The Life of the Neighborhood

By OKstoryteller

Published on Jan 16, 2023


The life of the neighborhood

From the end of the second part:

Shelly, I said, your mom is going to be staying the night with her sister, so I thought we would go out for dinner. How does that sound?

SUPER! Shelly said excitedly, can I pick the place?

Sure honey, I said, just let me know so I can make a reservation if we need one.

Let's go to Emile's! she said, I love their food, okay?

Emile's was an upscale Italian Restuarant, pretty pricey, but amazing food.

That's fine, I replied, I will call and see if we can get in tonight. The girls raced past me as I stopped to call for our reservation. They only had three times available so I took the earliest one and locked in the time.

Shelly, I called out, we have a table for three at 7:30.

Thanks dad! Shelly yelled back, you're the best!

That gave me about 40 minutes to get ready before we needed to leave. You guys only have 30 minutes to get ready, we can't be late or they will forfeit our reservation.

We'll be ready dad, Shelly shouted as she slammed her door.

I took a hot shower which helped relax me. I pulled on some slacks, a buttoned down shirt with a nice tie. I grabbed my light weight blazer and headed to the kitchen for a drink.

Shelly, I called out, we need to leave in 10 minutes girl.

She didn't answer but I heard her door open. I poured myself two fingers of bourbon as I sat at the bar. I looked up when Shelly and Monique walked into the room. I almost fell off the bar stool. They had fixed their hair, put on make-up that made them look closer to 21 than 16. They were both wearing some of Shelly's prom type dresses. Shelly was wearing red and Monique had on a very slinky black dress. Both dresses had low cut backs, revealing cleavage and fit them both very snug around their hips.

WOW! I breathed out, you guys look amazing. I instantly wished I hadn't said that out loud.

Thanks daddy, Shelly cooed, we wanted to look good for our threesome date.

I almost passed out when she said that, instantly worried about the night as I downed my bourbon in one gulp.

Part 3

Cast of Characters:

Bill Stevens, age 64 Teresa, Bill's wife, age 62 Shelly, their daughter, age 16

Shelly's friends

The twins


Sissy, age 15 Lisa, age 15 Marci, age 14 Eddie, age 15 Monique, age 16

The new neighbors

Danny, age 62 Donna, age 56

My mind was racing a thousand miles a minute as I drove the girls and I to Emile's for our evening meal. I was trying to keep my eyes on the road, but they wandered to the rear view mirror constantly to see the two hot, young girls in my back seat. My dick was about half hard by the time we got to the restaurant. The valet handed me a ticket as I moved past him. His eyes were glued to my daughter and her hot friend as they slipped out of the back seat, pulling down on their slinky dresses as they stood up. The poor valet boy bumped into the side of my door as his eyes never left the girls.

Good evening Mr. Stevens, Emile said with a smile as we entered the building, we have your table ready sir.

Thank you Emile, I replied.

As the three of us followed him across the restaurant to a table in the back corner, I noticed many of the patrons were ogling my daughter and her friend. I was amused, aroused and excited as I watched their firm butts moving in front of me. Emile pulled out a chair for Shelly as I pulled out Moniques chair.

Enjoy your meal, Emile said with a wide grin as he scurried back to the front of his restaurant.

Well young ladies, I said softly, your choice of provacative clothing has been noticed by about everyone here. I hope you are very proud of yourselves.

They both were looking at me as I semi-scolded them before I dropped my dad look and smiled at them.

Thanks Daddy, Shelly said, I'm glad you aren't mad.

I'm far from mad, I replied, very far. However, I should be mad so don't push me too far young lady.

They both giggled as Shelly whispered, you have no idea how far we're gonna push you dad in Moniques ear. Monique blushed a deep red before she turned and whispered something back to Shelly.

It's not polite to whisper young ladies, I scolded, it's actually quite rude.

Sorry daddy, Shelly said softly, but I'm sure it was best to whisper now. Maybe later I can tell you what we were saying. They glanced at each other and giggled just as Anthony, our waiter, brought our water to the table.

Good evening Mr. Stephens, he said, and who are these amazing beauties?

Good evening Anthony, I said, I'm sure you remember my daughter Shelly and this is her new friend Monique.

Anthony's jaw dropped as he realized his error. My apologies, he mumbled, and good evening young ladies. Could I bring your regular appetizer Mr. Stevens? Any drinks?

Yes, thank you Anthony, I replied. I'll have a Maker's Mark neat, make it a double please and sodas for the young ladies.

Daddy, Shelly said, can't we have some wine tonight, please?

I don't think so, I said sternly, cokes for the girls please Anthony.

As Anthony turned to leave our table I saw Shelly intentally move sideways which caused her left titty to slip out of her dress giving poor Anthony a clear view of her extremely hard nipple.

Enough, I scolded Shelly, do not do that again young lady, do you understand me?

Neither girl was giggling as the look on my face didn't need any explanation.

Yes sir, Shelly said softly. The girls picked up their menus and began looking at the food options. They both decided to have the chicken alfredo and mixed vegetables. I would have my usual, the 4 layer lasagna. Anthony returned with our drinks and their amazing garlic breadsticks. He kept stealing looks at the girls as he moved around the table getting our food orders. I saw Shelly moved her elbow and make contact with Anthonys pants, seemingly absentmindedly rubbing her elbow up and down just below his belt. I knew what she was doing and wanted to scream at her, but I just watched as Anthony stood next to her, as the bulge in his pants grew larger. When he moved to Monique for her order I saw her mimic Shelly's naughty action as poor Anthony was obviously rock hard. When he turned to get my order I could see he was very well endowed and extremely embarrassed. He moved quickly away from our table to place our orders, the bulge in his tight slacks was prominently displayed.

That was extremely rude young ladies, I scolded, I know that you both know better than to act that way in public. I want this behavior to stop or I will pull you both out of here without dinner and take Monique home as soon as we leave. I am not putting up with your behavior for even one more second.

They were a little stunned at my outburst, Monique more than Shelly, but muttered they would behave.

Fortunately for me and poor Anthony, they behaved like good girls the rest of the evening. The food was perfect as always and the service was amazing as well. I finished my food and my second drink before Anthony brought our desserts.

Would you like another drink? Anthony asked.

No sir, I said, could you bring the girls their desserts and my check please.

Couldn't we have just a small glass of wine daddy? Shelly asked in a whining, teasing voice.

Fine, I said, just half a glass for each girl Anthony, I said. Make it that nice port we tried last time please, none for me.

Anthony smiled and nodded as he hurried away to get the girls desserts and drinks. I knew he was hoping to see more of both girls since Shelly had ambushed him so completely earlier.

The girls finished their gelatos and the small glass of wine as I was paying the bill for the evening. I always left good tips, but tonight I upped Anthony's tip to compensate him for the blue balls he was suffering through. Every man in the restaurant had their eyes glued to my sexy daughter and her equally hot friend as we made our way to the valet desk. The combination of my two double drinks and the incredible butts I was following made my dick harden in my slacks as we waited for our car to arrive.

Are you okay to drive daddy, Shelly asked, which caused me to look up for the first time since we had walked out.

Yes ma'am, I said, I am fine, but thank you for asking.

The drive home was a quick one as the girls sang to yet another annoying Taylor Swift tune. How anyone could ever think that girl had a talented voice is beyond me. Her voice sounds more like fingernails dragging across a blackboard than singing to me.

As I pulled into the driveway to park the car Shelly said, daddy can we go swimming for a little while, please.

Sure sweetie, I said, let me use the bathroom and change and I will meet you two in the back.

I should have known better than to agree for two reasons. First, I was well on my way to being too drunk to care and second, I was sure that they would both come down with no suits on.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, stopped at our bar to fix a double shot of Maker's and headed out to the pool. I was suprised that the girls weren't at the pool already. I didn't have to wait long as I heard the patio door slide open as the giggling girls streaked past me and dove into the pool. As I had guessed, they were both naked. Shelly was really pushing my limits today. I decided to just go with the flow as the alcohol was dinishing my inhibitions.

The girls splashed and raced, dove and swam and whispered and giggled for about thirty minutes. They would get out of the pool and stretch facing me, their legs spread apart, their little pussy lips gaping open.

Daddy? Shelly called out, come swim with us. There was a short pause while I tried to think clearly before I stood up, pushed my sweat alongpants down with my underwear, pulled off my t-shirt and walked slowly to the pool, my semi-hard dick swaying left and right as I walked. The girls weren't talking as they stared open mouthed at my rapidly growing dick.

I jumped into the pool, swam to the deep end, then hopped out onto the deck. They whispered something to each other then swam over to me and hopped onto the deck next to me, Shelly to my right and Monique to my right.

Thanks dad, Shelly said, you are the best.

I can't believe you joined us Mr. Stevens, Monique said as her eyes were glued to my dick which was hard and pointing straight up.

Eyes up here ladies, I said which caused them to giggle.

Feel it Monique, Shelly said, he won't mind. Shelly reached over and began to stroke my dick up and down. Monique was staring at Shelly as she was stroking up and down my thick rod. I was leaking a ton of precum as my eyes began to roll back in my head due to the extreme stimulation my daughter was providing.

Touch it Monique, Shelly said, feel how hot and hard it is girl. I felt Shelly's hand move off my dick.

Moniques hand began to tentatively touch me, then more boldly as she took Shellys place stroking my dick. I groaned as I felt my orgasm building.

Hear it comes girl, Shelly said, go faster!

Monique picked up the speed as she stroked my dick faster and faster.

I moaned then fell back onto the deck just as my dick began spewing cum all over my stomach.

WOW! Monique said, that was awesome, so cool.

Taste it, Shelly said, lick it off your hand.

Noooooooooo, Monique said, ewwww.

I looked up as Shelly grabbed her hand and sucked my cum off Moniques hand. Then she leaned down and licked more off my stomach before she sat up and pulled Monique into a french kiss. I could see Monique sort of struggling at first, then she wrapped her arms around Shelly's neck as they kissed.

Shelly broke their kiss and said, now, lick the rest off my daddy.

Monique leaned down and began to lick and suck the rest of my cum off my stomach as Shelly was sucking my dick clean.

Shelly stood up and said, come on daddy, let's go to my room now.

Without hesitating I stood up as ordered and followed the two naked girls as they led me to Shelly's lair. They girls hopped on the bed, their backs were against the headboard, their legs slightly parted as I stood transfixed at the end of the bed.

Daddy, Shelly said, come over here and give Monique the same orgasms you gave me last night.

Once again I didn't hesitate or complain, I just slid onto the bed between Moniques leg and dove into her hot, bald pussy. I wrapped my arms around her hips and my tongue lapped and poked at her tiny slit. I could hear the girls kissing and moaning as I worked on Moniques tasty treat.

Her legs clamped hard against my face as she tensed up then screamed, oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes I am cumming so hard!!!!!!

It was hard to breathe as her orgasm rocked her hot body. I didn't let up, I just kept licking as I slid my index finger into her wet pussy. I slid in and out as I searched for her immature g-spot.

He is fucking me with his finger, Monique yelled. It feels so awesome, awesome!

Just wait girlfriend, Shelly said, it get way better!

OH GOD! Monique yelled as her hands tried to push me off her slit. I was sucking on her clit as my finger massaged her g-spot harder and harder. I was struggling to breathe as Monique moaned and struggled to get me off her pussy.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no, no, no, she shouted, stop, please, please stop!!!

I moved backwards, away from her soaking wet pussy. She was struggling to breathe, her chested heaving, her body quaking, her nipples looked like hard marbles on her chest.

Good job daddy, Shelly said.

I dove into Shelly's pussy, she was already soaking wet. She must have gotten horny watching me please her friend. I spent a few minutes just licking and sucking on her sweet lips and clit before she came hard.

She pulled me up and thrust her tongue into my mouth, our tongues dancing and poking each other as her orgasm slowed. She broke our kiss and said, now daddy, now I want you to pop my cherry. I want you to fuck me daddy.

I bolted into an upright position. No, Shelly, no, I said, I will not fuck you.

Monique was staring at me as Shelly smiled and said yes you will daddy and you will do it right now. I tried to stand my ground when Shelly smiled, turned her phone around and showed me the video she made of me eating her friends pussy. The look on her face was the same as last night. Victory, total victory over me.

I laid on my back, my rock hard dick was pointing straight up, precum was oozing from the slit as I laid silently on my back.

Shelly moved over, took my leaking dick into her left hand and guided me into her wet tunnel as she settled down onto my thighs. I just closed my eyes as she began to move up and down slowly.

Is he really inside you? Monique piped up.

About halfway, Shelly answered as she moaned, his dick is bumping into my cherry and it hurts a little.

WOW, Monique said. I felt her hands on my knees as she leaned down to get a better view.

Do it, Monique said, do it Shelly, do it!

I felt Shelly pull up then in one swift motion she collapsed onto my hard dick as the head pierced her cherry.

Owwwwwwwwie, Shelly moaned out, ow, ow, ow. She was frozen in place, my 7 inch thick cock buried to the balls into her tiny tunnel as she was moaning in pain.

She leaned down, her head resting on my chest as she moaned, daddy, oh daddy, it's so big, so thick inside me. I could feel the heat radiating from her smooth, velvet-like walls. I couldn't believe my dick was inside my baby girl. I couldn't believe her brand new friend is lying on my knees watching as my daughter had impaled herself on my hard dick.

Slowly Shelly started moving up and down, the friction on my dick was ezxtremely intense as she rode my hard rod.

WOW! Monique called out, Shelly your lips are like all stretched out and I can see some blood and your pussy juices on his dick!

Shelly started moving faster and faster up and down. I could feel her pussy juice as the coated my thighs. She was moaning so loud I was glad the neighbors weren't home. I looked down and Monique was sitting on her knees, her index finger circling her tiny clit, her eyes glued to the sex scene inches from her face.

OH GOD! Shelly screamed out as she began to cum. I couldn't hold back any longer so I pulled her body down onto my dick as I fired shot after shot of cum into her soaking wet pussy. She arched her back, then fell sideways off of me. Monique crawled forward and began to lick and suck on Shellys pussy. My dick, which should have been limp after the two orgasms, was still rock hard. Watching my daughter having her pussy eaten was so intensely erotic. I watched for a few seconds then quickly moved behind Monique, her virgin tunnel was wet. I lined my dick up with her tiny opening and began rubbing it up and down the lips of her tiny pussy.

She pulled her face out of Shelly's pussy and moaned, Shelly, your dad is rubbing his dick on my pussy!

Do it Monique, Shelly urged, do it, fill your pussy with his fat dick!

Monique pushed back causing the head of my dick to slip inside her incredibly tight pussy. I immediately felt her hyman as it blocked my path into her womb.

Ughhhhhhhhhh, she moaned as I bumped her cherry. I eased out a little, then in and out a few times as she groaned. The liquor was clearly clouding my judgement as I pushed forward, breaking through her maidenhead and planting the head of my dick into her amazing chute.

OH MY GOD, she screamed out, Shelly, Shelly, Shelly, he is inside me, he is inside me!

I waited without moving, my dick being gripped by the second virgin pussy I had been inside tonight. I waited, my mind reeling, as Monique began to adjust to my invasion.

Do me, do me Mr. Stevens, fuck my pussy hard, she ordered.

I began to pull in and out of her vise-like canal. My dick was sore from the overuse, but my lust was driving me in and out of my daughters friend. All my resistance to my daughters orders was gone. I was consumed by animal lust, driving my dick in and out of Moniques pussy until she began to shake with another orgasm.

Oh Gawd Shelly, she moaned, I am cumming again, cumming so fucking hard!

I pulled out of Moniques pussy, my third orgasm was dangerously close. I move up and pushed the head of my dick into my daughters mouth as I began to squirt another load of cum from my balls.

Shelly choked and gagged as I pushed too deep into her mouth. I could see the traces of Moniques virginal blood on my shaft as I pushed in and out of my daughters mouth.

Suck me clean Shelly, I moaned, suck your daddy's dick clean. I pushed in and out of her mouth for a couple of minutes before I fell sideways onto the bed, my chest heaving and my mind was suddenly acutely aware of my vulnerable and dangerous position. I could feel something jabbing me in the back. I rolled onto my side and saw it was Shelly's phone. Suddenly I felt a glimmer of hope in my hand as I grabbed her phone. Monique had moved up and straddled Shelly's head, forcing her dripping wet snatch onto Shelly's mouth. As the two of them were moaning I slid off the bed and headed into my bathroom. The source of all of Shelly's proof against me was safely in my hand. I could do a factory reset to erase all the proof of my indescretions!

I was so glad Shelly had used the same password forever, Pooh&Tigger2. I entered her password then opened her photo gallery. I scrolled thru her pictures but none were of me. I went back to her home screen and saw a flower covered folder. I clicked on it and was amazed at all the pictures of her, her friends, and me - all naked. I leaned over to lock the door as I watched several short videos, some of me, some of the action from the pool house earlier in the day and some older ones with her and her friends in various nude positions. Unbelievably my sore dick once again rose to full hardness as I viewed her secret videos.

I programmed the phone to do a factory reset the next time the power was turned back on, then shut down her phone. I snuck back into Shelly's room, Shelly and Monique were a pile of tangled limbs, both lightly snoring as they slept. I eased Shellys phone under the edge of her bed and snuck back to my room. For the first time in a couple of days my mind was at peace. I had no doubt that Shelly would freak out when she realized her phone was resetting. I could now call her bluff since she had no proof to show her mom, or anyone else for that matter!

I would love to hear from you. My email is

You can also check out my other stories on Nifty:

Bisexual Adult/youth: New to the neighborhood

Bisexual Adult/youth - The computer tutor

Bisexual Adult/youth - Please tell me grandpa

Bisexual incest - The best summer of my life

Bisexual encounters - It happened at Kohls

Bisexual Adult/youth incest - My Grandfather

Bisexual young friends - The 3 musketeers

Bisexual Adult friends - Lets get in shape

Bisexual young friends - It's too much fun

Bisexual young friends - Silly Sally

Bisexual High school - Peter Pann

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Next: Chapter 4

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