The Music Store

By Kevin O'Brien

Published on Jan 19, 1999



NOTE: I've posted two other stories on the Nifty Archive, "Nick" and "Nick 2", and I got some great compliments on them (thanks to everyone who emailed me). A couple of people asked if I'd written any fiction, and I hadn't, so here's my first attempt. Let me know what you think--comments, questions, whatever are welcome ( For those who are curious, nothing new has happened with Nick and me (or with anyone, for that matter) since my last story--I've been at home on Winter break. Also, if you don't get off here, I have a web page at to help you out.

It was a week after Christmas and I was bored out of my skull. Because the snow hadn't stopped falling since I'd gotten home from school for the Winter break, I hadn't been able to leave my dad's house at all, and I was losing my mind.

Flopping down on a couch in front of the TV, I surfed through channel after channel, searching for a weather report. I needed to get out and do something, just to preserve my sanity. Finally I came upon a sharply dressed woman standing in front of a map of North America, chattering away about the sunny skies in Honolulu. I rolled my eyes and waited impatiently as she excruciatingly slowly made her way East. Finally she came to the East Coast and reported more snow would be coming to my area that night. I hate snow.

"Damn," I muttered, flipping the weather lady off, like the weather was her fault. Knowing my girlfriend, Kelly, would be able to cheer me up, I hit the mute button on the TV and picked up the phone to dial her number. Kelly always puts me in a better mood. I hadn't seen her since we'd left school, and I missed her terribly.

"Hey," I said when she picked up. "How are you?"

"Hi! I'm sooo bored, and I miss you," Kelly lamented.

"I miss you, too. I wish I could get down there, but all this freakin' snow is keeping me inside."

"Stupid snow. At least your dad isn't around to drive you nuts," she pointed out.

"Yeah, true. Thank God he has to travel so much for his job." My father and I have never gotten along, and it seems to get worse and worse as I get older.

Kelly and I talked for a few minutes longer, then she had to go, so I was by myself again. I lay there on the couch feeling sorry for myself for a minute, then I decided to go for a walk, just to get out for a while before the snow started falling again.

I had to admit the neighborhood was beautiful. A heavy blanket of snow covered everything and glowed a deep bluish-purple in the pale night light. I heard that deafening yet muffled silence that only a cover of snow at night can produce. The crunching of my heavy boots in the icy powder was the only other noise I could hear.

I completely lost track of the time as I wandered through the deserted streets. As much as I despise the snow, I was having a great time walking and playing in it. Eventually I came upon a shopping center a mile or so from my house; by that time I was pretty cold, and those stores looked invitingly warm.

Most of the stores had signs in their windows that said something to the effect of "Closed Due to Snow". In fact, the only place that was open was a little music store I hadn't noticed before, so I walked in, grateful to be out of the cold.

The store was small and cramped, filled with rack after rack of CD's. A big TV screen on the back wall flashed silent video clips, and posters of various bands and artists festooned the walls, leaving no bare space anywhere. I looked to my right and saw the back of the only employee in the store--actually, the only person in the store other than me. He was sitting on a stool, so engrossed in a movie on the TV in front of him that he didn't notice I'd come in.

"Hey," I said in greeting.

The guy jumped, startled. "Oh, hey, what's up?"

"Not much," I answered. "You?"

"Nothing," he said, looking out at the empty store as if to illustrate. "You need something?"

"Nah, I'll just look around," I replied. I turned away from him but let my gaze linger for just a second, allowing myself to drink the guy in. He was incredibly good-looking. I'd never seen his hair color before, a red so rich and dark that it was actually closer to brown, cut short enough to make it a little bit spiky. His eyes were a dazzlingly pale blue, almost inhumanly so. He looked to be about as tall as I was, just over six feet in height, but he had a slightly heavier build than I did, judging from the curves beneath his t-shirt. His facial features were sharp, like a Greek sculptor of Ancient times had chiseled him out of a slab of marble. His smile nearly bowled me over, his teeth even and white. I wondered why he was working at a little hole-in-the-wall music store instead of at a modeling agency. He was one of the best-looking guys I'd seen in a long time. In addition to his great body and face, the guy had this cool, confident presence about him that I found very appealing.

"Cool," the guy said, turning back to his movie.

I tore my stare away from him and focused my attention on the display of CD's in front of me and the other racks of music, occasionally sneaking a peek at the clerk. After browsing for about ten minutes, I had three CD's in my hand and quite a hard-on in my shorts, so I figured it was time to go.

"Hey, all set?" the guy asked, smiling again.

"Yeah, I think so." I hoped my voice didn't give away the attraction I felt for him. I felt rather overwhelmed by his good looks.


The guy began to ring the CD's up, and I glanced out the window behind him. "Wow, it's getting pretty bad out there," I commented offhandedly. The guy turned to look and agreed with me.

We made small talk as he swiped my card and put the CD's in a bag. I learned his name was Carson and he was 18, a year younger than me, and a freshman at some college in Virginia. He was just working at the music store, which belonged to his cousin, for the Winter break. We kept talking for several minutes after I'd finished paying, and I discovered he and I had pretty much the same tastes in music. He came around the counter to show me a couple of CD's of some lesser-known bands he thought I'd like.

"That looks cool," I said, standing behind Carson's shoulder as he talked about a CD. I was standing close enough to him to pick up faint traces of the aftershave he'd splashed on his face that morning, which turned me on even more. My heart hammered so hard I was sure it would burst. My mouth went dry, hot with desire and excitement.

"Yeah, it is. It's a band...I..." Carson's voice trailed off as he turned and looked me in the eyes, picking up my thoughts. "Oh," he said, a wry smile spreading across his face. He knew exactly what I wanted and seemed to be pleased.

To my astonishment, Carson, without saying another word, slowly got to his knees and pressed his face against my crotch. He closed his eyes and exhaled his hot breath onto my thigh, seemingly in ecstasy over being so close to my cock.

I was completely surprised by Carson's actions, and I didn't really know just how far he wanted to go, so I decided I'd just let him do whatever he wanted. I prefer it that way, anyway. Carson stayed buried in my crotch for a few more seconds, then he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down around my ankles. He rubbed his hands up and down my calves and thighs, grabbing at them, then looked up and me and licked his lips.

I gave him a permissive, encouraging nod of my head and he slid his hands up through the leg holes of my boxers and massaged my inner thighs, his soft fingertips reaching ever closer to my balls. He pushed both his hands up and cupped them over my hardening cock and balls. I shivered in anticipation. Then he poked my stiffy out through the fly in my boxers. He grinned up at me approvingly and withdrew his right hand from my shorts to wrap it around my dick and jerk me off. He kept his left hand where it was to gently play with my nuts.

Carson's stroking soon had my cock at full mast, dripping with precum. He stared at it, fascinated; I guessed he'd never done this before. I myself had only been with one other guy, but Carson seemed even more enamored with the new experiences than I had been. He licked his lips again and sucked the head of my dick into his eager mouth. I felt his warm tongue lap at my head and swirl around it. Cock-sucking must have come naturally to this guy, because his tongue knew exactly how to drive me wild.

My knees began to go weak from Carson's magic touch, so I shuffled to the left to lean against a rack of CD's. I wanted desperately for Carson to take more of my dick into his mouth; it was all I could do not to thrust my entire shaft down his throat. I didn't want to hurt or scare him, though, so I let him take it at his own pace. To my satisfaction, Carson slowly took in another inch and then another, until he had all but an inch or two left to swallow. He tried to take the rest of it in, but he just gagged, so I pulled out a little, as if to say he didn't have to take anymore in.

Carson took his left hand out of my boxers and slid it under my shirt, feeling me up. I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor letting him explore me more freely. I was beyond heaven, this stud sucking me off and groping every inch of my body. As his hands moved up and down my torso, his sucking and rubbing became more and more fervent. His hunger for me seemed insatiable and ever-increasing.

Carson continued slurping, faster and faster, and I felt myself coming too quickly. I gently put my hands on the sides of his head and slowed him down; I was enjoying myself far too much to let it end so soon. Carson complied and took his time, lightly touching his teeth to my shaft occasionally to heighten the sensations.

Even though Carson slowed the tempo of his sucking, I couldn't stave off my orgasm for long. I began to gasp and groan, raking my fingers through Carson's thick, short hair. "Ah, shit," I gasped, trying to warn Carson that I was about to blow my load, since I wasn't sure he wanted to swallow it or not. Carson ignored me, or maybe was too involved in his work to hear me at all, and pressed on. I let him suck harder and faster and I rushed toward the point of no return.

I felt that bursting, exploding, overflowing sensation, then I felt my fluid rush up through my cock and blast down Carson's tight throat. I sensed the same rippling pleasure that I got when Nick blew me those two times before, a sort of orgasm I could hardly compare with what I experienced with Kelly or by jerking off. After basking in the afterglow for a moment, I opened my eyes and looked down at Carson. I almost laughed at the confused expression on his face; I hated to admit it, but he looked kind of cute sitting back and pondering what he'd just done.

"You okay?" I asked him, offering him my hand to help him up. He accepted it and rose to stand in front of me.

"Yeah," he answered, starting to walk back to the front of the store, as though we were done.

I grabbed his arm to stop him. "Hold up, where are you going?"

"Huh?" he asked.

Oh no, we're not finished yet, I thought. In response, I put my hands on his pecs and massaged his chest. "You, heh, scratched my back, so now I'll scratch yours."

"Nah, man, you don't have to...I mean..."

I liked this guy a lot. "Yeah, whatever, shut up," I said with a grin.

Carson just smiled nervously and closed his eyes while I rubbed his chest. I wanted to see and touch what was under that shirt, so I pulled it up and over his head, approving of his beautiful, smooth body revealed. The greatest part was his outie bellybutton, which I had to tongue a little before anything else. Carson seemed to like this; he kept his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open, once in a while making a little noise.

I kissed my way up his abs to his chest and worked each nipple over with my lips and tongue until they stood erect, then I kissed back down to his bellybutton. My fingers deftly undid Carson's belt and fly, exposing more skin for my lips to explore. Then I yanked his loosened jeans down to the floor so he stood in only his boxers, which soon joined his jeans at his ankles. When I saw his cock, however, I sat back and stared, fascinated. He was uncut, which I'd never seen before, and he was also shaven! I'd expected to see a bush of the same dark red hair as was on his legs, arms, and head, but instead his crotch was as smooth as his chest.

"You shave?" I asked in disbelief, even though it was kind of a turnon.

Carson nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, I just kinda like it that way. I don't know why."

"That's cool," I said reassuringly. "I kind of like it, too."

So, without further ado, I zeroed in on his balls and sucked them into my mouth, loving their smoothness. His nuts were bigger than Nick's, which I really liked, and hung a little lower. I enjoyed them so much I kept sucking on them probably longer than Carson liked, but eventually I moved on to his still-soft cock. It, too, was a new and glorious experience. The foreskin felt strange but good in my mouth, and I let my tongue dart experimentally into it. Then I took the rest of his flaccid dick in my mouth, sucking on it gently and fondling his balls with one hand as my other rubbed his thighs.

After a minute or two of this, Carson was still soft, much to my annoyance. Deciding I was getting nowhere, I stood up and got behind him.

"Uh, what are you doing?" he asked nervously.

"Not what you're thinking," I answered him. I placed my hands on his broad, tense shoulders and began to massage them, hoping to relax him a bit. As I worked his shoulders and upper back, I could feel every muscle was tight and bunched up, so I knew Carson was just nervous. I thought no one could be more anxious about his first time with another guy as I was, but I guess I was wrong.

My hands stayed on his shoulders, rubbing away the tension, and I brought my mouth to the side of his face. "Just relax," I breathed into his ear. I felt Carson shiver with pleasure as I spoke to him and rubbed his shoulders. I planted small kisses on his neck and shoulders until he nearly went limp in my arms. Then I turned him around and kissed his lips slowly and tenderly, the kiss that makes Kelly quiver. I found it had the same effect on Carson; I had to support him to keep him upright, so I eased him to the floor, my lips still locked to his.

I lay on top of him and ground my pelvis into his, my cock hardening again as it rubbed against Carson's. Suddenly that confidence I saw in him earlier returned, and he ripped my shirt open, a few buttons popping off and skittering away. His hands eagerly groped my chest as he poked his tongue into my mouth and wrestled with my own. Then he pulled his face away and pushed me by the shoulders down to his chest. I got the clue; I made my way down to his bellybutton again, lingering for just a second, then back to his cock, now rock-hard.

"Ah, yeah," Carson grunted as I sucked his dick into my mouth again. He seemed to enjoy himself a lot more this time, responding to my touch and technique by bucking his hips and squirming beneath me. I pulled his dick out of my mouth after a minute and pumped it with my right hand as I went to work on his balls again, every minute or two switching these positions. Whenever I felt Carson was on the edge, I'd slow down or stop, only to start up again, which must have been agony for the guy. After about ten minutes of this teasing he was begging me to let him finish; I let him suffer for a few minutes more, then I sucked as hard and as fast as I could. Carson writhed in tortuous ecstasy beneath me, gasping and groaning loudly. Finally he could stand it no more; with a deep sigh and a full-body convulsion, his body tensed up and his cock swelled as he exploded in my mouth, emptying his balls in what must have been the most intense orgasm he'd had in a long time, if not ever.

I greedily gulped down his juice and slowly rubbed him up and down. Carson lay with his eyes closed, gasping for breath, his chest heaving. I smiled, knowing full well the kind of afterglow he was feeling at that moment and loving that I'd made it happen.

I left Carson alone for a minute or two, then I crawled up his body and kissed him again. When I pulled away, all he said was, "damn...". I smiled and got up to dress myself as best as I could without those shirt buttons.

"So it was good for you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Uh, yeah," he responded, also getting dressed.

"Your first time, though...?"

"That obvious, huh?"

"Nah," I said dismissively. "You give some damn fine head, you're just a little jumpy."

Carson nodded and finished putting the rest of his clothes on, staying quiet for a minute. "So, um, are you gay or what?" he asked, absently straightening a few CD's we'd messed up.

"I'm bi," I answered. "I have a girlfriend at school that I love very much and am really attracted to, but I also like guys." I paused and Carson nodded comprehendingly. "Uh, how about you?"

"I, uh, I'm bi, too...I guess." He still wouldn't look at me.

"You sure about that?" I asked, swiveling my head to make eye contact with him.


"You want to talk about it?"


"Cool," I said, dropping it. I picked up my bag of CD's and pulled my jacket on, picking up on the go-away-and-let-me-think vibe Carson was throwing at me. "Uh, thanks for everything." I started for the door.

"Hey, hold up...I..."

"What's up?"


"Here," I offered, grabbing a piece of paper and a pen from the counter. I scribbled my number down and handed him the paper. "My number. Call me if you want to talk."

Carson smiled gratefully. "Thanks."

"Take it easy," I told him, walking out into the freezing night and starting toward home. I made a mental note to do all my future music shopping at that little store with it's fine employee.

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