The Page and the Canvas

By Willow Lemon

Published on Mar 20, 2018


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities, i.e. Zachary Quinto, mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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For the fifth day in a row Ali was there to pick me up without fail. Today was a long day at school, so no work. Going outside, I found him leaning against his car wearing a dark black bespoke suit, a crisp white shirt, a violet tie, and sunglasses. God help me, my dick got hard at the sight of him, and tougher to admit, my heart skipped a beat. When I got in the car, he kissed me. "Wh-what if someone sees us?"

"I don't mind." I actually found myself caring a little less. Realizing how much Ali thought about me, I started wondering why shouldn't I be proud for everyone to know what a wonderful man loved me? But thoughts like that also made me feel like I was having a panic attack. They were getting less and less severe, though.

He had been very attentive since the night he came home drunk. He didn't seem to be exactly himself. His affection was becoming more frequent. His hand stayed on my thigh the entire time in the car. When I was unlocking the front door, he draped himself around me and bussed my cheek. And if I ever asked what was up with him, he always answered, "Nothing." A solid week of "nothings."

Stepping in the door, my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey Kip, it's Mira. Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure. What is it?"

"Did something happen to Alistor? It's just, he keeps meeting his deadlines, and working really efficiently. Something's going on. It's not normal! I mean, this is a godsend for me, but it's unthinkable for him. I'm worried." As she spoke I watched from the front room as Ali stood in the living room staring out the windows as he removed his jacket, loosened his tie, and rolled up his sleeves. I wished I could see his face just then and perhaps I could see something in it that would answer both Mira's and mine questions.

"Um, well...I think he's probably okay. I...I don't know really."

"You're not being very helpful."

"I'm sorry," was all I could say.

"Alright. If you figure it out let me know. Take care of him, okay?"

"Okay. Bye." So, he was even peculiar in his work habits. This was getting out of hand.

"What's for dinner?"


"Leave the peppers out."

At least that was the same. "Peppers are good for you and add flavor."

"Who called you?" He was staring at the floor, which had become habit for him lately.

"Mira. She's worried about you. Says you haven't been yourself. Listen, are you sure nothing happened during that interview with Mr. June? You've been..."

"Nothing in particular." He started upstairs.


"I just remembered I need to go write a column. Let me know when dinner's ready."

"Ali..." He closed the study door behind him, closing the conversation. What's with the transparent excuse? Something happened between them, I just know it.

The last time I went to pick up those pages from Mr. June, he had asked, "Did Alistor say anything?"

"About what?' I had asked.

"Oh, I see," was all he would say about it.

What did he mean? Did they argue? I can't imagine what it could be about. There's no way it could be about me, because there was nothing going on between me and Mr. June like that. Ali was just imagining it. Even, though Mr. June was awfully familiar, but maybe that's just how he was.

I may not know what it was, but something definitely happened. It was probably best if I avoided Mr. June at all costs, for Ali's sake, which was the same thing as my own sake.

Monday, I was having lunch with Trae when the devil himself called. Whatever it was he wanted, I'd find a reason to say no. "Hello Mr. June. C-can I help you?

"Please, call me Kiefer already. Would you like to come over tomorrow? I finally have a free evening. You can bring that friend of yours who came to the signing."

Fuck! My eyes fell on Trae and I instantly felt guilty for taking an opportunity like this away from him. He would flip for a chance to go to...Kiefer's home. He must've seen the conflict in my expression, because he asked, "What is it?"

I had to answer now. "Mr. June..."

"Kiefer." I heard on the line.

"...invited us to hang out with him tomorrow."

"Whoa! For real? I'm so in!" He pumped his fist in the air.

But even if Trae goes, I really shouldn't go, should I? If there was a way for Trae to go and me to back out... Got it! Into the phone, "Let me just check with the office first, and I'll call you back." I was so excited about my idea, that I hung up without saying goodbye. I'll bet they'll say that part-timers can't go hang out with the authors, so I'll use that as my excuse.

I called Kim's extension. "Hi Kim. It's Kip."

"Hey. Kiefer just texted the Chief and got his permission." I expected dread and horror to form somehow in my body and leak out of my eyes and ears. "Hello?"

"I'm here."

"I know he invited you, but don't overstay your welcome and be a burden, okay? Don't forget you represent the company."

"Right. I promise." So much for my brilliant idea.

"So?" Trae was bouncing on his toes in anticipation.

"We can go!" I feigned enthusiasm.

"Woo-hoo! Yes!" He jumped up and down. "This is awesome."

How do I explain this to Ali?

"I'm home." He hadn't picked me up today. He hadn't said much since yesterday. I thought maybe he had to work, but he was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

"Welcome home."

I held up the grocery bags and plastered a grin on my face. "I-I'm making hamburgers with mushrooms for dinner. One of your favorites!" I noticed a brown envelope from Penguin on the floor. "Is this reference material? Don't just toss work stuff on the floor, it could get messed up." I picked it up, and face down on the floor was a test shot of Ali and Kiefer shaking hands. It was jarring to see them smiling and shaking hands. Wait. Shouldn't it make me glad?

"Is this the transcript of that interview?"


"Wow, it's great! This is a nice photo. You look way too serious in it." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood. He came up behind me and embraced me. We stood there a few moments. "You okay?"

"Want to go somewhere after classes tomorrow?"

"Like where?" I swallowed nervously knowing I was supposed to go to Kiefer's.

"Anywhere you want."

He was so good to me. I didn't deserve him. "Oh, um...I'm sorry. I tomorrow," I lied.

Both of us had Kiefer on our minds because he asked, "Is fetching pages from Kiefer officially your job now?" It was as though he were in the room with us.

"No! That was a one-time thing." His arms let me go.

"I see."

I should tell him, right now. He'll hate it, but I'll make him understand. "Ali, I..."

"Kip, I..."

Neither of us finished, Ali's phone started ringing. "Y-your phone..."

He answered it and I never did manage to say it.

Trae was, "Wow"ing everything in Kiefer's apartment, and I felt uncomfortable, like I was betraying Ali.

"Feel free to look around," Kiefer was being a gracious host. We were in his library, and if I weren't sulking I'd have to admit it was spectacular. "Hmm, what would interest you... Ah, how about this?" He removed a slim book from a shelf. "It's got unpublished design sketches and rejected manuscripts for the first issue."

Oh my god, what?! My fanboy came jumping out. Trae and I started completely spazzing out as we look over the material. "These aren't even in the fan book!" I exclaimed.

"You know your stuff. And here are some half-done color panels and handwritten manuscripts." Trae and I may have done cartwheels, I'm not sure. It all became a fandom blur.

Kiefer walked us out of the building two hours later. "Thank you so much for inviting us." Trae looked over the moon.

"Come visit again. I'll make time."

"Seriously? Thank you! Crap, I have to go or I'll be late for work. I'm grateful for the experience. Goodnight, Mr. June. Kip, see you at school." And then he turned and jogged off.

"Trae, wait!" But he didn't hear me. "Um, I'll go now too. Thank you for today."

"Kip, did you keep today's visit a secret from Alistor?" I didn't answer, but he could see the answer all over my face. "I thought so. You've been distracted all evening. Has Alistor still not said anything?"

"No. He won't tell me anything about that day." Maybe Kiefer could enlighten me.

"Well, I'm glad. I get to tell you directly, then. I wanted to say this properly, in person. I love you," he said so plainly I just knew he meant it in a friendly way.

"Yeah, I've always loved you, too."

"I don't mean a fan's love. I mean romantic love."

Oh no. This can't be happening. How could he stand there and say it out right in the same tone he used to tell Trae to come visit again? And more importantly, why me?

I said the first thing that came into my head. "I'm a guy!"

He laughed. "Yes, I can see that. I told Alistor on the day of our interview, so I assumed you'd heard."

"You're joking, right? Please be joking." This completely explains why Ali had been so unlike himself lately. This was terrible in so many ways.

"I don't joke about things like this. You said you loved me, as well as my work. Can I persuade you to make that a romantic love? Your words have saved me whenever I've been sad or uncertain. When I met you again, I realized I was in love."

This didn't make any sense. "But I didn't say anything all that special. Any fan would have said that."

"You underrate yourself. I can say this much, our meeting that day was very special to me."

I can't believe this. I was utterly dumbstruck. Okay, so he had been flirting with me, I could stop denying that now. But here was this man, who I had loved on an artistic level for half my life, a man I had (begrudgingly so) admitted that I found attractive, standing here telling me he loved me and wanted me to love him back. "Um... It's just..."

"I know. I understand. You're dating Alistor right now."

So, he did know. "Um, that's..." I had no idea what to say. Did I admit what he already knew?

"I'm sorry, I promise I don't mean to upset you. But I want to always be honest with myself, so when I love someone, I want to tell them. I love you." I was in shock. I think I'm in shock. "I've put you on the spot, haven't I? I'm sorry. Just know that I'm serious."

He reached his hand out towards me, inches away from my face when a low dark voice said, "No thank you." Ali's hand captured Kiefer's wrist. "Sorry, but I'm the only one allowed to touch him." He let go.

"Hello, Alistor." Kiefer smiled in that cunning way he sometimes did.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand. I couldn't believe the relief that washed over me.

"Alistor, I've told him how I feel, so everything depends on his feelings now. Kip may be in a relationship at the moment, but if he decides he loves me more, then you should respect that and let him come to me."

"I'll say one thing. If you're doing this out of curiosity, please stand down now. But if you're serious...I'll show you no mercy." He pulled me with him, and I went, refusing to look back.

"That suits me fine, Mr. Smoak."

I barely recalled getting in the car. As Ali drove along, I think I was still in shock because all I could do was tremble.

Ali started talking. "You were acting strangely, so I called Penguin just in case. They said you were at his place. I tried to tell myself that it was your job, but I didn't like you visiting someone who's after you. So, I drove to his building, but I made myself be patient until you were done. You came outside, so I judged that your job was over, and came to get you. You've been his fan forever, and you said meeting him made you like him more. You're always saying you love him. I was more than jealous, I was scared. Scared of losing you. It's impossible to compete with someone you've admired for years. How do I do that? How do I convince you not to love him?"

Neither of us said anything for a while after that. I could feel him wanting me to say something, but my brain felt like a two-hundred mile-per-hour tornado, and at the same time it was like moving underwater. I couldn't seem to latch onto a single thought swirling around.

He parked the car in the building garage and I automatically got out and went with him to the elevator. As the doors closed, a thought finally surfaced and I held onto it. "So, this is what you've been upset about? I can tell right away when something's wrong, you know. Why wouldn't you just tell me?! I was really worried about you."

"You were? I'm sorry." He rubbed my neck a moment before leaving the elevator.

Going inside the apartment, he went straight out to the balcony and lit a cigarette. He leaned on the railing looking out over the city. My feet moved to him without me telling them to. "I asked myself what I should do so that you'd love me best. I've always been good at bottling up my feelings, but I've realized all over again that when it comes to you, I can't."

"I'm sorry for not telling you I was going to see him, and for not believing you when you said he was...attracted to me. I thought if I told you I was visiting him, it'd make you worry unnecessarily."

He patted me on the head. "I'm okay."

"No, you're not. You're lying. You just had a shouting match with Kiefer basically declaring war over me. But I know how to make it okay." I knew exactly how I felt now. It was confusing at first with Kiefer confessing his feelings for me, but when I saw Ali rescuing me, when I didn't even know I needed rescuing, I had no doubt of how I felt.

"Oh, yeah? How?" He turned his head towards me, studying my face.

I wouldn't let myself be shy and look away. I met his eyes. "I love you, Ali. Only you. I don't want to imagine my life without you. And I love you how you are. You don't have to bottle up your feelings. I want you to tell me when you're upset. Just be your normal self." My voice was shaking, and I was terrified, but I kept going. "A-and...I think I'm ready for everyone to know that. Tavis, Trae, your fans...everyone."

More than my voice was shaking now. Ali took my hand and held it to his heart. "You always make me feel better. I'm always okay when you're with me."

Ali took me to my room. I wondered why, but I didn't ask. We did sometimes come in here, but rarely. I only had a twin bed which seemed tiny compared to his king. I wanted to make him feel good, I wanted tonight to be about him to show him that he was the one I wanted, but when I went down to my knees he stopped me. He wanted to be in charge, and I let him.

He laid me down on the bed and kissed me deeply. Ever so slowly, he peeled my thermal off, laying his lips on every inch of skin he exposed. He gave the same treatment to the removal of my jeans, except that when he skimmed away my navy boxer briefs, he willfully ignored my member, and I found it wildly frustrating. Then he had me lay on my stomach and he gave me a massage; my back, my arms, my legs, and he left my ass alone.

"Turn over." I returned to my back. I thought for sure it was finally time to get down to business, so I reached for his belt buckle, but he pulled away and stood next to the bed. "Is this what you want?" He unzipped his pants and pulled his dick through.

"Yes, please," I groaned, so ready for wherever he wanted to put it.

Starting to stroke his cock, he wasn't really jacking off, merely handling it. Seeing him touch it turned me on so much. I reached for my own hardon, but he told me, "Nope. You're not allowed." I unwittingly made a whining sound. He stood there for a bit longer, never gaining momentum. Coming back to me on the bed, he laid down and pulled me against his chest, spooning me. Feeling his erection pressing against my ass, I wiggled my hips. He placed a firm hand on my hip. "Be still or I'll put my dick away."

I made a sound like a growl. "What is this, torture? I am not enjoying this," I was adamant.

"You're not? I am." He sounded somehow gleeful and wicked. He kissed the back of my neck and sucked my earlobe. I tried again, reaching a hand back just to simply rest it on his leg. "Hands to yourself, but no touching yourself."

"Ali, come on! I'm getting pissed. Do you want me to beg? Is that what this is? Okay, fine. Please."

"Please what?"

"Please whatever you want! Fuck me, suck me, come on me. Anything! It's starting to hurt it's so hard. I probably couldn't even walk right now there's so much blood rushing to my dick."

Chuckling, he suggested, "Well, thank you for the offer, but I'm doing what I want right now. If you want, you can go jerk off and that'd be it for the night, or you can stay with me and continue doing what I want."

"Why are you doing this?!" I seriously considered the masturbation option.

"You'll see why if you stick with it. Come on! It'll be fun."

"No, it won't, but if it'll make you happy," I muttered irritably.

"Very." His voice was husky.

"Fine. Continue," I sulked.

"Excellent. Now, let's talk." I groaned. "We never talked about it, but I always assumed you were a virgin. Were you? Did I take your virginity?"

This was humiliating, but at this point I was ready to power through to get Ali's hands on me. "Yes," I grumbled.

"I thought so. This makes me very happy." I'm glad he's happy. "Now I want to know, has anyone else ever touched your cock?"

I started fidgeting, uncomfortable. "Why are we talking about this?"

"I already told you why, because I want to know."

I sighed deeply. "Yes." Trying to anticipate his next question, I added, "Only one other."

"Really?" He moved his hips pushing his erection against me. Did he like hearing about me with someone else? I'm not sure I would like that. "Tell me about it. How? Who?"

"Um, I dated this one girl my senior year for about a month."

"Did she put her hand on it?"


"Her mouth."

"No. We only dated a month."

"Tell me about the first time."

"Um, it was in my room. Tavis was at work. We were on my bed, and I was laying on my back. The first time she didn't know what to do, so I put my hand over hers and did it for her." Kind of embarrassing.

"Did you come on her hand?" He was grinding his hips against mine.


"Was that the only time? Did she give a hand job any other times?"

"Two other times." Okay, maybe talking about this was kind of sexy. And it got me curious. "How many guys have you had sex with."

"No. Sex is different. It's a slippery slope that can lead to jealousy and resentment."

"What if I promise not to get jealous?"

"You can't promise that."

"Ali, I'm fully aware that you're older and not a virgin. You know everything about me, you know about my first time."

"I was your first time."

"Exactly. So how many?"

He took several moments, but finally said, "Five."

I smiled to myself. I was glad the number wasn't high. To each their own, but I was happy that Ali hadn't been slutty. "What about your first time?"

"I'll tell you if you promise to let me know if you start feeling upset in any way." I nodded. "I was sixteen. It was at summer camp. He was sixteen, too. We had been sneaking off all summer to fool around, and we decided that we were going to go all the way on the last day of camp. We met in our spot, a kind of a nook in the mountain, and we did it."

"What position?"

"We did it standing up."

"So, you were behind him and he was..." Now I understood why he wanted to talk this way. It was incredibly sexy.

"Bent over, with his hands braced against the mountain."

I felt my dick twitch and my hips started writhing. Ali didn't stop me this time. "Did he touch himself?"

"Yes, he did." He was smoothing a hand up and down my naked body sensually, but still not touching me where I most wanted it.

"Please Ali! I can't take it anymore. I'm really begging you now. For fuck's sake, I'm dying!"

"Alright, my darling. I believe it's finally time." He stood, facing me. He lifted his sweater over his head, leisurely. Then he removed his slacks and his boxers at the same time.

"God, your gorgeous," fell from my lips without my meaning for it to. Being pent up was like a truth serum. I was saying and doing all sorts of things without thinking or inhibition.

Smiling the most devastatingly erotic grin, he told me to, "Get on your knees, and get comfortable because you're going to be there a while." And even though he had warned me, I had no clue in that moment as he slowly eased into me, that he would be inside me for over an hour and that I'd come three times before it was over.

He was in no hurry. He went slowly and went deep, swirling his hips, taking his time. "C-can I touch myself now?" I whined.

"Go for it, darling." I had never been as frustrated as I was right now. There was no easing into for me. I beat my dick like it owed me money. I came so hard lights popped in front of my eyes, and I swear to god I blacked out.

When I finally floated back into my body, Ali was supporting me with an arm around my waist. "You okay?"

"Um, y-yeah," I stammered. "I get what you mean now. That was the most intense orgasm I've had my entire life."

"I told you it'd be worth it." Picking back up, he was pumping in and out of me again. Now he was going from quick, to slow, and back again. Sometimes he hit it hard, and then he had a soft touch. Still drifting on a high, I felt amazing.

"T-tell me about someone else you've been with. Have you ever had....oh god...a one night stand?" My arms and legs felt like jelly, but I managed to stay up.

He ran his hands down my outer thighs and then back up my inner thighs. "We talked about this, I'm not sure..."

"Please. I really want to know." I reached my hand between my legs back to him and tugged on his balls before stroking my finger over his asshole. I had never done anything like that before, and the reaction was thrilling.

His hips bucked into me so hard I nearly fell over. "Christ, stop that! You're going to make me come sooner then I intend to. Fine, I'll tell you. You're not allowed to turn the tables on me."

"Maybe not tonight," I teased.

"Brat. I've had only a single one-night stand. It was with a celebrity, actually."

"What?! Who?" I spun my head around so quick that I almost pulled him out of me.

"Be still, I'm trying to fuck you here, if you hadn't noticed." I resumed the position. "It was Zachery Quinto."

"Spock?! You're pulling my leg!"

"No, I'm fucking your ass. We just went over that; pay attention. Yes, that Zachery Quinto. We met at a party that Mira managed to drag me to. Some book was being made into a movie... It was at some rich person's house. We met at the bar and got to talking about how our agents made us go. And then we gave each other the gay 'I want you' stare. Only time I've ever done it."

"'Gay I want you stare?' What is that?"

"If two gay men look at each other directly in the eyes for more than three seconds, it means that you want each other, and usually as soon as possible. So, we went upstairs and found a bathroom and I bent him over the sink."

I stroked on my new erection. "Did you fuck him hard?"

"Quite hard. I believe we broke a soap dish."

"Ugnh! Fuck me hard like you did him," I requested.

"Not yet, my darling. I'm taking every last ounce of enjoyment out of your ass. Don't worry, we'll get there."

I moaned equally my displeasure and pleasure. I was panting when I asked, "Did you come inside of him?" My hand was thrumming quickly.

"No, I wore a condom."

I found this interesting, I suppose because I had no experience with them. "We've never used condoms."

"You're the one, and the only one I've ever been with without one." That was the second time I came. "Christ, Kip! The things you do to me. All my good intentions go out the window. Fuck!" He growled like a wild beast, hammering into me. He became unrestrained. He ran his hands all over my body, he grasped my hair and my hips, he rolled the tip of my dick in his hand and pinched my nipples.

His stamina was amazing. He had reached some kind of Zen level where it seemed he could go forever. I was reaching a point where there was a thin line between pleasure and pain. He surged, he pummeled, he rutted, and thundered, and crashed. All I could do is hang on.

"Touch me like you did earlier," he ordered me. Not sure how my limbs were still holding me up, but I shakily did as he asked. I tugged on his balls a few times, and then ran my finger further back. I skimmed his entrance, I circled it, and somehow became bold and put the tip inside. God, how many different ways could I be turned on in one session. I came without ever touching myself. Ali followed soon after. When we caught our breath, we went into his room so neither of us had to sleep in the wet spot.

Next: Chapter 24

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