The Love of Cum

By Henry James

Published on Jul 8, 2021


The Love of Cum 2

Hi Guys, this is chapter two of the story. If you'd like to read others of mine here on Nifty look at The Fuck Club, under, College, Beginnings and Urination; and Hamsa of Tangir under Beginnings, Historical and Urination. Write to me if you like the story (or even if you don't!). versauterboy please note the change of email address. I love hearing from people. No piss yet, though I've hinted at it. Would that be a good plot line to introduce? And remember Nifty needs our donations as well as our stories.

When we had dressed and cleaned our teeth and washed the cum from our faces, Tom quietly unlocked the door to his room and we went out. As we walked from his room and down the corridor there were several other sixth formers around again. None of them except one showed any interest in us. He was another boy I'd seen around but had never talked to. Sixth formers for the most part kept to themselves and their own world. The exception was in sports when boys with similar interests mixed a bit across the ages. I guessed that was what Tom would say was our connection if the subject came up. He had just opened the door to his room as we were passing and he stood in the open door way. I saw him checking me out and then he looked at Tom and raised a quizzicle eyebrow, as if to say, 'Who's this?' Tom wasn't phased. He smiled at the other boy, and turning to me, "Neil, meet David, another tennis player, he and I play lots of games together on and off the court."

He was taller than Tom, not so good looking, he was what some would call lanky, but he had an open, friendly face with prominent features, a strong nose and wide generous lips, dark brown eyes and dark eyebrows. He was sexy rather than handsome but still good looking. I saw him looking at me, assessing what he saw, but for what i couldn't decide.

"Hi Neil," he said. And gave me a friendly enough smile. Then turning to Tom, he said, "So what have you two been up to?"

Tom grinned, "Oh I've been teaching Neil some moves, he's interested in the game just like us. I've been showing him how to receive and take the stroke." I could hardly stop smiling. I realised I'd just met one of the other cock hounds that Tom had mentioned.

David saw my smile too. "Tom's a good teacher, I've learned a lot from him. How to take strokes and how to give them. I prefer giving and Tom is always ready." He put an arm round Tom's neck and gently massaged his shoulder. "I've opened up Tom's horizons in ways even he hadn't experienced before.

Here Tom cut in, "What David is saying Neil, is that he has the biggest cock in the sixth form and he likes nothing better in the evening than fucking my arse with it. Ain't that right David?" I realised I was listening to this with my mouth agape. So my fantasy lover who had taken charge of me so affectively not twenty minutes before got himself plowed on a regular basis too, and by the biggest cock in the school. He'd told me he liked to get fucked, I reminded myself, but now facing the boy who did the fucking, the thought suddenly became real.

David turned to me, "Tom has the sweetest arse, which is always ready to get fucked, and a cock that can dish it out too. Did he fuck you?"

I shook my head.

"You should let him. He fucks good, he's been in my arse enough times, so I should know. And that thick cock of his can really open you up. So, you sucked his cock?"

I nodded again.

"His cum tastes great, doesn't it? And there's always plenty of it."

I nodded again. I was so surprised at how open the conversation was that I found it difficult to speak. From being a naif wannbe, to being a fully fledged cock sucker, to being part of a fuck gang had taken all of one hour and I was a bit giddy from the ride.

"Maybe I can share some of your new learned skills too, eh Neil? Tom is all for sharing."

I looked at Tom who raised questioning eye brows in responce as if to say, it's up to you, "Neil's only just learned the first moves, I don't want to push him too far too fast, but I'm sure he would love you to show him what you have to offer. He's proved to be a very enthusiastic beginner so far."

I looked at both of them and gave a quick nod.

David backed into his room and Tom and I followed. He closed the door and like Tom, locked it quietly. Both boys made sure their locks were well oiled.

David wasn't at all shy. No sooner was the door closed than he turned round, opened his belt buckle and pulled down his chinos, he wasn't wearing any pants. And he pulled out a cock far bigger than Tom's, Tom immediately reached for it and held it up, for me to appreciate, it rapidly got hard in his hand. Even after sucking many hundreds of cocks over the ten years since then, it's still ranks as one of the biggest I've ever sucked. David was grinning from ear to ear and I was mesmerized. I slowly sank to my knees and stared at this wonder of creation.

"Can I suck it?" I said.

"I wish you would." he said simply and pushed his hips forward by way of encouragement. I put out my tongue and licked up the drip of precum that glistened on the end of the head. Just like Tom's but also just a little bit different; unmistakeably teen. Two cocks in less than an hour, I knew my life would never be the same again. I could see Tom had pulled out his cock too. Then he moved over to David and as I was trying to get the great nob in my mouth they began making out above me. I glansed up and it was so hot to see them kissing and grinning at each other. Try hard as I could it was impossible to get more that the head in my mouth, I tried to imagine all that going into Tom's arse. It was difficult to think of anything that big going into any arse but they both implied that Tom got fucked by it on a regular basis.

Tom knelt down next to me and wispered in my ear, "It's a great cock, eh Neil? Can you imagine what it's like to be fucked by that? To have that pushed right in, and hard? I love being fucked by it, and I love it when I feel that cum filling up my arse and making it warm and sloppy. If you let me fuck you a few times, get you used to it, and properly open you up, then he could fuck you too. Then you'd be a full part of our group." The thought thrilled me and scared me at the same time.

"I want to eat his cum too today. I want to taste it just like I tasted yours."

David was listening to this of course and began to wank it in our faces. First I would suck the huge nob end, and then Tom would suck it. "I'm gonna to feed my cum to Neil, you're always swallowing it Tom, let him get it this time." So it was into my mouth that he wanked. There's something really exciting I realised when someone uses your mouth as a resepticle, when you wait with your mouth open to get all the cum inside. I liked it then and I still like it now. It was the bukkake boy image again.

He didn't take long five minutes I guess during which I was on tenderhooks, and wanking myself, before he eased forward a few more centimeters so the nob was just inside my lips., and let rip. And then there was the glorious rush of sperm once again. It Splattered the inside of my mouth with several big shots, flooding my tongue, and straitway it went down my throat to where it belonged. Tom had stood up and was making out with David while this was going on and no sooner had David cum that Tom eased him aside and pushed his own cock into my mouth and came too with a load groan, the third load of spunk from him I'd swallowed. I don't know how many times you have to do crack before you get addicted to it, but I realised that after only swallowing four loads of cum I was already an addict. I'd gone from from virgin to cumslut in an afternoon and I knew I'd hit the jackpot. Once again I came in my hand, and once again Tom crouched down to suck it up before standing and sharing it with David in a wet slimey kiss.

I sat back on my heels feeling that I'd done a pretty good job, for a beginner (for anyone!) I'd had two boys spunking in my mouth and loving it. Not as much as I loved it of course, but this was definitely a win win situation. David slumped back on his bed, his long cock hanging out and down over his now empty balls looking at me with a huge grin on his face. Tom looked at me like a proud teacher looks at a star pupil who's just passed an important test.

"I think he should join the gang, don't you?" said Tom, and David still looking at me, nodded.

"We'll have to break his arse in before that though. It can't be me the first time, I'd split him apart. He hasn't had an older brother to turn his arse into a cunt like you did. We don't all have your advantages in life Tom." He continued to look at me speculatively. "I think, you're too thick too. We want him to enjoy it." I was beginning to find this conversation about me rather funny, and I started to giggle. Giggling is infectious and soon the other two were laughing as well.

Pulling himself together Tom said, "Jake, let's get Jake to fuck him first. He's not too big, and he's more Neil's age; I think he's sixteen."

"Yeah, Jake would be a good one. What's that other ginger kid? Martin, he'd be perfect. Why don't we set this up and get both of them to fuck him. Really fill his arse up, and then he might be able to take on the others fairly easily." I was in a daze, blowbang and now gangbang, this was getting better and better. I didn't think I knew Jake, at least by name, but I certainly knew Martin. You remember ginger kids, and he was typical, taller that me, quite good definition, I'd seen him in the pool, with really pale skin and blue eyes. I'd let him fuck me! Shit yes, I'd let him fuck me; I might even fuck him. Then the thought struck me, I could even fuck Tom. Wow!

David looked at his watch. "Shit, I have to be somewhere in fifteen minutes." He looked at me, "It's been a real pleasure Neil, and one that I know we'll have again very soon. You're going to have so much fun kiddo. This is what school's all about, cock, lots and lots of cock. In your mouth and up your arse. That's the joy of a classical education in the twentyfirst century." He pulled up his chinos which were still around his knees; you could see his cock clearly outlined across his right hip. "OK let's go."

We left his room and he jogged off down the corridor leaving us grinning at each other. "Pleased you saw me playing tennis?"

"Oh, shit yes," I said, "am I really going to be fucked enough to be able to take his cock," I said a little in awe of the thought, then realized I was talking too loudly and anyone could hear us, Tom started giggling again.

"Shush, for god's sake. Or the whole school'll hear about it. Let's get outside."

When we were out in the grounds we walked over to the cricket pitch, and sat on a bench in the warm sunshine. It was a perfect English afternoon, sun, a gentle breeze to make the leaves on the trees flutter, and cock.

"There's twenty of us in the group, if you include Jamie Thompson." That made me sit up, he was one of the assistant sports masters who'd I had the hots even before I discovered the joys of tennis. I'd drooled over him from the first day I'd been in the school.

"Mr Thompson sucks cock!" I said.

Tom laughed, "Surprised? Oh yes, Mr oh so cool Thompson, not only loves his cock to be sucked, but he loves sucking cock too and getting his arse plowed as well. He even takes David on sometimes. I've been fucked by him in the middle of the tennis courts at night loads of times, and in the trees over there, and in his rooms, and in the shower in the sports block. No, I tell a lie, I fucked him in the showers. He's a dirty little bugger in the showers," he gave me wicked grin." I dare say you'll find that out, sooner or later." I was agog, what did he mean? A dirty little bugger? But Tom went on. "He's got a nice cock too, a good nineteen centimeters, party size cock. Well, I'm sure you'll have the pleasure soon. And his bod is really tight, though I'm sure you've already seen that as well, because he loves to walk around the changing room holding just a towelI in front of him, so he can show of that arse he's so proud of. I can't wait to tell him you're available. Maybe he can be there when you take on Jake and Martin and he can take sloppy thirds he likes a loose cum filled arse. Well, don't we all?"

My life was expanding by the minute. "So this group? How do you meet? All together?"

"We've only done that once. It's impossible to arrange in school, but one time, during the half term break most of us managed to get together in my brother's flat in London. It was an awful faf though." He was quiet for a moment, reminiscing. "I got fucked so many times that night, the cum was running down my leg." He smiled at me again. "And you know who rimmed my arse and sucked it up?" He leaned in close and said conspiratorilly, "Your Mr Thompson. He's every bit as much of a cum hound as the rest of us."

"He's not my Mr Thompson." I said, and I thought to myself, yet.

"Come on slutboy, we have to go eat. We can't just live on a diet of cum, Growing boys need some good solid meat too." He winked at me again.

Next: Chapter 3

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