The Man with the Jeep

By DurtyRiter

Published on Jul 23, 2023


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The Man with the Jeep

Chapter 43

John dashed to the door so fast Andrew would have sworn his dropped fork hadn't hit the table before John had flung the door open.

"What's the trouble?" he asked of the person outside.

"John! Thank God! It's Ron; he can't move, and I don't know what to do!"

John turned his head quickly to Andrew. "Grab my phone and follow us!"

"On it!"

John turned back toward the visitor: "Show me!" And with that, John dashed out without even bothering to grab his shoes.

Andrew snagged John's phone from the counter and hurried out the door himself, though he closed it behind him. He looked up just in time to see John disappear around the neighboring RV. He couldn't see them anywhere down the way when he turned the corner, but he caught a glimpse of John ducking through the portal of the trailer he was standing next to and followed him.

It wasn't until he was inside that Andrew recognized Brad fretting while John was crouched by the bed attending to someone whom Andrew couldn't see, but guessed was Ron.

"Can you move?"

"No, it's like my back is locked."

"Okay, well try to relax. We'll get you taken care of. Andrew, can you hand me my phone?"

Andrew tossed it to him, and John swiped it out of the air with nonchalant ease. He had it up to his ear in seconds.

"Hey, Dunc, are you here at the Jacks? We could really use your help at RV 57ÉRon is having trouble moving and I think it's his backÉGot itÉThanks, we'll see you soon."

"Okay, Duncan is on his way. In the meantime, let's get some hot water bottles together. Brad, there should be one under the sink, could you grab it and fill it up with comfortably warm water?"

Brad nodded.

"Great. Andrew, if you can grab the one from our trailer and bring it over too, we can use that too." "I'll be right back," Andrew promised.

"Now Ron, I really need you to try to keep relaxed if you can. Unflex all your muscles and just think of melting into the bedÉ" Andrew heard as he left on his mission.

He quickly found the hot water bottle and filled it up. He also got John's shorts, shoes, and socks that he had dropped on the floor the night before and brought them with him.

Then he remembered that there was probably someone in the RV in spot 60 as well, so he crossed the drive on a hunch and knocked on the door. A few moments later the door opened a crack, and a sleepy black man poked his head out.


"I'm sorry to bother you, but we kind of have a medical emergency. Could I borrow your hot water bottle?"

"I wish I could help, but I don't think I have one of those," the man said dubiously.

"If you wouldn't mind, could you just check under the bathroom sink real quick?"

"I suppose," he agreed. "Hold on a sec."

Andrew tried not to tap his foot in impatience while he waited for the man to return. He knew it wasn't taking as long as it felt, but still...

The door opened again shortly.

"Well, whaddya know? There was one hiding down there after all! Here you go, and good luck!" he said, tossing the bag to Andrew.

"Thank you, sir," Andrew said gratefully after he managed to catch it even with his hands full. "I'll get it back to you soon."

"That's fine," the man said as he shut the door.

Andrew hustled back to Ron's trailer to find not much different: Ron was still laying on the bed and Brad was standing there anxious with worry while John's natural confidence patiently tried to help Ron relax.

"Ah, you're back," John said.

"And I brought more gifts," Andrew replied.

He handed the first hot water bottle to John, and sensing Brad needed something to do, he had him fill up the other one. Once John had placed the hot tub, Andrew handed him the rest of his clothes.

"You thought of everything, didn't you?" John asked approvingly.

"I do try," Andrew reminded him.

"Where did you find the other bottle?"

"I remembered Amanda had said that space 60 was reserved for a guy who was always here, so I knocked on the door and asked for his too."

"And he answered?" John asked in surprise. "That's some kind of miracle. Carl is not a morning person."

"I noticed, but he was amenable enough to fish it out for us."

"'Amenable, huh?" John chuckled. "Good for him. How are you doing there, Ron? He should be here any minute. Just keep trying to let go and relax."

"I'm trying," Ron assured him. "It hurts, but I'm doing my best."

"That's all you need to do."

Brad came back and handed John the third hot water bottle, which he placed a little under Ron.

Shortly after that, they heard someone drive up, so Andrew went to the door to let the medic in. Duncan had a big bag with him this time and was all business.

"Okay, where is he?"

"Right this way," Andrew gestured toward the bedroom.

"I've got him if you need to be somewhere, Master John."

John gave Ron a reassuring smile. "Duncan here will get you all fixed up now and I'll be right outside if you need me, `kay?"

"Thanks, John," said Ron.

"Okay, Ron," began Duncan. "Tell me how this started. What were youÑ"

John closed the door on his way out to give Ron some privacy.

"You going to put those on, or just carry them around all day?" Andrew asked with a grin, gesturing to John's armload of clothes.

"Give me a second already," John joked. "I've been a little preoccupied in case you missed it."

"Fair enough," Andrew acceded.

John pulled on his shorts and sat on the nearby sofa to put on his socks and shoes.

"I hope he'll be okay," John confessed. "He's not in the best shape and I worry about him. It's not like he is very active and that's probably not the best thing going for him."

"He was active enough last night," chuckled Andrew.

"What do you mean?"

"This place was rocking last night, that's all I can say."


"You know what I mean: they were having a grand time and this trailer was bouncing on its creaky joints in the dead of night. It was squeaking so loud it woke me up."

"Ah!" John said. "Then it was probably unusual muscle activity."

"If you say so," Andrew replied doubtfully. "Though I watched them go at it with gusto last week too."

"Oh yeah."

"But you're probably right. Things were moving so much I couldn't get back to sleep. That's why I went for a walk." Andrew kicked himself mentally for bringing that back up again. He just wanted to forget it and move on.

"Ah," John said empathetically. But he didn't dredge through the topic like Andrew feared he would. Instead, John ignored it completely and changed the subject.

"So, what would you like to do after we make sure Ron's okay?"

Andrew shrugged. "I just assumed you had a plan as usual."

"No preferences?"

"Not particularly. You always have fun things up your sleeves, and as long as I'm with you, I don't really care."

"Aw," John said with a smile. "You're so sweet."

Andrew turned it back on John. "What do YOU want to do?"

"Assuming Ron is good, I think a shower is in order. ThenÉ How about a short hike?"

"Fine," agreed Andrew. "But just a short one. I need to get to bed early tonight so I'm ready for tomorrow. I'm still tired."


They talked for about another half hour before the bedroom door opened and Ron walked out with Duncan and Brad following close behind.

"I can't thank you enough, John." Ron said. "I kind of panicked this morning."

"Don't worry about it, man," John replied. "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Yeah, I'm good. Duncan helped me stretch things out and then suddenly I was good again."

"Like I said," interjected Duncan. "You will feel it soon and be sore for a couple days still, so don't overdo it."

"Okay. Sorry I got everyone worked up about it."

"It's all good," John assured him. "I'm just glad we could be here for you. Please let us know if you need anything and don't do the whole solo macho routine. We want you with us for a long time yet."

"Yes sir," replied Ron. "Now get out of here and enjoy your day!"

They obliged him and headed back to their trailer as Duncan drove away in his Jeep.

"Next up shower and a hike?" Andrew asked.

"I suppose it would make more sense for us to hike before the shower, wouldn't it?"

"I guess so."

"'Kay, hike it is. Oh, wait! I just had another thought. How about rappelling again? That was fun, right?"

"Oh yeah," confirmed Andrew. "Let's do that!"

They grabbed their things out of the trailer and locked it up before heading back to the office in the old Jeep.

About halfway there, Andrew remembered the water bottles. "Should we go back for them?"

"Nah," answered John. "Just remind me to let Amanda know about them."

"Okie dokie!"



They went to check out at the office, but it was not Amanda who greeted them. Instead, there was a somewhat tall guy with pale blue eyes and wispy longish blonde hair.

"Hey there, Dean," John called to him as they walked in.

"Hey John."

"Where's Amanda?"

"She wasn't feeling so hot this morning, so I told her I'd take over for her so she can rest up."

"You're the best."

"Thanks!" Dean said with a smile. "How can I help you this morning?"

"We are just checking out from RV 59, but also there are a couple extra hot water bottles in 57 that need to go back to 59 and 60."

"No problem, I will let Housekeeping know."

"Thanks Dean!"

"You betcha, Master John."

John left the key on the counter and he and Andrew made their way back out to the Jeep.

They hopped in and John drove them up the highway to the garage and the increasingly familiar trail. The weather was pretty warm, so they took off their shirts rather than let them get all sweaty. John didn't bother to stop at the rusty Quonset hut at all this time, but just drove directly through the clearing and started up the trail.

Maybe it was association with this trail, but Andrew's thoughts started to drift down familiar paths. What if this wasn't real? What if John wasÑand then he brought himself up short. He realized where he was sliding and stopped immediately. No. He was not going to be that guy anymore. He had promised himself (and a virtual stranger) that he would not entertain doubts any longer. He would fight to win from here on out.

But stopping the sabotaging thoughts was just the first step, he realized. There couldn't be a vacuum in his head. He just wasn't wired that way. He had to think of something else instead or he'd just keep slipping into that old habit. It was so frustrating! The more he tried not to think negatively, the less he could think of anything else. In desperation, he turned to the one thing he pondered more than himself: John.

The way he handled Ron's crisis just an hour ago. It was crazy and bordered on unbelievable. How could he stay so calm and collected in the face of an emergency? And he was able to bring everyone else into line without hesitation. How had he managed that? He was pretty sure Brad was in some sort of shock and John still kept him useful and productive.

How could he be so confident all the time? Why did people just follow him so willingly? It did not escape his notice how many people called him sir' or mister' or even `master.' Was that a trained affectation, or did everyone really look up to him that much? Why?

Did Andrew have the courage to ask John directly, or should he ask those around him instead? If it was something he trained everyone into, did that mean he was uber-controlling? Maybe that was one of those invisible faults Bill had talked about. Or had John earned that deep respect from all the disparate people around him?

Andrew had reached no conclusions by the time John pulled off into the little vale and parked. They grabbed some rope and harnesses from the back of the Jeep and made their way to the stairs.

"I think I'll just head up and toss the rope down from above and save us the hassle of tossing it up and hoping it sticks," John said.

"Sounds good. Want any help?"

"Naw, you can head down now if you remember where it is."

"I do," said Andrew. "I'll see you in a few."

"Yes, you will," said John as he began his climb up the steps.

Andrew found the narrow little downward path without any trouble and proceeded to put his harness on. He had finished his own and was working to untangle John's when John came walking down the path to join him.

"I had another thought," announced John.


"Let's do it naked this time."

"Really?" Andrew asked. "Won't this thing chafe if we do that?"

"Not much, actually."

Andrew paused ever so slightly. "Then why not?"

"Exactly!" said John, grinning.

Andrew extricated himself from the harness and they both stripped down to nothing before donning the safety gear in the nude.

"Mmmm!" John said lasciviously. "You look good in that thing!"

"So do you!" Andrew replied, hoping drool wasn't escaping his lips as he said it.

They walked further into the alcove where the rope was hanging down and John leaned in and kissed Andrew.

"Safety first," he whispered as he took hold of the rope and started to secure it to Andrew's harness. Once he had finished, John stepped back to inspect his work. He stood there studying Andrew's crotch area for a moment, and Andrew was struck again by John's good looks, the sheen of sweat on his body, and the darkening of his hair as it got wet. His own cock twitched a bit as he drank in John yet again. It then did more than twitch when he saw John's reaction to him...

"Ready?" John asked, breaking his reverie.

"Yeah," he answered. "On belay?"

"Belay on!"

Andrew began his ascent, but only made it about ten feet before John called out "Stop!" from below. "What?" asked Andrew, worried he had messed something up.


"Ready to lower," Andrew replied even though he didn't want to. John wouldn't have stopped him for no reason. Of that, he was sure.

John lowered Andrew until he could almost touch the ground and then held him in place there.

"What did I do?"

"Oh, it wasn't you. I forgot something. Hold on."

Uncertainly, Andrew complied and tried not to worry as John tied the rope to one of those many hooks attached to the rock face.

John then grabbed a couple black strap things and wrapped them around Andrew's ankles.

Andrew couldn't figure out what John was doing. There were no ankle attachments for climbing equipment that he knew of, but John was way more into it than he was and maybe he knew something Andrew didn't? It wasn't until John started threading rope through the rings at his ankles that he knew what was happening. He finished getting hard instantly.

"Hey! What are you doing?" he asked, playing along.

John didn't answer, but suddenly he yanked hard on the rope and Andrew's feet were swept out from under him and drawn toward the wall, spread as far apart as he could stretch.

I'd love to hear from you if you have any questions or any suggestions for where this story should go :)

Also, I have had trouble posting consistently lately, so if you'd like me to let you know when a new chapter goes up, just send me a message and I will keep you posted. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have great day!

Next: Chapter 44

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