The Master of His Own Business

Published on Aug 16, 2022


The Master of His Own Business 1: The Mistake

The Master of his own business

NOTE: This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, humiliation, and BDSM between age (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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By Patrick -


Character list:

David Knight - 49 years old - 6` Tall - Athletic build

Alex Simpson - 40 years old - 5`10” Tall - Average build

Benjamin Campbell - 24 years old - 6`1” Tall - Slim/Skinny build

Chapter 1 - The mistake

David is sitting at his desk scanning through all his unread emails that have come in over the weekend. All looks pretty mundane as he casts his eye over the subject lines listed in his inbox. He takes a gulp out of his skinny Nero café latte and thinks to himself this is going to be a good week. We’ve sent off the proposal on a big marketing campaign. We are set to win it. It will bring his company a cool million in profit. It will set the company up for the rest of the year. He will be able to take things a lot easier.

Suddenly his office door swings open and Alex comes charging into his office holding a document in his hands. “That stupid twat and completely fucked it!” he says with desperation in his voice “I really don’t understand why you hired that dumb fuckwit. He has got to go after this. He has fucked us up right royally!”

“Calm down Alex” David tries to take control of the situation “Close the door and sit down”

Alex huffs and slams the door shut and sits down in the chair with a firm thud “We are fucked David” he sighs with rage.

“What’s happened?” David asks

“Have you not checked your emails?”

“I was just about to”

“Well check the proposal that was sent.That fucking idiot sent this one.” Alex waves the documents of papers at David “the one with all our contact, our plan, all the fucking information.”

“What do you mean Alex?”

“The fucker has given them our contingency plan. They won’t need us now. He’s given it to them on a plate. The deal is dead!”

“WHAT!” David stands up and snatches the documents out of Alex’s hand and starts reading it quickly “NO! NO! NO! Please God NO! He didn’t send them this?”

“He fucking did” Alex confirms now pleased he’s been able to pass on his anger to David. David is always cool and never gets angry so Alex takes delight in seeing Daivd angry for once.

David paces the room as he reads. He then sits at his desks and looks for the email. There it is, sent from Benjamin Campbell our proposal. Sent at 5:25 pm on Friday. David clicks to open the email. He clicks to open the attached PDF. “Oh Jeez” he lets out when he sees it is the same document that he has in his hand. The campaign strategy. It gives away all our information, who to contact, how to manipulate the competition, everything.

“The deal is fucked David” Alex says, unable to wait for David to finish reading and come to terms with what has happened “You need to sack that twat.”

“Enough Alex” David says as he holds his hand up to silence Alex. David then calmly says “You know that is not how I run things here. Yes the boy has well and truly fucked up here. And he will pay for it but I am not going to sack him. When is he supposed to be in the office? 9am?”

“Come on David” Alex gets up from his chair in frustration “I worked months on this proposal. And that twat has completely fucked us over. He’s cost the company a fortune. What about my bonus?”

“Alex, sit down. Don’t make me ask you again” David points at the chair.

Alex reluctantly sits back down but sits forward drumming his fingers on his knees in rage.

“So when is Ben expected to be in the office?”

“Nine” Alex barks back at David.

David raises an eyebrow to being barked at and Alex sits back as he feels he’s gone too far with David. David is a very cool relaxed boss but does not suffer fools gladly. If you cross him you will know about it.

“Sorry David. I am just so pissed!”

“I understand” David calms Alex “Yes the deal is gone. We need to move past that. I want to see Ben in my office as soon as he gets in.”

“I will send him in after I have given him what for” Alex says getting angry again

“No Alex. You say nothing to him. You leave him to me. I am the boss here and you don’t forget it”

Alex blows out a big sigh of rage “You better keep him away from me”

“Alex” David says with authority

“Sorry David. I am just raging here.”

David gets up and walks behind Alex. David puts his hands onto Alex’s shoulders and rolls his thumbs into Alex’s shoulder blades “Calm down Alex. It’s just a deal. There will be other deals”

Alex relaxes into David’s firm massage and lets his eyes close as David’s strong hands work his shoulders. Alex lets out a relaxing breath.

“There we go Alex. Just relax. We will be fine” David’s voice is calm and controlled. He moves his hands down Alex’s chest to his nipples. He pulls Alex’s suit jacket open and rubs Alex’s nipples through his white shirt. Alex leans his head back and into David’s crotch. “There we go Alex. All your worries are slipping away” As David takes Alex’s niplles into his thumb and forefinger. He gently pinches and pulls at Alex’s nipples.

“Oh Sir, you really know how to control me don’t you?”  Alex says as he rubs the back of his head into David crotch.

“Of course I do. You will always be my favorite” as David leans over Alex and grabs his cock and balls with his right hand whilst still working his left nipple with his left hand. David rubs and gropes Alex’s cock as it gets harder and harder in his black suit trousers.

Alex lets out a moan as his cock comes fully erect in David’s hand. “ I want you inside me Sir” Alex says with his eyes still closed.

David looks at the wall clock. It says 8.20am. He smiles to himself “Well I think we have enough time” as he lets go of Alex and locks his office door.

“Come here boy!” David orders, pointing to the floor in front of him.

Alex gets up from the chair and stands where David points.

“Strip now slave!” David orders firmly not taking his eyes off Alex.

Alex takes his suit jacket off and folds it onto his chair. He undoes his tie and puts that on the jacket neatly. He kicks off his shoes and places them under the chair neatly too. He undoes his shirt as quickly as possible. All the time David just stands watching him. He folds his shirt and places it on the pile of clothes. Then off with his trousers. Placed neatly. Then he whips off his underwear and socks and puts them neatly on the pile too. He then goes back to the spot David had pointed at and kneels down with his knees spread apart and his hands behind his head. Making his body fully exposed to David.

“Good you little slut!” David runs his hand through Alex’s hair and down his cheek. He then runs his forefinger around Alex’s mouth and Alex takes his finger into his mouth and starts sucking it like it’s a cock.

Alex’s cock is fully hard. David lifts his foot and rubs his black leather shoe around Alex’s cock and balls. He gives him a kick in the nuts which makes Alex flinch and lean forward to try and protect his exposed ball. Whilst still keeping his hands behind his head. David slaps his face. “Don’t move slave”

“Yes Sir” As Alex gets comfortable back in his exposed position.

David starts to rub himself in front of Alex. “You want your Masters cock don’t you slave?”

“Yes Sir” Alex says, licking his lips “Please Sir can I suck your cock Sir?”

“Get my cock out just using your mouth” David orders.

Alex pushes his face into David's crotch and tries to find the zipper of his trousers with his teeth. He gets hold of it and pulls the zip down. He then shoves his face into David crotch rubbing his face against David’s now hard cock. Alex then takes the top of David trousers in his teeth and pulls it to the side to release the top of David’s trousers. David’s trouser falls away and around his ankles.

Alex pushes his head under David’s shirt to get at his white briefs. He pulls them down to David’s ankles. As Alex is doing this David has taken his suit jacket off and thrown it onto the chair and had taken his tie and was undoing his shirt. He threw that at the chair too.

“Take my shoes off slave” As David lifts his right foot up and pushes it hard into Alex’s hard cock.

Alex undoes the laces and slips his shoe and sock off and pulls his legs through the trousers and underwear. He does the same with the other foot.

“Fold my clothes nicely, slave” as David kicks Alex in the balls. Knocking Alex to the floor in pain.

Alex picks himself up and folds David’s clothes and puts them beside his.

David has now gone over to the sofa in his office and has sat down in the middle of it. “Come here. Over my knee” He gestures to his lap with his hard cock sticking up.

Alex place his body over David’s knee. Putting his hard cock between David’s legs. David grabs Alex’s cock and tugs it a bit whilst his cock rubs up the side of Alex. Alex places his hand on the floor to support himself. With his feet on their toes.

David rubs Alex arse with his hands. Pulling the cheeks apart to show Alex’s hole. He teases it with his finger. He grips and squeezes each arse cheek in his hands. Groping and mashing them together.

“Count them out, slave” David orders as he spanks Alex hard and firm.

Alex counts out each hard blow. He reaches 50. His arse is on fire. He winces with each spank.

“That’s better. We got some colour in those cheeks at last” David says admiring his work. “Get off me now, slave. Get on your knee and thank me like a slave only knows how to thank their Master.”

Alex pulls himself off David’s lap and kneels down and starts sucking David off. He starts to wank himself off at the sametime. David spots this and gives him another kick in the nuts. “No wanker for slaves. You know better than that. You’ve just earned yourself a month in chastity” David says with a smirk

Alex moves his hand to his sides and focuses on David's cock. Sucking deep and hard. David leans back on the sofa with his eyes closed as Alex goes up and down on David’s cock.

“Over my desk with you now slave” David says as he pulls Alex head up by his hair.

Alex heads over to David’s desk and moves the items out of the way so he can lie over the desk exposing his arse for David. David comes up to the desk and pulls a bottle of lube out of the drawer and squirts some in his hand and puts the bottle down beside Alex.

David works the lube around Alex’s hole and then rubs his lubed hand up and down his cock before pushing his cock into Alex’s hole. He pushes the head of his cock hard against Alex’s hole and it soon gives way and lets all of David’s cock to slide deep into Alex.

Alex lets out a massive loud moan as David’s cock goes inside him. “Shut up slave” as David grabs Alex’s hair with his lubed hand and pushes Alex’s face into the desk as he pounds Alex’s arse hard and fast. He doesn’t give Alex anytime to get used to David’s big cock being inside him. David is just using him as a fuck slave. He fucks him hard, relentlessly, uncaringly and like he is a whore.

He grabs Alex by the hips and pounds his arses. He scratches his fingernails down Alex’s back leaving bright red lines down his back. He slaps the side of his arse. He can feel the orgasim building up in his balls. He fucks him even harder and faster till his cock is shooting his hot cum up into Alex’s arse.

He lies down over Alex’s body as he gets his breath and the waves of orgasism pulses out of his cock. Alex’s arse seems to suck every bit of cum out of David’s balls. David pulls himself up off Alex and pulls his cock out of his arse. He reaches back into his desk drawer and rummages around till he finds a buttplug.

“Want to keep my cum inside you today, slave”  as David pushed the plug into Alex’s hole “Keep this until you get home tonight. Understand?”

“Yes Sir. Thank you Sir” Alex says as he pulls himself up off the desk and turns to face David.

“Clean my cock now slave” David orders

Alex drops to his knees and sucks David’s now flaccid cock clean. Running his tongue under David’s foreskin, make sure it is completely clean.

David give Alex another kick in the balls “You need to lose that hardon now” he orders

“I will try Sir”

“Dress me slave” David points to his clothes

Alex gets up and gets David’s clothes and slips his underwear up David’s legs and puts them on for him. Then get his shirt and does it up on David. Then his trousers. And his socks. Then he tries to tie his tie but can’t do it as he can’t work out which way it goes. He is only used to tying his own tie.

David pushes Alex to the floor with his foot “Fucking useless. Let me do it. We haven’t got all day” as David does his tie up.

Alex then slips David's jacket onto David. And then puts each shoe on whilst David takes out a comb and comb’s his hair. He looks so smart and you wouldn’t know that five minutes ago he was naked, sweating and fucking Alex like a whore.

“Right, good you’ve calmed down” As David goes to his desk drawer again and pulls out a metal chastity device.

Alex squeezes his balls through the ring and then his cock. He can feel his cock getting excited again as he knows he is going to be denied cumming for a month. The thought turns him on so much.

“Here, now the shaft” as David hands Alex the shiny solid metal shaft.

The precum from Alex’s cock helps lube the shaft and he slips his cock into the cold metal shaft. He pushes up into the locking position. David comes over and slides the locking bolt into place and locks the device. He pops the key into his pocket.

“One month slave” David says with a smile “I will inspect you everyday in the office in the morning. I will give you a chance to clean yourself then too. Need to look after my property don’t I” as David pulls on Alex’s nipple and squeezes his balls with his other hand.

“Yes Sir. Thank you Sir. I am your property Sir” Alex says with a bowed head.

“Now get dressed. Ben will be here soon and I want you to send him in here straight away. Remember who is in charge here. I will deal with him from now on. You do not tell him anything. Understand?”

“Yes Sir”

“Good, no hurry the fuck up.” As David goes and sits down at his desk. He puts the lube back in the drawer and rearranges his desk back to how he likes it. He taps away at his computer and drinks some of his coffee “And once you’ve sent Ben in here you can go and get me a fresh coffee. You’ve made mine go cold”

“Yes Sir. Sorry Sir” Alex says as he hurriedly gets dressed and tries to make himself presentable. “Thank you Sir” he says as he unlocks the door and is about to leave David’s office.

“And Alex” David calls Alex before he closes the door.

“Yes Serr” Alex stops himself mid word as he has the door open to the now very busy office “Yes David” he corrects himself.

David smiles “Don’t you feel better now?”

Alex smiles back at David “I do thank you David.”

“You leave it with me. I will look after you” David says with a wink

“I am sure you will.” Alex smirks as he shuts David's office door.

David looks at the clock 8.54am. He wishes he had had more time to play with Alex but if things go to plan he will have a new slave to take his energy out on soon.

Please check or for a link to chapter 2

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Next: Chapter 2: The Master

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