The New Master


Published on Jan 21, 2006


Disclaimer: the reference to one character in this story as "the boy" in no way implies that the person is a minor. The characters in this story are loosely based on real persons who shall remain nameless, but their ages are 39 and 58. "Boy" is a state of mind.

The New Master - part 1

The boy couldn't believe that it was finally going to happen. After many nights of calls, email, chat, and text messages, he was finally going to meet the man face-to-face. The man that he had said "I love you" to many times, but never before in person.This was the night.

He stood at the airport security checkpoint, craning to see a familiar face in the midst of the crowd approaching. He had even considered buying a ticket, just to be able to meet him at the gate instead of at the checkpoint, but he was afraid that he might look foolish... and look like a frivolous spender. He didn't want ANYTHING to ruin the first impression this man had of him. No way. It was too important.

There he was! From a distance of at least a hundred feet, he could still pick him out of the crowd. His heart leapt, then caught in his throat. He looked just as expected, but the man's presence caught the boy off guard. The man had a charisma about him, a sense of authority, and a gait that was purposeful, intentional. The way he moved suggested that he was a man to be reckoned with; powerful, yet fair. The boy suddenly wondered what sort of image he would project to this man. He wasn't worried. The man loved him, too.

When the man caught sight of the boy, his gait changed a bit. For a split second, the rock-steady rhythm of the man's steps faltered. His steely stare, full of determination and mission suddenly became bright and (dare I say it?) dreamy. He looked as if he had laid eyes on a precious treasure, one for which he had been searching for years, right there before him at long last.

Past the checkpoint now. The man stopped directly in front of the boy, looking him over from head to toe. The boy began to feel a bit nervous. Nothing had been said. The man finished his visual inventory and rested his gaze directly into the boy's eyes. The boy froze. Was the man pleased?

The man reached out his right hand and lightly placed it against the boy's cheek. The boy felt as if the touch was electric... his skin literally tingled as the man gently ran his fingers across the boy's cheek, down his jawline, and across his chin. The man then traced his path back to the boy's cheek and continued around the back of the boy's head. Suddenly, the boy felt the man's hand tense up and he felt his head being rather swiftly brought forward. He instinctively resisted the surprise movement, but the man was strong. The boy's lips were pressed firmly against the man's, and the boy felt the man's tongue push its way into his mouth. There were stares from the other passengers who filed by, but neither the boy nor the man cared. This was their moment. This was long overdue. This was every bit as good as either of them had imagined it would be.

No.... this was better.

And for the all-too-brief time that they kissed there, they were the only ones in the airport.

The breaking of the kiss brought with it the crowd of other passengers, suddenly making their presence known again. The man said, "Let's go." And the boy and the man left the airport, heading into the evening that both of them had dreamed of for far too long....


part 2

The man and the boy arrived at the hotel after what seemed like an endless drive. The boy was behind the wheel, acting as chauffeur, tour guide, and chamber of commerce all rolled up into one handsome package. The man began to think that there could be no better poster boy for gay travel to Houston than this hunk sitting behind the wheel of the tiny little MINI Cooper. He obviously loves his city and his enthusiasm is contagious. The man might've entertained more of these thoughts, but the bulge in his pants kept distracting him.

The room was clean, comfortable, and equipped with a king size bed, which they both knew would be the only real requirement for furnishings that day. There were also lots of towels, since the boy had managed to score some extra sets while the man had been checking in at the front desk. This attention to detail pleased the man, but didn't surprise him. He had become accustomed to receiving little "extras" like this from the boy. The boy seemed to sense his needs and wants, and provide whatever solution was required even before he asked. He had gotten used to it, but he refused to take it for granted.

Closing the door behind him and locking it, the man watched as the boy set the extra towels on the dresser. He took in the sight of him, the way he moved, the lines of his figure, the parts of his body that his clothes paid particular attention to showing off, and the intense longing that was betrayed by his bright green eyes. He had been waiting for this day, too... waiting for this moment. Waiting for the time when their love could be made complete. That moment was finally here.

"C'mere, pup."

The boy approached the man. When they were mere inches apart, the boy looked directly into the man's eyes. It was a bold move, since a submissive normally should look at the floor in the presence of his master. The man didn't subscribe to the `old guard' rules of etiquette, however, and the boy knew this. This was their first time together, the boy was prepared to submit to this man without limits or even a safe word, and the only possible way that true communication could be established was through direct eye contact. The man was pleased that the boy knew this, and his eyes said so. Everything had been leading up to this moment: the boy would turn his life over to the man.

They had spoken of this many times. They knew the ritual that would happen, they knew the way it was to be done, they knew that they both wanted it, they knew that it was real, they knew it wasn't a game. They knew all this, and yet both their hearts were beating wildly inside their chests. The boy knew that this was his last moment to change his mind. Once he went through this ritual, he would belong to the man. It was perhaps the single most important decision he would make in his life.

The man searched the boy's eyes for signs of hesitation, uneasiness, uncertainty. He could find none, but since he had looked into these eyes for the very first time less than an hour ago, he couldn't immediately know what the boy was thinking. Would he go through with this? Should they wait? They had both agreed that the nature of this moment was so personal, so permanent, so important to them, that if there was any sort of hesitation from either of them, that they would wait until a future meeting. It had to be real, and it had to be voluntary. If the boy was to submit to the man, then it would be a complete submission. There would be no turning back.

"You know you don't have to do this today, pup. I can wait as long as I have to, if you aren't ready." "Thank you, Sir. I know that I still have the ability to postpone this. I'm just focusing and listening to what my discernment is telling me." The boy was silent for awhile, eyes closed, listening for his inner voice. Time seemed to stand still. The man watched him, appreciative of the boy's wanting to be absolutely sure that this is what was right for him. For both of them. He had learned to trust the boy's feelings. If the boy felt that it was right, then it was right. He hoped to God that the boy would feel that it was right.

The boy opened his eyes and looked at the man. Their souls seemed to connect in that gaze, something had happened in the boy's mind, and it shook the man to his very core. The boy was quite aware of the gravity of his decision. His beautiful green eyes were misty, a sign of.... what? Was he trying to come up with the words to say "let's wait" in the nicest possible way? Was he afraid of the man's reaction if he said "this isn't right"? The man could do nothing but wait.

The boy reached into his pocket and produced a small chain and a tiny padlock. He looked deep into the man's eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek. The man braced himself, still unsure what the boy might say. A long time passed, the boy's eyes glued to the man's, both of them searching for words to convey the flood of emotion that was passing between them. Finally, the boy spoke.

"Every event in my life has prepared me for this moment. There is nothing that would give me greater pleasure than to belong to you." He handed the small lock and chain to the man, then knelt at the man's feet. He bowed his head, waiting. The man took the chain, bent down, and placed the chain around the boy's neck. He snapped the tiny padlock closed, forming a collar. It was a collar that the boy would wear from this day forward. On the back of his neck, he felt a hot tear that fell from the eye of his new master. They had shared many, many tears before this day. Tears of grief, tears of loss, tears of pain had brought them together, in a way. It seemed only appropriate that this occasion today, this ritual of submission, this binding of their souls should also be marked with tears... of joy.

Next: Chapter 2: The New Master 3 4

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