The Lifeguard

By edward peters

Published on Apr 9, 2006


Catching two guys having oral sex together was certainly an eye opener for me, in more ways than one. I had just finished my early morning swim at the local swimming pool and before getting dressed I decided to take a shower. It was as I entered the open shower area that I stumbled upon these two guys. I stepped back quickly from the doorway fairly sure that neither of them had seen me. The fleeting glimpse that I had of these two guys was enough to witness one middle aged, chubby guy leaning against the tiled wall as a younger looking guy knelt on the floor, giving oral sex to him. I was very shocked at seeing this explicit sex act being performed in such a public place and although I was tempted to take another look, I couldn't pluck up the nerve to do so and made my way to the locker room to get dried off and dressed.

What I had just seen had certainly surprised me, but what surprised me even more was that my cock had started to swell inside my tight, wet swimming trunks. As I entered the locker room I was relieved that it was empty because the big bulge in the front of my trunks would have been impossible to conceal. I was confused as to why I was so aroused as I had always considered myself totally straight and yet I couldn't deny the strange excited feeling I was experiencing from catching the two guys in the shower room. I was feeling quite flustered and all I wanted to do was get dried off and dressed and get out of the locker room before anyone came in. My cock was still fully erect as I quickly towelled myself dry. I got my clothes on and sat on the slatted bench to put on my socks and shoes.

As I tied up my shoelaces I looked up and saw the young guy from the shower room coming into the locker room. He looked a little embarrassed as he glanced over at me and I wondered if he was aware that I had seen what he was doing a few minutes ago. He looked very young indeed, probably in his late teens, blonde, short cropped hair, quite tall and fairly muscular, yet slim and his whole body seemed to be free of any hair and I couldn't help but notice the revealing swimsuit he was wearing which was a very tight, white thong and the obvious large bulge that he was showing certainly caught my attention. Very often I would check out other guys physiques at the pool, but not in a sexual way it was more of a comparison thing to see whether I was adequate in cock size compared to other guys, but this young guy certainly made me feel inadequate as judging by the tightly packed bulge he was showing, he was certainly very well hung.I diverted my eyes away from his bulging crotch and as I glanced up at him he was staring straight at me. I felt my face flushing with embarrassment knowing that he had seen me staring at his cock bulge. But apart from feeling embarrassed I also felt a strange rush of excitement, aware that my cock was once again becoming erect inside my jeans.

" Did you enjoy your swim?" he asked

" Yes thanks" I replied, puzzled by his friendly approach. There was a long silent pause which was making me feel a little awkward and very uncomfortable.

" Look there's no easy way to say this, but can I apologise for what you saw earlier" As he spoke the words everything became crystal clear. He had seen me entering the shower room and his awkwardness about the situation was plain to see.

" It's OK these things happen" I answered, cringing at my stupid response, but I couldn't think of anything else to say

" You won't tell anyone will you?" he asked, which seemed an odd request

" No...why would I want to do that?" I asked him

" Well I work here as a lifeguard and if you reported the incident I would be dismissed from my job" he explained.

" I don't really think it's any of my business really, so no I'm not going to report you"

" Thanks you are very reasonable" he said, looking very relieved at my assurance that I wasn't going to make a complaint. He started to leave but something was still obviously on his mind as he stopped and looked over at me.

" If there's anything I can do as a favour just let me know" he said, which really took me by surprise. I couldn't help but wonder if he was offering me what he had given the old,chubby guy in the shower room earlier. I felt that strange rush of excitement once again and couldn't believe how tempted I was to pursue this further.

" What sort of favour?" I asked, aware of how hard my cock now was in my trousers. He seemed to be encouraged by my question and a broad smile appeared on his young face.

" Just ask and I'll see what I can do" he replied, obviously enjoying teasing me now.

I was on the verge of asking him if he would suck me off like he had done to the other guy, but I was too embarrassed to suggest such a thing. I was so aroused and still I couldn't pluck up the courage to ask and also I was struggling to come to terms with these sudden bisexual cravings. Once again my eyes fixed on the bulge in his tight,skimpy swimming trunks only now it was much bigger and I could actually see the shape and huge size of his cock as it jutted upwards inside the tight nylon .I had a sudden, outrageous urge to yank his trunks down so I could see his big cock in all it's glory. I didn't understand what was happening to me, but these dirty thoughts and his suggestive teasing were certainly making me very horny indeed.

" See something you like?" he asked, as he lowered his hand to his crotch, squeezing his cock bulge invitingly. I looked up at him and he was smiling. He obviously realised I was interested by the simple fact that I didn't move but continued to stare at him as he stroked his cock through his swimsuit. I couldn't remember ever feeling this sexually excited before and as it seemed obvious now that we both wanted the same thing the temptation was too much to resist and I made up my mind that I was going to go through with this because otherwise I would always wonder what I might have missed out on.

" Would you like to feel it?" he asked, stepping towards me, offering his huge cock bulge to me.

" Not here, someone might come in" I answered.

" OK I know somwhere we can go" he said

" Not the shower room I hope" We both laughed at my reference to what got us into this situation.

" Follow me" he beckoned. I stood up and followed him as he left the shower room. My eyes were drawn to his tight bum cheeks as they wiggled enticingly in his tight thong. Once again I wondered why I would find another guys arse so sexy, but like it or not I did and would have to deal with the guilt and confusion later, because right now I was so horny that I felt ready for anything and I knew I was going to enjoy every minute of it.

" We can go to the office room it's safe there and we won't be disturbed" he said , looking over his shoulder as we walked.

We left the changing room area and walked down a short corridor until he stopped and bent down to remove a key which was attached to an elastic band around his ankle. It suddenly struck me how absurd this situation was. Here I was with this total stranger who must have been at least twenty years younger than me, about to go into his office where we were going to have sex together. I didn't fancy the guy at all, like I would with a woman I was about to have sex with, but I was eager to experience what it felt like to hold another guys cock in my hand, to stroke it slowly as I had done so many times with my own cock but most of all what really got me excited was the thought of sucking this young guys huge looking cock and that was what I fully intended to do. After all I had come this far and even if this was the first and last time I ever had sex with another guy I had to at least satisfy this curiosity to the full.

" Come into my parlour said the spider to the fly"

He started to laugh and his total attitude seemed to have changed dramatically and his choice of words somehow seemed quite apt, like he had trapped me in his web.We entered the smallish office and he locked the door behind us. I felt quite nervous like a teenager on his first date and yet I was old enough to be this young guys father and he was the one who was now in control.

There was a long desk with a chair, a tall filing cabinet and that was all the office contained.

" Would you like to sit down?" he asked. Almost trancelike I did as he suggested and moved around the desk, pulled the chair down and sat down. I sat facing him and he just stood there smiling cheekily at me. I was waiting for him to make a move but he seemed content to just stand there, almost as if he was posing for me

" You seemed to like looking at my cock in these tight trunks ?" he asked I looked down at his cock bulge, amazed again at how big his cock looked inside the tight thong, but couldn't think of anything to say in reply

" You seem a bit nervous, have you done anything like this before?" he asked

" No actually I haven't" I answered

" Do you want to do anything to me or would you prefer it if I just sucked you off" His directness made me feel a little uneasy but I didn't want to appear like a scared schoolboy and realised I had to open up a bit and be honest with the guy.

" Yes I would like to play with your cock and maybe more"

" Maybe more sounds really good what did you have in mind?"

He knew exactly what I meant and he was teasing me, which was quite a turn on.

" You only have to say it, go on you know you want to, what else would you like to do with my cock?" His suggestive teasing sounded so arousing and I couldn't hold back any longer

" OK I think I would like to try sucking your cock" As soon as I got the words out I felt relieved almost as if a weight had been removed from my shoulders and my inhibitions seemed to dissapear instantly because right at this moment I didn't care that what we were doing was wrong I just wanted to enjoy the moment.

" Why don't you take your jeans off, let me see you better" he suggested I stood up and slid the chair back, slipped my feet out of my shoes and it was then I noticed how much my fingers were shaking as I undid my jeans. He was staring at me intently as I let my jeans drop to my ankles.

" Oh yes you are excited aren't you" he said I glanced down at the tell tale bulge in my underwear but strangely enough I didn't feel as embarrassed as I thought I would be at revealing myself to this guy like this. He stepped closer to the desk and as I sat back down in the chair he climbed up onto the desk and got onto his knees and moved closer towards me so that now he was kneeling right in front of me with his huge bulging crotch level with my face. He reached down with his hand and in one quick movement he pulled his thong to one side, releasing his huge thick cock.

" fucking hell"

I blurted out the expletive as I stared at this young guys enormous cock. It was circumcised and although it looked fully erect it didn't stick upwards, but instead it curved out from his crotch, hanging down slightly between his spread thighs. Surprisingly he was totally smooth all around his cock and his heavy, hanging balls were also hairless. Even his muscular thighs were free of any hair and I had to admit this young guy was a sight to behold and I felt very envious of him, wishing that I had a physique like this, especially a lovely big cock like he had.

I moved the chair forward to his inviting cock and without any prompting from him I moved my hand up and wrapped my fingers around the thick shaft of his cock. I was so horny, holding another guys cock for the first time in my life and it felt so different from my own cock. It felt more solid and a lot thicker than mine, so thick in fact that my fingers barely went all the way around it. I gripped the shaft tightly and slowly began to wank him, feeling the tightly stretched skin moving up and down his shaft was a lot different to wanking my own cock because mine was uncut so my foreskin would slide back and fore over the head. But this guys cut cock seemed much smoother and I wasn't sure if I was doing it right.

" Is that OK?" I asked

" Yes stroke it harder " he suggested

I started to pump his shaft harder in short jerking movements, gripping his cock tighter which seemed to be doing the trick, judging by the moaning sounds he was making. The sheer size and thickness of his cock was what was turning me on the most, but also the fact that I was doing something that felt so dirty added to the horniness of the situation as I stared at my hand jerking his cock. I felt his hands on the top of my head and he was pulling me down towards his cock, not forcifully but enough to let me know what he wanted. I didn't resist and he pulled my head down until the head of his cock touched my lips. I could smell his musky aroma as his smooth, hot cockhead pushed against my mouth. I parted my lips and let him enter my mouth, sliding my tongue underneath the head as my lips stretched wide to accomodate his lovely smooth cock. He kept gently pulling my head down and I pulled back as I felt the tip against the back of my throat. Frightened that I was going to choke I pushed up with my head slightly, so that his smooth cockhead rested on my tongue. I could taste the slight saltiness of his cock and I knew instantly that I was hooked. I loved the feeling of this guys huge cock in my mouth and with my mouth stretched to the limit I began to suck him, slurping noisily as I did so.

" Oh yes that feels so good" he groaned

Encouraged by his words, knowing I was doing a good job I continued to suck on his cock as I wriggled my tongue from side to side on the underside of his cockhead. If I had reached down and touched my cock in my briefs I was sure I would have come straight away as I was so horny. With my hand still wrapped around the base of his thick shaft I started to pump it up and down as my tongue and mouth worked away on the head. The taste was stronger now, still salty with a slight bitter tang and the head was very slippery and I knew I was tasting his precome as it leaked onto my tongue and it tasted really good. My jaw was beginning to ache from being stretched so wide and rather than sucking hard on his cock I began bobbing my head up and down, clamping my lips tightly around his slippery wet cock. I felt his hands gripping my head tighter and he started to thrust his hips so that he was literally fucking my mouth. I used my hand around his thick shaft to stop him from forcing too much of his cock into my mouth and I wondered if he intended going all the way until he spurted his come. I was scared that if he did come in my mouth I would'nt be able to handle it and end up heaving, which wasn't a pleasant prospect. But on the other hand maybe it would be better than I was anticipating and I had to admit the thought of this young guy spurting his hot come into my mouth excited me but I was still very apprehensive.

" Oh shit! you'd better stop, unless you want me to come in your mouth" he panted .

He had now given me the option to continue all the way or stop before he went over the edge. He hadn't even touched my cock and I guessed that if I did make him come that would be the end of the encounter, as I guessed he was probably like me and most other guys that once you've come you tend to lose interest. But I wasn't too bothered about my own pleasure as I was enjoying this so much, being used like this solely for his pleasure and made up my mind to finish him off.

I clamped me lips tighter around his cock and bobbed my head harder and faster, giving him the obvious message that I was willing to take him all the way. I used my hand to wank him into my mouth and it wasn't long before he gave the signs that he was going to come.I could hear him panting and groaning louder which told me he must be very close. I felt my heart beating fast with excitement knowing I was about to receive a mouthfull of come and I had no idea whether I was going to like it or not.

Suddenly he stopped thrusting his hips and let out a loud gasp andI felt his cockhead swell in my mouth, then it seemed to spasm and twitch and I felt a jet of come spurt against the back of my throat, followed by thicker, less powerful spurts which leaked out onto my tongue. He grabbed my head so tight that I couldn't move and I felt my mouth filling up with his come as he kept on spurting. I could have loosened my lips and let his come dribble out but the sheer dirty sensation I felt by letting this guy come in my mouth seemed to urge me on to finish the job properly. I closed my eyes and started to swallow his come down and amazingly it tasted really good, sweet with a slightly tangy after taste. I gulped down every drop and when he pulled back, removing his deflating cock from my mouth I felt a wonderful rush of contentment, knowing I had pleasured this guys huge cock and I knew that this first, wonderful experience of sucking cock wasn't going to be my last.

I sat back in the chair, my throat was burning slightly and felt dry which was obviously from the large amount of come I had swallowed. My young sex mate, had laid out on the table on his side and he looked exhausted so I started to get my briefs and jeans back on not expecting any more action.

" Sorry about that, I got a bit carried away" he mumbled.

" That's OK" I answered

" But I was supposed to be doing you a favour, for not reporting me" I had almost forgotten about the earlier incident in the shower room

" Well you did do me a favour"

" Really?" he said, sitting up on the desk now, looking at me quizzically

" Yes you gave me my first taste of sucking another guys cock"

" Was that really your first time?" he asked looking like he didn't believe me

" Yes it was"

" But you swallowed my come too, which I couldn't do first time, in fact it took me ages before I swallowed my first load"

" Well I didn't have much choice with you grabbing my head so tight" I answered

" Oh I'm sorry you should have stopped"

" No it was fine, I enjoyed it really" We both laughed at this but I was still a bit shocked about what I had just done with this guy.

" Well if you give me a few minutes to recover I can repay the favour if you like" he suggested

" No honestly there's no need and I really should be going"

" But I feel terrible now" he said

" Please, you don't have to, I really enjoyed what we did, maybe another time" I said, standing up from the chair to leave

" Yes I would like to do this again" he said

" Yes me too" I answered, knowing that I meant it and wasn't just saying it

" Well you know where I am" he said, smiling up at me

" Yes I'll look out for you on my next visit here" He offered me his hand to shake, which seemed very formal considering what we had just done together. I took his offered hand and shook it

" I'm Luke by the way" he said

" Hi Luke I'm Edward" We both laughed out loud at the absurdity of introducing ourselves now.

" See you soon" I said as I made my way to the door. The key was still in the door so I unlocked it, turned to say goodbye and left Luke to recover as I exited from the office.

Next: Chapter 2

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