The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Sep 6, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it, I know it... I wish I knew them, but I don't. This is complete fiction.

Notes: < ... > marks Justin's or JC's thoughts. You'll figure it out:)!!

Chapter 11 by Megan

One and a half weeks later, the night before college started, Justin sat at his easel in his room, painting the sunset out of his bedroom window. As he thought back over the past one and a half weeks, he smiled. The break-up with Bobbee had been hard on JC because he didn't want Bobbee to hate him. Justin was by his side, holding JC when he needed to cry and listening when JC needed to talk.

Justin felt bad, but he was actually kind of happy that they'd broken up. Bobbee didn't sound like a good person and Justin knew that JC could do much better. <He doesn't deserve to be treated the way she treated him,> he thought to himself. He was also happy about the break- up for another reason and he felt really selfish because of it. He couldn't help but think that with Bobbee gone, he might actually have a chance with JC.

Justin hadn't really decided whether he was bi or gay yet, but he figured it didn't matter as long as he knew that he was attracted to JC. But he couldn't help thinking that maybe he was attracted to JC because JC was the first person who'd accepted him and become his friend. He hoped that that wasn't the reason he was attracted. He was almost sure that it was more. Over the past week and a half, JC and Justin had spent ever day together.

They'd spent a day lounging around the pool, talking about their lives before they met each other. They laughed over embarrassing things in their childhood, and cried over deaths or hard times that they'd experienced. Another day, they'd spent the whole day in town, going to a movie, shopping, and just driving around. They'd spent a few days with JC's whole group of friends, playing basketball or just hanging out.

Each night, no matter what they'd done that day, Justin and JC would meet in JC's room and watch movies. They'd gone through JC's entire movie collection quickly, staying up into the late hours of the night. They hardly ever actually watched the movie, most of the time they just talked about their passions. JC could talk for hours about music, and the same for Justin with his art.

One day JC surprised Justin by taking him to a local art museum. They spent the day there, just admiring all the beautiful artwork. JC had also taken him to a concert, but it was a little different from the concert's Justin had been too. It was classical music, and Justin loved every minute of it.

Justin loved every minute of the time he spent with JC. It didn't matter what they were doing. Justin was content to just sit with JC in silence. They were that comfortable around each other.

He knew he loved JC as a friend, but wasn't really sure if it was more than that. Justin wasn't sure what he would do if he really fell in love with JC, because their parents would be getting married next spring. That would be a disaster, so Justin tried not to think about it.

He tried to think about school instead. He was a little nervous about college, just because he would be so much younger than everyone else there. He hoped that people wouldn't tease him and call him a nerd like they had at his old school. He just wanted to be accepted. He had been excited to find out that Tyler, JC's cousin, was in one of his classes. He was glad that he'd actually know someone. He hoped that he'd make a lot of new friends. And he also hoped to learn more about art, and to improve his skills. He couldn't wait to meet Professor Kirkpatrick. From what JC had told him, he was a really cool teacher and he was really into art. Justin was excited that they had such a great art program at this school.

He jumped a little when there was a knock on his door. He smiled when he realized that it had come from the bathroom door, which meant that it was JC. He yelled "come in," and then turned back to his painting.

JC entered the room and grinned when he saw the mess of art supplies surrounding Justin.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were painting, I can come back later if you'd like," he said when he realized that maybe Justin wanted to be alone.

"Don't be silly, JC. You can stay. I'm almost done anyway," Justin told him, motioning JC over so he could see what Justin had done so far.

JC's breath caught in his throat as he saw the painting. He looked out the window and then back at the painting. "Wow, it looks so real," he commented, not able to say much more. He was in awe, as he always was when looking at Justin's artwork.

"Thanks," Justin replied, blushing. He still wasn't used to JC's praises of his work. When JC had told his friends about Justin's artwork, they'd wanted to see it, but Justin had refused. He was afraid that they wouldn't like it. He couldn't get over the fear of being rejected very easily.

"So are you excited about tomorrow?" JC asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm excited to be taking art classes with such a great teacher. I'm a little nervous about it though. I hope people don't think I'm weird because I'm so young though," Justin worried aloud.

"I didn't think you are weird, did I?" JC asked and when Justin shook his head, JC continued, "you need to stop worrying so much about what people think of you."

"Sorry," Justin muttered, looking away from JC.

"Don't be sorry Justin. You don't think highly enough of yourself. You are a great person, and when you enter those classrooms, your classmates will see that," JC told him.

Justin blushed again. <Damn it, why do I have to blush every time he says something nice about me? Because I care so much about his opinion, that's why,> Justin thought to himself.

"Thanks," he whispered, finally able to look JC in the eyes.

"No need to thank me, I'm just telling you the truth," JC answered, smiling a little.

"Ok," was all Justin could say as he continued to look into JC's eyes.

Justin's gaze was beginning to get to JC. He wasn't sure why, but when he tried to look away, he couldn't. Their eyes were locked together for what seemed liked forever before JC was finally able to look away. <What was that?> he asked himself, <Weird.>

Justin smiled before looking back to his painting and putting a few finishing touches on it. JC watched, and then moved out of the way as Justin went to the bathroom to wash out his brushes. When Justin was done, he went back into his room to see JC standing there awkwardly.

Justin finally spoke, "Hey, you want to watch a movie before we go to bed?"

"Sure, what movie?" JC asked, already heading into his room through the bathroom.

"Um, how about... Empire Records," Justin suggested even thought they'd already watched it a few nights ago.

"Ok, sounds good," JC said from his room.

"I'll be there in a minute," Justin replied, tugging his pants off and putting on some pajama pants and a wifebeater. He entered JC's room just as JC was tying the string on his pajama pants. He wasn't wearing a shirt.

Justin couldn't help but stare. He'd seen JC's chest many times, hell there was a picture of it on the wall in JC's room, but he couldn't help but be amazed every time he saw it. He shook his head and tried not to stare as he climbed onto JC's bed and sprawled his body out, taking up the whole bed.

"Hey!" JC protested, "where am I supposed to sit?"

"On the floor?" Justin suggested with a smile.

"Yeah right, that's my bed. So move or I'll have to..." JC trailed off, trying to think of what he'd do.

"You'll what, JC?" Justin asked, his eyes sparkling.

"I'll... do this," JC answered, pouncing onto the bed and almost landing on one of Justin's legs. He attacked Justin's sides with his fingers, tickling him.

Justin was so ticklish. He wiggled and squirmed, trying to get out of JC's grasp. But he couldn't, so he gave up and just laughed and laughed until he could hardly breath.

JC finally stopped, grinning as Justin tried to catch his breath. But Justin couldn't stop laughing. And that made JC laugh. They just sat there, laughing and not even really knowing why.

Then, suddenly, their eyes locked and they stopped laughing. Neither of them moved as they felt themselves leaning forward. <Oh my God,> Justin thought, <are we going to kiss?>

TBC... ****************************************************************** Feedback is very appreciated: Megan:


Next: Chapter 13

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