The Love of Cum

By Henry James

Published on Aug 23, 2021


The love of cum 3

Here's episode three. As always please write and let me know your thoughts. Neil's education continues and following comments I've had from some readers I've expanded his experiences. Nifty needs our contributions as well as our stories.

Aparently a few of the guys got together to discuss accepting me into the group at school. they said to Tom that the membership of the group should only be for sixth formers, that way the privacy of the group could be kept better, and it was legal. The group was pretty informal of course but before you became part of the network as it were, you had to prove that you were reliable and committed, and that meant you had to be fucked by the group, and you had to keep your mouth shut, except of course on those frequent occasions when you were sucking cock. In fact the system worked pretty well and they'd never had any problems with authority. If anyone outside the group knew about them they never spoke about it to our knowledge, but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself.

That was the background to a disappointing meeting with Tom. He explained that while a lot of the guys were turned on my the idea of having sex with an eager fifteen year old a lot weren't, and even some of those who did like the idea, were also worried by the legal problems. The general feeling was that I should only join in with the games when I was seventeen and the law, if not the school, would not be involved. He said he knew I believed that I was old enough, but that I would have to be patient. I would just have to wait at least a year before I could join in with everybody else. And anyway, he said, maybe I could find boys of my own age to play with in the mean time.

And that's where Spike comes into my story. Spike was already sixteen, so technically legal, and in my form. He was the son of the guy who headed the maintenance department of the school, which was quite a big deal when you included all the cleaning staff, the catering, the buildings maintenance, and the people who looked after the grounds. Spike was on a scolarship as being the son of a staff member, so he was one of us except he didn't board but lived at home in the staff accomodation. It never occured to me to ask what his real name was, we all just knew him as Spike.

I liked him, he was a good laugh and he was definitely sexy. Physically more mature than me, more obviously muscular for a start and with a bigger cock. I liked being around him. My interest in him in gym classes, and in the changing room and showers, didn't go unoticed. One day when we were hanging round at the edge of the trees by the cricket field, he saw I was looking at his crotch which was a sizeable bulge inside his tight cotton shorts. Almost by accident it seemed he gave it an idle rub. I was watching intently, too intently for him to ignore. He rubbed it again and then when he saw I was still watching, openly groped himself.

"Like what you see?" I was suddenly snapped out of my revery, and realised how obvious my interest must have been. "It's OK, I know you like looking at my cock, and I've seen you checking out the other guys too. I'm cool with it, I do too."

For a moment I was embarrassed and was on the point of trying to make excuses, when I realised what he'd just said and that he was smiling. Actually, a dirty smirk would be a better description.

"I kind of like it in fact. Want to see more? Do you want to see my cock close up?" I nodded and licked my lips.

Like David and Tom, he wasn't in the least shy. Straight away he undid the buttons of his fly and hauled out his cock. It was thicker than mine and a bit longer. But what made me salivate were his really big balls. I wondered if that meant he'd have a lot of cum to give? Maybe I could go on getting regular cum injections after all?

"You can play with it if you like." I did like of course, and put my hand round it and slowly started to wank him. It got hard pretty quickly. I'd gone this far, so I couldn't see why I shouldn't go further, and leaned over and began to suck him. He took a sharp intake of breath when he felt my lips around the nob of his cock, he was circumsized. And he lay back propped up on his elbows watching me get to work, the smile on his face showed how much he liked what I was doing.

"I thought you were a another cock sucker, Neil. And I thought to myself, my cock needs sucking, so I'll see if he's interested, and you are; great." He put a hand on the back of my head encouraging me to take more of it. It was kind of hot knowing he was into it and that he was taking charge.

"Want me to feed you my cum?" I nodded as best I could with his cock still in my mouth.

He sat up a bit, still holding my head,then very softly he said, "Tell me you want my cum in your mouth. Tell me. I want to hear you say it. Say, shoot your cum in my mouth Spike." It wasn't agressive, more just insistent, and urgent, I could feel him tensing up.

I took my mouth off his cock long enough to say, "Shoot your cum in my mouth Spike, I want to eat it."

It was all the encouragement he needed, I was sucking and wanking him at the same time, and suddenly I felt the quick hard jets of his cum filling my mouth. There was lot, I mean a LOT! And I loved it. I swirled it around in my mouth, savouring the texture and flavour. Every boy's cum tastes different.

"Show me," he said. I opened my mouth to show him his thick load inside, "Man, that looks so good in there. Now swallow it."

I think he must have thought I was more of a novice than I was, but of course there was nothing I liked more than sucking down a load of hot cum. I closed my mouth again and swallowed, still looking at him.

He pulled me into a hard kiss. He wasn't as experienced a lover as Tom, of course, but it was very clear this wasn't the first time his cock had been sucked.

"Now your turn, get your cock out."

Like him I wasn't wearing anything under my shorts, and when I pulled them off me I was naked from the waist down. My hard cock stood up. He smiled at me, "Nice."

Just as I had done he leaned over and sucked it. He seemed just as eager as me to get the cum into his mouth as quickly as possible, and he didn't have to wait long because I was already on the point of cuming even before he started to suck me off.

I guess he sucked me for three of four minutes before I told him I was going to cum, he responded by wanking me harder and just sucked on the head to make sure all my cum went straight into his mouth before he swallowed it. And when I came he swallowed the cum as fast as I fed it to him, making groaning noises to prove this was what he was after. Just as it wasn't the first time he'd had his cock sucked, this clearly wasn't the first time he'd sucked cock either! Both of us lay back on the grass afterwards, looking at each other and grinning. Spike wasn't going to be the complete answer to the long (as it seemed to me then) wait to join the school gay fuck circle, but he was never-the-less also going to be a life line. And a life line moreover that over the next months provided a seemingly endless supply of cum. He was a seriously horny little bugger.

I'd see him in classes and round the school, and he'd catch my eye. Then we'd head off the to the back of the cricket pavillion; that was our usual spot, and suck each other off. We had to be quick but fifteen year olds aren't known for being able to hold back. One time his parents were away for the day on a Saturday, and we sneeked off to his cottage where we able to spend more time with each other. It was still pretty much basic stuff, we'd drop our shorts or trousers, kiss, (he was a good kisser and clearly loved it) wank each other, and when one of us would be about to cum we'd suck each off and swallow the cum. That day we sucked each other off three times.

I told Spike about Tom, who he'd also seen around but didn't know was gay. Tom and I still met up occasionally in his room, and I told him about Spike. So we arranged that Tom would also join us behind the pavillion. It became a regular thing at least two or three times a week. We'd meet, wank and suck each other off. It was a bit tame, and not what I'd been looking forward to, but it was definitely fun and it kept me sane.

Finding out that Jamie Thompson was gay had been a revelation, and I set my sights on getting to know him better, and much more importantly, making sure that as soon as the time came I would be there to suck that 'party size' cock I'd heard about. Tom was right he did often have his shower before we had all left and he did walk through the changing room holding his towel in front of him so that we could see his perfect, hard smooth arse.

It was like a game. I'd make sure I was where he'd see me. I took extra cricket lessons when he was in charge (I even became quite good at batting because of them). I'd brazenly stare at his cock when we were talking, and grope myself as if I was having problems controling my cock (which wasn't so far off the mark). All the while I'd keep a close eye on his face to watch his reaction. At first he looked a bit confused, then, whether he'd talked to Tom or not I don't know, but obviously he got wise to my little games.

And one day during cricket practice when he was standing behind me he leaned in close and said in my ear. "Don't think I don't know what your game is Neil. Cock tease is the word I think. We have a few months to go. But when it's time your arse is going to be mine," Then he chuckled, "And Tom's, and Jake's, and Martin's, and Jeremy's and Keith's and probably David's as well."

"Is that a promise sir?" I said.

Actually I was seventeen before my sex life progressed beyond mutual wanking and cock sucking with Spike and sometimes Tom. Tom and David were preparing for Oxford (where I was hoping to go too) and would shortly be leaving. Tom, as well as being a star on the tennis court (and in bed) was super bright in his academic work too. He'd entered the A level sixth form programme when he'd been my age when we met first.

The two years went by, fueled by frequent loads of Spike's cum and a few from Tom as well. Spike was useful in another way because he showed me where I could find more cock outside school, where he'd had most of his previous experience. And the two of them got a lot of mine of course as well. The time wasn't wasted, I got really good at sucking cock and I learned how to control my gag reflex pretty well. Spike and I tested each other out and tried to perfect our technique. I think he was better than me, but I could still take him to the root without too much difficulty, it was one of the most useful skills I learned at school, and much more fun than sums, verbs or the periodic table. The Headmaster was always telling us that school was there to teach us the skills we would need to succeed in life.

We were always trying to deepthroat Tom, but hard as we tried, and no matter how often, we never really managed it. Tom said that when we were both old enough we could join the group together it would be a double initiation into manhood. He told as they'd given the group a name. We were to join the 'arse bandits'. I thought it was really funny, and through the next days whenever I'd remember it, I'd chuckle to myself. Arse bandits, right! And if it was my arse and they were the bandits, so much the better. I'd realized pretty early on that I really wanted to be fucked, rather than fuck, though I wanted to fuck Tom.

My seventeenth birthday came as always, during the Christmas holidays and for once I couldn't wait for the new term to start. My parents were happy. They dared to think that at last I was pleased to continue my education and that I had a more mature attitude to life. I told them I'd been inspired by the example and challenges set me by other boys at school.

By an odd chance the first teacher I saw after term began was Jamie Thompson. I was wandering round the rugby ground. I always loved the school grounds even before the pleasures of Spike's cock behind the cricket pavillion, and he was there checking the pitch. I gave him a brief wave and he came over. He looked really sexy, wearing very short, very tight shorts, despite the fact that it wasn't very warm. which showed off his tanned muscular thighs and the significant bulge of his cock. He'd obviously been somewhere warmer than England.

"Ah, the cock tease! Ready for what the new term brings?"

"Oh yes sir, I was seventeen last month."

"Yes, Tom told me you'd be ready by the time you got back. So you and Spike will be joining our little fraternity. I told you your arse would be mine and after watching you over the last few months showing it off to me at every chance you got, I'm so looking forward to the day when I watch David nailing you. I'm going to take my turn in there too" He took a couple of steps closer. "You're going to be on your back, legs held apart and one after another we're going to fuck you stupid. By the time we finish the cum is going to be running out of your slut arse. We'll have to get Tom to suck it up then feed it back to you. I felt his hand cupping my arse. He said it in quite a nice way, but leaving me in no doubt as to his intentions. A tingle went down my spine and I closed my eyes and gave an involuntary moan.

He winked at me and went back to checking the pitch.

I got my chance to get to know him in the way I wanted soon after that. It was after a game of football, I wasn't a keen player, it was the wrong time of year to be running around in shorts. For various reasons I'd been dithering around and got to the showers late. Jamie Thompson had been coaching us (he was actually a good teacher and we liked him.) He was a natural athlete, and he'd won a half blue at Cambridge, but he didn't expect everyone else to be. He was good at encouraging the shy or hesitant boys, and giving then confidence. He was a role model also though, for the naturals like him, he could out play even the best, in rugby and cricket, and he could outrun even David who was a star on the athletics field. He had a beautiful body and watching him was one of the things that made school sports fun. I wasn't bad actually at sport, and I'm naturally fairly fit, but I wasn't really very competitive or interested in sport except for watching tennis players and a bit of cricket. I'd not got on well with some other sports teachers because though they could cope with coaching boys who weren't very good at it, they were at a bit at a loss about how to deal with a boy like me, who might have been good but was largely indifferent. Circuit training to build up my body and stay fit, I could relate to, running round a track to see who was fastest struck me as a complete waste of time.

Well, enough of all that, back to the showers after football. The changing room was deserted when I eventually got back, but I was cold and muddy so a long hot shower would be good and would warm me up. Fortunately the school didn't believe in cold showers, the water was always hot and the shower heads were arranged in a sort of tunnel through which you progressed from one end to the other. The shower was running so I guessed another late boy was still in there. I quickly stripped off, hung my towel at the end of the tunnel and slipped into the other end.

It was Jamie Thompson in the shower and he wasn't alone. He was standing under a shower head and next to him was Martin, the ginger haired boy who I already knew was part of the gay group. I guessed they'd assumed that all of us had gone, because they were locked together in a close kiss. And because their eyes were closed, and because the splashing water covered all sounds, and because of the steam and relative gloom of the tunnel, they didn't know I was there. I was able to watch them for several minutes before they spotted me. They were beautiful, teen boy and young man. They were straight out of a greek myth, or like the figures on the Warren Cup, I'd seen in the British Museum. I was transfixed. Two beautiful human bodies entwined in love making is the most beautiful sight in the world I believe. I just stood there with a hardon and stared. Eventually they broke apart and it was then that Jamie saw me from over Martin's shoulder. He froze and stared before realizing it was me. Martin realizing that something was wrong turned around to see what the problem was. When he too saw it was me though, he just held out his hand and as they turned around I saw both their hard cocks for the first time. Martin's was slim and white just like the rest of him, with a golden crop of hair around it. Jamie's was far thicker and darker with a huge mushroom head. His body was smooth except for his legs, a thick bush around his cock and a narrow trail up to his naval.

"Hi Neil," said Martin,"come and join us." I slowly walked forward. Jamie turned off the water, so it was quiet apart from the drips.

"Tom told me he'd recruited you to the group, so I've been looking forward to meeting you." By now I was so used to being naked in front of Tom and Spike, that I'd lost all my shyness. Even so, meeting two, new, naked guys, especially Jamie my gay fantasy man, both with hard cocks, was no small thing. As soon as I got close. Martin pulled me into a gentle kiss. Then stepped back so I could kiss Jamie. I daren't touch my cock, I knew if I did I'd cum instantly. While I was kissing Jamie, Martin stood behind me and wispered in my ear. "Tom says you need to be fucked, but that he's too big to get your cherry and that that privilege should go to me. I've broken in a few newbies before you, so don't worry I've got the perfect dick for it. Are you ready do you think? I'm very gentle and I promise you're gonna love it. Tom says you already love having a cock in your mouth, you're going to love one in your arse just as much."

I didn't do anything or say anything, I just went on kissing Jamie, who had his arms round me holding me tight, I could feel our two cocks pressed together between us. Martin knelt behind me and pulling the cheeks of my arse apart, began to rim me. Tom had done this to me several times, getting me in the mood he called it. And I'd rimmed him and Spike too. I could feel Martin's tongue worming its way inside, I relaxed and pushed my arse back into his face, loving it. My spine was tingling, knowing what was to come. After a few moments Martin stood up, "Now Neil I'm going to show you just what your arse is really for. When I've fucked you Jamie here is going to fuck you too. You're going to carry our spunk inside your boy cunt back to Tom's room, and then he'll fuck you."

Jamie wispered in my ear, "By the end of this week that pretty arse of your's will be open and ready to take in all cummers," then he added with a chuckle, "just like ours are. And you're going to thank us for the rest of your life."

As Jamie was talking I could see from the corner of my eye that Martin was getting some liquid soap from the wall dispenser, and I knew he'd be slicking up his cock so that it it would slide into my arse more easily. I'd stayed relaxed after his expert rimming and then Jamie had gently taken my face in his hands and continued kissing me. I felt Martin's cock at my arse and before I even knew it, he'd slipped inside. I suppose Martin was expecting more resistence, or that I might tense up, but I'd been dreaming about this for months and I was so ready for it that I felt completely relaxed. His soap slick cock slipped deep into my arse in one gentle glorious glide. I kissed Jamie all the harder.

"Oh fuck," groaned Martin. "I'm all the way in, and your arse feels wonderful. Hot and tight. Is this really the first time you've been fucked? I can't believe it. Jamie this kid has just taken my cock all the way and he didn't even flinch."

I thought proudly, Tom said I was a natural cock sucker, I was clearly a natural to be fucked as well.

"Well fuck him good and leave planty of cum inside him for me." He was grinning at me, holding my face gently as Martin went to work. "Give the little prick tease what he needs. Turn that pretty arse into a boy cunt"

I groaned and managed to say, "Oh fuck, that feels so good. I don't want this ever to stop."

Once Martin realised that I was OK and loving it he ramped up the pressure, he pulled back till his cock almost came out of my hole then slammed it back in. I groaned and frantically started kissing Jamie again. Martin repeated that a few more times then went back to regular hard fucking. I couldn't believe how good my arse felt, my whole body was tingling. I tried to tighten up the muscles inside my anus. I heard Martin groan, he'd felt it too. So I tried again, and again he groaned. This was fun. I wasn't just the passive receiver here, I could direct the play too. I stuck my arse out further hoping he could get deeper in. He slammed in and screwed his cock around. Shit! He was really good and I knew I was lucky to have him as my first fucker. I couldn't believe the sensations courseing through my body. Now of course I know he was rubbing my prostate gland.

He fucked me for ten or fifteen minutes, by this time I'd stopped kissing Jamie. I was wimpering with the pleasure and bent over so I could suck his dick while I was being fucked, spit roasted as I knew it was called. Being a slut was so easy. I loved the big mushroom head of Jamie's cock and the way I could feel the shape with my tongue. It filled my mouth. I could hardly believe that after so long my dream was finally coming true.

I was so loving being fucked by Martin while sucking Jamie's cock that I sort of didn't want it to stop. On the other hand the thought of my arse being filled with cum was a huge turn on, and then I would get Jamie's cock in there as well. What more could a gay boy want? It was hot thinking that his cock had fucked Tom's arse so many times too. Well, of course Martin came, and shit, he was loud about it! I hoped there was nobody near to hear him cry out as he came deep in my arse. No sooner had he cum than I was spun round, and Jamie took his place. He was in a hurry, and no sooner had he lined up that massive head at the lips of my arse, than he pressed forward hard. It didn't go in quite as easily as Martin's but after a moment's discomfort it slid into the wet cum filled tunnel right to the root. That head really opened me up. If anything turned my arse into a boy cunt able to take on anybody, it was that huge nob. He'd only managed to fuck me a a dozen times before he'd added his cum to the mix. He slumped over my back panting.

"Shit, shit, shit Neil", he said, "You've got an amazing arse. We're all going to have so much fun in there. Now we'll have two bottoms to gang fuck, you and Tom."

I'd cum in my hand while he was coming inside me and when I'd stood up Martin saw it, he grabbed my hand and slobbered over it, sucking up the spunk. Then Jamie pulled him into a cream filled kiss.

We stood grinning at each other. It was so hot seeing my cum around their mouths. Each of them kissed me in turn so I could get my share.

"Fucking hell Neil. What's next eh?" said Martin.

"Actually, I do have a question." I looked at Jamie, "Tom said you were a dirty bugger in the shower. Do you know what he meant?" I said it as innocently as I could though I had an idea what I hoped it was.

Jamie and Martin looked at each other, and Jamie said, "I think you got your answer, Martin. Shall we show him?"

"Yeah, I think we should."

They smiled at me and Martin said, "Watch and learn Neil. Your introduction to the group continues." He stood with his legs apart and held his cock up a little and concentrated. Then, slowly at first, he began to piss, it started out as a dribble but the stream quickly built up until he was pissing hard. He gave a jerk and the stream went up in an ark and splashed Jamie from his face to his still half hard cock. Jamie just stood there with his hands on his hips grinning at me. Martin went on pissing over him and Jamie rubbed it into his chest and played with his hard wet cock.

I wasn't shocked because I'd thought this was what Tom might have meant and the idea turned me on. I'd seen piss scenes on the internet before. Two porn stars from a few years beck obviously loved it, Lucky Taylor and Denis Reed, Lucky in particular loved being hosed down and drinking it. And there was a star from today Devin Franko who loved it in his mouth too, and Tate Ryder, he was never happier than when he had a pissing cock in his mouth. Thinking of them and watching the show in front of me was getting me so hot and thirsty. Jamie and Martin were watching me carefully to see my reaction, and I didn't step back but instead came closer to them. Jamie started pissing too, over Martin. Then he put his hand in his stream and still looking at me sucked it up. My cock was rock hard, which didn't go unoticed. They paused their pissing for a moment.

Jamie looked at Martin and said, "I think he likes it."

"Yeah, I think he does."

Both of them took a step closer to me, and Jamie said, "You want it?"

I nodded, and it was Martin who first pissed on my cock. Just a quick burst as an intro, it was so warm, and when I wanked my wet cock, just slightly oily, not just like plain water. He paused, I nodded and this time it was Jamie who pissed over me. Just as warm,

"Taste it." he said, very quietly.

I brought my wet hand up to my mouth and looking into his eyes, sucked my wet thumb. It was bland almost tasteless, just a hint of saltiness, but quite sweet, I wondered what they'd been drinking.

"Welcome to the group Neil now you know all our games." Then he turned back to Martin and with his head nodded for him to kneel. Martin did so with a huge grin at me. Jamie stood over him and began pissing on his head, wetting his hair which had begun to dry after the shower. Then Martin turned his face up and still looking at me, he opened his mouth. Immediately Jamie pissed into it full force. Martin was gulping it down, even so a lot was cascading out down his chest. I was so turned on, I almost came again.

Then it was Jamie's turn. Martin stood up, and Jamie knelt down, but this time he invited me to kneel too. I didn't need asking twice. I knelt down next to him like a shot and he pulled me into a gentle open mouthed kiss. Martin pissed over our heads then our faces, concentrating on our open mouths. I was drinking piss for the first time. After barely thirty seconds I knew I was going to cum again. I scrambled to my feet wanking hard, Jamie leaned over and I shot my second load of cum across his tongue where it mingled with the piss still coming from Martin's cock. He gulped the piss and cum cocktail down his greedy throat. Our assistant sports master had just sucked me off.

"Have you got some too?" asked Martin? "Jamie's a regular urinal mouth and all donations are greedily swallowed. Aint that right Piss mouth?" Jamie nodded and opened his mouth. Martin bent over and kissed him deeply and I realised, with genuine affection. I wondered if they were more than just fuck buddies. I wasn't sure if I'd anything much to give. I stood over him willing myself to piss. In the end I didn't give him much and as soon as Martin saw it he quickly knelt down to share it.

I couldn't stop grinning and high fived them both when they'd stood up. We exchaged piss tasting kisses and hugged, rubbing the warm piss into each other's bodies.

I felt Martin's finger push into my slimy arse, "Now you have a have another job. Go to Tom. Tell him what's happened here and get him to fuck you. If you can take his cock, and with all that cum already in your arse that shouldn't be too hard, you're ready to take on all of us. Well," he hesitated, "may be not David, even I have trouble taking David, and shit knows he's fucked me enough times."

"I don't" said Jamie.

"That's because the world and his boyfriend have been up that sloppy old cunt of yours. David's a doddle after all of them." And he added with a grin, "Sir."

Jamie just grinned proudly. "Give it a few more years Martin, and the way you're practicing, you'll be taking a fist before you know it."

Martin laughed out loud. "Touché."

"Maybe we should have a shower though before we go anywhere." Martin turned it on and all three of us crowded under the shower head.

"I can feel my arse leaking, I'll have to go or it'll all come out in my pants before I get to Tom's." I left them to it.

I dried as quickly as I could, and dressed before hurrying over to Tom's room. Thankfully he was there when I knocked and welcomed me in but he wasn't alone

"Oh, I'm glad you're here, I invited Jake over and we were talking about breaking you in as a new recruit."

"Too late for that" I said, proudly, "Martin and Jamie have just fucked me and I've still got their cum in my arse so I've come over here to get fucked by you as well so I can be a full member. They said if I had plenty of cum in my arse it would be easier."

All this came in a rush, but to prove the point I pulled off my clothes, and jumped on the bed, pulling off my calvins as I did so (Calvins because all the porn stars wore them.)

Tom looked at me in amazement. "Martin AND Jamie fucked you?"

"Yup. And I drank their piss too."

Jake started laughing, "I thought you said he was a beginner and quite shy. You said we needed to take things slowly, And now he tells me he's been fucked by two guys and drunk their piss. Shy isn't the word that comes to mind."

I grinned up at them, "Yeah, well when you two have stopped talking about me will one of you PLEASE fuck my arse?"

They looked at each other and then scrambled to get out of their clothes. Jake I'd seen around school, he was the same age as Tom, in the sixth form as well. But I'd never spoken to him and I'd never seen him naked before. And now I was going to get fucked by him. He had a nice body, not as beautiful as Tom's but then few bodies are. Jamie's maybe. But it was pretty good never the less, nicely hairy legs with some muscle. Martin had a beautiful body as well but it was so comepletely smooth and so pale, while Jake's body was quite tanned like Tom's. All this was going through my head in a blur. Jake's cock was half hard when he pulled his pants off, but he was wanking it and it rapidly came to life. Bigger than Martin's I guessed, but nowhere near as thick as Tom's and without Jamie's huge nob, I was becoming a connoiseur of cocks. By now Tom was naked too, and he went over to his bedside cupboard and took out a large half used tube of what I later learned was KY jelly. He first greased up his own cock then put a generous load on Jake's and greased his up too.

Jake wasted no time after that, he got into position on the narrow school bed, hoisted up my legs by the knees so they were over his shoulders, and shuffled forward a bit. He lined up his cock, put his cockhead at the entrance to my arse, and pushed gently. My arse opened up just like it had for Martin's cock, and he slid home all the way.

"Boy, oh boy," he said to no one in particular, "fuck are we going to have a shit load of fun in this arse! Tom, you're going to love it." It was just what Martin had said.

"Where did you say you found him? On the tennis court? I'll have to take up tennis. Maybe there's another one."

All through this conversation he was fucking hard. Bottoming out every time. And I was loving it, so much so I wanted to shout out. I just kept groaning and begging him not to stop. I thought sucking cock was great, I'd never guessed the pleasure my arse could give. The downside was the cum, it was going into my arse rather than in my mouth.

Tom knelt on the bed next to my face so I could suck him while Jake fucked me. I thought that Tom was building up to cum in my mouth, but then Jake suddenly slammed into my arse one last time, his body jerked, and he grunted as he pumped his spunk deep inside me. My legs were practically on my chest and hanging on his shoulders. His face was streaked with sweat as he slowly leaned down over me and began kissing me.

"Holy shit, Neil."

His cock softened and slid out of me, together with a little trail of mixed cum.

He rested panting for a moment, then it was Tom's turn. This was the real moment when my membership of the arse bandits was confirmed.

"So the time has cum, mate. Now you're joinng the big boys' league. It you can take my cock up your arse, you can take on the rest."

I was almost a little a nervous, it was like taking a driving test. He put some more KY on his cock which I could see standing up, shining wet and so proud, reaching almost to his naval, from my position on my back on his bed. All that was about to go into my arse. Like Jake before him he hoisted my legs onto his shoulders and shuffled forward till his cock was right at the entrance to my arse.

"I can see the cum dribbling out," he said, "your cunt is well loaded up. I think you're ready." Then slowly he pushed forward. Compared with the others his cock was certainly a challenge. And the initial entry was a bit uncomfortable. But he was watching my face very carefully and when he saw me tensing up he paused. Very gently, in little fucking motions, he slowly opened me up. The head slipped inside, and I realized the most difficult part was over. When he saw me relax and swallow, he slowly pushed forward. His cock was thickest in the middle, like a coke bottle, but still making the little fucking motions, and aided by three loads of cum and a load of KY, after about four minutes I could feel him bottoming out. His groin was pressed hard against my arse and his whole cock was buried in my boy cunt. He grinned down at me, a look of triumph on his face. I grinned back, now I was a man, now I was a full member of the gang and a swell of pride went through me."

"Fuck me Tom, fuck me long and hard. Make my arse yours and fill it with cum."

And fuck me he did. First on my back, then he pulled out flipped me over on my tummy and slam fucked me from there, then he pulled me up so I was kneeling and fucked me doggy style . But i prefered it when I could see him face to face. And my cunt felt more open when I was taking it while I was on my back. He turned me over again and spread my legs doing push ups in my arse. He was a master. I came again, heavily up my stomach. I could see the pride on his face that he had given me so much pleasure. That's always the best feeling, to know that your partner is having a good time. He bent down greedily sucking up my cum and kissed me hard, sharing it. Jake had been watching us, wanking all the while and when he saw me cum he offered his cock to Tom who opened his mouth to accept it and the fresh load, that after a few minutes, Jake fed him. Tom looked down at me and showed me the spunk in his mouth. I looked up and opened my mouth in invitation. Then bending down again he hungrily kissed me, Jakes load flowed backwards and forwards between our mouths. It was all he needed, and he groaned and "Oh, yes!" I could feel his cock flexing as the forth load of cum was pumped deep into my cunt.

Cum, glorious cum. Shit! I love cum.

Slowly he eased back and his thick slimy cock came out of my arse. I'd gone from arse virgin to cum dump in the space of two hours.

But he wasn't finished with it, pushing my legs further back and wide out he dived in and hungrily lapped at the cum flowing out, four loads, there was a lot.

"Hey, Jake, get some of this while it's still hot." He made way for Jake who also lovingly rimmed my arse and lapped up the cum that was left. Then they exchanged cum filled kisses.

Looking down at me, with cum all around his mouth he said, "Now we have to tell the rest of the lads. You've only been fucked by four of us. There's sixteen to go."

Next: Chapter 4

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