The Milker

By Blake Perry

Published on Aug 21, 2018


Disclaimer - This is a work of science fiction involving sex between two consenting adults. Any reference to actual events or people, living or dead, is a coincidence. Please do not read this story if you are a minor or live in a region where stories like this are illegal.

Thank you all for the kind emails and comments. I'm glad to see that people are enjoying the story.

Milker Chapter 2: Daddy's Home (Part 1)

Ok, so maybe monstrosity was a bit strong. He still looked somewhat human. Two legs, two arms, a very muscular back with large shoulders, something that looked like it could be hair, although his head appeared almost ethereal, as though it were shadowed in a halo of mist, and he obviously had a penis. A penis that was inside of me.

And that was when I screamed. I screamed for all I was worth, hitting notes I didn't think I still could. He had me pinned to the counter, impaled rather as his dick was still sheathed in me, and no matter how much I bucked and writhed I couldn't move an inch. With the patience of a therapist, Adam raised up his hand to cover my mouth like a muzzle. With my screams stifled and my body stuck to the high school bathroom counter, dick in ass, more vulnerable than I had been since I was born, I started to sob. He, or it, was going to kill me. I felt defeated, like a gazelle beneath a lion.

Adam, if that was his name, arose so that his gray torso shadowed me. His beautiful face, for it really was beautiful, surrounded by a luminous swirling mist, looked down on me with deep concern. "Shh shh," he said, "don't fret little one. I didn't mean to shift so early. It's just that I have not had that much pleasure from a breeding in a long time; I could not keep my composure. You must be terrified. Here, let me help you."

He began to move his hand from my mouth before he remembered. "I will remove my hand from your mouth, beautiful one, if you will not scream," he said. "Drawing a crowd would complicate things. Can I trust you?"

What was going on?! Shift? Breeding? What was this weird gray monster? This alien crea—shit! Was this an alien? Like extraterrestrial alien, not a Guatemalan haberdasher running away from feuding drug lords into the place where they sell all of their drugs. I mean the drug lords don't come here; they have class—but no. Jokes need to wait. Extraterrestrial alien. Got it.—ture was an actual alien! Was I just probed, or rather being probed as his cock was still buried deep in my ass?

I shook my head yes. Maybe it was because of his kind eyes, or maybe it was the thought that no matter what I did I would not be leaving this room without his consent, regardless, I would not scream again. He placed his hand on my neck, his fingers massaging something, some nerve that relaxed me completely. I fell back against the mirror, limp once more; how did he have this much control over me? After a minute I felt friction on my ass lips and knew he must be pulling out, leaving me feeling empty. It felt like my ass was caving in, and I whimpered. As confused, angry, terrified as I was, I didn't want him to pull out. I clenched my asshole, working as hard as I could to suck his manhood back up into my cunt; for that's what it was now, a cunt. This got a chuckle and a moan out of Adam. Then with a pop my ass lips sealed shut.

Adam stood back and I could finally see all of him. His whole body was the same shade of silvery gray and appeared to be surrounded by a faint mist, although his face was the most heavily shrouded. He looked humanoid in other ways, though, muscular and lean, his large dick swung between his tree trunk thighs as long as it had been inside of me.

"I'm sure you have many questions," he said. "They always do. First, you are completely safe. I'm not interested in bringing any harm to you or any like you. In fact you are among the universe's most prized possessions; to damage you would be to damage the very nature of life, on all planes and in all dimensions. For you see child, you serve a certain purpose, a sacred position for your species. You are what we call a milker."

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded. "Like a cow?"

"No," he said. "A milker is a particular entity, in your case person, who is able to cause anyone to orgasm."

"No," I said, backing up on the counter as far as I could. "I'm not sexy. I'm seven—well eighteen. I'm not an athlete! For Christ's sake, I'm an actor, a comic actor! People laugh at me—they don't cum for me! You're the first person who's ever shown me any interest, and now you aren't even a person! You tricked me! I would have died to keep you near me not 5 minutes ago, and now you're saying I'm some kind of space whore?! I just don't know what to think. I mean I'm flattered, but I'm also terrified. Am I just an object? Am I a universal dildo?! A fucking sex toy?!"

He was upon me in an instant. All kisses and touches until I felt my anger and fear dull like a rock in a heavy stream. He was good at calming me down, I'll give him that.

"Shhh," he blew at me. "Child you are a creature of absolute beauty. You wouldn't have been chosen if you weren't."

"Who chose me?" I asked. "Did you choose me?"

"No," he said, combing his fingers through my hair. "Every advanced species has a milker. It is a natural occurrence. Your very biology chose you. My species has developed senses to find milkers. We cannot orgasm naturally, and as such we cannot reproduce. Milkers are the only vessels through which we might create new life."

"Do you mean," I whispered, terrified of the response, "I'm going to get pregnant?"

"Yes," he said. "After your womb has been properly seeded you will blossom with a child of two worlds. Part Adam, and part human; thus you shall ensure the preservation of your species, their genetic code, their appearance, abilities, accomplishments. This way even after your species has gone extinct, your memory will exist for all time. For Adams have lived for as long as time, and we shall continue to exist, cataloguing all advanced life forms in our children."

"But I'm a guy," I said. "I don't have a womb. How can I get pregnant without ovaries?"

He smiled, a crooked knowing smile. "Oh, but you do have a womb," he said.

He crossed to me, still sitting on the bathroom counter.

"It's right here," he said, his hand softly rubbing my exposed asshole. Then with with the gentlest pressure, he popped a finger inside of my tight, pink hole, and I moaned despite my anger. I felt that feeling coming from my ass again, a stronger craving than any I'd experienced. My ass was crying out with the need to be filled, to be breeded.

He chuckled lustily, "Milkers always have wombs in interesting locations, but yours is right here." He seemed mystified staring at my pussy, but he continued, "Right now you are in heat. Here I'll show you. Give me your hand."

"Do you mean like a cat?" I asked as he grabbed my hand in his and placed it over my ass.

"Yes," he replied, "if a cat is what I think it is. Do you feel the heat coming from your cunt, Bryce? It is like a beacon to us Adams, and we will come from all across space and time to breed you. It is undeniable for us."

Undeniable indeed, Adam could not take his eyes off of my ass. With every second my ass, my cunt, sent jolts of hunger through my body.

"Is this why my cunt—I mean ass is throbbing so much? I can't think of anything but filling it," I said.

"Yes," he responded, once more fully erect. His swollen gray penis pointing forward like an arrow to be launched.

"Help me," I begged, pulling my knees up so that my hole was wide open for him.

"Shall I take his form again?" he asked, his face morphing back into the janitor.

"No more lies," I cried. "I'm already confused enough. Just fuck me!"

His fingers found my hole, pulling on my ass lips until they were plump and puffy. I moaned teetering on the edge between pleasure and impatient need for more.

"Please," I begged once more, delirious with desire.

And then he dove in, devouring my pussy like a fresh peach, biting and sucking my pit. Still I needed more.

"Just stick it in!" I cried out. Wow, did I really just say that?

I saw his eyes looking wildly from behind my cock, which I had completely forgotten about. Something I had never forgotten about before. The mist surrounding his angelic gray face could not shadow the beam of delight streaming from his eyes.

"You have the hungriest pussy I've ever had the pleasure to eat," he said, giving my hole one last long lick. As he stood, he traced the smooth crevices of my hips, my abdomen, my chest and neck with his marble-like hands, pouring gasoline on to the roaring fire of my lust. As he looked me in the eyes, twisting my nipples, it was almost cruel. I should have cum five times over by now! My whole body ached like blue balls. I couldn't wait anymore.

"Fuck me," I yelled, "or I think I'll die!"

As his thick member knocked against my back door, my cunt lips spasmed, sucking in the head of his fat cock like a vacuum. We moaned in unison.

"If only I could take you with me," he breathed at me.

"Take me wherever," I said. "Just don't stop." God, I really was an intergalactic whore.

His cock filling my cunt, he placed his lips on mine, breaking the veil of mist around his face. As the bands of gray fog bounced against my face I felt the faintest vibrations ripple across my skin. I pressed myself into him, trying to cover my skin with his cold gray steel. My ass spasmed just as much for this gray beast as it had for the hot janitor I'd fucked fifteen minutes before.

"Fuck me Adam!" I said, licking at his earlobe.

He pressed me back down onto the counter, pistoning my cunt like a jackhammer.

"I wish I could take my time," he said between grunts, "but this cunts needs to be appeased. And I don't know how much more time we have before—"

And then the bell rang. I was too far gone to care, though, and I wrapped my legs around Adam's back. He was going to breed this hole, come hell or the untimely entrance of some freshmen band geeks. I don't think he needed my encouragement, though. He drove his cock in and out of my cunt so hard and fast he grazed every nerve, dragging every inch of my tender anus in and out with a force I thought would rip out my guts through my pussy. I clawed his back, my head contorted backwards as I posted on his fuck pole.

"Oh god, I think I love you," he said through his angel lips. "I'm close."

"Breed me!" I commanded. His gray balls were pulling up, slapping my tired ass cheeks. I felt his hand encircling my cock, tugging my dick as he rode my ass raw. My eyes glazed over as all of the blood in my body ran to my cock.

My first volley of cum hit the mirror behind me with an audible thud.

"Fuck!" Adam roared as shot after shot of his hot seed filled my pussy.

After we'd spent, Adam gave me one last, soft kiss before releasing his cock from my cunt.

"We should go," he said.

Still foggy and catching my breath I just nodded. I tried to get down from the counter, but then felt my legs give way. With incredible swiftness Adam lifted me and helped me to redress. I pawed at my hole expecting to feel his cum seeping out, but I was dry.

"No leaks," Adam told me. "You'll be using all of that baby batter." He cracked a smile as he saw the look of revulsion come over my face.

"Come now, love," he said, now back in his janitor suit, keys in hand. He moved to unlock the door.

"Face," I yelled, and his head morphed into the shape and color of an attractive human male. He unlocked the door and we quietly escaped.

I followed him out to the parking lot, unsure of what to do next. I still had so many questions. As if reading the jumbled chaos that was my mind, Adam the janitor gestured towards a red mustang convertible.

"Let me take you home," he said.

"Where did you get a car?" I asked.

"I came with it," he said. "I'm not the only thing that can shift."

I could hear my mother's voice in the back of my head telling me not to trust strange men. I think you can take a ride home after he's already fucked you. In both of his forms...

"So is this your space ship?" I asked.

"More or less," he said. "Get in."

I pulled the passenger door open expecting some kind of ladder or tube to fall out, but it was a normal door. He patted the seat reassuringly. "I'm not going to abduct you," he said, "as much as I might like to."

"I might like that, too," I said before thinking. What the hell did I just say? "I mean no. Why did I just say that? What is wrong with me?"

He grinned. "Don't worry about it," he said. "It's the heat. It takes some behavioral control away from your central nervous system. It makes it much harder for your species to lie."

"Great," I said sitting down. "Just great. I'm going to be a pregnant guy in fucking South Carolina, and I can't deny it. I'm dead."

"Well you won't be in heat when you're pregnant," he said.

"My entire life here is a lie," I said. "If I could have just made it the rest of the year then I'd be able to leave this hell hole. I'm not safe here. No one like me is safe here. Why did you have to do this to me now? Why couldn't you have waited?"

"Oh, little one, don't cry," Adam said. I didn't realize I'd started to cry, but could now feel the wet tears running down my cheeks. "Let me drive you home."

Adam put the car into gear and drove us out of the parking lot. If I'd been thinking clearly I would have wondered how he knew the way to my house, but I was far too worried. What was I going to do if I got horny at school? Would I lose all control and just start grinding on the first thing I could find with a dick? And once I got pregnant, how the hell could I hide it? Would people just think I'd gotten fat? And how the hell was I going to give birth?

"You know," Adam said, "if you have any questions you need only ask. You're far from the first virgin I've mated with, let alone milker. I think I can quiet your anxieties."

I wanted to hate him. He'd tricked me, taken my virginity, indoctrinated me into this life, being a broodmare for some alien species, but there was a voice in the back of my head that disagreed. Maybe it had something to do with whatever was happening in my ass, but I had a feeling that I was meant to do this. I finally had a purpose to my life. I was of astronomical importance to the entire human race. How many people could say that? And what was the cost? Really great sex? Social ostracism from people I hated anyway? Pregnancy (which was honestly turning me on more than it probably should)? I took a hold of Adam's hand lying in my lap and gave it a squeeze.

"Where did you learn how to fuck that well?" I said.

He laughed. "I should ask you the same," he said. "You're the stuff of dreams. I've never had a virgin with a hungrier cunt."

I honestly never thought I would receive that complement.

"But where did you learn to talk dirty like that?" I asked.

"I suspect the same place as you," he said, "porn. We generally watch pornography from any species with whom we mate."

"So does all advanced life have porn?" I said.

"Oh, yes," he replied. "It's one of the few universal features of advanced life. Sometimes it's all written, sometimes it's soundscapes. The beatle people of Xerxes-4 have pornographic perfumes, that record sex acts by pheromones. We all have our personal favorites. I fashioned this character based off of some of my favorite scenes."

"That explains a lot," I laughed, reaching my hand to his crotch to feel that pornstar cock.

He moaned a little, surprised. "I'm glad you liked it."

"I liked the real you, too," I said. "You look like an angel."

"There's a funny story behind that, actually," he said. "Members of my species have actually been to this planet before, only not for your species."

"Seriously?" I said. "Then for what?"

"Dolphins," he said.

I looked back incredulous. "Dolphins are an advanced species?" I shuddered to think what their porn was like.

"Oh yes," he replied. "Have you ever tried to speak dolphin? It's like thought projection. Compared to them, English is as simple as counting to ten."

Of all of the things I'd been told today somehow that felt the most controversial.

"But anyways, some of your species caught us shifting from dolphins to our normal forms near the coast of Rome nearly two thousand years ago. We only discovered recently the impact that had," Adam said.

"How do you research people?" I asked. "I mean other than porn."

He chuckled. "I can't give away all of our secrets," he said. "However we gather most of our information from you. Your DNA contains most of your species' secrets."

"And you get that DNA from the child I carry?" I asked.

"Yes," he said.

"How does all that happen?" I asked. "Like how am I going to give birth? Am I going to get fat? Am I going to grow boobs?"

"Trust me when I say it will be an easy process," he said. "You won't get fat, nor will you carry a baby in a normal way. The baby will be growing interdimensionally. You won't look or feel any different, although you will become unimaginably attractive to your fellow man. It's an enjoyable process for most milkers, although you may experience mood swings. More will be explained when you are finished being mated."

"And when will that be?" I asked.

"Not long from now. You will be mated by twelve of us, the same as the number of pairs of ribs in your body. The child will take one of each pair, covered with our seed, as the basis for his genetic code. A new rib will be formed by our seed for each that is taken," he said.

"Like God creating Eve from one of Adam's ribs," I said.

"Purely a coincidence," he said. "Unless someone heard us talking to zebras."

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said quickly. "This is your home, is it not?"

I turned my head to see the familiar building looking down at me. I hadn't even noticed we'd stopped.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked. "My mom and grandma won't be back home for a while. We could take our time."

"I wish I could," he said. "Nothing would give me more pleasure, but another planet calls to me. I will miss you, Bryce, but I will be back when all is done. Who knows, maybe if we try hard enough we could get you with a child all my own."

My dick rose in an instant. All this talk of pregnancy made my hole famished for a pounding. Adam moved towards me, grasping my cheek in his palm as he gave me one last kiss.

"Don't worry," he said, seeing the hunger in my eyes. "Another Adam is coming soon."

I watched as his car drove a little ways down the road until in a brief flash of light he was gone.

Once I'd crossed the threshold I couldn't help wondering if it had all been a dream. It seemed so impossible, and yet I knew I never could have come up with something this insane on my own. The calendar on the fridge, circled in a little heart with the words "Bryce's B-Day" drew me back to this morning, before the alien sex. Although it would be hard to push it from my mind, that'd be the safest way to make sure I didn't blab about it to my mom or grandma if I got into the throws of heat and couldn't stop from telling the truth. Oh shit! How was I going to get myself through another attack of the heat?

Would masturbation solve it? Probably not. I needed to be fucked, which means I needed something in my cunt. But what? I didn't have a dildo. Mom might, though. The thought made me sick. No one wants to think of their parents' sex lives, but my mother had to have a dildo or two. She never went on dates, and dad, well, dad hadn't been in her life in eighteen years.

I'd never met my father. He and my mom had had drunken mistake sex in college, and after my mom had gotten pregnant he decided he didn't want to have anything to do with her. He sent his child-support checks every month, but he'd never tried to meet me. Not even one letter. The only reason I knew anything about him was from watching the news. He was chief meteorologist for a local news station in Raleigh, North Carolina. Some days I'd find their broadcasts online and watch him. He was charismatic in a contained sort of way. We had the same hair, the same smile. I don't know why I watched him so often. I suppose I just wanted to understand him, and through him understand more about myself. He didn't have any other kids or a wife, even though he was very handsome, but I still never tried to get in touch with him. More than anything I didn't want for him to reject me again.

I ran up the stairs to my mom's room and started searching for something to stuff up my hungry cunt. It didn't take me long to find them. She had an array of different dildos and vibrators in a box under her bed. I just grabbed a simple plastic one that was pushed farthest back in the box. Hopefully she wouldn't miss it. I took it into the bathroom to clean it off with soap and hot water, and a heap of rubbing alcohol for good measure. Maybe I wouldn't even need it, but at least now I had it in case of an emergency. I could only pray that it would be enough. I didn't want to grind on Ahmad when he picked me up tomorrow morning for school.

I went downstairs into the living room and picked up my laptop to finish up some homework. When I opened the screen one of my dad's videos started to play. I'd forgotten that I'd been watching him this morning. What with alien sex, the regular plights of an eighteen-year-old boy raised by a single mother went right out the window. As I watched my dad talking about a 50% chance of rain, I felt that pain that was becoming all too familiar begin to resonate from my ass. I needed to be fucked, now.

I undid my pants and grabbed the dildo. Hopefully this works. Just as I was lining up the dildo with my twitching pussy hole, I heard the front door being opened. Fuck! Mom's home early.

Only the person entering the front door was not my mother. I watched, frozen in shock, as a man with chestnut hair crossed the threshold.

"Bryce," he said. "Daddy's home."

Next: Chapter 3

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