The Marine Next Door

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 26, 2002


Disclaimer: This is just a story. And it's about a Marine. Not a real one, of course. Kind of a melding of a lot of them I've known in my life. Any resemblance to any actual Marine is purely coincidence - but if there is, I do wish he'd write me! Anyway, you know the drill, if you don't like sex between males, what are you doing here? And if your Country, State, Province, City, Town or Village won't let you read this kind of stuff - MOVE!!! Somewhere where you can!

Oh, one more thing. This story is dedicated to my friend PUP, who just LOVES Marines and stories about them. I hope he loves this one. And I kind of hope it would come true for him.

THE MARINE NEXT DOOR - Part 6 by RimPig (c) 2002

When Ty got home that day, I was watching for his Jeep. I waited for him to come up the stairs and then we went into his apartment. As soon as the door was closed, he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"How was your day." he said, nuzzling his nose against mine.

"Very eventful. I told Mom about me and about us." I said.

I saw his eyes narrow with concern.

"So, how did she take it?" he asked slowly, seemingly afraid of the answer.

"Her exact words to me were 'You make sure that new son-in-law of mine is at dinner tonight! I want to have some words with that boy about making my son an honest man!'. I think that about sums it up!" I laughed.

"You're kidding! She isn't angry? You're sure?" Ty asked, almost afraid to believe the good news.

"I'm positive, Ty! She's more than happy about it! She even apologized to me for us having to sleep apart on the night's she's been home. She says she doesn't want us to ever do that again on account of her. I did say we'd sleep in your apartment that night." I grinned at this last part.

"Yes, I think that would be best, as noisy as you are when you get off!" Ty laughed.

"ME!!! And who the fuck was yelling 'Fuck, yeah! Slam my ass!' last night?!!"

"Ok, we're both loud when we get off. I can't fucking believe this. I expected she'd go through the roof and forbid you to ever see me again!" Ty said.

"She could never do that. I wouldn't listen. First of all, I'm over 18. I'm not her's anymore. I'm your's. You are my lover, my partner and my friend. Nothing she could say would ever come between us. You have got to trust that, Ty." I said.

"I do, Bri." he swore.

"On top of that, she isn't like that! She told me that the only thing she's ever wanted was for me to be happy. She know's I am. She's seen how happy I am. And now she knows it was you who made me that happy. She's very grateful to you. She says that over the last few months, I've really changed. She said that I've become the person she always knew that I was meant to be and she says it was your love that did that!" I told him.

"Wow! She said all that?! About me?!" he stared at me in wonder.

"There was one thing more. I don't know exactly how you're going to feel about this one. You know how you said you always wanted a little brother?" I reminded him.

"Yeah...?" he looked at me quizzically.

"Well, looks like you got your wish. Mom says she loves you like another son. So I guess that makes us 'brothers' too. They do say that 'incest is best even if it is only relative!'" I giggled.

"Owww!" Ty groaned at my awful pun. "But she really said that?!"

"Yes, Ty, she really said that. Now will you stop worrying. Everything is going to work out. I know it is." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and putting my head against his chest.

"I truly hope you are right." he said, putting his arm around me and holding me tight.

That night, when Ty came over to the apartment for dinner he got another surprise. Rather than me answering the door, Mom opened the door and gave him a great big hug and a kiss on both cheeks! It was funny to see him blushing a deep shade of red. I really don't think he knew what to do at that point. Mom smiled over at me and I walked over and put my arms around him. He held me and then I leaned my head up for him to kiss me. He hesitated a second, but then I think he got the message because he really laid one on me! Tongue and all! Then we all sat down for dinner.

"Ty, I really want to welcome you to the family, such that it is. I have been aware for months now of how happy Brian has been. I knew you were responsible for some of it, I just didn't realize that you were responsible for all of it. I really want to tell you how happy I am that Brian found you and I really hope that the two of you have a very long and very happy relationship." Mom told Ty.

"Thank you. But I have to say that I'm the one who really considers himself lucky here. I love Brian very deeply. I fell for him almost the moment we met. And I've had no doubts about how much he loves me. He's shown that in a thousand ways. What I was worried about was how you would react to this. I know my family wouldn't be so welcoming to Brian - or me for that matter once they find out." Ty said.

"So they don't know about you." Mom asked him.

"No. That's one of the reasons I left home to join the Corps. I knew there was no way I could live freely there and I also knew there was no way they would accept one of their sons being Gay. My parents are good people but they are very conservative and very religious. They see the love that Brian and I have as sinful. I don't believe that, but I don't think they'll ever change." Ty said.

"I find it so hard to believe that parents would just reject their own child just because they were born Gay!" Mom said.

"That's just it." Ty told her, "they don't think people are born this way. They think it's some kind of 'choice'. Yeah! Like I'd choose to be hated and ridiculed. Like I would choose to have to hide who and what I am from everybody." Ty's voice dripped sarcasm.

"I know. I've seen it in the hospital. Some of my AIDS patients. Hardly more than boys. Their parents won't even come to visit them, or worse, if they do, they lecture them about how AIDS is God's curse on them for their 'deviant' lifestyle! How do you get that way? What stupidity makes you reject your child like that? I just cannot fathom it." Mom shook her head sadly.

"Not all parents are like you." Ty said quietly to Mom. "I guess I now know where Brian got all the love and caring he has in him." And he smiled shyly at her.

Mom leaned over and kissed Ty on the cheek.

"Thank you, Ty. That's one of the nicest things I've heard in a long time." Mom said. "Now, I want to talk about the sleeping arrangements around here!" she announced.

I thought Ty was going to faint dead away at that point. As it was, he blushed a deep red again. I don't think I ever warned Ty about exactly how outspoken Mom was. She was never one to 'beat around the bush'. If she has something to say, she just says it.

"Oh, come on, Ty! Don't get embarrassed. I've been married and I'm a nurse. I kind of know how the parts fit together, even if I don't have them!" she laughed.

Poor Ty! He just kept getting redder. I finally intervened.

"Mom, Ty's from Iowa! He's not used to talking about sex around a woman! Especially not when he's sleeping with her son!" I laughed and Ty gave me a look, but I couldn't help myself.

"Ok, all I want to say is that I know you two have been having to sleep apart because of me. I want that to stop, Ty. I already told Brian. I don't care where the two of you sleep - either in your apartment or here. Since I have your cell number, Ty, I don't need to worry in case I need to get hold of Brian. Or you, for that matter." she said.

"Well, actually - Ty's bed is a lot bigger than mine." I grinned.

"Well, you two decide. It's not up to me. Now, Ty." and she launched off in another direction. "What's this Brian tells me about you leaving the Marine Corps?"

"Yes, that's true. When my enlistment's up in 6 months, I'm getting out. So are Domingo and Tim. We are tired of all the hiding. And I don't like living with the fear that I could be outed and kicked out at any time. I've been a good Marine. All of my fitness reports were excellent. I was even recommended to Officers Candidate School if I re-enlisted. But I can't go on living a lie! If I stayed in, they would send me to Germany and Brian and I would be apart for at least two years!" he said.

"I understand. So what are you going to do with yourself?" Mom asked.

"You mean how am I going to support myself?" Ty laughed.

"No, a young man like you can always get a job. I'm not talking about a job. What about a career. Since the military isn't for you, what is?" she asked.

"I really don't know. I've thought about a lot of things. But I hadn't decided on anything." Ty said.

"Ever considered the medical field? Like nursing?" Mom said.

"Oh, I don't think I would make a very good nurse." Ty said.

"And why not?" Mom asked. "You afraid of the sight of blood?"

"No. Nothing like that. I grew up on a farm. I'm not squeamish. I just don't think that I would be caring enough to handle patients." Ty said.

"Why do you think that? After the way I've seen you with Brian, I can't believe there isn't a lot of caring down inside you. Maybe you've just been taught to hide it and not bring it out." Mom said.

"Well...maybe..." he said.

"Of course, there are other really important jobs within the medical field as well. There are inhalation therapists, X-ray technicians and, looking at the physical shape you're in, you could also think about being a physical therapist. What we need to do is get you to the local community collage and have some aptitude tests run. They will tell you two very important things. What you like and what you're good at." Mom told him.

"They did some testing like that on me when I enlisted." Ty said.

"Yes, but those tests were to determine where you would be best suited to the Marine Corp's needs. You want to find out what's best for YOU, not the Corps." Mom said.

"Well, I'm willing to try anything! I know that I'm good with my hands and I'm a good mechanic. I just figure that I should do something better than that." Ty said.

"Why?" Mom asked.

"What do you mean?" Ty asked, his face showing dismay at Mom's question.

"Well, if you've already found something you like and you're good at it, what's the problem?" Mom asked, confused.

"Well, I just thought that with Brian being a nurse and all, I should do better than that." he admitted.

"Ty! That's no reason! I told you I would love you no matter what you did! If you love being a mechanic then I love being married to a mechanic! Ok?" I said.

"You really don't mind?" he asked.

Mom and I both started laughing. Ty sat there and looked confused at us.

"I think what my son is trying to tell you is that he loves you no matter what you do. As long as what you do makes you happy, that makes him happy. Get it, Corporal?" Mom laughed.

Ty finally got it. I do love him but sometimes he can be a typical Marine when it comes to the subtlety of human emotions.

"Yeah, well Tim has this inheritance from his grandfather and I've got some money saved and we figured the three of us could open a garage here in town. I guess there's always a need for good mechanics." Ty said.

"Yes, especially if they're not only good, but honest!" Mom said. "You don't know what it's taken for me to keep my old car going!"

"Well, you'll never have to worry about that again!" Ty promised her.

"Hey!" Mom said, turning to me. "I could really get to like this guy! We need a mechanic in this family more than a doctor or a lawyer anyway!"

Ty grinned. I knew what Mom was doing. She was letting him know that he was important and that what he did was just as important. I could see him preening under her ego-building. It was funny to watch her do it and realize how many times she'd done that for me. Of course, nobody could do it for me like Ty does, but that's a completely different thing. I want to be special for Ty. It was like those guys in the Sacred Theban Band. I never wanted to show dishonor or a lack of courage in front of my lover. And I knew that Ty felt the same way about me.

That night, Mom didn't have to work so Ty and I decided we would sleep over at his place. Mom kissed both of us good night when we left and Ty even managed not to blush to badly when she did it. We got next door to his apartment and Tim and Domingo were sitting around not doing much of anything. Ty decided that he and I would go out and get some beer for us all to celebrate what had happened with my Mom. He went into the bedroom to get something and Domingo went with him, saying he needed to talk to Ty about something. I was sitting on the couch with Tim.

"So your Mom took it ok then?" Tim asked.

"More than ok! Ty just got welcomed as a member of the family!" I enthused.

"God! Are you lucky! Domingo's family disowned him when they found out about us and all my mother did was cry. She still won't talk about Domingo and I and she keeps trying to get me to come home for holidays without him. I told her that either he comes with me or I don't come. Period. I haven't seen her in three years now." he said sadly.

I reached out my hand and grasp his shoulder and before I knew it, Tim was in my arms, crying like his heart would break. I didn't know what to do. I just held him and stroked his hair. What could I say? 'You're mother's a bitch who doesn't care about your happiness - only her own'? I didn't think that would do a lot of good, so I just sat there holding him and let him cry.

After a while, he pulled himself together and sat up.

"I'm sorry, man! I fucking hate when I do that. I didn't mean to have you see me like that." he said.

"It's no problem, Tim. We're friends, remember? Friends care about each other and each other's feelings. I'm really sorry that you're going through this. I feel kind of bad myself because here I am bragging about how great my Mom has accepted us." I said.

"No, man! Don't you see! Stuff like that gives me hope that maybe someday Domingo and I will find acceptance from her. Who knows? Maybe she'll wake up one day and realize she's cut herself off from her only child." he sighed.

"I sure wouldn't do that! At least not with a child as cute as you are." I smiled.

"Oh, fuck off with you! You've got the stud of the Marine Corps you're sleeping with!" he joked.

"No really! The first day you guys moved in, you didn't know it but I was up in my bedroom window watching you through the curtains. I got hard just looking at the two of you!" I admitted.

"But you ended up with Ty!" he said.

"Well, yes. But there was just something about him. It wasn't just what he looked like. It was like I fell in love with him the minute I saw him. And it was love, too. I didn't just want to jump his bones." I told him.

"Yeah, it was kind of like that for Domingo and me. You know we met during boot camp. We weren't even in the same squad but we ended up pulling KP duty together. We actually met over a garbage can full of potatoes we were supposed to be peeling!" Tim laughed.

"Ty told me that you guys didn't get together the first time until after you were out of boot camp - on your first leave." I said.

"Well, that's not exactly true. We never told Ty the story of the first time we had sex together. We figured we'd shock his Iowa sensibilities if we told him the truth." Tim said and then started giggling.

"Ok, this must be really good. I'm not from Iowa. Tell me!" I begged.

"Ok, but you gotta promise not to tell Ty! I'm afraid he'd have a shit fit if he found out the truth! Domingo and I had sex the first time behind the altar in the base chapel!!!" Tim giggled.

I guess the look on my face was enough to tell him how shocked I was! But I quickly burst into laughter, too!

"You're shitting me, right?" I asked.

"No, man! For real!!! Right there behind the altar - in front of God Jesus and the Blessed Virgin!" By this point, Tim was falling over with laughter and I was joining him. I could just see the whole insanity of the scene in my mind!

"How the fuck did it happen?" I asked.

"Well, it was one afternoon. I got detailed to go over and clean the place. On the way there, I ran into Dom, who was just hanging out, not having anything to do for a few hours. I told him where I was going and he tagged along. Trust me! I was glad to have him. I'd been trying to figure out how to get him alone for weeks. I didn't even know if he was gay or not but he'd showed so much interest in me that day we had KP together that I figured it was at least worth a shot!" he said.

"Yeah, I can understand that." I answered.

"So anyway, there we are inside the chapel. Dark, the only light coming through the stained glass windows. I'm dusting and waxing the wooden pews and he's following me and talking. Suddenly I'm finishing a pew and stand up and there he is, standing right in front of me. Not six inches away. And the next thing I know, he take my face in his hands and kisses me! Right on the lips! And then he sticks his tongue about halfway down my throat!" Tim enthused.

"So what did you do?" I asked.

"What the fuck do you think I did! I dropped the damned dust rag and grabbed hold of him! I was instantly in love! Nobody had ever kissed me the way that Dom did! Before I knew it, we were trying to get into each other's uniform. I was rubbing this hunk of meat behind his fatigue pants that was so big, I almost couldn't believe it! Then we started looking around for someplace to do it, but there was nothing! We thought about the confessional, but we didn't want to do it standing up the first time. Then we like both spotted the altar at the same time!" Tim laughed.

"So what did you do?" I asked.

"We noticed that there was plenty of room behind there and it was long enough that you couldn't see behind it. So we went behind the altar and then next thing you know, we're in this really hot 69 and sucking the shit outa each other's cocks! We both shot huge loads down each other's throats and then we lay there in each other's arms coming down from the high!" he told me.

"So what happened after that?" I asked.

"Well...while we were laying there, we were making out and talking. I don't know what happened really. It was like somewhere in that conversation, we decided that we were made for each other and that we were lovers. We've talked about it since then but neither of us can remember who brought it up or when the decision was made. But we both left the chapel that day knowing we were in love and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together." Tim said.

"It's kind of like with Ty and me. We both admitted we loved each other almost from the first. But I know who brought up being lovers. That was Ty. I would never have had the nerve to ask him!" I admitted.

"The Corporal can be a bit intimidating at times, can't he!" Tim giggled.

"Well, not really. With me he is very sweet and loving. Sometimes he gets embarrassed and blushes! I love when he does that!" I enthused.

"Ty? Tyler Harrison? Blushing?! I can't believe it!" Tim almost screamed.

"Shh!!! He'd kill me if he knew I was telling you this!" I laughed.

"Well, now I've heard everything!" Tim said.

Something hit me. Something from that first night Ty and I spent together. And now was my chance to ask about it.

"Tim, can I ask you something? Something kind of personal?" I asked him.

"Sure, Brian! You can ask anything!" Tim said.

"Why do you and Domingo have sex with other people? I mean, I know that you both used to have sex with Ty before he met me. He told me about it." I told him.

" see, it's hard to explain. It's not that we don't love each other. And sex between Dom and me is always fantastic! But, hey! We're both guys. We like to have sex for fun! Not just to make love. And it's fun to have someone different there. It changes the dynamic. It makes it fun and not so serious. Making love is wonderful and I pray we never stop. But sometimes, it gets so serious. It is to meaningful to us just to have fun with each other. That's what somebody else adds to the mix - fun. Sometimes, we have sex with other couples, sometimes with just another guy." he said.

"But don't you feel like you're cheating on Dom. Or that he's cheating on you?" I pressed.

"Fuck, no! I'm right there! I'm getting off on him getting off on somebody else! And he gets off the same way - watching me doing it with somebody else. Sometimes, we do somebody together! It's just a lot of fun." he said. "Why are you asking?"

"It's just I was curious. That's all. I love, Ty. I do! But there's sometimes when I wonder what it would be like to be with another guy. Oh, not to love, but just sex. You know that I was a virgin when I met Ty. I've never had sex with anyone else. And I'm just curious what it would be like." I told him honestly.

"I think you should. But I think you should also talk to Ty first." Tim said.

"Oh! I wouldn't think of doing anything unless I'd talked to Ty. We promised each other that. But, you know, I get the feeling sometimes that Ty would like to, but he's afraid of saying anything to me." I said.

"Well, then its time you brought it up, don't you think?" Tim asked.

"Yeah. I do think so. I just don't know how to bring it up without sounding like I'm tired of him or don't love him!" I admitted.

"Well...I'm not supposed to be talking to you about this, but the reason that Dom took Ty in the other room was that we wanted to invite the two of you to kind of join us in a little orgy tonight. Just the four of us. So, here's you r chance - if you're at all interested." Tim said.

"Oh, God! Yes! I'm interested. I've always been attracted to you two." I said.

"Yeah! Ty told us about the binoculars!" Tim said and then was rolling on the couch laughing.

"Oh, God! He didn't!!!" I almost screamed. "I'm going to kill him!!!"

"Oh, we thought it was hot! Don't worry about it. But act like you don't know anything about it, ok?" Tim said.

"Ok, I won't let Ty know." I said.

At this point, Ty and Dom came out of the bedroom and Ty and I left to get the beer.

As we got into the Jeep, Ty looked over at me before he started the engine.

"Ahh...I need to talk to you about something." Ty said, a hesitation in his voice and a strange look in his eyes.

"Is it serious?" I asked.

"Well...not really serious, but it could be uncomfortable for you." Ty said.

"What is it, Ty" I asked, playing naive since I already knew where this was heading.

"You know we once discussed having sex with other people." he said.

"You've found someone you want to have sex with?" I asked.

"Well, in a way." he said, looking more uncomfortable by the second.

"What do you mean, 'in a way'?" I asked.

"Ok, here it is. You know I used to have sex with Dom and Tim before we got together." he said.

"Yes, I know that. So you want to have sex with them again?" I asked.

"Not just me. They've invited both of us to get together with them tonight. I told them that I would leave that completely up to you. You've never had sex with anyone but me and I told them I wasn't sure you were ready to do anything with anyone else, especially in a group setting." Ty said.

"Do you want to?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know exactly how to answer that, Bri. On one hand, I'd be up for it. I'd enjoy having sex with the guys again and I would really get off watching you have sex with them. But I don't need to do this - especially if it would make you uncomfortable." he said honestly.

"Look, Ty. I've had the feeling for a while that you'd like to do this, but you've been afraid of my reaction. I got the feeling that you felt if you approached me about this then I would feel you were getting tired of me or didn't love me anymore. I don't feel that at all! I've been kind of wondering what it would be like to have sex with someone else with you around, too. I've just been afraid to bring it up because I didn't want you to think that I was tired of you." I said.

Ty reached over and took me in his arms so that my head was resting on his chest and his chin was all but resting on the top of my head.

"Bri, I know how much you love me. Better still, I can tell how much you want me. Shit! We don't need to worry about what we mean to each other. I figured eventually you'd want to know what sex with another guy was like. That's only normal. I'm not going to think you love me any less because of it." he said quietly.

"Then let's do it!" I said. "You know I think Dom and Tim are hot. Just promise me one thing." I said.

"Anything, Bri!" Ty said.

"Promise me that sometime tonight you'll make love to me?" I said quietly, looking up at him.

"Oh, lover, that's a promise!" Ty swore and then he leaned down and kissed me.

We went and got beer and then drove back to the apartment. When we got there, Dom and Tim were waiting for us in the living room. When we walked in, Dom gave Ty a significant look. Instead of an answering one, Ty looked at me and smiled. I walked over to Domingo and leaned down and kissed him right on the mouth, forcing my tongue inside his. At first he didn't react, he evidently was somewhat shocked by my actions but after a few seconds, he not only began kissing me back, but was running his hand up into my crotch and feeling my already hard cock. I'd been hard all the way back to the apartment in anticipation of what was going to happen. I broke the kiss and looked down at Domingo and gave him a wink.

"Does that answer your question, Dom?" I smiled.

His only answer was a very loud "Hoo! Rah!" and the four of us laughed and then trooped off to their bedroom. As soon as we got into the room, clothes began flying and we were all soon naked and hard. I looked at the two cocks I'd never seen before. Dom's cock was about eight inches and very thick. It was a dark tan with a long foreskin that covered his cockhead even when he was raging hard - which he was. His pubic hair was black and thick and covered his crotch and his balls. Tim, on the other hand, had a cock which was about seven inches, cut and very, very white with a just puff of red pubic hair above it. His balls had no hair on them at all, but I found out later he shaved.

I suddenly found myself surrounded by three very horny and hard Marines who proceeded to make love to almost every part of my body at once. Ty was in front of me and kissed me deeply while tugging at my nipples. I could feel Tim below me on his knees, licking at my balls and moving up to my lick the length of my cock which was already dripping cock-snot. Domingo was behind me and was also on his knees with my ass cheeks pulled apart and his mouth locked to my asshole, licking and shoving his long tongue up inside me! I was overwhelmed by the feeling and was moaning into Ty's mouth. He pulled away from me and grinned a very horny grin.

"You're 'new meat', lover! You get the full treatment!" and he chuckled as he took possession of my mouth again.

Tim now had my cock buried in his throat and was massaging it with his throat muscles. Dom was still eating out my butt with the addition of a single finger worming it's what up my hole towards my joy-button. Ty pulled away again and looked at my face, flush with sexual excitement.

"So what do you want, lover? You name it and it's yours." he said.

I thought for a second and then answered.

"I want Dom to fuck me while you sit on my face so I can eat your butt and Tim to suck my cock at the same time." I said.

I think I shocked Ty with my very complete order. He suddenly realized that I'd evidently been thinking about this scene for a while to have come up with such a detailed fantasy!

"You got it!" he grinned. "You heard him, guys! Get him on the bed!"

I lay down on the bed and I watched as Dom lifted my legs and began lubing my ass. His cock was bouncing up between his legs and I knew that I was going to get a good 'ride' out of his thick meat. Tim lay down beside me where I could play with his cock and his ass while he sucked on my cock. Ty knelt beside my head. I knew he was waiting to mount my face until after Dom slid his cock into me. I knew this was something that Ty wanted to watch.

Dom lifted my legs and threw them over his shoulders and lined up his dripping cockhead with my hole. He slowly pushed forward and I could feel his thickness working it's way up my shit chute. It felt really good! Not as big as Ty, but a nice amount of cock none the less!

Tim's mouth and throat were slowly and easily working on my cock, enough that it felt good, but no enough to bring me off. He seemed to know just the right tempo and tightness to keep me very hard but no where near cumming.

Ty had watched Domingo bottom out in my butt and leaned over and kissed Dom as he rested, completely buried in my ass. Then Ty swung his leg over my head and slowly sat down on my face. I got to watch his beautiful ass pucker as his cheeks spread and it moved closer and closer to my face. I put up my hands to stop his downward progress when he was about four or five inches from my nose. This way I could raise my head and bury my nose in his fragrant ass for a long, erotic snort of his ass scent! Oh, how I loved the smell of my lover's ass funk and musk! Since that very first night together, Ty had kept his promise of never showering before we had sex - only after. Well..sometimes we did have sex while we were taking a shower, but that was different.

So there I was in Marine heaven! Dom was nicely pounding my ass, Tim was sucking my cock while I shoved two fingers up his and played around in his hot, wet hole and my lover was letting me suck and lick his asshole! What more could I ask for? If I'd died right then, I would have died the happiest ass sucker on the planet!

But the night was still young!

Domingo speeded up and began to really pound my butt hard! With Tim's sucking throat wrapped around my cock and Ty's raunchy butt mashed against my face and my tongue buried up inside his tasty ass, I was soon screaming up Ty's butt while I shot a huge load down Tim's throat and I could feel Domingo unloading a hot, Puerto-Rican load up my ass!

I lay there spent while Domingo's cock slid out of my ass. Ty got up off my face to allow me to catch my breath. Neither he or Tim had gotten off. Tim took his head off my stomach, where he had been sucking on my cock and leaned over and started sucking on Ty's. Ty looked at me to gauge my reaction to someone else doing him. For a split second, I wondered why I wasn't jealous. But then I realized, just as quickly, that I had nothing to be jealous of. Ty loved me. I had not doubt of that. Nothing that happened in Tim and Domingo's bed was going to change that. So I smiled at him and he smiled back while grabbing Tim's head and fucking his face.

I found that watching Ty fuck Tim's face was extremely arousing! I never got to see what Ty looked like when he was doing this to me because my face was otherwise engaged at the time. I could watch his hips pistoning and the look on his face as he shoved his hard cock down Tim's willing throat. This went on for a while and then Tim pulled off Ty's cock and looked up at him.

"Fuck me, Ty! Please?" Tim begged.

Again, Ty looked over at me. It was time I got it through his head that this was all ok with me.

"Yeah, Ty! Fuck his ass for him! Let me see you pound the shit out of him! In fact, let me get his hole ready for you!" I said, leaning down and putting my mouth to Tim's hole.

Tim's hole was surrounded by a sprinkling of red hairs. I licked through his ass trench and quickly found his puckered opening. The muscles of his ass were causing it to wink open and closed and I easily slid my tongue inside it. Tim moaned at my oral rape of his ass and reached back and pulled his ass cheeks farther apart to make my access easier. I noticed both Ty and Domingo slowly stroking their cocks while watching me eat Tim's butt.

I pulled away and Tim got on his hands and knees with his ass facing Ty. I grabbed a bottle of lube off the night stand and put some on Tim's hole and also lubed up Ty's cock. I then put Ty's cock at the opening to Tim's ass and watched as Ty slowly slid it all the way in. Tim was moaning at the large intrusion into his guts, but I reached underneath him and his cock was not only completely hard, but leaking cock snot in a steady stream onto the bed.

I figured that I would return the favor to Tim for his sucking my cock while Domingo fucked me, so I got on my back and slid under Tim. I took his dripping cock into my mouth and began to suck him. I quickly discovered and added bonus for my actions - a close-up view of Ty's cock as it banged in and out of Tim's willing hole. Tim leaned down and started sucking my cock which was now completely hard again. We lay there 69ing for a few minutes while Ty continued his anal assault.

Suddenly, I felt my legs lifted up and back and a sucking mouth attach itself to my ass! Domingo was down sucking his load out of my butt while Tim and I sucked each other's cocks. Then I heard Domingo spit and then next thing I knew, his hard cock was sliding back into my butt, lubed no doubt by the load that Domingo had previously shot off in my ass. The four of us were re-connected. Tim and I in a hot 69 while Domingo and Ty fucked our asses.

Ty evidently wanted this to slow down and for us to not cum so fast so I heard him tell Domingo to switch. I wasn't exactly sure what he was talking about until I saw Ty's cock withdraw from Tim's butt and felt Domingo's withdraw from mine. The next thing I saw was Domingo shoving his cock in Tim's ass (which was right in front of my eyes) and then the feeling of Ty's cock burrowing into my butt. They fucked Tim and I this way for a while, and then Ty called for a switch again. Ty went back to fucking Tim and Domingo's cock was once again pounding in and out of my ass.

Before they could switch again, however, I dropped Tim's cock from my mouth and said, "How about a REAL switch?".

"What do you mean?" Ty huffed while continuing to pound Tim's ass.

"How about you fuckers becoming the fukee's?" I asked.

"Ok by me!" Ty said, pulling out of Tim's ass.

"Yeah! Get a cock up my butt!" Doming said, pulling out of mine.

Tim dropped my cock from his mouth and got from over me.

"So what do we do?" Tim asked me.

"Simple. You fuck Ty now and I'll fuck Domingo and they can 69 while we do it." I said.

So with a few minutes of re-arranging, I found my cock up Domingo's ass and Tim was pounding away at Ty's. I guess Domingo didn't get fucked very often because his butt was really tight, but gradually opened up as I continued to fuck him. Tim and I also switched and I found myself fucking Ty and watching Tim fuck Domingo. The we switched back.

This went on for a while, but it was obvious we were all getting close. I asked if anyone wanted to change again or just get off they way we were. Tim said he's just as soon cum right then and the agreeing moans from Ty and Domingo as they deep throated each other's cocks was enough of a vote. Within minutes four cocks were spewing cum down four holes - two asses and two throats.

The moans of orgasm from four very horny males were very loud. No one who heard them could have any doubt about what had just happened. We finally collapsed in a heap of sweaty, sated bodies.

After a while, when everybody's breathing returned to normal, Domingo and Tim both expressed their thanks to Ty and me for joining them.

"Hey, it was really fun!" I said. "We'll have to do this again! Soon!"

"Yeah, guys! It was not only like old times, it was better than old times!" Ty said. "But I think it's time for us to go hit the hay. Morning comes way too fast!"

"Yeah! You're right." Domingo said. "But anytime you want a re-match, just let us know."

Ty and I kissed Domingo and Tim and then we went over to our own bedroom.

"Did you really enjoy that?" Ty said, taking me in his arms as soon as we were in our room.

"Fuck, yes! That was really hot!" I told him.

"It didn't bother you did it? I'm not going to have to deal with any guilt or regrets in the morning am I?" he eyed me suspiciously.

"You'll have to deal with one fucking pissed off lover if you don't keep your promise tonight!" I warned him.

"Why do you think I called a halt to things. I wanted to get you alone while I still had some stamina left. Remember, I'm not the one who got off twice tonight!" he grinned.

"And I'm quite ready to go for three, thank you very much!" I gave him a smug grin.

"God! I've created a sex fiend!" he laughed.

He pulled me down on the bed and slowly began to make love to me, licking almost my whole body with his tongue before taking me back in his arms and slowly entering me. I looked into his eyes the whole time, seeing what he felt expressed in them. If I had any doubts about whether he would love me as much after having sex with Tim and Domingo, they would have been quickly dispelled. Ty was not only still in love with me, it seemed he loved me just a little more.

We made love quietly, neither of us saying a word. And when my climax hit, Ty and I moaned our mutual orgasm into each other's mouth. Ty then slowly pulled out and rolled off me. He pulled me to him, spoon fashion and with his arms around me, we fell deeply asleep.

The end of Part 6 of THE MARINE NEXT DOOR

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Next: Chapter 7

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