The Other Half of Me Unknown

Published on May 20, 2022


The Other Half of Me Unknown Epilogue

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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The Other Half of Me Unknown


"Hello, Mr. Fitzroy," the female voice said back after Sebastian had answered his phone. "My name is Raya D'Moore from Stateside Business. My editor spoke with you last week to schedule this interview."

Sebastian sweetly responded, "Yes, that's right. How are you today?"

"I'm just fine, thank you," Ms. D'Moore answered. "Actually, I'm a nervous wreck. This is my first big story. Been working for the magazine for fourteen months and I have eleven column pieces to show for it."

Sebastian chuckled and told the lady, "Well I feel honoured to be your first."

Catching onto Sebastian's double entendre, Ms. D'Moore replied, "Ah cheeky, cheeky. I hear congratulations are in order. Word is you proposed to your partner of three years Charles Renfield five months ago."

Smiling happily, Sebastian corrected, "It was six months ago, actually. But thank you very much."

"Of course. Of course. So can I ask how you met Mr. Renfield?"

"I met Charles the day after I moved New York while grocery shopping. We reached the checkout line at the same. Seeing that he had less groceries than I did, I offered that he go first. He thought that was sweet, and introduced himself."

"That is charming. And an ask for a date came?"

"Well, he was the most beautiful man I'd seen. When he asked my number, I happily gave it."

"So Mr. Renfield is currently studying law and you're in your senior year at Juilliard. From social media, I've seen that you play the piano, cello, and acoustic guitar. What are you plans after Juilliard?"

"Well I've played in Juilliard concerts, none in my name, but that is a dream of mine. One that will become a reality soon as Conductor Francois Jeveau proposes that I play the cello at the upcoming Symphony in the Park."

"Wow. A great honour is must be to be playing with the New York Philharmonic. Are your nerves shot?"

"Yes, and have been for two weeks since Jeveau made the offer," Sebastian answered with a breathy laugh.

"What piece will you be playing? A classic? Or possibly an original by Jeveau perhaps?"

"An original I composed mostly myself, actually. It's called 'A Sweet Touch'. I wrote it for my Charles."

"Impressive! And romantic. I'll have to fly out to New York to see you debut it live. Who helped you compose this piece?"

"I composed the cello. When I played it for Jeveau he made the proposition. So my friend Travis Penna helped me write the accompanying strings, and his friend Sura Neva helped us write the piano and percussions."

"Ahh. Ms. Neva is quite recognizable in her own right, having helped compose two pieces before. But you, Mr. Sebastian Fitzroy, have grabbed the attention of many. Before your first year at Juilliard, you started a business. Le Guerison. In French, it means the cure, does it not? Befitting of a coffeeshop. In its first six months of operation, Le Guerison had profits of forty-eight percent. Your original twenty-four employees had nothing but great experiences to speak of. What made your business so much more successful compared to all the other startup coffeeshops around?"

Sebastian let out a laugh and answered, "I really couldn't tell ya, Ms. D'Moore. Anybody can buy the coffee beans from Brazil, where Le Guerison orders from. Our baking recipes are nothing special, your grandma probably has the same. I guess it's location. And fair pricing."

"Location. Your first shop opened three years ago, in Times Square. Because of its location, you started it as a twenty-four-seven operation. Since then, you've opened shops in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington, Seattle, Chicago, and Austin, all operating nonstop. Two weeks ago, your newest location in Omaha finished construction. When are you planning to open that shop?"

"Charles and I are in Omaha right now and have been for over two weeks. Tomorrow evening I'll be training thirteen of the twenty-five new baristas while Petra, the shop manager, trains the other twelve in the morning."

Shocked, Ms. D'Moore asked, "You'll be training baristas?"

"Yes, that's right. I train baristas at every new location. It allows me to get my hands dirty, allows me to meet the employees and gives them a chance to get to know the company founder. And I love making coffee. I love getting a feel for each location, it tells me whether I need to change something because not every city is the same so each shop should have unique qualities to accommodate that."

"I understand that a few employees of yours have transferred from bigger chains like Starbucks and Rom. Do you know what drove them to make such a decision? I mean your company is still in the brand new baby stages, no offense."

"Yeah, no offense taken," Sebastian replied easily. "Most of the employees are college students, or college-age. Knowing that money can be very tight while studying or leaving your parents' roof, I decided that minimum wage would certainly not be enough to sustain an employee's living. So I pay more than minimum wage while at the same time maintaining fair prices on our products and services. I also offer benefits to all employees that makes them want to work for me. You can check out our website for loads of information, including employee benefits."

"Got it, got it. What else are you active in in the company?"

"Well, I love being so active in the company as a whole, like shop location, overseeing construction, monitoring renovations, furniture and equipment purchasing, manager interviews, and barista training."

"That's a lot. How do you find the time to do all that while putting yourself through the rigorous demands of Juilliard?"

"It is a lot. Keeps me on my toes and insanely busy. But it's easy. I think I'd get restless otherwise. But Charles may ask me every now and then to ignore work because he knows each team is holding their own, to have a date night or a quiet night together."

"Charles sounds like a very loving partner. Does he have any roles in your ventures?"

"No. He and I both want him to keep our work lives and personal lives separate. And he's so busy with law school that I had to ask him to quit his job as a server at a restaurant so that his education remains to be on the forefront of his mind."

"You two sound like a very great couple. You support each other in every single way possible, it seems."

"We do. But it's not always easy. There were times where Charles would be irritated with how busy I can be. And I'm sure that will continue when our courses resume in the fall. I may have pushed him to quit his job a little too hard, but I'm happy that I did because he will be the best damned compliance lawyer the States ever saw. No regrets."

"No couple is without arguments. So tell me about your team. Who are the most important people in your company?"

"Every single person under my employment is important. I'm not just saying that. 'Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much.' My COO Manny Hernandez started as the first shop's manager, he's been the greatest support and friend to me. There's also my lawyer Tony Wyman, who has been nothing but supportive and honest and BS-free since day one. They've been by my side through everything."

"Le Guerison currently has ten shops open with the Omaha location set to open next week on July twentieth. Your shops have become quite popular, even among celebrities such as Selena Gomez, Colton Haynes, and Halle Berry who have all Tweeted and Instagrammed their coffee fixes from your shops. Because of this, many people across the world have left comments on these posts wishing that you'd open shops abroad. Do you have any plans to branch internationally?"

"Actually, yes. By 2025, both Manny and Tony would like to open shops in Toronto, Vancouver, London, and Paris. Tony is looking into international business corporation laws and regulations."

"Why those locations specifically?"

"Manny chose those locations because of the international buzz we've accumulated sparked by celebrities living in these cities. Famous faces like Jensen Ackles, Justin Bieber, Adele, the Monastero Twins, Jacques Trousseauld."

"Mm-hmm. For sure. I understand from social media that you are actually close friends with world-renowned artist Jacques Trousseauld. A couple of your shops actually adorn works by Monsieur Trousseauld. Do you have both a personal and business relationship with him?"

Sebastian chuckled as he answered, "Yes. Jacques was not exactly thrilled when I asked him to paint me a few items for the Manhattan and Brooklyn shops, he was conflicted with having a business relationship with me. It took some persuading and banter, close to arguments, but his talent is far too magnificent not to hang some of his work in the shops."

"Speaking of, a piece Monsieur Trousseauld did that hangs in your Manhattan location has caused some controversy. Tell me about that."

"The artwork is called 'Mis A Nu' and portrays an apparently nude woman. But because of the muse's position, everything- important is covered by her arms and legs. Many customers believe that displaying a provocative work of art is unethical and impressionable on youth. But a work of art like this is not much different than, say, Tyga portraying women wearing bikinis or lying chest down with no bra in his music videos."

"You have gained defense for this artwork from Erica Albright, Tyra Banks, and Robert Downey Jr. who have all said the same as you, basically. How does that make you feel?"

"Well, I'm not gonna lie, it feels awesome. Artwork adorning the walls of a business, as long as it's not explicit or erotic, should catch the eye and elicit wonder and fascination."

"No argument here. Any plans to expand in the States?"

"Well, in the future, yes. Right now I'm focusing on the Omaha shop, making sure it starts off smoothly. After which, I'll be focusing on school and international branching. But in fifteen years or so, I'd like there to be at least one shop in each state. And not just the lower forty-eight."

"That's rather ambitious of you. But seeing as, in the three years of operation, Le Guerison has made eighty million dollars in profit. Speaking of which, I see from the Le Guerison financial statements that the company donates three million dollars each year to cancer research and another three to the One Simple Wish foundation."

"Yeah. I wanted to give back to the community. Especially to the One Simple Wish foundation because I lost my parents. Luckily for myself I was already an adult when my parents passed, but a child in foster care already goes through so much."

"It is incredibly generous of you. That is all the questions I had. The story will be up on our website tomorrow, with links to your social media, and Le Guerison's social media as well. I do have a personal question, off the record."

"Oh, sure."

"There are stories circulating that- that Charles... I mean no one any offense. Word is that Charles started dating you--"

"Because I had money?" Sebastian finished the journalist's thought with a laugh of amusement. "Well it's not true. He didn't know I had money when we met. I only told him a month after we started dating, because I had signed the lease to the first shop in Manhattan and transferred money from my personal bank account to the new business bank account."

"Ahh. My apologies, Mr. Fitzroy. I personally didn't believe these stories, but one can't help but to become curious."

"We've heard these rumours before, don't worry."

"Okay. Well, thank you very much for your time. Good luck in your future endeavours, Mr. Fitzroy."

After Sebastian ended the call, he removed the magnetic charging cable from his laptop and took it to the bed where Charles was lying. The blonde was lying on his back with the book Outlander by Diana Gabaldon held above his face and his legs pressed against the wall.

"Sounded like a good interview," Charles commented, his blue eyes still trained on the words printed on the pages.

While settling himself on his stomach, Sebastian replied, "For the most part. Do you want room service for lunch? Order takeout? Go out?"

"Umm..." Charles said as he continued reading. "I'll- soon I'll cook teriyaki chicken and fried noodles. Go get us some Starbucks please."

"But I just laid down," Sebastian whined. "You've been in bed all morning."

Remaining transfixed in the book, Charles retorted, "Exactly. You've already gotten up. I'm still super goddamned relaxed."

"I'm not going across the street for Starbucks. If you want coffee I can perc a pot in the kitchen."

Charles dressed and walked across the street for Starbucks. Upon returning, Sebastian was still lying in bed, but was now reading payroll summaries for his two hundred seventy-four employees. So Charles climbed onto the bed, sitting on his shins and handed Sebastian his vanilla latte.

"Thanks, babe," Sebastian said kindly as Charles began gently scraping his fingernails on Sebastian scalp.

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Hen Sebastian walked into the office of the coffeeshop, he greeted, "Hey Aubrey."

Aubrey Cassus smiled at her boss and said back, "Hello Sebastian."

"Aubrey, this is my fiancee Charles."

Shaking hands with the blonde, Aubrey said, "Great meeting you, Charles."

"The baristas look quite busy," Sebastian said happily. "How is their training so far?"

"For their first day they are doing really well!" Aubrey enthused. "Just over an hour ago I tasted a few of their lattes. Exquisite. I hope your team's training goes just as well."

"Excellent. Anything I should know about my team?"

"Tonight you have one of the boys, Danny Lightfoot, Native American, who is very shy. He's lighthearted, kind, but a bit quiet. I liked his interview so I hired him. He'll just have to get used to communicating with his coworkers and clients. But I believe in him."

"Good, good. I saw many people sitting in the cafe. Those are my team that I'm training tonight?"

"Yes. I asked them to come a half hour earlier than you requested. I think we're ready for a group introduction."

Sebastian and Charles sat in the cafe as Aubrey had the first training team clean up. He redhead and the blonde laughed as they played a game of red hands (otherwise known as hot hands, slapjacks, slapsies, slaps) as they waited.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Aubrey said with a smile to the entire Omaha team. "You remember me from the job interviews two days ago. My name is Aubrey Cassus, manager of the Omaha Le Guerison coffeeshop. I am pleased to say that the morning team's training was friggin' awesome, excuse my language. But that's how proud I am! And I have no doubt that the evening team will do great as well. Now, before the morning team leaves, I'd like to do a group introduction. We'll go clockwise, starting with Sebastian."

Sebastian stood and smiled at the group. "Hi! If you've taken the time to look at the company website before today, you might recognize me. My name is Sebastian Fitzroy, owner and founder of Le Guerison coffeeshop. I am twenty-two years of age, studying music at Juilliard, and engaged to the most wonderful, the most beautiful man on earth. A brief history behind Le Guerison; le guerison translates to the cure or treatment, I started with one shop three years ago in Manhattan when I thought I was too late to apply to Juilliard, since then I've opened ten other shops across the states with this being the eleventh. As Aubrey mentioned in the job interviews, each shop is open twenty-four-seven, so we are really counting on you guys to be flexible with your hours of availability. So why am I training you guys rather than flying in one of the other shop managers? Simple. I love being involved in my company. I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty. I live in Manhattan, and I'll take shifts in the Times Square shop every now and then. So thank you all for being here and being a part of the team. I shit you not when I say that I feel like each team is a family and I see them as my family. If any of you ever visit New York, feel free to hit me up. Seriously."

When Sebastian sat down, Charles stood and told the group, "My name is Charles Renfield, soon-to-be Charles Fitzroy. I am engaged to Sebastian here, been together for three years. I have no part in Le Guerison, I'm just here because Sebastian invited me. I am a law student at Columbia University, and otherwise a stay-at-home husband because Red here wanted me to focus on school. Before, I worked part time as a server at a restaurant called St. Laurent. And Sebastian wasn't kidding about visiting New York. We've had employees from one of the LA shops and Seattle shops call and we hung out. Just call head office, they'll check your employee file, and if everything checks out they'll give you Sebastian's cell number."

"Hello coworkers," a girl with very light brown hair said excitably. "I'm Leslie Pietro, optometry student at UNO. I'm also a total nerd who writes fiction and draws fan art of many TV shows. Check out my tumblr."

"Hi," the next person said quietly, timidly. "Name's Daniel Lightfoot. But call me Danny. I- I'm Omaha Indian. I just graduated high school and got accepted to UNO."

After each person had introduced themselves, Aubrey told the group, "Thank you, everybody. Sebastian here is a very generous man. He has many employee benefits at your disposal, but not for you to abuse. For example; Stephen McCree is attending NYU on a student Visa, works as a baker at the Manhattan shop, and his dad passed away, so Sebastian implemented the Le Guerison Bereavement Fund. This fund is meant for employees who have lost a family member. This fund will pay for your travel to attend the funeral, and pays for two weeks of bereavement leave so money will not be an issue. Just hand me a death certificate and I'll handle the rest."

"That's right," Sebastian strongly. "I don't care if you or your family can take care of this stuff, I want to look after my employees in any way I can. Any questions?"

Clyde Strenol raised his hand and asked, "When do barista benefits kick in?"

"Bereavement starts immediately," Sebastian answered. "Everything else kicks in on your three month anniversary of employment. Any more questions?"

Aubrey and Sebastian scanned the room. When nobody else had any questions, Aubrey said, "Great. Well, remember that team one will be training with Sebastian tomorrow afternoon at four, and team two will be training with me tomorrow morning at eight. Switching times will continue for the next six days of training. Team one, your free to go. Team two, enjoy your evening, and good luck training, and I'll see you bright and early at eight o'clock."

Walking around the cafe, Sebastian said to the group, "Here are your employment contracts. Take your time reading them, you don't want to sign something you don't understand. At seven o'clock I'll be ordering Chinese, and ten o'clock I'll be ordering pizza. My treat."

While the baristas read the contracts, Charles moved and sat himself on Sebastian's lap.

"You okay?" Sebastian asked the blonde while snaking his arms around his waist. "Feel free to leave if you get bored. Go to Starbucks, or to the movies."

"Mm, it's actually quite interesting here, seeing the training," Charles replied. He then leant to Sebastian's ear and whispered very quietly, "Danny is so cute. Can we adopt him?"

Sebastian chuckled quietly as he placed a soft kiss to Charles' cheek, "I call dibs on being called 'Papa'."

Charles playfully smacked Sebastian's chest and complained, "But only you can call me 'Daddy'."

Sebastian laughed and responded, "That's disgusting."

Laughing softly as well, Charles agreed, "Yeah, that was discomforting to say."

By then, all employee contracts had been placed on the table before Sebastian. "Thank you, everyone. Now gather at the bar, which is the beverage station."

After placing the signed contracts on the desk in the office, Sebastian pulled his cell phone from his back pocket and called Aubrey.

"Hey Aubrey," Sebastian greeted when the woman answered the call. "I'm sorry to bother after you'd only left the cafe ten minutes ago. I'll make this quick."

"Yeah, it's fine, Sebastian," Aubrey replied. "I'm just listening to Roy read a story to Deanna. What can I do for you, Sebastian?"

"I'm calling about Danny. I have a plan that I'd like to run by you. Hopefully you have good insight."

"A plan for Danny? I'm guessing you're planning to do something about his shyness?"

"Yeah. I mean I think his meagreness makes him adorable. But not everybody will find it endearing. I was thinking to keep him on bar for the duration of his training. During which we will talk to him nonstop, get him to try to talk to us. Hopefully this will ease his shyness, at least a little."

"And if he remains quiet and withdrawn?"

"We will not fire him for it. If his shyness remains after training, we will leave him as he is. Hopefully in the long run it'll go away."

"Well, it's a good plan. Just don't push him too hard."

"I promise. Thanks, Aubrey. I'll see you tomorrow."

When Sebastian was walking back to the front, he heard Charles' voice saying, "-cuddle monster. And he sleep-talks and it's always the cutest, sweetest things!"

Every was amused. Some laughed softly.

"I do not sleep-talk!" Sebastian cried, embarrassed, yet smiling. "Don't tell my employees I'm cute! They need to think I'm a badass motherfucker. God, Chucky, you hate me I swear!"

Now speaking in a tone you'd use on a child, Charles responded, "Oh you're right, Sebi. You don't mutter cute things in your sleep. You speak of nothing but slave-driving, torturing those beneath your heel."

Just then the front door of the cafe opened and the woman said, "Hey. Sorry I'm late. Camera battery wouldn't charge and I had to run to Best Buy."

"It's fine, you're right on time," Sebastian told the woman with a warm smile. "Everyone, this is Cora Livett. She takes care of Le Guerison's website, social media, interviews, and PR. She's here to film our training session today for our YouTube channel."

Smiling brightly, Cora said, "Hello everyone! My name is Cora, I have a degree in computer sciences from Standord. I was actually headhunted by Le Guerison when I graduated. I've been working for Le Guerison for... twenty-two months now because Sebastian himself made me an offer I could not refuse. And it's been a pleasure working for him. I know all your names already, Aubrey added your employee files to our database."

"Already?" Leonard Aberford asked, shocked.

Kyle Reid agreed, "Yeah, Aubrey took our pictures, like, forty minutes ago."

Cora smiled and answered, "At Le Guerison we work hard and we work fast."

"We don't dither," Sebastian chuckled. "Cora, would you mind recording? I have a different idea for the video."

Cora quickly dug the video camera out of the camera bag and said, "Rolling. Aaaaand... action!"

Sebastian smiled to the lens and said, "Hello! And welcome to another Le Guerison video. My name is Sebastian Fitzroy. Today we are in Omaha, Nebraska where this shop is set to open on July twentieth. Here with me is one half of the Omaha barista team for their first training session. Also here with me is my fiancee Charles. Now Charles has caused me grievance just now by telling the team here that I speak cute words while I'm sleeping. So I'm challenging my ever loving fiancee to a steam-off. We will each make seven beverages and whoever finishes first gets bragging rights. Charles, you get these seven trainees. I get these six plus Cora, our beloved tech specialist. Charles has no formal barista experience, but we have our own espresso machine at home and Charles makes a mean latte. Chucky, get ready to have your ass handed to you."

Everybody giggled and Charles retorted, "You're going down, ginger."

Cora, from behind the camera, said, "Sebastian, Charles, rules. No reusing milk pitchers without rinsing first. Use appropriate designated pitchers. No pre-grinding. No pre-steaming. All drinks must be decorated with latte art. Now get ready. The 2022 Le Guerison Steam-Off begins in three... two... one. Go!"

Immediately, Sebastian said, "Cally!"

The black-haired girl was quick to say, "Almond milk caramel cappuccino."

Sebastian, to train the new baristas, narrated his actions. "Grind basket into the grinder. Grind for four seconds. While the espresso is grinding, grab the milk pitcher labeled for almond milk. Fill to the second line. Steam near the top for six to eight seconds to froth. Now fully insert the steam wand into the pitcher and set down on the rack. Move the basket to the group head and push the small cup button. Move to the second head. Owen?"

The dirty-blonde man said, "Nonfat hazelnut latte."

"Grind for four seconds. Fill the milk pitcher to the second line and steam near the top for four to five second because this is a latte, not a cappuccino. Insert wand and sit thin pitcher on the rack. Move the basket to the group head and pull the shot. First shot is done, so two squirts of caramel syrup into the mug. First milk is now done steaming, so remove the steam wand and wipe it down. Tilt the mug and pour. When it's filled to about half, slowly straighten the mug, and then rock your wrist back and forth to create latte art. Here you go, Cally. A caramel cappuccino made with almond milk. Ernie?"

"Decaf cappuccino."

"Rinse pitcher, rinse basket. This switch here selects bean hopper, so switch to decaf. Grind for four seconds. Fill pitcher to the second line. Steam near the top of the milk for six to eight seconds. Fully insert steam wand and set pitcher to the rack. Transfer basket from the grinder to the group head and push the button to pull the shot. Second milk is done steaming. Clean the steam wand. Again, tilt the cup and pour to about half. Slowly straight the cup and rock your wrist. A Rosetta now. Tadaa! Nonfat hazelnut latte for you, Owen. Vinia?"

"Double shot vanilla latte."

Smiling, Sebastian rinsed the pitcher and espresso basket and said, "Double shot? Somebody needs awakening. Grind espresso for how long?"

"Four seconds!" his team said unanimously.

"That's right!" Sebastian said happily as he began frothing the top of the liquid. "Normally a small beverage gets four seconds of espresso grind, but Vinia wants a double. So grind for seven seconds. Fill the pitcher to what line?"

"Second line!"

While pouring two-percent milk, Sebastian said, "You guys have excellent memory! Training you guys will be a piece of cake. Steam near the top to create a good froth for four to five seconds. Now set the pitcher on the rack to finish steaming the milk. Move the basket from the grinder to the group head and pull the shot. Milk for the third beverage is done steaming. Tilt and pour. Straighten and move wrist to create latte art. See this pretty swan? Damn I'm good! Ernie, here is your decaf cappuccino. Christine?"

"Double half-caff sugar-free caramel nonfat cappuccino."

Teasing, Sebastian said with a smile, "Ahh, a prissy drink. Grind regular espresso for four seconds. Pour milk into the pitcher. Steam top for six to eight seconds. Set pitcher to the rack. Now grind decaf espresso for four seconds because it's a double half-caff. Great, now transfer to group head and pull the shot. Two squirts of vanilla. Other milk is done steaming. Wipe down the steam wand. Tilt the mug and pour. Straighten and rock the wrist. Nobody can best me in latte art. Doppio vanilla latte for Vinia. Adam?"

"Decaf triple shot double sweet hazelnut soy latte."

"Okay, anything bigger than a doppio, which is Italian for double, will have to be done in two separate shots. First grind a seven shot. Soy milk to the second line, and steam the top for four to five seconds. Then set the pitcher to the rack. Pull the first shot. Other milk is done steaming. Two squirts of sugar-free caramel syrup into the cup. Tilt the cup and pour. Straighten and rock wrist for latte art. Doppio half-caff sugar-free caramel nonfat cappuccino for Christine. Danny?"

Ever the shy young man, Danny answered, "Umm, pep- peppermint latte."

"Grind for four seconds. Milk to the second line. Froth for four to five seconds. Set pitcher to the rack. Transfer from grinder to group head and pull the shot. Other beverage is ready. Four squirts of hazelnut syrup into the cup. Tilt and pour. Straighten and rock the wrist. Adam, here is your triple decaf double sweet hazelnut latte. Cora?"

From behind the camera, Cora replied, "Decaf doppio double-chocolate nonfat no whip extra foam mocha."

"Grind decaf for seven seconds. Nonfat milk to the second line and steam the top for six to seven seconds for extra foam and set pitcher to the rack. Four pumps of real milk chocolate. Bring basket to the group head and pull shot. Two squirts of peppermint syrup into Danny's cup. Tilt the cup and pour. Straighten and create latte art. Peppermint latte for you, Danny. While I wait for the other shot and milk I'll rinse. Always rinse. Always. Milk is done steaming, so wipe the steam wand. Tilt the cup and--"

"Half-caff doppio hazelnut cappuccino for Leslie!" Charles called excitedly. "I win!"

"No!" Sebastian cried with a smile as he finished preparing the mocha. "So close!"

Laughing in victory, Charles wrapped his arms around Sebastian neck and gave his a sweet peck on the lips. "For my prize I think I'll top toni--"

Sebastian laughed as he clapped his hand over Charles' mouth and chastised, "Not in front of the kids! Cora, feel free to edit that out."

Laughing softly, Cora said, "Aaand cut! I'll edit this and upload it this evening. Anything else I can do for you, Seb?"

"Record one more video?" Sebastian asked. "Something to announce the fifteen-percent discount. It'll be a part of this video we just recorded."

"Yeah," Cora smiled. "Just lemme know when you're ready."

"You guys ready to start your training?" the redhead asked the group, who were still gathered around the espresso machines sipping their coffees. "Now I don't expect any of you to make beverages as quickly as we did today. Everybody learns and works at different speeds. But the expectation is that you become very quick eventually. Neither do I expect you to perfect latte art just like that. Again, the goal is to eventually be able to serve every single beverage with art. Now Danny, Rosa, Owen, and Kiera, you'll start on bar. Leslie, Vinia, Stephanie, and Edmond, you'll start on cash. Cally, Ernie, Adam, Christine, and Billy, you start cleaning every surface in the shop. Every hour you will switch to a different station. Thank you."

Charles then gave the redhead another chaste and sweet kiss on the lips. After which, Sebastian grabbed Charles' hand and led him around the counter.

"Okay," Cora said, holding the camera. "Recording."

"So Charles, with no barista experience whatsoever, won the competition. I concede, acknowledge defeat, and bow down to him. If you have the Le Guerison application on your mobile device, you will find a discount code that you can redeem at any of our coffeeshop locations. This code is a one-time use coupon for ten percent--"

"Fifteen percent," Cora corrected.

"This code is a one-time use coupon for fifteen percent off your next purchase. If you do not have the application, download it for free. The application is downloadable from the iTunes Store, Google Play Store, and Blackberry World. If you liked our little competition, give this video a thumbs up and congratulate Charles on his hard-earned victory. Thank you."

"Aaand cut!" Cora said as she closed the touch-screen of the camera. "I just got an email from Manny. A link on the website has become faulty. Remember that my flight back to New York is tomorrow at five, so if you think of anything else before then, just text me."

"I'm heading back to the hotel," Charles told Sebastian before he pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Visit the fitness room and take a luxurious hot bath."

"I'll be back after midnight. I love you."

"I'll probably be sleeping when you get back. But tomorrow morning I'll give you a massage for working so hard. Hey! Cora! I'll go with you!"

Cora smiled at Charles and asked, "Shall we go to a movie later after I've uploaded the video? I've been wanting to see 'Heart' for a week."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Okay, guys!" Sebastian called. "Time is eleven-fifty-seven. We can call it a day. Please clean your stations and you can clock out. Remember that you train tomorrow at eight o'clock, bright and early with Aubrey."

Talia Reyes: 'One Janus Revel here in Chicago won't pull shots. Maintenance is coming in at 8am. Says we may have to order another.'

Sebastian texted back, 'Last month Tony suggested buying an extra Revel for each shop. I think I'll have Belle purchase them tmrw and have them delivered.'

Seeing that two people had scanned their fingerprints to clock-out, Sebastian said, "You guys did amazing today! I'm proud to have you here at Le Guerison. I mean that. If anybody needs to get a hold me, I'm staying at the Element hotel. Danny, sit with me a minute?"

Slowly, uneasily, Danny sat down at the table and asked, "Everything alright, Sebastian?"

Wearing a kind smile, Sebastian answered, "Yes, yes. You're not in any trouble, Danny. How did you like your first day of training? I hope I didn't push you too hard with conversation."

"It started as a bit... trying," Danny said, his brown eyes uncertain. "But I think I'm getting used to hiding my shyness. Which- which I apologize for."

Sebastian quickly shook his head and replied, "No, no. Don't apologize. I don't believe it's your fault that you have a bit of shyness in you. I actually found it endearing, and cute. I'm not hitting on you, I'm sorry if it seemed that way. But I'm already so pleased with your progress. The last time I heard you stutter before now was about four hours ago. Your voice still sounds a bit sheepish, but I have no doubt that you will one day soon be talking customers' ears off."

Nodding, Danny responded, "Thank you, Sebastian."

"There really is no need to think of me as your boss. You will nearly never see me after training. It's not that I don't care, because I do. I'm just busy most of the year with head office and Juilliard. So just think of me as a friend. I earlier during the group introductions you told us that you are Omaha Indian. Are you from the city?"

"No, I'm from Pender. Small town in the Omaha Reservation."

"Tomorrow, you must tell me more. But you look tired and you have work again in eight hours. Do you drive?"

"No, I use O-Met."

"Well let me give you a ride home."


Suddenly grinning, Sebastian said, "I thought you would've refused."

Grinning as well, Danny replied, "I probably would've if I wasn't dead on my feet."

After packing his laptop, Sebastian told Danny to stay completely still to engage the alarm system.

"So tell me about Pender," Sebastian requested while driving the rental car.

"Not much to tell," Danny answered, stifling a yawn. "It's a small town of a thousand people. If you have the means to drive, you can check out Omaha. Otherwise it's boring as shit."

"Do you have a big family?"

"Yes," Danny replied with a soft chuckle. "I'm the fourth of six kids. But I'm the first to get into college. I'm only able to be ash I received a scholarship. So I'm gonna be fucking busy with work study, my course load, and work at the cafe."

"If you have a work scholarship, why find a part time job?"

"My mom passed a couple of years ago," Danny answered with a slight hitch in his voice. "She was the main provider in the family. So everybody is strapped for cash."

"I'm sorry, man."

Danny shrugged and said back, "Thanks. But it's okay now. I can work and send most of my money back home."

"Well, I think I have an offer for you. From the employee files it says that you're a regular barista. Would you like me to make you a Food Protector?"

"What's that?"

"Each food service business requires at least one who is certified to be on shift at all times. You would be in ensuring that all personnel are complying with food handling laws and regulations. It's honestly barely any more work than a barista would be doing. And the pay is two dollars more per hour than a barista makes. You have three days to think it over if you want. That's when six others at the cafe will begin the training."

"I'll do it," Danny said hastily.

"Good. Good. I was serious when I told you guys that I do everything I can to take care of you guys. So if you need any help, whether it be time off, or extended leave, or just a shoulder to cry on, get in touch with me. My email address is listed in the cafe office."

"Sure thing. What sort of training does this Food Protector thing require?"

"It's just an online course. Twenty-something hours it requires you to do. And then you and the other six will have to take a test that the city administers. Out of the eighty people under my employment that have taken the test, nobody has failed. So I have faith in you. I'll leave a message with Aubrey to add you to the list."

"I- thank you, Sebastian."

"Of course, Danny. I'm guessing Christmas is a big deal to your family so you should login to your employee profile and request time off. It's a first-come-first-serve basis, so do it tonight."

"Do you think I could take a couple days off next month? My girlfriend- or ex girlfriend- or I don't even know what she is anymore. She's driving down."

"I have zero power when it comes to employee's time off. I don't like to contradict or overrule shop managers' decisions. But I am ninety-six-percent sure Aubrey wouldn't have a problem with it. She's kind and understanding."

Danny nodded and responded, "Fair enough."

"So what will you be studying when college starts?"

"General studies. I wanted to study law, but my scholarship is only for four years and we can't afford anything else."

Nodding, sullen but trying not to be, Sebastian asked, "Would you consider another offer I'm about to make?"

Danny sighed and replied, "Depends. What's the offer?"

"Depends on what branch of law you want to go into."

"Anything. Lawyers make a lot of money. Or can make a lot of money. I just want to be able to have a fucking good job so that I can start a family and not have my kids go hungry like me and my siblings did for so long."

"Well then the offer is this: study pre-law for the duration of your scholarship. When you get into law school, I'll have Le Guerison pay for your tuition and books. Law school doesn't even have to be here in Omaha. Apply to Harvard if you want to. This is not a handout. When you've graduated law school, continue to work for the company as a lawyer until the debt is paid. Interest-free. I'm certain by then Le Guerison will be big enough to require more lawyers."

"Why are you doing this for me?"

"Simple. You're a family man who is trying to provide for your current family and your future family. I'm proud of that. It makes me admire you. Many want money to buy a dozen Aston Martins. Or to flash their money at beautiful women who won't even remember your name. But you, you Danny, have heart. You know what you want and you know what's important. Take your time making that decision. I'm sure the deadlines for changing your classes isn't for another month or so."

"Can- can you have a contract drawn up for this tomorrow?"

Smiling happily, Sebastian answered, "Yes. It'll be ready to sign before your shift ends. Well, here we are."

Sebastian had parked in front of a house in a quiet neighbourhood.

"Renting the basement," Danny said with a small smile. "Fully furnished, free wifi, huge space, all for only five hundred fifty a month. Owners are a nice elderly couple."

"That's awesome! I'll see you tomorrow, Danny."

"Thank you. For everything. I really mean that."

"You got it, boss."

"Hey!" Charles called from the bedroom when Sebastian walked in.

While undressing, Sebastian said, "Hope I didn't wake you."

Charles shook his head, lying in bed in just his underwear, and replied, "Took an hour's nap after the movie. Let me give you a massage. I can see tense muscles."

"You must be tired, too."

"Mm-mm. Lie down, love."

Complying, Sebastian said, "You're too good to me."

"You're a very hard-working man, Seb," Charles said warmly while pouring a generous amount of lotion to the redhead's back. "I may have hated it when you asked me to quit my job, but now I see that you were only looking out for me. How was the training?"

"It was excellent! Ohhhh, yeahhhh. Right there. The baristas are quick learners. Two in particular, Leslie and Danny, are very good at latte art. I'm paying for Danny's law school. Well, Le Guerison will."

Charles snorted and asked, "Did you really adopt him?"

"Oh, gawd. You give the best massages. I didn't adopt Danny. I made a proposition. He comes from a big family, and his mom was the main provider and she died. He was set to take general studies but he wanted to study law, but he couldn't afford it. So I'll have Tony put together a contract for Danny to study pre-law for the duration of his scholarship and Le Guerison will pay for his law school as long he works for the company until his debt is paid."

Kneading his thumbs over Sebastian's muscular shoulder blades, Charles said, "You have the biggest heart in the world."

"How was the movie?"

"It was sooo good! Romantic and sweet and made me cry a couple times. Eddie Redmayne played his part really well. Let me do your glutes."

Sebastian lifted his pelvis slightly so that the blonde could pull his pink boxer briefs down his legs. After tossing the underwear about, Charles grabbed both firm round mounds in his hands and squeezed. Sebastian's uncut dick, half hard and pointing downward, was quickly filling to full mast.

Charles quickly became hungry upon seeing the ginger's inflating cock. He pulled Sebastian cheeks apart and dove in. His tongue explored the rim of Sebastian's pretty pink hole, soft mewls coming out of Sebastian mouth.

Those mewls turned into quiet moans when Charles' tongue attacked the tight ring muscle. He swiped his tongue back and forth, up and down, and prodding deeper as his hands spread Sebastian's glutes even further apart.

Smiling and his eyes closed in pleasure, Sebastian stated, "Best- uhhh! fucking massage ever. Fuck me. Charles, fuck me."

Charles, smiling, kissed his way up his fiancee's back. While nibbling at Sebastian's shoulder, Charles reached to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of lube. While suckling on the redhead's neck, Charles uncapped the bottle and poured a small amount to the tips of his fore and middle fingers.

While pressing the fingers to Sebastian's hole, Charles asked, "How badly do you want--"

"Just fucking- ahhh! Yesss."

Charles gently eased his two fingers in and out of Sebastian as he continued to kiss and suckle at Sebastian's neck and shoulder. He slowly picked up the pace, at the time twisting his fingers.

Impatient, Sebastian reached back and grabbed Charles' wrist. He pulled the fingers from his hole and forced Charles to sit with his back against the headboard, causing the blonde to chuckle in amusement and excitement. The ginger then poured a generous amount of lube into palm and smeared the clear slippery liquid to Charles' throbbing seven inches.

While straddling Charles, Sebastian said, "I hate it when you tease me like that."

"I wasn't teasing you, sweetums," Charles retorted coyly. "I was merely getting you- Jesus. Your tight."

Sebastian had squatted down, the thick head of Charles' cock gaining entrance. And Sebastian steadily lowered himself. Within three seconds, Charles was balls deep inside his fiancee.

Holding a deep and affectionate gaze, Sebastian whispered, "I love you so much, Charles."

Charles pressed their lips together, initiating a deep and hungry kiss. While making out, Sebastian slowly fucked himself on Charles' thick and hot pole. As the redhead did so, Charles blindly reached forward and grasped Sebastian's bouncing uncut cock. Their lips parted as their lungs became desperate for air due to the heated pleasure they shared.

"You're- aahhhh," Charles moaned. "You're so beautiful."

Sebastian responded physically, kissing and nipping at the blonde's shoulder and neck as he continued to bounce rapidly on Charles.

Sebastian threw his head back and cried, "Aahhh I'm gonna cum! Fuck. Jerk my co- uh! Uh!"

The first spurt of hot white cum shot from Sebastian's cock over Charles' shoulder. The second landed on e blonde's chin, and the third and fourth shots painted Charles' lean yet muscular chest. The rest spewed upon his abs as Sebastian's moans grew deep, and guttural, with Sebastian falling to lie on Charles chest to chest.

Removing his hand from Sebastian's sensitive dick, Charles finger-combed the long orange hair from Sebastian's face with his other hand stroking up and down Sebastian's side.

Ten seconds later, Sebastian sat back upright, and immediately resumed riding Charles mercilessly.

"Shit," Charles hissed in a whisper, his hands once again grabbing at Sebastian's plump ass.

Gazing hungrily at the blonde, Sebastian said, "I want you to cum inside me."

"I- I don't- I don't wanna cum yet," Charles said, breathless yet determined. "Stop. Stopstopstop. I don't wanna cum yet."

Sebastian smirked as he intensified the speed at which he rode his fiancee. He grabbed the headboard with both his hands and jackhammered his ass on Charles.

Charles gave a hard shove to Sebastian's hip, causing the redhead to fall sideways to the bed, and said, "I said I didn't wanna cum yet, you fucker."

Sebastian giggled, now feeling his legs completely weak from bouncing himself. Charles climbed to his knees and positioned himself between Sebastian's thighs. He pushed Sebastian's knees, putting the open hole on full display. Charles held no hesitation in plunging into Sebastian. Now fully reinserted, Charles bent forward and crashed their lips together in a passionate kiss.

While making slow, sweet love to Sebastian, Charles whispered, "With every breath I take, with every beat of my heart, I will love you."

Sebastian moaned softly, his embrace tightening around Charles' shoulders, pulling the man further into him. His moans grew louder upon feeling Charles press his parted lips to his neck and suckle.

Charles rested his forehead to Sebastian's as he swayed his hips in a passionate manner. Their breathing was hitched, but soft moans escaped their throats.

"Oh fuck," Charles whispered as he pulled out. "I'm- I'm close."

Sebastian smiled and rolled over, climbing to his knees. Charles gave a soft slap to Sebastian's cheek as he scooted closer. He brushed the head of his cock up and down Sebastian's crack a few times.

Sebastian chuckled, in emotional pain, and begged, "Inside me."

Charles obliged. He pressed against Sebastian's winking pink hole and pushed. He was granted entrance with no resistance, sliding in balls deep. Now fully inside the redhead, Charles grabbed Sebastian's shoulder and pulled the man up. Now back to chest, Charles placed warm kisses to Sebastian's shoulder and neck as he began to slowly fuck.

Stroking his own steely hard dick, Sebastian whispered, "I'm gonna cum a-again. Shit."

Charles peered over Sebastian's shoulder and watched as ejaculate erupted from Sebastian's red dick head onto the bed.

"Fuck, that's so hot," Charles said breathlessly. "Ahhh. I'm gonna cum."

Sebastian reach back and held Charles' ass and said, "Yeah. Breed me, baby."

Charles picked up the pace of his fucking, his face contorting in ecstasy. "Yeah. Yeah. Fuck, I'm about to cum."

Charles groaned gutturally, deep in his chest, with one final thrust into Sebastian. Deep inside the redhead, Charles exploded. White spots clouded his vision as he shot hard, painting the walls of Sebastian's anus with hot cum.

"Fuck!" Charles whispered, his forehead pressed against his fiancee's shoulder. "That was awesome."

Sebastian began rocking his hips back and forth, Charles still inside him.

Charles groaned with a smile. "Stop. I'm too sensitive."

But stop Sebastian did not. He smirked, still rocking back and forth.

Charles laughed, pleasured pain still evident in his voice, as he pulled out. He fell into his chest, lying by Sebastian.

Sebastian planted a kiss to Charles' back and asked, "Bath?"

"Yeah," Charles answered, still trying to catch his breath. "Fill the tub and I'll remove the sheets."

Ten minutes passed. Charles laid his back against Sebastian's muscular chest and abs as they soaked in a hot bath together.

"You're quiet," Charles commented lightly.

Sebastian kissed the side of Charles' head and replied, "We wed in three weeks."

Nodding softly, Charles responded, "We do. What troubles your mind?"

Sebastian sighed, kissed Charles' cheek, and answered, "Don't freak out. Don't worry. Promise you won't worry."

"Sebastian," Charles began softly, "you have been thinking about something. I've been feeling it for a couple of months. Tell me what it is."

"I want to contact Lynette."

Charles sat quiet in thought for a moment. "The woman who told you about your- upbringing?"

"I want to ask her for the location of our- former home. Before our union. I need to see where I come from. Who raised me. Trained me, I mean. I don't expect them to give me answers or even entertain me with their company, but it would be nice."

Charles lifted himself and turned slightly. His face bore a look of confusion and shock. "But- they- Seb, they'll kill you. You can't leave me."

Sebastian gently grabbed Charles' in his palms and replied, "I can't go into a marriage without knowing where I came from. Without seeing my past. I have to do this, Charles."

Misty-eyed, Charles nodded his head. "Fine. But if you get killed I'm reviving you myself just to beat you to death."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Six days later, Sebastian and Charles were sitting snugly at the Epply Field airport.

"Thank you for waiting, ladies and gentlemen," a woman's voice said over the PA. "American Airlines flight six-zero-zero-nine flying nonstop to the Los Angeles International Airport is now ready for pre-boarding. We invite those with small children and mobility-impairs to board at this time. We also welcome first class flyers to board now. We will be ready for general boarding momentarily. Once again, American Airlines flight six-zero-zero-nine is now ready for pre-boarding and first class passengers. Thank you."

Sebastian gave Charles' hand in his a gentle squeeze and told him, "I'll board last."

Charles leaned sideways, resting his head to Sebastian's shoulder. "Promise me you'll come home alive. That you won't return to me in a body bag. That's all I ask."

Sebastian responded by pressing his lips to the blonde hair atop his fiancee's head. He chose not to speak, for he knew he could not make such promises. He knew there was no guarantee that he would be able to return.

Charles laughed darkly and said, "Of course you're unable to say it. Because that would mean you'd be breaking a promise if--"

"Stop," Sebastian pleaded in a whisper. "They will not kill me."

Charles scoffed and said, "But you're not sure if you'll even return."

"I don't know," the redhead replied with a sigh. "I bought my freedom. Who's to say they wouldn't imprison me or force me to work for them again? But I can't not find out for myself."

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience," a man's voice rang through the airport. "Delta flight twelve-seventy-two nonstop to New York is now ready for pre-boarding. Delta flight twelve-seventy-two to New York is now pre-boarding. Thank you."

"I understand," Charles whispered. "If it were me I'd definitely be doing the same. But you can't blame me for being scared."

Sebastian grabbed Charles' chin between his thumb and finger, and whispered, "I do not."

"Thank you again for your patience," the same female voice said. "American Airlines flight six-zero-zero-nine to LAX is now ready for general boarding. We will seat by row. If you are in rows thirty-five to twenty, please make your way to gate nineteen. Once again, American Airlines flight six-zero-zero-nine is ready to board rows thirty-five to twenty at gate nineteen. Thank you."

The two sat in silence. Their hands remained joined, and Charles leant against Sebastian. Every so often, Charles would turn his head slightly to plant a soft kiss to Sebastian's arm. Sebastian, in response, would turn his head and kiss Charles' head.

Ten minutes had passed when American Airlines announced the final boarding call for Sebastian's flight to Los Angeles. Together, Sebastian and Charles stood. Charles grabbed both is Sebastian's hands in his and leaned in for a kiss. This kiss bore no tongue, but it was no less passionate. It was also longing, and a tinge of apprehension evident by the tightening of Charles' grasp on the ginger's hands.

"I love you," Charles stated firmly as he pressed their foreheads together. "You come home to me. We have a wedding to attend. You're my date, remember?"

Sebastian chuckled, feeling the sting that accompanied the formation of tears. He brought his hand to Charles' face and wiped away the single tear that slid down his face.

Sebastian busied himself during the nearly four hour flight with memorizing the cell phone screenshot that Lynette had emailed back to him. The image portrayed was a map of California, with a digital pin stuck in the middle of barren land. There were visible roads on any maps, but Lynette had reassured Sebastian that teams had driven to and fro when traveling to nearby cities.

"This is Charles," the voicemail greeting said, seeing as Charles would still be in the air. "Leave me a message. But if this is grandma, I didn't break your china I swear!" Beeeep

"Hey baby. I just landed and got a rental car. I have a two hour drive ahead of me. Call me when you get this. I love you."

An hour and ten minutes into the drive, Sebastian grabbed his phone. The time displayed was 10:37am, and Charles' flight would've landed a half hour ago. And he still hadn't called back. So Sebastian tried to call him again. Holding the device to his ear, the receiver beeped. The display read 'Call Failed'. The cell phone, instead of showing signal bars, said there was no service.

"What the fuck," Sebastian whispered to himself before setting the device back into the cup holder.

After another forty minutes, navigating carefully on a winding road that was barely a road, Sebastian spotted a huge wall of white stone. It stood twenty feet high, and maybe two hundred feet wide. In the middle was a black metal sliding door, looking to be reinforced steel.

"Fucking bitch," Sebastian said with a teary smile. "I'm here."

Sebastian got out of the car. Just as he slammed the car door shut, the sound of metal gears moving rang through the desert air. The door was moving, sliding open. Sebastian's heart, which was already beating excitedly, was now jackhammering his ribcage.

Waiting behind the big metal door stood a man dressed neck to toe in black combat gear. His perfect face wore an expression of expedience but his amber eyes shone with awe.

"Welcome home, James," the man said confidently. "You're right on time."

Sebastian, confused, asked, "You- you were expecting me?"

"Ahh," the man said with a slight nod of his head. "The whispers were true. You have no recall of our home. Would you like to come in? You did not drive two hours to just stare at the wall, hey?"

Sebastian shifted his weight to one foot and answered, "I- I'm not--"

"You're not sure if you can trust us?" the man guessed with an amused smile. "You're not certain we would not cause harm? Please, James. If we wanted to hurt you, we would have incapacitated you when you turned off of highway one-thirty-eight."

The man pointed his gloved finger to behind Sebastian. Sebastian turned. Walking up in the road, if you could call it that, were another young man and a young woman, both dressed exactly like the one in front of him.

"We've been watching you, James," the man at the gate told the redhead.

Sebastian turned back to the gate and asked, "You have?"

The man smiled, highly amused, and replied, "Of course! How do you think tech knew to kill the signal on your cell phone? They knew you were coming."

The other two entered the gate and stood to stare at Sebastian. The woman asked, "Dies ist der Agent, den Sie alle gelobt haben? Eine Maus konnte seinen Arsch treten."

Sebastian bristly replied, "Der Schein kann trugen. Binde deine Haare und lass uns gehen."

"Genug!" the first man cried, frustrated. He then smiled at Sebastian and said, "Ich bin froh, dass du immer noch viele Zungen fliesend sprichst."

The second man removed his glove and drove his long fingers through his sweat-matted short black hair, and said, "Ils vous appellent James ici. Quel est votre nom en dehors de ces murs?"

"Je m'appelle Sebastian."

The woman, her gaze still calculating, said, "Well, Sebastian, shall we head inside?"

The second man agreed, "Yes. You did not come all the way from Nebraska to stand under the scorching sun."

'I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they knew where I flew in from,' Sebastian thought to himself as he followed. The second man and the woman walked ahead into the tiny house while the first man walked behind.

Inside the sparsely furnished one-level house, the second man placed his on a scanner. Upon verifying the biometric identity, the floor sunk mechanically. It was an elevator, of sorts.

The floor below, all glass, held half a dozen men and women, all dressed casually in polo shirts, light blouses, jeans, leggings, and skirts. All wore headsets with microphones. All were working at computers. The elevator continued its descent.

The second sub-floor was bigger. Much bigger. Easily six times the size of the house itself. A middle-aged man stood waiting. His sculpted face bore many scars, and his brown eyes held no light but much determination. Behind him were three dozen, give or take a couple, model-looking young men and women dressed in grey leggings and skin-tight sleeveless shirts. All were either fighting, practicing, or watching a fight.

"Well if it isn't 2000-007," the man, the trainer, said, sounding bored. "You grace us with your presence. Welcome back to camp. I am Evers."

"You were-" Sebastian rubbed his forehead, his nerves shot. "You were expecting me. How did you know that I was coming?"

Evers smirked and replied, "We never stopped watching you."

Evers then took a cell phone out of his vest. He pressed a few buttons and held the device out.

"I need to see where I come from," Sebastian recognized his on voice coming from the cell phone. "Who raised me. Trained me, I mean. I don't expect them to give me answers or even entertain me with their company, but it would be nice."


Everybody else, including the three that were outside with Sebastian, lined up in a straight line behind Evers.

Without turning to look, Ever said, "There are two gaps in the formation. Can you guess why?"

Sebastian, staring at one gap near the front and the other in the middle, answered, "They're- they're out on a- job."

"They are," Evers said with a small smile. "Now can you guess where?"

Sebastian exaggeratedly shrugged his shoulders and responded, "Australia, maybe?"

Evers laughed reminiscently before replying, "Still the smartass shit. No. They are in Manhattan."

Upon hearing that, Sebastian's jaw tightened.

Seeing the redheads jaw muscles flex, Evers smiled wider and said, "They are in a condo that has the most beautiful of views overlooking Central Park."

Angry, instantly angry, Sebastian seethed, "You--"

"Relax," Evers said easily, lightly. "Just a precaution. Here. Look for yourself."

Evers grabbed a remote control and turned on the television hanging on the wall. The image onscreen was live. Charles was sitting limp on a chair in their kitchen, a piece of black fabric over his eyes. On either side of the blonde stood two men dressed in black combat gear.

Just then, Charles jerked, obviously awakened.

"Sedative wore off right on time," Evers commented.

"What the fuck?" Charles said groggily.

Charles reached up to remove the blindfold but one of the men grabbed his wrist to stop him.

Evers said to the camera, which was obviously a live feed, "Hello, Mr. Renfield. Just a precaution. We will not harm you if your fiancee complies with us."

"Sebastian?!" Charles said angstily. "S'he there with you?"

Evers nodded to Sebastian. So Sebastian said, "Charles, I'm right here. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

No!" Charles screamed, royally pissed off. "I told you not to fucking go!"

Teary-eyed, Sebastian responded, "I know you did, babe."

"Are you okay?" Charles asked, now worried. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. Charles?"


Sebastian looked to Evers, staring right into his eyes, and said, "There are only two of them."

Evers' brown eyes held confusion for half a second before he turned his attention back to the television. In one millisecond, Charles turned in the chair, removed the blindfold, and swiped his feet under one of the men. The man careened to the floor, and at the same time, Charles grabbed the back of the chair and swung it at the other man.

Grinning, never removing his eyes from the screen, Sebastian said, "Should've tied him up. He's gonna kick their asses."

The second man onscreen grabbed the legs of the chair to stop it. Charles, nonplussed, pulled the chair back and kicked him square in the chest. The next second, Charles and the chair fell to the floor. The first man stood and tried to stomp one foot down on Charles, but Charles rolled and swung his own leg, tripping the man again. Charles stood back to his feet and was going to kick him in the face when the second man appeared back onscreen and swung his fist. The punch landed, hitting Charles in the jaw. Charles fell to the wall for a second. The man was throwing another punch, but Charles ducked, grabbed the wrist, and threw his punch. His fist collided with the man's temple.

"Fuck yeah," Sebastian quietly, proud. "Get 'em, baby."

The other grabbed Charles from behind, wrapping his arms tightly around Charles' arms. The second man came up and threw punch which landed on Charles' cheek. Charles jumped back, causing him and the man to fly down to the floor. Everything happened offscreen, which irritated Sebastian. He could recognize his fiancee's grunts, but couldn't tell if they were of pain or effort. Both?

Thirty seconds later, Charles' grunts grew in frequency and volume. Each were accompanied by the sounds of combat (kicks and punches landing).

Another five seconds later Charles walked across the screen, blood dripping from his nose. He walked right offscreen again. The sound of a kitchen drawer opening and closing could be heard before Charles walked by again, carrying a roll of duct tape.

"Charles!" Sebastian called.

Charles walked back into view. He stared into the camera and said, "Next time I tell you to not go, you don't fucking go! Now I'm gonna have all these bruises all over my body and tender knuckles for weeks!"

"You okay?" Sebastian asked. "No broken bones?"

Charles sighed and shrugged one shoulder, "No. I'm- I'm fine. I don't- I don't wanna kill these men, but if--"

"Nonono," Sebastian quickly said. "Just tie them up."

Looking angry again, Charles said back, "As payment to make it up to me, you'll allow me to go back work during the spring and summer holidays starting next year."

Before Sebastian could even respond, Charles closed the laptop, ending the connection.

"You taught your fiancee defense," Evers said, awe and shock evident in his voice. "Without us knowing. How?"

Sebastian shrugged and answered, "It wasn't even intentional, the secrecy. We trained in the gym of the condo building. So why did you need to have men on him?"

"We obviously knew you were coming," Evers responded. "And we heard you telling your fiancee that you wanted to 'see where you came from'. But I became- suspicious that you would become hostile. I wanted leverage."

"And now?" Sebastian asked. "Now that you don't have that leverage?"

Evers sighed, rubbing his stubbly chin. "I suppose that's up to you. We will defend ourselves should you decide that you're unsatisfied with whatever you came here for. After all, there are thirty-five agents here, against yourself."

Sebastian's eyes traveled over the assembled agents, studying their features. He knew that he couldn't take on thirty-five by himself. But violence was not the reason that he took this journey.

"I didn't come for bloodshed," Sebastian stated calmly. "I came for answers. I came for closure."

"Would you be agreeable to testing your skills?" Evers asked with a pleased smile. "It has been three years, one month, and eleven days since you purchased your freedom. Do you still have the full tactical training that we taught you?"

Sebastian inhaled deeply before replying, "What was I like before?"

"You will have to prove yourself," Evers responded smugly. "Otherwise, you will be escorted out."

"Fine," Sebastian said back hotly. "But I refuse to take a life. I'm sure you remember that I was able to do so before. But not now."

"I know," Evers said with a small laugh. "Remember, we kept surveillance on you. Just defense. You have my word. 1-11! You're up!"

One of the men dressed in grey, adorning curly brown hair, stepped away from his position in the line to the middle of the room. Sebastian tied his long orange hair in an uncaring bun as he joined the young man. Both crouched slightly and held their fists up, prepared.

"Begin!" Evers cried.

The brunette immediately threw his fist toward Sebastian. Sebastian's one hand grabbed the man's wrist and other grabbed his elbow. Holding firmly, Sebastian pulled harshly, making the man flip off of his feet. He landed on his back, rolling back onto his knee. He swivelled around its his leg extended, attempting to sweep Sebastian off of his feet. But Sebastian jumped up, avoiding the leg. While falling back to his floor, Sebastian threw his own fist toward the man's head. The man's arm swept through the air, deflecting the hit with his forearm. The man quickly stood to his feet, both his hands firmly grasping Sebastian's elbows from behind. Sebastian leapt into the air, his back arched. This caused the man to fall forward as Sebastian flipped midair. They landed at the same time, Sebastian on his feet and the man on his chest. Instantaneously, Sebastian bent forward and grabbed the man's wrist, yanking them upward agonizingly.

"Very good!" Evers called with a pleased smile.

Sebastian released his hold on the man. The man rolled over onto his back and Sebastian held his arm out. The man accepted the help, and stood.

Evers then called, "0-08! 2-03! You're up!"

The woman from outside, dressed in black, and another man dressed in grey stepped up. They stood on either side of Sebastian, and all three stood in defense stances.


Sebastian attacked first. He threw his left hand, fisted, to the man on his left. But the man had curled his fingers around Sebastian wrist at the same time that Sebastian saw the woman striding toward them. Seeing her foot flying toward his side, Sebastian used his taken hand to grab the man in a choke hold and hid behind him. The woman's sole met the man's back, causing both the man and Sebastian to fall backward. As Sebastian's lower back met the hardwood floor, he used his knee to throw the man over his head. Before the man was even fully off of his, the woman kicked Sebastian's side hard. After groaning, Sebastian swept his feet, tripping the woman as he got up on his knees. Now lying on her back, the woman threw her foot toward Sebastian's chest. Just as the redhead had grabbed the foot, stopping the kick from landing, the man landed a punch to the side of Sebastian head. Sebastian fell sideways, but quickly rolled to his feet. He was met with the sight of the woman's fist a few inches from his, and it connected with his cheek. While his head whipped sideways, he saw the man's foot flying toward him. Sebastian grabbed the man's ankle, but before he could do anything else, the woman had landed another punch to his temple.

"Fuck," Sebastian whispered to himself hen he rolled onto his knee.

Frustrated beyond measure, Sebastian grabbed the woman's arm as it flew toward him, yanking it so the woman flipped down onto her back. The man swung his leg swiftly, aiming his foot at Sebastian's head. Sebastian bent forward in half, dodging the foot. Still bent, Sebastian jumped into the air, twisting. He twirled multiple times as he rose in the air, and stopped when he reached the man's head. He jutted his knee out, wrapping g his leg around the man's neck. Sebastian landed on one knee and one foot, the man's neck still trapped in his leg. The woman landed another punch to Sebastian's jaw. Sebastian's head whipped to the side. The woman then went in for a kick. Sebastian grabbed her ankle and knee and yanked it. When the woman fell onto her back, Sebastian twisted her leg slightly, causing her to scream out in pain.

Evers laughed and said, "God damn! You still got it."

Sebastian swung his leg over the man, releasing him. Sebastian walked back to Evers while the two agents, hurt, walked back to formation.

"Any more?" Sebastian asked, grumpy.

Evers shook his head as he answered, "No, no. Those were the three best prodigies."

"Now I would like answers."

"Of course, of course. Ask away, Sebastian. The rest of you, back to training."

Sebastian watched as the agents paired off and resumed their sparring. Well, except for the agents that had escorted him inside. Those three went into rooms made of glass walls. There, they removed their combat gear.

"Show me around?" Sebastian asked when he turned his attention back to Evers.

While leading the redhead, Evers asked, "What made you decide that Charles Renfield was right for you? Why not Arun Saha? Or Dustin Hersch? Pietro Clannor?"

"I don't know," Sebastian answered, slightly offended. "I was just- drawn to Charles I guess. I felt like I had a connection with him."

"Well this is the dining room. The kitchen and supply room are on the floor below. Agents are not allowed on that floor. Any of this triggering memories?"

Sebastian gazed at the giant black table. At the black wooden chairs. At the countertops with cups and plates and bowls and utensils. At the bowl of fruit.

"No. No memories."

Sympathetically, Evers responded, "Dr. Warren was thorough with the memory wipe. Come."

"Do you know where Lynette is?" Sebastian asked the man as he followed.

"0-09?" Evers asked. "No, we don't. She's the reason we now forbid agents from working tech. We have clones dedicated to that, as you saw on your way down. We couldn't even locate her using your email correspondence. That girl is too smart. This was your room."

Evers had stopped at one of the glass bedrooms. Each room was sparsely furnished with two twin beds and a bedside table.

"Go inside if you like," Evers said kindly, to which Sebastian entered. "You shared this room with 1-03. Or, as you called him, Riley."

Sebastian touched the tip of his forefinger to the nearly made bed and asked, "What was he like?"

"C.A.I.T.!" Evers called.

"Good afternoon, Evers," a disembodied female voice said.

It was the sweetest, softest, most pleasant voice that Sebastian had ever heard.

"Kate?" Sebastian asked, looking around for the source of the voice.

The voice replied, "Yes, Agent 2000-07?"

"Sebastian, meet Cavanaugh's Artificial Intelligence Technology," Evers said by way of introduction. "Or C.A.I.T. as we call her."

"You're a computer," Sebastian said, awed.

The voice replied, "Essentially, yes."

Evers gazing at Sebastian stoically, told the AI, "C.A.I.T., please assist Agent 2000-07 in his quest for answers of his past life. Classified stays classified."

The AI replied, "As you wish, Evers."

Evers exited the bedroom in favour of supervising the agents in their training.

"C.A.I.T., are you able to show me the capture of Charles Andrew Renfield by these agents?"

"Certainly, Agent 2000-07."

A light shone forth from the ceiling onto one of the glass walls as the redhead said to the AI, "Call me Sebastian."

"Certainly, Sebastian. This video was taken today from a surveillance camera at level two of the parking lot at John F. Kennedy International Airport at ten-fifty-six Eastern Standard Time."

Sebastian watched with rapt attention. The video depicted Charles walking to Sebastian's Porsche. Charles extended his hand a bit, clearly disengaging the car alarm. As Charles approached the vehicle, with two men dressed in black pants and black hoodies to hide their combat fatigues far behind him. Just as Charles opened the driver's door, one of the men pointed a gun at Charles and fired. A dart, obviously a tranquilizer, now stuck in Charles' back. After a few seconds, Charles fell unconscious. The two men, agents, walked to either side of the Porsche, with the man on the driver's side picking up the blonde and laying him in the back seat.

When the video disappeared, C.A.I.T. asked, "Would you like me to display the videos of the Porsche Panamera driving through the streets of New York City, Sebastian?"

Sebastian shook his head, and replied, "No, that's fine, C.A.I.T., thank you."

"You're welcome, Sebastian."

"Are you able to check my mobile voicemail box?"

"Certainly. There is one message left by Charles Andrew Renfield at ten-forty-nine Eastern Standard Time. Would you like me to play the message now?"

"Please do."

"Hey Seb," Charles' voice rang. "I guess your phone died. Flight just landed. I'm waiting for luggage now. Call me when you can. I love you."

"Thank you, C.A.I.T.."

"Of course. How else may I be of assistance?"

"Are you able to show me any live footage from my condo in Manhattan?"

"I definitely can," the AI answered as she put up another image. "This feed comes from the camera attached to the Microsoft XBox video game console accessory."

The live feed depicted the two agents back to back, duct taped together neck to ankle securely. They were still unconscious and blood was drying on their faces.

Nearby was Charles. He was mostly naked, wearing only his black Gucci briefs as he studiously mopped the floor. The hair of the mop was stained pink. A result of washing blood.

"Now can you show me footage of the procedure or accident that caused my amnesia?"

"There are no such records, Sebastian," the AI replied. "There were no security cameras at Dr. Warren's laboratory, nor were mobile devices allowed."

Sebastian laughed a small laugh filled with frustration and disbelief. He then asked, "How about files pertaining to the cause of amnesia?"

"Here are documents detailing research on the brain. Notes dictate that the discovery was, in fact, accidental. Agent 2000-02 was partaking on a mission and suffered a severe head injury sustained when the aircraft was compromised. The agent woke forty-nine hours later with no recollection of anything before waking. Dr. Warren has experimented with imitating the neural injury, resulting in agents' deaths. Yours, Sebastian, was the second to be successful in causing amnesia without also causing permanent brain damage."

"How many agents have lost their lives because of this?"

"Eight died of blunt-force trauma to the skull. Five were euthanized due to severe brain damage."

"Shit," Sebastian breathed.

"It has caused great distress."

"Do you have any photos or video footage of me as a child?"

"Dr. Warren kept photographic progress of each clone."

Now displayed on the glass were photos of- well, cells. The first image was a microscopic photo of the genetic strand that was extracted from the employer. The next ten photos displayed the genetic strand growing, cells having multiplied. Next was a video.

"This is you, Sebastian, not yet a fetus but getting there, growing in an artificial womb. You are that little white spec, too small to tell but your nervous system is developing in there."

"How did Dr. Warren perform genetic alterations?"

"Dr. Warren, a geneticist, extracted DNA from many individuals. Examples include those with blues, or blond hair, or favourable heights, or natural muscle definition. Dr. Warren introduced at least one of these strands to the host strand in the hopes of creating the perfect specimen. Countless modified cells died, while some did not develop as favourable. Examples of non-favourables include deformed cells, undeveloped organs, non-existent features."

"Does Dr. Warren have any documentation on my genetic modification?"

Dr. Warren did not document the sources of any of the DNA other than the host's. I am pleased, however, to inform you that the genetic modifications resulted in your unique iris colour and a rare shade of bright orange hair. Dr. Warren was never able to successfully recreate these traits in any other clones again."

Amused, Sebastian asked the AI, "Are you really pleased? Can you portray emotions? Or was that a figure of speech?"

"It was a figure of speech. Would you like me to continue to display images of your development?"

"Before you do, can I ask who the host DNA came from? Agent 2001-09 told me that it was extracted from our employer."

"My apologies, but that is classified information."

"Right. Of course. Carry on with the videos."

The next video that played was of a bigger embryo. There was also classical music playing.

"This video is not of you as an embryo but it depicts the process that Dr. Warren used," C.A.I.T. stated. "As the brains developed, Dr. Warren played classical music to stimulate the brain. He also played recordings of his voice, the host's voice, and Evers' voice. The purpose of this was to familiarize the clones with the voices, and to promote a sense of safety and authority. This is the last video until you enter this training facility at five years of age."

"Why isn't there any other videos?"

"The reason is not documented, Sebastian. I do not know."

"Okay. Play the next video."

The footage playing showed about twenty children standing on the huge elevator on which Sebastian had entered earlier. All children were dressed skin-tight black clothing, and followed a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt and black slacks.

"This is the first faction of successful clones," the AI stated. "Twenty-one children, perfect in the doctor's eyes, ready to be disciplined in the art of combat. You are the seventh child in line."

Sebastian had noticed before the AI pointed it out. After all, he was the only one in this company that bore fiery orange hair. He walked in formation, looking to be a very attentive soldier. He had always worn his hair long, down to his shoulders. Sebastian not expected to become emotional, but tears threatened to form and his throat hitched.

"Children," Dr. Warren in the video said, "you remember Evers. I leave you in his capable hands."

As the geneticist went back onto the elevator, Evers said to the children, "Today we begin your training. 2000-02, pair with 2000-01."

Sebastian watched as each of the children were paired off. The last were himself, a girl with dark red hair, and a boy with black hair. Evers announced that the three would spar together. It upset Sebastian that children, at just five-years-old, fighting with each other so intensely. Punches were thrown, kicks were flying, bruises formed, and noses bled.

Disgusted, Sebastian said to the AI, "Can you show me Agent 2001-03's introduction to the training facility?"

"Certainly, Sebastian."

The video went black for a second, and another video played. It displayed the elevator coming down, containing another company of children. This company was smaller, maybe thirteen children.

As the children lined up in formation, C.A.I.T. paused the video and zoomed in one child. This child, a boy, had a mop of the dirtiest blonde hair, almost brown. His big eyes were green, darker green than Sebastian's.

Awed, Sebastian whispered to himself, "Riley. You were the cutest little boy."

"This is Agent 2001-03," C.A.I.T. told the ginger. "I detected tones of frustration in your voice upon watching the first faction's training. Would you like me to skip the second faction's training?"

"Please do," Sebastian answered. "Did we ever spar with each other? Agent 2001-03 and I?"

The image projection disappeared as the AI replied, "When a member of a younger faction performed beyond the skills of his fellow faction-mates, Evers graduated them to a senior faction. Agent 2001-03 graduated to your faction when he was nine years of age. Because of your skills in combat, Evers did not pair you with Agent 2001-03 until thirteen months later. Here is the footage."

The video playing showed most agents beginning to spar, with eight or nine others still waiting in line to be paired.

Evers in the video called, "2000-07! 2001-03 is your new training partner."

Sebastian and Riley, not even teenagers yet, stepped forward and joined the other agents on the training floor. They both took fighting stances for a moment before Riley threw the first punch. Sebastian ducked, easily dodging the blow. He threw his own fist, landing a punch to Riley's side. Riley carried on easily, grasping Sebastian's wrist and attempting to twist the arm. Riley was unsuccessful as Sebastian jumped backward with his back arched, flipping to the other side of Riley. Sebastian maneuvered Riley's arm to put himself in a choke hold. Riley responded by swinging his free elbow and using it to hit Sebastian in the ribs. Sebastian, after groaning, pulled Riley's arm down and backward, causing the blonde's feet to leave the ground at the same time that his head flew toward the ground as he was flipped. Riley was quick and agile, grabbing hold of Sebastian arm. Just as his feet touched the floor, Riley twisted his body and feet, making Sebastian flip and land on his back. Sebastian was quick also, placing his feet on Riley's belly while in the air. Upon landing, he kicked his legs and sent Riley flying five feet away.

Sebastian said to C.A.I.T., "Enough. Can you show me videos where Agent 2001-03 and I start finding each other attractive?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand."

"Is there footage of either Agent 2001-03 or me looking at each other differently? Like, we find each other's appearance pleasing?"

"Not until your first kiss. Shall I play the footage now?"

Sebastian didn't have a chance to answer as the AI displayed another video.

"This is security footage taken twenty-four days after yours and Agent 2001-03's first training session together."

It was a short video. Riley and Sebastian began in defensive stances, prepared. Sebastian threw his foot to Riley. Riley held the foot between his elbow and body while swinging his fiat toward Sebastian's head. Sebastian deflected the blow in the same manner, trapping the arm between his elbow and body. The two struggled to free themselves for a moment. Sebastian then leant forward and pressed their lips together in a quick kiss. Riley reacted as expected, loosening his limbs. The kiss lasted but half a second, but it was more than enough to shock Riley. Sebastian ripped himself from the blonde, landed a left hook to Riley's face, and delivered a kick to Riley's ribcage. Riley laid on his back groaning for a moment. He then raised his right hand in the air, fisted. Sebastian guessed this was a sign of defeat. And he was correct, as the Boy Sebastian grasped Riley's wrist and helped him to his feet.

Sebastian laughed softly and said, "I cheated that time."

"Evers did not see this type of distraction as cheating. After all, they needed you agents to win battles outside to generate revenue."

"Can you show me footage showing the first kiss between myself and Agent 2001-03 that was not a fight tactic?"

"This footage was taken from the security camera in the agent dining room two hours later during midday meal."

Sebastian sat in the chair beside Riley, sitting his plate of chicken and carrots down in front of him.

"Oui," Young Sebastian said as he grabbed Young Riley's chin and turned his head, "ce seront des bleus sombres."

Young Riley turned his head away with a smile and responded, "Et vos côtes deviendront tres tendre."

Young Sebastian grabbed the nape of Young Riley's neck and turned the blonde's again. He inspected the developing bruises along the side of his face. After a moment, Young Sebastian leant in. Their lips met in a tender kiss.

Evers then entered the frame and grabbed Young Sebastian's shirt. He pulled the young ginger to his feet and pulled him out of the dining room.

C.A.I.T. stopped the video and asked, "Would you like me to display the security video portraying your punishment?"

"Affection was not allowed between agents," Sebastian said, voicing his thoughts. "No, don't play the video. What punishment was inflicted for displays of affection?"

"A whip-lashing was most often used," C.A.I.T. answered. "For more serious offences, such as genital groping, oral intercourse, or penetrative intercourse, Evers used a blade. Lashing and blade inflictions are the causes of the scars littering agents' bodies."

"I was told that Dr. Warren tried suppressing sex drives."

"That is true. Dr. Warren tried altering the genetic strands to erase or numb any baser instincts, including sexual drives. He later deemed this procedure unsuccessful. Although, Dr. Warren found that he could render clones in the third and fourth factions unable to reproduce. However, because the clones still felt desires to copulate, the founder pressed Dr. Warren for other methods of instinct suppression. Dr. Warren created an electronic chip that was implanted in the brain stem of Agent 2001-06, which renders the agent unable to experience emotions."

"Is Agent 2001-06 still alive?"

A photo was projected onto the glass. The agent was familiar. Very familiar. It was a photo of the first man outside, the one that was waiting for Sebastian on the other side of the gate.

"But- but this agent seemed to feel emotions from what I could tell."

"Agent 2001-06 was taught to portray illusions of emotions. He was taught to read others' emotions and respond accordingly. Because of this, he is favoured by the founder and by Evers."

"Do any other agents bear these chips?"

"Agent 2001-06 is the only one. The founder deemed the procedure too expensive, especially since the other agents performed their duties well enough."

"Now can you show me mine and Agent 2001-03's budding relationship?"

"After the lashing, Evers applied healing salve to the lash marks on your back. This footage was taken at twenty-forty-three Pacific Standard Time from the security camera in the sleeping quarters that you shared with Agent 2001-03."

Surprised, Sebastian asked, "Riley and I shared a bedroom?"

"It was most common for training partners to share sleeping quarters, yes. Evers believed that doing so would promote brotherhood."

"1-03?" Young Sebastian said softly, lying on his chest on the bed. "Estas despierto?"

Young Riley sat up on his own bed and asked, "Estas bien?"

"Si. Puedes aplicar mas salva a mi espalda?"

After standing and stepping toward the other bed, Young Riley asked, "Con que frecuencia se debe aplicar el balsamo? Puedo tratar de despertar cuando es necesario aplicarlo de nuevo."

Young Sebastian answered, "Evers dijo que debe aplicarse cada ocho horas."

When he was halfway done the task, Young Riley asked, "Te arrepientes?"

"El beso?" Young Sebastian asked. "No. No me arrepiento. Usted podria besarme ahora si usted desea."

Young Riley stopped rubbing salve onto Young Sebastian's lash marks and looked at the redhead for a second. He then wordlessly resumed applying the balm.

Within a minute, Young Riley had finished and was screwing the salve cap shut. After placing the can on the bedside table, Young Riley grabbed Young Sebastian's hand and planted a small kiss to his knuckles.

C.A.I.T. ended the video when Young Riley climbed back into his own bed.

"I'd like to see our next kiss."

The date stamp on the next video indicated that this was recorded eight days after their first kiss. Both boys were u dressing at nine-thirty-one in the evening, getting ready for sleep. After both had sat their neatly folded clothes on their bedside tables, Young Riley suddenly stepped up to Young Sebastian. They both leant forward, meeting halfway. Their lips met, still for a moment. Then Young Riley's hand touched the redhead's hip, and Young Sebastian's hand went to the blonde's neck. They kissed passionately for but a few seconds.

"Who was punishment inflicted upon for this interaction?" Sebastian asked the AI.

"Evers lashed Agent 2001-03 because he initiated the display of affection. What would you like to see next?"

'Should I-' Sebastian thought to himself. 'Am I allowed to? Will it do me good to know--'

"Sebastian?" C.A.I.T. asked after a few moments of silence.

"Can you show me a photo of the child that I killed?"

"Assignment documents are sealed, Sebastian. They are classified."

"Okay. Is there footage of our final goodbye?"

"Yes. But I must warn you that the video is seventy-one minutes in length."

"That's fine. Play it please."

The video began playing and C.A.I.T. explained, "Yourself and Agent 2001-03 had just returned from New York City where you prepared the condominium that you reside in now."

Sebastian watched as he and Riley stepped off the elevator and asked, "What are we doing?"

"You, Sebastian, are waiting for Dr. Warren to arrive. You were to accompany him back to his laboratory to inflict the neural injury to cause amnesia."

Even from the angle of the video footage it was visible that him and Riley were upset. They walked off the elevator despondently, their faces impassive. The video cut to a different camera, the one in their shared bedroom. Riley sat on the edge of his own bed, his elbows resting on his knees with his head downward. Sebastian sat on his own bed, his back leaning against the glass wall as he drove his fingers through his long hair.

The two sat like that for four minutes before Riley picked himself up and walked over to Sebastian. Sebastian could hear Riley's sniffles as the blonde climbed onto the redhead's bed. Riley sat himself on Sebastian's lap. Sebastian placed his hands on Riley's sides as the blonde pressed their foreheads together.

Riley let out a choked sob and said, "I hate you. I hate you so fucking much."

Sebastian didn't reply. He just wrapped his arm around Riley's back and let the blonde cry.

Sebastian wiped at his own teary eyes as he watched the scene before him.

Riley had cried for just over three minutes. When his sobs came to an end, the blonde turned his head and laid its side on Sebastian's shoulder with his nose in the crook Sebastian's neck. Sebastian's arms remained embracing Riley tightly, his fingers gently scraping the cotton-covered back.

Seven minutes later, Riley began kissing Sebastian's neck. The kisses became nipping, causing Sebastian to moan slightly. This only fuelled Riley's fervour. Riley placed his lips on Sebastian's shoulder, obviously making a hickey. After doing so, Riley pulled Sebastian's shirt over his head.

"Pause the video," Sebastian requested, and the AI did so. "Skip the sex scene please."

The image went black for a fraction of a second before it displayed Sebastian lying on Riley, chest to chest and fully nude. Riley's legs were wrapped around Sebastian's hips.

Sebastian in the video sniffled in Riley's shoulder and said, "I hope I still remember you after today."

Riley continued to draw random patterns on Sebastian's back as he responded, "I hope you don't. Move on in your new life, James. No, no. Listen. You are no longer the man that I fell in love with. You are now a multi-millionaire. Use this to live an amazing life. Fall in love, over and over. Go to Paris, and Cannes, and Rio, and Venice, and Sydney."

Sebastian's voice was muffled from lying in Riley's shoulder, but it was still clear, "I would rather be poor in my freedom with you at my side."

"Stop," Riley said in exasperation. "We've both changed. We won't last together out there."

"Then at least let me buy your freedom," Sebastian begged while holding back more sobs. "I can't stand the thought of you remaining here."

Riley gently pushed Sebastian off of him, laying his head on Sebastian's chest as he replied, "I will work for my freedom on my own. Besides, the employer has already transferred the sum of my freedom to your new bank account."

"Then let me offer to pay for half. You can--"

"No," Riley gently pressed. "I want to do this on my own. Now quiet. Let's just cuddle bef- before they take you away."

Both, while snuggling complete nude, sniffled. They laid like that for eleven minutes before a female agent, Lynette, opened the glass door. Neither man moved to cover their exposed bodies.

"Dr. Warren is upstairs," Lynette told Sebastian. "He'd like you to join him in ten minutes."

The second the door closed behind Lynette, Riley began to silently convulse with hot tears. He and Sebastian held onto each other tighter as they cried. Mid-whimper, Riley lifted his head from Sebastian's and touched their lips together.

When the teary kiss ended, Sebastian said, "I will- I will always love you, Riley."

"I love you, too, James," Riley replied. He then giggled, though tears still fell, as he added, "I mean Sebastian. That is your new name, huh. Sebastian."

"No," Sebastian said, his trembling lip visible even through the security footage. "I want you to call me James if we ever meet again."

Riley combed Sebastian long hair as he replied, "You will always be my James. Even if you don't remember me ever again."

The two shared another heartbreaking kiss, after which they pressed their foreheads together as they sobbed unabashedly. After a few minutes, they sat up, remaining in their warm embrace.

After another few minutes, Riley climbed off the redhead and the bed. Sebastian stood as well and dressed in black leggings and a black compression shirt.

After Riley had dressed in the same but grey clothing, Sebastian said, "Two minutes."

Sebastian grabbed Riley by the waist and walked backward, pulling Riley back to his bed.

As his tears fell silently, Sebastian said to Riley, "Just- just let me hear your heart one last time."

Riley stood on his knees, his front flush against Sebastian's. Sebastian held his arms around Riley's middle, and Riley wrapped his own arms around Sebastian's neck as they both convulsed with silent sobs.

Sebastian stood while securely supporting Riley's weight by holding his butt. Sebastian nuzzled his nose in Riley's neck for a moment before setting the blonde on his feet. They both each other's necks in their palms as they cried. They shared a passionate kiss, their lips moving and swaying, and their tongues brushing against each other. When they ended the sweet smooch, Sebastian touched his nose to Riley's before delivering another chaste kiss.

When Sebastian walked out of the bedroom, Riley sat back on the edge of his bed and let out the loudest, most broken scream anyone had ever heard.

The video then cut to the camera overlooking the elevator hall where Sebastian was walking. He furiously wiped at his eyes as the elevator lifted up.

When the projection disappeared, Sebastian wiped at his nose and asked C.A.I.T., "There's no video footage of neural injury, is there?"

"There is none."

"Are you able to show me footage of my arrival to the Los Angeles County Hospital?"

"Of course, Sebastian," C.A.I.T. answered. "The agents whom performed the task carried no recording devices, but these images were taken from the Los Angeles County Hospital security cameras. Of course I deleted these images from the hospital database at the request of Evers."

The first video that played was taken in the employee parking lot of the hospital. Two agents, dressed casually in jeans and hoodies, loaded an unconscious Sebastian wearing a white hospital gown onto a wheelchair.

The video then cut to another camera, one in an elevator. This one showed the two agents; a woman adorning platinum blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, and a man whose brown hair was cut in a very short buzz. The elevator stopped at the fourth floor, and the trio exited.

The video cut again, this time to a camera overlooking a hospital hall. The two agents wheeled Sebastian down the hall. Upon reaching a hospital room, the female agent slowly entered. After a moment, the male agent pushed the chair inside.

Ten seconds later, both agents came back out of the hospital room with the wheel chair in front of them, and the white hospital gown on the seat.

"Thank you, C.A.I.T.," the ginger said.

"Certainly, Sebastian."

"It was one of those agents just shown that left the items in the hospital room when I was in the shower, wasn't it?"

"It was Agent 2001-05. The male who pushed the wheelchair."

"Where did Agent 2001-03 die?"

"As I told you before, Sebastian, assignment documents are classified."

"Okay, well what caused his death?"

"Nine-millimetre ammunition rounds pierced Agent 2001-03's protective vest. His team carried him back to the aircraft but was unable to stop the bleeding nor revive him."

"What does the organization do with their fallen soldiers?"

"Evers gave the suggestion to the academy to adopt the rite of a pyre funeral. Would you like me to me display the security footage of Agent 2001-03's funeral?"

"Yes, please do."

The video that played next was taken outside during a night, downward from a pole with the sight of the back of the house at the very end. In front was a bed of wood with most agents sitting in chairs holding stringed instruments in their hands.

The door to the house opened, and out came two male agents, carrying a sheet of wood, on which the body of Riley laid. The moment their feet touched the ground from the stairs, the seated agents began creating beautiful sounds with their instruments. First sounded a cello, and then another, and then three violins, while the two agents carried the late Riley over.

"Adagio," Sebastian stated upon recognizing the classical song the agents played, more tears threatening to form.

The somber yet beautiful music played on the strings as the two young men carried Riley. Sebastian's lip trembled as he watched, allowing the tears to spill from his eyes.

The two men finally reached the bed of wood as the music played stunningly, emotionally. The two men set the sheet down, and upon doing so ignited both ends of the bed.

When both ends started burn rapidly because of the gasoline doused on the wood, both men sat at the empty chairs. One grabbed his violin while the other grabbed his guitar.

"G-goodbye, Riley," Sebastian whispered brokenly, tears running down his face like a waterfall. "I'm sorry that I don't remember you. I'm- I'm sorry for what I did. Wh- what I did to you. What I did to- to us. I hope you're happy up there in- in heaven."

Adagio, the song playing on the strings, played for over nine minutes. The agents had played it magnificently, perfectly as if they'd belonged in the oldest of orchestras.

When the last notes of Adagio were played, the pyre was still burning. So a young women stood. She tucked her bob-cut brown hair behind her ear before clearing her throat. And she sang. Her voice, a sultry yet soft mezzo-soprano, sounded astounding.

*"I am going to a city* *Where the streets with gold are laid,* *Where the tree of life is blooming* *And the roses never fade.* *Chorus:* *Here they bloom but for a season,* *Soon their beauty is decayed;* *I am going to a city * *Where the roses never fade."*

Another agent stood, a man who wore his blonde hair short and neat. He sang the next verse and chorus in an equally stunning tenor.

*"In this world we have our troubles,* *Satan's snares we must evade;* *We'll be free from all temptations* *Where the roses never fade.* **"

And then another woman with wavy black hair hanging down past her breasts stood and sang in a contralto.

*"Loved ones gone to be with Jesus,* *In their robes of white arrayed,* *Now are waiting for my coming* *Where the roses never fade.* **"

When the song ended, the pyre was burning its last embers. So the agents stood from their chairs and walked back into the house.

"That was beautiful," Sebastian said as he wiped the salty liquid from his face and eyes.

"Would you like to see anything else, Sebastian?" C.A.I.T. asked after ending the projection. "Do you have any further inquiries?"

"N-no," Sebastian answered, still trying to regain himself. "No. That is all. Thank you, C.A.I.T.. I really appreciate all of your help."

"Of course, Sebastian."

Sebastian opened the glass bedroom door and walked back out into the training room. The agents were still training, sparring in groups of two or three.

"Everything to your satisfaction, 2000-07?" Evers asked the redhead when he joined by his side.

Sebastian nodded his head in reply. He then asked, "Will there be any repercussions to my having this knowledge?"

Evers laughed as he answered, "That depends on you again. I still find it hard to believe that you only came for answers. Most of this is knowledge you would already possess had you not elected for amnesia. So there's no harm in you relearning certain things."

"Hmm," Sebastian absorbed that knowledge. "What was I like? I've seen videos, but I wanna know how you saw me."

"You were nearly the perfect soldier. You were fucking skilled in combat, a perfect shot, a talented marksman, calm in the field, completed assignments quickly, and wrote concise reports. But you were also a great friend to each member of the academy. You weren't really much for humour, but you always helped others out of a situation, removed bullets, patched wounds, changed bandages, and carried fallen soldiers home. You were my favourite. You understood what it meant to be a team. It pained me a bit to have to punish you for disobedience. Of course you had to show your Riley how much you loved him."

"What was he like? Riley?"

"2001-03 was a great soldier. I always felt he could've tried harder. Even after graduating to a senior faction, he could've performed more efficiently. But he cared deeply for all in the academy. He was the first agent to initiate hugs. The bastard."

Evers had finished his statement with a chuckle of fond memory. Sebastian couldn't help but to admire the aging man before him. Evers was just doing a job.

"Did you ever stop thinking of us as 'clones'?" Sebastian wondered aloud.

"But as people?" Evers asked with a faraway look in his brown eyes. "Not long after witnessing 2001-03 hug 2001-08 when I had introduced blades into training. He was twelve at the time. He just grabbed the girl and let her cry into his neck. He even got misty-eyed, too. That's when I felt it. You guys really do have feelings, and compassion. The feeling intensified when a company came back from an assignment and 2000-04 was conflicted with having marked a young one. I can't say how old. But 2001-03 was beaten up about it pretty bad."

"So when I marked a kid..."

"He took it especially hard. He cried. He told you that he couldn't be with you anymore. I allowed him to help you sort out your new life before the bonk to the head. When he died, I donated his savings to the Bigs and Littles organization like he requested should he die before freedom. Total donated from him was five million, eight hundred sixty-six thousand dollars."

"I'm gonna get going," Sebastian said after a moment. "I have a fiancee to get home to. Before I go, did Riley have any possessions he left behind?"

"Yes he did," Evers responded as he turned and walked to the elevator. "C.A.I.T., please have Hale prep an Albatross Jet. He's taking Mr. Fitzroy home in a moment."

"Acknowledged," the AI replied.

The elevator stopped on the first sub-floor. Evers said, "Sometimes, big wigs would hire us as temporary bodyguard. A man in the UK hired 2001-03 and 2002-05 to guard his son. The boy caused a distraction and snuck away to be with his girlfriend. He was hit by a car. He was dying in 2001-03's arms and handed him his ring. This ring."

Evers handed Sebastian a small Ziploc bag. Inside it was a wide silver ring decorated with emeralds and sapphires and an etching of a lion.

Evers carried on as he rejoined the ginger on the lift, "2001-03 always kept this ring on his table when he went out on assignments, and wore it when within these walls. You should keep it."

Sebastian slipped the ring onto his right ring finger as the older man man led him outside through the back door. They turned left, and there was a chopper-plane looking thing waiting.

"So... an Albatross Jet you called it."

"It'll get you to your condo in Manhattan in about two and a half hours. We will take care of the rental car. Just be prepared for greater-than-jet speeds. Sebastian, this is pilot Hale. He'll be delivering you home."

Sebastian shook the hand of the pilot wearing dark grey fatigues.

Evers then said, "I don't have to caution you against speaking of this little adventure to others, do I?"

Smiling in understanding, Sebastian replied, "Otherwise you'd be sending more than two agents, huh?"

Evers let out a soft chuckle as he held his own hand out. When the redhead grasped it, Evers stated, "You seem happy. Engagement looks good on you. I hope you got what you came looking for."

"Much more than I expected."

"Let's go," the pilot said stiffly. "I have a date tonight."

Sebastian followed the man to the twenty-foot long black aircraft. They climbed inside by the five-foot wide ramp door in the aircraft tail. Sebastian sat in one of the ten seats and Hale wordlessly grabbed the four black straps around the redhead. Hale secured the buckles into the hatch, strapping Sebastian to the seat tightly.

Hale's icy blue eyes pierced Sebastian's eyes as he told his passenger, "Whatever you do, don't touch the buckle. We will be traveling at twelve hundred ninety miles per hour, we can't get you home to your fiancee with broken bones."

Hale then went into the doorless cockpit and fired up the engines. The turbo-fan engines, two in each wing and two in the tail, were the quietest engines any plane had ever had. They created the lowest of hums but hard vibrations to the rest of the aircraft.

The aircraft then lifted off the ground very much like a helicopter does. It climbed a hundred feet into the air, and Sebastian felt the engines in the tail speeding up to bring the aircraft forward. The Jet picked flew through the air steadily gaining speed, Sebastian's body feeling it in his body after minutes.

The Jet had been flying for two hours and forty-one minutes when craft slowed to a stop, hovering in the air. The ramp door opened and Sebastian unbuckled the seatbelt. He peered over the edge of the ramp, seeing that he was five hundred feet in the air, in the skies of New York City.

The ginger looked back to the cockpit, to which Hale immediately pointed at the roof of the cabin. Sebastian looked up, seeing five large spools of steel rope with quickdraws on each. Sebastian grabbed one of the draws and inspected if for a second. He then looked around the cabin. Sitting on a shelf over each of the seats were harnesses. He grabbed on and stepped into it, securing the draw to the ring on the waistband.

Sebastian walked to the edge of the ramp and stood with just his toes on the step. He looked up and gave a single nod of thanks to the pilot.

And jumped.

Sebastian fell at decreasing speeds due to the spring-loaded spindle that the steel rope was spooled on. He landed safely on the roof of the apartment complex, save for the slight sting on his heels and ankles caused by landing. But otherwise, Sebastian hastily pulled the harness off his hips and down his legs.

Charles looked up when he heard the condo door open. His face contorted in tears as he stood from the dinner table. He quickly walked toward his fiancee, wrapping his shoulders around Sebastian's as he buried his face in the ginger's neck.

"You- you're alive," Charles said thickly.

Sebastian kissed the blonde's cheek as he held him warm and tight.

"You're here," Charles said, still unable to really believe it.

"I was not really in danger," Sebastian said softly. "Well, I would've been if I'd gone for more than answers. But it was a fruitful adventure. I saw so much. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

Charles look up sniffling. Sebastian used his thumbs and wiped the salty liquid from his fiancee's face before delivering a sweet peck on the lips.

The sound of shuffling and banging and muffled screams. Sebastian looked beyond Charles' shoulder. Lying on the floor of the living room were the two agents. They were still tied neck to toe in duct tape with their backs pressed together and tape over their mouths.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked as he turned Charles' face.

Charles smiled, grabbing Sebastian's hand from his chin and planted a kiss to the palm. "I'm alright. You look worse than I do. What'll we do with them?"

Sebastian went over to the living room and turned the television on.

Joining Sebastian's side, Charles asked, "What are you--"

Sebastian looked right into the lens of the XBox Kinect bar and said, "C.A.I.T., if you're listening, can you connect me to Evers?"

Evers' face immediately graced the screen of their television, who said, "I've been waiting for you. You can release my agents. Hale is still in the sky, waiting. Wonderful to officially meet you, Mr. Renfield."

Sebastian, expression unreadable, told Charles, "This is Evers. He was the trainer."

Charles turned back to the television, studying Evers' face, and said, "Oh. I'm taking a bath. I've got chicken thawing so fire up the grill before you join me."

Sebastian watched as Charles disappeared down the hallway. So he turned back to the television and asked, "Do we need to worry about you and the academy?"

"No you don't," Evers replied easily. "As long as you live as if you'd never come here today. Like you don't know about us. Like you had the childhood you'd told Renfield you had when you started dating. Do that, and we will stay out of your life. Now let my soldiers go."

"Goodbye, Evers."

Evers nodded and replied amicably, "James."

When Evers disappeared from the television, Sebastian grabbed a knife from the kitchen and slide it between the backs of the two agents. The two stood, and Sebastian recognized one.

"James," the brunette man said stiffly.

"You," Sebastian said to the man with short blonde hair. "What do they call you in the academy?"

The blonde man's lip twitched, a smile threatening to form as he answered, "You once called me Allen, James."

"Allen," Sebastian said quietly, more to himself. "You sang at Riley's funeral."

Allen gave a single nod before saying, "At Riley's request, yes."

This caused the ginger to become confused. He asked, "Riley requested it?"

"Each of us chose music to be played at our funerals," Allen explained. "And who played, or sang. We made these arrangements as just a preparedness."

"Do you know what my songs would've been at my funeral?"

"You chose 'The Swan on strings, and 'Take Up Thy Cross' to be sung by Bridgette."

"Which one is Bridgette?"

"Long blonde hair always tied up, amber eyes."

The other man finally spoke, "We should head out. Maybe Jess will be awake when we get back so she can give me a massage."

Allen smiled in amusement and said to Sebastian, "Joe is right, we have to get back to the academy. Was good to see you, dude."

The blonde man, Joe, abruptly pulled Sebastian into a tight hug. The embrace lasted just a second, and Joe quickly walked out of the condo.

Allen sighed and explained, "You and Joe were friends back in the academy. I guess he misses you."

"Were you and I friends?"

"Not really. More acquaintances."

"Can you do me a favour?"

Allen shrugged and answered, "Depends."

"Just tell Joe that if he ever purchases his freedom, I'd be happy to help him get back on his feet."

After Allen shook Sebastian's had and left, the ginger went out onto the balcony and started the grill on low.

As Sebastian climbed into the shoulder-deep hot water, Charles asked, "Did I hear you invite one of them to stay here if he gets free?"

Opening his legs and arms as Charles moved to lean against him, Sebastian answered, "They were only doing as they were commanded, Charles. They didn't have a choice."

"Well, I guess I understand that," Charles responded, pulling on Sebastian's arms so they held him around his chest.

Slowly kneading the blonde's pectoral muscles, Sebastian said, "Evers was really impressed with your defense skills."

Charles sighed while gently holding onto Sebastian's forearms as he responded, "I don't wanna talk about him or your past life tonight. Just hold me."

Just that Sebastian did. He continued to massage his fiancee's firm chest, every now and again pressing his lips to Charles' cheek in sweet pecks. Charles responded by nuzzling the side of his head into Sebastian's neck, the rest of his body completely lax in the hot yet soothing bath.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Charles walked out of the hallway and sat on Sebastian's lap at the kitchen island, dropping his bag to the floor.

Sebastian smiled as he held Charles close, giving him a chaste kiss and telling him, "I'll miss you. I'm already counting the hours."

Charles smiled, blushing despite having been with Sebastian for three years, one month, and ten days. He leaned forward and gave the redhead another sweet peck on the lips.

Urelia, Charles' friend, came out of the hall and asked, "You ready, Chucky? Your bachelor party awaits."

Charles, keeping his brilliant blue eyes connected with Sebastian's green ones, asked, "Tanner, how many drinks have you had so far?"

"This is my second beer," Tanner answered.

"And my fiancee?"

Tanner smirked before replying, "He had a glass of apple juice before."

Charles chortled. "Get him a beer. You, Sebastian Carter Fitzroy, promised me you'd drink. Come on. This is your bachelor party."

Sebastian giggled under his breath as he accepted the bottle of Budweiser, taking a swill.

"Good," Charles said with a soft smile. "I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be the hot one at the end of the aisle."

"Now get out of here," Sebastian told Charles affectionately while pushing him off his lap.

Charles grabbed his bag off the floor and said, "Manny, Tanner, Greg, Dustin, you three are in charge of making sure he gets at least a bit tipsy tonight. Everyone else, make sure he stays out of trouble."

Dustin, grinning, answered, "Yes, sir!"

Grinning back, Charles suggested, "Maybe get him a shot of tequila," before closing the door behind him.

Arun cried, "You heard the man! Get the ginger a shot!"

Dennis, Sebastian's Chinese friend from Juilliard, slammed a shot glass in front of Sebastian with a cry of cheer and promptly filled the glass.

Rob smiled and told Sebastian, "Drink up, stag."

Sebastian chuckled as he grabbed the glass and knocked it back. The redhead grimaced as the fiery liquid traveled down his throat, causing everybody else to laugh at his expense.

From the living room, Eric called, "Game's about to start!"

All fifteen men gathered in the living room in front of the fifty-five inch television, a few on the couch and love seat, others on the floor, all nursing their beers.

Arun asked, "Hey, what time is the limo coming again?"

"What?" Sebastian asked, shocked. "We're heading out somewhere?"

A'Mari punched Arun's shoulder and said, "Way to ruin the surprise."

"Ow!" Arun cried. "I didn't know it was a surprise!"

An hour into the Giants vs. Dodgers American football game, Mike and Sam went out onto the balcony. There, they fired up the grill and brought out the hamburger patties and bratwursts.

Sebastian and Charlie stood from the couch and shouted, "GO! GO! GO!"

All of the guys groaned in frustration and disappointment before the game announcer said, "And Harris is down at the forty-yard line."

Just then the landline rang. So Sebastian went into the kitchen and grabbed the telephone from the charging dock.

"Hello, Sebastian," Xavier greeted the redhead with a flat voice. "There is an Officer Dusty on his way up."

"A police officer?" Sebastian asked the doorman, confused. "Did he say why?"

"He did not, sir. He showed me his warrant and went on up."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you, Xavier."

After Sebastian sat the telephone back onto the dock and another Juilliard friend, Pavlo, asked, "What was that about?"

"NYPD is coming up with a warrant," Sebastian answered, wondering why.

"What?" Dustin asked. "Why?"

Sebastian was about to tell his friends that he didn't know why, but there was a banging on the door.

After Sebastian answered the door, the young officer asked, "Sebastian Fitzroy?"

"Yes?" the redhead asked, more like demanded.

The officer gently pushed Sebastian inside, not bothering to remove his aviators.

"Hey!" Sebastian said in alarm, swiping the officer's hand from his chest. "Am I under arrest, officer?"

"You are indeed," the officer said with a lilt in his voice.

The ginger was about to ask what he was being charged with when the officer put both of his hands to the collar of his shirt and ripped the snap buttons apart. He then quickly peeled the fabric from his body, revealing his sculpted muscles.

The stripper pushed a grinning Sebastian to the kitchen table and forced him to sit on a chair.

"You fucking assholes," Sebastian said with a laugh. "If Charles kills me for this, it's your hides."

The guys gave to reaction to Sebastian's threat. They just cheered the stripper on as he played music from his cell phone and straddled Sebastian. While grinding his pelvis down on Sebastian's, the stripper grabbed both of Sebastian's hands and placed them on his ass. Playing along, smiling amused, Sebastian gave the firm, round cheeks a good squeeze.

"The groom-to-be has got himself some strong hands," the stripper said with a smirk.

The stripper then guided the redhead's hands over his cheeks and all over his muscular torso.

"Oh, God," Sebastian said quietly. "I'm- I'm sorry if you can feel me- down there."

Still gyrating his hips but now smiling, the stripper whispered back, "I think I'd feel offended if that part of you didn't react to me. It strokes my ego, actually, that I can have that effect on such a fucking hot guy like yourself."

The stripper then climbed off of Sebastian and turned, presenting his muscular back and black slacks that hugged his bubble butt sinfully. He danced sensually as he unfastened his pants and slowly pulled them down. At the top of his round globes was a thin black strip of fabric. Peeling the cotton further down, it was revealed that the strip of fabric joined in the middle, going down the crack of the stripper's ass.

It was a thong.

And the sight only served to help engorge Sebastian's dick.

"Take a shot, red!" Tanner shouted with laughter as he held the bottle of tequila out.

Sebastian, enjoying the view of the stripper getting naked, accepted the alcohol and took a sip. He laughed as he sat the bottle to the table.

When the stripper sat on his lap and danced, Sebastian good-heartedly groaned, "My Charles is going to kill me!"

The stripper, grinning, leaned back until he laid his back against Sebastian's chest and said back, "Well then I better make this the best. Ride. Of your. Life."

The stripper ground the firm mounds of his ass right against Sebastian's half-hard cock, causing the ginger to moan, "Jesus, fuck! Stop."

"What's'a matter, big boy?" the stripper asked seductively, remaining to grind his glutes on Sebastian's now hard crotch.

Allowing the brunette to guide his hands to the rippling muscles, Sebastian answered, "I've never had a lap dance before. At least not from a pro."

The stripper laughed as he removed himself from the stag. He grabbed Sebastian's hands and pulled him up to his feet. The stripper then grabbed Sebastian's shirt and pulled the buttons apart, some going flying.

Sebastian held his hands in the air in surrender with an amused smile as the stripper's back pressed flush against his front. The grinding resumed, with no participation whatsoever from the redhead, who just stood there. All of his friends drank and cheered, finding the show amusing.

The stripper then turned around to face Sebastian. He pressed his palm to the muscular pectoral of Sebastian's breast and walked around to Sebastian's back, sliding his hand along the expanse of Sebastian's fair skin.

"You a top or a bottom?" the stripper asked, making Sebastian gyrate his hips along with his.

"I'm not cheating on my fiancee on the eve of our wedding."

The stripper giggled before explaining, "I don't mean we're fucking. I'm just wondering which you enjoy more; my cock pressed against your ass, or my ass on yours. I'm a stripper. Not a whore. Just enjoy the dance, ginger. Loosen up. If it makes you feel better, I've been seeing my boyfriend for over a year."

"Well in that case," Sebastian said with a smirk as he reached behind and gave the stripper's ass a good slap.

The guys gave a cheer and the stripper said, "There ya go!"

The dance lasted another minute, during which Sebastian moved in time with the beat and the stripper.

"Mind if I use your restroom?" the stripper asked as he gathered his scattered clothing.

"Yeah, follow me. I need a new shirt anyway."

"Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking clearly. I can give you money to--"

"Don't worry about it. It was just a plain white shirt from Burberry that I could get the exact same at Banana Republic or Express or Topman. There was nothing special about this shirt."

Standing in the threshold between the the bathroom and Sebastian's closet, the stripper protested, "But it was Burberry! They sell those shirts for, like, five hundred bucks. At least let--"

"If I cared about this shirt or the price I bought it for, I'd keep it and sew the buttons back on. I don't give a fuck about this shirt. Look, I have, like, six plain white dress shirts in here."

"Okay," the stripper said softly as he went over to the sink, "if you're sure."

Sebastian assured the stripper that he was certain as he picked out a shirt. After washing his face, the stripper dressed back into his officer costume, and Sebastian pulled an azure blue polo over his head.

Sebastian held a hundred dollar bill out and told the stripper, "That was a fun four minutes."

"I can't," the stripper said with a gentle smile. "You're the stag. The bachelor."

"Just take it."

The stripper flashed his a bright smile as he accepted the money and followed the redhead out of the bathroom. The stripper made his departure as everybody ate burgers and bratwursts as the football game carried on.

And Dimarco makes the catch... veers left dodging Roberts... and... TOUCHDOWN!"

Everybody jumped in screams of cheer and victory. Some guys caused popcorn and potato chips to go flying.

"The Giants end the game thirty-two to the Dodgers' twenty-seven. The Giants move on to eastern conference final."

Greg, reading a text message, told the guys, "Limo's here, guys. Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Sebastian asked as everybody as they all stood.

"It's a surprise, Seb," Manny answered with a smirk.

In the limousine, Arun filled glasses of champagne and Dustin toasted, "Raise your glasses, gentlemen. Tonight we say goodbye to Sebastian Fitzoy, for in... fourteen hours he weds. The gay and bi male community the world over will forever weep for the loss of the crazy-hot bachelor that is our favourite redhead. Despite our warnings that marriage makes sex impossible, but he's determined to hitch himself to Charles. He's determined to spend years with his fiancee rather than add notches to his headboard of conquests. I should be unhappy that Charles is taking my best friend from me, but he's making an honest man out of Sebastian. For that, I've learned to love Charles just as I do Sebastian. To Sebastian and Charles."

Everybody but Sebastian saluted, "To Sebastian and Charles," before sipping their bubbly.

When the limousine came to a stop, Sebastian was the first to exit the vehicle. He laughed and said, "A bar? I'm already drunk enough!"

Clark clapped Sebastian's back and retorted, "You can never be too drunk at your bachelor party!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sebastian woke up and sat upright in bed. He turned, sensing another body in bed with him. It was his groomsman Tanner.

"Tanner," Sebastian said as he stood. "Wake up. Tanner!"

Tanner turned in bed onto his back and groaned, "Fuck. I feel like Death himself is torturing me. I hope you're as hungover as I am."

While peeling his sweat-matted shirt from his body, Sebastian replied, "I don't have a hangover. I'm just a little tired. What happened last night?"

"I don't know," Tanner answered as he glanced at Sebastian, who was in his closet removing his brown chinos. "Last thing I remember was going from Pacha to Cielo."

Now dressed in black sweats and a grey tee, Sebastian responded, "Mm. Last thing I remember was dancing at Pacha. I am such a lightweight."

"That was the first time I've ever seen you drink," Tanner said with his hands over his eyes. "Don't feel bad, dude."

"You shower first. I'll cook breakfast."

"We have to be at the church in two hours," Tanner called as the redhead walked down the hall. "It's your wedding day, dude!"

Sebastian called back, "Believe me, there is no one more excited than I am!"

Sebastian looked into the living room when he walked out of the hall. Sleeping on the couch was his best man, Dustin. What surprised Sebastian, though, was a man cuddled up his best friend. This caused Sebastian to smile, that Dustin had a one-night-stand. Dustin was not a man who hooked up, he preferred relationships.

Sebastian called from the kitchen where he got eggs and turkey sausages from the refrigerator, "Dust! Wake up! Dustiiiin!"

Sebastian saw the two men on the couch stir before Dustin said, "Morning, groom-to-be."

Smiling, Sebastian replied, "Morning, best man. You and your- companion want breakfast?"

Dustin's lover said in a sexy, sleepy voice, "No. I gotta go home before work."

The young man, completely open and not shy, stood from the couch and cover of the blanket, completely nude. Sebastian turned away as the man dressed himself, half to give him privacy and half to get started on breakfast.

Dustin, now dressed in just his black briefs and red henley from last night, grabbed himself a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"Hope I didn't make a fool of myself last night," Sebastian said as he whisked egg whites.

Dustin sat at the kitchen island and responded, "No. You were loose, and relaxed, having fun. I'd never seen you laugh so much, or dance so freely. Hope sober you doesn't mind the guy that was with me."

Sebastian shrugged as he threw four slices of bread in his toaster and replied, "I don't mind. I guess drunk me told you so? What was his name?"

"Umm... James? Jason? Jared? I dunno. Something with a J. Or was it something with a T? Whatever."

"I'm not judging when I ask," Sebastian began gently, "anybody is free to do what they wish, but why a hookup? I've never known you to just sleep with someone."

Dustin shrugged before replying, "I was a little drunk. And it's been months with just my hand. Figured he was hot, his dancing did things to me, so you said to take him here. How are you? You hungover?"

"I'm fine, actually," the ginger answered easily. "I feel completely healthy. Just tired. Mind slicing an orange? What time did we come back?"

"The limo drove you, me, Tanner, and- hookup back here at two o'clock," the brunette answered as he grabbed an orange from the refrigerator.

"So I spent about four hours blackout drunk. I'm gonna call Charles."

Sebastian held his cell phone between his ear and shoulder as the call was being made, and he stirred the egg whites in the frying pan.

Charles answered the call giddily, "Good morning to the man that will be my husband in about... an hour and forty-nine minutes!"

Sebastian giggled and said back, "Hello husband-to-be. How are you?"

"I'm fine. A small hangover, but it's nothing. How are you? From Instagram, I've seen that you were pretty wild last night."

"Yeah, that's what I called about."

"What? What is it?"

"I- there was a stripper here last night. A male stripper. And I've been feeling guilty ab--"

"Just one?" Charles asked with amusement evident in his voice. "I had two sandwich me. There's no reason to feel guilty, Seb."

Sebastian smiled slightly in relief and said, "Oh. Okay." He then dropped his smile and asked, "Two strippers?"

Charles laughed and responded, "I'll see you at the wedding, my love."

"Yeah, you'll be the hot one at the end of the aisle. But have you seen Father McKelly? He's pretty hot, too."

"Ohhh, perhaps I'll go onto one-minute-minister-dot-com so I can marry the two of you, then," Charles replied, though Sebastian could hear the humour in his voice.

"Mm, but then I wouldn't be comfortable farting around him like I am with you. And I'm much too lazy to go through that process again."

Charles laughed boisterously and replied, "You're disgusting."

After the three men ate, Sebastian took a shower, and then Dustin took one next. Just as Sebastian and Tanner loaded the dishwasher, Raquelle the doorwoman called and said that Nora Erwin from Molly Maid, was there to clean the condo. Sebastian had arranged a cleaner for the cleaning of the bachelor party.

Dustin walked out of the hall carrying three garment bags, their three-piece suits, and told the other two, "Let's go. We don't wanna be late to your wedding, dude."

When the three walked into the bridal preparation room, or groom preparation room in this case, of Grace Church, Arun and Savannah were in there already dressed. Savannah's light brown hair was fixed beautifully in three French braids leading to her crown where they met and formed a neat bun.

Arun, tying his sky-blue neck tie, said, "Heyooo!"

"Where's Tessa?" the ginger asked.

Savannah answered, "In the bathroom changing," while using a beauty blender to apply foundation to her face. "How do you want me to fix your hair?"

"I don't know," Sebastian answered with a bit uncertainty and a lot of anxiety. "What- what do you think?"

"It's up to you, sweetie," Savannah told him kindly. "You can wear it down, in its natural waviness. Or I can straighten it. Or French braid it to a low bun. Or just a plain, neat bun. Think about it, I'll do your hair when I'm done my face."

Tessa came out of the bathroom wearing her sky-blue halter top knee-length bridesmaid's dress. She jumped into Sebastian's arms squealing in excitement.

"Ohmygodyouaregettingmarried!" Tessa screamed, hugging the redhead very tightly. "Do you want makeup?"

"I think I'd prefer staying natural," Sebastian answered. "Unless you disagree."

Tessa quickly replied, "No, no. Natural looks better on you. And Charles would appreciate natural better anyway. Just thought I'd check with you."

About fifty minutes later, when everybody was dressed and made up, Mrs. Renfield knocked and entered the room.

"Oh, sweetheart!" Mrs. Renfield cooed upon seeing Sebastian wearing his tailored three-piece heather grey suit that hugged all the right places. "You look just handsome!"

Sebastian reciprocated the hug appreciatively and said, "Hey mom. You look ravishing."

She really did. She wore a peach-coloured short-sleeve pencil dress decorated with a black neckline and black sleeve trims. She even wore peach two-inch pumps.

"Father McKelly said the ceremony begins in five minutes," Mrs. Renfield told the group. "You all are so picture-perfect right now."

And with that, Mrs. Renfield walked back out of the room. The news caused Sebastian's heart to race and his breathing to become shallow.

"Oh, my god," the ginger said, his eyes unfocusing. "I'm getting married."

Tanner clapped Sebastian's back with an excited smile and told him, "You are, man! You, buddy, are about to become Sebastian Carter Renfield."

"I-" Sebastian let out a teary laugh of awe. "I am!"

Sebastian stood in front of the mirror, sweeping his hand over the three braids of his hair that joined to the nape of his neck where a clean bun formed. He then grabbed Savannah's hairspray and sprayed a light mist on his head.

Savannah affectionately placed her hand on Sebastian's elbow and told him, "The next time I see you, you'll be saying your vows."

Savannah then wiped a tear from her eye before it could escape, making Sebastian say, "Don't cry or I will. And I have the ugliest crying face."

"Oh, God," Savannah cursed with a teary smile. "This waterproof makeup and waterproof setting spray better be waterproof!"

Tessa went up to Sebastian after Savannah had walked to the door. Tessa stood on her toes to kiss Sebastian's cheek before joining Savannah at the door. Dustin, Tanner, and Arun each gave the redhead a hug and all five left the room.

Moments later, the organ began playing The Knot, the piece that they had picked for the procession walk. Upon hearing the song, Sebastian's stomach, which was already filled with butterflies, began knotting and churning.

Two minutes had passed when The Knot ended. A few moments passed before Romeo and Juliet Love Theme began playing, which meant that Charles began walking down the aisle. Sebastian inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly as he wiped at the tears.

A couple of seconds after Love Theme began playing, the door opened and Greg beckoned the ginger out. After Sebastian exited the preparation room and closed the door behind him, Greg held his hand out. Sebastian grasped the offered hand and joined the brunette in a hand shake hug. Coming out of the hug, Greg walked away and stood at the threshold of the hall and chapel.

Knowing he had just a moment before he was to emerge and walk, Sebastian breathed deeply and wiped the tears away. He was slightly irritated as fresh tears formed in their place, though.

Greg motioned with his hand, gesturing for Sebastian to enter in the threshold. Sebastian smiled at Greg tearily.

Charles was the only thing that Sebastian saw as he walked down the aisle, because the blonde was absolutely stunning wearing a charcoal grey three-piece suit. His blonde hair was styled magnificently in a pompadour, as usual, but today it looked a hundred times better than ever.

As Sebastian slowly walked down the aisle, he didn't see the one hundred ninety guests. He didn't see Father McKelly standing at the landing with Charles. He didn't see the groomsmen and bridesmaids on each side of the landing. He didn't see the two photographers working away.

The only thing he saw was Charles. His Charles. Whose stunning blue eyes were wet with tears of joy. Sebastian could see them all the way from the beginning of the aisle. This caused a smile to form upon Sebastian's lips and more tears to develop. Yet even more tears fell from his green eyes as Charles smiled at him, the deepest feeling of love shining in his eyes.

Sebastian climbed the three stairs onto the landing. He quickly wiped his eyes of the tears before joining his hands with Charles.

'Hey,' Charles mouthed soundlessly, misty-eyed.

Sebastian winked his teary eye in response.

Father McKelly began, "Love has brought Sebastian and Charles together.

"But what do we mean by love?

"When we love, we see things other people do not. We see beneath the surface to the qualities, which make our beloved special and unique. To see with loving eyes, is to know inner beauty. And to be loved is to be known, as we are known to no other.

"We who love, can look at each other's life and say, 'I touched his life,' or, 'I touched her life,' just as an artist might say, 'I touched this canvas'.

"Those brushstrokes in the comer of this magnificent mural, those are mine. I was a part of this life, and it is a part of me.

"Marriage is to belong to each other through a unique and diverse collaboration, like two threads crossing in different directions, yet weaving one tapestry together.

"The secret of love and marriage is to be in love and in trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the best for each other.

"It takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn and grow, even when it is difficult to do so.

"And it takes faith, to go forward together without knowing what the future holds for you both.

"The true art of married life is an inner spiritual journey.

"It is a mutual enrichment, a give and take between two personalities, a mingling of two endowments, which diminishes neither, but enhances both.

"It is, ultimately, the emergence of the Highest Selves of each person.

"Now, Sebastian, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you swear to love him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others to be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Sebastian, tears threatening to form again, inhaled deeply and answered, "I do."

Father McKelly smiled at Sebastian before turning to the blonde, "Charles, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you swear to love him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others to be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Charles allowed a single tear to slide down his cheek as he answered, "I do."

"When Sebastian and Charles began their matrimonial journey, I had asked them to write their own vows. To let us all know in their words why they feel they should bond to each other for all of eternity. Sebastian."

Sebastian and Charles released their grasp on each other's hands, and Sebastian said his vows without the paper in his inside pocket.

"Charles, do you remember our third date?" Sebastian asked, to which the blonde nodded with a growing smile. "During the picnic you were so affectionate and cuddly, and so unabashed at being so. You leaned your back against my chest, making me feel all warm and fuzzy, and fed me bites of salad. And your not sharing the food and running from my tickle attack showed me the sense of fun and playfulness in your spirit. That was two years, eleven months, and sixteen days ago. Since then, even when we've argued, you've shown me what real love and companionship is. You've made me feel it to the core of my soul. You've made me tingle all over with how freely you show it. With how unashamed you are with your heart. You've given me just a small part of your whole, and for that I will love you for the rest of our days. And I will continue to do so after."

Charles smiled, allowing a couple of tears to fall. He wanted so badly to jump into Sebastian's arms right then.

Father McKelly then said, "Charles?"

Charles inhaled deeply before letting out a laugh to stifle the intense feeling of utter happiness and contentment. "Sebastian Carter Fitzroy, you are the most beautiful, most caring man I have ever met. You look after not only me, but everybody, with that giant mushy heart of yours. No matter how tired and stressed you are, you do absolutely everything that you can to make sure that I'm not overworking myself. I can't even count how many times you've come home from work at midnight, seen how tense I was, and laid me down to rub my back. There are countless days where I miss you, and you somehow feel it, getting someone to cover for you at work or putting it aside to come home to me. You never fail to make me realize just how passionate your spirit is. How perfectly your hand fits in mine. How our souls mesh together in harmony. You are mine, Sebastian. And I am yours."

Sebastian sniffled with a smile and a trembling lip as he reached his hand up to his face to wipe a tear away.

"Beautiful," Father McKelly commented with a smile of awe. "Just beautiful. These two before me really share a deep connection. Now, everybody, would you join me in the Lord's Prayer? Our Father--"

"who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen."

Father McKelly smiled warmly as he glanced from Sebastian and Charles before turning to the guests, "And now the blessing of the rings. Alex?"

Charles' two-year-old nephew Alex, with his dirty blonde hair gelled back, walked up to the priest in his little tuxedo. He held the little pillow up, presenting the wedding rings.

"May these rings be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go, may they always return to one another in their togetherness. May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women yearn. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. May the home, which they establish together, be such a place of sanctuary that many will find there a friend. May these rings, on their fingers, symbolize the touch of the spirit of love in the heart.

"If anyone feels that Sebastian and Charles should not be wed on this day, speak now. Or forever hold your peace."

Both Sebastian and Charles took this opportunity to quickly wipe away moisture from their eyes. After doing so, they offered each other teary smiles.

"Sebastian, as you place the ring on Charles' finger, please repeat after me: With this ring, I marry you."

Holding the wedding band halfway on Charles' long finger, Sebastian obliged, "With this ring, I marry you."

"With my loving heart." "With my loving heart."

"With my willing body." "With my willing body."

"And with my eternal soul." "And with my eternal soul."

After Sebastian slid the band fully onto Charles' finger, Father McKelly then grabbed the other ring from the pillow held by Alex and said, "Charles, as you place the ring on Sebastian's finger, please repeat after me: With this ring, I marry you."

Holding the wedding band halfway on Sebastian's the even longer finger, Charles followed, "With this ring, I marry you."

"With my loving heart." "With my loving heart."

"With my willing body." "With my willing body."

"And with my eternal soul." "And with my eternal soul."

With voice filled with happiness and pride, Father McKelly said, "With the power vested in me by the State of New York, I now pronounce you husband and husband! Let this union be sealed with a kiss."

Sebastian and Charles, smiling with joy and contentment, closed the small gap between themselves. Their hands held each other by the hips and they eagerly leaned their heads together. Their lips met in a passionate closed-mouth kiss that was searing and establishing, lasting all of three seconds. As their friends and family cheered and clapped, the newlyweds pressed their foreheads together with their softly shut.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sebastian and Charles followed Mendo, Buccament Bay Resort's bellhop, to the private villa their hands clasped together. As the Caribbean man inserted the key into the front door, Sebastian released his husband's hand and immediately picked him up bridal style.

"Wh- hey!" the blonde cried in fright, followed by laughter.

Mendo, after opening the door, moved to the side, allowing the redhead to carry Charles inside first. Sebastian continued to carry his husband inside the beautiful villa, briefly giving himself and Charles a tour of the kitchen and living room.

"Shall I take your bags to the bedroom, sirs?" Mendo asked.

Sebastian placed Charles down on his feet after answering the bellhop. Sebastian tipped the man a fifty on his way out, and the two newlyweds stood on the dark wood patio. Sebastian stood behind Charles, holding him close and tight and warm, with his chin resting on Charles' shoulder. Together they gazed out at the beach, and at the golden moonlight shining down and reflecting off the calm ocean of the Caribbean.

Charles turned himself in Sebastian's. They now faced each other, their noses touching affectionately. Charles bent his neck back slightly, touching their lips together in a chaste kiss.

Sebastian turned back to the scene of the night skyline. "This will be an even more beautiful sight in the morning."

Charles smirked as he replied, "It definitely will be," with a wiggle of his yellow eyebrows.

Sebastian snorted before responding, "I meant the scenery."

Charles smacked the ass of Sebastian's baby blue crew shorts and said, "You don't know where I'll be looking."

Sebastian laughed softly as he held Charles tighter against him, keeping their eyes connected.

Charles, awed, almost disbelieving, quietly said, "We're married."

Sebastian, gaze deepening, feeling surreal, replied, "You're my husband."

"You are now Sebastian Carter Renfield."

Smiling a smile of contentment, Sebastian nodded his head, "Sebastian Carter Renfield."

Removing the elastic hair tie from the ginger's bun, Charles said, "I still think two weeks is too long a honeymoon for us. A week here and a week in Paris is unnecessary."

Preening at Charles finger-combing the braids out, Sebastian replied softly, "A two-week honeymoon is very normal, babe."

Charles gave Sebastian a peck on the lips before responding, "Yeah, but we're not normal. You're a very hard-working man, Seb. To the point that it's borderline workaholism. Hey, I get it. You own a company- a franchise, and you're continuing to grow it. I just feel like you're gonna get restless during these two weeks."

Sebastian smiled at his husband and replied, "I won't. I promise. If it makes you feel better, let's think of this like a week's honeymoon and a week's vacation right after in Paris. You already think I need a vacation anyway."

Charles giggled, "Good compromise, ginger."

"Wanna do anything?" Sebastian asked. "Dinner? Hot tub? Swim? The warm Caribbean is literally in our backyard."

Charles tiredly laid his forehead on Sebastian's shoulder and answered, "I'm still full from the reception and then eating more during the flight. I just wanna cuddle in bed. I was hoping this Mustang private jet and napping all snugly on the jet couch with you would lessen the jet lag."

Sebastian scooped Charles in his arms again. This time, Charles was not surprised by it. He slid his arm across the redhead's shoulders and pressed his nose to Sebastian's cheek. Sebastian carried Charles back into the villa, cradling him warmly. As he walked, Charles breathed deeply, the beginnings of arousal sprouting from the sweet and heady scent emanating from Sebastian's neck. Charles didn't fight the urge to softly swipe the tip of his tongue on the skin before him, resulting in a very soft, quiet moan escaping the redhead's throat.

In the bedroom, Sebastian set Charles down on his feet and slowly undid the buttons of Charles' pale pink short sleeve. Once the shirt was removed, Sebastian placed lingering kisses to the blonde's neck and shoulders while unfastening the fly of his azure blue crew shorts.

Sebastian sort of fumbled with Charles' button fly, so the blonde took the opportunity to undo the buttons of Sebastian's white short sleeve shirt.

Once both were mostly nude, wearing just their underwear, they sat on their knees in the middle of the soft, luxurious bed. Their lips were practically mashed together in a passionate kiss as their hands roamed over sculpted muscles and warm, taut skin.

Charles gently leaned forward, beckoning for Sebastian to lie down on his back. When the ginger did so, Charles slid his hand into Sebastian's white boxer briefs, wrapping his palm around the most hard shaft. He brought their lips back together while slowly stroking the foreskin up and down Sebastian's cockhead. Sebastian's grip on his elbow tightened slightly and soft mewls elicited from his throat as their tongues mingled sweetly.

Sebastian rolled the both of them over. Charles removed his hand from Sebastian's undies as he fell onto his back. He chuckled dazedly, hungrily, feeling Sebastian sliding his maroon boxer briefs down his legs in a swift motion. With one hand, Sebastian lifted one of Charles' legs, and the other tossed the cotton aside. Charles bent both his legs, raising them high in the air. The redhead then bent forward and licked his two fingers slick. After doing so, he took the head of Charles' circumcised into his mouth.

"Ahhh," Charles cooed breathily. "Baby."

While swirling his tongue forcefully around the head, Sebastian pressed the tips of his two fingers to Charles' entrance. He stopped moving his tongue in favour of sucking a little harder as he inserted the tips of his inside the blonde.

"Mmm," Charles hummed happily. "Yeah. More."

Sebastian gently bobbed his head, inching the cock deeper into his mouth while at the time easing his fingers into Charles' ass. Sebastian, as always, felt pride at his man's moans and squirms caused by bringing him pleasure. It always brought on the urge to do absolutely everything he could to make Charles feel even better. So soon enough, while gently finger-fucking Charles, Sebastian had the whole of Charles' seven inches down his throat.

Charles, feeling his heels digging into the mattress, drove his fingers through Sebastian's long orange hair. Making the redhead suck him faster, Charles looked down and Sebastian was already looking up at him. Charles' blue eyes connected with Sebastian's green ones, both alight (in the room lit only by the moonlight) with hunger and devotion.

Pulling and pushing on Sebastian's head, Charles said, "Goddamn, you look so good deepthroating my prick."

Sebastian offered as much of a smile as he could manage while still bobbing his head up and down, as well as a wink. He then sped up the pace in which his hand moved, finger-fucking Charles harder and faster, hitting the blonde's prostate over and over.

Sebastian could tell Charles was quickly approaching his orgasm by Charles' breathing becoming quick and erratic, and his grip on the orange hair becoming painful. Pleasured pain.

"Ffffuck," Charles breathed, his back arched as his seed shot down Sebastian's throat.

Wearing a pleased smile, Sebastian removed Charles from his mouth and crawled up. He spit a mixture of saliva and cum into his palm and smeared the liquid all over his eight inch uncut cock.

Sebastian rubbed his lubed knob against Charles' entrance and asked, "How badly do you want it?"

Charles did not verbally respond. He instead reached forward and grabbed Sebastian by the glutes, pulling him forward. Sebastian chuckled hungrily, but then pushed gently. Both men moaned quietly when the mushroom head slid inside. Charles was quick to pull again, causing his husband to smile in both amusement and adoration. Sebastian didn't do much work to bury his entire thick eight inches inside Charles' ass.

When Charles felt Sebastian's giant, low-hanging balls press against his cheeks, he continued to hold the redhead in securely. Sebastian bent forward, planting heated kisses to Charles' chest, and shoulder, and neck.

Sebastian, because Charles was still gripping his ass unyielding, began swaying his hips sideways, now suckling on the blonde's neck. Charles squirmed and moaned, enjoying the tingles on his neck caused by Sebastian's lips. He slid his hands up from Sebastian's firm bubble butt, ghosting the tips of his fingers along the muscular back.

Sebastian pressed his nose to Charles' earlobe and whispered, "My husband."

Charles pressed his lips to Sebastian's shoulder as the redhead gently rocked his hips back and forth. During the slow, passionate fuck, Sebastian and Charles moaned and mewled, their hands relishing in the exploration of firm muscle and hot skin.

"I-" Sebastian began, but was unable to speak for a second due to the intense sensations of his thick cock gliding in and out of Charles' tight chute.

Charles kissed Sebastian's jaw and whispered, "I can't believe we're married either."

This served to further feed Sebastian's hunger. He began to fuck Charles a little faster, and a little harder. Both groaned deeply in their chests, holding onto each other's bodies that much stronger.

Sebastian said between grunts, "You- are- uhh- my- fucking- husband."

"Mine," Charles responded possessively. "You. All mine."

Sebastian abruptly rose to his knees, ejecting himself from Charles.

"Christ," the ginger cursed, smiling and breathless. "You're driving me crazy. Married sex feels so much better."

Charles laughed as well, breathless and panting. He then gently pushed Sebastian down so he laid on his back. Charles climbed the redhead, squatting above him. He grabbed Sebastian's throbbing member, aiming it, and impaled himself. He held himself high in the air, allowing Sebastian to buck his hips as freely as he wished.

"Fucking Jesus," Sebastian moaned, looking down at his dick pie toning in and out of Charles and hearing his heavy balls slap against the blonde's ass.

Charles reached one hand down and took Sebastian's right nipple between his thumb and finger. He tweaked at the pink nipple a bit before giving it a gentle twist, making Sebastian bite his lip and hiss in pleasure. Sebastian was not deterred, but rather increased his fuck speed even more.

"Ugh!" Charles moaned. "Fuck me, Seb."

And fuck he did. Sebastian fucked hard and fast, relentless. His breath was ragged, and a sheen of sweat layered on his skin all over, especially on his forehead. His hips rocketed up and down, his balls pounding Charles' ass just as much as his steely dick.

Nearly cumming inside of Charles, Sebastian stopped all motion, pulling out of the blonde.

"God fucking damn," Sebastian said with a very breathless chuckle.

Charles laughed a bit as well as he dropped down to his knees and laid his chest on Sebastian's. Both rested, breathing very hard, both covered in sweat.

"You're- right," Charles said. "Married sex feels so much better."

Sebastian laughed softly as he pressed his lips to Charles' jaw, placing many little smooches all over the left side of his face.

"Seb," Charles whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Charles."

Sebastian then pushed Charles off of him. He pulled on Charles' leg and pushed his shoulder down, making the blonde lie on his side. He scooted over so that his chest was touching Charles' back. Charles held his leg up as Sebastian spit into his palm, coating his cock with even more spit-lube. He promptly re-entered his husband and fucked him like there was no tomorrow.

Charles turned his neck slightly and captured Sebastian's lips in a searing kiss, a battle of tongues. Sebastian obliged in the passionate kiss as much as he could while continuing to fuck Charles' brains out.

Suddenly, Charles cried, "Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

He didn't even touch himself. Sebastian's thick phallus had hit his sweet button repeatedly, and Charles' dick sprayed the bed with ropes of hot cum.

Sebastian followed seconds later. He removed his lips from Charles' in favour of resting his temple to the blonde's cheek. Many small, quiet moans escaped from his parted lips as his hips rocked back and forth. A loud, guttural groan rumbled deep inside his chest and his hips stilled. He shot deep inside his husband, countless ropes painting his insides.

Both men breathed quickly, coming down from their orgasmic highs. Sebastian let go of Charles' leg to wrap his arm around the blonde's body, pulling him in close. Charles let his leg fall down on the other.

Sebastian was still inside Charles when they fell asleep just like that. Still breathless. Still sweating profusely. The only difference from before was the state of their affections. They fell asleep happy and content, their hearts twice as full of adoration.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The next morning, the newlyweds enjoyed a leisurely run up and down the white sand beach wearing skimpy little speedos that left nothing to the imagination. Sebastian's was forest green, and Charles' was blood red. After all, they couldn't skip too many days of exercise.

After the run, they walked and waded into the warm ocean waters. They splashed each other affectionately, laughing freely, uninhibited. They swam a bit as well, finding amusement in playing Hide N' Seek as best as they could in the transparent ocean waters.

Sebastian could feel the beginnings of tingles in his shoulders, his skin being scorched by the hot sun. He cursed his whiter-than-white skin for being so sensitive to the sun. He even wore waterproof sun block. So him and Charles walked back onto land.

Sebastian laid on his towel under the shade of the beach umbrella, but Charles, the lucky bastard for having perfect tanable skin, laid out on his back under the sun. The blonde reached his hand over, holding Sebastian's affectionately.

They laid like that, perfectly still. Perfectly quiet in a companionable silence. Their hands keeping a physical connection to match their emotional one.

Fifteen minutes later, Charles let go of Sebastian's hand. He turned over onto his chest to tan his back. Comfortable again, Charles reclasped their hands.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Charles asked softly, his eyes still closed.

"You ever wonder if we see the same colours?" Sebastian asked by way of answer, if that makes sense.

"Hm?" Charles asked, opening one eye to look at his husband. "You wondering if you're colour blind?"

"No," Sebastian answered softly. "Like, when you were a toddler and learning colours, something that you saw as evergreen your mom told you it was lime green. Or your friend corrected your violet to plum."

Charles didn't reply. He had both eyes open, and a smile playing on his lips. Sebastian turned his head and opened his eyes, seeing his husband smiling at him. Or his wonderings.

Embarrassed, Sebastian said, "Never mind."

Charles quickly, still smiling, rolled over until he was flush against the ginger. He wrapped his arm around Sebastian's middle and placed a kiss to Sebastian's jaw.

"You have such a beautiful mind, Seb," Charles complimented, in awe and even more in love, if that were possible. "Where did that question come from?"

"I dunno," Sebastian answered shyly. "I've just always wondered, I guess."

Charles smiled even wider before planting a kiss to Sebastian's bicep.

Sebastian lightly smacked Charles' butt and told him, "Now get back out there. Or next week all of Paris will see you with an uneven tan."

The End

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals! I hope you enjoyed reading the epilogue to Sebastian's story. I hope I filled at least some of your questions about him and his past. And I also hope you're satisfied with his ending.

I love hearing back from readers! Email me whether you liked this story or not. Have some criticism? I take criticism well!

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