The Love of Cum

By Henry James

Published on Mar 22, 2022


For the love of cum 9

Chapter 8 was all about cum, with very little piss, this is the other way round so if piss isn't your thing, best give this chapter a miss. If it is, kick back and enjoy. Remember folks, nifty needs our donations as well as our stories. And I'd love to hear from you if you have time. Plot suggestions are always welcome too.

John came into the loo while I was looking at myself in the mirror and kind of admiring the slutty image. He came up behind me and putting his arms round me pulled me to him and lazily licked up some of the cum running down the side of my chin. My face was plastered and one of my eyes was half stuck closed with drying spunk There was cum in my hair and down my nose and clotted around my mouth. I looked wonderful, and felt even better.

"That was an amazing evening, you took a hundred and thirtyfive loads of cum! Wow. I'm so impressed. They'll make up the video and I'll see you get a copy. You know the best thing about it? You were clearly having the time of your life. You were born to be fucked Neil."

I pushed my arse back into his crotch hoping perhaps that I could make it a hundred and thirtysix, but he was soft."

He chuckled, "Still not enough?"

"Never enough," I said. "Never enough." As I said this I remembered something. "Actually it was more than a hundred and thirty five. There were the four fucks before I even got on stage and the two loads I swallowed. So I took a hundred and fortyone loads." John laughed.

"Well, sorry I don't have anymore cum to feed you but I'm sure I have something else. Come over to the shower." I thought I knew what what was coming, at least I hoped I did. Just then a couple of the barmen came in, including the one I'd been chatting to earlier.

"Well hey, it's the London Cumdump!" he said. "Dan was right when he said you have a sweet arse. Never have I fucked anyone whose arse was as loose and so full of cum as yours." They followed us over to the showers. This was getting better and better.

John said, "Hey guys, you're just in time to keep the party going. Neil's a piss slut too. I'm cummed out but I have to take a wicked leak and I'm just about to feed it to him. You got any?"

This was music to my ears, and confirmation of what I'd been hoping for. I slowly sank to my knees in the shower cubicle and looked up at the three guys with a big grin on my face. My mouth automatically opened. The two barmen came forward, quickly taking off the cum stained jocks which was all they were wearing, and throwing them on the piss wet floor behind them. They came into the cubicle too so it was pretty crowded. This way everyone was gonna get very wet, John stood just outside.

"That's what we're here for too. Hey slut boy," the barman I'd talked to earlier said, "so you wanna get wet now. Me and my buddy Todd can do that for you."

"That was quite a show you put on," said Todd, holding his long soft cock loosely in his hand looking down smiling. "Cum slut, and piss head. A boy of many tallents and difinitely one after my own heart." I grinned up at him and opened my mouth wider.

It was John actually who started pissing first. A high fierce ark of piss splattered the two barmen before it centred on my open mouth. I let it fill it with a loud splashing noise, before quckly swallowing , then he played the heavy stream over my head, soaking my hair which was quickly plastered down in the stream. It felt hot and wonderful as it streamed down my face. The barman I'd first met squatted down with me kissing me and sucking up what was left of the piss in my mouth. His mate pissed over his head and onto our faces. It streamed down them and into our mouths. I was once more back in pig heaven. The barman looked up into the streams which soaked his face and hair. Then he got up and Todd knelt down, I stayed where I was. When he was pissed out after two mouth watering minutes John squatted down to drink his fill and get himself wetted down. Then it was my turn, I almost regretted the piss I'd taken while I was being fucked but I was still able to feed them a good load. The barman had put the plug in the drain so we were sqatting in a shallow pool. I repeatedly scooped it up in my cupped hands and dribbled it over our faces and heads. What a glorious feeling it is to be totally soaked in piss! The others obviously thought so to judging by the laughter and coughing! You can't swallow and laugh at the same time.

When we were pissed out we slowly got to our feet (I just had to bend down and suck up some of the pool before I did so, still delicious but a bit cold) and we looked at each other's soaked hair and bodies, before busting out laughing again. Eventually John pulled the plug out and turned the shower on so we could wash ourselves down. Travelling on the bus or even an Uber stinking of piss is too much even for me.

"Neil," said John as we dried ourselves off, "you have to come to the Piss night next weekend. The loos are awash, I know because we have to clean them up after. And there's a couple of paddling pools to lie in which get pretty full, and loads of free lemonaid. It's a real blast."

"Yeah, and we serve piss cocktails at the bar," said Todd. "Piss, lemonaid and vodka."

I was reluctant to say goodby to these guys, they were just so friendly (and hot) but it was late and I needed to get back to the flat I was staying at in Kensington for some sleep, getting gangbanged makes you tired.

"Does the party next week start at the same time?" I asked.

"Yeah, 10pm. Get here on time. Most people are already tanked up before they arrive, so that's when a lot of the pissing takes place. They'll remember you from this week, a lot of the people will be the same. You'll be very popular, a 'drunk on piss' twink.

I couldn't wait for the next week to come round.

When I got back to where I was staying I rang Tom to boast about what had happened at the gangbang and the record I'd set. And then said I was going back for the piss night. I really wanted to stay for the week, the club was open every night, and though the gangbangs only happened at weekends, John had told me there was plenty of sex going on at the other nights as well. Sense told me though that I had to nurse my sore arse, even the next day it still felt loose and wet and somehow I couldn't tighten it up like I usually could. I thought how great it would be to work there during the summer break. I could spend every night getting fucked stupid and being paid for it! How cool is that? I was determined to talk to Sam and the people at the club. Shit, I'd work there for free. I could be the toilet boy.

It seemed endless waiting for the weekend to come (cum). What's the old saying 'a watched kettle never boils'? But eventually it did of course. I got there as suggested in good time for the opening at 10pm but there was still a queue of fifty guys when I arrived. As we went in there was a clothes check at the door, and the guy there smiled and welcomed me back, then asked my how my arse was doing?

"It's doing just fine," I told him, "and ready for its next workout." He just grinned. I checked everything except my trainers and went in naked. A lot of other guys did the same, and judging by the number of hard cocks on display I guessed quite a few viagra tablets had been added to whatever they'd been drinking. Everyone seemed to have a pint of something in their hands. I hoped the hard cocks meant I was going to get fucked plenty as well as getting wet. I went into the main dance hall. There was loud music but not much dancing. There was a small group of naked guys standing close together just inside. As I passed I saw one of them pissing into a glass half full of what looked like lemonaid, that his mate was holding, my mouth watered. The first things I saw were two large yellow paddling pools set up in the centre where the stage had been the previous weekend and there was already some piss in the bottom. I thought, start as you mean to go on, and immediately stepped into the one nearest to me and laid back, with my head resting on the inflated side. I looked around and saw a really cute guy not much older than me, looking over, I grinned and beckoned him across. He smiled back and came straight over.

"Where do you want it?" he said simply.

"Over my head, and on my face first. Then in my mouth."

"You've got it." He said, and immediately let rip with a powerful stream that had soaked my hair and face in seconds, then he concerntrated on my open mouth. Seeing this action, encouraged others too.

Two other people got into the pool with me and others gathered around to piss on us. I opened my mouth to catch the streams of seven or eight people. I ran my hands through my piss soaked hair and wiped it from my eyes. This was every bit as good as the piss parties at school and it was only just the beginning. I had to get Jamie and Martin to come one evening, Tom too maybe but he was less of a piss freak than the three of us. I was drinking quite a lot of the piss soaking us and together with what I'd drunk before I came, it wasn't long before I realised I needed to piss as well. Life is about sharing, right? I stood up in the shallow pool feeling the warm piss lapping aound my feet and soaking through the trainers, and looked around. The boy who had started the piss round was there, still grinning at me. I quickly crouched down, sucked up a huge mouthful of piss and beckoned him closer. He could see my bulging cheeks and didn't hesitate, we immediately locked lips. He was as eager to drink piss as he was to feed it. I put my hands onto his shoulders as we were exchanging the piss brew, and as soon as we'd finished he slid down my wet boddy till he got to my half hard cock and sucked it into his mouth. I let rip with my own stream. He didn't miss a drop. He was a showman too, slowly pulling away from my still pissing cock so everyone could see the action. I repeatedly filled his mouth while he repeatedly swallowed. One of the guys in the pool got up behind me, I felt his warm wet body as he pulled me back against his chest and at the same time he pushed me down until I was kneeling with him on my back, then he pushed his cock in my arse. Perfect, while piss was filling my mouth I'd get cock and cum in my cunt. And if I was really lucky I'd get piss in my cunt too. He was a vicious fucker; it wasn't a huge cock though it was big enough, but he made the most of it, slamming it home repeatedly and grunting each time his cock hit bottom. I was loving it but all too soon for my liking, I could feel him tensing up. He was getting ready to unload. I thought about pulling off and turning round so I could swallow his load but before I had a chance, a young skinhead climbed into the pool and stuck his cock in my mouth, at first I thought he just wanted to be sucked off, but he held my head so I couldn't move and a fountain of piss erupted in my mouth. What do the brazilians call it, cascada dorada, golden cascade? Well I had a golden cascade in my mouth for sure. The guy fucking me realised what was going on and with a final plunge filled my cunt with its first cum load of the evening. Piss in the front end, and cum in the back.

The guy who pissed in my mouth was just as eager to swallow some himself. No sooner than he'd finished pissing himself than he also laid back in the pool with his head on the soft rubber side and his mouth hanging open. He was really cute and there was no shortage of people who were eager to fill it. He was soaked in seconds by several streams. I looked down at him as the golden piss streamed down his handsome face, it was a beautiful sight.

I slowly got to my feet and standing there with my legs slightly apart was an open invitaion of course. I felt another warm wet body pressed against my back and I was once again being fucked. O glory halleluia, ain't life grand! And that's how it went on for the next hour. The young skinhead was so friendly and we found ourselves sitting next to each other. By this stage the piss pool was a couple of centimeters deep, and one or other of us scooped up glasses of the mixed golden pool and tipped it over our up turned heads and faces. It was such a laugh. Quite often another guy in the pool pissed on us too, so we got to drink directly from the tap.

Eventually I got up and winked at the boy. Then leaving a trail of piss across the dance floor walked to the loos on a little tour of exploration. There wasn't much pissing on the dance floor itself and there were quite a few dancers to navigate around, but when I got to the loos it was a different story. It was pretty packed and already completely awash with piss. The floors were slippery and I almost slipped over, one of the guys there saved me. My soaking wet trainers made a squelching noise as I walked around. I got grouped a lot as I made the rounds. And I got plenty of smiles and thumbs up, my performance last week was serving me in good stead. I paused long enough to kiss a couple of cute guys and it was just long enough for a third to join in from behind. He was feeling up my cunt in a gentle explortory way, so I spread my legs and stuck my arse out. He got the hint and a new cock slid in. I closed my eyes and groaned out my appreciation. One of the guys in front of me lowered his glass to his cock and I watched as he pissed a generous amount into it before passing it to his friend who added his own, before passing it to me. I was able to add a fair bit more. But I took two generous gulps before handing it back. They grinned and shared the glass between them before letting me drain the rest.

Meanwhile my fucker was approaching his climax. Eight short hard fucks, before he froze, and the latest batch of babymakers was delivered to where they befonged, deep inside my boy cunt. He pulled out and away just as I saw a cubicle becoming free. This was a chance to get some serious drinking done, so before anybody else got to it I slipped in and sat down on the toilet. I looked up expectantly and sure enough the first person came forward to feed me. Putting his thick half hard cock in my mouth he grinned down at me and flooded my mouth with hot tasty nectar. Almost immediately he stopped and bent down to kiss me and share his juice, he did this repeatedly until he finally ran out, then indicating that we swap places I did the same with him, I'd piss for a few seconds into his mouth then bend down to share it, it was so hot. After a few minutes of this he got up and left and I sat back down again. I found it very difficult to piss because my cock was so hard and I leaned back against the wall wanking. Another punter came in and pissed over my face. It was too much and I came in my hand. Seeing the cum he leaned over and sucked it up before kissing me and spitting it into my mouth as he did so. Then standing up again he laid his soft cock back in my mouth and started pissing again, I gulped it down like a man in a desert. When he'd finished he leaned over, kissed me deeply again, and I shared the mouthful of his sweet piss with him. He stood up grinned down at me, mussed my sopping wet hair and made space for the next donor cock.

For the next twenty minutes I just sat there drinking piss from the tap. One or two guys only wanted to piss on my face and in my hair and that was OK too. I loved the feeling of hot piss streaming down my face, and I managed to catch quite a lot in my glass. In the moments between fresh loads I drank from the glass. Periodically as I needed to piss I used my glass as a piss pot and drank them too. I was a one man recycling plant in the perfect place for a piss slut to be, and I had a steady stream, pun intented, of horny punters eager to unload their juice in or over me. The only thing I missed was being able to lay back in a pool of piss. Maybe it was time to got back to the pool. When I'd finished drinking piss from the latest guy I stood up and swapped places with him so he could drink mine, then clutching my still full glass I squeezed my way back past the urinals and out ito the main club area.

The dance floor was still crowded as I made my way back to the pools. A third had been added, it was obviously a busy night. There was just enough room to get into one of them and lie back against the side. By now there was several centimeters of piss in the bottom and I lay back in the steaming pool drinking from my glass, as it ran low I scooped more up, sometimes drinking it and sometimes pouring it over my head and face, and in my mouth. Looking sideways I realised I was lying next to the skinhead.

He grinned, "Having fun?" By answer I filled another glass and poured it over his head and face.

"The best," I replied. He was so sexy, and cute. I don't normally find boys with strange haircuts that attractive, but he was certainly the exeption. Slowly our faces got closer until we were gently kissing. The piss pool we were lying in, the mad crush of piss soaked bodies that were around us, even the thumping club music, were suddenly only in the background, only that kiss was in the moment. It was a strange, almost surreal moment. His tongue softly probed my mouth and I opened up to let it in. My cock was so hard. When we ended the kiss at last and pulled away enough to look at each other again, his handsome face just a few centimeters from mine, I could see he was no older than me, seventeen, eighteen maybe. Then reality kicked back in as two new streams of piss washd over our faces. He didn't move but still stairing at me, he opend his mouth to let the piss fill it, and I could see him swallowing. The other stream, played over my head, streaming down my face and getting in my eyes. I too opened my mouth and we watched each other intently as we both drank the piss together. I didn't think I had ever done anything more erotic, or intimate, piss drinking shared. We resumed our kissing, sharing the piss backwards and forwards between us.

I desperately needed to piss again, so without breaking the kiss I manouvered myself until I was kneeling over him and then sitting back on my heels I was able to play my heavy stream all over his face, his eyes, his nose, his forhead and into his wide open mouth. I dived back down to share my golden pool that had filled his wide mouth, before leaning back and filling it again. I did this three times before I ran dry and then he did the same to me.

We were interupted in our reverie by an announcement which told us the club night would be closing in twenty minutes. I could have stayed there all night with this beautiful, amazing piss loving boy. I certainly would have to see him again.

"I nearly didn't come tonight, fuck, but I'm glad I did." He said.

"I'm glad you did too," I replied, "we have to meet again, and I want you to meet my boyfriend and our gang, they're going to love you."

Slowly we stood up and for a moment, just stood looking at each other before we kissed again. I bent down picked up my empty glass and filled it from the pool around my feet. I brought it up and took a generous gulp before offering it to him; he did the same, then holding it above our heads slowly emptied it over first me and then himelf. The music stopped and the lights over the dance floor were turned fully up. The night had finally come to an end.

Next: Chapter 10

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