The Man with Two Lives

Published on Jan 27, 2007



Max fired Roger simple as that. Roger hadn't turned in someone for stealing cds. He saw it but looked the other way since it was Cynthia from school. Unfortunately the security camera caught him being in the same aisle.

It wasn't a great job he said to Shawn in the school pool lockerroom, "it just offered a great shift so I could take a full load of classes".

Shawn nodded "I used to do that, waiting table, bar back work, anything I could squeeze inbetween studying, classes"

"What do you do now? I mean you don't have a job right?"

"Yea I do some part time work. Usually one session a night and sometimes all weekend, it depends." Shawn said pulling his tank top off.

He was a pretty fit guy, maintained somewhat of a sex pack, had a nice chest and a gold ring through his left nipple. Roger would have licked him head to toe if there was an inkling Shawn was interested.

"Really, wish I could do that" Roger was stripped down to his jockeys and about to shuck them to put on his shorts.

"You probably could" Shawn said. Roger noted the guy was looking at his body. He hesitated to take off his shorts at first but then slid them off.

"Yea you definitely could" Shawn smiled looking at Roger's dangling penis.

"Right" Roger laughed thiking Shawn was joking. He pulled his speedos on and lifted his testicles to fit just right.

"Seriously man, I get a session a night almost. Have some regulars too. Weekends it's anybody's guess. But sometimes man I get a gig out in Palm Springs" Shawn was now naked and didn't rush to put in his suit.

Roger got a full view and it was obvious Shawn knew he was looking. He had looked before of course.

"Yea gotta use it before age takes it away" he said smacking his round buttocks with one hand and flipping his penis with the other.

"You hustle?" Roger asked.

"I prefer to call it dating. Hell, it's the same thing as tricking except someone pays me or gives me presents, sometimes both" Shawn flicked the gold ring in his nipple. "gold" he added.

Roger watched Shawn pull his tight swim suit on. It was a designer made one and fit him just right.

"Got this in Bermuda over the holidays. This regular that I have took me there between Chrismast and New Years. Don't know why he bought it for me, we swam naked most of the time" Shawn smiled.

"But don't you get er uh involved you know emotionally?" Roger stammered.

"Hell man I'm straight. Doing it with guys is just sex." Shawn said smiling "Of course now and then I like it more then others" he reached over and pinched Roger's erect nipple. "Or I could that is".

Roger nervously laughed "Hell man I don't pay for it"

"Sometimes I don't charge" Shawn said still holding onto Shawn's nipple despite the fact that other students were walking past them.

Shawn's cock expanded enough that it was noticable in his speedos.

"Hmmm" Shawn noticed "maybe I should check my calendar for an opening or we could do some group fun".

Roger whacked off again that night. It was midnight, normally the time he arrived home from work. He had already finished his paper which was due the next day. And read a chapter for Am Lit class. He finished pleasig himself remembering the fingers fastened on his nipple earlier that day by Shawn when the phone rang.

"Hey man, Shawn"

Roger's cock which had just softened began to grow again. It surprised Roger but not as much as the fact Shawn was calling him.

"Hey I'm at the Imersario Hotel, know it?"

Roger figured he needed a ride or something "yea I know where it is".

"Great come on over, I think tonight's going to be fun" he hung up.

Roger ignored his hardening cock and put on his jeans without underwear and a torn t shirt. All he had to do was drive over and give Shawn a lift so why get dressed, he thought.

Shawn wasn't standing outside the door when Roger arrived. The doorman came to the car, "You Shawn's friend?" he asked after Roger rolled down the window. "He said to park and go up to suite 505, uh use the stairs will you? We are a 5 star hotel" the doorman said smiling "and you're not exactly dressed so guests would notice"

Roger parked and went into the hotel turning left towards the door the doorman pointed to.

It was only five flights. Roger pushed the doorbell and Shawn answered.

Roger knew he wasn't ready to so since he was toally naked. "Uh you ready to go or need to get dressed?"

"Go?" Shawn asked "Hell man the night has just started"

Two men were inside. One was Asian and the other a tall slim man. Both were as naked as Shawn.

He introduced Roger to them. The Asian especialy seemed to be friendly.

Roger accepted the drink the man offered and they all talked about the two men's arrival from Australia, their business trip and plans for being in Los Angeles.

Shawn excused himself but whispered in Roger's ear before going into the bathrom.

"Go with the flow man, it's going to be fun"

As soon as he closed the door The Asian man leaned over and felt Shawn's body. Shawn, now a bit buzzed liked the attention. The thin man pulled off his tshirt while the Asian began to unbutton his jeans and take them off.

Shawn as naked being deep tongued by the thin man. The Asian man began to finger his butt. Roger was beginning to feel like he was floating. The sex that began happened as if Roger was in a dream. He had never had any intimacy with two men.

He felt the Asian man's mouth on his boner while kissing the Thin man. Then he felt another pressure on his butt. Shawn had returned and was about to fuck him.

Roger had fantasized about a one on one deeply erotic session with him. But this was what was happening and the minutes turned into hours full of different combinations of sensation giving and getting gymnastics.

"Shit" Shawn said "You were as hot as I thought". And he kissed Roger long and deep while the two men watched.

Their kiss became unbridled sex and the fact they were being watched didn't affect Roger's need to fulfill his fantasies with Shawn. He had already felt the other's cock in his butt and mouth but this time it was different.

He felt Shawn's lips on him and returned the favor by tounging him sticking his tongue as deep as he could.

The cum spilled out, the sweat was licked up and they lay there having felt the sperm shot all over the two of them by the two men.

"You guys want to stay ?" the Asian man asked "we have an early meeting"

Shawn gave Roger his cutoffs to put on and put on Roger's jeans. "We got early classes" he explained as he dressed.

Roger drove Shawn away from the hotel. "Hey can I crash with you? My place is in the Marina and you shouldn't have to drive all that way and back."

Roger's cock battered by overuse seemed to acknowledge the possibility of sleeping naked with Shawn.

So Shawn did just that. There was no sex, just flesh pressed against flesh. Caressing hands on Roger's ballsac as they slept in spoon fashion.

"Hey thanks for the ride. Oh yea here" Shawn got out of the car at the school and stuck something in Roger's hand".

"What's this?" Roger asked and saw a rolled up money.

"hey you get half" Shawn "and if you want I can set you up for some more sessions by yourself. Last night wasn't a big pay gig, we can double that the next time we do a threesome"

Five fifty dollar bills unfolded in Roger's hand. His mind computed how much he could make doing a session with Shawn every week or even every night.

He watched Shawn walking away. He was still wearing Roger's jeans from the night before.

"And I finally got him in my pants" Roger muttered out loud and laughed.

Shawn turned and smiled a smile that made Roger realized the boy agreed with him.

Roger began his second life occasionaly dropping in the old record store to buy his favorite CD's and to smile at his old boss.

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