The Lycan

By Gay Writer

Published on Jun 16, 2007


The following is a complete work of fiction. Any resemblance to characters and real life persons is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute this story without the author's permission. Author reserves all rights to this story.


The following story contains violence and erotic homosexual situations and content. If it is illegal for you to read this, please leave now. If after reading this disclaimer, you find yourself surprised by the content, HUKED ON FONIKS didn't work for you!

Chapter 3

Leon's Torment

"That's a very nice bike you have my sleeping beauty." A heavily timbered bass voice filled my ears as I struggled to wake.

It didn't take me long before I remembered Leon and jerked awake. The white fluorescent lights burned my eyes as I struggled to sit upright. The fluorescent tubes seemed impossibly high above me. The ceiling must have been twenty feet high. As my eyes adjusted and the dull ache faded inside my skull I noticed the exposed wiring that ran along its length. The building was old and I suspected we were on the second floor of the restaurant. Smells of blood and body fluids of every kind assaulted my nose. I fought against the ropes that tethered my arms and legs to the metal table and lifted my head for a better view of the room.

The walls were a shiny white texture that made them look almost plastic. A plush leather chair toward which Leon was walking was the only furniture that I could see. My mind shifted instantly to Jason and I turned to my left to find him staring back at me with fear filled eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" I was instantly pissed off, and frightened out of my mind.

The smells in the large open room terrified me more than anything else, and a familiar scent caught my attention. They were Lycan, of which type, I didn't know. You can't detect the odor as easily as one might think. They are so diverse and, while in human form, nearly non-existent.

I was tempted to change form, but my instincts told me to hold. Something other than the obvious was very wrong, and even in my Tiger form I had the feeling that I wouldn't survive the day if I fought our captors.

"Relax boy... I won't hurt you much.... if you cooperate." Leon's voice changed from the familiar bass tone to a more gravely sound.

I looked over to find him in the midst of changing form. His was a more violent transformation than I was used to seeing. Golden hair burst from his arms and claws erupted from his now paw-like hands. The bones in his body snapped and reformed in a crunch that most resembled someone cracking their knuckles but on a much louder and larger scale. His white silken robe was soaked from the shoulder down in the wash of fluid that occurs from transformation into animal form. Leon hadn't changed completely; his face was more angular and his eyes were those of a feline, but that is where it ended. Somehow he had managed to halt the progression somewhere between Lion and Human, and now sat lazily in the chair across the room.

At his feet sat Wil our waiter, and several other nude teenagers. I recognized one as the cook, but the others I suspected were workers in the kitchen. There was no easy way to be sure, but they were obviously part of the group.

"You may belong to Boris, but you're mine for now." Leon stood, pulled a small blade from the pocket of his robe and plunged it into Wil's shoulder.

Our waiter screamed in agony as the impact knocked him to the floor. "Get up you useless hair bag. Don't think that I didn't notice your little note."

Wil struggled to rise up on his hands and knees but the blade in his shoulder slowed his progress. Just as he had both knees and one hand planted on the floor Leon kicked him in the chest and sent him flying through the air. The sickening crunch as Leon's foot met Wil's mid-rift filled the room and was followed by the hollow thump as his body landed on the floor and against the wall.

The chuckle that followed chilled me to the bone. It was as if he had forgotten to finish chewing his last meal and his latest victim was still lodged in his throat. At this point I began to wonder if that might have been the last visitors to this town.

For a moment I felt sorry for the young blond, but as I strained against the ropes the pain in my wrists reminded me who was worse off, and right now... that was us.

"GET UP!" A lion's roar was mixed with words so loud than the hammering in my skull began to gain strength.

Wil whimpered as he lay on the floor. Blood spilled out from around the blade and pooled on the tile. A loud roar buffeted the walls and I watched Leon leap across the room and land beside his most recent play thing. Gripping Wil by the hair he lifted him off the ground and ripped the blade from his shoulder.

"If you hesitate again, I will make you into the biggest three legged raccoon the world has ever seen. Now... change!" Leon released his hold and Wil fell to the floor.

Even as he landed I could see the color of his skin change to a darker grey. I watched as the fur emerged from his skin. The bones of his hands seemed to compress in upon themselves. His spine pulsed from top to bottom as if something were traveling along it's length and a thick black ringed tail burst out above the cleft of his ass. In comparison to Leon's transformation this was a much more subtle emergence of the animal within.

Until now, I hadn't thought much of raccoons other than their cute appearance or bandit like eyes. That all changed when Wil reared back and stood on back legs as if perched for a treat. He was one big raccoon. His hands were darker and appeared more delicate until I saw the light glinting off the sharp razor-like black claws that tipped each finger.

"So... this is your savior." Again Leon's half choked laugh filled the room. "We'll see about that."

Leon lifted the dagger and ran it across his tongue. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes as he savored the blood. A grin crept across his puffed out lips as he handed the blade to Wil and his elongated canines were tinged pink from the taste. I had already known that they were there by the bulge beneath his lips and the awkward shape of his mouth, but seeing them now made them all the more real. If they were this long now and his mouth could barely contain them, I could only imagine what they might look like when he was fully transformed.

Earlier the metal table had felt cold against my skin, but now it was wet and only felt hard against my skin. My fear was leaking out of me like a fountain as my sweat trailed down my skin and pooled on the table.

Leon reared his head back and roared. The muscles in my neck burned from straining to see my fate for too long, and I watched as the others cowered into the corners behind the leather chair across the room. I looked to my left and again saw Jason staring back at me wide eyed.

"Cut him 'Fur-bag', and make it deep." Leon handed Wil the blade and shoved him toward us.

Wil loped toward us trying to catch his balance. I hadn't seen a raccoon run before, but if it was anything like I was seeing now it was more than odd. He seemed to trudge toward us as if running on diagonal almost in a gallop. Unfortunately he wasn't far away and within a couple of breaths he loomed above me, knife in hand.

I could see the sadness even in the black eyes that stared down at me. There were tears lining the ridges of his nose as he brought the blade to the skin of my chest. He pushed slowly until the edge entered my flesh nearly a half inch and slowly slid it downward toward my naval. I fought against the pain but it was too much and I couldn't stop the moans that escaped my throat.

The cut along my chest healed almost as fast as he carved it. It could have been so much deeper and I was thankful for this little bit of mercy. Just because we Lycan heal fast does not mean that it doesn't hurt like hell. We still feel it with every sensation and sometimes more than a normal person.

"I said DEEP!" Leon roared and appeared behind Wil.

He grasped the raccoon's hand so viciously I heard the bones of his wrist scrape together. The blade fell from his hand and I felt the weight of it land upon my chest. Leon snatched up the blade, spun, and plunged it into Jason's thigh.

"You...Will...Learn... To... Do... As... You... Are... Told!" Leon emphasized each word as he slashed each side of Wil's face on every syllable with his free clawed hand.

Our lion captor then grinned and shoved Wil's claws deep into my abdomen below my naval. At first there was only the strange sensation of intrusion, and then he quickly yanked the hand toward my ribs. The pain was beyond anything I had ever felt and I screamed. My head reeled and my vision blurred. I had never felt such horrible pain in my life and I feared I would vomit. Somewhere along the path of clawed destruction, too many deep wounds were made and I felt the awkward tug against intestines and organs that aren't meant to see the light.

"Now..." A gruff chuckle pushed past his lips and his spittle rained down on my face. "Clean him up Fur Bag"

Leon grasped a fistful of flesh and fur behind Wil's neck and I watched blood roll down his golden furred arm. He shoved the waiter's face toward my crotch and I felt his fur tickle and sting the gaping wounds.

There was no more fighting it. I had to change to my Tiger form. If Wil lapped at my wounds they would scar and never heal properly. If I was going to die, I would die fighting.

I watched Leon's eyes widen with surprise as a low growl sounded from behind him. "I told you NOT to touch my THINGS!"

A large brown form towered over Leon and I watched as something struck him from behind. It seemed to lift him off his feet as he roared and struggled. A mighty furred arm swung from the side and knocked him through the air and into a sidewall. What remained was a half Human half Kodiak bear creature.

It was the pig of a man named Boris we met when we first entered town. He was a massive sight. His muddy brown hair was thick and coarse and his pig-like face chuckled with glee as he watched me change to tiger form. His features had morphed enough that ears peaked the top of his massive head and his nose had become more of a snout, but he still gave me the impression of a grotesque cherub. His eyes were nearly black and cold and I didn't spend too much time staring into them. I was changing, and the healing along my abdomen stole my attention.

Glancing to my side I saw that Jason was well on his way to his swan form and I felt the ropes slip from around my hands and feet as they reformed into the black and white striped paws of a tiger.

"Help us if you want your freedom!" Jason's voice changed from his usual amber tones to a shrill cry as he leapt into the air and circled the high confines of the ceiling.

"Oh my... and a swan too, you've outdone yourself this time Leon." Boris' brusque laugh sent a strange tingle up my spine as I now stood on all fours on the metal examination table.

I launched myself toward the Kodiak and clamped my jaws around his massive neck. I didn't get a good hold. There was just too much meat between my clutching teeth and more vital areas. Boris roared and I felt his massive claws ripping at my back before he finally threw me from him. My mouth was still full of his flesh and I realized as I flew through the air that the portion of flesh that I clamped onto was still there. He had ripped me, and the flesh of his neck, away as though it were nothing.

I hit the far wall and slumped against the tile floor in a daze. The impact did little to stop the horrible pain along my mangled sides and back. He had done some serious damage in a very short time. I've never encountered such brute strength in my entire life.

"I think I'll keep them this time, old man." No sooner were the words spoken than a deafening roar echoed through the room.

Through blurry eyes I watched as Leon leapt through the air and struck the same patch of raw bleeding flesh on Boris' neck. They twisted about in a strange loveless embrace, shredding each other's hides with their massive claws. Blood soaked talons were a blur of movement as they thrashed against each other. Even with being brought up in a pack of wolves, I have never witnessed anything so completely carnal.

The behemoth bear finally slumped to the ground with Leon chewing and ripping at its' neck mindlessly. He was in the throws of the kill and had forgotten the rest of us in the room. That split second was all we needed. A shrill call filled the air and Jason swept down and plunged his clawed toes into the eyes of the Lion. The fleshy webbing between his digits tore and Leon's blood was mixed with that of my travel companion.

Leon was blinded, though I didn't know for how long. His roar reverberated against the blood splattered walls, which reminded me of some life speckled mosaic. Leon thrashed wildly releasing his kill and his massive paw struck Jason's chest knocking him to the floor.

My wounds had healed enough, and my mind cleared, to the point that I was finally able to stand. A new wash of blood and Lycan drifted passed my nose and I paused and turned to find the source. At the leather chair in the room stood two black panthers, two white wolves, a ferret, and one very pissed off raccoon.

A high chattered scream echoed against the walls as I watched Wil advance and leap onto Leon's back. He did a strange dance ducking and climbing about the wounded lion thrusting his clawed hands and teeth into the lion. The rest approached and circled, taking only the briefest moments to bite and tear at Leon's arms and legs.

"Don't let them become the monster that held them here. Finish it Taylor." Jason's shrill weak voice pierced the fray and I roared.

With as much strength as I could manage I made myself known and padded leisurely toward Leon. He was losing his form and bleeding profusely. His arms and legs were in ruin and the metallic taint of blood filled the room.

The others scattered away from Leon as I launched into the air and landed on his back. Even now he struggled against his death, and we tumbled to our sides. He was blinded, prone, and unable to walk, so with that, I made the killing move. I clamped my teeth around his throat and clenched with every fiber of my being. Once sure I was dug in deep enough to finish him, I wrenched my neck to the left and right and heard the bones of his neck snap.

At the same time I felt something crash through my ribs and into places that aren't meant to be touched. Leon was dead; Boris was dead; and I felt the darkness of the end closing in on me as well. My time was at an end. Leon's clawed hand stole away my victory, but... they would be free. My body was heavy and I felt it fall to the floor. My black and white fur was replaced by ravaged delicate flesh and I lay gasping my last breaths.

"They're free now..." I hissed the words as darkness flooded my eyes and I slipped into the abyss.

My eyes fluttered open and I found myself atop a tall grassy hill. Wind swept across my skin like a velvet blanket and I lifted my head to get my bearings. I was surely dead but my surroundings were less than what I would have called paradise. It was an open field of grasses that swayed in the breeze like an ocean of green. The sun bore down and warmed my body like an invisible blanket and I stretched and reveled in the lack of pain that brought me to this place.

"He's not ready." I craned my neck and sat up to see who was speaking.

Two figures stood on a hilltop in the distance. Their words traveled along the wind like whispers and I was tempted to ignore their presence.

"He is one of many... we can't lose him now. The Druids tend to him as we speak." The words were more in my mind than my ears and it confused me.

"He is without love. He won't survive, Galen." A feminine voice filled the air.

"Are you so sure, Doriana?" a young man's voice asked. "Jason might lead him there. Shouldn't we give him this one chance?"

"So be it." As soon as the words were spoken a white flash tore me from my sleep. It was as if someone had invaded my dreams and ripped me away from them.

Special thank you to all who have had the patience for the release of this chapter and the other stories I'm working on. Another special thanks to Dr. Grant for his fabulous editing. It's appreciated more than you know. Comments and criticisms are always appreciated and a life line that keeps me writing. Please don't hesitate to send them to

Of course... there are always thanks to Hal.... Who reads through every update, paragraph by paragraph, as I harangue him into giving me his opinion. Love ya!

Next: Chapter 5

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