The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Dec 3, 2001


Notes: Sorry this took me so long to send out, but here it is, finally. Thanks to everybody who said that we should write a sequel, we'll go for it - and we'll even try to write longer chapters:). Yeah!

Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of fiction. We don't know the guys of *NSYNC, and we don't want to imply anything about their sexuality.

Chapter 29 by Megan

JC followed Justin up the stairs slowly. They went into JC's room, and Justin shut the door once JC had entered behind him.

Justin sat down on the bed slowly and said very quietly, "Josh, I'm scared." JC's head snapped up from staring at the floor when he heard the fear in Justin's voice. He was at Justin's side in an instant, gathering Justin in his arms and hugging him tightly.

"It's ok baby, it's ok," JC whispered over and over, hoping to calm Justin down.

"What's your dad going to say, Josh? What if he hates me?" Justin asked, his voice breaking and tears streaming down his face.

"J, baby, don't worry. We're going to get through this together, ok? I am coming out to my dad tonight too, remember? We'll do it together. It's going to be ok," JC cooed into Justin ear, wanting to make Justin feel better although he was nervous about telling his father. But right now, Justin came first.

Justin suddenly pulled away from JC, making a face. "Oh God, Josh, I'm so sorry! Man, I am so selfish sometimes. I'm such a loser," Justin mumbled, refusing to look at JC.

"What do you mean?" JC asked, confused as to what Justin was talking about.

"You have to come out to your dad tonight too. I completely forgot. I was so wrapped up in myself that I forgot about how you feel. I'm so selfish," Justin cried, the tears still flowing down his cheeks.

"No, Justin, it's fine. I'm ok, really. I know you weren't ready to tell your mom. And I know you're not ready to tell my dad. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have been all over you this morning. I'm so sorry," JC apologized, and Justin's eyes widened.

"No, it's not your fault at all Josh, it's mine. I was the one who needed just one more kiss before we left. If I hadn't said that this wouldn't have happened!" Justin exclaimed, wondering how JC was so selfless.

"No, really, it was my fault. I swear," JC replied, not wanting Justin to feel any worse.

"Wait, Josh, let's not argue about this. If we fight everything will just be ten times worse. I don't want you to be mad at me when we tell your dad," Justin said, trying to prevent an argument.

"But I'm not mad at you," JC responded.

"Ok, let's just change the subject. Umm," Justin trailed off, not really knowing what to talk about. All he could think about was what might go on later that night when they told JC's dad. And he was terrified.

"Come here," JC said quietly, seeing that the fear remained in Justin's eyes.

"Huh?" Justin asked.

"Come here, baby," JC said a little louder, opening his arms.

"Oh," Justin replied before stepping into JC's embrace and burying his face into JC's shoulder.

"I love you, you know that, right?" JC asked, hugging Justin tight to his body, loving the feeling of Justin's warm body.

"Of course, Josh, I love you too," Justin said, pulling away and smiling at JC. He leaned forward slowly, closing his eyes before their lips met. JC could taste Justin's salty tears on his lips, and almost groaned when Justin pulled away.

"Why-" JC started, but was cut off as Justin's lips attacked his, causing JC to almost loose his balance.

"Mmmm," Justin moaned as JC opened his mouth wider, letting Justin explore his mouth. JC's hands wandered up and down Justin's back before moving to the front of Justin's body and slipping under Justin's tee shirt.

JC's couldn't think as Justin continued the assault on his mouth. All he could do was feel. And he felt good. Suddenly, Justin pulled away with a guilty look on his face.

"What's wrong, J?" JC asked, confused.

"I just, like, attacked you, Josh, I'm sorry," Justin said, looking down.

"No, Justin, it's ok. I wanted it too. We're both really emotional right now, so we probably shouldn't start anything, ya know? I don't want us to do anything we regret. Plus, I don't think your mom would be too happy to catch us again," JC replied with a grin.

"I don't think so either," Justin agreed, smiling back.

"Ok then, maybe we should go downstairs and watch some TV. That way with your mom around we won't be tempted to do anything. Does that sound good to you?" JC suggested, knowing that if he was alone with Justin for much longer, he'd have to jump the boy. <He looks so sexy when he's embarrassed,> JC thought to himself.

"What's that grin for?" Justin asked curiously. JC paused before answering, debating whether or not to tell Justin the truth.

"Oh, I was just thinking that you look really sexy when you're embarrassed," JC informed Justin, and Justin blushed. "See, that right there. You look so sexy right now, babe."

"Uh, thanks... I guess..." Justin replied, not sure how to respond to JC's comment.

"Don't worry, that was supposed to be a compliment," JC said with a smile. He leaned closer to Justin for one last kiss before saying, "hey, let's go downstairs and see what's on TV. I'll race ya." And with that said, JC took off, running out of the bedroom and down the hall. Justin smiled, sighing heavily before following him downstairs, hoping that Jim would be late getting home from work.

Lynn smiled as she heard 'the boys' come running down the stairs. Well, Justin hadn't been a boy for a long time, but he'd always be her little boy. She sighed as she realized that today's events only proved that Justin was growing up and that he could make his own decisions now. She didn't want to let her little boy go, but she was thankful that he was with JC and not some other guy she didn't know. But she was also worried about how people would react to them being together. She didn't want them to be teased at school. She didn't know what to do to help protect them. She was also a little worried about how Jim was going to react. They'd never really discussed homosexuals, so she wasn't sure how he felt about it. She was almost positive that he would have a problem with JC and Justin being 'together.' She wasn't really sure why, she just had a feeling. But she hoped with all her heart that she was wrong. She wanted her baby to be happy.

JC plopped down on the couch and smiled as Justin ran into the room, sitting down next to him.

"I beat you," JC bragged, his smile growing wider.

"No way! You cheated!" Justin exclaimed, his eyes twinkling, showing JC that he was joking.

"Yeah right, I beat you fair and square," JC continued the fake argument, his smile giving away the fact that he wasn't serious.

"But-" Justin started, but a voice at the door interrupted him.

"Boys, what are you, five year old?" Jim's voice echoed through the room as both Justin and JC froze and immediately stopped laughing. They moved away from each other and both stared at Jim.

"What? What'd I say?" Jim asked, confused.

"Jim, honey, will you come in the kitchen for a minute?" Lynn asked Jim, pulling his arm to lead him into the kitchen. She looked back at the boys with a sad smile as she walked away.

"Are you going to be ok?" JC asked Justin once their parents had left the room.

"Yeah," Justin replied, "I can do this. Especially since you're going to be right next to me."

JC smiled before saying, "all right, let's go then." He got up, grabbing Justin's hand and helping him up. They walked down the hall to the kitchen, their hands tightly intertwined.

Lynn and Jim where both in the kitchen, about to carry dinner to the table when JC and Justin walked in. JC had wanted to continue holding Justin's hand, but Justin had pulled it away before they went into the kitchen. JC was disappointed, but understood why Justin did it.

"So are you guys all right?" Jim asked, trying to get them to tell him what he'd said wrong before. When he'd asked Lynn, she'd remained very tight-lipped. So now he was really curious. Lynn usually told him everything.

JC looked over at Justin before speaking. "Yeah, we're ok, dad."

"Are you sure?" Jim asked, not convinced.

"Well, there's something we need to tell you, actually," Justin spoke up, surprised that he'd had the courage to admit that.

"Um, ok. So what's up?" Jim questioned, looking over to Lynn who just shrugged. But Jim could tell that she knew something.

"Well, you see," Justin started, not sure how to say it.

"I'm gay," JC blurted out before he could stop himself. He blushed as his father turned towards him. <Please don't hate me,> JC thought.

TBC... ********** feedback to: Dannii:, Megan:

Next: Chapter 29

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