The Libidinous Avengers

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Aug 22, 2015


Disclaimer: The Avengers: is loosely based on The Marvel Comics comic book series, as well as the movie franchise.

The Avengers are: Captain America, Hawkeye, Ironman, HULK, THOR, and The Black Panther ___________________________________________________________________

S.H.I.E.L.D [Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division] AGENTS: Nick Fury, Agent-13, Agent Rumlow, ___________________________________________________________________

S.T.R.I.K.E. [Special Tactical Reserve for Key Emergencies unit], a special strike force of SHIELD





A SHIELD Quinn-Jet [carrying members of The Avengers: Captain America and Hawkeye] soared over restricted waters, searching for a hijacked liner believed to be overrun by Pirates...!

"Target is a mobile satellite launch platform, -The Lemurian Star..., they were sending out their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago...!" informed one of SHIELD'S agent's [Brock Rumlow]...!

"Any demands...?" asked Capt, as he and the others all studied the visual layout of the ship in question in 3D imagery...!

"Billion and a half...!" said Rumlow...!

"Why so steep...?" asked Capt, curiously...!

"Because it's SHIELD'S...!" answered Rumlow, causing Capt to sigh in frustration...!

"So it's NOT off-course...?" he discerned, "It's trespassing...!"

"I'm sure `they' have a good reason...!" whispered Hawkeye, standing beside Capt while getting his weapons stored...!

"You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor...!" responded Capt...!

"Relax..." encouraged Hawkeye, "'s not that complicated...!

"How many pirated...?" asked Capt.

"25..." answered Agent Rumlow, pulling up photos...! " mercs led by THIS guy...: Georges Batroc...! Ex DGSE, -Action Division! He's at the top of Interpol's `Red Notice'...! Before The French demobilized him, he had 36 kill missions...!

"This guy's got a rep for maximum causalities...!"

"Hostages...?" asked Hawkeye...!

"Oh, -mostly techs. One officer: Jasper Sitwell...!" answered the agent...!

Capt turned towards Hawkeye...

"What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship...?" he questioned, suspiciously...!

"Alright..., I'm going to sweep the deck and find Batroc...! Hawkeye and the rest of you sweep in after... -kill the engines, find the hostages, get them to life-pots and get them out...! Got it?"

"S.T.R.I.K.E, you heard the Captain, -let's move! Gear up!" ordered Hawkeye, as he and Capt moved away from the strike force to have a little private time alone...!

"So..." asked Clint, checking over his shoulder to make sure no one was within ear-shot...! "...can I SEE you tomorrow night...?" he asked...!

Capt smirked...

"OH, you've got TIME for me now...?" he asked, donning his red leather gloves as he prepared to go into action...!

"I haven't seen you in WEEKS..., not since New York in fact...!"

"I've been...kinda busy..." said Hawkeye, " know Fury...'secret mission' here..., `secret mission' there..., I haven't had time for much of anything...!"

"Anything, eh...?" questioned Steve, doubting Hawkeye spent all of that time alone...!

"Well, is there some reason why I CAN'T see you...?" asked Clint, keeping his voice at a whisper...! "Looked like you were getting pretty COZY with that black guy the other day..." he recalled [last chapter], "...I'm thinking...: maybe you got a hankering for something chocolate...?"

"Really...?" asked Capt, chuckling at Clint's insecurities...! "You're feeling insecure...?"

"Naw..." lied Clint, "...I'm just asking..."

"Coming up on the drop-zone, Capt...!" said the pilot [over an ear-com], as Capt donned his helmet...!

"We'll talk about this later...!" warned Clint, as the loading hatch opened and Capt leaped out...!

"Was he wearing a parachute...?" asked one of the agents, walking up behind Clint...!

"No..." smiled Clint, his last visual of Capt was his tight ass in his uniform before leaping out...! ", he wasn't...!"

Captain America freefall from a mile up, then torpedoed his entry [feet first] into the water, coming up near the ship [The Lemurian Star], getting onboard by climbing up the anchor and onto the deck...! As soon as he hit dry ground, he took off to clear deck, using his Shield as a boomerang to knockout pirates at a distance, while superiorly outmatching others in hand to hand combat! His moves were swift and smooth, moving across the deck in convert action! Within no time at all the entire deck was swept, with pirates lying unconscious everywhere...!

Hawkeye and the rest of The STRIKE Team came down on deck by way of parachutes...!

"What...? Didn't wait for ME...?" asked Hawkeye, ditching his chute as he pulled his bow and arrow...!

Capt rolled his eyes...

"Just secure the engine room...!" he ordered, walking ahead...!

"Aiya Captain...!" saluted Clint, leaping over a railing for the lower decks...!

Capt and STRIKE went in separate directions, having a separate tasks as they went in search of the hostages, and Capt went looking for Batroc! To save time Capt leaped from railing to railing, climbing higher aboard the ship [towards the Bridge], where he found Batroc waiting for confirmation...!

"I hate this..." said Batroc, sitting in the captain's seat as he looked out over the dark ocean, making sure he saw no lights from SHIELD coming in the distance...! "...this WAITING...!" he complained to his men, taping his thumb...! "Call Durand..., tell him to have the engines ready...! I want this ship to MOVE when the ransom comes...!"

"Right!" said one of his mercenaries, calling downstairs to tell them to get the engines ready...!

"Okay!" said one of the mercs, hanging up the phone before turning around to find Hawkeye standing behind him...!

"Sup...?" said Clint, kicking the mercs in the knees and wrapping a cord around his neck before leaping off a catwalk and using the cord around the man's neck to break his fall as he slid down 3 levels to the bottom...!"

Capt hid just outside the Bridge [out of sight], keeping an eye on Batroc while Hawkeye and STRIKE got into position...! We found where the hostages are being held...' said Agent Rumlow, over the com-link all the agents shared...! We're in position!' he informed!

"Good..." whispered Capt, "...Barton, what's your status...?" he asked Clint, getting no answer at first...! "Barton, status...!" he repeated!

`Engine room secured!' reported Clint, over the com!

"On my mark...!" said Capt, counting down...! "3...2...1...Now!"

STRIKE blow the doors to the galley open and hit the mercs inside with surprise gunfire, hitting all of them before they could even fire off ONE shot...!

At the same time Capt leaped out of hiding and threw his shield so that it smashed through the Bridge's window, narrowly missing Batroc as he quickly flee the area, leaving his men behind to be dealt with by Capt [who made quick work of them before chasing his target]...!

Hostages in route to extraction...!' informed Agent Rumlow, he and his team leading them up and off the ship...! Barton missed the rendezvous point, Capt...!' he added! `Hostiles are still in play!'

"Roger that...!" said Capt, leaving out of a metal stairwell and onto a loading dock...!

"Barton, come in...!" he whispered into his ear-com...! "Batroc's on the move! Circle back to Rumlow and help protect the hostages...!" he ordered, waiting for a response...! "Barton...?" he called! "Hawkeye...?"

Just then Batroc jumped out of a dark corner to kick Capt in the face with a lethal blow...however Capt was able to quickly lift his shield, deflecting the impact as he fell backwards from Batroc's momentum...! Sensing blood, Batroc kept on the attack, going after Capt before he could get any clear footing, kicking him again and again, trying to find that one good punch to knock his lights out!

But Capt had quick reflexes, and was able to quickly recover each time before Batroc could get on top of him! When Capt finally saw an open, he took it and slapped Batroc clear across the dock on his ass...! Batroc leaped back up, then [saving face] went on the attack again, throwing kicks, jabs, and punches so fast that any normal man would have fallen long ago...! But Capt was easily able to block each attack, abiding his time until he saw another opening, grabbing Batroc by the shoulder and kneeing him in the gut before flipping him overhead...! Batroc did a series of somersaults until he landed on his feet a few yards away...!

He and Capt were at a standoff...

"I thought you were MORE than just a shield...!" challenged Batroc, believing Capt was only still standing because of the indestructible Vibranium in his shield...!

Capt paused, as Batroc smirked [egging him on], then placed his shield onto his back...then removed his helmet and dropped it on the ground next to him...! The 2 men charged at each other, with Capt blocking Batroc's first 4 punches before landing one in the Frenchmen's face [knocking him for a loop]...! Batroc stumbled backwards, but came again before Capt kicked him in the leg, cracking bone...! When Batroc didn't stay down that time, Capt rushed him head-on, tackling him through a door leading into one of the ship's computer rooms...!

Capt punched Batroc dead in the face, knocking him out...!

"Finished...?" asked Hawkeye, sitting behind one of the computer desks, going through files...!

"What'r you doing...?" asked Capt, leaving Batroc on the floor as he walked over towards Clint...!

"Backing up the hard drives...!" said Barton, casually...!

"Rumlow could've used your help...!" said Capt, sounding agitated...! "What the hell'r you doing here...?" he asked, looking over Clint's shoulder...!

"You're saving SHIELD intel...?"

"Yup. Whatever I can get my hands on...!" said Barton, sitting back in a chair while the information piled onto a thumb drive...!

"Our mission was to rescue hostages...!"

"No...that was YOUR mission..." corrected Clint, snatching the thumb drive once it was finished downloading...!

"You just jeopardized everything...!" argued Capt, blocking Clint way out...!

"How'd I do that...?" asked Barton, tucking the drive in his pants...! "I secured the engine room like you asked...THEN I completed another task I was sent to do...! How'm I jeopardizing anything...?"

"Because I can't TRUST you...!" said Capt!

Barton's face dropped...

"So we're back to the `interrogation room' thing again...? Is that it...?" asked Hawkeye! "Sheesh...when'r you gonna give that up...? I was only doing my JOB...!"

"Right..." said Capt, "...sneaking off while the rest of us are relying on you for backup...! Tell me Hawkeye...are there any MORE secrets you have to tell me...? Anything you've been holding back on...?"

Just then Batroc jumped up and threw a grenade towards Capt before running out the door to safety...! Capt reacted quickly when he slapped the grenade aside, grabbed his trusty shield AND Hawkeye, then leaped them through an office window just before the grenade exploded, destroying everything in that room...!

Capt and Hawkeye lay on the floor in the other office, as shard glass and other debris lay on top of them...! Clint pushed a metal file cabinet off his legs as he and Capt rolling onto their sides to see if each other were alright...?

"Okay..." conceded Clint, coughing from the smoke...! "...that one's on ME...!" he admitted...!

"Damn right it is...!" snarled Capt, getting up and leaving Barton behind...!



"You just can't stop yourself from lying, can you...?" asked Capt, walking into Nick Fury's office the very next day...!

"I didn't lie..." explained Fury, from behind his desk [overlooking the Captial]...! "...Agent Barton just had a different mission than yours...!

"Which you didn't feel obliged to shared...?" asked Capt, stepping in front of the desk...!

"I'm NOT obliged to do anything...!" said Fury, defensively...!

"Those hostages could've died!" argued Capt!

"I sent the greatest soldier in history to make SURE that didn't happen...!"

"Soldiers trust each other..." said Capt, "...that's what makes it an army! Not a bunch of GUYS running around shooting guns...!

"The LAST TIME I trusted someone I lost an EYE...!" said Fury, standing up...!

"Look..." he said, realizing things were starting to get heated...! "...I didn't want you doing anything you weren't comfortable with..., Agent Barton's comfortable with everything...!"

" beating an unarmed and bound man to a pulp during an interrogation...?" asked Capt, causing Fury to step back...!

"I can't lead a mission when the people I'm leading have missions of their own...!"

"I call it compartmentalization...!" said Fury...! "Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all...!

"Except YOU...!" said Capt, as Fury took a moment to rethink...!

"You're WRONG about me, you know...?" he said, leading Capt towards the elevators...! "I DO share...! I'm NICE that way!"

Capt followed Fury onto the elevator...! "Insight Bay!" he called out to voice command...!

[`Captain Rogers does not have clearance for Project Insight.'] said SHIELD'S Computer!

"Director override! Fury, Nicholas J.!"

[`Confirmed'.] responded the computer, taking them down...!

A few minutes later the doors opened to reveal 3 underground Helicarriers, each filled with stealth jets and cannons, housing enough firepower to obliterate a large urban city in minutes..., -with a entire city of staffers working overtime to finish building them on schedule...!

"THIS, is Project Insight...!" said Fury! "Three next-generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites...!"

"Launched from The Lemurian Star...!" surmised Capt, walking alongside Fury...!

"Once we get them in the air, they never come down...!" gloated Fury, proudly...! "Continuous sub-orbital flight, courtesy of our new repulsor engines...! And these new long-range precision guns can lock onto and eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute...!

The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he steps outside his spider hole! We're gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen...!

"I thought the punishment usually came AFTER the crime...!" said Capt, unimpressed!

"We can't afford to wait that long...!" countered Fury!

"Who's `we'...?" asked Capt.

"After NY I convinced The World Security Council we needed a quantum surge in threat analysis...! For ONCE we're way ahead of the curve...!" said Fury, looking up at his creations...!

Capt nodded in agreement...

"By holding a GUN to everybody on Earth and calling it `protection'...!"

Fury's eye narrowed...

"You know I read thise SSR Files..., `Greatest Generation'...? You guys did some nasty stuff...!"

"Yeah, we compromised..." admitted Capt, "...sometimes in ways that made us not sleep so well..., but we did it so that people could be FREE...! This isn't freedom..." he said, pointing up at the carriers, "...this is FEAR...!"

"SHIELD takes the world as it IS...not as we'd like it be...! It's getting damn near past time for you to get with the program, Captain...!"

"Don't hold your breath...!" said Rogers, before walking off and leaving SHIELD Headquarters...!


Needing to cool off and rethink his position with SHIELD and The Avengers..., Steve Rogers stopped off at The Smithsonian to revisit his old tour of duty, looking at all the old photo information about himself as Captain America...! He watched all of the children idolizing his old photos, as he went into the movie room to watch old silent black and white footage of him and The Howling Commandos going into action to take down Hydra and the Nazis following The Red Skull...!

Steve saw footage of he and Bucky Barnes [his old school friend (and lover)], the only Commando to give his life in the service of his country...! Steve could still clearly see Bucky falling from the train as they raided the Red Skull's mountain hideout...! Capt still blamed himself for his death...believing he should have moved faster to save him!

Capt left the Smithsonian needing to see another friendly face...



Steve stood in the doorway of one of the room while a group meeting was in session...! He hung back and listened as veterans complained about life after the service..., of finding a place where they fit in..., or having trouble moving on and forgetting some of the horrors left behind in the field...!

Sam Wilson resided over the meeting, telling vets: "Some stuff you leave there..., other stuff you bring back...! But its our jobs to figure out how to carry it...! Is it going to be in a big suitcase...?...or in a little man-purse...? It's up to you...!"

After the meeting Steve waited in the hall as Sam consoled with some of his guests, and said goodbye to others...! After the last man walked out of the room, he turned towards Capt and said...

"Look who it is..., -the running man...!"

"I caught the last few minutes..." said Capt, tucking his hands into his pockets [feeling exposed]...! "That was pretty intense...!"

"Yeah brother..., we ALL got the same problem..." said Sam, putting up pamphlets and newsletters...! "...guilt...regreat..."

"You lose someone...?" asked Capt, sensing Sam was referring to himself...!

"My wingman..., -Riley...!" admitted Sam, looking uncomfortable talking about it, still! "Flying a night mission..., standard PJ rescue op...nothing we hadn't done a thousand times before..., -until an RPG knocked Riley's dumb ass out of the sky...!" he said, reliving the whole incident in his mind...!

"There was nothing I could do...! It was like I was up there just to watch...!"

"I'm sorry." said Capt, knowing what it felt like to lose someone close...!

"After that...I had a really hard time finding a reason for being here, you know...?" added Sam.

"But you're happy now..., back in the world...?" asked Capt, trying to find the bright spot...!

"Well..." said Sam, looking around...! "...the number of people giving me orders are down to about ZERO..., -so hell yeah...!" he laughed, looking Capt over curiously...!

"Are YOU thinking about getting out...?"

"No..." said Capt, before thinking it over...! "...I don't know..." he added, unsure...! " be honest, I wouldn't know what to DO with myself if I did...!"

"Ultimate fighting...?" suggested Sam, getting a laugh out of Capt...! "Just a great idea off the top of my head...!" he said. "But could DO whatever you want...! What makes you happy...?"

Capt shrugged his shoulders...his eyes suddenly veering down at Sam's crotch, suddenly wondering what his cock looked like...?

Sam laughed...

"You know...we've met BEFORE...!" he said, as he started to lock up shop, closing one set of doors before moving over to the other side of the room...!

"Before the jog...?" asked Steve, trying to recall...! "Here...? In DC...?" he asked, getting all head nods from Sam...! "When...?" asked Steve, curiously...!

"Do you remember not too long ago...? A specialty store in DC...? Being surrounded by 3 black men in a video booth...?" he asked, as Capt recalled his first venture into a porn shop where he nearly sucked off 3 hot looking black men in a video booth...!

"Ohmygosh..." blushed Capt, "...that was YOU...??!" he asked, not recognizing the face...!

"Guilty!" laughed Sam...! "We thought we had a LIVE one..." he recalled, "...until you suddenly SHOVED us all aside as if we weighed nothing...! THAT'S when I realized who you were...!"

"I'm so embarrassed...!" said Capt, turning beet red...!

"Don't be..." said Sam...! "...we had no right to push up ON you like that...! We just thought you were..., you know..., -down...!"

"I was down..." admitted Capt, "...but then I got this call telling me one of my teammates had been compromised..." he explained, not wanting to get into it all...! "...I had to leave right then and there...!"

"Okay..." said Sam! "...we thought it was US..." he said, afterwards...! "...we thought we freaked you out, or something...?"

"No...naw..."said Capt, glancing back down at Sam's crotch...!

"But now I'm curious..." he said, blushing again...!

"Curious about what...?" asked Sam, reaching for the last door...!

"Which cock was yours...?" asked Capt, only having the cock stored in his memory, not the faces...!

Sam closed the door and turned towards Capt head-on...

"Why don't you go DOWN and see for yourself...?" he suggested, seriously...!

Capt was reluctant, having had some blind commitment to Hawkeye [not really knowing WHAT their relationship was...?], until Sam put his hands on his shoulders and gently led him down onto his knees...! Capt found himself staring into the black man's package at crotch-level...and couldn't noticing the sizable lump hiding just underneath the zipper...! He couldn't resist mashing his face the man's groin...feeling the hard-on press into his cheeks...! Pulling back he reached up, he unfastening Sam's pants, then reached into his bagging boxers and pulled out his 8.5" erection and stroked it in his hand...! The black cock looked gorgeous up close! Capt leaned forward and licked the head and sides, painting his pink tongue all around the black rod, leaving it glistening wet with his saliva before he oval his mouth around the tip and slowly descended until his face was pressed in Sam's pubic bush...!

"Ooohhh..." moaned Sam, feeling his cock disappear down into the back of Capt's talented throat...! He and his friends had an idea Capt was freak when they first saw him at that adult bookstore some time ago...but he never knew how much of a freak til now...!

Capt held Sam's cock in his throat for a minute, enjoying the sweet pulse of the organ in his throat before slowly pulling back and receding his lips up the shaft towards the head, which he sucked sweetly before going back down again...!

"Oh fuck..." whispered Sam, looking down to watch an American idol [Captain America] suck his dick, as Capt swallowed his rod again before bobbing his head back and forth in `suck' motion...!

Capt loved the feel and taste of Sam's smooth/slick black cock in his mouth...and couldn't help wondering if his cum tasted any different than Clint's...? He settled himself on his knees comfortably, then really started to work the black man over in his throat, swallowing him full length with practically every stroke...!

Sam fell back against the locked door, moaning softly as he watched Capt's pink lips devour him from tip to base...! Wow...' –he thought to himself, ...was this what it was like getting head back in 1945...?'

Capt ignored his own raging hard-on bursting to get out of his pants, and concentrated solely on Sam's pleasure [as a true cocksucker should]! He ate the black dick like a man starving, sucking, swallowing, and slurping along the hard shaft as it pulsed hotly between his lips...! He even pulled off briefly [for 3 minutes] to bath the balls in spit as he sucked the hairy sac into his mouth to worship!

Sam pushed his hips forward, giving Capt all the room he needed to maneuver as Capt yanked his pants and underwear down around his knees and pressed his face up into his sac and tried to swallow his balls into his throat as well...!

"Awww fuck...!" groaned Sam, grabbing Capt's head as he mashed the white man's face in his nuts...! Capt suckled the brown sac before spitting them out [leaving them all wet and slick as he wrapped his hand around them and started massaging] and licking his way up the underbelly towards the head...licking away any tasty pre-cum gathered at the tip before wolfing the erection back into his throat and sucking like a madman...!

He knew it was only a matter of time before Sam was whitewashing his throat with his black babies, and couldn't help sucking faster, eager to taste his kids! Sam started thrusting up into Capt's mouth, holding onto the back of his head with one hand, helping to guide the star spangled American patriot up and down his rock-hard erection...!

Cap could feel the cock starting to thicken and pulsate as tiny bursts of pre-cum coated his throat, preparing it for the onslaught of sperm liable to shoot at any moment! Sam fucked into Capt's mouth for another minute or two, throwing his head back against the wooden door as he closed his eyes and thought of heaven...!

"Arrrhhhh..." he grunted as he suddenly speared his cock into the very back of Steve's throat and stopped thrusting, just letting it rest in his esophagus as it strained and pulsed, just before shooting a torrent of semen pellets straight down into Capt's hungry stomach...!

"...ARRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" screamed the black man, thrashing hard as his cum came strong! Capt could barely keep the cock in his mouth and throat as he planted his face in Sam's groin and refused to move until he was drained!

Sam settled down a few moments later, falling back against the door exhausted as Capt drained his softening snake before finally pulling off and swallowing what he could gather in his mouth [allowing his taste-buds to enjoy the flavor]...!

"Thanks man..." said Sam, helping Capt back to his feet...! "...I really NEEDED that, man...! You just don't know how badly...!" he smiled, looking as if he'd just ran a marathon...!

Capt licked his lips...

"My pleasure..." he said, "...always eager to help out a fellow soldier...!"

"Yeah...?" asked Sam, retrieving his pants and underwear...! "Maybe you should stop by my place sometime..." he suggested, "...I could always arrange for that little `party' you missed to happen again...!"

"That would be sweet...!" said Capt, thinking of being surrounded by nothing but black cock...! "I'd better run..." he said, looking at the time...! "...but I'll be in touch...!"

"Right..." said Sam, watching Capt walk off...his eyes zeroing in on that perfect ass as his cock started to harden again before he could even tuck it away properly...!

" that...!" he said, having to wait when Capt found the time...!


Capt rode his motorcycle home to his residence in DC...then jotted up the stairs to his apartment and opened the door and found it unlocked...! Realizing someone was inside, he pulled his shield off his back and armed himself in case of hostiles...! He crept in slowly, checking the hallway and first room to his left [the living room]...and was surprised to see Nick Fury sitting in the dark...waiting for him...!


NEXT: The Death Of Nick Fury

If you would like to read MORE of THE LIBIDINOUS AVENGERS, hit me up @ with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could simply join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


Next: Chapter 12

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