The New Teen Titans Get Bug Bombed -- celebrity

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Apr 5, 2024


The New Teen Titans Get Bug-Bombed Chapter Three: Arsenal and Beast Boy Taken in Their Turn Evan Andrews 2024

This is a fan fiction.

All characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by DC Comics and/or its subsidiaries. I am not related to the company and make no claim of ownership over the characters. Where this story fits into the DC continuity I have no idea.

The story depicts males in sexual situations, mostly with other males. If that offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Arsenal (Roy Harper) and Beast Boy (Gar Logan) watched in horror as the nanny bug milked their friend and leader and harvested his rich man-sap. Nightwing (Dick Grayson) screamed and creamed in that order. The nanny bug loaded up with his sperm and, crawling up the hero's body, disappeared into one of the holes behind his head. After that, Dick slumped into a post-orgasmic quiescence, moaning slightly. That must have been one hell of an orgasm.

"Your turns, little friends," Bug Bomb said as he headed towards the other two heroes.

"Don't, please," Roy asked in his reasonable voice, but of course Gar had to brazen it out, even when he was bargaining from an already lost position.

"Do you worst," Gar said gruffly.

Roy rolled his eyes. Trust Gar's mouth to make a bad situation worse. If things could get any worse, that was.

From a place between the two young heroes, the half-naked (and fully hard) villain reached out and grabbed himself a couple of handfuls of tumescent boy-cock.

"Lay off, perv!" Gar barked.

"What? Ignore cocks as fine as these?" Bug Bomb said. "I don't think so. And in a few minutes you'll share my opinion."

Roy just sighed as Bug Bomb worked him back up to his nine inch maximum. He tried to brace himself for the coming ordeal, but, fuck, Bug Bomb really did know what to do with a hard cock!

"Ah!" the archer gasped.

"Glad to see you getting into the program, Arsenal," Bug Bomb said. "Time to meet your own little friend."

Another nanny bug fell onto Roy's chest and gave a repeat of Dick's insect ravishing-- thrumming his nipples erect, and then crawling, irresistibly and inexorably, south towards the archer's churning balls. At the same time, a nanny bug fell onto Gar.

"Fuck!" the green teen cried, as the bug thrummed his nipples into erection as well. "I HATE bugs!"

"Really?" Bug Bomb asked, still fisting Gar's shaft. "'Cause I bet that in less than a half hour, you'll love them so much that you'd sell your soul to have more time with the Hive's nannies."

And Bug Bomb leaned close to Gar's ear and whispered, "And trust me, you will have time, lots of time with the nanny bugs."

The harvesting bugs crawled onto the captive heroes' nutsacks and administered painful stings into their already churning testicles.

"Ouch! Fucking ow!"

But with the pain, Roy and Gar's dicks reached levels of rigid excitement that they had never imagined possible.

"Bug Bomb, please," Roy whimpered again as he felt his nanny bug's claws catch in the sensitive skin of his shaft. He knew exactly where it was heading and to what purpose. "Do what you want to me, but not the kid."

Bug Bomb said nothing, though, and simply watched as the specialized bug went about her work. When the nanny bug reached Roy's cockhead, the archer forgot all about Gar. He couldn't do anything for the kid now, and his own ordeal was only seconds away. The nanny bug's carapace pressed against the most sensitive skin on Roy's dick and pulled itself tight.

"Hope you're ready, Arsenal," Bug Bomb smarmed, and then the nanny bug began its thrumming tease on Roy's frenulum.

"Fuck!" Roy screamed.

From Roy's right, his old buddy, Dick, was doing what he could, hoping to draw Bug Bomb's ire on himself alone.

"Come on," Dick said, his words slurred from his post-orgasmic exhaustion. "You've got me; let the others go."

Gar chose that moment to scream, "Fuck me, it's going up inside my cock!"

Yeah, it is', Roy thought, Just like it's going inside my dick. Just like it went in Dick's.'

"Shut up and enjoy the show, hero," Bug Bomb suggested to Dick.

Roy had done pretty much everything at one time or another, but sounding had never been his kink of choice. It wasn't his choice this time either, but after the toxin put his balls in overdrive and the thrumming insect drove his cockhead into the fucking stratosphere, he decided this new violation could have been a lot worse.

"Oh, fuck," Roy moaned, his head lolling from one side to the other.

"Please!" Dick was still trying to be Prince Valiant. "Milk me all you want, just let them go."

Bug Bomb's cruel laughter cut across the room.

"You're hot, Nightwing, but even your balls only have so much juice in them. The Hive needs as much as we can get, so you—and your buddies here—are in for a long productive stay. And speaking of long..."

The villain turned his attention back to Roy and Gar. Both boys were panting and gasping, and you could see their orgasms getting closer and closer, but that wasn't enough for Bug Bomb.

"I think you two need a little help," he said with a wicked laugh. "And I'm just the man for the job. Good thing I put my other appointments on hold."

Roy forced his eyes open and watched as Bug Bomb greased up the fingers of both hands.

"No," Ray moaned.

"You ready?" the villain asked.

Roy just whimpered, but Gar, who had apparently been brought back to the reality of the situation gasped, "No! Leave my ass alone!" as Bug Bomb greased their buttholes.

"Brace yourself, Brigid!" Bug Bomb laughed, and he rammed two fingers inside Roy's and Gar's asses.


It was unclear who had screamed-- Roy who now realized he was in the hands of a master tease, Gar who was busy losing his anal virginity, or Dick who powerless to save his friends from their ordeal.

Roy had taken longer and fatter up his ass--and both of those deeper than Bug Bomb's fingers were going-- but this was something else. Bug venom and being buzzed was driving the archer around the bend, and now... Yeah, trust Bug Bomb to know exactly where a guy's love nut was. Roy and Gar lay powerless, riding their simultaneous prostate massages.

God, how long can this go on?' Roy wondered. How long did Dick hold out as long as he did? How long can I?!'

Not much longer, it turned out. Roy felt inevitability rush up his urethra, and his balls, pulling up tight, started giving up a flood of cum for the nanny bug to harvest.

"Argh!" Roy screamed, and a second later Gar joined him.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming like I never came before!" the shapeshifter howled.

Bug Bomb felt the boys' assholes clench around his intruding fingers, and doubled down on stroking their traitor prostates until the spasms finally stopped.

"You boys done?" the villain asked, but the retreat of the nanny bugs with their precious cargo answered him better than either of the spent heroes could.


Dick watched as his buddies screamed out their orgasms. He hadn't been able to save them, or himself. And Bug Bomb knew he had them all entirely at his mercy. The panting Titans could only slump into their afterglow of the damned and stare blankly at Bug Bomb.

"There, wasn't that fun?" the villain asked.

"What are you doing to us? And why?" Dick said, although it sounded like begging.

"What? You were just milked," Bug Bomb leered. "Where? The nanny bugs have gone off to deliver their precious cargo, your hot sperm, to the Nursery."

All three boys could only stare in spent incredulity

"What? Why do you think we just milked you? Didn't any of you study biology in school?" The villain took on a lecturing tone. "When a hive of bees wants to make a new queen, they pull a larva out and start it on a diet rich in something called Royal Jelly. In the end, they get a new queen, all ready to fly away and establish a new hive."

"You mean...? They...? We...?" Dick mumbled.

"No, you hot young imbecile. We're not using you to make a queen. No, your hero seed will be used to create a new sort of soldier bug. Bigger, better, stronger, faster... Well, you know the trope."

"You mean I'm going to be the father of..." Gar started in horror.

"Not at all, greenie. You three're just supplying the nutritional supplement. Hope you're not too disappointed."

The young heroes weren't disappointed, but they were in shock.

"Hope you three enjoyed that session, because the Hive needs a lot of these new soldiers. To manage that, you're going to be shooting hot potent loads for the Hive for the foreseeable future. How many times a day can you cum, Arsenal?"

"Never kept count," Roy said, pulling bravado from somewhere.

"Then that'll be my job," Bug Bomb smirked.

With a smile the villain turned and left his pathetic victims to languish in despair.


HOLY DAIRY, BASHMAN! THERE'S YOUR WICKED REASON FOR BUG BOMB'S FIENDISH TORTURE! HOW LONG CAN OUR HEROES ENDURE THIS TRIAL?! Join us next week, same Bug Time, same Bug Channel, for "Nightwing Takes it Hard" or "The Plot Deepens"!

Next: Chapter 4

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