The Master of His Own Business

Published on Sep 2, 2022


The Master of His Own Business 4: The Mansion

The Master of his own business

NOTE: This story is fiction about consensual sex, bondage, humiliation, and BDSM between age (18+) adult males. If it is illegal to read such material in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the legal age to do so, please exit this site immediately.

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By Cary Harvey Church



Character list:

Name: David Knight

Job Title: CEO & Master

Age: 49 years old

Height: 6`0”

Build: Athletic

Name: Edward Kowalski

Job Title: Head of Security and Personal Bodyguard

Age: 60 years old

Height: 6`2”

Build: Muscular

Name: Nathan Moore

Job Title: Security Manager

Age: 31 years old

Height: 6`4”

Build: Muscular

Name: Benjamin Campbell

Job Title: slave

Age: 24 years old

Height: 6`1”

Build: Slim/Skinny

All characters have been fictionalised and are not real.

Chapter 4 - The Mansion

Without the bin bags of his belongings in the boot, Ben slides around in the boot. He bangs against the car walls when David takes a corner fast. The car seems to be doing more sharp turns than before. There is the odd jump that lifts Ben off the car boot floor. He is getting tumbled about in the boot with nothing to hold on to. He tries to hold his legs and arms out to stop himself from being flung about, but the boot is too big to get locked into a position.

David takes one big turn that flings Ben over to the left side of the boot and smashes into the wall; banging Ben hard on the knee. Ben clutches his knee as it throbs from the bang.

The road noise changes to a gravel sound as the car now drives at a steady straight line and slows down. There is a bump, and the car comes to a stop. The engine cuts out, and he hears David getting out of the car and slamming the door.

Silence. Ben is still in complete darkness. No sound. Ben rubs his knee and feels the other bruises on his body. He sits up against the wall of the car boot and waits. Time just seems to go on and on. The silence. The Darkness. The nothingness. Ben is left with his thoughts. What has he got himself into? Panic started to set in. He starts banging the door of the boot as the anxiety begins to build up inside him. He starts to sob and scream as he slams his fists on the boot.

He exhausts himself as he slumps in a ball sobbing to himself. Will he ever be let out. He feels completely helpless and lost. He then hears a whirring sound coming from outside the car, and the boot opens, and bright fluorescent light fills the boot. The light blinds him like before. Before his eyes can adjust a dusty brown sack is put over his head and tape is wrapped around his neck to hold it in place. He fills two sets of hands and pulls him out of the boot. One carries him from his arms, and the other takes him from his feet. He wriggles to try and get free. They just lower him a little and graze his bottom on the rough cold surface hurting his bum. He lets out a yelp in pain.

“Stop wriggling slave” a deep voice goes. It isn’t David’s voice. Who is that? Ben thinks to himself.

They stop, and the one holding his feet lets go and drops them to the floor with a thud. He can feel the cold gravel on his feet. He can hear the sound of unlocking and a creek of a door being opened. His feet are picked up, and he’s being carried again. It feels cold on Ben’s naked skin.

They stop and drop him on the cold stone floor. He stays frozen in the position they have dropped him. Unsure of what to do. He hears more unlocking, and another door is opened. Then the two of them grab an arm each and drag him backwards. He tries to walk backwards to save his skin from being grazed on the harsh, hard floor. They drop him again to the floor.

He feels the tape being pulled off around his neck and the sack is pulled off his head.

It’s a dark, poorly lit room. Ben’s eyes adjust quickly to the dully lit room. He sees two big strong, tough, suited men staring down at him. One is bald and older than the other. The younger one is bigger with slick backed hair. He has a tattoo under his left eye of a cross. They both look so big and muscular that they look like they will explode out of their suits if they tense their muscles.

The bald one speaks first “I am Mr Kowalski” he says with a Polish accent.”I am Mr Knight’s personal bodyguard, and I am head of security for Mr Knight’s empire. This is Mr Moore, our security manager for the Mansion.” as he gestures to the large man beside him.

Ben looks up at the two men in complete fear as they glare down at him like a piece of shit.

“Mr Knight has asked us to settle you into the Mansion.” Mr Kowalski says with an evil grin.

“We are going to make you feel very welcome indeed,” Mr Moore says with a broad London accent. Whilst he rubs his hands together in glee. Ben can see he has a tattoo over his hands as well. And a big gold watch and a big gold ring on the little finger of his left hand.

“These are your quarters” Mr Kowalski continues “You have everything you need here.” He says with a chuckle.

Ben looks around the small cold room. The walls are grey stone, the floor the same grey stone. It is only 2 metres wide and about 3 or 4 metres long. The ceiling is high up, nearly 3 metres tall. He can see a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling casting a dull yellow light in the room. There is no furniture. The space is empty apart from the three of them. What does he mean ‘everything you need is here’ Ben asks himself?

“Mr Moore, would you like to help our new guest clean up after his travels?” Mr Kowalski asks.

“With pleasure, Ed” Mr Moore says as he moves out of the way of the doorway to let Mr Kowalski leave the room. “Let's get you all cleaned up shall we.” as he steps out of the door and comes back holding a big thick hose like the ones the fire brigade use.

He pulls the lever on the hose nozzle, and cold water shoots out hard and fast directly at Ben on the floor. The pressure of the water stings on Ben’s naked skin. He tries to curl up in a ball to protect himself.

“Stand up” He barks at Ben.

Ben doesn’t move as the water is aimed at his head and he can’t hear him.

“Stand the fuck up NOW!” Mr Moore orders as he aims the water down at Ben’s feet.

Ben gets to his feet and stands with his back against the far wall to try and be as far away from the hard cold jet of water that Mr Moore now aims at his crotch. It stings like hell; Ben turns his body to the wall to protect his cock and balls.

“Turn around and face me!” Mr Moore orders. “The longer you take to do my orders, the longer this will go on for.”

Ben reluctantly turns back to face Mr Moore. He aims it back at Ben’s cock. Ben covers it with his hands.

“Hands away, you fucker!”

Ben moves his hands away. The jet is aimed at his cock and held there as Mr Moore sees the pain in Ben’s face. He then fires it directly into Ben's face which feels like he’s just been punched. His head swings to the side and into the wall with the hit of water. He can hear Mr Moore laugh as he directs it down his body.

“Turn around!” He shouts

Ben does as he is told. He sprays the water all around his back which makes it sting. He is numb with the cold water now and is shivering profusely. The water is finally switched off. Ben tries to hug himself as he uncontrollable shivers stand in the cold, wet room. The sound of dripping and running water fills the room. He turns around to see Mr Moore striding over to him with metal rings in his hands.

“Right hand!” he says with disdain.

Ben holds his shivering right hand out to Mr Moore. He grabs it hard and firmly and locks a big heavy steel shackle on his right wrist. It is so heavy, as soon as Mr Moore lets go of Ben arm, his hand dropped to his side with the weight of the shackle.

“Left” he orders Ben.

He hands Mr Moore his left hand. Another shackle is locked onto his left wrist and drops to his side once Mr Moore lets go. He is so exhausted from everything, and the weight of the restraints means he cannot lift his arms.

Mr Moore then reaches up behind Ben on the wall and unhooks a big heavy chain with a big metal hook on the end of the chain. He pulls it down as it hangs in the middle of the room.

“Arms up.”

Ben tries to lift his arms but just can’t with the weight.

“Come on. Mr Knight expects better from his slaves.”

Ben tries with all his might to get his arms up in front of him. Mr Moore grabs them when they are nearly vertical and puts each ring on the shackle onto the hook. The hook is now taking the weight as it holds his arm directly out in front of him at eye level.

Mr Moore steps into the doorway and reaches around with his left hand whilst still watching Ben. He hears a machine sound and the chain starts moving up, lifting Ben’s arms as they go. It is slow. Ben’s arms are now pointing directly up. Mr Moore keeps going as the shackles pull on Ben’s wrists. He gets up on his tiptoes to try and ease the strain on his wrist. Mr Moore finally stops the pulley.

Ben is dancing in the middle of the cell on his tiptoes. The strain and exhaustion showing in his face. Mr Moore steps out of the room but soon returns with a metal cup that has a thing popping out of it. And a bar of soap. He puts the cup on the floor near Ben’s feet. He takes the bar of soap and starts scrubbing hard into Ben’s pubic hair around his cock and balls. He then works it up around his arse. He is getting an excellent white foam from the soap.

Ben is exhausted, scared but is turned on. He gets hard as the big man gropes and lathers his body up. Mr Moore then reaches down and gets the cup. He can see it has water and a razor in the cup. Mr Moore starts shaving Ben’s hair off all around his cock and balls and his arse. He then works down his legs. Shaving every hair off. Mr Moore stands back up and runs his rough hand over Ben’s chest.

“I can see why Mr Knight chose you” He smirks “Already nice and smooth. Less shaving for me.”

Ben picks up on the words Mr Moore used. ‘Chose’. He didn’t choose me. I fucked up big time. I am paying back for my mistake. This guy knows nothing. Ben thinks to himself.

Mr Moore does Ben’s armpits and arms. “There we go,” Mr Moore says as he admires his work “Shaved from the neck down, just as Mr Knight likes it. Remember this. Remember how Mr Knight likes you to be. You need to always be like this. Hairless from the neck down. Comprende?”

“Yes, Sir,” Ben says as he strains to hold himself up on his tiptoes.

“Now you dry off and get some rest. Busy day tomorrow.” as Mr Moore walks out of the cell and closes a big metal door and locks it. He then opens a flap and looks through it. Ben looks pleadingly at Mr Moore. But Mr Moore just slams the flap shut and switches the light off. Ben is left in complete darkness hanging from his wrist on his tiptoes.

Ben drifts in and out of consciousness as he hangs in his cell. The room is cold, damp and very dark. His toes are in a puddle of his piss, as he had to piss himself. His mouth is dry with thirst, and his stomach is rumbling as he is starving. He's in agony from being held in a stress position for so long. He’s broken. He wakes to the sound of footsteps and the light coming on. The flap opens, he can see Mr Moore’s bearded face grinning back at him. He can barely lift his head. He is so weak. He hears the whir of the pulley go as it lowers Ben off his tiptoes and his arms slowly down. He can see his hands are pale, and his wrists are red from the shackles. He makes fists with his hands to get the blood back in them. They tingle with pain.

Mr Moore enters the room with another pair of shackles. They look more significant than the ones he has on his wrist.

“Sleep well.” Mr Moore says. It was not a question. “Right foot up” he orders.

Ben lifts his right foot up and nearly loses his balance, but Mr Moore grabs him before he can fall. He locks the shackle to his right ankle and drops Ben foot the floor with a thud. It hurts the soles of Ben’s feet. The weight of the shackle had made his foot hit the hard stone floor with such force.

“Left.”Mr Moore locks the left shackle on to Ben’s left ankle. Mr Moore leaves the cell and returns with some heavy looking chains.

“Right again.” He orders. Ben struggles to lift his leg with the new weight but just manages to. Mr Moore locks one end of the chains to the shackle. He then does the same with the left. The chains have four ends. Mr Moore then locks the other two ends onto Ben’s wrists that are still hanging from the hook in front of him.

“There we go” He stands back to admire his work. “All ready for Mr Knight.”

He then unhooks Ben from the big hook and ties the hook back in the corner of the room. Ben stays standing in the middle of the room chained, shackled, naked and hairless.

Mr Moore uses the pulley to tighten the hook up and away in the corner and then steps out of the door.

“Follow me, slave.” he orders Ben stand in the corridor outside the cell “Mr Knight wants to see you for breakfast.”

Ben had no idea what time or even what day it was. He was completely disoriented.

He drags his heavy shackled feet out of the cell. The sound of the chains on the ground fills the echoey space. He can only shuffle with the weight of the shackles. But Mr Moore is striding ahead down the dark, gloomy corridor.

“Hurry up, slave. Mr Knight does not like his slaves to be late.”

Ben tries to pick up the pace but struggles as his body feels so weak and broken. The chains between his legs are short, which limits him to little steps at a time. He has to shuffle step quickly to keep up. He sees the corridor is lined with metal doors down both sides. They must be all cells like his. Are there slaves like him in each one? Is he not alone?

Mr Moore reaches the door at the end of the corridor and opens it. The bright light of the outside shines in and down the dark, gloomy corridor. Ben tries to lift his shackled hand to protect his eyes from the bright light but gives up as they weigh too much for him even to try to raise them. He shuffles out of the door and into the outdoors.

He quickly tries to take in his new surroundings. He is in a beautiful, well-kept garden. The flower beds are full of beautiful flowers in bloom. The lawn is large and sprawling. It is all so well kept and immaculate.

They walk along a gravel path. The gravel hurt the bottom of Ben’s feet, but Mr Moore is keeping up the pace. They turn a corner and then Ben sees it. A massive old mansion. It reminded him of Buckingham Palace or Hampton Court Palace. It’s where Kings and Queens would live. He is looking up at it in awe.

They walk up the gravel path and through beautiful large french doors into a large hall. There is fine art all on the walls. They look old and expensive. The furniture is all old and ornate. Ben is looking around the room with his mouth open in wonder. He feels so out of place. He’s naked and in his medieval chains and shackles.

“Stand here and wait for Mr Knight.” Mr Moore points to a spot in the centre of the room.

Ben stands in the spot, still looking around the room. Taking it all in as Mr Moore leaves the large room out of one of the doors in the corner of the room.

Ben stays there standing and waiting.

By Cary Harvey Church


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