The Lifeguard

By edward peters

Published on Jul 28, 2006


It was about three weeks after the party at Danny's house that I received a package in the post which consisted of a DVD and a letter. I read the letter, which was from Danny where he explained that the DVD was my copy of the parties exploits and there were also several other copies which Danny would keep. Then came the obvious threatening implications as Danny suggested that it might be advisable for me to remain on good terms with him otherwise the consequences of one of these DVD copies turning up at my place of work could be a little embarrassing for me, or what if a few of my neighbours received copies in the post, would they be surprised to discover what I got up to privately? By now my emotions were running wild, as I felt angry, scared but most of all I felt totally helpless to think that I was so vulnerable to being exposed by this guy and I had no idea how I would cope with this threat of blackmail. At the bottom of the letter was Danny's email address where I was to keep in contact with him.

I remembered one of the guys filming the events at the party and at the time thought nothing about it as I was too engrossed in the horny fun I was enjoying, but I wondered now if it had been a set up from the start and if so, did this mean that Luke was part of the scam? As I watched the DVD it felt really scary seeing myself on film, being used so graphically by all those guys and with my face clearly in view showing how much I was enjoying being gangbanged like that, I started to realise the mess I had got myself into. Seeing all those young guys laughing amongst themselves as they fucked my arse and mouth and with me obviously enjoying being used in that way made me feel sick to the stomach for being so trusting and I realised I had no choice but to contact Danny to see what he intended to do. After mailing Danny, his response was almost instant,telling me that I would receive further instructions through the post which I had to comply with.

A few days later a small parcel arrived at my house with another note plus a key and a pair of black,holdup stockings along with a pair of red ladies panties. The note explained that I was to go to the address provided which the key would give me access to and I was to wait at this address, wearing just the stockings and panties.I was to arrive at this place at 8.30 a.m the following morning. At the bottom of the note were directions on how to get there and that was it, no explanation about what I was expected to do except to be wearing the underwear provided. I could only guess that somebody would be visiting me at this place for sex but who this person or persons were I had no idea. I picked up the stockings and panties and found the thought of actually wearing them, quite arousing but not knowing what was in store for me tomorrow, still made the situation very scary.

The address was a flat, situated above a taxi rank and it consisted of a small hallway leading to a small room with just a king sized bed and adjacent to this room was a small bathroom and that was it. As there was no kitchen I came to the conclusion that this place wasn't somewhere that someone could live and realised that it had been purposely converted for sexual liaisons only, which of course was the reason that I was here now. I stripped out of my clothes leaving on the stockings and panties which I already had on underneath and although I felt very apprehensive I was still fully erect inside the very tight, skimpy panties. I checked my watch and decided all I could do was to lay out on the bed and wait to see who turned up at the flat. At 9 a.m precisely I heared a key being turned in the flat door and I nervously anticipated to see who had arrived.

Two guys walked into the room, both aged about thirty or so and immediately they both started to get undressed. There was no conversation as they stripped and it was a strange feeling seeing these total strangers, naked and both of them were showing average sized, fully erect cocks.

" Get on your stomach " one of them ordered

I rolled over onto my stomach as requested and waited for them to start things rolling. I felt the bed dip behind me from one of them joining me and I felt his hands squeezing my pantied bum.

" Get up on all fours, let me see that arse" he said, it was the same guy who told me to get on my stomach.

I did as he said and as soon as I had got into position I felt him yanking my panties down and his fingers roughly probing my tight hole. The other guy now joined us on the bed, kneeling in front of me he started slapping his cock against my face. The guy behind me was was now pressing against me, his hairy thighs against my spread bum cheeks and then I felt the sharp, searing pain as he forced his hard cock into my arse. I let out a cry of pain which was cut off by the guy facing me as he pushed his hard cock into my mouth.

" You love it, don't you you dirty slut?" grunted the guy behind me as he plunged his cock hard and fast in and out of my arse, as the guy in front did the same with my mouth. I knew this rough treatment couldn't last too long as the way they were pumping into me could only result in both of them spurting their come fairly quickly.The two of them continued to thrust into my arse and mouth and they kept this up for a few minutes or so and it wasn't particularly comfortable being locked between these two guys as they used me with only their enjoyment in mind.

" Fuck! your arse is so tight I'm going to fill it with my hot spunk "

The guy who was fucking my mouth, suddenly lost control and I felt his cock swell and then it spasmed as he started to come in my mouth.

" Swallow it all you slut" he demanded.

I started gulping down his come as it leaked into my mouth and it was quite a big load but still tasted as good as any other I had tasted and I willingly swallowed every drop. Almost simultaneously the guy behind me started to come deep inside my arse , his cock seemed to swell to twice it's thickness as jet after jet of hot, slippery come

spurted inside me. The loud grunts and shouts of ecstasy as the two of them orgasmed, sounded very loud in the small room and I wondered if anyone downstairs in the taxi rank had heared the noise.The two guys got dressed as I lay flopped out on my stomach on the bed, my arse feeling quite sore from the rough pounding I had received and I felt relieved that it was over.

" Danny said to tell you to stay here and not to leave until someone tells you to" it was the same guy who had done all the talking earlier.

" How long for?" I asked

" Don't know, he just said you had to wait here"

I heared the two of them laughing and then they left, closing the front door behind them and my main concern now was how long I was expected to stay here as I was working tonight and for all I knew Danny could be keeping me here all day and there was nothing I could do about it.

I must have fallen asleep on the bed, because the next thing I remember was hearing a loud knocking on the door. I jumped up off the bed and went to answer it, realising I was still wearing the black stockings and tight panties.

" Who is it?" I asked, standing close to the door

" Danny sent me" came the reply

I had no choice but to open the door and the guy stepped inside. He was black, over six foot tall, very slim and totally bald. He looked about mid thirties in age and was dressed in a black pinstriped suit and he just stared at me with wide eyes and a huge grin on his face.

" Hi I'm Leonard I've heared a lot about you Edward" he said offering me his hand to shake.

I shook his hand and felt a rush of excitement as I realised I was going to get my first taste of a black guys cock which was something I had always wanted to do. Although this was supposed to be a situation I was forced to indulge in I knew I was going to enjoy my first taste of black cock.

" Danny contacted me and said you might be just the guy I've been looking for" he said as we walked into the room

" How do you mean?" I asked

" Well it seems you might be capable of taking the snake" he said with a broad grin on his face.

" The snake?" I asked

He grabbed his crotch with his hand and squeezed himself

" This is the snake" he said.

" Oh right" I answered, feeling that rush of excitement once again as I assumed that by calling it by such a name could only mean it was very big.

" Do you think you could take it Edward?"

" Well it looks like we are going to try" I replied, making Leonard burst into laughter.

" Well I think I should let you have a look at the snake to see what you think" he said.

I sat myself on the bed and watched in anticipation as Leonard, slowly and carefully undressed in front of me, folding each item and laying them over the chair which made it appear as if he was doing a sexy, teasing striptease. He stripped down to his boxer shorts and then stepped towards me, standing right in front of me as I sat on the bed.

" Maybe you would like to remove the last item Edward?" he offered.

I was so horny by now , his muscular, black body which like his head was totally hairless, looked so sexy and as I slowly slid his boxers down and let them fall around his ankles I was amazed at what I saw.

" Oh my God! " I said in surprise.

His thick, black cock was hanging down between his legs and the size of it compared to one of those large cucumbers you find at supermarkets, it had to be over a foot in length and with no pubic hair at the crotch at all.

" Say hello to the snake" he said, laughing knowingly.

It looked as if it was semi hard and I reached out for it it my hand. I thought Luke's cock was the biggest I would ever see but this one was certainly bigger and as I held it in my hand it felt quite stiff but not as firm as most smaller cocks tended to be.

" Does it get harder?" I asked

" Not much really, but it's hard enough to slide inside your tight arse Edward"

" How big is it?"

" Thirteen inches, the last time I measured it" he said, laughing.

I explained to Leonard about my previous two visitors and how my arse was already well lubed up with the one guys come and suggested that Leonard might prefer to wear a condom

" Oh no can't stand the things, bareback only for me" he said

I was relieved in a way that I had already been opened up by the previous as this would give me a better chance of taking Leonards whole length.

" Lay back let's try it out" he said.

I thought he may want me to suck him first which I would have loved, but then again looking at the size of his dark, purplish, brown coloured cockhead I guessed it would be too big to fit inside my mouth. Leonard stood at the foot of the bed and took my legs in his hands and pulled me towards him lifting my legs up over his shoulders.

" Love the stockings Edward" he said.

Using his hand he lifted his cock and pressed it tight against my arse and as I felt him begin to push I squeezed my muscle to open myself up, but nothing happened. He pushed again and it felt as if my hole was being slowly teared open as he began to slide inside me. There was a sharp, initial stabbing pain which seemed to subside quickly and then it just felt as if my hole had lost all sensitivity as it just felt totally stretched wide and numb. I felt him sliding in deeper and I was worried about getting permanent damage inside as more and more of his huge cock slid inside me. Leonard' s face was a picture of surprise as he looked down at his cock sliding into me.

" That is amazing Edward, you have almost taken the whole length"

I felt him pushing the last couple of inches into me and as he started to slide out, then back in, starting to fuck me properly, that was when it started to feel a bit uncomfortable.But I wanted to accept this challenge and succeed and so I made myself cope with the discomfort and just hoped that this wasn't going to be a marathon fuck session and that Leonard wouldn't take too long before he came in my arse.

" Oh yes Edward, that feels so good in there" he moaned.

Thankfully Leonard didn't fuck me too roughly but he did take longer than I wished and although I had lost all track of time I could only guess that he had been slowly fucking me for about twenty to thirty minutes when his faster breathing and louder moaning suggested he was about to come.

" Here it comes I'm going to come in your arse Edward"

He stopped fucking me and just seemed to tense up with his cock deep inside me and then I felt him erupt, spurting his come inside me.

After taking a while to recover from his exertions Leonard got dressed and even thanked me for a wonderful time and I responded likewise saying I had really enjoyed it too and told him he had the most beautiful looking cock, which I would pleasure any time he wanted. I wondered if I had stepped out of line by actually admitting I had enjoyed the session and thought Danny wouldn't be pleased if Leonard told him this.

" I hope Danny doesn't find out as I'm not supposed to be enjoying this" I said

" Yes I know the score and it's OK Edward I won't tell him how much you loved the snake" Leonard replied.

As Leonard left I wondered if he was telling the truth about not telling Danny but could only hope that was the case as the last thing I wanted was to annoy Danny which could lead to him sending copies of the DVD to anyone he wanted to, including my friends and family.

" Oh nearly forgot Danny said to tell you that's it for today and he will be in touch when he needs you next"

" Thanks and maybe we will meet again" I replied

" Yes that's a definite Edward" Leonard answered as he exited through the door.

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