Muddy Monkey

By G Cutter

Published on Aug 1, 2009


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL.

ALL MY CHARACTERS, PLACES AND SITUATIONS ARE FICTIONAL AND THE EVENTS PORTRAYED TAKE PLACE ON PLANET CUTTER. ANY RESEMBLENCE TO REAL PEOPLE, PLACES, ETC. ETC. IS TOTALLY COINCIDENTAL. The author recommends 'safe' sex in real life. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular geopolitical area to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that.

I normally prefer to write in First Person (frowned on by the more technical authors) but I write as I like. I do like to try and approach the tale from the boys point of view... get into their tiny minds but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


Part 2 - Robin Cowles


G. Cutter

'You awake, Cal?' I nudged my sleeping partner but he just mumbled and snuggled into the warmth of the bed and I don't blame him. It was freezing but in the end I plucked up my courage and slipped from the bed to light the bedroom fire. After that I went into my living space and flashed up that one. One glance from the window was enough, it was still snowing very lightly but the back garden and nearby woods were a pristine white and going by the bins and garden stuff the snow was around eighteen inches deep. From the front window my van was like a snowball and the roadway was marked by just one set of car tracks, the car they belonged to was abandoned across the road. and probably just recently.

I went to the kitchen and made a pair of mugs of tea and took them back to the bedroom. After a struggle I managed to wake Cal and informed him that we were in deep shit and deep snow. The council were probably already working clearing the main roads but were unlikely to come on the estate as it was private land. Football was a no-no although the usual suspects would roll up... the usual idiots I should have said.

'How am I going to get home?' He asked cradling his warm mug in his hands.

'Dunno,' I grinned. 'We'll phone up your dad later and see what he has to say.'

'No school Monday,' he sat up a little. 'I could make a weekend of it, stay here.' Music to my ears that one but it needed thinking about.

We were having a simple breakfast around nine o'clock when the phone rang. I answered and it was his father asking after his one and only. They had a brief conversation and Cal really piled it on, snowdrifts, blizzards, the works and in the end he passed the phone over to me.

'Good morning, Mr Stewart,' I tried not to sound too cheerful. The long and the short of it was that he asked me if I could look after Callum for the day and the night and we would 'review' the situation Monday morning. I assured him that was no problem and that I had plenty of food, I reported that Callum was behaving himself and I was told to make sure Callum did as he was told. Satisfied at last he signed off promising to phone in the evening to make sure everything was alright.

'All right?' Callum grinned. 'He can't be bothered coming upto collect me.'

'No probs, he probably can't get his car started or it's snowed in.' I laughed and grabbed him pulling him into my arms. 'We'll walk over the Club in a bit and see what's going on.'

'Aw... why?'

'Fresh air, you wally.'

'Like this?' He pointed down to his track suit bottoms and trainers. The outcome was I lent him a pair of my jeans and dug him out my working wellies and a furry parka. After that we were ready to explore the great outdoors. It was still snowing very slightly but the sky was leaden, there was a lot more on the way. No doubt after that would come the thaw and the flooding but no big deal, the estate was up on what passed for higher ground in that part of Surrey.

We crossed the bridge over the pond and saw that the ducks were looking rather put out by the ice covering and the snow on top but some early morning dog walker had broken the ice either for their feathered friends or to warn the kids off and as we rounded the corner and saw the field a group of kids were there. Some but only a small collection of cars were parked by the Club and the kids were making merry around the goal mouths. There was already a rudimentary and malnourished looking snowman perched drunkenly by the door and there was activity inside.

Alan was behind the bar dishing out sweets and crisps and there was one of the mums brewing tea. I had a look around and it was the usual clowns or maybe just those who wanted to get the kids out of the house. I tuned in and there was talk of pileups here there and everywhere but the good news was that the main road had been gritted and traffic was moving. The problem they had was that once inside the estate gates or any of the side roads there was no gritting and the snow which someone had measured at just under two feet at a minimum was getting packed down solid as each car came in. Anyway, to get away from it and back to my little circus I saw Robin Cowles huddled by a radiator and Callum went over to talk while I bought three mugs of tea and said hello to Alan.

I wandered over after a while and gave them their hot drinks, Robin looked rather the worse for wear which is the posh way of saying he looked hungover. It seemed he'd stayed at a mate's in Herham overnight and had hitched a lift up to the Club this morning after being thrown out. He'd puked up in their bathroom which made a second night's invitation unlikely.

'Won't your parents be worried about you?' I asked vaguely bemused, he was only sixteen after all and still at school.

'Nah, I remembered to phone them,' he smiled wanly. 'Just about... dunno how I'm going to get home though.' He looked at Callum. 'Maybe hitch a lift with you.'

'Not with me,' Callum grinned. 'I'm staying at Mick's... again. I stayed there last night,' he made sure Robin got the message. 'Nice and cosy, a few drinks and you know what.'

'Alright, alright,' I waved him to silence. There were heavy hints and spilling the beans, he was going over the top. 'Cal's dad is sorting him out tomorrow so you're welcome to stay,' I dived in head first, this was a heaven sent opportunity and I wasn't going to let it go.'

'I don't want to be a nuisance,' Robin bleated sounding far younger than his sixteen years. 'I'd have to phone my dad.'

'No probs,' I declared. 'You can phone from my place and you can also tell him Callum's staying.'

'Yeah, good idea,' he finally agreed.

'Come on then, drink up. This place is like an icebox.'

I bought a dozen WKDs from Alan on the quiet before we left and set out for the trudge back, the snow was getting heavy again and the kids outside were delighted. We survived a barrage of snowballs and got safely home, the whole trip had taken an hour and a half and Callum and I had a new playmate. Well, he wasn't a dead cert but certainly a 'project' at that stage. I suppose I should try and describe Robin. He was around the same height as I was and that was just under six feet, blond hair like my own but whereas mine was cut short in what they used to call a crew cut his just grew wild like a haystack, in the local parlance he was a 'scruffy sod' but all the same a popular boy and a good footballer by all accounts.

I could see Callum giving him the once over and if I didn't know better I'd say I had a little predator on my hands. I flashed back imagining him as a little raptor snapping after a bigger animal, given half a chance he'd be inside Robin's dirty jeans... It was upto me to provide that half a chance unless I got in first of course.

'Jeez, I'm soaked,' I played to the audience and removed my working boots and tugged my jeans off finishing up standing in my boxers. That gave them food for thought as they both watched me as if I was insane. 'No point in sitting here in wet trousers,' I added.

'True,' Callum played along and sitting down asked Robin to tug the wellies off and then took the loan jeans off and his track suit bottoms which were wet as well. He spread them in front of the fire and I saw Robin blatantly ogling him. Mind you Callum in his tight red briefs was worth an ogle and he wasn't shy, he crouched by the fire rubbing his hands and glancing over his shoulder at Robin who seemed to be in shock.

'You'll get 'flu. Rob,' I prompted the older boy. 'And you'd better phone home E.T. to let them know where you are.'

'Yeah, I suppose,' he stood up like one of those old time martyrs and slowly removed his soaked trainers, socks and finally his jeans. He had boxers on which had seen better days and drooped as if the elastic had gone. He had fine blond hairs on his shins and self conciously sat on the sofa and held his hands in his lap. At least I'd got them over the first hurdle.

'Relax, kids. Turn the tele on Cal. I'll sort out something to eat.' That brought a flicker of interest and I realised that neither of them had eaten a decent meal since Saturday if then. Callum was making a big deal mucking around with the TV bending over so that his tight little arse was uppermost. Poor Robin didn't know where to look.

In the kitchen I looked out and the snow was coming heavily again so there wasn't much chance of my little gathering getting disturbed. After surveying the food situation I decided on a massive 'mash and mincey', probably not the classiest of meals but just fine for a couple of hungry teenies and one of my staples. I liked eating but was pretty indifferent to cooking. I also called out to Callum to spread some booze around, Robin needed relaxing big time, he looked a bag of nerves and probably was.

'Phone home,' I told Robin and left them to it.

I'm not running a cookery programme so it's enough to say that my meal was just well mashed potatoes with a mince (including the grease) incorporating tinned veg, some tinned mushrooms, the lot well boiled and thickened with gravy mix. I laid the kitchen table for three and called them in. They hadn't got to the groping stage yet but seemed more comfortable in their semi nudity. As they walked in with Callum leading I chanced my luck and patted Robin's boxer clad bottom and took a quick sqeeze. He did a girly shriek and hurriedly sat down. He gave me a reproachful look but didn't seemed to worry too much.

'He does that all the time,' Callum sat opposite him and sniffed appreciatively. 'Smells good.'

'It'll put a bit of meat on you.'

'That's not what you said last night,' Callum retorted causing Robin to blush a little.

'What did he say last night?' Robin chipped in probably trying to put me on the spot.

'Not a lot, he had his mouth full most of the time.' This time Robin really did blush but I'd had enough.

'I wasn't the only one,' I retaliated at last and Callum giggled. If Robin was in any doubt about what we'd been upto he was clear now. I dished out the food and that gave them the chance to eat rather than talk. It was quite pleasant now and both were down to just their t-shirts and boxers and briefs respectively. I saw the food was going down well and I was determined to score over the afternoon. I guessed when I saw Robin look across the table that Callum was playing footsies or legsies under the table. Robin's moment of truth was nearly on him... well, not his moment of truth but you know what I mean.

'Sorry about what I said last night,' Robin finally spoke up. 'I was drunk.'

'What did you say?' Callum asked as if he didn't know.

'Nothing,' Robin mumbled.

'Had to be something otherwise you wouldn't have apologised,' Callum pressed the point.

'Never mind, we can have a lark this afternoon,' I grinned. 'We are all boys after all.'

'Come on, what's going on?' Callum spoke out again still playing the innocent. 'A lark like last night?'

'That's upto Robin,' I grinned. 'It's a pretty dreary afternoon's television.'

'That's for sure,' Callum backed me up. 'I could use a shower, you too,' he looked across at Robin. 'You niff.'

'I can't help it, I haven't had a decent wash since Saturday morning.' Robin probabably felt he was of the hook but he'd just talked himself into corner. Talk about opening your mouth and putting your foot in it.

'Great, you can share whilst I wash up and then you can have a nice relaxing drinkies.'

'Yeah, excellent,' Callum grinned. Poor Robin was wrongfooted and just sat there looking bemused. He had two options and one was showering with Callum the other was washing up with me... I suppose he was selecting the lesser of the two evils.

A little later and after a little hassling I got them to the showers, Callum led the way but I delayed Robin. 'Don't turn your back on Cal,' I advised with a grin.

'The way I feel, he'd better not turn his back on me,' he laughed and sauntered after his new pal.

I left them to it, Callum was hot and I think Robin was up for a game but time would tell. I did the washing up and tidied up the kitchen, after that I went into the bedroom and stuck the heater on and sorted out the bed making sure the lube was parked under the pillow then it was back to my living room and wait. The shower had started off with a bit of argey bargey but had quietened down, presumeably as they got more friendly, at least that was my assumption. All the same they took their time and I was sorting through my DVDs when Callum appeared first with a damp towel around his waist and and another around his head drying his long hair. He sat by the fire and fluffed his hair in the heat.

'I looked at him raising my eyebrows in a question and he just grinned back and gave me a thumbs up. A minute or so later Robin appeared only he'd grabbed my bathrobe and sat on the sofa watching Callum working on his hair.

'I'm shagged, I could use a good kip,' Callum yawned carrying out his part to perfection.

'You know where the bedroom is, my turn for a shower,' I looked at Robin. 'So what do you fancy doing for the afternoon, Col?'

'What's the options?' Colin looked a changed boy, he actually grinned at me. 'Watch TV, watch the snow... go to bed?' He glanced at Callum.

'Wash my back,' I suggested with a smirk really chancing my luck.

'OK,' he laughed. 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained.'

'He who dares, wins,' I countered.

Callum still drying his long dark hair by the fire giggled but otherwise kept out of it for a change.

'I'm off to the bathroom,' I stood and looked at them both. Two delicious boys, one fourteen and one sixteen, both mine for the day and the night... maybe.

I was in the shower no more than a minute or so and I heard the bathroom door creak. 'Callum's gone to bed,' Colin spoke nervously. 'He said to join him but I told him I had a job to do first.' I could imagine him the other side of the plastic slider blushing like a beetroot and decided to put him out of his misery.

'Come and do my back, Spanky the Monkey.' I heard him giggle again and a second later his naked form squeezed in with me and I felt his bare flanks against mine. I span around and turned him so that we were facing each other. A pleasant surprise indeedy, his semi hard penis touched mine and I wrapped my arms around his waist so that we were belly to belly. I could feel him harden as I did and as we slowly moved together just rubbing up and down against each other.

'Callum got us both hard,' he whispered and I felt his soft lips on my neck. It was perfectly clear that Callum had done a little more than that and I ran my hands down his back soaping and finishing up on his high riding tight boy's bottom. He was taller than Callum and much better standing and I wondered what he'd be like prone between myself and Callum. This afternoon was certainly a time for games.

'Of course you did nothing,' I kissed his ear. 'Callum got you hard and you did nothing?'

'Well, just a little,' he moved against me and I felt his buttocks clench and his stiff cock slipped up and down against my belly. 'He told me all about last night...'

'I thought he might,' I clenched his firm bottom binding us in tighter and I felt his hands on my arse probably doing what most boys do... he was indicating that he wasn't a one way street and there and then I decided his first fuck would be with Callum and I'd be a close second. I'm a great believer in having a plan.

'I never thought Cal was, er... gay,' he continued to move against me.

'I never thought I'd be in a shower with you and thinking about going to bed with two young footballers for a threesome,' I countered.

'True,' he looked at me and I saw it in his eyes. My lips neared his and he closed his eyes and puckered up. I kissed him lightly and then harder until his mouth opened to admit my tongue, Callum had taught him something else. 'I wanna fuck Cal.'

'He wants to do the same to you.' I grinned. 'I'll suck him whilst you fuck him,' I offered.

'Sounds good,' he grinned.

'But it's swings and roundabouts,' I reminded him.

'I know that,' he giggled and squeezed my dick running my foreskin over my soapy glans. 'Cal already had his finger in my bum... he's such a pervo.'

'Wait until you get the real thing,' I pulled apart as much as I could and let the water run between us rinsing us off. 'Time for a rest.'

'Or not...' He laughed as we stepped from the shower. It was time to go and see our not so little Callum, time to give both these kids what they wanted.

We dried off with much messing around and this time in the privacy of the bathroom I got my first taste of his erection which was circumcised which made a change. He was so hard that I didn't waste too much time, I dried him off but did part his cheeks and have a taste of his little brown pucker before Callum got there. He got a fit of the giggles again but I eventually got him into the bedroom which thankfully had warmed up. Callum was already there and they went into a love struggle as I took my final peek out onto the darkening world outside. The snow now was really heavy and we'd probably be snowed in by daybreak but that was a problem for tomorrow. For now I had these two to keep amused for the rest of the afternoon and the evening. I slipped into bed alongside Rob so that he was sandwiched between Callum and myself, the scene was set. Let the fuckery begin.

I pulled Rob away from Cal and turned him to face me, I think he was a bit miffed but soon got the idea when Cal also turned and snuggled in behind him. I could imagine Cal's hardness nestling between Rob's cheeks and my boy could obviously feel it as he wriggled and submitted to my kissing before I went South. Rob knew what was happening now and Cal had also got the message especially when l reached under the pillow and produced the lube. I passed it over Rob's head and Rob calmly told Cal quite plainly to smear it here and smear it there and Cal set to, so much for the unspuspecting virgin bit. From their moans and grunts Cal was soon onto the finger stage and then there were a couple of false starts before there was a long moan and sigh from sweet Rob... he'd been pronged. He groaned again and pushed back and then forward into my mouth as I now had his thick young cock although I trapped the neck of his scrotum. I didn't want him cuming, that was reserved for sweety Callum. Robin's first babies (supposedly) would be Callum's although his second litter would be mine.

Robin seemed to be in some sort of personal heaven, he lazily prodded into my mouth whilst Callum to the rear shagged his heart out. It wasn't going to last too long and it didn't, Cal gave a quivering groan and his arms came around the taller Rob holding him tightly. I could see from the smile on his face that Cal had taken Rob's assumed virginity or his frontal virginity to get technical. Cal slipped free and flopped onto his back breathing heavily, he was done for the moment but Rob certainly wasn't. He rather roughly rolled Cal over and attacked his fine arse with oily hands and I actually saw Cal's oily pucker for a moment before Rob lined up his meaty circumcised cock and thrust in.

That caused some hooting and hollering on Cal's part but he soon settled down as Rob got himself comfortable and started to fuck. He got the shorter and very eager Cal onto his belly and between his legs in the good ol' 'missionary' pumping away merrily as Cal lay underneath grunting and giving an occasional squeak but it was soon over, Rob had lost his virginity both sides and it seemed he'd live through it.

'Jeez, that was something else,' Cal flinched as Rob finally slipped free and fell to the side. Poor Rob was now between the two of us and I was as hard as a rock just ogling his lanky fair skinned body. In spite of, or because of his fucking his circumcised cock was once again at full stretch laying up his belly giving the odd twitch now and then. 'I am worn out,' he declared staring at the ceiling.

'You're alright then?' I lay on my side looking at him.

'Just about,' he grinned. 'You're looking at me like a rabid sex starved wolf.'

'He is,' Callum spoke from the other side of the bed. 'Don't move,' he leapt from the bed and scampered for the door. Five minutes later he was back with a bowl of warm water and a handcloth and washed off Robin's sticky cock and pubics and then turned him over giving him a good cleanup between the cheeks. 'There you go... all ready.'

'What?' Colin looked startled but then giggled as I got between his legs and hoisted his knees to his chest. 'You're a pair of perverts,' he bleated.

'That's for sure,' Callum sat in the chair with the bathrobe wrapped around him and prepared to watch the action.

'I dunno about this,' Colin protested but I was in heat now and placing my drooling erection at his freshly cleaned hole gently pushed in. He opened up easily and even gave a little sigh as I got half myself in him and gazed down at his flushed face.

'Just wrap your legs around my waist,' I instructed and started to move slowly as his legs came down.

'I could get to like this,' he murmured as I gained depth and felt his tight little hole clamp on me. He still had Cal's load inside him so didn't need any lube and, after all, the first time is always the hardest. 'Yeah...' he breathed as I continued to fuck sinking deeper and deeper into his sweet bottom. Once I felt my pubics up against his body I ducked infor a munchy kiss and we were away. This time he wriggled and squirmed and also started to play with his own penis which was now full stretched. 'Go on, go on,' he grunted like a true wanton as I rammed and thrust into his yielding body.

Callum jumped onto the bed and waved his freshly activated cock at Rob and a willing enough Rob grabbed it and took it to his mouth

He was good, I don't know if Callum was his only experience, I rather doubted it but if so then he was a damn quick learner and as good a bottom as a top. Ther was no doubt about it, he licked Cal's cock and I fucked myself to a standstill before letting fly with massive climax that had him whining and wriggling on my spurting cock like there was no tomorrow.

As I finished and slipped free Callum and I both ducked onto Robin's kosher cut boy meat and sucked and played with him until he finally let fly with a weak cum. He was worn out and so were we.

We snuggled together in the funky bed with him still in the middle but not before I took one last look from the window. The snow was coming down in big flakes settling onto what was already there.

'Still snowing, girls,' I told them as I slid back into the warmth of the bed.

'What we doing later?' Callum snuggled into Robin.

'You and Robin can rape me, I am feeding you after all.'

'Sounds good,' Callum giggled and Robin just chuckled as I squeezed in tight. Sweaty and messy sex was a damn good way to keep warm and it seemed I had two converts to my point of view.


I over extended this one and should have kept it as just a Part 1 but I didn't, so there you go.

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