The New Master


Published on Jan 21, 2006


In spite of the reference to one of the characters in this story as "the boy", this is not to imply that he is a minor. In fact, the characters are loosely based on two real-life people whos ages are 39 and 58. This is a work of fiction.

The New Master - Part 3

When the tears had slowed and both man and boy had taken hold of their emotions, the man looked down at the boy and was speechless. This man, this human being with a will of his own, had just surrendered to him. What now? The man had thought of this day for what seemed like an eternity. He had mentally rehearsed all sorts of scenarios, trying to make sure that the boy?s first impression of his command would be perfect. He had a million things he wanted to do with this boy, and now he was at complete liberty to do all of these things and more. The boy had just submitted to him, of his own desire, and was currently kneeling at his feet, head down, lips lightly kissing his shoes. So many things he wanted to do with this boy... but none more than the one thing he had already done. He wanted another kiss. The boy was now his. The boy belonged to him. A kiss would be even more intense than before. This would be his first act as the boy?s new master.

?Stand up, pup?

The boy stood, cheeks still wet with tears, and looked into the man?s eyes. It seemed that this business of eye contact would be commonplace between them. ?Old guard? protocal be damned, they both drank in this eye contact like nectar from the gods. The man moved to grab the back of the boy?s head as he had done in the airport, then checked himself and decided against it. He was the top, he was the dom, he was the master. He was all these things and more. But he knew his pup well enough to know that there was passion in him and a fervent desire to please. Let?s see what he can do with a loose leash...

?Kiss me?

The boy showed a split second of surprise in his eyes at this first command. His new master was allowing him to improvise! He wasted no time. Pup grabbed the man?s face in his hands, pulled the man toward him, and planted his lips on the lips of the man he had fallen in love with. Fireworks would be an understated analogy for what the two men felt as their tongues wrestled and their breathing became heavier. The boy pulled his mouth away and began working his way up the man?s beard, nibbling his earlobes, kissing the nape of the man?s neck, taking full advantage of this freedom to show his love. Being completely unfamiliar with the man?s style of lovemaking, he didn?t know how often he?d be allowed to just let loose like this. He was going to take full advantage of it!

The man pulled the boy away from him, looked him in the eyes, and saw a love deeper than he had ever seen before. The submission ritual was simply a rite of passage, a marking of intentions. The man could see in the boy?s eyes that he truly had given himself over, and was sure that he would have, even without the ceremony.

?Take off your clothes, pup. Slowly.?

The boy was trembling. Was he nervous, or just excited? Both?

Button by button... unsteady hands finally remove the shirt. The man had seen this body numerous times on his computer screen, but seeing it in person was better. He would enjoy exploring every inch of it. This body was his to enjoy however he might want.

The pants came next. The boy tried to be graceful, but nerves plus the inherent awkwardness of removing pants while standing made him a little clumsy. The man found it adorable. The pants finally removed, the man was able to see the boy in his white shorts.

?Stop right there, pup. Let me look at you?

The boy stood before his master, nervous but unsure exactly why. Later, when they had done many more of these meetings, the boy would not be worried, because he would know the man well enough that his pleasure or displeasure would be obvious. Now, though, he had only his instincts to guide him. His instincts, and the bulge in the front of the man?s pants! The boy relaxed.

?You?re so fucking hot in those tighty-whities, boy.?

The boy stood before his master, half-naked and vulnerable. It seemed odd now, thinking of the man as his master. The term just didn?t fit, somehow. Yes, he had submitted to the man. Yes, the man had complete control of him in every aspect of their sex lives. Yes, the man would most likely push his limits and take him to the edge of what he could stand, and he would endure it all gladly and with honor. But ?master? had a connotation of disconnected control. An uncaring, unfeeling, demanding person in charge of a helpless victim. The reality of their roles was as far from this scenario as the east is from the west. The English language is sorely lacking in words that adequately describe what these two men were sharing. For now, ?master? would have to do.

The man sat down on a chair near the bed. He motioned for the boy to come to him and bend over his knee. The boy?s cock rested on the man?s right leg as he laid across the man?s lap. The man took his left arm and reached across the boy?s back, holding him firm. He adjusted his grip a bit, making sure that the boy would not be able to squirm too much. He imagined that the boy would stay rather still, enduring this spanking without protest, but he enjoyed having a firm grip on him, anyway. Judging from the throbbing he felt against his leg whenever he tightened his grip, the boy was enjoying it, too. He brought his hand down against the boy?s briefs, not too hard, but firm. The boy flinched a little. His cock throbbed against the man?s leg. The man continued with the swats, getting a bit harder with each smack, giving the boy enough time between pops to think about the next one that was coming. The boy?s cock was hard now, straining to get out of the white briefs. The man had the boy stand, take off the briefs and bend down across his lap again.

The boy?s ass was slightly pink. The man had admired this ass for a long time, and now he was finally getting to use it for his pleasure. This ass would bring him pleasure for the rest of his life, in many ways. At the moment, however, he took pleasure in watching it turn a deeper shade of pink. He continued the swats, watching the boy flinch, feeling the boy?s cock harden against his leg, listening for the tiny whimpers the boy made as the swats got harder. The boy?s cock had been erect ever since he first bent over the man?s knee. As the swats continued, however, and the boy?s limits began to be approached, his cock began to go limp. He focused his energy on endurance instead. He would gladly endure whatever the man chose to give him, because he knew that the man wouldn?t hurt him or push him farther than he could go. Even though this was their first time together, that level of trust already existed. There were no limits, no safe words, and no need for either of them.

The man continued a few minutes more. The boy?s ass was bright pink now, and showed just the faintest sign of whelps. It was time to stop.

The boy was told to stand up and head for the bathroom. The man followed him into the small, overly-lit room, the man still in suit and tie, the boy naked and vulnerable. The man stepped into the tub and instructed the boy to do the same. They kissed.

?You?re doing good, pup. Time for a treat.?

At the man?s instruction, the boy knelt down in the tub, put his hands behind his back and kissed the man?s shoes. The man then stood on the edge of the tub, one foot on either side. He towered above the kneeling, naked boy. Instructing the boy to keep his head down and not look up, he unzipped his fly, took out his cock, and began to wet the boy?s hair with a steady stream of piss. The boy gasped a little at the first splashes of the man?s water on the back of his head, then moaned softly as the piss ran down his back, across his hands, into the crack of his ass, and finally onto the shiny porcelain surface of the tub. The drain gurgled rudely as the water fell past the drain plug and into the hotel pipes. When the man had finished, he put his quickly-stiffening cock back into his pants, zipped his fly, then carefully stepped off the edge of the tub and onto the floor. The boy remained in his appointed position, kneeling and wet, head down as instructed. The man was seriously impressed at the boy?s ability to follow orders and not try to sneek a peak at the cock that he had dreamed of serving all these weeks. He would see it soon enough. He would worship it. For now, though, he needed to get cleaned up.

?Shower off, pup. When you?re clean, come back to the bed. I?m going to make love to you.?

The boy smiled.


Part 4

When pup had showered off the last of his lover?s piss and dried himself, he walked back into the bedroom. The man was lying on the bed, still clothed, a bulge showing in his pants. His hands were behind his head, showing a bit of perspiration in the pits of his dress shirt. Pup?s cock noticed this and gave a little bounce of happiness.

?Here, pup. Come lay beside me?

Pup quickly got into bed beside his lover, laying his head on the man?s shoulder and snuggling up to him. He wanted as much of his body pressed against the man as possible. The man seemed to understand this, and reached around pup?s waist and pulled him close. The man turned a bit on his side and looked the pup in the eyes. They lay like that for an eternity, just searching each other?s eyes, neither of them quite believing that this moment was finally a reality. As horny as they both were, they had waited all this time for this moment and they could wait a few minutes more. There was a connection between them in this eye contact that was transcending anything their hormones wanted to do. They kissed.

Moustaches touched, lips parted, tongues danced. They kissed. It was tender at first, gentle, almost playful. Two friends taking that next step. The kiss began to evolve soon enough, and playfulness led to passion. Their breathing grew heavier, their hands began to explore each other?s bodies, their tongues began to do battle, and the man?s cock began to feel uncomfortable within the constrains of his briefs. Reluctantly, he broke the lip lock, rolled over on top of the boy, kissed him once more, then rolled over again and stood up at the edge of the bed. He began to remove his clothes. Pup scooted to the edge of the mattress and asked, ?may I please do that?? The man smiled and stepped back a foot or two. ?Of course, pup.?

The boy stood up in front of the man, and with trembling hands, began to unbutton the man?s shirt. Once the buttons were all done, he unfastened the sleeves and took the man?s shirt off. The man?s chest was hairy and beautifully patterned. There was no time to admire it, though. He was a pup on a mission!

He placed the shirt on the chair next to the small table and reading lamp. Then he returned to the man, removed his belt, and placed that on top of the shirt. Returning to the man, pup knelt down and unfastened the man?s pants. He reached for the zipper, then thought better of it. He moved his face toward the man?s crotch, nuzzled his cheek against the bulge, then took the zipper pull in his teeth and pulled it down. This extra little touch seemed to please the man greatly. The bulge in the now-exposed black briefs certainly seemed to show the level of the man?s satisfaction and pleasure with the way pup was undressing him. Pup smiled.

The pants came off and were placed next to the rest of the clothes. Pup then went for the socks, and as each one was removed, he kissed the man?s foot. The man seemed seemed a bit uneasy at this, as the reality of this boy?s submission sunk in. Seeing the naked boy on all fours, kissing his feet... it was something that was uncharted territory for him. He was sailing in brand new waters now. He looked back at the boy, who had taken the socks and was standing up to place them with the rest of the clothes. Their eyes met briefly as the boy stood, and the man became more relaxed. Yes, this was new to him. But it was fantastic! The boy returned, knelt, and reached up for the man?s black briefs. It was the last bit of cloth that stood between pup and his master?s cock. A cock he had yet to see. He looked up at the man, who was already looking down at him. The pup questioned with his eyes, and the man nodded slightly. Pup took hold of the briefs and pulled them down.

The man?s cock was beautiful. Average in length, thicker than most, and a perfectly-shaped head on the end. A nice set of balls completed the package. Pup hadn?t really obsessed with how the man?s cock would look. In the grand scheme of things, it was almost unimportant. However, looking at it now, pup was thrilled. It was the perfect size for sucking, the balls would be fun to play with, and the thickness... well, he would have to learn how to deal with the thickness. The first few minutes of penetration would surely be difficult, but he wasn?t worried. He would learn to take the man?s cock gladly and with minimal discomfort. He belonged to this man and would provide for him a tight ass that would give him untold pleasure for as long as he wanted. Pup would make sure of this.

Pup looked back into the man?s eyes. ?May I??

The man nodded and smiled.

Pup took a deep breath, then tasted his master?s cock for the first time.

Next: Chapter 3: The New Master 5 6

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