The Masters Swim Team

By Dave B

Published on Nov 3, 2018


This is a fictional story about a young adult who joins a Master's Swim team full of older men.

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Dennis rolled over and found himself lying in a large, wet spot. Half asleep, he ran his hand down the length of his body until he got to his belly, which was also covered in the liquid. His fully erect cock was still dripping. "Fuck," he whispered to himself. He couldn't remember his dream, but it must have been hot. He lifted his hands and ran them across his face, wiping away the sleep, then stumbled out of bed.

He tossed on a pair of athletic shorts and began stuffing things he needed for the day in his pool bag. It was his first day of work, so he couldn't be late. Though, he wouldn't start until after swim practice, so he had some time. If only he could find his speedo.

Dennis walked into the kitchen where his dad was at the table eating breakfast. "Have you seen my speedo?" Dennis asked, as he searched his cubby in the corner.

"Good morning to you, too," Bill replied, as he nodded down at the tent in Dennis' pants. "Looks like someone's awake." Seeing the hardened cum across Dennis' belly, he added, "and has been enjoying themselves."

"You've seen it now," Dennis snapped back, "so what does it matter? Have you seen my speedo?" he said again.

Bill smiled. He had seen it. And while he was more into guys like John, he had to admit his son was packing quite nicely. "Yes, I took it and washed it last night. I wanted you to look nice for your first day of work. You had some stains in the liner that you really should pay more attention to."

"Ok," Dennis said, ignoring what he saw as nagging. The fact that his father was openly referring to his cum stains, as if that was something normal parents did, was a little too much at that hour.

Dennis ducked into the laundry room really quick, grabbed his speedo from the rim of the sink, and also a shirt from the basket. He pulled the shirt over his head as he walked back into the kitchen, and grabbed his bag from the chair. "What are you still doing here?" he asked his dad. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

Bill tossed a piece of bacon in his mouth and, through chomps, said, "I'm off today. Have to pick your sister up from the airport."

Dennis' eyes opened wide. He had completely forgotten she was coming home today.

"You forgot she was coming, didn't you?" his dad asked, not surprised.

"No . . . I mean, maybe," he replied. "I've had a lot going on."

"I'll say," Bill laughed. "Well don't stay out all night. Your mother wants us to have a family dinner. Maddie is only in town for a few days before she leaves for her study abroad. You should think about doing that, you know? It could be great for your resume."

That was his cue to leave. "Thanks, Dad. Great talking to you, as always," Dennis sarcastically yelled behind him as he walked out.

"Dinner is at six!" Bill yelled after him.

It was typical that every conversation he had with his father would always end up with Dennis getting nagged in some way. Usually, it was about how Dennis wasn't quite at the level that his older sister Maddie was. Maddie was the quintessential perfect child. She got straight A's; she didn't drink; she wasn't interested in sleeping around with college boys, like all her friends; and she was the nicest, politest, most beautiful daughter in the whole, wide world . . . except none of that was true. Sure, she could be nice, and she was definitely beautiful--some might even say hot!--but what Dennis knew that no one else in his family knew was that Maddie was quite the slut. One might even call her cock hungry, as she had an insatiable appetite for fat, juicy rods.

How did Dennis know this? Well, he had walked in on her once getting spit roasted by the two neighbor boys. They were twins, you see, and like Maddie, perfect at everything. The Wonder Twins, they were called around town. Their parents likely thought the same things about them as Dennis' thought about Maddie. But here they were, with their twin cocks, plugging up his perfect sister's perfect, little holes. He imagined her holes were rounder and tighter than anyone else's, and their cocks, from what he could remember, were certainly harder and thicker than any other guy on the block. In fact, it was probably the most perfect sex that had ever happened. Does that give you a clue? How could Dennis possibly live up to that?

From then on, his sister had shared all her sexploits with him. She wasn't ashamed to discuss her love for cock with him, even if it did slightly embarrass him. Why he was embarrassed, Maddie never knew. She, of course, didn't know that every time she mentioned fucking one of the volunteer firemen in town, or a new guy she had met at the gym, or even her seventh grade math teacher, that Dennis would get hard thinking about their cocks drilling her. Or that he would stroke his cock thinking about them drilling him. After the last two weeks though, he did have to wonder which one of them was getting more cock these days?

Dennis rolled up to the pool with plenty of time to spare. Cindy was nowhere to be found, so he walked right in and got to business. Bob and Chuck were already there when he entered the locker room. Bob was standing next to the bench, folding his briefs, while Chuck was in front of the mirror, butt naked, trying to yank one of his bushy eyebrows. Bob looked up as Dennis entered.

"Good morning, Dennis. How did the job interview go yesterday?"

"Morning, Bob," Dennis said, as he spun the dial on his locker. He thought back fondly to his encounter with Coach Hal in the office, how he had gotten down on his knees as his childhood coach rammed his seven-inch cock down his throat. It had only been a day ago, but after all that had happened between himself, his dad, and John following that moment, it seemed like weeks away. He hoped he would have the opportunity to experience him again. "It was fine. Not much of an interview. I start after practice today."

Bob smiled and nodded his direction. "Good for you, Dennis. Good for you."

At that moment, John walked into the room. Chuck looked up in the mirror and saw him enter. He turned towards Bob, and the two of them knew they should leave. "Well," Bob said, "we'll see you two out there." He gave John a wave and they hit the showers.

Dennis' eyes met John's. There they were, right in the same spot where it all took place the day before. Right where his father had embarrassed him more than ever before, and right were he had left John alone and vulnerable. Of course, that was before his dad went over and fucked John's brains out later that night. But it was still in that spot where Dennis was sure John would never speak to him again, or even the last time the two would ever see each other again. Now, based on what he'd heard from his dad, that wasn't true. Dennis would continue to swim on the team, he'd have a part-time summer job, and he was free to screw around with John whenever he pleased. That was, if John would still have him.

John was quiet as he made his way over to his locker, which happened to be two away from Dennis'. When he got there, he said, "Hey, kid."

"Hey," Dennis responded. Oh, boy, this was going to be weird.

They stood in silence. "Is this going to be awkward now?" Dennis asked.

"Only if we let it," John replied.

"Should we talk about it?" Dennis said, sounding more grown up than he had in his entire life.

"Or we could pretend it never happened and just carry on as usual."

"Because that sounds like the grown-up thing to do," Dennis said sarcastically.

"I think we both had enough grown-up talks yesterday to last us a while."

Dennis smiled. That was too true. "My dad told me about last night."

John's eyes grew wide. "I didn't think he'd do that."

"I guess he figured my secret was out, he might as well share his. Not like I wouldn't have found out eventually. I mean, we are screwing the same guy."

"You're right there," John said, with a quick chuckle. "I really didn't know he was your dad."

"I know. But you gotta admit, picking us both up in men's rooms is kinda weird, right?"

"Hey," John said, "you didn't seem to have a problem when it was just you. Is Dennis jealous his old man's getting the bone?"

"No, but I wish I could give you the bone some time," Dennis said, hoping that wasn't too forward. He knew John didn't like getting fucked, but something bothered him about the fact that his father had been given the opportunity when Dennis wanted it more than anything.

"Today," John replied. "After practice it is all yours."


"Sure, kid. I'd love to feel you inside me."

Dennis wasn't sure John was telling the truth, but he wasn't going to miss his opportunity. It was only then that he realized he was forgetting something. "Oh wait, I can't."

John looked confused. "Why is that?"

"I've got work after practice. It's my first day."

John smiled at the boy's innocence. "Don't worry, kid. I'm not going anywhere." Suit in hand, he started towards the shower. "Come on, we're gonna be late." The fun and games of the previous practice was well behind them. This time, Coach Hal had an intense workout written on the dry erase board and was in a take-no-prisoner mood. They had just under a month until their swim meet against the Serpents from the neighboring town of Shady Creek, and they were in no condition to compete at this time. The Sharks had lost the rivalry meet the last three years running, but this year was going to be different. Dennis was their secret weapon. He could swim faster and longer than anyone in the league--probably because he was about thirty years younger than anyone else in the league--and this was going to be their year to take home the trophy. If they put in the work, Dennis would lead them all to victory. That is, if Dennis focused.

Focusing had been a constant struggle for Dennis ever since he had met John and joined the team. It seemed his ability to become one with the water had fizzled out the second he knew there were hot, speedo-clad, older men in his midst. It was especially bad when they would line up at the blocks and get ready to dive. Dennis would hone in on their asses, the tight spandex of their speedos pulled tight over them, cupping and highlighting their dangling nut sacks as they arched their rears high into the air. His tongue would inevitably slide through his own lips, trying to pull Dennis closer to the bottoms on display. By the time they were gone, splashing away in the water, Dennis was so far out of the swimming zone that he was nothing more than a leaf floating in their wake. When it came time for him to swim, every time he turned to take a breath there was another distraction. He'd lean to the left and there was Geoff, his smooth belly ripping unnaturally through the water like a beluga whale. To his right, John would smile at him as he passed, giving Dennis an instant erection that would send him swerving off course like a broken rudder. And at the end of it all was Coach Hal, who stood atop the pool deck like a mountaineer that had reached Everest's peak, only Hal was wearing far fewer and tighter articles of clothing. The man's bulge called to Dennis, inviting him back for seconds. It was all Dennis could do not to grab these men right then and there and have his way with them.

The practice ended on a downer note. They were all exhausted, but Hal was not happy. They had a lot of work to do if they were to beat the Serpents, and Dennis' results were disappointing to say the least.

"I expect more from you, Dennis," Hal said to him as he pulled him into the office. "I know you're better than that. I've seen it."

"Sorry, coach--"

"Call me Hal."

"Sorry, Hal," Dennis corrected. Using his real name felt weird. "I'll do better next time."

Hal rummaged through a box and pulled out a red speedo with a white plus on the back. "That's all I ask. Here," he said, handing Dennis the speedo. "I don't have any new ones, but this is one of my old ones. You won't mind wearing it for now, would you? At least until I can order a new one." Hell no he wouldn't mind, Dennis thought. Just the idea of slipping into one of Coach Hal's old briefs was mind bending. This gig just kept getting better and better. "Not at all," Dennis replied.

Coach Hal gave him a dirty smile. "I didn't think so. Now, go put it on. Cindy here will show you the ropes."

Dennis looked over at Cindy. She was sucking on a popsicle. Jesus Christ, Dennis thought, does she ever not have a phallus in her mouth?

He changed into the new suit and headed back to the office. The suit was about two sizes too tight for Dennis, so it felt like he had a perpetual wedgie in it. How long ago had Coach worn it? Surely not for some time. One advantage, he supposed, would be how it would suppress any action he had in his pants. Or would it highlight it more? He was afraid to find out.

Cindy took him around the three stations of the pool. In the office, one would sit at the desk and make sure everyone signed in upon entering the pool. They were also responsible for serving customers at the concession stand. Or, in Cindy's case, eating the concessions or her boss's cock. The second station was on the pool deck directly in front of the pool house. Right next to the starting blocks, this person would oversee the deeper end of the lap lanes, and also the one side of the deep end. The final station would oversee the other side of the deep end and the middle to shallow end of the lap lanes. They would rotate every hour on the hour, with the only opportunity for food or breaks being when they were in the office shift. It seemed like incredibly dull work. He wouldn't even get to feel the cool, refreshing water from atop his high chair. So much for showing his dad up by getting a job.

The day went very much like the practice, just with fewer hot men. Sure, there were dads that brought their kids up for a swim, but none of them wore speedos, and he never had the opportunity to stare for very long. Instead, he spent the morning yelling at kids to walk, telling babysitters their kids couldn't eat on the pool deck, separating fighting pre-teens, and making change for the purchase of candy bars. It was absolutely, positively exhausting.

It was 12:00 when Dennis finally got switched back to the office for the second time. He was starving and couldn't wait to get something to eat. John had said he'd bring him something later in the afternoon, he just didn't know when that would be. As he approached, he saw Cindy talking to a friend. He didn't realize who it was until he was right there next to them. It was his sister. Maddie was 5' 10" tall with jet black hair. She stood there in an incredibly slimming navy one-piece, trimmed in red, that perfectly accentuated her D cup breasts. Her ass jutted out as she leaned against the counter, twirling her hair as she and Cindy gabbed about boys.

"Dennie!" she shrieked as he approached. She threw her arms around him, nestling her cooter against his crammed bulge. "Oh, it's so good to see you."

"You too, Sis," he replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Daddy picked me up and I asked him to drop me here." She looked her brother up and down, admiring the bulge hidden within the tight speedo. What she wouldn't give for just a glimpse of it. "He told me you got a job here and I had to come see for myself."

"More like you wanted to prowl."

"Now, now. Would daddy's little girl do something like that?"

"You're disgusting," he said with a smile, strolling behind the counter.

Maddie laughed. "You know you love me."

Dennis took his seat at the counter and settled in. It was going to be a long hour and he hoped John would be there soon. He sent Maddie away when the first group of kids came wanting their candy and popsicles. As much as he loved his sister, even with all her weird eccentricities, it was hard to work when she was yapping in his ear about some boy across the pool. Though, he must admit, he rather liked when his sister pointed out guys that he himself had already noticed. Before, he would have let her have them; but now, he wondered if he could get there first. He wondered what it would be like to steal the cocks of those horny dads--the ones that were probably getting no action at home--away from his nymphomaniac sister. The thought drove him wild. Luckily, his crotch was hidden beneath the counter so no pre-teen would catch a glimpse of his expanding bulge.

John didn't show up for another few hours. By this point, Dennis was burnt out. After the long morning and even longer afternoon, he needed food and rest. His sister sat on the lounge chair munching on bubble gum when John strolled onto the pool deck wearing that breathtaking green speedo. Dennis didn't see him at first, but he could almost hear Maddie's jaw hit the ground as every inch of that man's tanned, hairy body strode out into the sun. From head to toe, he was a sight to behold. Water glistened on his belly, still fresh from the locker room shower. His gray hair was growing shaggy, and he was certainly a sight for sore eyes. Behind Dennis, a bubble popped!

"Who is that?" Maddie asked, as John made his way over to them. Dennis turned towards his sister and saw her peering over her sunglasses, continuing to smack at her gum.

He turned back and saw who she was talking about. John was approaching, and he was carrying a bag of food, but what Maddie and Dennis were looking at was the bag between John's legs. As he walked, the green pouch jostled back and forth between his legs. His belly confidently led the way, bobbing gently as he turned the corner and approached.

Dennis was almost speechless. "That," he said, "is John."

"Dibs," Maddie shouted immediately.

"What?" Dennis looked at her as if she were crazy.

"He's mine. I called dibs."


"I know, you don't want him. Good, because he's mine. Now introduce me."

John arrived at the siblings and looked up at Dennis in his chair. He held the bag up. "I brought you some food."

"Thanks," Dennis said. "I'm starved."

"Ahem," they heard, as Maddie cleared her throat. Dennis and John turned to look at her. She was staring up at them, her left hand at her sunglasses, pulling them down on her nose so she could get a better look.

She really does have to be the center of attention, Dennis thought. "John, this is my sister Maddie. Maddie, this is John."

John reached over and grabbed Maddie's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, bending over and kissing her hand. As he bent over, his butt stuck out and his belly hung over the front of the speedo. With a view straight down his hairy chest, it was a wonder Maddie didn't squirt right then and there.

She was speechless, but her eyes were wide. Dennis knew what she was thinking; he was thinking the same thing. But only one of them would get to fuck that today, and it certainly wouldn't be his sister.

John turned back to Dennis. "What time do you get off?"

Dennis glanced to his left at the clock on the pool house. It was almost 4:30. "Actually, now," he said, climbing down from the ladder. His replacement was walking around the pool as they spoke.

"Wanna get out of here?" John asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I've gotta get cleaned up first. I'm gross and tired."

"I know just the thing."

John led Dennis away from his sister. Dennis said goodbye, and couldn't help himself when he crouched down behind John as he walked, making a motion that mimicked him eating John's ass out. It was all for his sister's benefit, just so she could see that he was being chosen to leave with John and not her. Of course, to the best of his knowledge, Maddie had no suspicions that Dennis would act on any of that. He just liked to tease her and deny her some meat. Her scowl was worth it.

"Cute girl," John said, as they re-entered the locker room. "How old is she?"

"Two years older than me," Dennis replied. "She's got the hots for you. Could you tell?"

John turned to Dennis. "Must run in the family. Maybe I'll have to take her for a spin next."

Dennis scowled. It was one thing to let John have his way with his dad, but he was not willing to share with Maddie. She had much more cock than he ever would, so he wanted this one all to himself.

"Or not," John joked. He led them through the showers and into the main locker room. In the back corner, near the toilets, was a brown door that Dennis had never really paid much attention to. It had a small, rectangular window in the center of it that was just big enough to look into from close range. John, carrying two towels from the stack outside the showers, quickly spun two knobs on the wall and yanked the door open. "After you," he said.

Dennis entered the square room. The walls and floor were lined with wood planks, and along two walls were two stacks of bleachers. There was a lower bench and and upper bench, both also made of wood. In the corner was a heater.

"You ever use the sauna before?" John asked.

"Nope," Dennis said. "I didn't even know this was here."

"Well, trust me, this will make you feel better. The heat will relax you." He began removing his speedo and motioned for Dennis to do the same. Dennis watched as the sweaty brief clung to John's crack and snapped down as he tugged. He tried to do the same, but the brief was too tight to go without a fight. "Hal gave you that?" John asked.

"Yeah," Dennis replied. "It's one of his old ones. He said he was short of new ones."

John laughed. "That fuck. He just wanted you in his pants again."

"I didn't mind. It was kind of hot," he said, finally managing to tear the speedo from his body. His soft cock flipped out in celebration of its new freedom.

"That sure is nice," John remarked. "Come here, sit down."

John climbed to the top bench and spread his legs. Dennis sat on the lower bench between them. John put his hands on Dennis' shoulders and began massaging them. Immediately, the tension caused that pain that hurts, yet feels so good. His slouching in the guard chair all day probably hadn't been a good idea. John squeezed the muscles tightly and rolled his fingers in circles. It felt so good, and the heat was just ramping up enough that Dennis could feel the tension dissipating. This really was helping.

After twenty minutes of rubbing, as their bodies began to drip with sweat, Dennis turned around and came face to face with John's erect cock. It was shimmering in the dim light. The head had a sticky spot dripping from it, that was almost indiscernible from the sweat. Dennis didn't care. He wanted to taste all of John's body juices. He brought his head down and engulfed the first few inches of it. Immediately, there was a surge of pre-cum that only made Dennis want it more. He licked and flicked at the cock with his tongue, slurping up the sweat and pre-cum, and savored the sweet and salty mixture of the juices. It was nice to feel John's cock inside him again, something that, just yesterday, he never thought would happen again.

John pulled away. "Do you want to fuck me now?" he asked.

Dennis hesitated. Of course he did. That's what he had wanted for weeks. But he had envisioned the whole thing happening different that this. "No, not yet. Not today."

"You sure?"

"Yes. It'll happen soon enough."

"All right," John said. "Care if I take a turn, then?"

"Not at all."

Dennis lowered himself back onto the lower bench as John climbed back to the floor. Dennis took a look at that beefy ass as they switched and thought about how stupid he felt for turning down his chance at it. It was for the best, he thought. In his dreams, they had been in the shower. That is where he first met John, and that is where he wanted him most. He would get another chance, and it would be awesome.

John kneeled on the floor and took Dennis' cock in his mouth and immediately went deep. Dennis could feel the tightening as his head pushed past John's tonsils and went spelunking down his throat. His sweaty pubes smashed against John's mustache, and the stubble on John's chin jabbed at Dennis' nut sack. John took several deep dives, shoving Dennis' member in and out of his mouth, initializing the vacuum effect that had worked so well on Dennis in the past. As he sucked, the door creaked open and in walked Coach Hal, dripping wet from the shower.

For fuck sake, Dennis thought. Were they ever going to have sex again without being interrupted. Likely not, he reminded himself, as this was a public pool. Hal dropped his towel to his side and revealed his swinging, 5 inch soft dick. Dennis' eyes widened as he took in his coach in all his glory for the second time.

Hal didn't see his entrance as an interruption at all, nor did he act as if Dennis' glance was of importance. He just entered as if he had seen nothing. "Gentlemen," he said.

It was either the heat or he was blushing, but Dennis could feel himself growing red. John, on the other hand, completely ignored the intrusion and kept at it.

"That's quite the sister you've got there, Dennis," Hal added, ignoring John's presence just as John was ignoring his. Dennis nodded. "She's quite the pleaser, if you know what I mean."

Fuck, Dennis thought. Maddie had worked her charm after all and had sex with Hal. Lucky bitch. Now he wouldn't have her failure to hold over her head. He could, should he be so inclined, dangle his sex with John over it, but he likely wouldn't reveal that detail to her. Maybe just that he had seen him naked in the locker room. That would be enough to drive her wild.

"Yeah," Dennis said, giving the least bit of acknowledgment he could while still acknowledging him.

Hal took a seat in the corner, giving him a perfect view of the activity. Dennis could tell by his eyes that he was into it, but he wasn't sure how into it he was. Was he wanting to participate? That would be hot. Was he only straight? That was the impression he had gotten in his interview. After all, a blow job is just a blow job, same as a mouth is just a mouth. If the mouth was willing, it didn't matter if it was a guy or girl. That didn't make you gay.

"How did the suit work for you today?" Hal continued.

"Uh . . . it was a bit tight," Dennis responded. The `uh' came out more as a moan, as John began to step up his game to win back Dennis' attention. He had now reached up and, with the sweat and a little spit, began sliding his finger between Dennis' ass cheeks. Dennis arched his back to account for the pleasure and allow more access.

"Not to worry," Hal said with a grin. "We'll get you a proper one as soon as can be. But the rest of the day went--"

John pulled back, a string of spit spilling from his mouth. "For Christ's sake, Hal, either join in already or shut up!"

Hal looked taken aback. He looked at John, and then at Dennis, then back at John. That was all the permission he needed. He stood up and walked along the lower bench until he reached them, his dick growing harder as he moved. It was as if he had perfect control over it, as it grew at just the rate that it was fully erect at the exact moment he reached Dennis. He stood in front of him and pointed his meat right in Dennis' eyes. "Care for seconds?"

Dennis' jaw dropped. Not willingly, mind you, but because he was shocked he was getting another chance at this man's sausage. And so soon! "I'd love to," he responded, and immediately reached up and grabbed the pole. Dennis jerked it slowly, making sure every ounce of blood Hal's body could spare was right where it should be. Taking the cock in his right hand, Dennis brought his mouth towards the penis. His tongue met Hal's piss-slit first, and it wedged its way inside. Splitting it open, he could taste the remaining cum from his ejaculation earlier that afternoon. Like John's, it was sweet to the taste. The arrival of new pre-cum, forced the old stuff out and gave Dennis a nice foundation to begin his pole dance. Raising his left arm so that it rubbed through the hair on Hal's pec, he began sliding his toy in and out of his mouth. He had already proven to himself and Hal that he could take all seven inches, but this time he just wanted to focus on the first few, making sure to get as much of the tip as possible.

As he fed himself, John worked closer and closer to his hole until he was drawing circles around the rim. At the same time, he was choking down Dennis' cock, while taking in a view of Hal's beautiful ass. Dennis made a sudden jerk, and shot a load of cum into John's mouth. John didn't let a drop spill. Once the jerks were done, they all switched positions.

"May I feel that wonderful ass?" Hal asked Dennis. "It's all I've been able to think about."

Dennis looked at him in astonishment. John just gave a shrug.

"Yes, I've dabbled with men, too," Hal added. "So?"

Without saying a word, Dennis bent over and raised his ass high in the air. It certainly would be the biggest cock he had had, but fulfilling a childhood dream was definitely worth it.

John fell into line by taking the only available slot. He laid down on the bench in front of Dennis, and Dennis' mouth wasted no time finding his cock. As he began working John's cock, Hal leaned forward and pressed his tongue into Dennis' ass. It was nice to feel pressure on his hole again. He let Hal tickle his taint a bit while he gave John all the attention he could. In and out the cock went, just as Hal's tongue did the same to his hole. His moans of delight caused a vibrating sensation on the roof of his mouth that sent sensations from the tip of John's cock right up through his body. Goosebumps formed and his balls began to tighten.

Hal let up and quickly filled his tongue's absence on Dennis' hole with his raging hard cock. Dennis' anal exercises over the past week had made his hole quite accepting of foreign objects, so he felt relatively no pain when Hal's dick slid inside. He did, however, get the distinct feeling of being instantly full. He was growing to like that feeling, though, so he took it in strides. Hal began to pump and, in doing so, he forced Dennis further onto John's cock. Literally, he grabbed Dennis' hair and shoved him forward until John was fucking the back of his skull. Dennis began to gag. This was a little more violent than he was used to, but the two cocks filled him with such pleasure, he choked with glee. Then, both men shoved their cocks as deep into Dennis as possible. It felt as if they were going to meet in the middle of him. Instead, they both erupted with cum, filling both his holes with hot, steaming jizz.

Hal pulled out of Dennis and said, "You're a much better fuck than your sister. That hole of yours is so tight."

It was only then that Dennis realized that Hal had left a similar burst of cum in his sister not even an hour ago. Was Maddie's pussy juice still on him when he sucked him?

"We're doing our best to change that," John added. "Aren't we, kid?"

Dennis sat up and smiled. Speaking of his sister . . . "What time is it?"

Hal peeked out the window at the clock outside. "Just about six. Why?"

"Shit," Dennis exclaimed, jumping up from the bench. "I'm late for dinner."

He started to rush out and John stopped him to give him a kiss. He licked around Dennis' lips and then stepped back. "You don't want to rush in with cum on your lips, do you? Then you'd really have some explaining to do."

Dennis kissed him back. "Thanks. Talk tomorrow?"

"You got it, kid."

Dennis rushed out, leaving John and Hal alone. "It's been ages since I sucked a cock," Hal said. "Mind if I take a turn?"

John sighed a big why not. "The fountain is a little empty right now, but you can take a crack at it."

"Excellent," Hal said, as he kneeled by the bench.

John reached over and pulled the door shut, then walked over to the bench and sat down. He shut his eyes, let the heat wash over him, and let all his cares go.

To be continued . . .

©2018 **************************************************************************

Thanks for reading. If you liked this story and want to read more, contact me at I'd love feedback.

Next: Chapter 10

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