The Password

Published on Jul 27, 1997



The Password (full version) by Jennifer

It was late one Friday night . . . and since my wife was out of town on business for the weekend, I decided to do some Net Surfing' to pass the time. I began to browse through some Newsgroups and was stunned by the amount of Spam that was there. "My God," I thought. "I can hardly find anything other than this shit!" I couldn't believe all of this Porn Spam'. It was incredible . . . every title trying to vie to catch your attention. As I scanned though them, I couldn't help but laugh at some of their names . . . "Cum gargling cheerleaders" "100% FREE naked PUSSY" "Cum Shot of the Day"

I had had enough, and was about to sign off when one of the titles caught my eye . . . "FREE PASSWORD for Killer Site". "Hmm," I thought. For whatever reason, maybe just my own curiosity . . . I clicked on it. It read as follows:

"Hey, I've got a password for this great erotic site. I used it last night, and it's really hot! Check it out! When the fist page is done loading, enter 7T59PE247 at the `Members Only' prompt. Ignore all of the warnings and crap. You won't be sorry! I swear, your sex life will never be the same again!"

At the end of the message was the URL. "Well . . . what the hell. I'll give it a try." I typed in the URL and in a few moments was connected to the site. It seemed to take forever to load, but when it did . . . a whole bunch of text began to load on my screen. "Ah great," I thought. "Your standard warning page." I decided to scan through it though . . . just incase. It had all of the standard mumbo jumbo with one notable exception. At the end was a warning paragraph stating that illegally entering the site by hacking OR stolen passwords was illegal . . . and that violators would be severely punished. "Yeah, yeah, yeah . . ." At the end were a couple of buttons ACCEPT TERMS' and LEAVE NOW'

I accepted, and waited as the next screen loaded There were three choices:


I clicked the `Members Only' button and waited for the password screen to appear. I entered the password from the Newsgroup posting and pressed enter. There was a pause . . . and then the Home Page began to load. There was a search engine to create a gallery of photos that you might be interested in. Just select from the pre-programmed responses, and a collection of 100 photos, tailored to your desires would be compiled in a zip file to be downloaded. "This is pretty cool," I thought as I began to fill-in the search criteria.

AGE: 18 to 21 (Teen) HAIR COLOR: Blonde EYE COLOR: Blue BUILD: Slightly Athletic BREAST SIZE: Large SKIN TYPE: Tanned SEXUAL ATTITUDE: Horny as Hell SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Lesbian CATEGORY: Girls that just can't stop sucking cock!

I then moved my mouse over the SEARCH button and clicked on it. After what seemed like five minutes of waiting, a message finally appeared on the screen . . . prompting me for the location that I wished to download the ZIP file to. I gave it a destination and clicked on OK. Within moments, the 2 Meg ZIP file began to download.

When it was finished, I could hardly wait to open it. I UNZIPPED it and found an EXE file. I did a quick virus scan and then double clicked it . . . All at once my anti-virus program went off! Alarms and flashing lights filled my screen! "Fuck'n son-of-a-bitch! I can't fucking believe it!" I tried to inoculate the system, but I kept getting the message . . . "UNKNOWN VIRUS DEFINITION. UNABLE TO ERADICATE" "Great! Just fucking great! In a panic, I shut the system off.

"I can't believe I fell for that! I fell for their stupid trap and now I'm fucked!" After a couple of minutes, I began to calm down. I decided to turn on my computer again and assess the damage. Fortunately, everything seemed to boot up normally. Then, just as Windows 95 was finishing loading, I noticed a new shortcut on my desktop. It was a link to a Readme file. I clicked on it to investigate. It read:

"To whom it may concern, You have entered a known stolen password to enter our site. Upon previously clicking on the `ACCEPT TERMS' button, you agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of our company. You were told that entering our site by hacking, or by using a lost or stolen password was illegal and subject to punishment. The EXE file that you downloaded was that punishment.

We hope that you learn your lesson, and are sure that after our virus runs its course, you will no longer have the desire to repeat your past mistakes.

Enjoy, The Management."

I clicked close. "Great, just great! I can't believe this shit!" I shut down the computer and sat there . . . steaming. I buried my hands in my face as I tried to think what to do next. "Fuck it," I thought. "I'll deal with it in the morning . . . I'm too tired for this shit right now." It was 3:20 AM! I was exhausted, so I turned off the lights and headed off to bed.

It was well after 1:00 PM when I finally woke up the next morning. I had a splitting headache as I sat up in bed . . . I began to rub my face with my hands to try to clear the cobwebs. Just then, I noticed something different . . . my hands . . . they felt strange. I held them out in front of me to take a look. They felt kind of tingly, almost like they were asleep. Then the strange feeling began to spread. First up my arms, and then throughout my entire body. I began to get hot flashes as my skin almost began to ache. My stomach churned inside. Getting up, I quickly ran into the bathroom; there I caught my reflection in the mirror. "My hair! What the hell?" I gasped. As I looked at myself, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My previously dark brown hair had turned golden blonde! And then I noticed my skin . . . it was somehow darker, almost as if I'd been laying out in the sun! "What the hell's going on here! This can't be!" Then . . . like a ton of bricks, it hit. My body began to shake. All at once I began to shrink! I watched in panic as pounds and inches seemed to disappear like magic. Within a minute, I swear I was at least half my original size. I looked so thin . . . so young?! I gazed at my scrawny reflection in the mirror. I looked like a teenager again, but somehow my body was different than I remembered it. It was hard to put my finger on it, but somehow it just seemed softer, almost gangly. Then without warning, the second wave hit. I gasped in shock as I once more watched my body begin to change. "Somebody help me!" I cried as I watched my hair grow before my eyes. Within a couple of minutes, I had one of the fullest heads of blonde hair that I'd ever seen. It came all the way down to the middle of my back in flowing waves. I grabbed it and pulled it in front of my eyes to look at it. I was in total shock, and still completely unaware of what was ACTUALLY happening to me . . . but that didn't last for long. All of the sudden my ass began to hurt. I reached down just in time to feel it begin to swell. My legs began to lengthen, my hips started to push outward . . . body fat began to reposition itself . . . making me look like . . . A GIRL!!!!! I screamed in terror as I realized what was happening to my body. My ribcage then began to ache. I watched aghast as it began to constrict. My eyes move downward as saw my waistline seemingly move higher and become smaller at the same time. My jaw dropped as the width of my hips now seemed huge. I could feel the new weight in my ass throwing off my whole center of gravity! My arms quivered as they became thinner, and weaker. I looked at my hands once more as my fingernails sprang out to at least an inch in length. "Please God, don't let this happen to me! Please!" My skin continued to get darker. I watched as tan lines began to appear. First around my crotch and hips . . . and then on my chest!! In moments, I had a high cut string bikini tan lines across my bottom half. It looked so strange to see my engorged cock and balls hanging between the legs of what appeared to be an otherwise female figure. As I looked up, the tan lines of a tiny bikini top became more definite across my flat and depleted chest. I looked up and shrieked as the face in the mirror that was no longer mine. A beautiful teenage girl's face stared back in complete shock. My gaze was interrupted by the increasing pain growing in my genitals. I reached down and grabbed my cock and balls as the pain intensified. Soon, my hard-on began to shrink . . . I felt my anatomy begin to alter. My testicles just shrank away to nothing leaving an empty sack hanging between my legs. And then, in almost one swift motion . . . everything began to pull back into my body. My cock just withered away as my scrotum rearranged itself. Most of my pubic hair fell to the floor as it thinned and became lighter. In a minute, my hands could no longer grasp anything between my legs. I moved them away to reveal a perfectly formed pussy of a young girl!

I began to hyperventilate as my chest began to heave. I started to moan and heard my voice shift octaves as I did so. All of the sudden my nipples began to tingle. They grew hard and began to grow larger as the areolas around them also began to expand. Soon they became puffy and started to protrude from my chest. And then, like someone was blowing up a helium balloon . . . they began to inflate. I gripped them in a hopeless effort to stop it, but within seconds, flesh was pushing out between my fingers. They just seemed to keep growing on, and on . . . until finally, they stopped. My small hands could hardly hold them up. I let go, and watched a pair of the most incredibly formed breasts bounce seductively before my eyes. The weight and sensation of them was so different . . . I grabbed them once more and tried to pretend that they were only an illusion.

When everything had finally come to an end, I started to cry in disbelief. Staring back at me in the mirror was a beautiful, young, blonde, teenage girl! "Wait a minute!" I blurted out as it came to me. "The Web site . . . the password . . . the virus! They've turned me into a girl . . . the girl that fit the profile of the Search form' that I filled out! I quickly tried to recall everything that I had entered . . . "Let's see . . . blonde' . . . 18 to 21' . . . tanned' . . . large breasts' . . . athletic' . . . and Hmm . . . what else? Oh God no! Please no!" My heart raced as I slowly began to remember the rest . . . horny' . . . lesbian' . . . and worst of all . . . can't stop sucking cock!' "Oh God no . . . please . . . no. Don't let that happen." I began to panic as the fear of what could be' . . . set in.

I went back to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed to try to clear my thoughts, when suddenly, strange things began to happen. I all of the sudden had an urge . . . an urge to try on some of my wife's clothing. I got up and opened her lingerie drawer. I rummaged through until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed a pair of red lace panties and matching bra. I stepped inside them and began to pull them up over my silky smooth legs. It felt so strange as the soft cool fabric pulled tightly up against my smooth, formless crotch. I pulled the sides up over my hips . . . as I did so the fabric in the back worked its way between the cheeks of my ass. I turned and looked at my self in the mirror . . . slowly studying the sight before me.

I next reached for her bra and began to put it on. It didn't take long before I realized that there was no way that it was going to fit . . . I was simply too big. I gave up and tossed it on the bed. "Screw it, I'll have to go braless," I muttered as I headed for the closet. There I rummaged through her things until I found something that struck a nerve. I finally settled on the outfit that my wife liked to where when she wanted to turn me on. It was a tight white mini- dress with spaghetti straps that held up a plunging v-neck. I put my hands through the top, raised my arms and began to pull the slick (almost spandex-like) material down over my body. After finally getting my new shape situated in it, I turned and checked myself out in the full-length mirror. The dress was so tight . . . so sheer . . . I could see every contour of my body . . . I might as well have been naked. As I turned and looked at my backside, I could clearly see my panties through the skintight white fabric. I quickly reached under my dress and pulled them off. I straightened out the skirt and turned to look again. "Much better," I thought as I rubbed my hands over my smooth rounded ass. I turned and took one more look from the front. My mind was in a fog as I began to wonder, "What's going on . . . why the hell am I getting dressed in my wife's clothes?!"

But before I could bat an eye, I was in front of the mirror applying her makeup to my face. When I was finished, I stepped back and took a look at the whole ensemble. "My God look at me . . . I look like some High School Senior's wet dream!" As I gazed at my reflection, I felt a burning inside of me . . . a compulsion . . . a drive of some sort. I didn't know what it was, but one thing was for sure . . . I knew that it was the reason that was driving my every action. I quickly turned off the lights and headed downstairs to grab my car keys. Before I knew it, I was behind the wheel of my car and driving off . . . destination . . . unknown.

I found myself cruising the city, looking for something . . . I just wasn't sure what. Then all of the sudden I passed by a night club. "That's it," I thought. "That's it." I pulled into the parking lot and sat for a minute, somehow trying to clear my head and figure out what in the hell was going on. Then . . . all of the sudden . . . I KNEW ! I glanced out of my car window and saw a couple of guys going out to their car. Without any ounce of self-control, I looked down at my breasts and pinched both of my nipples a bit to get them to stiffen up. I got out of my car and began to walk in their general direction. It didn't take long before they both glanced at me. It was obvious that they liked what they saw . . . "Hey baby! Wanna get lucky?" one of them blurted out. I gave them a devilish grin and said, "The question is, do you?" "Holy shit," I thought. What was I doing! I wanted to stop myself . . . tried too . . . but just couldn't.

Before I knew it, I was in their minivan and going at it with them. I just couldn't stop myself . . . my body was out of control. While I was kneeling, one of them pulled up my dress from behind and buried his face between the naked cheeks of my ass. As his tongue slid down into the slit between my legs, my body shuttered with eroticism. I quickly undid the belt of the guy in front of me and slid his pants down to the floor. I reached out and grabbed his throbbing cock with both hands and began to feed it into my mouth. My mind screamed "No!" . . . but my body screamed "Yes!" I was helpless as I gave him the blowjob of his life. Soon he was shooting his wad all over my face. My body trembled with sexual energy as I tried to catch every drop. The taste, the texture . . . I loved it! I turned and quickly began to jack off the guy behind me. Soon, he too, exploded all over my body. They both laughed at me as I wiped it up with my fingers and began to lick it off them. As I did so, I knew that the computer virus had completed its infection of my body. I was now one of the girls that I so foolishly tried to see on the Internet just one night ago . . . a horny, teenage lesbian who was addicted to sucking cock!

When I got home, I sat back down at the computer and signed back on the Internet. I couldn't stop from sending out a bunch of Spam! My message read as follows:

"Hey, I've got a password for this great erotic site. I used it last night, and it's really hot! Check it out! When the fist page is done loading, enter 7T59PE247 at the `Members Only' prompt. Ignore all of the warnings and crap. You won't be sorry! I swear, your sex life will never be the same again!"

The End

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