The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Jan 14, 2020


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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The official raised his gun into the air. "On your mark," he shouted. Dennis shook his head, removing any stray thoughts from his mind and turning his focus solely to the task at hand. "Get set," the official's voice rang out. Dennis perched his butt into the air, his spine angling sharply down at a forty-five-degree angle. He stared down into the rippling blue pool below, anticipating his breaking the surface and the challenge ahead of him. He could do it. The race was his to lose.

A gun shot rang out, signaling the start of the race. With no time to lose, Dennis heaved forward and launched himself into the water like a hot knife into butter. The bright blue of the water turned pitch black as he slid beneath the surface. The other swimmers disappeared from view, too, leaving nothing but a black abyss in all directions. But Dennis didn't notice. He was in the zone. Swimming as fast and as hard as he could, he took off at full speed.

An object approached him from the right. Turning on his side for a breath, he saw the large, round pair of butt cheeks growing as they got closer. The tan ass eclipsed him in size, until it was the size of a house. He turned away, trying to swim the other direction and escape, but the ass was too fast. It heaved its fleshy mounds into him and sent him coursing through the water in the opposite direction. Dennis flew what felt like the length of the pool before he hit another pair of ass cheeks. Upon impact, he rebounded back in the other direction. This time, however, he didn't go as far, as all over, more pairs of luscious butts were popping up everywhere. He bounced and ricocheted against them like a pinball, shooting up, down, left, and right with no apparent end in sight.

Just as he had had all he could take, he began to fall. Opening his eyes, he saw one final pair of cheeks waiting for him at the bottom. As he rapidly approached, the cheeks began to open, and he saw John's beautiful rosebud clenched tightly below. Without thinking, he stuck out his tongue, but had no chance to taste John, for the hole opened up and he fell right through it.

Dennis rolled onto the floor, his blanket draped down from the bed above. He lay there naked, his erect cock standing firmly at attention. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his head, which had hit the nightstand on his fall, then picked up the alarm clock that had fallen with him. It read: 6:52. Shit! Dennis thought. He was going to be late for the 7:00 am practice before their meet. Grabbing his speedo and some clothes, he rushed out of the room, stumbling down the hallway as he tried to dress himself on the way.

His mom was waiting for him in the kitchen. Mary opened her mouth to say something, but Dennis flew by her. "Late. No time to talk," he said.

"We'll see you there," she called after him, though Dennis was long gone.

John was waiting in the driveway for him; Bill was standing on the driver's side talking to him. "It's about time," Bill said in his fatherly voice. Running late was not something he approved of.

John flashed Dennis a quick grin as he hopped in the car. "It's fine. We've got plenty of time." Turning back to Bill, he said, "So we're good?"

"Yep, don't worry about a thing. We'll see you up there in a bit."

"Thanks," John replied. He turned toward Dennis and gave him a quick kiss; Bill stared longingly at the interaction, knowing full-well what he was missing out on. "Ready, kid?"

"As ready as I'm going to be," Dennis replied, which didn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. He had no clue how he was going to pull this meet off. No matter how much he tried, his focus was lacking. He knew that, his team knew that, and they all were going to be let down when Dennis screwed this up for them.

John shook his head, dismissing Dennis's doubts. "It's going to be fine. Everything will be all right."

"Yeah. I wish I had your optimism."

"You'll see," John replied, pulling the car out of the driveway.

They arrived at the pool just after 7:00 and the rest of the team was already on the pool deck stretching. Their tardiness meant there was no time for tomfoolery in the locker room, so they had to change and rinse with no excitement. Dennis tried avoiding John during the brief moments of exposure, as he didn't want anything to distract him before he even made it onto the pool deck. That would be a surefire way to derail himself before the meet even began.

"The suit looks good on you," John complimented as they walked out onto the deck. Dennis was wearing his team brief for the first time, the one he had received all those weeks ago at Geoff's house when he had first been initiated to the team. The shark on the back stretched fashionably across his ass, and the front pouch pulled tightly down his crotch, outlining his scrunched cock.

"Thanks," Dennis replied, trying not to gaze over and see John's team suit, no matter how much he would've liked to.

Coach Hal was waiting for them at the edge of the pool. "It's about time. The team is warming up now. Dennis take lane two with Trish; John, you can hop in seven with Wacho." As they made their ways to their lanes, Coach Hal continued. "Keep it light. Focus on form and breathing."

Dennis nodded as he stretched his goggles over his face and slid into the pool. He waited for Trish to flip and head the other way before pushing off to follow her.

The water felt great in the late-summer morning air. Dennis quickly found his groove and was slicing through Trish's wake in no time. He passed her on the turn and headed back down the length of the pool, feeling weightless as he glided through the water. By the time he had finished the warm-up and climbed out of the pool, he was feeling much better about the day than he had in weeks. Maybe John was right and everything would work out fine. Maybe they'd beat the Serpents for the first time in a decade. That would really be something.

Around 7:35, Coach Hal dismissed them, telling them to meet back there at five till, and they all dispersed to do whatever they were going to do for the next twenty minutes. That was when Dennis looked up for the first time and noticed the crowd had started to arrive. He saw his parents searching for a place in the bleachers; his mom gave him a wave and a smile from across the pool. His eyes continued down the rows and he saw a few familiar faces, but then, emerging from the locker room, were the Serpents.

Leading the opposing team out of the locker room was a burly man that was both larger and hairier than John. From head to toe, the man was covered in jet-black fur that made him resemble a gorilla more than a man. Even his face was decorated with the stuff, as he had a thick, black beard that connected his hairy chest up to the rug on his head. With his eyes, Dennis traced the trail of hair all the way down to the form-fitting, emerald green speedo clinging to his crotch; a slimy, slithery serpent wrapped around the right hip and opened its mouth to bear its fangs right atop the man's package.

"Who is that?" Dennis asked, approaching John.

John turned around and saw the Serpents making their way over. "He's an asshole, that's what he is," John replied. "His name is Bruce and he's probably the biggest dick in the league."

"I can see that," Dennis said, staring at his crotch.

"Save it, kid. He's not that big."

"How would you know?"

"We share the same locker room. I'm sure you'll get to see it all after the meet."

So much for focus, Dennis thought. The idea of witnessing Bruce in the fleshÐall of the fleshÐwas too hot of a thought to push aside. The man was everything Dennis had ever fantasized about, and he could feel his groin stiffening.

"Careful, kid," John said. "You're gonna need some of that blood or you'll get light-headed."

Without breaking eye contact, Dennis replied, "Way ahead of you on that."

Seeing the Serpents were getting close, John pulled Dennis in the opposite direction. "C'mon, let's go talk to your folks."

"ButÐ" Dennis protested, wanting to stay and ogle over Bruce, but he was powerless to resist John's pull.

They made their way over to the bleachers and stopped in front of Bill and Mary. Mary stood up from her seat and stepped down to the deck. "John," she said excitedly, "it is so good to see you again." Despite the fact that he was dripping wetÐor maybe because of itÐshe leaned in and gave his meaty body a hug.

John hugged her back and then glanced down her blouse as she pulled away and smiled. "It's nice to see you again, too, Mary. It's beenÐwhat?Ðfour years?"

"Something like that," Mary said, taking in all of him. She had, of course, seen him fully clothed many times at the municipal theatre, but never did she expect she'd see him like this, in all his glory in nothing but a skimpy speedo. "Bill told me about Jane. That's just terrible," she added.

"Thanks. It's never easy, but we keep going." Though he still missed her considerably, he'd gotten quite used to dealing with the sympathy.

Mary shook her head. "That's absolutely right. Listen," she said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "I want to thank you for being a mentor to Dennis this summer." Dennis rolled his eyes and sighed as she said this. If only she knew what kind of mentor John had been. "Really, it's been so nice having someone look after him and keep him active. Being a part of this swim team has been really good for him, hasn't it Bill?"

Bill's eyes darted from John's body to his wife. "Yes," he said, nodding in agreement.

Reaching and pulling Dennis tight under his arm, John looked at both Mary and Bill and assured them, "He's a good kid. It's been a pleasure to give him some direction."

I bet it has, Bill thought. It was strange sitting there knowing Dennis's little secret while Mary just ate everything up that John said. What would she do if she knew about Dennis and John screwing after every practice? What would she do if she knew that man she was cozying up to had fucked both her husband and her son? If she only knew the things she didn't know . . .

Dennis glanced at his father and caught Bills eyes for a split second. That was all it took. They had clearly been thinking the same things, and the whole thing was getting a little too close for comfort.

"I think it's time they were getting back," Bill offered, hoping to end the awkward encounter.

"Yes," Dennis agreed a little too quickly.

John whipped around and looked at the clock. It was ten till. "We've still gotÐ"

"Thanks for coming, mom," Dennis spit out. "Dad." He then grabbed John's arm and escorted him back up the deck.

Mary sat back down; she and her husband watched John's ass as it shifted back and forth as he walked away, confined only by a thin piece of polyester.

"Your mom is totally into me," John said.

"Of course, she is. My whole family would fuck you in a heartbeat."

John laughed. "You know that's messed up, right?"


"But kind of hot, too." Trying his luck, he added, "You wouldn't mind if I had a go, would you?"

"Fuck you," Dennis replied.

John casually gestured with his hands, "Eh, it was worth a shot."

They reached their bench where Coach Hal was standing in front of the whole team. "It's up to you guys, now," he said. "We've worked hard all summer for this one, and I think we've got our best chance in years at taking this one home. Just focus on what we've practiced and do your best."

Focus. There was that word again. It echoed through Dennis's head and bounced around randomly like he had that morning in his dream. There were significantly fewer fleshy butts this time, but when he saw Bruce up the way, the last drops of focus seeped away, and he was lost. By the time Coach Hal finished his speech, Dennis was out of it all together.

"Okay, kid, time to move," John said, pushing Dennis out of the way and snapping him out of his reverie.

"Wh-what?" he replied.

"You're not in the first race. Step aside. They're lining up now."

Sure enough, Bruce and another older man had approached the two of them, waiting to take their places at the blocks. Dennis stepped back, as Bob came up behind John.

"That's quite the nice toy you got there, Johnnie," Bruce said, as if Dennis couldn't hear him. Or maybe he knew, and he wanted Dennis to hear. "I'm sure it's fun to poke with that tiny pecker of yours."

John ignored the guy and took his place on the starting block. He was to go first, and Bob would follow. "It's not like you to stand by while he insults your teammate like that," Bob noticed.

"He'll get what's coming to him," John replied.

And he did. For John and Bob won the first relay and put the Sharks in the lead right off the bat.

The rest of the meet was a vicious battle, but the Serpents seized the lead early and remained there. Dennis placed third in both his individual races; both were losses to Bruce, who was able to derail him without a single thought. He was failing his team, just as he knew he would.

"Is it just me," Mary asked her husband, "or should Dennis be beating these fat, old men? I mean, what does he do up here all day, beat off?"

Bill didn't offer a response. He knew there were other things at play, and Mary had hit it a little too on the nose to comment without incident.

When the time for the final race rolled around, the Sharks were down by three points. They would not only need to win this race, but they would also need to place with their secondary team. Bob, Dennis, and Trish were to take the primary spot, with Geoff, Denise, and Chuck taking the secondary. They would be up against Bruce, the older man from the first race, and a guy who looked as if he swam professionally.

"I can't do this," Dennis said, looking at his opponents. They had a five-minute break before the last race, and Dennis had begun to panic. "That guy looks like he could swim circles around all of us, and I've already lost to Bruce twice today. We'd be better off putting you in my spot. I'll swim secondary."

"You can do this, and you will," John said, resting his hands on Dennis's shoulders and looking him squarely in the eyes. "You are the best swimmer here, by far. Sure, you have a few issues when it comes to demonstrating that fact, but I've seen it. Just focus on the race; there will be plenty of time for us old guys after."

If only it were that simple, Dennis thought.

"Besides, I've already done my four races for the day," John continued, giving the boy a hug to reassure him. "They won't allow any more than that, so you have no choice."

Dennis nodded, knowing it was useless to fight it anymore. There were no alternatives. He would have to race whether he liked it or not. "Fine, let's get it over with. But afterward, I get to fuck you again, okay?"

"We'll see, kid," John replied, breaking apart.

They made their way back onto the pool deck and rounded the pool to their bench. As they neared the bench, Coach Hal asked, "Everyone ready?" He turned to Dennis. "Dennis? You good?"

Dennis gave him a reserved thumbs up.

"Good. I'm counting on you," he said, not knowing the internal crisis Dennis was having or the pressure that the comment added. He patted Dennis on the ass and added, "Now get up to the blocks, it's time to go."

As Dennis made his way over to the blocks, Bruce walked up beside John. "That sure is a nice piece of ass," he said, lustfully staring after Dennis. "It's a shame a boy like that wastes his time with the likes of you. Maybe after we win, he'll rethink his choice to be a Shark."

John grimaced at him. "His ass says we win this yet."

Bruce turned toward John with a smug look on his face. "You shitting me?"

John shook his head no.

"So, when we win, I can fuck your boy?"

John nodded.

"And what about if you win?"

Still looking straight ahead at Dennis, John said, "The kid fucks you."

Bruce laughed. "I don't get fucked," he said matter-of-factly.

"If you're going to win, I don't see how that's relevant."

Bruce grinned. "You're a shrewd man, John. You've got yourself a deal," he said, extending his hand. John grabbed it and squeezed a little too tightly.

Without saying another word, Bruce headed toward the blocks, past Dennis and his team.

"Everything good, Dennis?" Bob asked, as Bruce walked by behind them.

"It's been better," he replied.

"You'll do fine," Trish added reassuringly. "We all had butterflies our first meet."

He reached down for his goggles, which he usually kept tucked in his speedo band, and noticed their absence. He quickly turned back to the bench to see if he'd left them there, but John was there, the goggles in his outstretched hand.

"Thanks," Dennis said, taking the goggles.

"That's what I'm here for," John replied with a smile. "Now go win this race."

Dennis returned to his team and stood at the ready as Bob assumed the position on the starting blocks. He stood there, between Bob's ass, which was right next to his head at eye level. On his right was the old Serpents' ass, also at eye level. Dennis turned away from the butts and looked at the water. He sighed, taking in a deep breath and breathing out, feeling the smooth ripple of the water and aligning his bodily rhythm with it.

The official raised his hand into the air. "On your mark," he shouted. Dennis breathed deeply once more, shaking his head and removing any stray thoughts from his mind, turning his focus solely to the task at hand. "Get set," the official's voice rang out. Out of his peripherals, Dennis saw Bob's butt perch high into the air, his spine angling sharply down at a forty-five-degree angle. Dennis continued staring down into the rippling blue pool below, anticipating when he'd break the surface and enter the race. I can do it, he told himself, shedding his thoughts of all else.

A gun shot rang out, signaling the start of the race. With no time to lose, Bob heaved forward and launched himself into the water, as did the old Serpent, Chuck, and a young lady from the Serpents' secondary team. With that, the race was on.

Bob managed to keep a pretty close tail on the old man, as did Chuck and the young lady. Coming out of the flip, likely due to his smaller size, Bob gained a little more, putting him dead even with the old man. As Bob neared the start, Trish stood on the blocks and assumed the position. The man in the next lane did the same. Before they knew it, their teammates were slapping the deck and starting the second round of the relay. As Trish and the professional Serpent took off, Dennis climbed atop the block. He glanced over at Bruce, and his mind slipped.

"Don't pay him any attention," John said, appearing out of nowhere, as if to block his thoughts.

Dennis turned back to watch the race. Hesitantly, John casually asked, "Say, kid, how many strokes does it take you to reach the other end?"

"I don't know," Dennis replied, looking at John. "Including flip?"

"Including flip," John repeated.

"Twenty-six. Why?"

"No reason," John said.

Before he had a chance to press the matter, Trish and the professional Serpent had hit the other end and turned back. They were halfway down the length of the pool and coming in hot.

Dennis pulled his goggles down over his eyes and the world went black. "I can't see," he said. The goggles had been painted black.

"Good," John said in response. "Remember, it's twenty-six strokes to the other side."

"John, I can't see!"

"You got this kid." And with that, just as Trish's hand slapped the deck, John gave Dennis a push that sent him falling forward toward the pool. He hit the water with a splash and before he could get too overwhelmed at his lack of sight, he reached forward with his arm and began his stroke. One, two, three, he counted, as if it were an ordinary swim where he could see everything. Soon enough, he fell into his groove and was quickly gliding through the water with all the grace of a real shark. He hit twenty-five and twenty-six, flipped, and his push off the wall sent him rocketing back in the other direction. Dennis had no idea how he was doing in comparison to Bruce, but for the first time in a long time, he didn't care. He was in his element, swimming like he used to, and that was all he could do at that point.

He hit stroke twenty, twenty-two, twenty-four, then twenty-six, which found his hand slapping against the side of the pool deck. Before he could remove his goggles, a strong hand yanked him from the water and pulled him into a giant bear hug. "You did it, kid!" John shouted. "I told you you could do it!"

Dennis ripped the goggles from his face and saw his team gathered around him. Bruce was still in the pool, looking quite pissed off at the whole affair. Geoff and Chuck, who had just finished third, leapt from the pool and shuffled over to Dennis, John, and Bob, and the group of friends all came in around the kid and gave him a big hug. It was the culmination of all the fun and hard work he had had at the pool that summer, and it made it all worth it. What had started as a lazy summer at the pool had ended up with Dennis on a team with a group of some of the best friends he had ever had.

As they broke up, Coach Hal extended a hand. "Well done, Dennis. Well done." Dennis took the hand, and Coach Hal pulled him in for a hug, as well, giving his ass a nice squeeze. "I do hope you'll join us again next year," he said with a devilish grin.

"Definitely," Dennis replied.

The official brought over the league trophy and handed it to Coach Hal. He then turned to Dennis and handed him a medal, which Dennis threw around his neck. The rest of the team got them, too, and they all admired what they hadn't received in a decade. It was a great moment for the team, and they all cherished it more than a bunch of adults in a recreational swim league should have. But that was just a testament to how much the team meant to them.

Trish, caught up in the moment, even let Geoff plant one on her right there on the deck. Geoff, of course, had forgotten Hal was standing right there. As Trish's petrified eyes made contact with her husband's, Geoff turned and awaited the slug that was coming for him. Instead, Hal gave the two a smile, patted Geoff on the shoulder, and joined the rest of the team in their festivities.

As the excitement died down, Dennis looked at John quizzically. "You tricked me."

The old man raised his hands innocently. "It's not my fault you're helpless. I did what had to be done. I had help, though," he said, pointing into the crowd.

Dennis looked around and saw his parents behind the gate. Bill waved, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. With the other hand, he held up Dennis's goggles.

Though his jaw fell, shocked, he couldn't be mad at them. The plan had worked flawlessly. John had known there was only one way he'd win the race, and he had made it happen. "It's okay," he said. "Without you, we wouldn't have won."

"No, kid, you won this for us. I just gave you the push you needed."

Dennis wasn't going to argue the matter. There was no point. The race was over, they had won, and the crowds were leaving. So too were the Serpents. Dennis watched as they walked along the far side of the pool. He savored his last few glimpses of Bruce.

John noticed these looks. "I may have done one other thing," he said.

"What would that be?" Dennis asked, snapping his head away from the hairy captain of the Serpents.

"I may have bet Bruce that you we would win the race . . . and now you get to fuck him."

"What?" Dennis shouted excitedly.

John laughed. "He's all yours, if you want him."

When they entered the locker room, Bruce was sitting on the bench waiting for them. "Let's just get this over with," he said.

"There'll be no getting it over with," John said. "We're going to savor every last minute of your defeat. To the victor go the spoils!"

"Yeah, yeah," Bruce responded. "Where do you want me?"

Dennis's eyes darted to the shower before he had chance to think about it. "The kid is quite fond of the shower," John said.

Without saying another word, Bruce set off in that direction. He was standing under the water when they arrived. Dennis watched as the burly man stripped out of his speedo, revealing the hairiest ass he had ever seen. From head to toe, the man was nothing but tan skin and black hair. His barrel of a chest was tight and round and didn't droop in the slightest down over his chubby uncut dick. Bruce hung the speedo on the water nozzle and leaned against the wall, his ass extending outward for Dennis's use.

John held up his hand, offering a condom to Dennis. "Here. You don't know where that one's been," he said. It was half a joke because of his long-standing rivalry with Bruce and the Serpents, but also a word of advice for Dennis that fucking outside of the group had consequences, and he needed to know that before he left and went back to school in the big city.

Dennis grabbed the condom and wasted no time getting to work. Somehow, he managed to drop and step out of his suit on the way over to the wall. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Bruce, running his fingers through the pelt of fur, starting at the belly and up into his perky pecs. There, he found Bruce's hard nipples and began tugging at them. Bruce grunted; Dennis couldn't tell if it was from pain or pleasure, but he didn't stop. His hard cock rose until it found the hole just below Bruce's ass, in the hollow between his legs. He wiggled it around as best as he could, letting Bruce feel the full might of what he was going to give him. Bruce's ass clenched tight, trying to shut down the boy's plans.

Not one to give up, Dennis stepped back and got down on his knees. "Let's loosen you up," he said to Bruce's ass. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and slobbered them up the best he could. Next, he spit what saliva he had left on the ends of two fingers and brought them to Bruce's hole, which clenched tighter at the touch. Dennis flicked at the hole gently until it relinquished enough for him to slide his fingers in more. He pulled them out and gave them some more spit, before firmly sticking them back in. Bruce yelped, but Dennis didn't let up. Soon, he was jabbing his fingers into Bruce's prostate, to which Bruce let out a long, drawn out whimper.

John looked on as Dennis assaulted Bruce's behind with his fingers. He knew it was only a matter of time before things escalated further, and he should probably step in and offer the kid some lube before that happened. But, for now, he was quite enjoying watching Bruce squirm from a spit fucking.

His fingers began to slide in faster and faster, and Bruce began to pant. The old man's hands remained planted firmly against the wall, but his ass started to extend out further and further, as if his ass was begging for more no matter how much its owner insisted against it.

John stepped forward and held out the bottle of lube. Dennis took it from him and set it down. He tore the condom from its wrapper and rolled it onto his cock. Then, taking a healthy squirt of lube, he smeared his cock and Bruce's hole. Without wasting any time, he brought the head of his cock to the hole and slid it inside. As Dennis pushed in, Bruce moaned out. He hated the feeling of being submissive to someone else, especially one so young as Dennis, but he was helpless to resist this time. They had won the bet fair and square, so he had to suck it up and take Dennis's cock like a champ. But, if he was forced to bottom, he was going to be the best damn bottom there was.

He pressed back into Dennis and his chubby butt bounced Dennis backward. This only caused Dennis to come in harder, smashing back in with fervor. Their balls slapped together with each thrust, and the sound echoed throughout the showers. Dennis placed his hand on Bruce's belly and felt the ripple effect of his fucking. It sent tremors throughout the old man's husky frame, and only made Dennis harder and harder.

John, too, was becoming quite hard while watching the scene. He slipped out of his briefs and made his way to Bruce's front end. The fucking had made the old Serpent hungry and, without hesitating, he took John's hard cock in his mouth and began sucking him down. John forced his dick as far into Bruce's mouth as it could go until Bruce gagged and spit it out. John grabbed his meat and slapped Bruce over the face with it. "Suck it, you fat pig," John shouted, shoving it back inside. And Bruce did. He opened as wide as he could and allowed John to fuck his face hard.

Dennis continued fucking as he watched his lover take control of his rival. It must have been humiliating for Bruce to be used and abused this way, but it was incredibly hot for Dennis. Feeling the constricting weight of Bruce's ass bearing down on his cock, Dennis's nutsack tightened and he shot his load in several spurts, filling up the condom. Seeing the look on Dennis's face as he came put a smile on John's face. He grabbed the back of Bruce's head, rammed his own cock as far down Bruce's throat as he could, and emptied his own sack within.

Bruce fell to his knees, exhausted, but Dennis wasn't done with him yet. He slid the condom off his dick and stood over Bruce. The man's eyes grew wide as Dennis dumped the contents of the condom on his face. It was the final mark of his defeat. Then, he and John turned to leave.

"John," Bruce called after him, still out of breath. They turned back to see the hairy Serpent kneeling beneath the water. Dennis's cum ran down his cheeks and into the mass of hair on his chest. His own cock had shriveled up into its foreskin. "That was hot!"

"There are some benefits to being a Shark," John replied, giving Bruce a wink. And with that, John and Dennis left the showers.

Bruce came into the locker room while John and Dennis were getting dressedÐhe, too, had to changeÐbut neither party said anything to the other. Everything that needed to be said had been left in the shower. Somehow, Dennis didn't think the rivalry would be as strong the next year. Maybe Bruce saw that being a dick was less fun than taking one. Maybe the swim league would become a little less competitive and a little more recreational, as the name implied. Only time would tell.

As they made their way to John's car, the old man asked, "I know you're leaving tomorrow, but would you want to stay the night one more time . . . for old time's sake?"

Dennis had pre-packed his school stuff hoping that would be the case. Spending one last night with John would be way more fun than sleeping alone in his bed. "Absolutely," he replied.

"Great," John said, a wave of happiness washing over him. He was going to miss Dennis when he went back to school, and the thought of having one last night with him, after everything they had been through that day and over the course of the summer, would be the cherry on top of a perfect summer.

They threw their bags in the backseat and climbed inside, before driving off for their last night together.

To be concluded . . .

©2020 **************************************************************************

Thanks for reading. If you liked this story and want to read more, contact me at I'd love feedback.

Next: Chapter 14

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