The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Dec 21, 2001


Notes: Not much to say now. Here's the next. Enjoy!!

Disclaimer: This story is a complete work of fiction. We don't know the guys of *NSYNC, and we don't want to imply anything about their sexuality.

Chapter 33 by Dannii

JC was quiet for a few seconds, and Justin started to fear that he had made a mistake by telling Lance what had happened, but then JC smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

"And what did he say?", he wanted to know.

"Not much", Justin replied. "He is glad that everything went so well. But I think it made him a bit sad, because you know, his parents don't know about him being gay, and he doesn't have anybody at the moment. - What do you say, maybe we should help him find a boyfriend? Then we could all go out together!" JC had to laugh at Justin's enthusiasm.

"I don't think so, babe. I think he'll find the right person soon enough. We shouldn't interfere, really. It will just mean trouble, I know it."

"Okay", Justin sighed disappointed. But just a second later he smiled again. "But we can watch out for cute boys, and when we see some, we can point them out to him!" JC had to stop at a red light and used the time to look at his boyfriend. <He's so adorable>, he thought and leaned in to give him a quick kiss, not really caring about the elderly women in the car beside his, who was giving him a disgusted look.

"I guess we can do that, babe", he answered, and Justin beamed at him and leaned back in his seat, satisfied.

The next two weeks were passing by really quick for the Timberlake/Chasez family. Justin and JC went to college everyday and spent their free time, including the weekends, helping Lynn and Jim with the preparations for the wedding. They spent hours writing guest lists and putting the written invitations in the envelops. Even the other boys helped for a few days; Lance was there on several weekdays, and on the weekends the house was full with the addition of Tyler, Jamie, Steven and Joey, and even Kelly was there for two days, since she and Joey had become inseparable and wanted to spend as much time together as possible. Justin and JC had already told their friends about their relationship, and they were amazed and happy to see that they all were okay with it. They talked about it one night, and Justin told JC that he was really relieved that everybody took it so well so far, and that he couldn't believe that they were so lucky.

Both boys had decided to spend the nights apart from each other, because they were still insecure about showing their affection to each other in front of Lynn and Jim, and they didn't want one of them to find them lying in bed together, but they managed to slip away now and then for a stolen moment where they could kiss for a while or just hold each other close. They were already looking forward for the two weeks after the wedding, when Lynn and Jim would be on their honeymoon and they'd have the house all for themselves. To be honest, that was all Justin could think about at the moment, and everytime JC flashed his sweet smile at him, he felt a stirring in his groin that had become oh so familiar in the last two weeks. He really couldn't wait to spent two whole weeks with his boyfriend, every night, and even two whole weekends.

On the day of the wedding, everything was very hectic, and JC and Justin barely saw each other, because JC spent most of the time helping his father, and Justin had more than enough to do calming down his mother, who was a nervous wreck and seemed to do nothing right. So one hour before the ceremony was going to start, he rushed into his room, giving JC a quick kiss on the way there, and hurriedly put on his suit and styled his curls before they all rushed into the cars and drove to church. JC was driving Lynn, Jim and Tyler, and Justin was with Joey, Steven, Jamie and Lance, who were all invited to the wedding as well. Kelly was going to meet them there.

The ceremony was over much to soon, and JC didn't remember much of it, because all he could do was stare at Justin the whole time, who was standing beside his mother, in a dark blue suit that made him look years older than 16. The other boys had suits on as well, but JC only had eyes for Justin, who beamed at him every time their eyes met. His eyes held a promise, a promise about what they would do later, when they were alone at home, and JC felt his heart flutter in his chest everytime he thought of it.

The party after the ceremony took place at a restaurant they had rented for the day, and after JC and Justin had both spoken some words about their parents and the traditional wedding games where done, everybody started to dance to the music from they four man band that was playing. It was just a small party with just close relatives and friends, about 50 people together.

Justin was dancing with one of JC's female cousins when his boyfriend came up to him and lightly tapped him in the shoulder. Justin turned around and smiled at him.

"Hey Josh", he said warmly.

"Hey Just", JC answered. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" He flashed an apologetic smile at his cousin, who had been hanging literally all over Justin the whole evening, and waited for Justin's answer.

"Sure", Justin grinned and turned back to the girl. "Sorry, Kathy. I'll see you later, okay?" She nodded disappointed and went back to the table where her parents were talking with Jim and Lynn, and Justin followed JC out of the main room to the floor where they toilets were, where he opened a door and pulled Justin inside a small, empty room. He turned on the small light and locked the door, then he turned around and took Justin in his arms, who sighed happily and buried his face in JC's neck.

"I've waited for this moment all day", JC whispered and held Justin as close to his body as possible, closing his eyes and softly stroking the younger boy's back through his suit.

"Me too", Justin replied and leaned back to be able to look into JC's eyes. JC opened them after a quick kiss from Justin. Before he could protest that it was too quick, Justin gave him another one, this time longer. "You look really hot on your suit, do you know that?", he asked, and JC blushed. "But I already can't wait to take it off of you, piece by piece, and kiss every part of your beautiful body." JC felt his stomach flutter at this words, and he took a deep breath to will down the erection that was starting to form.

"You tease", he said huskily, and Justin smiled sweetly at him.

"I love you, Josh", he said softly, becoming serious, and JC lifted one of his hands and caressed Justin's cheek with it.

"I love you too, Justin. I love you so much." He leaned in and their lips met in a sweet kiss, that soon became more passionate. Justin felt JC bite softly at his lower lip, and he opened his mouth and welcomed JC's tongue in his mouth, where it met his own. They kissed like this for several minutes, until they had to stop because they had to come up for air. Justin panted slightly as he looked at JC, and suddenly something dawned on him, and he became serious.

"What's up, baby?", JC asked, sensing immediately that something wasn't right.

"I just realized something", Justin said quietly. "Your dad and my mom married each other today, Josh. That means that we're brothers now." He swallowed, and JC could see the troubled look in his eyes.

"I know, honey", JC said and tightened his grip on Justin's waist in order to comfort him. "But we talked about it, do you remember? It isn't illegal what we're doing, and nobody can harm us." Justin looked at him unhappily.

"I know, Josh. But... it feels weird! I'm afraid of what people will say when they find out that we're a couple, and that we're brothers! I have to get used to this situation." He looked down for a second, and when he looked up again, he saw a look of fear in JC's eyes.

"Oh, Josh", he said quickly and gave the brunette boy a gentle kiss, "don't worry, I won't break up with you. I could never do that, you mean too much to me, and I wouldn't know what to do without you. I'm just worried, that's all. But I know we can go through everything together, and as long as you love me, I'll be fine." He was relieved when he saw JC smile again.

"I'll always love you, Justin, so you'll always be fine. And we'll go through everything together. But I really don't want to talk about this now. I want to enjoy this moment", JC said and unwrapped his arms from Justins waist. He took a step back and made a small bow in front of Justin, before he held his hand out for him. "May I have this dance, Sir?" Justin smiled at him happily, took his hand and let JC draw him close to his body. They wrapped their arms around each other and began to slowly sway to the music that could be heard through the closed door of the small room.

It was three o'clock in the morning when Justin and JC finally arrived back at their home. Lynn and Jim had left the party at midnight to catch their flight that left early the morning, and after that the other guests had left one after the other. JC and Justin had been the last ones left, together with Lance, Jamie and one of JC's uncles, the one who had rented the restaurant.

Justin slipped when he tried to climb up the stairs to the house and fell into JC's arms, giggling. JC himself couldn't suppress an amused smile. After Lynn and Jim had left the party, Justin had drunken a few beers, and since he didn't drink alcohol normally and couldn't hold it very well, he was quite tipsy now. But not so much that JC had to fear that the younger boy was going to vomit all over the place, so it was okay. In fact, Justin looked really cute when he was drunken, because he was smiling all the time, and JC thought that Justin's smile was the most beautiful one he'd ever seen. So now he just wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and helped him up the stairs and into the house. Together they climbed up the stairs, Justin clinging tightly to JC, and finally arrived in JC's room, where Justin fell back on the bed and looked up at JC with hooded eyes.

"Come here", he whispered hoarsely, and JC immediately did as he was asked and laid down on the bed beside his boyfriend. He turned onto his side, so that he could look down at Justin, and placed one arm over his stomach, gently starting to caress it through the tight, baby blue shirt Justin had changed into after the ceremony.

"Hey", he said, and Justin giggled again.

"Hey, baby", he replied and scooted closer to JC, so that their bodies were touching fully. "I'm tired", he stated, and as if to prove it, he closed his eyes and yawned. "T'was a long day."

"It was. So maybe we should head to bed now, what do you think?" JC suggested. Justin opened his eyes again and blinked.

"Can I stay here, with you?" he asked, pouting a bit, and JC couldn't resist giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Of course you can, babe. I'd be mad if you didn't." Justin smiled, satisfied, but started to pout again the next moment.

"But you have to help me undress", he said. "I don't think I'll be able to do it alone."

"There's nothing I'd like to do more, sweetheart", JC grinned and sat up on the bed. Knowing that they wouldn't do anything that night besides holding each other, he quickly changed into his pajama bottoms and a t-shirt and then started to help Justin out of his clothes. When he'd stripped him down to his boxer-briefs, he went to Justin's room and grabbed a simple white t- shirt. He helped Justin into it and made him lay down on the bed again. Quickly he turned off the light in his room and climbed into the bed beside his boyfriend, finally feeling exhaustion washing over him.

JC laid down on his back, and Justin cuddled up to him, laying his head on JC's chest and wrapping his arms around the older boy's waist.

"It was a nice night"-+, he mumbled and sleepily kissed JC's chest through his t-shirt. JC let his hand slip under Justin's t-shirt and began to stroke his bare back.

"It was", he agreed. "Lynn looked beautiful."

"Your dad didn't look bad either", Justin said, and JC smiled.

"I guess you're right", he answered. When Justin let out a big yawn, he looked down at him.

"Let's sleep a bit, babe. Luckily enough tomorrow is sunday, so we can sleep in." Justin nodded and cuddled even tighter to JC, who reached to his side and turned off the bedside lamp. Justin leaned in for a goodnight kiss, and then both boys closed their eyes.

"Goodnight, Josh. I love you."

"Goodnight. I love you too, Just."

One minute later both were asleep.

TBC... ********** feedback to: Dannii:, Megan:

Next: Chapter 33

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