of five went towards the west."

"There are three werewolves watching over them," Jon said. "Jackson is not going to be happy about this."

"What do we do, Jon?"

"We go back and tell the members of the Alliance what we have found," Jon replied grimly.

"What about them?" Dylan asked quietly.

"We'll be back to kill them later," Jon replied.

We were nearly back to the motel when Jon stopped and cocked his head to the side. He frowned as he turned his attention to me.

"What is it?" I asked quietly.

"The motel has been compromised..."

"Fuck," Tatum muttered. "What do we do, Jon?"

"We need to find somewhere to hide for the day," the werewolf muttered with a quick glance back towards downtown. "They can't be out in the sunlight either. I doubt the werewolves keeping watch over them is going to let the newborns expose themselves to the public just yet. They don't have the numbers to fend off an attack. Especially during the daytime."

"So, we lose them and hide," I said to make sure that I understood what he was saying.

"Essentially," Jon replied. "Now, let's get moving before they find us."

"It's too late," Tatum stated quietly.

We all glanced over to see three vampires with blood red eyes staring at us from one hundred feet away.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. "Now what?"

"We fight..."

The three vampires consisted of two men and a young woman who didn't look much older than I was. They saw Jon tense up and it seemed like they had a few doubts about the situation they found themselves in.

"They're leader's name is Vincent," Dylan said in a hushed whisper. "A woman named Sonya sent him to watch them. They were created by Marcel..."

"And the plot thickens," Jon muttered.

Dylan looked at the vampires curiously for a moment.

"I suggest you leave before you wind up on the wrong end of a battle that you can't win, friends." Dylan called out to them. They looked afraid before they suddenly turned and ran in the other direction.

Jon looked at Dylan curiously.

"What was that all about, Dylan?" The werewolf asked. "I was looking forward to a good fight."

"Ask Tatum," Dylan stated with a shrug. "He's the one who can see the future."

Jon's attention turned to Tatum who immediately dropped his gaze.

"Tatum?" Jon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm," Tatum scratched his head nervously. "It's just that..."

"You would have died, Jon." Dylan said calmly. "The big guy on the left was going to rip your jaw apart before he broke your neck."

Jon looked afraid for a moment before he nodded at Dylan and Tatum.

"I owe both of you my thanks, gentlemen." Jon said with a brief smile. "Come on, we need to find someplace else to hide for the day."

"Where's Jon?" Tatum asked as he slid up behind me. I stared out the edge of the window at the city street below. IT was strange for me to see things covered in sunlight, but I felt that I would be safe as long as I kept to the shadows and stayed within the skyscraper we were hiding in.

"He went to find us a new car," I replied. "Apparently, the newborns destroyed the other one."

Tatum rolled his eyes.

"I miss the sunlight," Tatum whispered in awe as he caught the scene below us. "It's been so long since my dad ever took me out in the sun."

"Is it harder for you?"

"I've had time to adjust to not seeing the sun again," he stated with a shrug. "Remember, I was close to death for almost three months before you finally saved my life."

"I'm sorry I waited for so long," I told him sincerely.

Tatum grinned before he suddenly embraced me. I growled in surprise before I returned the tight hug.

"I love you, Tatum." I told him.

"I love you too, Evan." My cousin replied. "Just promise me that you won't hesitate when you have to change the next two people."

"Two?" I asked in shock.

"Promise me, Evan." Tatum demanded.

"I promise, Tatum." I replied even though I was in the process of having an internal struggle with myself.

I have to change two more people? I felt faint at the idea, but the voice in the back of my head told me that it was the right thing to do. I felt a chill go down my spine at the thought of increasing the size of my Coven.

"It has to be done, Evan." Tatum told me as he stepped back and stared into my eyes. "You know, you're going to have eleven children when it's all said and done with."

"How do you know this?" I asked my cousin in confusion.

Tatum grinned smugly and tapped the side of his head.

"I have tons of secrets, Evan."

"It looks like I'm just going to have to learn how to control my own ability so I can figure out your secrets, cousin."

Tatum looked afraid for a moment before I tickled him into a fit of laughter.

It was around noon when Jon finally returned with a look of fear in his silver eyes.

"What's wrong?" I demanded of the man.

"I think Vincent spotted me..."

"What do we do?" Tatum asked. His voice was filled with fear.

Jon stopped and glanced towards the window. I could tell from his scowl that he was deep in thought. I didn't want to interrupt him, but there was another issue. I could hear someone coming up the stairwells.

"Jon..." I whispered as I turned towards the door Jon had just entered. "They're here."

Jon and Tatum turned towards the stairwell door. Tatum looked afraid as we heard the sounds of the footsteps growing closer.

"Tatum, go hide with Dylan." I instructed my cousin. "Don't let anybody hurt him."

"Yes, Evan." Tatum replied with a quick nod before he ran towards one of the inner doors of the floor that we were hiding on.

Jon was taking slow breaths to keep himself calm as we waited for the attack to begin.

"What can I expect from these three, Jon?" I asked quietly.

"They won't hold back, Evan." Jon stated hesitantly. "They're savages. That's why Sonya hired them. She knew that they would be able to keep the newborns that Marcel was creating under control."

"So, we fight?"

"Aye, youngblood." Jon replied grimly. "We fight."

I could sense someone else enter the room we were in from another side, but there were piles of construction supplies between us. I kept my back to one of the boarded-up windows with Jon five feet to my right. Neither one of us took our eyes off of the stairwell door. I saw the handle turn slowly and the door opened.

The three men that entered were all wearing dark clothes as they stood side by side. The man in the center took one step forward and crossed his arms against his chest.

"Hello, Jon." The werewolf said with a smug grin. "It's been a long time."

"Indeed, it has, Vincent." Jon replied in an even tone. "So, what caused you to turn against Jackson?"

"Money, Jon." The werewolf replied with a shrug. "In this day and age, a man has to have money in order to remain inconspicuous. My new boss has made certain that I wouldn't need money for a very long time."

"It seems that our father was right about you, Vincent."

"Oh?" Vincent asked curiously. "What about, Jon?"

"He should have never bitten you," Jon replied coolly. "He said that you were a waste of the venom passed on to you."

Vincent growled and I could instantly tell that the man was more than offended. He was in a rage. I could sense the wolf lurking beneath his skin as he struggled to maintain control. I saw a flicker of motion to my left before a silver tipped arrow came soaring out of the darkness and pierced the wolf in front of me straight through his temple. Vincent and the other wolf jumped back in surprise as their companion's lifeless body fell to the floor. Vincent let loose with a roar before he charged at me. I saw Jon run towards the other man as Vincent collided with me and pushed me backwards. The force of his impact made me slam through one of the boarded-up windows with Vincent falling right behind me. The sun shone straight down on me as I stared up at the sky as I fell. It felt warm upon my skin and it was brighter than I could have ever imagined. I closed my eyes the moment my body slammed into a parked car with a jolt and I waited for the pain of the Eternal Death to take over me. I heard gasps of surprise coming from nearby and I opened my eyes to see that in fact, the sun had not decided to end my life. I sat up on the car as a woman to my right screamed out in terror before she fainted. The sunlight had no effect on me. I saw Vincent limping away and I was about to follow him when another man running up to me reminded me that I was exposed to the public eye.

"I'm fine," I replied curtly to the concerned man before I climbed down off of the wreckage. I glanced back to see that the car had once been an SUV before my body crumpled it beyond recognition. I glanced up at the window that I had fallen from to see that it was at least thirty stories up. I stared in disbelief until I heard the unmistakable sound of sirens getting closer. Jon peeked out of the open window at me. "I'll meet you at the rendezvous point at sunset."

Jon nodded in agreement before he stepped back from the window. I turned to see David Hunter standing in a nearby alley. He motioned me towards him with a smile.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" David teased me as I joined him.

"You're telling me!" I scoffed with a roll of my eyes.

"Let's get out of here..."

***Here ends Part Two "The Hideaway". "The Legends of Blood" will continue with Part Three "Secrets" Chapter 16 – Hunters... If you wish to be added to my mailing list for this or any of my other stories, please feel free to let me know.

***Sorry for the temporary delay in my posting, everyone. My partner and I are in the middle of buying a new home, so it's been sort of difficult to keep up with my stories. Since, The Legends of Blood - Volume One is compeltely written, I'm going to keep trying to post in it up until it's time for me to move. Then, I'm going to disapepar for a week or two to allow time to get settled in! Thanks again for your patience, everyone!

***Remember to check out one of my other stories while you wait... "Be the One" - Gay Science Fiction "The Touch" - Gay Science Fiction

Plus, many more coming soon...

****Remember to donate to keep the Nifty Archive running!

Next: Chapter 16

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