The Milker

By Blake Perry

Published on Aug 26, 2018


Disclaimer - This is a work of science fiction involving sex between two consenting adults. Any reference to actual events or people, living or dead, is a coincidence. Please do not read this story if you are a minor or live in a region where stories like this are illegal. If you are averse to fictional portrayals of incest, please skip this chapter. Enjoy!

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The Milker Chapter 2: Daddy's Home (Part 2)

"I'm sorry that was a stupid thing to say. Bryce?" he said.

"Dad?" I said. I couldn't believe it. My father, a man I'd only seen on a screen, was now here in the flesh. I didn't know what to say, or how to feel. It was only when I saw his eyes, which looked so similar to my own, go from my face to my crotch did I remember what I'd just been about to do.

"Shit!" I said as I dropped the dildo from my hand and rushed to pull up my pants. I was more embarrassed than I'd ever been, more than my worst nightmares. At least I hadn't been watching porn. But then I remembered the video that had been playing, that was still playing on my laptop, it was his newscast. My father saw me for the first time, and I was about to put a dildo up my ass while watching a video of him. I wanted to die.

"I can explain!" I yelled, closing the lid on my laptop and praying to God that he hadn't noticed it. A wave of nausea hit me so strongly I thought I might hurl. I couldn't meet his eyes. Just let me die!

"No, I'm sorry," he said. "I should have knocked."

I stood up, now somewhat composed, and willed myself to look up at him. He was wearing a light blue and white checkered shirt, tucked into a pair of khaki slacks. His face was shadowed behind three boxes, wrapped in blue paper and tied together with gold ribbon. Presents for me?

"Happy birthday," he volunteered.

Still in shock, I didn't know what to say. Why the hell was he here? After eighteen years you don't just show up unannounced at someone's door! Why now? What had happened to change his silence? What did he want? And for fuck's sake why the hell did he have to walk in on me at the worst time imaginable?!

He stood near the door nervously, unsure of how to continue. "I know you must be confused," he said.

Confused would be saying it lightly. I don't know if they have a word for all that I'm feeling.

"I've been absent throughout your whole childhood," he continued, "and there's nothing I can say to make that up to you."

"Why are you here?" I asked. "What do you want?"

"Well," he said, taking a cautious step forward. "I wanted to meet you."

"Why now?" I said.

"May I sit down?" He said, gesturing towards the couch. To show my acquiescence I sat back on the couch, stowing my closed laptop on the side table and kicking the pink dildo under the couch.

He approached, setting the boxes on the coffee table before sitting down. After a few moments to collect himself, trying to find the right words to say to makeup for the eighteen years of silence, he turned towards me.

"How's your mother?" He asked.

"She's fine," I replied. No thanks to you. "She's a lawyer. She works for the DA."

"Any husband?" He asked.

Why the hell do you care? Trying to get out of child-support payments? "No," I said. "Never."

He looked in a moment so deeply sad that I thought he might cry. "I wanted more for you," he said.

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"Do what?" He replied.

"Do the right thing," I said. "Marry my mother? Be the father I needed?"

"Because I didn't love your mother," he said. "And I didn't want to raise a child in a home without love. I thought if I left the picture your mother would find someone to be the best father for you."

"I didn't want the best dad," I said, unable to control the emotion in my voice. "I just wanted a dad."

"I couldn't be your father," he said, turning his face away. "I'm gay."

I felt the weight of a thousand bricks pummeling me into the ground. Teardrops started streaming down my cheeks. I didn't have a father because he's gay.

"When I slept with your mother, I was young and reckless," he said. "I was nineteen and deep in the closet. We were both drunk, and, I don't know, I guess I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't gay. So I slept with her. Unfortunately it proved the opposite. When she told me she was pregnant I was devastated. I didn't want to spread what at the time I thought was a curse. So I told your mother, who was intent on keeping you, that I would give as much as I could to help her, but that I didn't love her and didn't want to have custody of any kind. I never told her I was gay, but I think she knew. I didn't want to corrupt you."

"You didn't need to," I blurted out, on the verge of sobbing.

He turned towards me. With concern in his eyes he asked, "what do you mean?"

"I'm gay!" I cried. I couldn't look at him I was so angry, betrayed, hopelessly depressed. All this time I thought I was alone. My self-hatred, my denial, what had led me to try to take my own life on multiple occasions, they could have all been avoided if I'd only had one person I could trust, one person that shared my hurt, that would let me be me. To learn that that person had existed the whole time, but had avoided me because he saw our shared identity as a contagion, I felt like I'd been stabbed in the back.

"Oh baby," he said. "I'm so sorry." He closed the gap between us and reached his arms out to hold me, but I flinched. I could see the tears dripping onto his blue shirt. His and mine.

"I needed you," I said. "I needed you and you abandoned me."

"I know," he cried. "I would take it all back if I could. I was so stupid. Even when I accepted myself and my homosexuality I still stayed away, but I can't stay away anymore."

I let him wrap his arms around me, pulling me into a bear hug. The scent of him filled my nose as I burrowed my face into his shoulder, and it felt so familiar although I'd never smelled it before. I cried for all of the memories I'd never got to have, and he held me tightly, shuddering with the regrets of all of those wasted years.

"I want to have you in my life," he said. "I understand if it's too late for that. There isn't anything I can do to give you back those years, but if you'd let me, I'd like to be your daddy."

And then he kissed me. It was just a sweet, familial kiss, but that pain deep in my cunt seared through me, that undeniable call to be mated, and, through no will of my own, my tongue slipped out of my mouth and into his, where his tongue met mine. My mind split into conflicting raw emotions: panic and disgust at having accidentally made out with my father, and an overwhelming hunger for more. Eventually the panic won.

"I'm so sorry," I said as my face jolted off of him. "I didn't mean to—"

"Don't worry about it," he said, still holding me close. "No harm done." He kissed my forehead, drawing me into a sideways hug, the two of us facing forward on the couch, his left arm encircling my shoulders. Sitting beside him, still so embarrassed by the kiss, I noticed the end of the pink dildo sticking out from under the couch. Unfortunately I wasn't the only one who saw it. Before my cheeks had had time to turn scarlet I watched his free hand swoop down to claim it. He turned to me, dildo in hand, silently chuckling.

"Now what were you planning on doing with this?" He asked, shaking the dildo like a limp maraca.

"Dad," I managed to stutter, nauseous with shame.

"Oh Buddy, don't be embarrassed!" He said, smiling. "It's only natural for you to explore your body like this." He squeezed my palm reassuringly.

Now staring at the dildo, he moved it around in the sunlight, lost in a memory. "When I was your age I was so ashamed of my sexuality I couldn't learn how to enjoy myself," he said. "I don't want you to think that way."

He led my hand to the dildo, his eyes fixing mine to him, not letting me break away from embarrassment even once as he pressed each of my fingers around the pink plastic phallus. It was intimidating, his hands wrapped around mine, but it was even more intriguing. There was a voice in my head that was shouting that this was wrong, but it was drowned out by the roar for more. So I let him direct me, the ingenue before the master.

"First thing," he said, "you're going to need lube before you stick anything up your ass. Your anus doesn't naturally lubricate like a vagina. Here," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little bottle of lubricant. "This should do the trick."

I looked down at the little bottle of lube and back up to him, puzzled.

"I like to keep some on me," he said. "You never know when you might need it."

Really? This was a far cry from the man who had been so ashamed of his sexuality that he abandoned his son to be raised in straight society. If I could have thought clearly I would have raised the issue, but if I could have thought clearly I wouldn't have tried to stick that dildo up my ass in the first place. My heat was back in charge.

"Not that I'd use it for this," he said. "I'm a top. Are you a bottom?"

"I mean," I stammered, "I don't—"

"Have you ever had sex?"

"Yes," I blurted out. Damn being in heat!

"Nice," he said. Nice, really?! "With whom?"

"Jesus, dad, that's private," I said, in a rare moment of sanity.

"Oh c'mon," he said. "We're both guys here. Don't be ashamed. Was it someone you met online?"

"No it was a janitor at my school, although he wasn't really a janitor. He was an—" I said before slapping my mouth shut. The words had flown out of my mouth like vomit, and I was incapable of keeping them down.

"I'm so sorry," I said, my cheeks so scarlet they were almost purple. "I'm not myself today."

He smiled and slid closer to me on the couch, eventually pushing my shorts up to grasp my bare thigh. "Well," he said, "I love the you that's here."

This is wrong.

As he rubbed my thigh, he edged even closer. So close that his scent pervaded the air around me, filling my lungs with a light sprinkling of cologne covering something familiar, a scent so familiar yet raw and primal. His scent, the rough skin of his palm grazing against my smooth, nubile flesh, it brought the animal out in me.

Then why does it feel so right?

"So," he said. I was sitting open-mouthed staring at him, bewitched once again. I don't know how much of it was the heat and how much was just from being a horny eighteen-year-old. "How much do you know about kinks?"

"Like foot fetish? Or S & M? I read the Marquis de Sade's works for my French class. I thought they were hilarious," I spewed out. Fucking heat.

"Haha you know more than I did at your age," he said. "I didn't really start exploring kinks until I was in my thirties. By that time I was old enough to be what they call in the gay community, a daddy."

You were old enough to be my dad, too. Wait, what?

"I've always preferred younger guys," he continued, his hand running up my hip. "So being a daddy became natural. I've had many boys by now, and I've learned how to teach my boys to love bottoming. If you'd like I could teach you some things."

The way he dangled the dildo in front of me, taunting me like a treat before a dog, it made my jaw drop.

"Will you be my daddy?" I said.

He snickered, never taking his eyes off of mine. Ruffling my hair, he said, "I thought you'd ask me soon enough. C'mon, let's go up to your room, and I'll show you how to use this," he jangled the dildo in my face.

We walked up the stairs, passed all of the hanging family pictures with no father in me, I mean them. Once in my room, my daddy, I mean father, led me over to my bed. Sitting beside me, his hand pushing my shorts so far up my leg he was brushing my pelvis, my dad kissed my forehead.

"Thanks for letting me in. To your room, to your life, to your," he looked down at my bare thigh, chuckled and sought my eyes again, his face plastered with a knowing smile, "well, we'll see. Now, let me show you how to properly use this," he said.

He pulled out the little bottle of lube and coated the dildo with it, rubbing the liquid delicately, stroking it up and down like it was his own cock. I wanted to see him stroke his own cock—No, wait! This is wrong! As I watched him I knew my cock had gotten harder than it ever had, and that little voice in my pussy was screaming for more. Fuck right and wrong. I just want to feel good. I just want to be loved. To be bred.

"Why don't you take off those shorts," he said. "You can't use a dildo with your pussy--I mean butt--covered. Here let me help you."

I put up no resistance as he set the dildo down on my dresser, and then turned to shuck my shorts. As soon as he saw me in just my boxers, I could hear him let out a sigh.

"These, too," he said, as his hands ran to the strap of my boxers.

"Daddy," I said, "are you sure about this?"

"Baby," he said sweetly, "I'm your daddy. I would never do anything to hurt you. You have to trust your daddy."

"Ok," I said. "I love you, daddy."

"I love you, too, son," he said. My boxers were thrown at the door as my cock, balls and cunt were exposed to the open air and to the eyes of my father.

"Nice cock, son," he said before reaching down to grab it. His hand still wet with the lube from the dildo, he stroked my dick a few times, making me moan. Adam hadn't paid nearly this much attention to my cock. Still, daddy was just teaching me, not fucking me.

"Jesus Christ!" he gasped as he raised my balls to see my bare ass. "What a hungry twat! Uh, I mean," he stammered, "that's a nice ass son. One of the nicest I've ever seen."

He went back over to the dresser as I laid back, naked from the waist down, on my bed. When he turned to me he chuckled.

"You look silly lying around in just a shirt. Take it off. Here, so you won't be embarrassed I'll take mine off, too," he said, and began to unbutton. I stripped mine off without a second thought. Now fully nude, fully erect in front of my father, my daddy, the man who made me, I could appreciate his toned arms and furry chest now free from his clothing. He was lean and muscular, hairy in ways I couldn't be yet. My own chest was smooth, my arms more thin. It was only now that I realized how much more of a man he was than me, and oh God how it turned me on!

"You're so muscular," I said.

"Thanks," he said. "I work out a lot. It helps with, well, you'll see."

He came to the end of my bed and spread my thighs. "It's easier to show you how to use it correctly than to tell you, so lift your legs," he said. I grabbed hold of each of my legs and held them as close to my armpits as I could, just as I'd done with Adam.

"Now here, let me adjust your pussy so you can see. I mean ass," he said, and pulled me forward until my ass was elevated on the bed frame and I could see my twitching hole. The pinked dildo lined up with my hole, my kneeling father was breathing so heavily I could feel it tickling my swollen balls.

"This may pinch a bit at first," he said, and then gently plunged the dildo into my hole. I was surprised how tight my asshole was after the pounding Adam had given me naught but an hour or so ago. Maybe that came with being a milker, every John to fuck my pussy would feel like he was claiming a virgin twat. It made me feel beautiful, and I could sense that pride traveling down to my cunt, which rippled around the dildo like a massager.

"Holy fuck," he breathed, "I've never seen a pussy like this."

My eyes glazed over and my head rolled back as my daddy began to drive the dildo in and out of my ass like it was a shake weight. I didn't notice him dropping his pants, nor did I see him throw his underwear to the side, but I did feel the dildo rip from the tight grip of my asslips, and a replacement brush up to my hole that was warmer and much thicker. Something society said should never tap at my back door, but my biology disagreed. With one push it was over.

"Oh fuck," he said as he continued to push into me. Both of us moaning as his dicked probed deeper into my anus until finally I felt his pelvis rest against my ass cheeks. As I whimpered with the full feeling of his cock in my cunt, he crawled over me so that his head was just above mine, his arms on either side of me. He had me pinned to the bed with his dick planted firmly in my stretched hole.

"I'm inside of you, son," he said.

"Oh fuck daddy, why?" I said.

"I'm just giving you what you've always wanted," he said, his hot breath filling my nostrils. "I saw that you were watching my newscast right when you were going to fuck yourself with that dildo. You were dreaming about your daddy's cock filling your beaver, weren't you? How many times have you thought about taking your dad's cock in your cunt? Seeding your guts? Claiming you in the only way a man can claim a bitch."

Had I been thinking that all this time, on some subconscious level? I couldn't say. All I knew was that with my legs on his shoulders and his cock fucking my pussy I had never felt more right in my life.

"Kiss me," he said, and I did. His tongue slid along mine, the taste of him salivating in my mouth sent shivers down my spine as his cock pulling on my tight ass lips sent jolts of pleasure up.

"Fuck," he said. "Princess, your pussy lips are pulling so hard on my daddy dick. You're the best pussy I've ever had. Just look at how your tight cunt lips are sticking to me."

He lifted himself up so that could see his dick in my beaver. My lips were holding onto his big dick so greedily that my cunt lips almost extended beyond my ass cheeks. His beautiful cock and swinging balls mesmerized and excited me as they continued to plow into my tender twat.

"Oh baby, I should have been tearing this up for years," daddy said. "Who knew the sexiest boy in the universe would come from my cock. You're the best thing I've ever done."

I was crying tears of pure joy as my cock shot waves of precum onto my dad's hairy stomach as he fucked my hole. This was more than I had ever dreamed.

"Oh fuck me daddy," I cried out. "I love you, Daddy! This pussy was made for you."

"Fuck yes it was," he said between powerful thrusts. "I think it's time for daddy to let his princess go for a pony ride."

His cock anchored deep in my pussy, he flipped us over so that he was lying on the bed and I was sitting in his lap.

"Ride me baby girl," he said. "Make daddy feel good."

I ground my pussy into his lap, milking his cock with my cunt for all I was worth.

"Oh daddy," I cried out, "your cock feels so good in my pussy."

"Oh yeah, girl," he said, playing with my titties as I rode him like a cowboy. "It's all you've ever wanted. Your father's approval of that hungry pussy with his big cock."

It was true. I'd always wanted my daddy's love, and what better way to show it than to drive it home into my cunt.

"Oh fuck me daddy," I cried out. "Protect me! Show me you love me!"

"Anytime baby," he hissed. He grabbed my shoulders and rammed his cock as deep as he could into my pussy. We flipped, my legs wrapped around his neck, his hairy chest scratching mine, his tongue raping my mouth as his hands swatted my ass, causing me to buck and convulse. The faster he pistoned into my hole the more I convulsed until it felt like I was having a seizure. But I always felt safe with my daddy's arms wrapped around me, his breath filling me with a smell I had missed since birth, a taste I had craved more than my mother's milk. It was as fulfilling as being back in the womb, completely covered by my sexy daddy's hairy flesh.

"Oh baby," he said, grunting and perspiring, "I fucking love you, son. Do you want daddy's cum in your pussy?"

"Yes, daddy! Breed me!" I cried back.

"Do you want daddy to knock you up? You want to carry daddy's babies?" he said.

"Fuck yes, daddy. I want to give you some grandbabies," I said. "Keep filling my pussy with your cum until I die."

"Oh fuck baby," he said. "You're so randy. Do you want daddy to make an honest woman out of you? Carrying my baby with my ring on your finger?"

"Oh daddy, you'd make me the happiest boy in the world! Marry me, daddy!" I cried out, the thought of that wedding ring making my heart jump backflips as my cock jettisoned precum.

"Oh baby, with a beaver like this, I do," he said. "You make your daddy hotter than he's ever been. Oh I'm so close baby. Play with your cock while I suck on my princess's titties."

His tongue wrapped around my nipples, sucking them in and nibbling at them, trying to get at milk that wasn't there. At least not yet. As I stroked my cock, felt my daddy's cock pounding out my hole, I wondered if I could have another baby after I had the alien one. Could daddy really knock me up? As I was thinking about growing round with my hot daddy's baby in my womb and his ring on my finger I came so hard I could hear the squirt as it hit my daddy's stomach.

"Oh fuck," my daddy cried. "Here it comes baby! Daddy's hot jizz! My swimmers are going to knock you up just like your mom!"

I felt his semen flooding my pussy as I convulsed in the most powerful orgasm of my life.

"Oh baby," he said. "Oh baby milk every last drop."

My asshole suckled at his cock, taking in every last sperm, making sure none were spilled. They floated through me, warming my insides as daddy, sloppy with my cum, fell on top of me, sweaty and exhausted. His scent overwhelmed me and tears began to roll down my eyes. He smiled at me, our noses rubbing together before he pulled me into a deep, loving kiss.

"So did you learn how to be pleasured more than ever before?" he asked, playing with my hair that looked so much like his.

"Yes," I said. Words couldn't say how happy I was with my daddy in my life and my daddy's big cock in my pussy. Love was choking me.

"Good," he said. "Remember it. Pleasure is the most important thing in life."

He kissed me hard, biting my lip as he pulled his long snake from my colon. The empty feeling saddened me, and I pawed at his chest like a hungry kitten. More!

He stood and turned back to me.

"You are exquisite," he said. "The most breathtaking milker I've ever fucked."

Wait, milker? How did he... oh dear God no!

And then my father began to shift, growing taller, his skin changing color and shape until he was just a red version of the Adam that had fucked me this afternoon.

I screamed.

"Shh," he said, his hand going to cover my face.

Enraged, I bit at him. "You lied to me!" I shouted. "You disguised yourself as the father I've never met so that you could rape me!"

I started to cry. "You monster! How could you?!"

"I like to find the ultimate sources of pleasure for my mates," he said. "Often those sources are not culturally acceptable, so I have to come up with the means to bring those situations about. Often that includes deceit."

"Do you really think the most enjoyment I could have would be by being fucked by my father?" I asked, incredulous and resentful.

"I didn't make you say, `I love you daddy! This pussy was made for you,'" he said.

"That was in the moment!" I shouted, tears streaming down my eyes. "Just get the hell out!"

He snickered, picking up the dildo on his way to the door. "Open the presents downstairs. I don't think you'll need this one anymore."

He walked over to the door. "Don't forget the importance of pleasure," he said. "Although with the natural way you spread those legs, I don't think you will."

Next: Chapter 4

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