The Making of Devin

By B J

Published on Jan 11, 2014



The following Story is a work of involves characters performing acts of graphic BDSM Gay Sex...Enjoy!

The Making of Devin

Darkness...darkness and smoke filled the small room pierced by multicolored flickering lights from every direction. The familiar rhythms of dance music filled the place, thumping the floors and vibrating through my body. Really, there wasn't anything special about this place; it was like every other bar I had been in in any number of years, but something always drew me back. I would like to think it was the people or maybe the music that kept bringing me here, and while the patronage was always of the best quality it was more than that...more than just the nightly meat market which inspired my continued return. It was the memory of my first night here, the night when my life had come to an end, and yet also began.

I was younger then, or was I? I suppose it depends on your perspective, but for the sake of confusion let's just say that yes, It was a much younger me that walked the streets that night. The cold air was exhilarating on my face, the heat of excitement and exhilaration burned through my skin as I made my way to the entrance of the bar where I had agreed to meet with a group of friends. My tall frame was sculpted by the tight dark jeans I wore accented by a wide black leather belt and subtly worn leather boots. A tight, black V-Neck t-shirt wrapped my torso molding itself around my chest and arms. I am by no means a body builder but I take great pride in the way I look, in how it makes me feel, powerful. My dark hair is in the current style somewhere between purposefully messy and a gradual spike but it was my eyes that cut through the night, bright royal blue that sparkle in direct contrast to my otherwise dark features. My own thoughts had preoccupied me so much that I almost didn't notice I had arrived. My destination stood in front of me...a short line snaked its way out of the large red double doors; I could see my friends standing off to the side waiting for me. I nodded my acknowledgement, letting them know I had seen them and made my way over to where they were just getting into the line.

"Nice of you to finally make it, Devin."

"Comon Seth, you know he had to drag himself out from in front of the mirror. I swear Dev, you take more time getting ready that I do."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Sarah, no one takes more time than you getting ready for anything. God himself spent less time on the creation that it takes you to get ready for dinner."

She smiled sideways at me as she casually extended her middle finger. "Sure Dev, just try and be good tonight."

"Babe," my eyes lit up with mischievous glee as I circled my hands around her waist and pulled her against me playfully "I'm always good."

"Ok ok, we're up, can we just go inside now?" Jason was as tall as I, standing at six feet capped with short cut red hair and bright green eyes. Jokingly I called him a leprechaun but his body rippled from years spent in the gym and spoke of anything but those short stubby creatures from which I took my jest. There was history there, between Jason and I, we had been much and everything to each other once, breaking barriers in one another and sharing moments that no one else would be able to share. How we had remained friends over the years, to some people, was nothing short of a miracle.

"Yes," the cold had finally started to seep through my clothes and prickle my skin "Let's get inside before my nipples cut through my shirt. Too late, Sarah." I winked at her and was quickly reunited by my friend the finger. Smiling to myself we entered the bar. It was mostly dark inside, lights flicked across the dance floor which was already half full of men in various states of undress "twirling" to remixes of the day's top 40 hits. I had never been to this bar before but the scene was the same. Pool tables in the back, on the far side of the dance floor, so you had to walk the length of the bar to reach them and just beyond those a class door to the patio. One large semi-circle bar arched its away out from the wall extending toward the dance floor, leaving enough room between the two for several tall round-top tables and chairs. Behind the bar, glass shelves were set into the large mirrored wall and lined with lights accenting the many different varieties of libations offered by the bartender. Several people had already lined up around the bar ordering and sipping their drinks of choice, scanning the bar eyeing us as the "new meat" that had just entered for the first time. My eyes slid past them, past the young twinks and old queens and focused on the bartender himself. Shorter, at about 5'8 his body spoke of the wrestlers I saw around school. Tight, thick and muscled his chest and abs peaked out from behind the black leather vest he wore over his otherwise naked torso exposing just a thin, well groomed sheen of soft brown hair. The jeans he wore clung to his lower body accenting both a noticeable bulge in the front and a perfect tight bubble butt straining the denim in the back. He had dark brown hair cut in a military style and chocolate brown eyes that would melt any man like the eyes of a sad puppy dog. A bold, black tribal scroll tattoo ran from his shoulder down circling his arm and ending just at the wrist forming a cuff of dark ink.

"I'll be right back" turning from my friends I called after me "I'm going to get a drink." I walked up to the bar propping one boot on the lower rail and leaning in so just one elbow rested on the hard wooden surface. Not only did this position provide me with a much closer view of this prime specimen, but it also arched and accented my own tight denim clad backside to any meat that might be looking at me from the rest of the bar. All in all, the desired affect was achieved. I gave the bartender a knowing smile as I pulled a ten from my wallet. As he made his way over to me I noticed how every part of his body seemed to move as one, purposefully gliding over as a serpent stalking its next meal. I knew this walk all too well, it was one I frequently used myself.

"Hey man, whatcha' havin?" His deep, baritone voice was a nice surprise. I was relieved that his masculine demeanor was not just portrayed in his outward appearance.

"Give me a bud light and four shots of tequila, the good stuff no bottom- self mess."

He smiled at me showing 2 rows of perfectly white teeth. "Good man." He put my beer on the bar and began filling four shot glasses with a golden tequila he took down from the upper shelf. "Don't think I've seen you here before, man, you new in town?"

"Na, just haven't gotten the chance to go out a lot. Finishing up school these days, but finals are over and thought I would check this place out, see what it has to offer." My eyes purposefully and noticeably took him in from bottom to top.

"Well, for someone like you," he said moving closer to the edge of the bar and leaning down on both hands, getting his face as close to mine as he could "I'm sure there is plenty to get into here."

"Maybe so, I'm Devin."

"Chad here, nice to meecha Devin." I just started to pick up on the soft hint of his southern accent "Let me know if you need another drink...or something." He picked up the tip I had left him and moved over to the newly formed line at the end of the bar, his eyes however kept glancing back at me as I motioned the rest of my friends over and handed out the freshly poured shots.

"Starting early, Devin? You might wanna pace yourself for the night." Seth's smirk was unmistakable, my best friend knew my thoughts almost as if I had spoken them aloud. "He is one hot little fucker though, damn." Seth himself was nothing bad to look at either. Tall, thin with wavy blonde hair he was that kind of guy that most thought was the cute boy next door type; few knew the real Seth, the wild side that hid just beneath the surface just waiting for the right moment to come out. He covered his own depravity by smart-ass comments and sarcasm but I had seen the beast within and he could hold his own with any in this or any bar.

His sister, Sarah, still holding her full shot glass, was similar in appearance with long wavy blonde hair and light blue eyes, she was the stereotypical fag-hag. Sassy and protective of the three of us, her very own cohort. Sometimes I thought she was more proud to have a gay brother than if he, or I had been straight.

"Ok guys and gal" Jason raised his shot glass into the center "To our last set of finals, ever!" We all toasted and threw back our shots. Smooth. "Ok fuckers, let's dance." I have to admit the music had started to seep into my body and we made our way out onto the dance floor, warmed from the inside by our first round of tequila shots courtesy of Chad the bartender. Maybe if I played this right it wouldn't be the last hot shot I got from him this evening, but for now we danced, losing ourselves in the music.

As the night wore on I continued to sneak glances back at my intended bartender and always seemed to find myself being the one to gather the drinks for my little group. We had moved to one of the high top tables between the bar and the dance floor, engaging in some heavy people watching. Jason had since moved off to talk to some young kid he met on the dance floor. Well, talking...making out...there're pretty much synonymous in this type of setting. There was something exciting about watching one of my best friends and former lover making out with this new kid. It was obvious he was overwhelmed by Jason as I could see his eyes gleam from across the room as Jason's muscles tightened around him pinning him against the far wall. I smiled to myself knowing what this kid would find if Jason allowed him to unwrap that package; imagining his face as he would try and decide if he could take such a prize. Regardless of that decision he wouldn't have much choice once Jason had decided what he wanted, he would take it and thank him for it later. That's when I noticed him...had he been sitting there the whole time? A man. Sitting at a table in the far corner of the bar. This area was slightly higher than the main floor with three steps leading up to another platform with 3 more high top tables. At first all I noticed were the eyes, grayish blue, like ice, seemed to shine through the darkness of the bar and they were locked dead onto me. It wasn't my imagination, I could feel his eyes boring into me taking in every part of my body. Was this what it felt like when I was on the prowl, when my attentions fall on a new play thing like the hot bartender? A shiver ran up my back as his gaze took me in, weighing and evaluating me. I decided to give him a better look. Standing up from the table I stretched my hands over my head and bent my back slightly, this gave the desired dual effect of exposing the lower portion of my hard four-pack abs leading down to the exposed band of my underwear. At the same time this position gave me a better view of my watcher. He moved his way over to the rail of the upper seating area and leaned, in propping himself on the railing still taking me in as I sized him up as well. Appearing slightly older, maybe in his mid to late thirties and around five-nine, he was dressed very similar to anyone else in a tight dark blue t-shirt and jeans both of which hugged every muscle and bulge covering his body. His hair was neat and dark, the entire affect made him look like a wolf sizing up his next meal; this was my kind of guy.

"I know that look" Sarah nudged Seth "We won't be seeing him anymore tonight."

I smiled at them both "Sorry of the wild."

"Yea?" interjected Seth "and all this time I just thought you were a horny bastard."

I couldn't help but laugh "is there a difference?" As I moved across the room I took the time to steal one look back at the bar, Chad was still there but surrounded by a double row of the night's guests all clamoring for both a drink and the off chance they would catch his attention. I would be back and he would still be here, but for now my attention was set. I climbed the steps to the area where the man still stood and propped my back against the rail beside him. "What's going on, man?" Up close his body was cut more than I could tell from below. There wasn't an inch of him that didn't fill out his shirt with the creases of hard lean muscle. As he turned to face me I glanced down and was rewarded by the sight of his jeans straining over a massive bulge in his crotch. I could feel my own blood begin that familiar burn as my breath quickened and the front of my own jeans began to get tighter. It really was like being stared at by a a predator.

"Very nice, boy. What's your name?"

He wasn't wasting time, I admire that. "Devin, what about you? What's your name?"

"Darren," his eyes gleamed again as his face became more stern "but you can call me Sir...that is if you think you are what I'm looking for." He moved even closer to me just shy of touching, his demeanor change made him seem taller, even more of a presence.

By now my blood was pumping so hard I could hear it in my ears and I throbbed with every pulse of my heart "And what is it that you're looking for, Sir?" My eyes met his as I watched for a reaction. He reached out and grabbed my crotch in his hand squeezing hard enough to really gain my attention but just shy of being painful and leaned down putting his face beside mine.

"boy, I'm looking to fuck you till you beg me to stop and then fuck you some more. How does that sound, boy?" He pressed his crotch against my leg so I could feel his hardness pressing into me. If it were anything close to what it felt like...he was massive. His eyes bored into mine, reaching deep within me "Well, boy? What's your answer?"

At that point something happened to me that I had never experienced own will seemed to melt away, like I was being pulled under water, losing control with no choice but to submit to this man in front of me. The man with the wolfen eyes. "Yes, Sir!" He needed no more prompting, he moved behind me and placed one hand on the back of my neck exuding just enough force to let me know I was supposed to walk. He continued to guide me as we made our way across the bar and out the front door.

It was a short walk to the renovated industrial building which had been transformed into high end condos where Darren lived. We walked through the courtyard and inside the main building, passing a security station, unmanned, and over to a set of new metal elevator doors. Darren hadn't spoken since we left the bar, he kept one hand on the base of my neck holding firmly as he reached out with the other to hit the "up" button for the elevator. The doors slid open and we entered the stainless steel elevator. Darren pushed the button for the top floor and the doors slid shut in front of us. SLAM, the side of my face suddenly met the cold metal of the elevator walls, Darren's grip on the back of my neck pressed me into the unfriendly metal holding me in place, his body was pressed against mine pinning me to the wall.

"Ok boy, here are the rules. When this door opens you are mine for as long as I want you here and for anything I want from you." He reached around and grabbed my stiff dick over my jeans "I know you fucking want this so don't even try and deny it, I knew it from the moment I saw you in the bar that you were going to be my bitch tonight and that's what you are going to be, understood?"

My face was still pressed tight against the wall "Yes."

He pulled back slightly just to slam my head into the wall one more time "YES WHAT, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"That's better. You are not to speak unless you are asked a direct question and when you do speak you will address me as SIR, is that understood faggot?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And one last last are giving yourself freely to me tonight, to be my fucking slut to use how I that right boy?"

My heart was jumping in my chest trying to make the words come from my lips, wondering what he had planned but I couldn't deny my dick jumping in my pants either I managed to breathe out a definite "Yes, Sir."

"Good. Just remember you said that, boy because you aren't getting a second chance" The elevator doors opened.

The apartment we entered was much as one would except from a renovated industrial building. Exposed beams ran along the raised ceiling, the floors were all dark hardwood. One large concrete support pillar stretched from floor to ceiling at the end of the entry way creating kind of barrier between the entrance and the main part of the living space. The main room itself was open and filled with modern style furniture in mixtures of black and metal. Leaning bookcases lined the left wall, neatly stacked with books and various items. The kitchen was just past the entryway forming an open U shape before the main room; across from this was a floating staircase of wood and metal leading up to the loft style bedroom which overlooked the entire first floor. On the far opposite wall, floor to ceiling windows offered a clear view of the city's night skyline. I was so mesmerized by the sights of his home that I didn't notice he had fastened a pair of metal handcuffs tightly around my wrists until I heard the click of them locking into place. My eyes widened as he attached a metal D-clip to the small chain connecting the cuffs, shoving me against the concrete pillar. Pressing himself up against me again, he stretched my arms up above my head until I was almost on my toes locking the clip onto a ring bolt embedded into the concrete. Stepping back, he looked me over once before grabbing the collar of my shirt in both of his hands and ripping it completely down the front like it was no more than a piece of paper. He quickly removed my boots, socks and jeans tossing them into the corner finally removing the remaining scraps of my shirt. With the absence of my boots I really was being strained up onto my toes, my muscles were taught against the cool concrete. When I looked back at him he was smiling. "Much better, boy" he reached out grabbing my balls and squeezing them through my shorts, pulling down sharply...he had my full attention. "Now you wait here while I get comfortable." Not sure if I should respond verbally I nodded that I had understood him. Smiling he released my straining package and made his way up the stairs into the bedroom.

I'm still not sure how much time actually passed while my wolf-eyed Sir left me stretched out on the hard stone pillar, but my muscles began to strain from maintaining that position. Finally, I saw him pass back into my vision coming down the stairs. He had removed all of his clothes except for a pair of black leather boots and a royal blue jockstrap. The black band of the jock circled his waist accenting not only his rock hard bubble butt but also drawing attention to the cut V muscles at his waist line which seemed only to point from his cut six-pack to the straining blue pouch that proceeded him down the stairs. Was I imagining it or could I actually see his member throbbing under that thin fabric? He came up to me again and put one hand on my throat squeezing enough for me to feel the pressure of my airways closing slowly and bent his face to mine "Now the real fun can begin, boy" his free hand reached into my shorts and grabbed my balls squeezing hard forcing a low guttural grunt from my tightened throat. He smiled, "I think we can start with those." He let go of my neck and yanked down my shorts; my dick popped up like a spring, all eight inches of my cock had swollen to its full girth under his grip. He grabbed my balls once more pulling them downward sharply and snapping a leather band around their base. It was tight around the base and my nuts were pushed together and pulled forward on the underside of the circular strap; three small metal chains locked together from the strap to a ring at the bottom. I bent my head as much as I could, my chest heaving with both excitement and fear. He looped a black rope through the device on my balls (which I would later find out is called a parachute) and through a ring bolt set into the floor between my feet that I hadn't noticed before. Once the rope was threaded through both and attached he began pulling harder, stretching my balls down further and further. I could feel the metal cuffs digging into the skin of my wrists as my upper body was pulled up and my balls continued to be pulled down with more force. My dick was throbbing, he smiled at the sight of the shiny stream of pre-cum that was oozing from my slit. Sir pulled one final hard time, until I felt like my balls were going to come off then secured the rope to the ring in the floor, leaving me stretched to capacity. I wasn't quiet with the moans escaping my body.

"It looks like you like this, boy" he pinched the head of my dick causing the pre-cum to seep out more "Do you like having those balls squeezed and stretched out, boy" I didn't respond though my heavy breathing, I thought, would say it all. I felt his hand slap across my face almost before I saw it, slightly blurring my vision "I asked you a direct question, boy! Do you like having those balls stretched!?"

"Yes, Sir" I managed to get out between panting and clearing my vision from his discipline. His hand went back to my balls, I felt his palm pressing against the center of my nuts as his fingers closed in around them, squeezing tighter...tighter "Ahhhhhhh!" the scream escaped my body uncontrolled as he continued to squeeze his eyes lighting up at the sounds of my pain and pleasure. Suddenly he released my balls, taking the parachute with him, my now purple nuts were free and aching. Reaching up he unhooked the D-clip connecting my cuffs to the upper bolt, the sudden absence of pressure had the desired effect and I fell to my knees in front of him.

"Perfect position, boy" He moved closer into me pulling the pouch of his jock to the side letting his massive cock and balls spring free of their confinement. I had never seen a cock that size outside of porn sites. He was at least nine inches long and about six and a half around, capped by a thick pulsing mushroom head leaking pre-cum onto my lips. The vein on the underside of his cock pulsed making his member twitch as he rubbed it around my face and lips, coating me in a thin layer of his pre-cum which I gratefully licked off. "Open your fucking mouth, boy...and I better not feel any fucking teeth on my dick either!" Parting my lips I felt the head of his dick filling my mouth, fuck he was big just the head was stretching my mouth open wide. I tried to tongue his cock and acclimate myself to his girth but I felt both of his hands grabbing the back of my skull "Ok boy, deep breath" My eyes bulged as he shoved his cock to the back of my throat straining to take him "Relax, boy, open that throat" tears rolled down my face as he pushed harder slipping past my barrier and expanding down into my throat. His balls pressed against my face as he held my head down on his cock completely cutting off my airway. I could feel him pushing into my throat grinding his hips into my face. He stepped on the chain of my handcuffs pinning my hands to the floor. I began to wonder if he would let me suffocate with his dick in my throat when he pulled it out leaving a trail of saliva and throat juice from his cock to my lips. I was only given enough time for a couple of breaths before he pressed me, still on my knees, back up against the concrete pillar, one boot on either side of my body and began drilling his cock into my mouth. Sometimes he would push just the head in, others he would ram all the way down my throat in one fast motion leaving me gagging and panting for breath. My own cock was leaking like a faucet creating a pool of cum on the floor between my knees. Scooping it up with his hand, he smeared on his own cock before jamming it back down my throat.

"Hope you like eating your own fucking cum boy, cause my dick was just coated in it!" I lost track of time as he continued to expand and fill my mouth and throat, stretching my lips and airways to their limits. I could hear him moaning and grunting a he skull fucked me harder and harder with each thrust then suddenly his cock was gone from my mouth and I slumped to the floor coughing and gagging.

"You're a good fucking cocksucker, boy. Now, let's see if that ass is as good as that mouth." My eyes must have seemed wild, I had never taken a cock that big in my mouth much less my ass before, but my throbbing member gave me away. "I see that fear in your eyes, boy. Remember you agreed to this fucking and I'm going to take it how I want it!" With that he pulled me to my feet and ushered me towards the stairs.

The coldness of the sheets was a welcome contrast to the fire that was burning inside my body. Sir Darren had positioned me face down on the bed, unlocking the handcuffs and replacing them with leather wrist and ankle restraints connected to the four legs of the large king size bed stretching me out into a full spread eagle. Several pillows had been piled under my torso to raise my firm bubble into the air spread and ready to be invaded. I could feel the hardness of his dick sliding along my ass as he rubbed it against my cheeks and hole, then suddenly he was off the bed.

"Ok, boy I think you need to be broken in a little" I couldn't see him behind me but I heard rustling then the cold feeling of leather on my back. Multiple strips of leather rubbing against my exposed skin, starting to slap harder against me. I recognized this feeling, I had seen Seth be flogged once. All of a sudden he pulled the flogger back and slammed it against my back, the flails made a loud slap and their sting ran through my skin. I grunted but managed not to cry out. The once soft leather flails of the flogger seemed to get harder and sharper with every throw, searing my skin and pressing my body down into the bed with each impact. I could no longer control myself and gave over to the pain coursing through my body, my screams began to fill the room. If anything this seemed to please my Sadistic Sir as he threw the flogger time and time again slashing at my back until finally the beating stopped. I laid on the bed feeling a cold sweat drenching my body but also small trickles of warmth cascading across my back, blood. The bed creaked slightly as he returned his weight to the mattress and positioned his body behind mine. He rubbed his hands across my back smoothing over the places where I was sure my skin was bruised and broken. Each swipe of his hand sent shivers through my entire body. Then I felt him lean down over my back, I could feel the head of his dick pressing against my ass, I thought he was going to enter me right then, but I felt something slightly warm and wet sliding along my back instead; he was licking the flog marks along my back. As me made his way higher I felt his mouth close to my ear

"You've been doing well, boy" His voice had changed, he sounded deeper, more primal, filled with a lust fired hunger, and that voice startled me. No longer did he sound like he was playing but as something darker, more savage had taken its place, but still I wanted him...wanted to feel him inside me. "I'm going to fuck you now, boy and I'm going to take you to a place you've never been before. Trust me when I say you WILL remember me!"

With that he lifted his body from my back, I felt his legs on top of mine pinning me down further as he pressed the head of his swollen cock against my ass. He rubbed and teased my tight opening until my hole was coated in his pre-cum. The sound of spitting and the application of that wet slimy substance was all the warning I received before he placed his hands on my hips and rammed all nine inches of his raw thick meat up into my guts. The pain from his forced entry was ten times that of the flogger, I thought for sure he had damaged me. I opened my mouth to scream but his hand shot around my head and cupped me shut. I could only scream into his hand and he mercilessly drilled his cock into my ass, pulling all the way out and then shoving back in until his balls slapped my taint. Raising my head slightly I noticed the mirror at the head off the bed; I could see him behind me jackhammering his dick, eyes almost glowing in the darkness of the room. Now he really did look the part of the wolf, the unleashed and wild predator stalking the night only wishing to claim its next victim. As his member continued to pound into my inner depths I finally began to relax and be able to enjoy both the length and girth of his size. He will filling my ass unlike anything I had ever experienced, hitting every spot that made me want to howl from pain and undeniable pleasure. I felt my own cock re-stiffening under my body, the blood thumping though my own vein and my balls tightening wanting to cum desperately but not wanting it to stop. He pressed me harder into the bed holding me down, his strength was amazing and unexpected for his size; he had me totally immobile holding me in place with one hand. I'm not sure how long he fucked me but he never seemed to tire from his unrelenting pounding of my sore hole. We both were lost in a world of pleasure and sex, of raw uncontrollable lust and hunger.

"FUCK YES BOY! That ass is going to get filled with my huge fucking load! But that's not all you're gonna get fucker...I'm gonna want to use this ass again and again for my fucking pleasure. Do you want this load boy? Do you want what I am going to give you and are you going to give it to me when I need it, boy?"

My mind and body were totally overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure being drilled into my ass "YES! YES SIR! Do whatever you want to me Sir! I want you to fill me up and use this ass and mouth whenever you need it, Sir! Make me your fucking slut boy!" I felt his hands tighten on my shoulders holding me down even tighter than before and he stretched his body out completely over my own. With one long hard thrust two things happened at once, his fat cock torpedoed as deep into my worn and used ass as it could go, filling my guts with his engorged manhood and he covered the side of my neck with his mouth biting into my flesh. There was a momentary flash of pain through my body then I was wracked by throws of sheer ecstasy, a complete swoon flushed my body and as I felt the flood of juice pumping from his cock into the depths of my body. My own dick hardened more than I ever thought possible and I shot loads of my own sperm onto the bed, drenching the sheets under me with my seed. I could feel the cum still pumping from his dick, that massive vein on the underside of his cock shooting it into me like a never-ending geyser of man juice. His mouth was still locked around my neck and I could feel the pressure and pain coming from that spot. As my own orgasm subsided I felt the energy draining from my body, it must have been the endorphins, or the crash that sometimes comes after a particularly good, hard fucking taking over, but I felt my eyes getting heavy and started drifting. His cock finally stopped shooting but remained placed firmly in my ass, and his mouth pulled off my neck. I could feel the heat where he had pierced my flesh, then I felt it...the trickle of blood running around my neck and up under my chin; the fucker really had bitten me hard to draw blood like that, but still I didn't care, I was drifting out. A hand pressed over my face, pressing fingers into my wet fingers and a slight metallic smell filled my senses. I tried pulling away.

"Clean my fingers off, fucker! Lick off every drop or you're never getting up from this bed." I no longer had any energy to fight or protest, I licked his fingers clean as ordered and just before consciousness left me and I drifted into black I thought, did his sadistic fucker just feed me my own blood? Then I was gone.

I'm not sure how long I was out but when I woke I was outside. My pants and shoes had been replaced onto my body but my shirt hadn't survived the night. Ah well, it wasn't the first or last piece of clothing to not make it through a night. Cold metal pressed against my back, and as my vision began to clear I could tell I was in an alley, propped against a large dumpster deep in the shadows. My head was still spinning and I could feel both the soreness of my ass as well and the fullness of his load inside me. My back stung, so did my neck. "Motherfucker!" I reached up feeling the sides of my neck; the flesh was tender and soft, crusted with a few drops of dried blood but I didn't feel any open wounds. I grabbed the sides of the metal dumpster, and pulled myself up so I could stand, propped against its cold support. Fuck I was hungry! Slowly I made my way out from the shadows rounding the dumpster trying to determine where I had ended up. There was a door further up the alley between this dumpster and its twin. A single black door illuminated by the light of a single lamp set into the brick above the frame. This was the bar, well the backdoor of the bar to be exact. I remember seeing this as I walked over earlier that night watching the bar workers enter through here. Had it really only been one night? It was still late, no sun had broken or even lightened the sky yet. As I stood there trying to get my footing, to decide how much time I had spent in unconsciousness, the door in front of me opened and someone stepped out into the alley.

"Hey man, don't I know you?" The deep baritone of his voice cut through the quiet of the night. I recognized his voice even before he came into clear view. Still wearing his leather vest and puppy dog eyes was Chad, the bartender from earlier. "Yea, I remember you from earlier...Devin, right?" I must have still looked unsure on my feet as he moved closer "Are you ok?"

I stood still holding myself against the security of the cold dumpster, my head as throbbing, blood pulsing behind my eyes. All sound as he spoke seemed to be receding into blackness. Hungry. Why was I so fucking Hungry? Dizziness, swam through my head as he came up right in front of me reaching out his hand to steady my shoulder. Pain, small searing pain in my mouth my gums splitting open and the throbbing of my own blood behind my eyes. I could see his mouth moving, the concern creeping into his face at the sight of me partially doubled over panting for breath.

Hunger....Pain...Dizziness the sound of the blood...his blood overwhelmed me. He touched my shoulder and I moved. I had him pinned against the wall, holding him against the brick unable to move. Hunger...Pain....then there was warmth, pleasure and sweetness. The pains in my body washed away, sound returned to my ears and the hunger slowly receded deep inside me; I felt myself harden with the return of pure pleasure. A strangled moan and a weight falling into my arms awoke me from my euphoria. My eyes snapped open, returning me to where I was, in the ally, holding this hot muscle cub against the coarse brick wall; my lips still locked around his throat. I pulled away letting him slip from my grasp onto the ground below, embraced by the shadows of the very dumpster that had also only recently sheltered me. The blood had stopped flowing down his neck and was beginning to dry against his flesh crusting into the once soft brown fur of his chest. The eyes I had seen before at the bar, the mischief filled eyes of the puppy dog were glazed and sightless.

"Sloppy, boy" I spun to face the voice; the man with the wolfen eyes. "But then again, it was your first time and hardly a drop on the ground." He smiled like a proud father would smile at an accomplished son.

"What the fuck did you do to me?" I could still taste the blood in my mouth, the trickles drying on my chin and neck.

"Don't be stupid, boy. You know exactly what happened, and remember you told me I could do Anything I wanted to you." The man turned and began walking down the alley "Just remember you also promised that ass to me whenever I want it, so you Will be seeing me again" he stopped looking back "Oh and boy, don't be afraid of the light, not everything you read is true." and just as suddenly as he appeared the man with the eyes of the wolf, the predator, the one who had claimed me not only for tonight but for countless times to come, vanished into the shadows.

So, that's how my story comes to be. How my life can simultaneously come to an end and a beginning all in one night. At first I fought the beast that I had been made into, raged against the savage, carnal desires that now filled my body amplifying my darkest desires and lowering my tenuous inhibitions, but nature can't be fought. I learned to give into my beast, to control and focus my hunger, my lust into the perfect hunter. I feed my appetite for blood and sex whenever the need arises, and I learned how to feed, to experience the euphoria of my wild abandon without the callousness of death. I was beyond compare.

A hand touched my shoulder.

"Happy 'Birthday,' boy"

Well, almost beyond compare.

J. Banner

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