The New Guy

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Mar 13, 2019


This is a fictional story like "the New Guy" story i have written on. Different employer and different guy that i hadn't even noticed him much until I saw his crotch up close. Big pipe he has indeed.

Again this story does nit assume the guy in it is gay or would engage in a gay encounter. But if so, I want a ticket to that big ride.

Enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

The 'New Guy' (Jake's Junk (7)

..... It had been days since the incident with Jake. My ass was still throbbing from the wrecking his big cock had given me. And I was trying not to get excited whenever I saw the guy. For each time I saw him he would only half smile at me. Then cock his head hello. But no words. I know he was uncomfortable after what had happened. This guy who was supposedly straight. Who had a fiancee, and was too be married in the near future had just fucked a guy a few days ago. I was sure the whole thing was fucking up his Bible thumping head. I would see him praying to some unseen God for guidance as he saw me. And I knd of felt a bit guilty for putting him through this turmoil.

"Hmm. Still hot though" I said "And still a nice bulge in those lucky pants"

But then I would see his crotch. Whether sitting near me or standing at Julie's doorway to her cube. I could see the cock as it lay there along his upper thigh. Barely confined by what he wore. And I licked my lips as I would see it. Each and every time. Even if he was looking at me at the time. So I could only imagine what was going in in his head. "But that dick is soo fucking delicious" I then said to myself "Would like to bounce on that dick again"

I would reach down to try and calm my dick. Every time I saw him it would dance in my pants. And when we did sit together or talk, there was never any mention of what had happened. It was pure work. So I figured it was over and done with. So I didn't press it.

"Can I have Jake sit with you a bit today" Julie asked one day "Yeah sure, why?"I asked " I have a dog emergency " "Ohh shit. Yeah. Of course. Go" I shot back

Then she said that Jake had suggested it. Something about he liked working with me. That I was a good instructor. I smiled and was glad he said that. So I figured he would hang out and sit with me while I worked again. Just asking questions. Jake came over shortly there after. He had on soft beige pants that were a bad idea. They showed off his cock really well. I had to try and avoid my wandering eyes as he came into my cube.

"Hey man. " he said "Hope you don't mind" "No. No, n-n- no man" I chimed back

I stuttered as he sat. For his crotch was pushed out at me and I could not avert my eyes to it. And lpmy tongue slipped out to my lips momentarily.

"Fuck!" My head screamed at me. "Bad idea. Bad idea" "Should have said no."

But it was too late. He was sitting there close to me. So close I could smell his cologne. And he did smell good. I tried to just start showing him things again. New stuff he may not have seen. But then Jake came in closer. Leaning near over my shoulder. His scent was making me crazy. A rich soothing scent of maleness. And when I turned around, his face was rright there near my ear.

"I wanna fuck you again" he then said softly to my ear "Huh?!" I stumbled as I dropped my pen.

It hit his thigh and fell between his legs. I figured he would reach down amd bet it. But Jake just leaned back in his chair. Then he spread his legs and I catch sight again if his crotch. There it was again. His very big bulge. Staring back at me. I gasped as I saw it. Then he pointed down between his legs where the pen fell to the floor

"Gonna get that?" He then asked

I looked at him with shock and then sighed a deep sigh. I would have to reach down between his legs tonget my pen. I almost considered leaving it there.

"I have more pens" I said to myself "Don't need to get that one"

But my eyes were already on his crotch. I gulped down some spit as I pondered what to do. I then took a breath and just went for it. I wanted my pen. It was hard because he seemed to move in closer as I did, making it hard to reach my pen. And I was now right there inches from his crotch.

"While you are down there" he then said to me

Then he grabbed my head and pulled it to his crotch. I was pushed into the big bulge at his lap. It was already pulsating back at me as he rubbed my face to it. And I could feel the warmth if his big crotch too. And that was just to much for me. I fell to the floor between his now spread legs

"Awee fuck it" I just said

I then ground my face into his crotch. And I couldn't believe I was doing this. The work day wasn't even over. And someone could see us if they passed through here. But at that moment, I didn't care. I wanted the cock before me. So I burrowed my face to his big crotch. Then kissed and licked t bthe bug mound of covered dick.

"Yeah man" he huffed "Now suck my dick gay boy"

He pushed me back and Jake then proceeded to pull opened his pants. Undoing them right there in my cubicle. Then he pulled out his big cock and offered it to me. Holding the big salami in his hand for me. I gazed at it lustfully as it swayed before me. It wasn't fully hard yet but would soon be there. A big 8 plus inches of hard man meat.

"Gimme" I grumbled as I went down on him.....

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ More to cum

Next: Chapter 20: Jakes Junk 8

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