The Love of Cum

By Henry James

Published on Jul 6, 2021


For the Love of Cum 1

Hi Guys, this is chapter one of a new story. If you'd like to read others of mine here on Nifty look at The Fuck Club, under, College, Beginnings and Urination; and Hamsa of Tangir under Beginnings, Historical and Urination. Write to me if you like the story (or even if you don't!) I love hearing from people. And remember Nifty needs our donations as well as our stories.

I really love the taste of cum. I love the texture, the slight saltiness and the sweetness. I love the way a cock shoots its load across my tongue and if I'm lucky pumps it out so hard it hits the top of my mouth. I love a really big load that fills my mouth before I swallow it down. I like collecting cum from several cocks in my mouth before swallowing them all together.

I can still remember the first time I sucked someone off, perhaps you always remember that. It was another boy at school. I was fourteen coming up to fifteen but I'd been thinking about it for a while. It was seeing the other boys in my class when we were in the showers after gym, that started me off. I went to an all boys school so there were a lot of cocks to look at and there were always the athletes who loved showing off their bodies. They'd stand in the centre of the changing room drying their backs after showers, talking to each other and sticking their crotches out to give us all a good look at what they were packing. I didn't particulary go for the biggest cocks, but the guy has to look friendly. I didn't (and still don't) get turned on by guys who look mean or arrogant. I hate people who look at you as they offer you their cock as if it's a privilage to suck them off. I'm just your ordinary friendly cock sucker, doing what I like best, and as often as I can.

The boy I sucked off first was in the sixth form, I guess he would have been seventeen, so two or three years older than me, but two years at that age is a big deal. I'd seen him around of course and he looked really nice. He liked playing tennis and I watched him play on the school tennis courts a few times. He'd seen me watching and I just got the impression that he enjoyed my interest. After about the fourth time I'd sat on one of the benches during a game, and as he was walking back towards me to serve, he looked over, winked, and gave me a smile. That was all, but it was enough to let me know he'd clocked my interest and it was OK.

I'm never going to grace the catwalk at Milan but I was a pretty cute kid. I've looked back at photographs and I was certainly very fuckable, quite tall for my age, 5.9, blondish, shaggy hair, upturned nose, grey eyes. I especially liked his hairy legs and his tanned skin. I liked his mop of thick, dark, shiny hair, that fell in curls round his face. I liked his smiling face and I liked his jaw line, he'd clearly started shaving. I wondered what his cock was like, I knew it had be surrounded by dark hair. Sometimes, when he'd had to strain to reach a lob you could see his stoumach and the trail of hair up to his naval. I liked that a lot.

It was a week or so after that wink, when I was changing lessons and walking down the main coridor, that he came up from behind and fell into step beside me. He gave me a killer smile and asked me if I was interested in tennis or was I interested in him? He did it in such a friendly easy way that I was put at ease, so I just said.


"I thought so. Well, we'd better do something about that. I'll meet you after school today by the courts and we can get to know each other." For a moment I was tongue tied so I just I swallowed hard and nodded. Then he was off. I couldn't believe my luck! My wank fantasy must be gay too, or at least got off on the idea of a younger guy perving over him. Either way was good enough for me. I'd known I was gay since I was ten. I listened politely to other boys in the dorm fatasizing about girls and their tits and knew it wasn't for me. I'd watched porn on the internet of course, and it was hard cocks being sucked off that fueled my wanking fantasies. The part I loved most was when one guy came in the other's mouth. Would my dream tennis player cum in my mouth? What would it taste like? In too many porn films the actors spat it out, maybe it didn't taste as good as it looked. Stupidly I'd never tried tasting my own, I suppose the thought didn't turn me on. But some pornstars, my heroes, looked as if they loved it, and kissed each other swapping the load back and forth; that looked like the best fun. My favourite site was Bukkake Boys. I was too young to buy a subscription so I had to watch shortened versions on Porn Hub, but I wanted so badly to be the boy on his knees with the mouthful of loads and cum all over his face. Now there was a thought, maybe tennis boy had gay friends? I like watching guys getting fucked too of course. And I wondered what it would feel like to have a cock up my arse.

It was Wednesday, and Wednesdays finished with double maths. That was my least favourite subject, so I couldn't wait for it to be over. All I could think about was tennis boy and his legs.

Well, eventually the lesson finished, so I packed my bag and hurried as fast as I could over to the tennis courts. I wondered if it was all a wind up. Maybe he would just wait somewhere looking on, waiting to have a good laugh seeing me hanging around. But no, he was already there. sitting on the bench where I normally sat. He was wearing his tennis whites, his long legs splayed out in front of him, one arm draped along the seat back. He smiled as he saw me coming over and moved to let me sit beside him.

"I wondered if you'd come." So he'd been nervous too. He gave me a gentle smile

"I was worried about that too," I said. "I couldn't believe my luck when you spoke to me."

"And I was flattered too when I saw you watching me those times. Who was this cute blond boy with his eyes all over me? I wonder if he wants to play? Whats your name? Mine's Tom. So, do you want to play pretty boy?"

"Oh yes," I managed to say. I've been wanking about you for weeks. Ever since I first saw you playing. My name's Neil"

He was grinning so broadly at me." He briefly lifted his arm in greeting. "So Neil and what do you think about doing when you're wanking?"

"I think about sucking your cock." There, I'd said it out loud. I was so pleased with myself. It was a mini liberation. I'd told someone I wanted to suck their cock, and moreover, I'd said it to my dream lover.

He closed his eyes for a moment, "I might spunk in your mouth, had you thought of that? Think you could handle that?"

"I'd love it if you spunked in my mouth Tom. And I'd swallow it too."

"Have you ever sucked anybody else's cock?"

I shook my head.

"So mine will be the first. Jeez, I'm flattered. But it won't be the last one you suck, that I'm sure." He took my hand, and after glansing round to make sure we were alone, placed it on his cock hidden under his tight shorts. I squeezed it gently through the thin cotton. Now I know after years of dedication to cocks that it wasn't so big, just a bit above average in length, but it was thick. I let my hand wander to run over his hairy muscular thigh like I'd wanted to do so often in my dreams. But he pulled it back to his cock which now was pretty hard, I ran my fingers along the thick ridge. "Let's go to my room."

As a sixth former he had his own study bedroom. So we got up and I followed him to Lambourne House. I lived in Thames house. Our houses were named after local rivers. We saw several other sixthformers when we were going down the sixthform corridor, but no-body showed much interest in us.

He let us in, then locked the door. Clearly he was in a hurry, his cock had been hard when I felt it by the court and I could still see it outlined in his shorts. He wanted his cock in my mouth as much as I wanted it. He pulled me first though into a gentle kiss. It was better even than my dreams. My dream lover was kissing me. Instinctively I opened my mouth and his tongue instantly snaked inside. I couldn't believe the pleasure that ran through me. A huge wave that tingled down my spine and made the hairs at the back of my head stand up. He ran his hands over my body just as I was doing to his. And he felt for my cock and squeezed hard, I thought i was going to cum and I moaned. He smiled at me.

"Eager little fucker, aren't you? For a beginner you're a natural," he wispered. "Lets get these clothes off." He quickly pulled off his Tshirt revealing his deeply tanned musculed chest with that trail of hair going up to his naval. The rest was smooth. He stood in front of me, his shoulders broad, his hips narrow. I'd been dreaming of this moment for weeks and now it was really happening. He pulled my shirt open and ran his hands over my smooth chest; I could hardly breath. I was worried he might think I was a bit skinny, but his expression told me he liked what he saw. Then he undid the belt to my trousers and pulled them down. My pants went too, my rigid cock getting in the way till he pulled them over it. He looked at me and said simply. "You're beautiful Neil, and I'm going to make love to you so that you'll never forget your first time."

He pulled off his shorts; he wasn't wearing anything else except his trainers and white socks. And then I was able to see the cock I'd so often dreamed about. It looked enormous to my fourteen year old eyes and immediately I started to get down on my knees to suck it. But he held me up.

"Not so fast lover. I want us to make love first. He went back to kissing my mouth, pulling us close so I could feel our cocks between us, then my eyes and in my right ear. He was so gentle. No-one had told me how sensative your ears can be. I was moaning. Then he bent down and sucked my nipples, each one in turn. Only then did he relax his hold and finally I sank to my knees in front of him.

"Kiss it," he said.

I opened my mouth a little and put my lips on the big, hot looking head. It was already wet with precum. I caressed it with my lips and tongue as best as I could trying to remember how my favoutite porn stars had done it. But I was too eager to wait. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and sucked in the head. I must have been very clumsy but I was as enthusiastic as hell. He was right about the eager bit. I felt his fingers dig into my shoulders as I bobbed up and down.

"Shit Neil, I don't want to come so fast."

But I wanted his cum in my mouth so badly, I was wanking him and sucking on the head and frantically wanking myself. I knew I wasn't going to last long and I wanted us to come together. I could feel him tensing up, the muscles in his thighs were locked rigid like the anatomy chart in the biology lab., he thrust his hips forward and I felt the pulses along the length of his cock. "Oh fuck Neil," was all he managed to say before my mouth was filled with a huge rush of warm, sweet, smooth teen cum. It flooded across my tongue one, two, three big slugs of sperm. Instantly I came as well over my hand. He juddered as he came and he kept repeating. "Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." Then when he had relaxed and his cock had softened a little and slipped from my mouth, he pulled me up for another kiss, eagerly searching for his load but I'd already swallowed it and all he got was the after taste. He pulled back a little to look at me and saw my own cock still rigid in my fist with the pool of my own cum around the head. He grinned wickedly and sliding down my body, took my cum covered cock into his mouth and sucked the load up just as eagerly as I'd swallowed his.

Then still smiling with his lips closed he pulled me up for another kiss, only this time when we opened our mouths he shared my load which he'd kept in his mouth. We swapped it slowly back and forth till it was all swallowed. I was in love. I was in love with his smiling face, with his hard body and hairy legs. I was in love with his thick dark cock, and most of all with his sweet warm cum.

We lay down next to each other on his bed. I felt completely relaxed. He manovered me onto my back and knelt over my waist looking down at me.

"Did you enjoy that pretty boy?" he asked me softly.

"Oh yes," I managed to say.

"That's good, cus so did I and I want us to do that again. Lots." He added, with another grin.

He bent over and began kissing me again. Just softly, no hurry this time. We kissed for a long time. He told me that after seeing me watch him on court he kept an eye open for me around the school. He hoped I'd come back to watch so he'd arranged extra games in the hope I'd be there, and I was, but ony when he was playing, that's when he knew I was into him rather than tennis.

He began kissing down my body again. My neck, my chest and nipples again, my stoumach and finally my cock which was coming to back to life. That's being a horny fourteen year old. He sucked my cock sooo well! He was a cum lover too; well I already knew that. You can tell when someone sucks a cock hoping for the cum from when they're just sucking it. His cock was getting hard too. Then he put his arms under my knees and lifted me up and back. He continued his kissing down and back to behind my balls. Then I felt his tongue on my arse. I couldn't believe how good it felt. I'd seen porn stars do it, and now it was happening to me. I knew as well that this was always a preparation for fucking. Was he going to fuck me? I was a bit worried and I think he realised I was tensing up.

"Fuck Neil, you have a perfect arse. One day soon I'm going to fuck you, and believe me you'll get to love it." he went back to licking and making love to it, and as he did so, I slowly relaxed and felt his tongue slip inside. Looking back I can see now that he was already a pretty experienced lover for a seventeen year old, and he later told me he'd been introduced to gay sex by his older brother when he was my age, and they'd been fucking and sucking ever since; every day during school holidays. He said he loved being fucked as much as fucking and told me you had to enjoy being fucked before you could be a really good fucker. I was soon to learn that I wasn't the only boy he was having sex with at the school, there was a small, dedicated group of cock hounds just ike us. I also learned that there were other things to do beside sucking and fucking. A whole new branch of learning at school was opening up before me.

Then he lowered me back onto the bed. I was a bit disappointed but this was what he intended. That way I would be eager to come back for more.

"We'll have to be careful. I can't keep bringing you back here or people will notice. And technically you're still too young." Then he gave a chuckle. "What a fucking joke that is!"

"Can I suck your cock again?" I asked. For answer he just shuffled forward. I propped myselt up on the pillows and he pushed his cock back into my mouth. This time he slowly fucked my face. But never too hard, so I wouldn't choke. I gagged once but that was my fault for trying too hard. "Take it slowly, Neil. Deep throating comes later." So I contented myself with concentrating on the head. I was wanking him off as I was doing it. Then he leaned back a little and began wanking himself. He put a thumb in my mouth to hold it open and when he was ready laid his cockhead carefully on my lower lip and shot his cum directly inside. I felt it hit the roof of my mouth in soft, warm splatters before it dripped down onto my tongue. This time he didn't wait for me to swallow and strait way bent down to share his load. I came again on my stomach. He must have felt me jerking as I came, because he got off me, turned around and sucked it up. Then looking at me, he opened his mouth to show me the cum pooled inside before bending down and sharing it.

I didn't think it could possibly get better than this.

Next: Chapter 2

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