The Mine

Published on Aug 3, 2010


Disclaimer: This story is fiction, based on fact. It deals primarily with oral and anal sex between consenting adults.

The usual statement about age and consent. If you are under eighteen you should find some other stories to read.

Chapter 2

We were so engrossed in each other that we didn't even hear Jim pull up in his truck. He scared the living shit out of us both.

"Well don't you two look cozy." He laughed and then sobered real quick.

"Come inside guys."

Jimmy was shaking as we walked inside. Jim had grabbed a beer and was pacing up and down.

"Sit down guys. Got some real scary news."

Jim looked at Jimmy and then walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Relax Jimmy. I figured you two were falling in love a while back and I am very happy for you both."

"Sam, you ever meet that Mormon kid that started about a month ago?"

"Yeah, he keeps sprouting all that religious crap."

"Well Morgan raped him last week. The kid called the cops."

"Holy shit."

"Going to be a big investigation at the mine. Everybody is going to be investigated. Morgan fucked off who knows where. There's a warrant out for him. The cops are going to be asking a lot of questions. About everything."

"Well you don't need to worry about me or Jimmy Jim."

"I know that guys, I just hope you both have jobs when this is over. If they find out about me, I'm history around here."

"Who's going to talk? It's not like anyone will admit to having sex with just about every one."

"Well some of those kids that I had might want to get even."

"Jim, everyone of them have had multiple partners. Fuck even I have had just about every new guy that has started here since I started. I think your worried about nothing Jim."

"I came back out to warn you guys in case they show up out here. I have to go back to town. There's another meeting tomorrow morning that I have to be at. The old man has put in his resignation and I hope I am picked as the new shift boss. Sam I am going to recommend you as the Shifter. You know more about how this place works than any of the rest of the crew. Most of them are either drunks or pot heads."

"Jesus. You think they will go for it. I've only been here 9 months."

"Sam you have the best attendance record and the best safety record. Saying that for a place like this is really remarkable. Since you have been here we haven't lost a single guy. I'm sure they will accept my recommendation. Means a shit load more pay and benefits."

"Well you guys have fun. I'll see you on days. Don't be late and be prepared for the cops and your new job."

He came over gave Jimmy a kiss and me a peck on the cheek. Then grabbed a bag of clothes and headed out.

"He wasn't mad at us." Jimmy said.

"He was right. I guess I really was falling for you for a while Jimmy."

Jimmy snuggled in close to me and just purred like a contented kitten. My kitten. I lifted his chin and kissed him.

"Well before we get back to fun, I need to pee." I said.

"Me too." Jimmy knelt between my legs and drained me. Then I knelt in front of him and drained him. Tasted like warm water. I kept sucking his cock and very soon he started to fuck my face. Jimmy only had about 6 inches, but he sure knew how to use it. Even with his small balls he still blew a big load. Very sweet to me. Everything about Jimmy tasted sweet to me. We went back out and dumped more wood on the fire.

"So what is it all going to mean Sam? I mean with the cops and all."

"I guess it depends on what the Mormon kid told the cops. Morgan is in deep shit when they catch him. That Mormon kid was only 17."

"Really, I thought you had to 18 to work in the mine."

"I guess not. I wonder how many more guys were 17 when Jim fucked them. How old were you baby?"

"Eighteen. Fuck it hurt. I thought I was going to die the first time. Jim did me about six times the first night. By the last time I liked it. Now I only want your cock in me Sam." "You're the only one I want inside me too baby."

I'm not very good at being on top Sam." Eddy said with a catch in his throat.

"Hey love, practice makes perfect." I laughed.

After the fire died down we headed to bed. Jimmy reluctantly fucked me again and then I fucked him. After we kind of got into a 69 position to enjoy each others cocks. Jimmy slipped down and rimmed me. After he was done I rimmed him. Fuck licking and sucking his hole almost made me blow my load I got so hard. Jimmy just moaned as I did him. Lucky he was sucking me otherwise there would have been a big mess on the bed. Fuck I could not believe how much I came after rimming Jimmy. I went down on jimmy and sucked him until I tasted his sweet load again. We just cuddled together to sleep.

The rest of the two days were great. We went fishing, screwed, went swimming, sucked and screwed each other. I guess we did each other about ten or more times in two days. At 5 AM Thursday morning we headed for work. We arrived at the mine and I was told to report to the controller's office. I gave Jimmy a kiss and told him I would see him later.

For the first two hours I was grilled by three investigators. I readily admitted I was gay, but also had a boyfriend working here as well and was not interested in anyone else. They appeared satisfied. Next I was sent to the safety supervisor's office. He handed me a vest, radio, and huge flashlight. Gave me the keys to the Shifter pickup and told me to report to my Shift Boss. Wow I made it.

Fuck a brand new Ford 1 ton 4x4. I checked it over and then switched on the lights. I keyed the Mike and called the Shift Boss. He told me he was at shovel 12, Jimmy's shovel. I headed out. All the guys on the shift honked at me as I passed them. I found Jim sitting watching Shovel 12 work. I pulled up beside him.

"Well I see you must have passed investigation. Fourteen guys have been terminated. We lost three as well as Morgan."

"Who got the boot?"

"Brent, Harold and Eddy. Brent for possession of drugs, Harold for telling the investigators to get stuffed and Eddy for getting caught with his pants down in the locker room. The supervisor of the Primary Crusher got the boot when he was caught sucking on Eddy."

"Fuck these guys had to of known every one was looking for excuses to fire someone."

"Yeah well I think Eddy was stoned anyway. No loss. How did you do?"

"I just told them I was gay and had a boyfriend. I was not interested in anyone else."

"Yeah being gay isn't a crime."

"Did they catch Morgan yet. He's in for hard time. The Mormon kid was still a minor."

"Really, Jesus I didn't know that. Glad I didn't fuck him like I was going to."

"So Boss, what's first thing I need to do?" I laughed.

"Well that's why I'm here. We are going to move Shovel 12 to the Larson Pit."

"Jesus Jim, that's over 20 miles."

"Yeah, I figure three days anyway. That's going to your job."

"So when does all this take place and why the Larson Pit?"

"It starts as soon as he finishes the face here. About two hours. Follow me over to Larson and I'll show you where we set up."

All the Shovels are electric drive. That meant moving the Shovel and all the cable that kept her mobile. This was going to be a long boring three days. Jim headed out and I followed him over to the Larson Pit, which was not even a pit yet. I saw that the blasters had already blown a long shot along one face of Mount Larson. That's where Jim led me. We were going to start at one end of the blast and move all the overburden.

"Your going need about thirty trucks here Sam. It's almost 20 miles each way to the waste dump. While your moving the Shovel I'll have the rest under control."

"Okay. So why here, so far from the crushers."

"Well Mount Larson is real heavy in the metals. Company is looking for more investments I guess."

"So how are you and Jimmy making out?"

"I'm sorry I kind of stole him from you Jim."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I was in all honesty getting bored with Jimmy. I knew you liked him and that's the main reason I stayed in town. I figured if I put you two alone and together, something might click. I was right. Besides that Ben, the young Negro boy and me are kind of getting serious. I even let him fuck me on Wednesday night. Sure felt right."

"Ha, ha, I thought you were only a top Jim."

"Well I was until I met Ben. Now I love it both ways."

The radio squawked that Shovel 12 was ready to start the move.

"Guess that's my cue." "Good luck Sam and take it slow."

"Well at 3 KPH, it's definitely not going to be fast."

Jim took off and I headed for shovel 12. When I got there Ben in truck 2101 had the cable bridge up and the shovel was back from the face. Jimmy was standing by the side of the shovel. I pulled up and got out.

"All ready Love."

"Yeah Sam, where we headed?"


Charlie Benson, the shovel operator climbed down and came over to the truck. We went over the best route to Larson. The easiest route was down and past the crushers, but we couldn't block that road for two days so I picked the north route. It was a lot longer, but would not interfere with the other operations.

The trip was pretty simple. The shovel had about 400 meters of cable. So every 800 meters of travel we would stop disconnect the cable and pull it ahead to the next connection. For the most part Jimmy road with me, except to switch out the cable. Very boring after doing it for eight hours.

I figured the shovel would be moved on the other shifts too, but that proved to be wrong. We were totally responsible for moving it. Four days after starting we finally made it to Larson. There must have been 100 people standing around when we finally got into position. Ben lowered the bridge and backed into position. As the first shovel full was dumped into his truck, everything stopped.

Now the photographers moved in. The first shovel full from a new pit at Simpson and Matrix Mine. What a bunch of shit. Larson wasn't even a pit and would not be for over 30 years. Mount Larson was almost solid Iron ore. They had to reduce the mountain before they could even start to dig down into a pit. I would not be here by then. But we all got our pictures taken and after three hours of bullshit we finally got to work.

Being a Shifter was great. I was making almost 4 grand a month. Damn good money to ride around in a 1 ton truck. My nights I had Jimmy, Jim had Ben and we built another bedroom onto the cabin. I have to admit Ben was some good looking guy. A long almost ten inch cock and nice balls. He matched Jim perfectly. And even though Jim professed to love Ben, we still switched bed partners on occasion. A real great summer.

Things got back to almost normal at the mine. Morgan after being cornered by the State Police, shot it out with them and was fatally wounded. I guess he did not want to face the thirty years in jail. I would not either. Jim was more careful who he fucked on Graveyards. He always made sure they were gay first. I had a few of them too, but nothing would ever replace Jimmy. Jimmy ended up the operator on shovel 12, when Charlie Benson retired. Jimmy and I even thought about buying a lot next to Jim and building our own cabin.

Almost another year. Things were going smoothly. Almost too smooth.

D Shift, had almost a year of no fatalities. That all changed when on a blast a 2 ton chunk of rock smashed a pickup truck with two guys in it. They were almost a mile from the blast site. That was followed by two trucks colliding on the graveyard shift. Two wrecked trucks and two dead drivers. Everyone was getting totally freaked by the freak accidents. Me included. To lose four guys in just a week was totally unheard of.

Jim, Ben, Jimmy and myself were sitting on the deck at the cabin drinking beer and talking about the two accidents.

"Well I wonder what's next. These things always come in threes." Jim said.

"Fuck I'm almost scared to go to work." Ben said.

"Well that blast accident was one in ten million. I don't know what happened with the two trucks. Both those guys have been here as long as me." I said.

Jimmy had a very tight hold on me.

"I'm just scared Sam."

"Hey love, you will be okay. You got that big armored cab to hide in."

"It's not me I'm scared for. It's you and Jim. All you guys got is a flimsy pickup."

"Believe me love, I'm staying out of harms way."

Well the third accident happened on our next day shift and that one almost closed the mine for good. While loading the holes for a blast in the Vinton pit, something or someone touched off the blast. Twelve guys were killed outright and over 30 more were injured. The mine was automatically shut down by the Interior Department while the investigation was on. Almost four weeks went by before we were allowed to start up. That was four weeks without pay too. Well being a boss, I did get ¼ pay to keep me around. We lost almost 200 people from our shift who moved on to greener pastures. The mine became a safer place to work. New speed limits and double checking all explosive guys and all wiring.

Jim and I supported Jimmy and Ben while the shutdown was on. We got a lot of stuff done at the cabin including a hot tub and big patio and deck. We also took off for a couple of weeks holiday in Seattle. Nice change. As far as sex, Jimmy could never get enough of my cock in any form and I still loved to have him fuck me. He was getting real good at it.

I found out one day what else Jim was into, when coming home after picking up groceries and beer in town, found Ben tied up spread eagle to a tree branch, with a large log tied to his sack. I didn't think a ball sack could stretch that far. Jim was alternating sucking Ben or jacking him. It obviously turned Ben on, because he was rock hard. I was surprised I got hard looking at what Jim was doing to Ben. Jimmy noticed.

"We could go camping up the lake where Jim usually does this stuff, if you want to try some of that on me Love."

Watching Jim work on Ben, was definitely a turn on but, I just didn't know if I could do that stuff to Jimmy.

"Sam, Jim has done that to me before. I really liked it."

"Well I'll make you a deal. What I do to you, you do to me."

"Really, that's a deal." Jimmy laughed.

We both unloaded the jeep and then went in and got a cold beer. When we came out Jim and Ben were in a lip lock. Jimmy ran and grabbed a couple more beer as they came up to sit down.

"Didn't know you guys were into some BDSM."

"Well Ben suggested it and to be truthful Jimmy and I did some stuff before. Well I did stuff to Jimmy. I agreed with Ben, that what I did to him, he could do to me sometime."

Fuck I thought. That is what Jimmy and I just agreed to.

"Ben and I are taking off for the rest of the weekend. We'll be back on Tuesday for afternoons."

"Cool. Enjoy guys. Jimmy and I will be fine."

Early Saturday morning Jimmy wanted me to drive up to Jim's campsite at the end of the lake. We packed a cooler, put our sleeping bags and tent in the jeep. Jimmy added a pack, he had filled. We grabbed light coats and headed out. It was about a three hour, very slow trip up to the lake head. Jim's camp was right next to an old mining ghost town. After setting up camp, Jimmy led me to an old barn close to the edge of the Ghost town. Inside he unpacked the bag he had brought with him.

He pulled out several lengths of rope, a long whip, a short whip, a studded belt. Tweezers, pins, needles, and clips. Just looking at some of them started to get me hard.

"So this is the stuff Jim used on you?"

"Yeah. Cool eh."

"So what did he do first?"

"Well he had me strip and tied me up to that beam over there. He had my feet off the ground and had my legs pulled apart. Then he tied that big stump there to my balls. Thought I was going to die when he dropped it."

"Look Jimmy, why don't you do stuff to me first. Then I know what to do to you."

"I don't think I can lift you off the ground, just with the rope Sam."

I looked around the old barn and spotted two old saw horses in the corner. I walked over and pulled them over.

"I'll stand on these while you tie me. Then you can just remove them."

"Guess that might work. Okay undress Sam."

After we were both nude, Jimmy tied my hands together. He helped me to stand on the two saw horses and then climbed up to the loft. I lifted my hands up and he tied me to the beam. After climbing down he stopped and looked at me. "Bend your knees Sam. I don't want to jerk your arms when I take the horses out."

I bent my knees until there was a strain on my arms. Jimmy removed the horses and I was suspended about 6 inches off the floor. He tied one piece of rope to each ankle and pulled my legs apart. I was rock hard, fuck him doing this stuff was a real turn on. I could see he was super turned on too. His cock stood straight out from his body.

"So now that you got me here, what's next?"

"Well Jim would tie my ball sack to that stump. He said keeping my balls low would prevent me from coming. He was sure right."

"Okay love. Go ahead."

Jimmy grabbed an old chair that was in the barn and lifted the stump onto it. I saw Jim had put a ring in it. He took a piece of rope and after a lot of problems had it tied tight around my ball sack. Fuck it hurt just him doing that much. He then tied the other end to the stump up real close to my balls. When he pushed the stump off the chair, my sack was pulled down abruptly.


When I looked down the stump was swinging freely between my legs.

"You okay Sam?" Jimmy asked.

"Fuck that hurts."

"Supposed to." He giggled

He leaned forward and sucked on my cock. Damn I really wanted to get off right then. He continued to suck and also make the stump swing. It was weird, like a pain pleasure thing. I stayed super hard but it hurt like crazy.

Jimmy stepped back and smiled.

"See, you can't get off until I release your nuts."

"So what's next?"

"Are you sure you want me to go on? The next stuff really hurts worse."

"Well you got me here and there's not anything I can do to stop you love. So yeah give me it all that Jim did to you. Everything Jimmy. I trust you love."

Jimmy stood on the chair so he was level with my face. He leaned over and kissed me. He got down, picked up two needles and climbed back on the chair. He pulled one of my tits out and pushed the needle through. I think my scream could be heard all the way to town. He didn't stop just put the second in my other tit and then stood back. I knew tears were streaming down my face.

"That's the most painful, well it was for me anyway." Jimmy said.

"Jesus I thought I was going to die." I said between sobs.

"Well I am going to put all the other stuff on and then whip your ass and cock. That's about as far as Jim went."

"Okay Love. Just do it. Can't hurt any worse."

"What was real strange was I was still hard. Jimmy sucked my cock some more and then giggled.

"See your still hard. You must like this stuff like I do." Jimmy proceeded to add banana clips to my balls, ears, and nose. Then he picked up a battery clamp. By now I was feeling pain from almost my entire body. He squeezed the clamp open and slipped it over my straining cock. When he released it, I almost passed out from the pain. When I looked down, I could see where the clamp was biting right into my cock. Jimmy stood back.

"Well that's all the add on stuff. Now Jim used to whip me with the whips and belt. You want that too Sam?"

I just nodded.

He picked up the long bull whip. It did not hurt as it wrapped around me, but when the tip hit it stung like crazy. Jimmy was very good and worked it up and down over my chest, ass and crotch. I don't think the tip of the whip hit the same place twice. All I could do was cry and scream. My gyrating caused the stump between my legs to swing wildly, adding more pain to my ball sack. After about twenty lashes he picked up the short whip. This one he used just on my ass and then after removing the big clamp from my cock, whipped it too. It went soft after about ten lashes.

"How are you doing Sam. Only have the belt left. Do you want me to use it too?"

I was sore all over and could only nod my head. Jimmy whipped my ass with the belt. Fuck the last time I had been whipped like he did was when my old man whipped me after I got caught shop lifting when I thirteen. What I did notice was I got hard again. Jimmy finally stopped and walked around in front of me.

"The last thing Jim did made me pass out. Do you want me to do it too Sam?"

"Everything Love." I croaked.

HE just swung the belt back and brought the big buckle down on my hard cock. I thought everything else was painful, but this almost made me pass out. I screamed my head off. Removing all the clips and needles was almost more painful than when he put them in. He lifted the stump to the chair and undid my balls. As soon as they were loose he started to suck my cock. He got such a load it squirted from around his lips. God what a relief. After getting me down, he wrapped his arms around me and helped me out to our camp. He handed me a cold beer while I looked over my sore body. Where he had put the needles in my tits hardly showed. There were still clamp marks on my cock, but that didn't really hurt. Even thinking about all he had done was getting me hard again. Jimmy sat down and squeezed my cock.

"Damn that hurts Jimmy." I laughed.

"Well Sam, what do you think?"

"Fuck Jimmy, some of that stuff hurts like crazy, but I loved it. Love you can do that shit to me anytime you like." I pulled him close and kissed him.

"When Jim first did it to me, I stayed hard the whole time until he hit my cock with the belt buckle."

"Well I think I will wait until later to do it to you love. I think a swim first."

"Cool." Jimmy giggled.

After swimming and fucking each other, I led Jimmy into the barn. I tied him like he had done me and then did exactly what he had done to me. He did stay hard the whole time and did not pass out when I hit his cock with the belt buckle. His load of cum was probably the biggest he had ever given me. I loved every single drop. That night after a good supper we cuddled together in our sleeping bag.

"Sam, I brought along two big dildos. Jim used them to open me up so he could fist fuck me. I want you to fist fuck me too."

"Jimmy, as long as you do it to me too. I'll do anything you ask love. Jimmy I love you. What you feel, pain or pleasure, I want to feel too."

"I wish I had met you before Jim."

"Well I'm glad I met you love. I never want anyone else."

It took along time for us to get to sleep. Both still high from our session in the barn and both not wanting to stop cuddling and kissing.

The morning brought rain. Lots of rain. We decided to clean up and get back to the Cabin before the rain made getting back impossible. It still took us almost half a day to get back. Four wheel drive all the way and even having to use the winch to get us out of mud holes. The Jeep, Jimmy and me were covered in mud and crap by the time we got to the cabin. We were totally worn out and after a hot shower just sacked out. The following day brought more rain and I thought about the road in. We would have to leave really early to make sure we were on time for work.

We left early on Tuesday still in the rain and made a very slow trip into town. Funny, no rain in town and in fact very little at the mine too. We had a late lunch and drove up to the mine site. We might as well of stayed at home. The mine was shut down again. C Shift had lost an oiler on Shovel 16. So everyone pretty much slept in their trucks or shovels waiting for the Okay to start working.

At about midnight I picked up Jimmy and we went to eat lunch above the pit. I also fucked his brains out and sucked him off. When we finally came up for air, I saw Jim's truck parked about thirty feet away and from the way it was bouncing I figured he or someone else was getting a good reaming.

About 1 PM, dispatch called and told us the mine would not restart until day shift. I asked if we could refuel equipment and do road maintenance. After a thirty minute wait we got permission to do it.

"Truck 2101, you awake Ben?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Go down and pick up the fuel bowser and start refueling the trucks and dozers."

"Roger dodger boss."

Truck 2117, Jake you awake?"

"Yeah Sam. What do you need?"

Pick up the water truck and start on the roads."

"Yes Sir."

I watched both trucks pull out of the line and head for the maintenance shops.

After that Jim and I went and told everyone we would be down all night.

What a boring fucking night.

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