The Milker

By Blake Perry

Published on Aug 8, 2018


Disclaimer - This is a work of science fiction involving sex between two consenting adults. Any reference to actual events or people, living or dead, is a coincidence. Please do not read this story if you are a minor or live in a region where stories like this are illegal. Enjoy!

The Milker Chapter 1: The Janitor

There was something odd about him. He was hot, obviously, even while wearing the ubiquitous sagging, blue-gray janitor's uniform. His straight, brown hair fell slicked back behind his ears to the nape of his neck where it curled upwards ever so slightly. His dark brown eyes scanned about the hallway, the cafeteria, the student parking lot—everywhere I'd seen him that day, really, which was more than I'd ever seen another janitor—following every movement, every floating piece of dust. Sometimes with a broom in one hand, sometimes a large, wheeled trash can next to him, he slouched, arms crossed, against a wall. His left foot perched against brick. With his muscular shoulders and tight, v-shaped torso leading down to what had to be a 6 pac, he looked like he should have been a model. And while I tried to be discreet, I couldn't help staring at the outline of a fat, mushroom headed tube running along his left leg. He should have been a porn star.

This made it all the weirder that it felt like he was flirting with me. I kept catching him looking at me, his mouth spread into a cocky, knowing smile. Whenever our eyes met he would stare with such a fiery intensity that I couldn't look away. Sometimes I noticed his tongue riding the curve of his lips. Once I witnessed him adjust his uniform, and I swore the cock hidden behind the fabric on his left leg had grown a few inches.

Aside from the fact that as a student in high school, feeling like a janitor was hitting on you would be cause for alarm, my puzzlement came more from the fact that no one had ever hit on me. In middle school there had been a few girls who may have tried to flirt, but even then I knew I wasn't what they were looking for. I'm gay. Living in the south I knew I couldn't tell anyone, so this janitor presented everything I could want and everything I needed to hide. He was the only thing I could think about.

By the time 3rd period came around I had completely forgotten that today was my 18th birthday. When Ahmad came up to sit beside and tell me happy birthday it took me a while to register what he'd said. Even longer to turn my thoughts rom the janitor's crotch.

"Any presents yet?" Ahmad asked.

"Huh?" I said. "Oh no, my mom and grandma are working today so we're doing something on the weekend. What's up?"

Ahmad has been my best friend since we were in first grade. We had the same sense of humor. Aside from that, though, we didn't have that much in common. Anatomy was the first class we'd had together since elementary school. And as cheesy and stupid it is to admit, I really wanted to study his anatomy.

"Are you finally going to get a car to pass your road test?"

I glared at him. "I think after three failures I've been declared incompetent. Buying me a car would be like buying a Monet for Helen Keller. Besides I can't let you lose the only job you have, Mr. Colburn."

"Well you definitely bring the `miss' to Miss Daisy," he said with the brightest of smiles.

I flipped him off. I think it said enough. And then I heard a faint chuckle behind me and turned to see the janitor with the impish smile staring at me through the door frame. What the hell was going on?! My vision locked on him while his hand traveled gracefully down to the outline of his cock, rubbing it up and down his leg. My dick hardened so fast I was surprised it didn't ding on the bottom of the desk. I felt a strange sensation emanating from my ass; all of the water in my mouth evaporated. I wanted him.

"Bryce," I heard coming from my side. "Bryce! Earth to Bryce!"

"What?" I said, unable to take my eyes off of him.

"Did you do the homework?" Ahmad said.

He swished his hand away from his cock and the spell was broken. My erection was not, but I was able to peel my eyes off of him and turn to my friend.

"Yeah," I said. "Yeah, reproductive system worksheet. Wasn't too hard."

"What did you get for—"

Suddenly I had the strange feeling that none of this was real. That the janitor flaunting himself before my now technically-of-age gaze was some kind of hallucination. I needed to know if someone else had seen him.

"Have you seen that janitor before today?" I blurted out.

Ahmad looked puzzled. He pointed. "You mean that guy?" he asked.

The janitor was back to his usual pattern of watching everything around, thankfully excluding me. I don't know how I'd explain what was happening if someone should look when our eyes met.

"Yeah, him," I said.

"No," he said, "but why do you care? Are you going to bone him?"

My face went scarlet. "What?! No! I don't know. He just seems odd," I said.

The janitor had turned and walked away by now. Not once cleaning something up.

"The only one who's acting weird today is you," Ahmad said. "Did you take your meds this morning?"

I turned back to him. "I don't know mom. I'm not exactly good at keeping up with the confines of reality—being crazy and all," I said. Was I really going crazy? Because I felt like it.

All during class I couldn't stop thinking about the janitor. Every penis we diagrammed was his, and every pussy was my ass, which didn't really match that well anatomically, but a mind lost in lust can overlook minor details like ovaries or condoms. That old bisexual axiom came to mind: "a hole is a hole". By the end of class I knew: I needed to find him.

My 4th block class was study hall, and while I was supposed to sign in to class, since Coach Dixon's wife left him for their gardener he'd been a drunken mess, staying up all night crying and sleeping through classes, I could always sign in for today's class tomorrow. There was no way that I would be able to concentrate on anything else until I found him and found out what he wanted from me. So I set off looking for the stud in the loose blue suit (or whatever janitors wear).

The school was average size, two floors with a basement and some portable classrooms in the parking lot, so it wouldn't be impossible to find him in a short time. He had just sort of been wherever I'd been the rest of the day, but turning around in the hall now I couldn't see him. My first thought was to go to the cafeteria or one of the main halls where the largest crowds would be, but then I reckoned that if I was to find him, would I want to confront him in front of an audience? God, no! Who knows what people would think. No, I want to find him far away from anybody else. And then it came to me, the band room. The band room was isolated, down a long hallway from the rest of the school, and since it was marching band season all of the students would be practicing on the field now. I could be totally alone, or rather we could be totally alone. I shifted my engorged cock in my jeans so that no one could see, and made my way to the band room. For all I knew he could have been following me.

I was about halfway down the hallway when I saw the tell-tale trash can, broom and mop stowed along the side, unused. I saw his arm before the rest of him, and realized he was standing in the doorway of the men's bathroom. He beckoned to me with a gesture of his hand, and I followed, as bewitched as one of Dracula's brides-to-be.

Both of us in the doorway, I couldn't think of anything to say. I'd never been so close to someone that beautiful. Muscular, cocky, and randy as a stud dog; his long hair only made him more virile. He possessed me completely as I stood there as slack-jawed as a redneck blind drunk on moonshine. If the metal frame weren't holding my weight I would have crumpled to the floor like an old rag doll. He closed the gap between us, first with his hand, which landed on the frame next to my head, blocking my escape back out into the hall, and then with his voice.

"Hi," he said in a voice I could only describe as something akin to the growl of a lion in heat (although my descriptive powers had drained with the rest of my mind directly into my penis). "I've been watching you."

"I know," I mumbled back. "Why?"

His other hand landed on the other side of my head, completely trapping me. Although he'd trapped me long before his hands touched the frame.

"I like what I see," he said, his hand moving, his fingers stroking my short chestnut hair. "Do you like me?"

"Fuck," I said, the only intelligible thing I could think to say.

He laughed a throaty laugh. "We'll get to that."

All I could do in response was dry swallow. I was surprised I hadn't cum in my pants when he touched me. If he hadn't gripped me by the shoulders to move me into the bathroom I would have stood there stupefied for hours. I turned and looked around the men's room. It seemed eerily clean for a bathroom in a public high school. Maybe sex on legs had cleaned it. I was jarred back into the reality of the moment when I heard the click of the door lock. He was the janitor, so he had the keys, and only he could let me out. I felt a panic come over me as I looked at my surroundings. Was I going to lose my virginity today on my 18th Birthday to a man I'd never met in a high school bathroom?

He came up to me from behind, pressing himself into me in a full-body embrace. With every inch of him that rubbed on me I felt a little of my fear wash away with a sea of desire.

"I want you, more than I've wanted anything in a long time," he breathed into my ear.

His heat melted me, but he seemed more than eager to support my weight. His hands roamed the front of my body, reaching up inside my shirt to tweak my nipples, unbuttoning my pants to release my engorged member for his hand to caress. Softly, he nibbled on my ear lobe, all the while grinding his covered cock rhythmically against my ass.

In my stupor I felt the words fall out of me before I could think them through, but when I said them I knew that they were truly what I believed and what had puzzled me most about his attentions all day. "Why would you want someone who looks like me?" I asked.

He froze, and I could feel something like a whimper traveling through his trunk.

"Baby," he cooed, " you're beautiful."

He turned me around so that I was gazing upward into his eyes. "You're the hottest piece of ass I've seen in years. Never sell yourself short. If you aren't so hot, how do you explain this—"

He grabbed my hand and placed it along his huge, rock-hard cock. I felt a jolt of desire surge through me. I felt more beautiful and happy than I'd ever felt before, and although I tried to contain it a few tears streamed down from my eyes. He made a sweet, protective smile as he cupped my face in his large hand.

"Have you ever been kissed before?" He asked.

I shook my head no.

"May I?" He asked, and then he leaned in, lifting my chin with his hand so that our lips met. Sweet and soft, I felt like my heart was exploding into fireworks of love and lust. Joy and pleasure. Pride and desire.

When he pulled away, he said, "You are the most beautiful creature I've ever met. I want to taste you."

This time when he pressed his lips into mine it was with an unquenchable hunger. My lips opened for his tongue to probe my tongue. I had never tasted anything more manly in my life. As our tongues locked I savored every drop of his saliva as images of men flashed before my eyes; men mowing lawns, operating jackhammers, lifting weights, laughing, fighting, fucking—it was like pure testosterone, and with every second I felt a throbbing coming from my ass. It was excruciating, like some kind of itch I couldn't scratch. My arms bound tighter around his strong back, clinging to him.

He raised his head. Sneering, he said, "I love virgins. Are you ready to have a man inside of you. Have you got a hole that needs to be filled?"

"Yes, sir," I mumbled back. The throbbing in my ass growing stronger.

Suddenly he shucked off my pants and and pulled me into a backwards embrace. His teeth on my neck, I felt his fingers probe into my underwear, and then I could feel his index and middle finger rubbing over the ring of my asshole. It quivered at the touch, my asshole spasming around his fingers. I let out a soft moan as his index finger invaded my secret tunnel. He massaged the opening of my ass in circles, allowing the muscles to calm down and open to him. As he pulled his finger out I felt the throbbing in my ass start again, so powerful as to take my breath away. He ran his fingers under his nose and purred.

"Fuck, your cunt smells intoxicating," he said, "but now I need to taste it."

His movements were determined as he stripped me, and pushed me against the sink counter. His hands beneath my hips, he lifted me onto the counter so that my ass was stretched out facing him, my dick pointed to the ceiling. The throbbing in my ass was almost unbearable, and I couldn't stop from moaning like a bitch in heat. He sniffed my dick and smiled greedily up to me. With his lips wrapped around my cock I felt an overwhelming passion flood through. Neurons firing, telling my brain what was too good to be real. His tongue rubbed every nerve in my hard cock as he sucked down every inch. My dick had never felt so sensitive. He could do anything to me in that moment, and I could not deny him. My whole body was alive in pleasure. He stroked my balls, kneading them like marbles as I whimpered.

"Fuck," I shouted.

I felt him chuckling while swallowing my cock. I looked deep into his eyes, and in a brief moment of clarity asked, "What's your name?"

He chuckled, and holding onto the base of my fuck-stick, freed his mouth.

"Adam," he said. "And what is yours?"

"Bryce," I said back. "I want to see you. I need to feel your cock. I feel like I'll die if I can't have all of you. Please! Can I strip you?"

He laughed as he could see the undeniable hunger in my eyes. I spoke the truth. I felt like my mind would explode if I couldn't feel his skin against mine; smell his man stink; taste his cock. Something had come over me. I was controlled by the throbbing in my ass, and I had to have what it desired. As I leaned forward to reach for his zipper he stopped me.

"No, no, you're perfect the way you are. Allow me," he said. He stood up, his eyes piercing into mine as he reached for his zipper. What was under that one-piece was more than I could have imagined. He was ripped. His huge, hairy chest and firm shoulders slimmed down to his tight abs in a perfect v. Sticking straight out above his hairy, muscular thighs was a mammoth cock. At least 10 inches, with a flared head and a fat knob leading into a manly bush and two goose egg nuts. My dick wiggled and my asshole spasmed at the sight of him, the muscles expanding and contracting so rapidly they shot bolts of intensity like lighting up my spine.

"Fuck me," I mewed. "Please Adam, I have to have you."

He stepped closer, pushing my thighs toward the mirror behind me, freeing up my hole for complete access.

"I will, Bryce," he said, "I just need to get your cunt ready for breeding. Hold your legs back."

I grabbed the backs of my thighs and spread them wide. Soon I felt something wet on my asshole. His tongue coated my pink hole in a thick stream of saliva before he began to probe inside. He began to suck and chew on my asslips as I cried out in the sensation that ran along every cell of my body like cocaine. He started to fuck my hole with his tongue, in and out, chewing on my lips to relax and make them as puffy as the tightest pussy. I lost all sense of time when he was down there. I had never thought pleasure like this possible.

"I love you," I think I shouted out.

I could feel his chuckle inside my ass. Eventually he broke free, and leaned into me, rubbing his body along mine. His lips right above mine he growled, "Your pussy is ready. I'm going to take your precious flower and soak it with my seed. Are you ready for me to breed you like a bitch dog in heat?"

"Yes, please! Fuck me!" I plead.

"It's going to hurt at first," he said, "but trust me Bryce, I'll be gentle with you."

His eyes both kind and mischievous, loving and hungry, both frightened and bewitched me. I knew that I would never be the same, but I wanted, no, needed to have him inside of me. The throbbing in my ass would not let me go on without mating with him. And though I had no idea how I knew this, or why I was using the word "mate" when I didn't have a womb, I relished it.

"Take me!" I said.

He pushed my hips back, spreading them wide. I could see my asshole puffy and swollen and pink, and drawing closer to it Adam's fat cock-head.

"Look at me," he said, and I did. I gazed up into his eyes, my mouth open, completely vulnerable to him.

I could feel a tightness at my hole as his head tried to find a way through. He stared into my eyes, holding my gaze and my breath. It was his move. He possessed me completely, and only his choice could awaken me. He leaned in closer, cradling my head in one hand while the other pushed my thigh back. Suddenly I felt my asslips open and his thick cock pierce into me. I cried out in shock and pain, but almost immediately it was followed by pleasure more intense than I had ever felt. He started moving in, and with every inch new pain and new pleasure bombarded me until I thought I would lose my mind completely. When I felt his balls on my ass it was as if a missing puzzle piece in my life had been finally filled. I was whole when he filled my hole.

"I've taken you," Adam said, "I took your virginity. How does my cock feel in your tight cunt?"

"So good," I moaned. I reached up and grabbed him into a deep kiss.

"I'm going to fuck you now," he said. "I'm going to fill your tight snatch with my seed."

"Fuck me, Adam," I cried.

I felt him pull back five inches, and then ram them back in. I yelped in pain and pleasure. I grabbed a hold of him for the ride of my life as he began pistoning into my virgin flower. With every inch he took out I could feel my asslips grabbing and caressing his cock.

"Oh fuck," he shouted. "You've got the tightest pussy I've ever fucked. I never want to stop fucking this hole."

"Fuck me, Adam!" I cried. "Fill my pussy!"

"Oh fuck, bitch! I'm going to breed this cunt soon," he leaned in and aggressively took my lips.

With every thrust of his cock, diving deeper and deeper into my cunt, his tongue went deeper into my mouth, sucking and biting my lips. My hands wound themselves into his hairy, manly chest, tweaking his nipples before wrapping around his back. Then he'd thrust so deep he'd hit something inside of me that made me lose all self control. I would whimper and moan, clawing his back like an animal.

"Fuck," he cried. "Put your arms around my neck. I'm taking you for a ride."

He grabbed under my thighs and hoisted me up so that he could stand while I bobbed up and down on his huge fuck-stick. I felt more in awe of his manliness now than ever. Each thrust seemed to hit some spot in me that made me lose all sense of reason. A jet of precum would leak from my cock with each pounding thrust.

"Do you like a man's cock fucking your ass," Adam cried. "Is your pussy full with a man's leaking cock? Do you want my babies filling your twat?"

"Yes," I screamed. "I want your babies!"

"If you only knew, bitch" he said and then kissed me.

We walked back to the counter, where Adam laid me flat on my back, my legs over his shoulders. With each twist of my titties I felt that spot in my ass expanding. I felt like his thrusting manhood would pop my love knot, or whatever it was.

"Your hungry twat wants my milk so bad. Baby I think it's time I knocked you up. Tweak your titties for me while daddy works his magic," he said, and I did as he asked.

With every thrust I felt that bubble in my cunt growing larger and larger. Adam had taken hold of my cock in one handing, rubbing me senseless while he pounded me with every ounce of strength in his body.

"Oh girl, you're ready now. I'm going to seed your virgin hole. I'm going to knock you up. Tell me you want me to breed your your cunt!" he cried.

"Please Adam breed my cunt!" I cried back.

"Here it comes!" He cried.

"Breed me daddy!" I shouted back.

And then my cock exploded with a massive eruption of cum. It splashed my face, my chest and stomach, and even managed to grease over Adam's furry chest. With every volley of cum from my cock I could feel an equal volley erupt into my cunt. The walls of my ass we're getting painted white with the seed of the sexiest man I had ever met.

In the come down I felt the full weight of the realization that I had given my virginity to Adam in a fit of pure paradise. With my eyes closed, my arms stretched out around me, I felt the cock buried deep in my ass begin to soften. Adam fell onto me, wiped out by our fierce love-making. I was looking forward to running my hands through the cum coated hair on his manly chest, but when his chest hit mine there was no hair. It was perfectly smooth like marble. I opened my eyes in shock to see that Adam was not the sexy janitor I'd seen him as before, nor was he even a man. No, the thing with his penis still inside of me was some kind of gray hulking monstrosity!

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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