The Libidinous Avengers

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Mar 6, 2016



The Avengers: is loosely based on The Marvel Comics comic book series, as well as the movie franchise.

The Avengers are: Captain America, Hawkeye, Ironman, HULK, THOR, The Black Panther,

Special Guests: Falcon, War Machine, and Celsius ___________________________________________________________________

S.H.I.E.L.D [Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division] AGENTS: Nick Fury, Agent-13, ___________________________________________________________________

HYDRA: is a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination through the art of terrorism and advanced science!





Hovercrafts speed smoothly over snow covered roads, despite the urgency of Hydra agents and gunfire! CAPTAIN AMERICA maneuvers quickly [avoiding trees, boulders, and other debris in the path of his vehicle] while HAWKEYE stands behind him in the passenger's seats, shooting explosive arrows at their pursuers, causing their hover/aircrafts to blow up and crash on impact!

One of the crafts managed to get up close, sideswiping into Capt, trying [unsuccessfully] to ram them into a tree! Setting the craft on `automatic', Capt leaped out of his Hovercraft and into the other, kicking one agent off with a foot to the chest [and into an oncoming tree at 80mph], blocking laser-fire with his shield before disarming and shoving a second agent off the back of the craft, and yanking the driver from his seat, tossing him off the side before leaping back into his own craft just seconds before the other craft crashed into a tree and burn...!

THOR swooped on ahead, finding a wooden tower housing more Hydra agents, overtaking it as he quickly battered everyone atop the construct, before leaping down to the ground to battle more foot troops!

HULK barreled his way through the opposition, mauling down trucks and tanks like Tonka Toys, quickly rendering their vehicles useless!

IRONMAN flew high above, using an aerial view to pick off snipers, vehicles, aircraft, and foot troopers alike...soaring ahead as the secret Hydra base suddenly loomed in the distance, just beyond the trees...!

"SHIT!" snapped Ironman, bouncing off an invisible force-field covering the base like a blanket...!

"Language!" said Capt [hearing Ironman curse over the telecom ear-pieces they all shared through communications]...!

"Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs...?" he asked their super-enhanced telecommunications computer...!

{The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield.'} said Jarvis, using an overhead satellite to examine the structure from space! {Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken.'}

"Loki's scepter MUST be here...!" said THOR, continuing to pound his way through the opposition, his Hammer mauling through a fleet of ground men all at once...!

"Strucker canst not mount this defense without it!"

"Looks like we've lost the element of surprise...!" said Hawkeye, jumping off the back of Capt's craft, using a `long range' arrow to take out a bunker in the distance, causing it to explode with a single shot!

Ironman shot repulsion cannon-fire [from his hands] at foot-troops exiting the building, stopping them in their tracks...!


"I know, I know..." signed Capt, running a collision course with a truck full of armed troopers headed his way...!

Capt didn't break course as he and the truck driver played `chicken' with one another! Capt waited for the last possible second to leap forward, using the momentum of the hovercraft to somersault OVER the top of the truck as the truck and hovercraft collided head-on...! The impact caused a big explosion, as many of the ground troopers in back of the truck jumped for their lives [leaving their weapons behind], while the truck and hovercraft were completely demolished in the crash! " just slipped out...!"



Researchers and personnel run around like mad men, as Strucker entered the war room, looking for his Head Of Defense...!

"WHO gave the order to attack...?" he asked, the general...!

"It's The AVENGERS...!" said Strucker's defense general, "They landed in the far woods..., the perimeter guard panicked...!"

"They HAVE to be after the scepter...!" surmised Strucker! "Can we HOLD them...?"

"They're The AVENGERS...!" repeated the defense general, much to Strucker's chagrin!

"We will NOT yield...!" he told his men, garnering control, getting everyone's attention! "The Americans have sent in their circus freaks to test us...! We will send them back in BAGS! Deploy the rest of the tanks...! Concentrate fire on the weak ones...! A HIT may make them close ranks!

"NO surrender!"

"NO surrender!" shouted his followers, given renewed vigor!

Strucker turned to his chief science officer...

"I am going to surrender...!" he whispered! "YOU delete everything! If we give The Avengers our weapons..., they may not look too deeply into what we've been doing...!" he suggested, looking around at all of their science work...!

"Everything we've accomplished...!" he signed, frustrated! "We were on the verge of our greatest breakthrough...!"

"Then let's show them WHAT we've accomplished...!" said the science officer! "Send out The Enhanced Ones!"

Strucker looked worried...

"It's too soon...!" he said!

"It's what they were CREATED for...!" said the officer!



Ironman circled the Hydra base, searching for a weakness in the structure, all while dodging cannon-fire from the rooftop...!

{Sir...'} said Jarvis, {...the city is taking fire.'} he informed, as troops bombed Sokovia citizens in the near distance...!


With that, Jarvis sent in a squadron of Stark built robots to act as defense for the citizens of Sokovia! The Sokovians flee in fear, running in every direction; as The Iron Legion landed in various areas..., giving guidance to the weary and the lost...!

[This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help.'] they say in unison, as the citizens stopped and stared in disbelief and wonder...? [We wish to avoid collateral damage. Please back away. This quadrant is unsafe. We are here to help.']

"Avengers GO HOME!" yelled someone in the crowd, throwing a glass bottle at the heads of one of the squadrons!

[`We are here to help. We will inform you when this current conflict is resolved. Please back away. This quadrant is unsafe.']

NEAR THE HYDRA BASE; Hawkeye snuck through the forest, using the trees as camouflage before taking aim on another bunker in the distance...! His aims were legendary [he never missed], as he slowly released an explosive arrow before ducking back behind the trees, waiting for the impact...!

When he didn't hear anything, he pulled another arrow from his satchel and took aim! But before he could fire, he was suddenly struck by a bright burst of light, knocking him off his feet and onto the ground! For a second he saw the glow take human form..., before disappearing into the woods like a mirage...!

While distracted, Hawkeye was hit by laser-fire from the bunker he sought to destroy, taking a direct hit in the side!

"URRHHH...!!" he yelled out loud...!

Capt thought he heard Clint in the distance...but before he could react, he too was hit by the same fast moving glow of light...!

"UHG!" he groaned when hit, somersaulting through air before landing back on his feet [like a gymnast]...! "We have ENHANCED in the field...!" he informed quickly over his shared com-link, before running off to look for Hawkeye...!

"Clint's been hit!" he notified immediately, after finding Barton lying in the field...! More laser-fire bombarded them as Capt shielded them with his red, white, and blue vibranium shield...! "Can somebody deal with that bunker...?" he asked, not wanting to leave his injured friend behind...!

Just then HULK landed out of nowhere...then ran straight through the concrete bunker, imploding it as if it'd just been hit with explosives...!

"Thanks!" said Capt, attending to Clint's wounds!

"Stark...we need to get INSIDE that building...!" said Capt, not wanting to abandon the mission [when they were so close]...!

"I'M CLOSING IN...!" said Ironman, clearing a path on a nearby walkway just outside of the base...! "UH, JARVIS...? AM I CLOSING IN...?" he asked, curiously! "DO YOU SEE A POWER SOURCE FOR THAT SHIELD...?"

{`There is a particle wave below the north tower.'} informed Jarvis.

"GREAT! I WANT TO POKE IT WITH SOMETHING HARD...!" said Ironman, flying straight through a truck blocking his course [causing the troops inside to jump for their lives], before soaring back up skyward and releasing a missile from his arsenal...!

The missile shot straight through the ground underneath the Hydra base, destroying the device creating the force-field...!

"THR DRAWBRIDGE IS DOWN, PEOPLE!" said Ironman, flying forth!

THOR landed near Captain America and Hawkeye, slamming his Hammer to the ground and knocking nearby troops [swarming in to get Capt and Hawkeye] off their feet, while sending a tiny jolt of electricity to knock them out!

"Thee Enhanced...?" he inquired!

"A blur of light...!" informed Capt! "Of all the new players we've faced..., I've never seen anything like this before...! I still haven't!" he said, referring to the light! "Clint's hit pretty bad..., we're gonna need an immediate evac...!"

"I can get Barton back to the jet..." stated THOR, "...the sooner we are gone, the better!

"You and Stark secure the scepter!"

"Copy that!" said Capt, he and THOR watching as MORE armed forces come marching through the snow ahead of 2 tanks creeping behind them!

"Looks like they hath lined up just for us...!" smiled THOR, as Capt raised his vibranium shield, allowing THOR to slam his Hammer across at an angle...sending a powerful vibration wave across the grounds, knocking all the troopers airborne, and blowing apart the 2 tanks in one shot...!

"Find the scepter!" reminded THOR, taking Barton in his arms before flying skyward, heading back to the hidden Quinn-Jet...!

"AND FOR GOD'S SAKES, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE...!" said Ironman, over the com-link, causing Capt more embarrassment as he sighed to himself...!

IRONMAN broke into Hydra's war room, only to be bombarded by gunfire! "GUYS, STOP! WE GOTTA TALK THIS THROUGH...!" he said, as bullets bounced off his metal costume! Suddenly a small compartment opened about his shoulders...sending out tiny impact [rubber] bullets, all targeting his combatants, putting them all down at once! "WAS A GOOD TALK!" he joked afterwards!

Bypassing the fallen soldiers, Ironman made way into the science lab, where the science officer was busy deleting the files as ordered by Strucker! Ironman hit him with a repulsion blast, sending the science officer flying into a nearby wall [unconscious]!

Tony Stark stepped out of his Ironman suit [as a compartment opened up within the chest plate, allowing him to step through like a doorway]...!

"Sentry mode!" he ordered the suit, as the Ironman suit closed up, then went on the defense, scanning the area for hostiles while protecting Tony...!

"Okay Jarvis, you know what I want...! I want it all!" said Stark, thrusting a thumb drive into the hardware! "Make sure you copy in Pepper at headquarters...!"

While Jarvis started downloading all of Hydra Intel, Stark started snooping around...

"Okay Hydra..." he said to himself, "...I know you're hiding more than just files...!

"Jarvis..., give me an IR Scan of the room real quick...!"

{`The wall to your left. I'm reading steel reinforcement. And an air current.'}

Stark walked over to the wall...!

"Please be a secret door...!" he said to himself, pushing on the wall, and causing it to slide inward IN on itself...! "Yay!" he smiled gleefully, stepping inside..., descending a dark stairwell...!



While HULK and The Iron Legion rounded up all of the conscious troops outside Hydra's headquarters..., Captain America was inside, roaming the halls, searching for Strucker himself...!

Strucker was racing up a back stairwell, heading for an escape vehicle, when he saw one of his guardsmen being thrown into a nearby wall...! Captain America came rushing out of the corridor, running straight into...

"Baron Strucker..." he said, as the 2 men came face to face...! "...Hydra's number ONE thug...!"

"Technically I'm a thug for SHIELD...!" smirked Strucker, nervously!

"Well then technically you're unemployed...!" countered Capt!

"Where's Loki's scepter...?"

"Don't worry..." sighed Strucker, noticing one of his `Enhanced' sneaking up behind Capt unnoticed...! "...I know when I've been beaten...!

"You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope...?"

"I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation'...!" said Capt! "How many are there...?" he asked! "How many Enhanced'...?"

Just then the one suddenly appeared standing next to Capt...!...but before Capt could react, or even raise his shield to protect himself, he was suddenly HIT with an unseen force which sent him tumbling backwards down the stairs Strucker had just ascended...!

Capt immediately jumped to his feet at the bottom of the stairwell, then ran back up, but the Enhanced one was gone...!

"We have a SECOND Enhanced...!" he informed the team! "Male! Do not engage!"

Strucker was still standing there...waiting for Capt's reaction...!

"You'll have to be faster than that...!" he said, just as Capt kicked him in the chest, sending him flying backwards into a wall [rendering him unconscious]!

["Guys, I've got Strucker...!"] informed Capt, over their com-link!

"Yeah..." sighed Stark, venturing into a secondary [hidden] laboratory...! "...I've got...something BIGGER...!" he said, noticing the remains of one of the floating alien whale creatures from The Invasion [chap-9, `Earth War']..., as well as one of Stark's dismantled Iron Legion robots..., AND...Loki's scepter...!

But before Tony could react...his mind was suddenly seized by The Enhanced One...causing him to believe The Alien Whale was alive...!...and floated up into space...!...where he saw The Avengers all lying DEAD [or dying]...!...all crumbled beneath a mightier force, their bodies all beaten, broken, and bloody...!

At the foot of the mountain lay Captain America...beside him his broken shield lying in pieces...! Stark ran over to him, checking his vital signs for life...!

YOU...COULD...HAVE...SAVED...US...!' said Capt, taking his last breath! Why didn't you do more...?'

Stark sprung out of his dream...shaking the cobwebs from his mind, staring back at the alien remains [reminding himself WHERE he was]...! Taking a deep breath, he summoned his suit, then snatched Loki's scepter down from its perch!



The Quinn-Jet soared over the Atlantic, heading back to The States with Stark at the helm...! Capt got up from the co-pilot's chair to check in on Hawkeye, who was lying [sedated] in back on a gurney with THOR at his side! Dr. Bruce Banner [aka: The HULK] was sitting alone in a passenger's seat, listening to opera music, keeping himself calm [to keep `the monster' in check]!

Banner looked up from his solitude, to see Capt taking a seat beside him...!

"You alright, Dr. Banner...?" he asked, concerned that Bruce might be upset having to become The HULK yet again...?

"I'm...okay..." said Banner [reluctantly], pulling his headphones down off his ears...! "...I...I just wasn't expecting a `code green' is all...!"

"If YOU hadn't been there...there would have been double the casualties...!" informed Capt, sympathetically! "AND..., Hawkeye would've been a treasured memory...! You did GOOD, Doctor...!"

"Thanks." said Banner, still having to deal with the consequence of The HULK...!

"Hey Banner...?" called Stark, from the cockpit...! "Dr. Cho is on his way in from Seoul...! Is it okay if he sets up in YOUR lab...?"

"uh, yeah...! He knows his way around...!" answered Banner!

"Thanks!" said Stark! "Tell him to prep everything! Barton's gonna need the full treatment...!" he said to Pepper, over the com-link!

"Jarvis, take the wheel...!"

{`Very good, sir. Approach vector is locked.'} said the super-computer...!

"Feels good, eh...?" said Stark, leaving the pilot's chair to head in back with the team, as they gathered in around Loki's scepter...! "I mean, you've been after this thing since SHIELD collapsed...! Not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding parties, but..."

"But this...brings it to a close...!" said THOR, feeling as if he'd completed a purpose!

"As soon as we find out WHAT ELSE this thing has been used for..." chimed Capt, "...and I don't just mean weapons...!

"Since WHEN is Strucker capable of human enhancement...?"

"Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard...!" affirmed Stark! "Is that cool with you...?" he asked THOR, as an afterthought...! "Just a few days till the farewell party...! You're staying, right...?"

"Aye, of course...!" said THOR! "Victory shalt be honored with revels!"

"Yeah, WHO doesn't love revels...? Capt...?" inquired Stark!

"Hopefully this puts an END to the Chitauri AND Hydra...!" surmised Capt. "So yes! Revels!" he agreed, as the Jet speed into New York...!

With Jarvis still manning controls, the hanger doors to the roof of Avenger's Tower opened, allowing The Quinn-Jet to land safely inside [where Pepper Potts (Stark's head assistant) and Dr. Shun Cho & his medical team were awaiting]...!

When the cargo doors to the Jet opened, Cho's med-team rushed in to retrieve Hawkeye's body, rushing him into Banner's lab which had already been pre-prepped for his arrival...!

"Is my LAB all set...?" whispered Stark [trying to keep his actions low key], as he and the rest of the team exited from the back of the jet...!

"All ready, boss! I've linked Banner's main lab with yours, cutting off Dr. Cho who is in the rear of the building...! But...why all the secrecy...?" inquired Pepper...!

"Shh..." said Stark, looking over his shoulder [making sure no one overheard]...! "'s a secret!" he said, before walking off...!

"What's the word on Strucker...?" asked Capt, walking up on Pepper next...!

"NATO's got him!" informed Stark's assistant!

"And The Two Enhanced...?" asked Capt, as he and Pepper walked into the corridors...!

"Austin Vance, and Adam Brooks..." said Pepper, pulling up photos of the 2 Enhanced on his Tablet [directly from Hydra's downloaded Intel]...! "...both discovered by Hydra agents after a shell collapsed their apartment building...!"

"Their abilities...?"

"Adam has the ability to transform into any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum..., while Austin has neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, and mental manipulation...!"

"Where are they now...?" asked Capt, pressing the button to an elevator at the end of the corridor...!

"Unknown..." said Pepper, having gone over all the data available!

"They'll show up again...!" said Capt, as the elevator doors opened...!

"Agreed..." said Pepper, reading on...! "...file says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments...! That's nuts!"

"Right..." said Capt, getting onto the elevator! "...what kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country...?" he asked, referring to himself...!

"We're not at WAR, Captain...!" defended Pepper.

"THEY are!" said Capt, as the elevator doors slammed shut in their faces!



Tony Stark's Iron Legion' returned home [after escorting Baron Strucker and his troopers to NATO] all battered and bruised, soaring over the streets of NY and entering Avenger's Tower through a maintenance' door near the rear of the building...heading directly into repair, where they were each quickly scanned for analysis...!



"You sure he's going to be okay...?" asked Capt [concerned], watching as Hawkeye got his wound surgically repaired [through synthetic skin-graphing] by a machine...!

"There's no possibility of deterioration..." said Dr. Shun Cho, punching in computer codes to hasten the surgery! "...the nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous! His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra!"

"He's creating tissue!" thrilled Dr. Banner, supervising!

"Had you brought him to my lab, the Regeneration Cradle could DO this in 20 minutes...!"

"Oh he's flat-lining...! Call it!" said Stark [walking in], checking up on Clint's progress...!

"No, no, no...! I'm gonna live forever, right doctor...? I'm gonna be made of plastic!" joked Hawkeye [his pain meds keeping him from feeling the surgery as it happened]...!

"You'll be made of YOU, Mr. Barton..." said Dr. Cho! "...your own girlfriend wouldn't be able to tell the difference...!"

"I don't have a girlfriend...!" said Barton, glancing over at Capt [who blushed silently]!

"THAT I can't fix...!" said Cho! "THIS is the next THING, Tony...! Your clunky metal suits are going to be left in the dust...!"

"That IS the plan, Doctor!" agreed Stark! "And I expect to see YOU at the party on Saturday...!"

Cho signed...!

"Unlike YOU, I don't have a lot of time for parties...!"

Then he had a second thought...! "uh...will THOR be there...?" he asked [obvious stricken]!



After Barton was out of surgery, Stark went to his lab, where the scepter was being analyzed by the computer: Jarvis...!

"Alright Jarvis, look alive! It's playtime!" said Stark, enthusiastically! "We've only got a couple of days with this joystick, so let's make the most of it...! Update me on the structural and compositional analysis!"

{The scepter is alien.'} said the computer. {There are elements I cannot quantify.'}

"So there are elements you can...?" questioned Stark.

{`The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside. Something powerful.'}

"Like a reactor...?" asked Stark.

{Like a computer.'} answered Jarvis. {I believe I am deciphering code.'}

Stark summoned Banner...!

"What's the rumpus...?" he asked, walking into Stark's lab.

"Well, the scepter..." said Tony, turning towards his colleague...! " see, we were wondering HOW Strucker got so inventive...? So I've been analyzing the gem...inside...!

"You...may recognize..." he paused, pulling up an 3-demsional image...!

"Jarvis...?" said Banner, recognizing his 3-demsnional coding.

{`Doctor.'} acknowledged Jarvis.

"Started out, Jarvis was just a natural language interface, now he runs the Iron Legion! HE runs more of the business than anyone besides Pepper! Top of the line!"

{`Though I suspect not for long.'} said Jarvis [chiming in].

"Meet the competition...!" said Stark, pulling up a second 3D image...!

"It's beautiful...!" said Banner, looking at the 2 images side by side...!

"If you had to GUESS..., what's it look like it's doing...?" asked Stark!

Banner stared...!

"It looks like neurons firing...!" said the good doctor, staring into the image! "Like it's THINKING...!"

"Down in Strucker's lab, I saw some fairly advanced robotic works...!" said Stark! "They deep-sixed the data, but I gotta guess he was knocking on a very particular door...!"

"Artificial Intelligence...!" surmised Banner!

Stark locked eyes...!

"This could be IT, Bruce! This could be the KEY to creating Ultron...!"

Banner chuckled...!

"I thought Ultron was a fantasy...?

"Yesterday it was...!" agreed Stark! "But if we can HARNESS this power..., apply it to my Iron Legion protocol...?"

"That's a man-sized IF...!" said Banner, skeptically...!

"Our JOB is `if'...!" argued Stark! "What IF you sipping margaritas on a sun-drenched beach, turning BROWN instead of GREEN...? Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica...!"

"Don't hate! I helped design Veronica!" said Banner.

"As a worst-case measure, right...?" asked Stark. "How bout BEST case...? What IF the world was safe...? What IF next time aliens roll up to the club, -and they WILL, they can't get past the bouncers...?"

"Then the only people threatening the planet...would be PEOPLE...!" said Banner!

"I want to apply this to the Ultron Program...but Jarvis can't download a data schematic this dense...!...we can ONLY do it while we have the scepter here! That's three days! Give me THREE days!" pleaded Stark!

"So you're going for artificial intelligence and you don't want to tell the team...?

"Right! That's right! And you know WHY...?" asked Stark! "Cause we don't have TIME for a city hall debate! I don't wanna hear the `man was not meant to meddle' medley!

"I see a suit of armor around the WORLD!"

"Sounds like a COLD world, Tony." said Banner.

"I've seen colder...!" said Stark! "THIS one..., [the vulnerable BLUE one, needs Ultron!" he added, leaving Banner to maul it over...! "Peace in our time! Imagine that!" he shot in, pushing Banner over the wall...!

The 2 would spend the next 3 days analyzing and re-analyzing data, traying to jumpstart an AI taken from the downloaded Intel...!



"How's the patient today, doctor...?" asked Capt, walking in on Hawkeyes exam...!

Dr. Cho was examining Hawkeyes progress [with his shirt off], gently poking around at his side, testing the area where the synthetic tissue was restored...!

"Patient has passed with flying colors, Captain...!" said Cho, "We should ALL be so healthy!"

"See..." said Capt, grinning ear to ear...! "...and here you thought it might leave a scar...!"

Hawkeye looked over his shoulder, making sure Dr. Cho had left the room...!

"What I'm most worried about is PERFORMING...!" said Clint! "I gotta make sure this new synthetic side doesn't hamper my THRUST capabilities...!"

Capt laughed...!

"I see you're feeling MUCH better today...!" he laughed!

"C'mon, Steve..." said Clint, luring Capt into his arms, pulling him in-between his legs as he sat [waist-high] on an exam-table...! "...aren't YOU curious if I can still perform...? I know how much you LIKE my pelvic thrusts...!" he joked, pulling Capt in [intimately]!

"Oh really...?" laughed Capt, standing between Clint's legs, his bare hands touching upon Clint's torso for the first time [since his injuries]..., roaming down about his side, gently touching the surgical area...!

"I can't barely tell the difference...!" he said, feeling the different textures of the skin...!

"I feel like Frankenstein's Monster...!" joked Clint!

"Frankenstein's Monster has nothing on YOU...!" said Capt, bending down to kiss upon Clint's surgical area...!

He kissed and licked the area with his lips and tongue, letting Clint know no matter WHAT happened to him, he'd be there for him in his corner! Capt noticed Clint's crotch starting to poke out, as his cock hardened in his pants...! Capt looped his fingers along the waistline, then gently pulled at the elastic, as Clint raised his ass off the table so Capt could lower his pants...!

Once the pants were off, Capt buried his face in Clint's groin, sniffing and licking his balls-sac! Clint leaned back against the table, his arms stretched out behind him like wooden stilts, as he stared down and watched Capt lick and suck his hairy balls, causing his erect cock to dance around against his forehead...!

Capt suckled the hairy sac gently in his mouth, rolling them about [individually] with his tongue, taking great care not to pull too hard and hurt the delicate sac as Clint spread his legs and thrust his hips forward, giving Capt ample room to suckle his satchel! Capt made oral love to Clint's balls for several minutes, making him feel as if he were in heaven. Then he took the delicate eggs in his mouth together, lavishing them with his tongue, making Clint toss his head back in a moment of sheer ecstasy!

After another 4 or 5 minutes of ball washing, Capt spit the wet sac from his mouth and licked his way up the underbelly of Clint's rod! A great deal of pre-cum had already started to form at the tip, as Capt licked away the tasty droplets, washing his talented tongue over the piss-slit until the delicious man syrup was gone! Then he suckled the crown like a piece of hard candy, searching for any more dew-drops hiding in the shaft! Coming up empty, he licked his way up and down the sides of the hard cock, wetting it for his throat! Once he had the entire flesh tower glisten wet with saliva, did he oval his pink lips over the head and descend them along the shaft...!

"Oooohhhh..." moaned Clint Barton [aka: Hawkeye], feeling Capt's velvety throat suddenly surround his manhood as it slowly [essentially] squeezed down into the curve of his throat...!

Capt took the hard cock in his mouth, then slowly descended down as the cockhead touched into the back of his mouth...! Relaxing his throat muscles, he pushed forward, allowing the cock to move down into his Larynx, making his throat balloon outward...! He pressed his face down in Clint's groin, smashing his in his pubes, holding the hard cock in his throat!

"Damn're so fucking good at that...!" moaned Clint, wrapping his hand around the back of Capt's head, running his fingers through the edges of his short chopped blonde hair!

Steve smiled to himself, loving the compliment, loving making men feel good! He'd spent his life learning how to suck and swallow cock, just to please others! He tightened his lips as he pulled back slowly, ascending back up the hard shaft, working his way back up towards the head where he sucked and suckled more tasty pre-cum from the piss-slit!

For the next 10 minutes he sucked Clint's cock, bobbing his head up and down in his lap, nestling his face in his pubes ever-so-often for good measure! He was starting to pick up speed, becoming obsessed with wanting to taste his friend's cum! He swallowed the cock over halfway then bobbed up and down without coming up for air, his tongue licking along the underbelly, tantalizing the urethra [the cum-tube], trying to coax it to give up the load sooner!

However Clint grabbed a fistful of Capt's hair, pulling his head up out of his lap, and pulling him off of his shinny wet cock...! Capt looked greatly disappointed to lose the cock he so hungrily wanted...and couldn't take his eyes off of it as it stood rock-hard before him, resembling The Leaning Tower Of Pisa!

"What's wrong...?" asked Capt, as Clint pulled him up from crotched position, staring him face to face...! "I wanted your cum...! Don't you want to cum...?"

"Yeah..." answered Clint, unable to resist kissing Capt's wet pouty lips [after working his cock so thoroughly]! "...but I want to cum in your ass...! You KNOW how much I love fucking you...!"

"You sure you're ready for that kind of strain...?" asked Capt, genuinely concerned!

"I'm willing to risk the pain...!" said Clint, as Capt started to undress. "Besides..., you could always RIDE me...!" he added, before lying back on the gurney [full length]!

"That's just lazy...!" smiled Capt, stripping completely naked before spitting onto his fingers and rubbing them back between his ass cheeks, moistening his fuck-hole!

He climbed up onto the gurney, then straddled Clint's waist and squatted down over his cock...! Clint held his 9.5" rod upright [like a lance], as Capt aligned his asshole to the cockhead, then slowly sank down on it until his ass cheeks was resting [nestled] in Clint's lap!

"uhhhh..." moaned Capt [tossing back his head], his body quickly settling in as it adjusted to Clint's cock wedged inside...!

Clint dug his fingernails into Capt's hips as he held onto him tightly, pulling him down further onto his hard-on, grinding his hips up into him, making sure every inch of his rod was buried in the American icon's gut!

The 2 men set connected for a moment, as Clint physically pulled Capt downward to French-kiss passionately! The 2 swabbed tongue for a moment, until neither of them could stand it any longer, then Capt pulled himself upright and started lifting and lowering his ass up and down on his buddy's cock [bouncing]!

Clint loved how Capt's tight ass felt wrapped around his cock! He loved being the first man to fuck Capt [since his re-emergence back into the land of the living]! He considered Capt `HIS MAN', even though the 2 never properly discussed it!

He liked looking up at Capt's muscular body [exercised to the peak of physical perfection], watching him bounce on the end of his cock submissively [as a chick would], whoring his ass to him, despite being able to beat him to a pulp in a hand to hand fight to the death!

He ignored Capt's big thick 10" cock [which bounced and waved out in front of the icon unattended]! Sometimes Capt would even pulled his cock and balls back out of the way, giving Clint a clear view of his thick cock sliding in and out of his ass, wanting to cater to his every sexual desire! Clint loved being Capt's #1 source for sex! He loved bending the American Patriot over [on a whim] and butt-fucking him hard and heavy! How many times had they been summoned on a mission at the last second, with his sperm still swimming around in Capt's gut, searching [futilely] for an egg to fertalize...?

Capt bounced his ass up and down on Clint's cock, loving the way the thick member felt sliding in and out of his cave! He slapped his buttock in Clint's lap repeatedly, punching the big thick archer's ramrod straight up into his gut, tightening the rectal ring with every ascent, loosening it on the descent, his hot hole swallowing the thick column of flesh like a magic trick with every bounce!

Capt even leaned back, balancing himself on one hand, while reaching down between his legs to physically lift his cock and balls out of the way, giving Clint a clear unobstructed view of his asshole sliding up and down his erect cock!

Clint loved seeing his cock disappear up Capt's ass! Just watching the icon's pale buttock surrounding his rod, lifting and lowering itself on his prick, made him want to cum Johnny on the spot! But he didn't want to cum in Capt's ass passively, HE wanted to be in control, driving his cock home when he finally shot off!

Pushing Capt back on the other end of the table, he got up and quickly maneuvered himself between the older man's spread legs [Capt automatically lifted and pulled his legs back against his own chest, exposing his bare hole for more abuse], then re-aligned his cock against his asshole and shoved straight in...! "Urrhh...!" grunted Capt, as Clint buried himself with one stroke, resuming his fuck as the man now on top!

Capt loved seeing Clint in the driver's seat! Clint leaned in over him [in pushup position] and kissed him passionately [again] on the lips, swabbing spit! Capt suckled Clint's wet tongue, gathering all the spit he could into his mouth before swallowing, showing his utter devotion to his lover! Clint pulled back [breaking the lustful kiss], grasping the backs of Capt's legs, using them to anchor the hero's body to the table while he started pounding his ass with his pelvic bone, -driving his cock in and out of the vulnerable hole before him!

"Fuck man..." gasped Capt, loving the extra drive! He couldn't help grasping Clint's waist, holding onto his sides as he thrust his hips back and forth! Neither man even noticed he was touching upon Clint's surgical area, neither feeling any difference as Clint continued to thrust forth, increasing the power of his stroke as his cock started to become more and more sensitive! "...give me that cock...!"

"You LIKE that cock...?" asked Clint, staring straight down at Capt, directly into his soft blue eyes!

"You KNOW I do...!" admitted Capt! "I LOVE it!"

"This's YOUR cock..." growled Clint through grit teeth, thrusting harder, slamming himself into Capt with each stroke! "...nobody else's...!"

"You promise...?" asked Capt [his own cock twitching against his washboard abs, ready to blow at any second]...!

"Always!" declared Clint, ducking his head as he started power-driving himself through Capt's hole! Capt grit his own teeth, groaning aloud at the pleasurable/pain shooting through his rectum! His own cock strained over his abs, sending out tiny bursts of pre-cum which leaked all over his stomach! He dared not touch his cock, for fear of coming too soon, and he LOVED coming with Clint simultaneously...!

Clint could feel himself quickly coming to a boil! He hammered Capt's ass extra-hard for a few more minutes, then rammed in balls-deep on the final plunge, spearing all 9 and 1/2 inches bone-deep and holding ground as his cock thickened, swelled, pulsed and strained...before finally sending the first blast of hot semen straight into Capt's bowels!

"ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" grunted Clint, tossing his head back in total and complete ecstasy! He ground himself home as his cock continued to shoot, filling Capt's anal canal with a river of free flowing [lava-like] sperm!

"Ohgod...! Ohgod...! Oh...Arrhhh...ARRHHHHHHHHHH...!!" grunted Capt [simultaneously], shooting wad after thick creamy wad of molten cum across his own heaving chest and stomach, his asshole clamping down [and milking] Clint's rod as it continued to burst deep inside him!

Clint fell forward over Capt's torso, burying his head in his neck as the 2 men panted for dear life...!

"How' feeling...?" asked Capt, suddenly recalling Clint's injury...!

"I'm FINE...!" panted Clint, lifting his head and kissing Capt [again] in the mouth!

"I guess it's official..." whispered Capt, between kisses, "'re healed...!"


If you would like to read MORE of THE LIBIDINOUS AVENGERS, hit me up @ with your comments and/or suggestions. OR you could simply join me on my Facebook page under the same name!


Next: Chapter 22

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