The Mix Up

By Random -

Published on Aug 2, 2001


Disclaimer: I'm using N sync characters, but it should be clear that this is fiction. And relation to real people is purely coincidental.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in. I know the initial confusion over the Fran/Justin thing must have been confusion, so thank you for reading

The Mix Up - Part 2

There was no doubt about me, I was an emotional half wit. I mean, what IS love? Combination of lust, and emotional instability, embodied in an over-romanticised idiot. Who was I kidding, I WANTED to jump his pants, I was thinking about getting jiggy with him.

I sunk my head into my hands.

I wanted more. So much more.

Stop. Rationalise. What is love? You know what it is. I'm lonely, I want someone, he just so happens to be a gorgeous specimen of a man to which I am fantasising about. Yes. That should do it.

I got into bed, shut my eyes, hugged my duvet, and sang myself to sleep.

Here's where the mandatory lust driven dream is thrown in, but I'll save the details for later. Suffice to say, I needed to do my laundry.

Fran and I met up the next day for lunch. We chatted idly about the usual, but she promptly diverted the conversation to Josh.

"So, what did you think about him?" she enquired enthusiastically.

"Him who?" I feigned ignorance. I couldn't let her see how smitten I was with him.

"Josh silly. Isn't he just dreamy?" she said in almost a croon.

"Oh him. He's all right. Seems like a nice guy. Why?" I was doing fine. Be nonchalant about it, yet don't be completely apathetic. This was, she'll never suss me out.

"Oh nothing," she shrugged, "...I just thought maybe....just maybe I'd ummmm set you guys up." she giggled.

My heart was racing. He was pretty clear about not fancying me last night.....maybe he changed his mind? Or more realistically, Fran was trying to play match maker again. The latter explanation seemed most likely.

I crinkled my forehead and said, "Nah, not really my type," I was lying through my teeth, and doing a pretty good job at it too. I should go into acting......mmm....back to the story.

"Not your type? He's gorgeous!" she exclaimed, nearly leaping out of her chair.

"Didn't say he wasn't, just didn't do anything for me last night." I replied.

"It's Lance isn't it?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

"Lance?" I nearly choked on my drink.

"Ah-ha! I knew it."

She took my choking for affirmation, ah she couldn't have been more wrong.

Lance was way too camp, too full of himself, and apparently a complete slag. I was about to explain, when it hit me. This way I'd definitely throw her off track, and drop the whole Josh thing.

" gotta be kidding," I was playing along. I'd pretend to deny it.

"Just, you could do so much better than him. You know what they say about him, don't you?" she said then slowly stroking my hand trying to comfort me, as I pretended to be wounded.

"Fran, it's not Lance, and I'd rather not talk about it, okay." I said averting all eye contact.

"Alright, but if you want to talk, I'm here okay."

"Okay, mummy dearest."

"Arsewipe!" she yelled.

I grabbed her into a hug.

"I gotta run, have a class in 5 minutes. I'll see you later tonight maybe?" I enquired.

Fran leaned into me, and whispered, "Don't tell anyone, but I've got a date tonight,"

My eyes widened, and as I was just about to scream out "WHO!!" she covered my mouth with her hand.

"Chris from English Lit. Keep your mouth shut, and late already. We'll talk about it later."

She shoved me, then ran off in the other direction. Main reason for my shock.....after breaking up with her boyfriend a couple of months ago, she swore off men, and seemed pretty happy. She'd lapse in and out of 'god I miss him' to 'thank god the bastard's gone'. She was generally fine, just never made an attempt to date, and declined every offer. ---------

Spanish went by with slowly, and it didn't help that there was plenty of eye candy. Loads of young first years were in the class, and quite a few were very hot......but as it would turn out, I couldn't get my mind off Josh. Josh...Josh...Josh.....of shit.

I had promised to take him Kickboxing tonight. I contemplated not going, but that really wasn't an option. I'd take my chances with the class, that was better than dealing with HIM.

I was running full speed to the sports centre, and there he was. Standing the cold, looking absolutely magnificent.

"Justin," he smiled, " I was thinking you weren't going to show,"

"Nearly didn't."

He looked a bit perplexed, and I felt bad. It wasn't like he had done anything wrong anyway.


"ah...well, I'm glad you're here." He said flashing another smile.

God, if he didn't stop doing that, I was going to have to beat his head in.

We were late, and by the time we walked into the room, the class had already started.

"Justin!" I heard a loud bellow.

I quickly turned around to see Wade, the instructor looking well pissed off.

"Sorry Wade, overslept," I said sheepishly.

"Aagh.....just start the class off then. Oh, and who's this?" he said pointing to Josh.

"Wade - Josh, Josh- Wade. Josh wants to join the class."

"Ever kick boxed before?" asked Wade.


"Mmmm...we've covered quite a lot already, it would make sense to join next term,"

"Oh," said Josh looking crestfallen, "Okay then,"

This was brilliant, this way I wouldn't have to see him everyday. But....the look of disappointment on his face broke my heart.

I pulled Wade aside.

"How bout this, I give him lessons, to bring him up to speed, and he joins in every week anyway. I know the classes schedule, so I can tailor his programme to fit."

"I dunno....."

"He really wants to, and look at him," I said turning to Josh.

"Josh?" he wasn't there anymore.

"Say yes Wade, and if you don't, you've just lost yourself a trainer." I said tersely.

"Alright, alright. Just make sure you not late anymore!"

With that I ran out looking for Josh.

"Josh!" I yelled out.

He turned around. "What are you doing out here, shouldn't you be in there? I don't want to hold you back from the class,"

He was so genuine. There are so many people with fronts up, but with Josh, you could sense a aura of truth and honesty around him.

"I spoke to Wade, and he's agreed to let you join the class, provided you get extra training,"

"Oh great," he said dryly, "and where am I supposed to find that? If I'm not mistaken this is one of the only places in this God forsaken county which does kickboxing."

Even a bit peeved off, he looked great. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.





"What are you looking at?"

Oh shit. I was staring. Think Justin, what to say......

"Um...sorry man. I guess I'm still haven't made my way back from la-la land." I laughed nervously.

"No probs man," he smiled back. "Look, sorry I flew off the handle a bit there, just that I was really looking forward to....the class,"

Why didn't he say 'you'???

"Josh, when I said that you needed extra training, I didn't mean for you to go looking for a trainer. I'll be your trainer."

"You?" asked Josh a bit confused.

"Yeah me. I'm not a student there, I'm a junior instructor. So, if you want to join the class, we're going to have to be working out, I'd say at least 3 times a week, not including the class,"

Josh's eyes just lit up, and he pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks man!!" he exclaimed.

I loved that about him, his genuine enthusiasm, heartful thank you's, and the way his eyes lit up everytime he was happy.

"We can start now if you like," I said.

"You said you're pretty tired, so why don't you get some rest. Or we could grab a coffee or something,"

I should have said no to the coffee, but the way I saw it, even if nothing was going to happen between us, I could see us becoming really good friends, so I accepted.

What did you think? It's going slow - its part of the development.

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