The Love We Have

By Dannii Ree

Published on Aug 23, 2001


Disclaimer: You know it, I know it... I wish I knew them, but I don't. This is complete fiction.

Notes: < ... > marks Justin's thoughts

Chapter 6 by Dannii

About an hour later the movie was finished, and Justin yawned and stretched his body. He loved this movie, he'd watched it at least 30 times by now. Sighing loudly, he looked down at JC who was still beside him, now laying, fast asleep. He'd fallen asleep somewhere in the last 30 minutes, and Justin didn't have the heart to wake him up. Instead, he saw his chance and took the opportunity to just watch him for a while without being caught.

Justin thought. . He noticed that JC had very long eyelashes, so long that every woman would be jealous of him. They were curling slightly on his cheeks. Justin's gaze travelled down to JC's nose - <It's as big as mine!> he thought - and to his lips that looked very kissable; soft and full. His mouth was a tiny bit open, and Justin could see the small gap between JC's front teeth. Looking down on JC's chest he could see it rising and falling steadily with the rhythm of his breathing. His hands were balled to loose fists, resting on his sides, and his legs were hanging down the bed, so that his feet were resting on the floor.

Justin tore his gaze away from JC and looked at the watch above the bed. It was half past 11, and he wasn't really tired, but he had promised his mom not to sleep to long the next day, so he decided to call it a night and head to bed. But first he had to wake up JC.

<Or should I just help him under the covers?>, he wondered. <Maybe that's better, then I don't have to wake him.> Slowly he stood up from the bed and looked down at the sleeping boy. He leaned down and tried to remove the covers from under JC, but they were stuck. Very carefully he grabbed JC by the waist and tried to roll him on his side so that he could free the covers. He wasn't prepared for the move JC made unconsciously; he took hold of Justin's arm, pulled him down on the bed and rolled over so that he was snuggled up to Justin's side, his arm laying over Justin's stomach.

Justin lay there frozen. What was he supposed to do now? If he woke up JC now, he'd see the awkward position they were in and maybe blame Justin for it. Or just be embarrassed, and Justin didn't want him to feel uncomfortable in front of him. But he couldn't lay there and wait until JC moved the next time. So again, very carefully and with a fast beating heart he pulled JC's arm off of his chest and began to crawl out from beneath him, as slowly as possible. Finally he sat beside him again, trying to bring his heart rhythm down to normal.

<Maybe the easiest way is if I just wake him up. That won't bring us into another embarrassing moment>, he decided and lightly shook JC's shoulder. No response. He shook harder. Still nothing. <Okay, last try>, he thought and cleared his throat.

"JC, wake up. The movie is over", he said loudly. With success. JC's eyes fluttered open, and he looked at Justin sleepily.

"Huh?", he mumbled unintelligibly and closed his eyes again.

"No, JC. Wake up. You have to lay down properly, otherwise you'll have a seized-up back tomorrow."

"G'way. Lemme sleep." Justin couldn't help but smile.

, he thought. <But that won't help him now.>

"Come on, JC. I'll help you, but you'll have to get up so that I can take the covers out from under you."

JC let out a tired yawn and finally did how Justin requested, and two minutes later he was laying under the covers, head buried deep in the pillow, and Justin took one last look on him before he turned out the light on the bedside table, left the room and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and finally go to bed. But still he wasn't very tired. Instead, he once again couldn't stop thinking about the boy sleeping in the room next to his. He was quite astonished that they got along so well, despite their age difference. JC really treated him like and adult, and not like a kid, and that made him feel really good and warm inside. He was a bit worried, though, when he thought of meeting JC's friends. Maybe they were different, and maybe they would tell JC to forget about him. <But he wouldn't do that.>, he tried to convince himself. <He likes me, he said so himself.> Although he'd known JC just one day and they hadn't talked very much since them, just a bit tonight, he already felt connected to him, like he'd known him forever.

Justin turned his head in the direction of the door when he heard a faint knock. One second later his mother poked her head into the room. When she saw Justin laying in bed, but still awake, she came in and closed the door behind her and came over to sit down on the edge of his bed.

"Hey sweetie", she said. "I thought you're deep asleep." Justin sighed.

"Nah, I'm not tired yet. I just went to bed a few minutes ago." She looked at him concerned and brushed some of his curls out of his face.

"Are you alright? Cause you seemed so distracted today." Justin shook his head.

"I'm okay mom, really. I just have to get used to everything, everything's so different and so new here. - But I like it here", he continued when he saw the look on his mother's face. "Really. It's nice. I can't wait til college starts." Lynn smiled.

"You really like it? I'm so glad... I know it's not easy for you, but you'll see, everything will be alright. I'm sure you'll settle down fast. - Have you seen Joshua tonight?" Now Justin smiled. too.

"Yes, I have. Actually, we've watched a video together and talked the last two hours. He's really nice, mom." Lynn ruffled his curls.

"Told you so. But now, try to get some sleep - we'll talk some more tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, mom. I love you."

"I love you too, honey. Good night."

"Good night." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then she stood up from the bed and left the room. Justin looked after her for a moment, before he closed his eyes and finally fell asleep.

TBC... ****************************************************************** Feedback is very appreciated: Megan:


Next: Chapter 8

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